• Published 18th Mar 2013
  • 3,391 Views, 39 Comments

Scootaloo's Sister - TimeLord_Whooves

On one fate filled day in Ponyville, as the dragon migration is going by, an evil dragon swoops down and wreaks havoc on the unsuspecting ponies, leaving behind destruction and confusion.

  • ...

It'll be Alright

Scootaloo heard a voice from the bottom of her bed, she tried to look around at who was speaking but her head was heavy. The voice stopped when she noticed Scootaloo stirring. “Scootaloo, a-are you alright?” the voice asked nervously, “I-I’m sorry, I heard what happened. It’s all my fault. Y-your parents... I was in front of your house when the dragon swiped at me, I dodged so instead of hitting me he hit your house. Scootaloo... I’m so so sorry.” The voice started crying, apologizing over and over. Scootaloo couldn’t raise her head to see who it was that was crying, she heard the nurses shuffling the unknown mare out of the room and she slowly drifted back to sleep.

In the other room, Rainbow Dash couldn’t stop crying, she felt guilty for what happened. The other bandaged ponies were trying to console her, telling her it wasn’t her fault, the dragon would have hit the house even if she hadn’t moved out of the way. She wouldn’t listen, the pain of knowing that someone was hurting when she could have stopped it was overwhelming, she laid back into her bed and drifted into a restless sleep, still sobbing.

Twilight looked at the others with tears in her eyes. “She’s right,” she said quietly, a tear sliding down her cheek, “we could have prevented this if we were just a bit faster and more diligent.”

“Darling, don’t you beat yourself up over this too,” said Rarity softly, “it was no ponies fault that poor little Scootaloo’s house got hit, except for that stupid dragon. Just thinking about it again infuriates me!”

“I have an idea,” said Pinkie, bouncing in her bed gingerly, not wanting to hurt her leg, “when she wakes up, let’s convince her to adopt Scootaloo, I mean, Scootaloo adores Rainbow and Rainbow always wondered what it would be like having a sister, plus she can feel like she’s making up for Scootaloo's house getting destroyed with her parents in it.”

“Pinkie... that’s a brilliant idea,” said Twilight with a glint in her eye, “This way, everypony will be happy.”


“But sis, why can’t ah go with you?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Because ah said you can’t, there’s really no reason for you to come with me.” replied Applejack sternly.

Apple Bloom gave her sister a nasty look, “There is too a reason for me to go, Scootaloo’s there too in case you forgot.” she said angrily.

Applejack stopped dead in her tracks, “Ah guess ah did forget, ah’m sorry.”

“So does that mean ah can go to?” she asked tentatively.

“Of course little sis.”

They made their way to the hospital together, it wasn’t terribly far but it was still a long walk. Apple Bloom wanted to see if Scootaloo was awake yet and Applejack was worried about her friends.

As they walked into the hospital they were greeted by the reception mare. “Can I help you two?” she asked kindly.

“Ah’m here to see my friends and she’s here to check in on hers.” replied Applejack.

“And they are?” the mare asked, checking the book on her desk.

“Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Her friend is Scootaloo.”

“Alright, go right on in.”

They walked down the hall together but entered the two different rooms.

Scootaloo was lying there awake, thinking about her parents and crying. She didn't want her friends to think she was weak so she put on a smile and quickly wiped away her tears when she heard the door open and saw Apple Bloom walk in.

“I was afraid you weren’t going to come see me Apple Bloom,” she said, hiding the sadness with a cheerful tone, “Sweetie Belle still hasn’t come to see me, but I heard her talking to Rarity across the hall while ago.”

“She said she didn’t want to see you without me, she thought that you’d feel upset not seeing me, ah guess she’s asleep somewhere in the hospital.” Apple Bloom told her.

Scootaloo looked down and sighed, “She was right, I would have been upset if I had seen her without you and the other way around, but she has an excuse to not be here, she must still be worried about her sister too.”

“She’ll come visit you soon,” Apple Bloom reassured her, “Ah’m sure she’ll come by when she wakes up.”

“Thank you Apple Bloom, You’re a good friend.”

They heard Applejack give a loud gasp from across the hall followed by a lot of shushing. “What’s going on over there?” asked Scootaloo.

“Ah don’t know, Applejack sure sounded excited though.” said Apple Bloom, looking towards the door in curiosity.

Scootaloo jumped out of her bed and they both made their way to the door. They opened it to find the room across the hall’s door was wide open, the whispering of the excited ponies was barely audible but the two fillies could make out everything being said.

“Applejack,” Twilight said quietly, shushing her, “Rainbow’s still asleep, we haven’t talked to her about it yet.”

“Well we really should get on that,” said Applejack, taking a peak at Rainbow Dash to make sure she was still asleep, “Ah mean, it’ll only be a matter o' time till everypony is feeling better, if we don’t tell her before they take Scootaloo away then she’ll only resent herself more.”

“You’re right of course darling,” said Rarity from her bed, “but we were just waiting until we’ve told everypony, so we can get their opinion on the matter.”

“Well the only pony left to tell is Fluttershy,” said Pinkie, “So we just need to wait until she gets here to tell her. Oh I’m so excited I could just-“

“Pinkie, hush.” said Twilight, exasperatedly.

“Sorry.” whispered Pinkie hoarsely.

“Anyways,” Applejack said quietly, “Ah think it’s a great idea having her adopt Scootaloo.”

“Hey guys, what'cha doin’?” a high pitched voice came from behind them, it was Sweetie Belle.

They quickly grabbed her, putting a hoof over her mouth and rushed her into the other room. Applejack walked over to the door and peered outside. “What was that ah reckon?” she asked quietly to no pony in particular.

Scootaloo sighed, “You almost got us caught, sneaking up on us like that. That’s a bad habit you know.”

“Sorry,” said Sweetie Belle looking at her hooves, “I just saw you two listening at the door and I was curious about what was going on.”

“It’s alright, just don’t do it again.” said Scootaloo.

“Anyways, what were you two listening to?” Sweetie asked as if nothing happened.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at each other and smiled. “Applejack and the others are gonna to try to convince Rainbow Dash to adopt Scootaloo.” said Apple Bloom excitedly.

“Can you imagine, the Rainbow Dash as my real big sister.” said Scootaloo with hope in her voice but she quickly looked down, she had almost forgotten about her parents and felt bad about it but smiled up at her friends, still not wanting to show them that she was weak.

“That’s awesome,” shrieked Sweetie Belle, “Then we could all compete together at the next Sisterhooves Social.”

“Not only that,” said Scootaloo with admiration, “but I will be taught to fly by the best flier in all of Ponyville!”

“You’re disturbing the other patients!” came a voice from the door, “Could you please keep your voices down?”

“We’re sorry.” said the three fillies in unison. They turned to each other and continued whispering excitedly.

At this moment, Fluttershy trotted into the room across the hall. Almost immediately Pinkie let out what she wanted to say quite loudly and Fluttershy gasped, to every pony’s astonishment, the cry had not woken Rainbow Dash.

They all explained to her what was going on, a bit more slowly than Pinkie so it could sink in. "So..." Twilight started excitedly, "What do you think?"

Fluttershy looked over at the sleeping pegasus. "I think it's a wonderful idea." she said in her soft voice.

They all nodded and looked over at Rainbow Dash.