• Published 18th Mar 2013
  • 3,391 Views, 39 Comments

Scootaloo's Sister - TimeLord_Whooves

On one fate filled day in Ponyville, as the dragon migration is going by, an evil dragon swoops down and wreaks havoc on the unsuspecting ponies, leaving behind destruction and confusion.

  • ...

Beneath the Rubble

Over at the school, everypony was restless. The foals had watched everything from the windows of the classroom, every time the dragon swung at Twilight Sparkle and her friends, they gasped with worry. Everypony was tense, waiting for the fight to end, all of them had fear etched into their little faces. Cheerilee was trying to get them all away from the windows, worried about what they might see but it was no use, they all were completely focused on the fight outside.

“Do you think they are all alright?” asked Sweetie Belle, wondering Rarity had been hit with that last swing of the dragon's tail.

“I don’t know,” replied Apple Bloom, wondering the same of Applejack, “I can’t see where they are.”

“I-It’ll be all right,” said Scootaloo uncertainly, “I mean they’ve got Rainbow Dash and even Twilight, how could they lose?”

No sooner as she said it there came cries of joy from the windows. While they had been distracted, the dragon had been thrown out of Ponyville. Everypony recognized Twilight’s magic aura. They all cheered and jumped around excitedly.

“Well, I guess that’s it,” said Miss Cheerilee trying to calm them all down, but to no avail. “Alright, everypony, you can leave.” she sighed.

They all cheered and ran outside to join the celebrating ponies lining the streets. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle where looking around frantically for their sisters, Scootaloo running behind them, worried about Rainbow Dash and her friends' sisters as well.

As they were running through the streets, they crossed paths with the mayor. “Mayor Mare,” shouted Sweetie Belle, “Do you know where our sisters are?”

She hesitated, “Well, Rarity is at the hospital dear, she got hit by that mean dragon,” seeing them all with looks of horror on their faces she continued, “but Applejack is okay, she went home not too long ago, she’s probably just as worried about you Apple Bloom.”

They looked at each other, “If you want to go home to your sister Apple Bloom, it’s okay.” said Sweetie Belle.

“No, let’s go check on your sister first,” she replied, “I wouldn’t want you to go alone.”

They ran off for the hospital together, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were worried for their friend and her sister. They sped down the street as fast as they could, weaving through the crowd of jubilant ponies. As they passed the crumbled building, Scootaloo stopped, horrified. The other two went on, not knowing that Scootaloo had stopped. There were several ponies standing around it with worried looks on their faces, chattering noisily. There were a couple of ponies going through the rubble. Scootaloo, just stood there shocked, this was her house.

As piles of rubble were moved Scootaloo grew more and more anxious. 'Were my parents home? Are they alright?' The questions repeated in her mind over and over, each time she got more and more anxious. She closed her eyes, her heart racing in her chest. She couldn’t bear to look, the thought of seeing her parents in the rubble frightened her. There came gasps as some rubble shifted, the bodies of two lifeless ponies were revealed beneath it. Scootaloo turned her head back to rubble, startled by the gasping. She screamed at the sight of her dead parents lying there, their bodies crushed by the rubble.

The on looking ponies now turned their attention to the small screaming filly. The ones going through the rubble stopped abruptly. “Get her out of here,” one of them said, “she doesn’t need to see this.”

Before anypony could do anything Scootaloo fainted, she couldn’t withstand the great pain she now felt in her heart. A couple of ponies picked her up and gently carried her off to the hospital.

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were standing outside of the hospital, wondering where Scootaloo was. “I swear she was right behind us,” said Apple Bloom, beginning to worry for their friend.

The ponies that had picked up Scootaloo walked up to the doors and Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gasped. “What happened to her?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“She fainted when she saw a pair of ponies that got caught in the dragon’s rampage.” one of them replied as they carried her into the doors.

“Another patient?” asked the mare behind the reception desk exasperatedly, “What happened to this one?”

They repeated what happened to the mare. “Oh my,” she cried shocked, “we need a bed for this young filly!”

They took her into the room across the hall from Twilight and the others' room, laid her out on a bed and closed the curtains around it.

There came screams from the room across the hall, one of them had woken up and was just now feeling the pain from her broken limbs. It was Rainbow Dash, the nurses rushed in to check on her and sedate her.

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom turned at the sound of the screaming pony. They looked at the nurses expectantly when they came out of the room. “Rainbow Dash woke up,” one of the nurses said, answering their questioning looks, “The others are still sleeping.”

The two fillies gave each other sad looks. "Well..." Apple Bloom said nervously, "It seems that they may not wake up for a while. I should probably go check in with my sister."

"Okay, you go ahead and go, I'll wait here." She paused before continuing with a hint of warning, "Scootaloo may not be happy if she wakes up and you're not there though. And I really don't want to see her without you there, I just don't want to face her alone right now."

Apple Bloom gave Sweetie a small, apologetic smile and ran off towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Author's Note:

Just a small edit, again, not a lot changed here.