• Published 18th Mar 2013
  • 3,391 Views, 39 Comments

Scootaloo's Sister - TimeLord_Whooves

On one fate filled day in Ponyville, as the dragon migration is going by, an evil dragon swoops down and wreaks havoc on the unsuspecting ponies, leaving behind destruction and confusion.

  • ...

The Ceremony

It was finally time. Today was the day when they would all be released from the hospital. Rarity, and Rainbow Dash still had broken bones, and Pinkie Pie couldn’t use her hind leg at all anymore, but they were in fit enough condition to go out and enjoy the sun.

“Oh,” sighed Rainbow Dash, “I really wish I could fly right now, the weather is so nice!”

I wish I could just walk regularly,” complained Rarity, “I mean really, both my front legs? I’ll be stuck to this, this… contraption for weeks. I’m never going to be able to make this look good with any of my dresses.” she finished with a sigh.

“At least you’ll eventually be rid of that thing though,” said Pinkie sadly, “I’m stuck with this thing forever.” She pointed at the cast around her hind leg and continued even sadder, “I’m never going to be able to jump around or run again!”

“Oh, right… Sorry dear, I forgot.” said Rarity softly, looking away from the brooding pink mare.

“Pinkie,” said Twilight, a little annoyed, “I already told you, I’m going to look for a spell to heal your leg when I get back to the library.” She paused a moment, with a glint in her eye she sighed, “Ah, the library. Anyways if I can’t find a spell then I’ll make a potion that will fix it, after all, a depressed Pinkie is a depressed Ponyville.”

This cheered up Pinkie Pie quite a bit. “What are we waiting for?” she asked excitedly, “To the library!”

“Hold your horses there missy,” said Applejack, “Aren’t you forgettin'? The mayor is holding a celebration for us for saving Ponyville... again…”

“You’re right,” said Fluttershy in her soft, quiet voice, “We have saved Ponyville quite a few times already, not to mention all of Equestria.”

They all thought back on the times they had saved the day. “Oh, by the way,” said Rainbow Dash, breaking the silence, “Thanks for looking after Tank while I was in the hospital Fluttershy.”

“Yes and Owliwicious as well.” added Twilight.

“And Gummy!”

“And my darling Opal.”

“Oh, it was nothing.” said Fluttershy, her face starting to flush a little.

“Hey, you three!” shouted Rainbow at the three tired young fillies who were falling behind, “You’d better hurry up or we’ll be late!”

The fillies picked up the pace and started a slow trot behind the group of six. Their short legs barely able to keep up with the larger ponies’ fast walk.

“Uh, Rainbow?” said Twilight, “Maybe you should slow down.”

Rainbow Dash had started to pull ahead of the group. Realizing how fast she was going, she slowed down to allow them all to keep up. She was excited to see the mayor, she was going to talk to her about Scootaloo after the ceremony.

With sighs of relief from everypony, they had reached town hall. Mayor Mare was waiting for them up on the steps, the ponies gathered around turned towards them and started cheering wildly.

They carefully made their way up to the podium behind which stood Mayor Mare, taking great care not to brush other ponies with their tender broken limbs. As they reached the podium, the three fillies broke off and waited at the front of the crowd.

“Ladies and Gentle colts,” started Mayor Mare, "I give you, the protectors of Ponyville. Whom, once again, saved our town from disaster!”

At this the crowd went nuts, everypony was cheering, trying to be the loudest of the bunch. Each was showing support for his or her favorite of the group.

Mayor Mare started calling each mare forward to put a medal around each of their necks and every time a name was called, different areas in the crowd got louder. When she was finished honoring the mares, the crowd exploded with noise again.

Rainbow Dash was twitching, and Twilight nudged her to go on. She cantered up to Mayor Mare and said something inaudible over the crowds continues cheers. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom gave each other furtive looks, and a wide smile spread across Scootaloo’s face. Mayor Mare smiled in her direction and Rainbow beckoned her up to them.

Sweetie Belle ran up and hugged Rarity, Apple Bloom went up and stood next to Applejack, smiling widely, and Scootaloo ran up and tackled Rainbow Dash. The two rolled around playfully, Twilight and everypony else laughing and smiling at the sight of the two ecstatic ponies.