• Published 18th Mar 2013
  • 3,391 Views, 39 Comments

Scootaloo's Sister - TimeLord_Whooves

On one fate filled day in Ponyville, as the dragon migration is going by, an evil dragon swoops down and wreaks havoc on the unsuspecting ponies, leaving behind destruction and confusion.

  • ...

Hearth Warming Eve

The weeks passed slowly, Hearth’s Warming was coming up. Scootaloo had explained to Rainbow Dash about the mean new Pegasus at school which made Rainbow furious. Up until now she had walked Scootaloo to school, her wing still broken, just so she could see this pony and show him up, but he was never there. He had always gotten to school late and missed seeing Rainbow Dash waiting outside of the school.

Scootaloo was tired and getting bored of class, she looked out of the window into the gently drifting snow falling outside. She started to drift off to sleep.

“Scootaloo.” A voice called her, “Scootaloo are you alright?”

Scootaloo looked up to see a concerned looking Miss Cheerilee. “Hmmm? Yeah I’m fine, just dozed off I guess.” She looked around at the empty class and then up to the clock, school had ended a little while ago.

“Okay, I was afraid something was bothering you, I noticed you haven’t been all that cheerful recently.” Miss Cheerilee said giving her a slight smile, “Do you want to tell me why?”

“It’s nothing really,” said Scootaloo looking down at her desk, she noticed that she had been drooling and quickly wiped it up with her hoof before continuing, “It’s just the new Pegasus, Cloudwhisp has been mean to me, calling me a liar because I told him Rainbow Dash is my sister and they haven’t been around school at the same time for him to know the truth.”

“Well sometimes you have to just ignore some ponies, if they don’t want to know the truth then don’t waste your energy fretting over it.” Miss Cheerilee said and she placed her hoof gently on Scootaloo’s head.

Scootaloo sat there for a moment thinking, but a sharp tap at the window broke her thoughts. Rainbow Dash was standing outside, showing off her wing which was recently unbandaged, waiting to take Scootaloo home.

Scootaloo jumped up and thanked Miss Cheerilee for the advice and walked out the door to meet her sister. “Hey, sis.” Scootaloo said as she hugged Rainbow.

“Hey,” she said back, patting a hoof on Scootaloo’s head, “What were you and Cheerilee talking about, huh?”

“Just that mean Pegasus, Cloudwhisp.” She replied, “She told me that I shouldn’t waste my energy worrying about him knowing the truth.”

They took off through the snow, “She’s kind of right, if he doesn’t want to know the truth then that’s his fault, you shouldn’t let it get to you so easily.” Rainbow looked back at Scootaloo, she was still wearing a slight frown, “Cheer up, Hearths Warming is almost here, we’re going to spend it together just you and me and we’ll make it the best Hearth Warming ever!”

Scootaloo smiled at the thought of spending Hearth Warming together with Rainbow Dash but just as quickly it turned back into a frown. This was going to be her first Hearth Warming Eve without her parents, she didn’t know how Rainbow Dash could make it the best one ever. She was happy, but still didn't expect it to be her best.

Scootaloo decided, she may not have the best Hearths Warming ever but that doesn't mean that she can't help make it Rainbow Dash's, she hadn't spent a Hearths Warming with anypony for a long time. If there was anything at all that she could do to make Rainbow happy, especially on that day, she would do it.

There wasn't much time, it was already Hearth Warming Eve. Scootaloo frantically ran down the streets of Ponyville, looking for the best present for Rainbow Dash. How could she be so foalish as to wait till the last minute to get Rainbow a gift. She passed by the boutique, 'Rainbow doesn't really wear dresses', she thought to herself, The library, 'the only books she reads is the Daring Do series and she orders them straight in the mail'. Scootaloo went past every shop in town but still couldn't think of anything Rainbow wanted or needed that she didn't already have, she had even gone all the way to Zecura's for something, anything Rainbow liked.

Scootaloo turned home, feeling defeated in her search, and bumped into a yellow coated mare.

"Oh, I'm sorry." said the pony she had just bumped into, "Oh Scootaloo, what brings you into town today?"

Fluttershy looked down at Scootaloo, a small smile covering her face.

