• Published 24th Feb 2013
  • 4,081 Views, 134 Comments

The Eagle Of Equestria - Romes_FinestPony

A Legionary lost his family... Twice... He lost everything by the time he arrived in Equestria. His friends, His foster father, His honour and his pride. When Fluttershy finds him near her hut, she sees a broken man. Fluttershy wants to help him...

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Chapter 6: Ponyville's Warm Welcome

Chapter 6: Ponyville's Warm Welcome

'I still don't think that this is a good idea.' Silvanus whispered down to Fluttershy as they walked in the open streets of the town called "Ponyville".

Fluttershy looked up to Silvanus and whispered back. 'Oh. Really? I can't see how this is a bad idea. I think they're starting to get used to you.' Silvanus could see that Fluttershy was just saying that to make him feel better. But Fluttershy's eyes betrayed her real feelings. All that Silvanus saw was uneasiness in her eyes.

'I think they're still afraid of me.' Silvanus murmured. Mostly to himself as he saw the surrounding ponies look at him in awe. Some even cowered away from him.

'I-I don't think they're scared of you. I think they're just... shy.' Fluttershy whispered, looking down as she did so.

Sunlight glinted off the polished iron of his segmented armour. He did not wear his helmet. His Yellow, four-legged friend persuaded him not to. No matter how hard Silvanus tried to argue, Fluttershy would not give him his helmet. Instead, she gave his helmet to Rainbow Dash to prove to her friends that what she was saying is true. Rainbow Dash was more than happy to oblige. She put on the helmet, though in a very unbalanced and wonky position, and quickly flew off, Almost dropping the helmet as she did so. She was gone before Silvanus could shout 'Hey! Be careful with that!'.

Silvanus looked up for reassurance.The golden Eagle was perched proudly on top of the 19th Legion's standard. Praise the gods! Silvanus thought. Good thing I managed to convince her to bring this with me. Silvanus sighed. Oh well. You lose some, you gain some. Diem Perdidi I say.

Silvanus winced inwardly as he remembered Fluttershy's reaction about the topic of bringing his sword, the gladius. As soon as he started reasoning with her, Fluttershy would just shake her head from side to side firmly. As soon as Silvanus argued about it, Fluttershy's gaze suddenly intensified. Silvanus was instantly frozen in place, his eyes locked on to Fluttershy's. By now, Rainbow Dash was on the floor, laughing to her heart's content. It was surely not funny for Silvanus. As if in a trance, Silvanus nodded and agreed. Great Jupiter's smoking Beard! Silvanus swore that he barely stopped himself from calling Fluttershy "Domina" afterwards. At once, Fluttershy's gaze softened and went back to normal. Smiling shyly and apologizing.

'I just don't know how I'm not going crazy.' Silvanus quietly muttered. 'Or maybe I already am.'

Fluttershy did not seem to hear Silvanus' mutterings as she trotted beside him, careful not to look into any-pony's eyes.

His thoughts were broken when he noticed armoured pegasi flying in the air. Oh. So they do have soldiers? Silvanus mused. But what were they doing in a peaceful, country-side town like this? Bandits? Rebels?

Silvanus felt his hand gently caress the hilt of his battle knife, the pugio. Praise the gods I managed to persuade her. Silvanus thought as he watched the armoured pegasi slowly shrink into the horizon and finally disappear.

'Um. If you don't mind, Were here.' Fluttershy announced, gently nudging him. Silvanus snapped out from his deep thinking and saw a rather large tree. As they neared the tree, Silvanus had to rub his eyes twice. It was a tree alright. A living, healthy tree. The unique thing about this tree was that it had windows, a small balcony and a rooftop observation facility of some sort. It acted like a REAL house. Unlike Fluttershy's, The house's walls were naturally made by the bark of the tree. It was a tree house. Literally.

'Impressive.' Silvanus looked up in awe. As the pair reached the rather small door that seemed to be split in half.

Fluttershy beamed proudly at him. 'This is where my friend Twilight lives. She is Princess Celestia's own personal student.'

'To think that this tree seems to hollowed out thi-' Silvanus stopped in mid-rant and looked down to Fluttershy with a surprised face. 'Wait a minute. Princess Celestia? Like your Sun goddess?'

Fluttershy shook her head up and down as she gently tapped the wooden door.

'By the gods! Is she like the Oracle of legends?'

Fluttershy looked up to him, her head slightly tilted and she was wearing a confused look. 'W-What's an Orac-'

'I'll Answer it!' A rather childish voice called out from inside.

'That must be them. Thanks Spike!' Another voice called out. This time, feminine and more mature sounding.

The door slowly opened. A small, lavender-scaled lizard of some kind stood in front of them. 'Oh Hey Fluttershy! How's it goin'!'

Fluttershy smiled and replied. 'Oh. Hello Spike. If you don't mind, I'd like you to me-'

It was then at this moment that the small lizard, Spike, noticed the tall, imposing figure of the biped. His cat-like irises shrunk to mere dots as his eyes widened in fright and surprise. 'M-Mm-MON-MONSTER!' Spike screamed as he retreated back into the tree house. Forgetting about the open door.

