• Published 19th Mar 2013
  • 6,906 Views, 797 Comments

Apple Scratch : Onward to the Equestria Games! - Mariacheat-Brony

(Humanized) Ponyville has been chosen to host the most important sporting events in the Country. It's up to the two sisters of the Apple family and their friends to represent their town in the games.

  • ...

Magical Skeet Shooting

"Ladies and Gentlemen." Pinkie Pie said happily from her flying contraption. "For today's final event, I have the great honor to present to you, the magical skeet shooting!"

Pinkie flew her blimp to the ground next to the various machines on the side of the Coliseum field.

"Let me explain a few things!" She added before unhooking her megaphone and disembarking to stand next to one of the machines. "This is a disc thrower powered by magic crystals. Originally, I had built this to help in the distribution of pies or pizzas in bakery and restaurant whatsoever. But the Committee for Labeled Inventions Concerning Kitchens, aka the CLICK, judged it was too eccentric to be seen in food industry and sold the project to the Games Committee in order to get them to throw clay discs instead of food." Pinkie explained softly to the crowd who looked passably interested. "Jerks!" She muttered venomously more to herself.

Pinkie started to explain the general rules of the trials. One by one, the competitors will have to take down as many discs as they can during each volley thanks to their magic, be it Titanian magic or Jupitarian lightning magic. Pinkie also explained that Eponian couldn't participate in this event, for the tests on mass production of her Party Cannon 2.0. turned out to be a failure for the moment. Maybe for the next Games.

Each disc shot down brings a point for the competitor's team. For the five first volleys which are considered the easiest ones, one miss equals an elimination and the end of the competition for the team. From the sixth volley, the score starts to count and the team with the lowest score is eliminated then we move on to the next volley. In case of a tie for last place, no team is eliminated and we move on the next volley. Last team standing wins the gold!

"Ok, now that all the launchers are being checked and tested, I invite all the contesters to gather around near the shooting area along with their back up partners." Pinkie said cheerfully. "May I remind you that the back up partner is there in case one of his partner suffers from magic exhaustion. Only in that case are they allowed to switch place in between two volleys."

"Feeling ready, Allie?" Turner asked softly.

"Kinda." Allie replied nervously as she tried, with no great success, to tie her long cyan hair in her usual ponytail.

"Let me take care of that, Allie." Redhearts said with a soft smile, before gently tying Allie's hair correctly.

"Thanks, Redhearts!" Allie smile before walking out of her team's pit when her hair were done.

"Wait!" Ditzy shouted as she flew next to Allie, pulling her muffin out of its satchel. "You didn't kiss the Lucky Muffin."

"Oh, that's ok. Ditzy." Allie chuckled. " I don't need it."

"Sweetie, it's dangerous out there, who knows what could happen?" Ditzy said with genuine concern. "So now, KISS THE LUCKY MUFFIN!" She nearly shouted with her left eye twitching violently as she practically shoved the pastry in Allie's mouth.

Allie eyed cautiously her teammate with a confused expression. The situation didn't get to escalate, as Vinyl levitated the muffin toward her before giving it a small peck and floating it back toward Allie. The other blue haired woman looked at her with a crooked eyebrow as Vinyl came closer.

"Just do it, Kiddo!" Vinyl shrugged. "That's a fight you can't win." She said with fatality.

"Fiiiine." Allie sighed before giving a small peck on the muffin.

"There you go." Ditzy beamed before flying back toward the team's pit, her muffin secured in its satchel. "Give them hell." She shouted happily.

"Since when is Ditzy so pushy with her Lucky Muffin?" Allie asked as she and Vinyl were walking toward the shooting area.

"Since Rose's incident in the hurdles, I think." Vinyl said softly. "Since Rose didn't kiss the lucky muffin yesterday and she got hurt in the competition, Ditzy probably thinks unconsciously it's her fault for not insisting about it." Vinyl speculated softly.

"That's just stupid!" Allie said vigorously. "We all know it's because of Lightning Dust's fault."

"I know, Kiddo." Vinyl nodded grimly.

"Will you stop calling me Kiddo?" Allie said angrily. "I'm only three years younger than you."

"Actually, you're four years younger than me." Vinyl chuckled. "But, okay. I'll drop the kiddo thing....Shorty!"

"I'm not a shorty!" She said with vigor, glaring Vinyl right in the eye. The facts that she had to lift her chin high and that Vinyl had to nearly snap her neck forward to do so, didn't help her case.

