• Published 18th Mar 2013
  • 3,391 Views, 39 Comments

Scootaloo's Sister - TimeLord_Whooves

On one fate filled day in Ponyville, as the dragon migration is going by, an evil dragon swoops down and wreaks havoc on the unsuspecting ponies, leaving behind destruction and confusion.

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Rainbow's Confession

The cheers had since left the streets of Ponyville, the celebration was over, the sun had already set and the ponies were tired. They had held a funeral for Scootaloo's parents after the celebration, everypony was still getting their spirits back up from the heartbreaking scene. Twilight and Pinkie headed off to the library, Rarity and Sweetie Belle went to their house, Applejack and Apple Bloom left for Sweet Apple Acre, Fluttershy softly flew off to her cottage, leaving Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo alone to talk as they headed to Rainbow’s house.

They walked silently, nervous of the other, they didn’t know what to say to each other. Scootaloo broke the silence, “So… uh, we’re going to be sisters from now on…”

“Yeah, sisters,” Rainbow chuckled nervously, “Um… so, what do you want to do?”

The new sisters walked along, stealing nervous glances at each other. Of course there were going to be times like this, after all, Rainbow never had a sister before, she didn’t know what to talk about or what one would do for fun with a sister.

“Well, I guess I was hoping you could teach me to fly… but that’s obviously out of the question right now…” said Scootaloo, her face dropping to watch her hooves.

“Yeah, that would be a little difficult with this,” she pointed to her wing, still gingerly wrapped in bandages, “But I can teach you the basics, I don’t need to be able to fly myself to tell you how.”

Scootaloo smiled up at Rainbow Dash, and she smiled in return. The two were coming upon Rainbow’s house.

“Aw shoot!” Rainbow Exclaimed, rather angrily, “I completely forgot that we need to fly to get in!”

Scootaloo started to chuckle nervously and Rainbow Dash gave her a dark look. “I’m sorry Rainbow,” said Scootaloo, her laughing getting louder and making increasingly difficult to talk, “It’s just so funny how you could forget such an important detail.”

Rainbow looked up at her house, seeing the small filly laugh about it made her kind of mad, but she didn’t want to make her feel bad, not on their first day of being sisters. She decided to swallow her pride and said quietly, “Yeah, I guess it is kind of funny when you think about it, I mean, of course I would have had to fly to get in. I suppose the events of the day just completely drove it out of my head.”

“So what are we going to do about it?” Scootaloo asked tentatively.

“Let’s go see Twilight, she may be able to teleport us there or at least give us a place to stay until I can fly again.”

The two headed back to the library to see Twilight, still laughing about what had just happened.

“Twilight!” Rainbow exclaimed as she entered the library, “I have a problem!”

Twilight Sparkle was nowhere to be found. Rainbow Dash sucked in a huge take of air, preparing to shout for Twilight again, but before she could a voice came from the staircase leading to Twilight’s basement lab, “Down here!”

Rainbow and Scootaloo slowly made their way down the steps, everypony knew that when Twilight was in her lab that they needed to be quiet, lest they ruin her experiments.

Twilight was there examining a machine hooked up to Pinkie Pie’s leg. “What is it Rainbow?”
she asked, slightly annoyed, “I’m trying to help Pinkie.”

“I know, I just,” Rainbow stared, Scootaloo was looking around the lab with interest, she had never been down here, “I kind of need some help getting into my house.”

“Forget that you needed to fly to get in?” Twilight said with a tone of know-it-all ness.

“Well, I…” started Rainbow, a little flustered and embarrassed, she sighed and continued, “Yeah, I forgot.”

“Well, I need to finish what I’m doing right now, can you just wait, maybe hang out a bit with your new sister. I’ll call you when I’m done.”

“All right.” said Rainbow Dash and she and Scootaloo went back up the stairs and walked out of the library.

“You know,” Rainbow started, turning her attention to Scootaloo, “I have a lot of pride, I hate it when I do something embarrassing, it makes me feel really bad and I can’t help but hide away for a bit when it happens.”

Scootaloo looked up at Rainbow Dash, it took a lot to admit something like that, especially to somepony you don’t really know. “It’s alright Rainbow, everypony has a bit of pride, and though they may not show it, they really hurt sometimes when they do something embarrassing, it doesn’t even have to be about anything specific, just when they do something that they feel is embarrassing, you just got to keep strong and canter on.”

Rainbow was shocked to hear something so wise from the little filly. She had no idea what to say to that, she just looked up at the sky and smiled, she was right after all, just keep strong and canter on.

There came an explosion from inside the library, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo turned to look at it. It was still standing so it couldn’t have been that bad, they thought. A moment later the door opened and Pinkie came bouncing out as happy as ever.

“Yay! It worked, it worked!” she shouted to no pony in particular. “Look Rainbow, my leg is healed!” she bounced away, off to Sugar Cube Corner presumably, shouting to everypony she saw.

Twilight stepped through the door, coughing. “Alright, do you want me to just heal your wing or what?” she asked.

The explosion made Rainbow nervous about healing, “Maybe just a place to stay till I can fly again.” She chuckled nervously.

Twilight shook her head and let them in. “Alright, it’s going to be cramped though, there is only one room after all.” she said, leading them up the staircase to the library’s living space.

Rainbow and Scootaloo apologised for taking up her space as Twilight made a spot for them to sleep. The two got into bed and made themselves comfortable before drifting off to a peaceful sleep.