'Spike? What's wrong?!' The female voice once again called out.

A flash of blinding light suddenly exploded right before Silvanus' and Fluttershy's eyes. Silvanus took a step back, reaching for his Pugio. His hand was stopped half way towards the hilt by a yellow hoof. Silvanus turned to Fluttershy in Surprise only to see her smile gently at him. Calming down, he looked back to the doorway, only to see a Lavender unicorn mare looking at him in surprise and great interest.

'An Apsconsus! So Rainbow Dash WAS telling the truth!' Silvanus heard the Lavender mare whisper unconsciously.

Apsconsus? Unknown? Very strange. Silvanus felt a Fluttershy gentle nudge his side.It was then that Silvanus handled the situation with initiative. Smiling warmly, he reached out with one hand. 'Ave! My name is Legiona- Silvanus. You must be Twilight! I heard a lot of Impressive things from you!' He said as he glanced at Fluttershy only to see her smile back at him.

Twilight seemed to have recovered from her trance-like initial shock and stammered. 'Oh. Y-Yes I-I'm Twilight! Oh. Oh R-Really?'

She reached out a forehoof and gingerly shook his hand.

'Uh. You might want to come in.' She said as she stepped back and gestured towards the inside of the tree.

Silvanus did not have to stoop to enter. But Silvanus had to lower the eagle at an angle so that it may fit the low doorway. He made sure that the tattered clothe would not even touch the ground. He turned to see the two mares look at him in confusion. And a little suspicion. Twilight's horn glowed with magical aura and the door closed behind him.

As they stepped inside, Silvanus looked around in wonder. The interior was very spacious. It's walls were lined with colourful, rectangles which has squared of paper inside. In the middle of the room, a table was placed. On it, sat a wooden carving of a horse's head. A few of those rectangular things lie open on the wooden table.

'Er, welcome to my humble abode, Silvanus. This is also the town library. We have some of the rarest collection of books you know?' Twilight glanced at the wooden table and said 'Sorry about the mess, I did not really expect anypony.' Silvanus turned to Twilight. She was wearing a warm smile on her face. 'I do think that Spike owes you an apology for calling you monster. RIGHT SPIKE?' Twilight turned around.

Silvanus followed her gaze and saw a small mound "Books".

'I-Is the M-Monster still there? T-Twilight?' A shaky voice called out as the book that sat on top of the mound was raised up slowly, revealing the cat-like, green eyes of the talking lizard, Spike.

'SPIKE! Silvanus here is not a monster! Come out from there and apologize.' Twilight scolded.

'W-Wait? Is that lizard your son?' Silvanus turned and asked Twilight.

Twilight looked back with a pleasant smile. 'No. But he IS like a son to me. He helps me in maintaining the Library and the books. Oh. And he's not a lizard. He's a Baby Dragon. Though technically he is still a li-'

'So he's your top slave then.'

'W-What?! No!' Silvanus saw the smile in her face quickly disappear, only to be replaced by a very shocked look. 'Slavery is highly illegal her in Equestria! And has been unheard of for thousands of years! Only the Griffon kingdom owns slaves! And THAT almost caused war to break out between the Griffons and the Ponies and the Diamond dogs. The dragons stayed neutral.' Twilight then seemed to forget about her guests as she continued her rant. 'The only thing that stopped inevitable war was Diplomacy. The two Princesses convinced the Griffon King, Red Plume, to treat their slaves with tact and also to give them pay.' She then stopped for a moment to pick up one of the books that lie on top of the large table. It had large letters printed on it's spine and front cover that said, "THE HISTORY BETWEEN PONIES AND FOREIGN RELATIONS" She then started to recite. 'It says here, in page 223, paragraph 1 that 'It was then that the term "Ser-'

The small pile of books suddenly fell apart. Spike lay curled up on the ground. 'FINE! I'LL COME OUT BUT PLEASE! MAKE HER STOP BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!'

Twilight stopped and glared at Spike. 'Too late for what?'

The door swung open.

The four of them turned to see Rainbow Dash and four other mares with her.

From the corner of his eye, Silvanus saw the little dragon jump to his feet, er, scaly limbs and looked at one in particular with his irises looking like a pink heart, though Silvanus couldn't see who he has taken fancy.

As each one of the three new mares caught sight of him, each one of them had very different reactions.

'Oh Rainbow Dash! I can't see what the fuss is all ab-' The white mare with the elegant, purple mane whined and suddenly stopped in mid-sentence. She stared at Silvanus for a few moments before she suddenly fainted. She landed on a rather large cushion that came out of nowhere to catch her fall.

'Hey, I've seen you before! You were near Fluttershy's cottage a whi-' Silvanus started.

The Pink pony with the pink, curly mane gasped. She then disappear with a small Poof! Leaving behind a small dust cloud from where she just stood.

The Orange mare with a strange looking hat on her yellow mane reacted in a more... Aggressive way. She instantly charged Silvanus yelling as she did so. 'RUN YA GIRLS! I'LL HOLD IT OFF!'