"Of course!" Vinyl replied softly, but not without a pinch of sarcasm. Come on Vinyl! Be nice with her. She thought, trying her best not to laugh. "Anyway, how are you feeling?"

"I feel fine." Allie assured with a nod.

"Ready to blow their mind with your magic?" Vinyl asked with a genuine, confident smile.

"Sort of...." Allie said slowly.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Vinyl said with concern as she noted her teammate's doubt.

"Nothing!" Allie replied quickly, waving her hands in front of her defensively.

Vinyl frowned a bit at Allie's defensive attitude, but decided to not press the matter further as it will only make her friend more stressed than she already was. They walked in silence toward the shooting area where the others contesters and their back up were busy warming up.

"What do you say we warm you up a bit?" Vinyl suggested casually.

"Yeah, why not." Allie shrugged.

"Hey, look! Vinyl and that other blue haired girl are going toward the shooting arena." Twilight said casually, as she looked over the Coliseum field with a pair of binoculars. She was very happy to have found back the comfort of her seat in their private box.

"I think her name's Allie Way." Fluttershy chimed in quietly.

"That's weird. Vinyl told me she didn't participate in any trial, today." Octavia said slowly in confusion.

"Well, maybe she's Ms Way's back up for this trial." Rarity suggested softly. "She probably doesn't think she'd have to take action in it."

"That's probably the reason." Octavia nodded slowly.

"If it's that. I must say that I don't understand Ponyville's decision." Luna pondered, her eyes glowing in a dark blue hue as they were fixed on Vinyl and Allie. "Ms Apple clearly has a lot more magic then Ms Way. Quite a lot actually." Luna added in a small impressed tone.

"How much magic are you talking about, Luna?" Celestia asked with interest.

"Oh, nothing extravagant in comparison with Twilight's level of magic power, I can assure you of that, Sister." Luna shrugged. "But, Ms Apple's is still quite above the average."

"In that case, why didn't they make her the primary contester?" Twilight asked with curiosity.

"My dear Twilight, it takes more than a large quantity of magic power to win in a magic contest." Celestia said with wisdom. "They must have a reason as for why they chose Ms Way over Ms Apple."

"That's certainly true." Cadence said slowly. "In any case, Canterlot is sure to get a gold medal on this trial!" She said happily.

"What makes you say that, dear niece?" Luna asked with a small smile. She already knew why but she also knew that Cadence would want to say it out loud.

"The fact that Shining is competing of course." Cadence smiled broadly. "And that his back up is Spitfire."

"Indeed, they form quite the team." Rarity nodded.

"I'm still supporting Ponyville, though." Octavia shrugged with a small smile.

"You know you can say that you only support Vinyl, Octavia." Fluttershy joked softly, causing everyone to giggle.

"It's that obvious?" Octavia asked with a small chuckle.

"Quite!" Twilight nodded. "Anyway, I think I'm gonna do like you, Octavia, and supporting Ponyville."

"The more, the better." Octavia said with a small smile.

"You're not going to cheer for your brother?" Cadence asked with incredulity. "Are you still mad about this morning?"

"Yes!" Twilight answered flatly.

"You really shouldn't hold a grudge on him like that, Twilight." Cadence said softly.

"Spike and he broke into my suite and walked in on me while I was getting out of the shower." Twilight said with an angered frown. "I think I deserve to be mad at them for the day, at least."

"Seems legit to me." Luna nodded. "Anyway, the trial is about to start."

Allie was focusing her magic power to practice her spell for the contest. As her hands shined in a cyan aura, she let out a small relieved sigh and created a dozens of small marbles with her magic. Small cyan spheres, barely an inch wide, started to float around her hands. Vinyl smiled at Allie when she saw her friend chuckling happily when she noticed that her spell was working.

"That's not much worth of the giddiness you two are displaying." Humphed a feminine and pretentious voice at Vinyl's left.

Vinyl and Allie both turned around and saw who had just talked. It was a small woman with long white hair in a light blue tracksuit that bore the insignia of Neigh Orleans, the Unicorn on the fleur-de-lys. What surprised Vinyl was the rest of her outfit, she was wearing a short purple cape with twinkling blue stars on it and a matching sorcerer hat.

"And, you are?" Vinyl asked with a crooked eyebrow.

"You must be a simpleton for not recognizing." The woman said with fake compassion. "For I am no one else, than the Great and Powerful Trrrrixie! One of the strongest mage that has ever lived!" Trixie nearly shouted, opening her arms wide as small magical fireworks were exploding behind her, attracting the other competitors' attention.