"I'm here looking for a present for Rainbow," Scootaloo told her, "I just can't seem to find anything that she wants or might be cool to get her."

"My," Fluttershy said looking concerned now, "Well I know Rainbow likes... Uh, no not that... not those either... It's always been hard to buy gifts for Rainbow."

"I figured," said Scootaloo looking at her hooves, "but I'd feel really bad if I didn't get her anything."

"I think all she wants right now is to make you as happy as she can."

"I know, but I want to do something for her, something really special."

Fluttershy considered for a moment before saying, "If you really want to do something special then make her something, like breakfast, before she can wake up you should make her breakfast."

Scootaloo thought about, she liked the idea, Rainbow Dash still liked to sleep in late so that would make a nice surprise. "Thank you Fluttershy." Scootaloo said as she ran past the shocked mare.

Scootaloo got home and set her alarm clock for six, it gave her plenty of time to get up and make something delicious for her sister. She decided what she would make, 'maybe apple pancakes,' that sounded good, 'with milk and some fresh baked cupcakes to finish it off'.

Rainbow walked into the room, "Hey, what are you up to?"

"Nothing, I was just thinking about how wonderful tomorrow will be." Scootaloo replied smiling.

Rainbow Dash smiled, "I'm glad, I think you're really going to enjoy tomorrow. Come on down, it's lunch time."

Scootaloo followed Rainbow into the kitchen and they ate lunch together.

"Hey sis, what are you planning for tomorrow?" asked Scootaloo casually.

"It's a surprise." Rainbow said beaming at her.

The rest of the day Scootaloo tried to get Rainbow Dash to tell her what her plans were but Rainbow wouldn't so much as give a hint as to her plans. Scootaloo went to bed, excited for her plan and curious of what Rainbow could be planning.

The alarm went off, Scootaloo quickly silenced it. She crept out of her room and over to Rainbow Dash's door, there was no sound. She went down into the kitchen. To her amazement, Rainbow Dash was sitting at the table waiting.

"There you are sis, I was wondering when you were going to wake up." Rainbow said as she looked up at the sound that had come from the doorway.

"What?" said Scootaloo as she stepped into the kitchen, "But I..."

"I thought it would be nice to make you a really nice breakfast today. I made us some apple pancakes." Rainbow said, smiling widely.

Scootaloo looked at the breakfast, the same one she was thinking of making. 'I guess great minds think alike,' she thought to herself as she sat down. She stared at the pancakes with disappointment, this meant that she needed to think of something to get Rainbow literally last minute.

They ate their breakfast and looked over the table at each other, Scootaloo smiled, Rainbow smiled back. "Was it good?" she asked.

"It was delicious," Scootaloo replied, not wanting Rainbow to see her worry she continued, "so what are we going to do today?"

"Well I did get us two tickets to see the Wonderbolts perform over in Cloudsdale..." Rainbow said and looked at the happiness that had shot over Scootaloo's face, "but... it seems to me that you're not excited enough so it looks like we can't go."

Scootaloo's face dropped to a pout, "That's not funny, are we going to go or not?"

"You might want to get something that can be signed..." Rainbow hinted.

Scootaloo let out an excited shriek and went up to her room to get her favorite Wonderbolt poster. When she came back down, Rainbow Dash was standing by the door waiting, "Come on, it's in Cloudsdale so we have to leave now in order to get there in time."

They took off towards Cloudsdale and flew as fast as they could, at one point it had turned into a race. Scootaloo shot past Rainbow laughing excitedly then Rainbow pulled ahead and stuck her tongue out at Scootaloo. The two kept on passing each other, taunting the other as they did so, until they could see Cloudsdale. Scootaloo flew as fast as she possibly could, Rainbow was right beside her. Scootaloo touched down on the fluffy cloud and skid to a stop five feet away, Rainbow right behind her.

"I won!" Scootaloo shouted triumphantly, her chest heaving trying to get her breathing back to a steady pace.

"You sure did kiddo." Rainbow Dash said smiling down at Scootaloo.