'APPLEJACK! Nooo...' Fluttershy and Twilight started to shout but saw the futility of it as Applejack reached the surprised Legionary in what seemed to be a blink of an eye.

'By The-' CLANK! Silvanus was knocked back as the mare's shoulder collided with his segmented armour, which winded him. Silvanus stumbled a few steps back. The Orange mare took a moment to gently tap her hat. She winced as her hoof touched her head before she glared at Silvanus and charged once again.

Silvanus instinctively side-stepped the charging mare and stuck the bottom of the Golden standards pole on the ground to trip her up.

THUD! The charging mare fell on her side. She shouted as she instantly stood back up on fours. 'Why you! ah'll teach ya a thing'r two!'

Silvanus then tried to be very diplomatic. 'Stop this madness! I mean you or your friends no harm!'

The Orange mare turned around and tried to kick him with her strong, hind legs.

Silvanus knew what she was going to do. He was kicked by a horse on numerous of occasion, but the mare in front of him seems to be quicker. Silvanus had no choice but to raise the Eagle's pole with both hands to block her kick.

THONK! The metal bent as soon Applejack's hooves touched it. Silvanus did not move back an inch. He did not even flinch. Silvanus just stared in shocked silence at the bent pole of the precious Standard. The pole has been made from metal for a purpose. It was used to resemble the might and power of Rome and her Legions. And now this mare, has just insulted all of Silvanus' dead comrades and the dead troops from generations past.

Applejack turned to face her opponent with a smug grin. 'See? Now what did I tell y'all? It's mahty tired already!'

The other mares and Spike just looked in shocked silence. All of them were holding their breaths as they watched the tall, silent figure of the Roman stand in place. Looking down at the bent pole in his hands.

Silvanus knelt down on one leg and leaned the standard on one knee.

They all gasped as Silvanus reached into his side and took out a battle knife, His Pugio, and mutter in a foreign language that was unheard of in Equestria. Even Applejack jumped back in fright.

'Silvanus...' Fluttershy whispered in shock and fright.

Silvanus raised the knife. It was at this moment that the white pony regained consciousness. She saw Silvanus with the knife at hand, and Everypony and dragon staring at him in terror. She instantly fell back into unconsciousness.

Silvanus laid the sharp side on the palm of his left hand. He firmly grasped the bade with his left hand and slowly pulled the blade out. Silvanus winced as blood began to seep from his balled fist.

'Silvanus!' Fluttershy squeaked.

Silvanus seemed to ignore everything else that surrounded him and focused on one task. He gently slid the knife back into his belt.

There seemed to be a collective sigh of relief from the Equestrians. But they still looked on as Silvanus went on with his strange ritual.

He let his own blood drop into the bent metal of the pole. Muttering in his strange language all the way.

Twilight could not help herself. She wanted to know what's going on. 'Silvanus. What are you doing?'

He stood up and solemnly dismantled the Eagle from the bent pole. He slowly walked up to the table and gently placed the Eagle on it's top. He turned to Twilight and answered with an emotionless voice. 'I will explain later. I really need to do this. Please do not interfere.' He then marched up to the wooden stairs.

'May the gods forgive me for this.' Twilight heard him mutter.

Silvanus rested the bent section of the pole onto the end of a step and laid both his hands on both sides or ends of the pole. He started with a gentle push downward. The pole did not look like something was happening to it. As Silvanus multiplied the pressure and force of his push, the pole began to slowly straighten up.

'What in tarnation? Was that all the fuss really about? It's only a metal stick! You didn't havhm Phff! mmmng!' Applejack was suddenly cut off as a cyan hoof covered her mouth. Without looking at Applejack, Rainbow Dash whispered. 'Shhhhhh...'

As soon as the pole was satisfactory enough for Silvanus, he turned and glared at Applejack. 'Never! I say NEVER! Do that again.' He growled.

Applejack just stared back. Unsure of what to do next.

Without another word, Silvanus walked back to the table, picked up the golden Eagle and reverently placed it back on it's decorated pole.

He turned and looked at the Equestrians with a sweeping gaze. Purple, Blue, Magenta and green eyes met his. He saw confusion, fear, respect and concern in them. Without another word, He left through the open door.

The Equestrians just stared at the open door. Each one of them trying to digest what just happened.

'Wha' in Tarnation was tha' all 'bout?' The shakened Applejack thought aloud. Breaking the uneasy silence. The three mares and the dragon began mouthing out their guesses and assumptions. Fluttershy remained silent. She just kept on staring at the open door.

'I-I think he was a thief! Why would he carry that gold thingy around? O-Or mayybe. Just maybe. He was a mutant Diam-'

'No Spahke! He ain't no Diamond Dog! He's too HAIRLESS!'

'Spike! That's not nice!'

'Did you see how he did not even cry out in pain or something! That guy's tough!'

'The mutterings of the strange language made it look like a ritual of somesort!'

'Ah don't think so. Maybe he was a-?

Fluttershy finally stirred from where she stood. She turned to the debating group and squeaked. 'Um. If you don't mind. I'll go find Silvanus.'

The group did not seem to hear her and continued on their debating.

Fluttershy sighed and glided out of the open door.