"Never heard of you!" Vinyl shrugged casually, causing Trixie to nearly lost her footing from the surprise. "Anyway, let's get back to your spell." She added, facing her teammate.

"Huh, ok!" Allie said softly, focusing her attention back on her spell. "What do you want me to do?"

"Can you make more marbles?" Vinyl asked. "Some of the last volleys have nearly twenty targets, it would be great if you can create all your ammunitions from the start instead of risking to lose time during the volley." Vinyl explained in a very professional tone.

"That could be done easily." Allie assured. "Just a minute." She focused more magic in her hands and a minute later, she created another dozen of small magic marbles. "There you go!" She said with a big smile, wiping her brow with her left hand as all the marbles were now spiraling around her right arm.

"Nicely done." Vinyl said with pride.

"Trixie thinks there's nothing to be proud of." Trixie claimed with a smug smile. "Look, Trixie can do that easily."

Trixie's right hand glowed in a pale pink aura for about a second before small balls of pink magic appeared floating around her. In a few seconds, she had recreated the same amount of spheres that Allie had created in a couple of minutes, only that hers had the size of an apple. Allie's eyes went wide as she saw Trixie besting her spell instantly.

"Come on everyone, try it." Trixie said to the other competitors. "Trixie thinks it's easily a child's play."

Much to Vinyl's annoyance, a lot of Titanians competitors followed Trixie's example and they were all doing it with great ease compared to Allie. The other Titanian from Ponyville lost her focus, causing her spell to dispel itself, as she looked at the ground, ashamed of being bested so easily by the others.

"So much for Ponyville's Titanian might!" A competitor from Las Pegasus chuckled.

"Truly, Zey mustn't have a lot of mages in zis small town!" A germane athlete mocked. "Zey only have muscles, not ze brain!"

"Ok, that's enough!" Vinyl shouted with anger as Allie was nearly hiding behind her.

"Well, Trixie must say that Trixie agrees with her." Trixie said apathetically as she cancelled her spell. "Trixie now must prepare herself for the trial."

The crowd scattered as every athlete took place under the many tents reserved for each team. Vinyl turned to face Allie who was trembling softly. Vinyl's anger was immediately replaced by concern.

"Hey, don't let those idiots get to you." Vinyl said softly, resting her hand on Allie's shoulder.

"But, you saw them!" Allie said, her voice on the verge of cracking. "They all can do this spell better than me."

"Kid, listen..." Vinyl started.

"You should do this trial instead of me." Allie interrupted her. "It was already planned for you to finish this trial, you might as well do it from the beginning."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Vinyl asked with genuine curiosity.

"Let's face it, I don't have the tenth of your magical power." Allie said, her head hanging low. "It was obvious that after the five first volleys you would take my place."

"Kiddo, that's not true at all." Vinyl said with conviction.

"Look, I know that I'm here just because you can't subscribe in all the trials." Allie affirmed with sadness. "I'm just Titanian number two in the team."

"That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard." Vinyl said firmly. "And I've heard my lover's brother and mother's stupidities, so I know what I'm talking about. You're in this team for your skills, not because we have a quota to respect. Zecora picked you over me for this trial for a reason."

"Which one, then?" Allie snapped with teary eyes.

"What are you best at?" Vinyl asked softly.


Vinyl sighed with a half chuckle. "What is your average score in bowling?"

"Huh." Allie let out in confusion before answering. "About 300 points."

"Isn't that the perfect score?" Vinyl asked softly.

"Yes, but..."

"What about darts?"

"150 points, but I don't see what does it got to do with..." Allie started, confused.

"Perfect score again." Vinyl chuckled. "Kiddo, sure you have less magic power than me. Sure, you can't manage spell like them." She added, designating the other competitors with a nod.

"That helps a lot, thanks." Allie whispered with a saddened voice.

"But, remember when we practiced for those trials." Vinyl continued softly, as if Allie hadn't said anything. "When AJ was throwing bad apples through the field at full strength for us to take them down. Do you remember what happened?"

".....yes." Allie said softly, looking up from the ground with a small growing smile.

"In the end, what was my score?" Vinyl asked with a knowing smile. "With all my more developed skills in magic, how much did I do?"

"....Eighty-five out of one hundred." Allie answered after a few seconds.

"And you?"

"........Ninety-four!" Allie finally said, with a big confident smile. Vinyl ruffled Allie's hair playfully, causing the concerned party to giggle. "Hey, stop it!"

"You see why you're the shooter and I'm the back up, now?" Vinyl said, still not interrupting her ruffling.