They walked over to the stadium together, Scootaloo jumping around with glee. The line to get in was very long, they waited for half an hour just to get up to the door into the stadium and another twenty minutes to get to their seats. As they sat down the announcer called through the speakers, "Fillies and gentlecolts, we have the great honor of presenting the Wonderbolts!"

The crowds cheered, everypony was standing and stomping their hooves to greet the Wonderbolts as they flew into the stadium. The Wonderbolts started their performance, with swoops and dives, they wowed the audience. They moved in precise formations and did daring tricks in midair. Every so often one of them would make a flyby as close to the crowds as possible, Rainbow lifted Scootaloo when the Captain of the Wonderbolts, Spitfire made her flyby. Scootaloo raised up her hoof and Spitfire gave it a tap with her own. Scootaloo nearly fainted with pleasure as Rainbow brought her down back into her seat. They enjoyed the rest of the performance whooping with the audience.

After the Wonderbolts landed in their final formation, the announcer called, "Wow, give it up for the amazing Wonderbolts, they worked very hard today," she paused to let the cheering ensue then continued, "They will be signing autographs in about ten minutes so if you want one, you'd better make your way to the designated area."

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo followed the crowd out of the stadium and into the inner halls and followed the signs to the autograph room. Scootaloo couldn't hold her excitement, she kept hopping up and smiling at Rainbow Dash. They reached the line for the autographs, this was going to take a while. About an hour later they reached the tables where the Wonderbolts were signing autographs, some ponies were going along the table getting autographs from the whole team while others were going up to their favorite members. Scootaloo pulled her poster out and they walked up to the table, the Wonderbolts were lined up in ranking order, lowest to highest so Spitfire was sitting at the opposite end, they started to sign her poster one by one, making it out to the wonderful Scootaloo. They reached Soarin, "Hey, Rainbow Dash, and her sister!" he said, "I didn't know you would be here, how are you doing?"

"We're doing fine," Rainbow said to him, "I've been trying to make this her best Hearth Warming ever."

"Well this is one way to do it," Soarin said smiling at Scootaloo, "Hey, there's going to be an after party for the Wonderbolts and their guests, would you two like to come?"

"Sorry but we have plans after this so we can't." Rainbow said, a slight frown crossed her face, she smiled again before saying, "Maybe some other time though."

"Okay, you two have fun!" Soarin said to them as they continued down the table.

"Who am I making this out to?" Spitfire asked. "Hey, you're the filly I hoof bumped earlier!"

"Uh-huh, my name's Scootaloo!"

"Well then, to my biggest fan, Scootaloo, always follow your dreams." Spitfire said as she wrote. "There, I noticed that Soarin was talking to you, did he invite you to our after party?"

"Yeah but we have stuff to do after this so we can't make it." Rainbow said.

"Oh that's too bad, it's going to be a lot of fun."

"Yeah, thanks for the autographs!"

"You're welcome, and feel free to come by if you change your mind, we know who you are."

They walked out of the stadium into the bustling street of Cloudsdale. Scootaloo jumped at Rainbow, tackling her into a big hug. "So what are we going to do next sis?" Scootaloo asked, still jumping from the euphoria of having met the Wonderbolts.

"Well now we are going to go home and get ready, Pinkie Pie invited us over to her Hearth Warming party tonight, everypony is going to be there, including your friends." Rainbow replied.

"Really, a big party with my friends?" Scootaloo hugged Rainbow even tighter, "This really is the best Hearth Warming ever! Thank you sis!"

Scootaloo looked up and saw something in the window of the shop they were standing in front of. "I'll be right back." she said.

Scootaloo ran into the store and came out only a minute later with a small bag, she gave it to Rainbow who looked inside. She saw a little metal strip with a bauble hanging off of it. Rainbow Dash took it out of the bag and looked at it curiously. It was a bookmark, the bauble was a small blue gem with a rainbow colored tassel at the end, on it read, "May you never forget your place in my heart."

"This is so sweet sis." Rainbow said her eyes starting to water.

"I know it's not much, and you're always losing your place in your books but I wanted to get you something for all you've done for me."

Rainbow Dash grabbed Scootaloo in a tight embrace, tears freely falling down her face, "Thank you little sis, I love you."

"I love you too big sis."