"Yeah, I got it!" Allie said softly, trying to push Vinyl's hand away form her hair. "Can you stop, please?"

"Only because you said please, Kiddo!" Vinyl winked, stopping her ruffling.

"I'm not a kid, anymore!" Allie pouted with her arms crossed.

"When you sulk cutely like that, it's hard to not think that you are." Vinyl chuckled, causing Allie to stick her tongue out at her.

"Do I have to show you what I can do to make you stop calling me a kid?" Allie asked in a playful, yet threatening tone.

"I already know what you can do. Why don't you show them?" Vinyl asked smug, showing the other competitors with a wave of her hand. "Maybe then, I'll stop calling you like that."

Allie looked at her opponents, blinking a bit. Her gaze fell on the germane who had mocked Ponyville's mages, she closed her fists lightly. Each time her eyes went on one of the competitors who had mocked her and her town, her resolution grew stronger. She spotted Trixie who was busy dusting her hat and chatting with her back up partner. Trixie saw her before whispering something to her partner before both of them bursted into laughter. Allie's knuckles became white as she clenched her fists vigorously.

"Yeah, I'll show them!" Allie said slowly in a whisper before facing Vinyl back.

Vinyl liked what she saw on Allie's face. Her teammate had been quite stressed before they came near the shooting area. Now, Allie's face bore nothing but confidence and determination. Vinyl simply nodded at her teammate with a small grin.

"Ok, everyone! The launchers had been tested properly and everything works just fine, the trial is about to start!" Pinkie shouted in her megaphone, before reading a small note that had been given to her by a Games official. "And, it says here that I must ask you to be very quiet during one competitor's turn. They need to focus, so let's help them the best we can!" She added happily. "Let's start with our first contester! Shining Armor from Canterlot!"

Shining took place at the shooting line under the applauses of the crowd at which he waved with a big smile. After the crowd went silent, he exhale softly as he focused magic in his right hand. The officials started the launchers, and one by one, four discs of red clay were sent flying across the field. Only to be blasted without much difficulties by four beams of deep purple magic. He walked away from the shooting line back to his team's tent in which Spitfire high-fived him.

"Next shooter, Trixie Lulamoon from Neigh Orleans!" Pinkie announced.

"Watch and be amazed by the magic of Trixie!" Trixie said in a very mysterious and boastful tone.

Trixie looked like the kind of person who talks loud but can't manage to do a single thing right. At Vinyl's surprise, she only looked like that kind of person as she passed the volley effortlessly with, she had to admit it, pretty impressive bright pink strokes of lightnings. She gave the crowd a small bow before leaving the shooting line.

The line of competitors went along for the first volley. Vinyl appreciated very much when the Germane Titanian who had mocked Allie and her earlier missed the fourth disc, leading him and, hence, his team to disqualification. Vinyl sat up straight on her chair when it was her teammate's turn.

Allie created four cyan marbles with her magic which started to spin around her right hand before signaling the official she was ready. She took a deep breath as she extended her right hand forward, her thumb pressed against her forefinger. One of her magic marble took position against the tip of her thumb. Vinyl noticed various contesters looked a bit surprised at Allie's pose, some even snickered or laughed quietly at her teammates.

'They're looking down on you, Kiddo. They probably think that you're not worth the worry.' Vinyl thought. 'Show them how wrong they are!' Vinyl grinned

The first disc was sent flying. With one flick of her thumb, Allie sent her magic marble to crash against her flying target that shattered at the impact. Allie put her thumb back in her throwing position as another marble took place on its tip. The second disc knew the same destiny as the first one, such as the third and the fourth one. Allie playfully blew on her thumb's tip to dissipate the magic aura around it.

'Atta girl!'

The contested continued for a bit more than two hours and a half. There were only three teams remaining in the competition after the fifteenth volley: Canterlot, Neigh Orleans and Ponyville. With the respective score of 154 and 153 for the other two.

None of the competitors so far had to use the help of their back up. Trixie and Shining Armor looked a bit tired as their reserves of magic power started go down a bit, but they looked fresh as daisies compared to Allie who looked like she was on the verge of exhaustion. She was sweating and panting profusely on her chair in Ponyville's tent while Shining was busy accomplishing his sixteenth volley, the competition seemed to have taken its toll on her reserves.

"Kiddo, I'm gonna have to intervene." Vinyl said softly

"NO!" Allie nearly shouted between pants. "I can do this, I don't need your help now!"

"Shorty, look at you. You can barely stand." Vinyl said firmly. "I might not know the spell to watch one's reserves of magic power but I can tell that yours are practically empty without it."

"I can make it!"

"No, you can't! And you're an idiot if you think I'm going let you overuse your magic like that." Vinyl nearly shouted grimly. "There could be serious consequences if you do."

"I refuse to be replaced by you, now!" Allie said with determination. "I didn't come this far to let you steal all the fame of victory from me."

Vinyl was a bit taken aback by that statement. "You didn't pay attention when Doc' explained to us the history of this trial, did you?" Vinyl asked in a reproachful tone with a lifted eyebrow.

"I can't really listen to all of the Doctor's stories about ancient times." Allie said, rolling her eyes.

"Well, you should. They're very accurate, as if he had been there himself to see what's he talking about." Vinyl said with a reflective frown. "Anyway, back to the present. There's a reason why in this trial there are two competitors for each team, one as the shooter and one as a back up."

"Yeah, I know! It's to replace the shooter when he's near the magic exhaustion." Allie let out as she tried to catch her breath back. "But, as I said...."

"Raaa! Forget it, I got no time to explain anymore." Vinyl said quickly when she noticed that Shining had finished his volley, adding eighteen points to his team's score. "This might sting a bit." She added as her right hand glowed in an electric blue aura.

"What are you...." Allie started before Vinyl grabbed her head with her magicked hand.

As Vinyl's hand made contact with her skull, Allie felt a small electric spark cross all her body. She gasped in surprise. She was about to struggle against Vinyl's grip when she felt something. She blinked in confusion as she felt her magic coming back. No, scratch that. It wasn't her magic that was coming back. Her magic didn't feel like that, the magic she felt was more wild, more powerful and more musical. It felt like an incredibly strong and deep note that was resonating through her entire being.

"Wow." Allie let out as she started to feel strong again. "Where did you learn how to do that?"

"It's not for nothing if there's "Degree of Musical AND Magical Arts" written on my diploma!" Vinyl retorted with a small chuckle. "I don't have the time refill your battery completely though. And it won't take away your fatigue." Vinyl explained softly. "But, you should have enough magic now to beat the crap out of that show woman and to tell Kicker's boss off!" She added playfully.

"Yeah, probably!" Allie chuckled softly. "But, is what you're doing ....legal?" She asked with uneasiness. Vinyl only grinned at that question.

"What's Vinyl doing?" Rarity asked with curiosity.

"I have no idea." Octavia answered slowly, her eyes fixed on her lover through her binoculars. "But I don't like her touching Allie like that." She added with a frown.

"Hum, she's just touching her forehead. I don't see...." Flutterhy said quietly, earning a deadpan from Octavia. "Never mind!"

"Hang on!" Twilight said quietly, before lighting her eyes with a purple aura. "What?" She nearly shouted in surprise. "She's giving Allie magic power!"

"I didn't know she knew of such a spell." Celestia said with interest.

"That spell isn't quite difficult, Sister." Luna noted. "It's just not common knowledge."

"Aren't you disturbed by what she's doing?" Twilight asked the monarchs with incredulity. "Isn't she breaking the Games rules?"

"Vinyl would never break the Games rules!" Octavia shouted, pretty offended by what Twilight was supposing.

"Oh! What's she doing then?" Cadence said vigorously.

"Her role as a back up, maybe?" Luna asked with a small chuckle.

"What?" The council members and Cadence nearly shouted simultaneously.

"Pinkie said that the back up member could only take the other's place if he ran out of magic power." Twilight said.

"That's only the modern version of the rule." Celestia explained softly. "That's what allows, pardon me for the term, interracial teams to compete. In the past, only pairs of Titanians could partake in this trial. One as the actual contester and the other as a magic supply case." Celestia frowned at her sentence. "I should have said that differently." She added to herself.

"Ms Apple is only applying the traditional aspect of the back up." Luna concluded. "Something that's still authorized by the Games Committee. And that I find personally more fair for the competitors."

"How is that fair for the other competitors who can't take a rest because they have more magic than the others?" Cadence asked with a crooked eyebrow. "Like Shining and this Trixie. How's it fair for them? They're tired but Allie get's a fresh start again." She added with a frown.

"I meant it fair for Ms Way, Cadence." Luna said softly. "How would you feel, if you manage to get your team into the final stage of a competition only to be replaced for the decisive moment?" Cadence's expression softened when she realized what her aunt was talking about. "That's what I thought." Luna said with a nod.

"Beside, that spell only transfers magic from one person to another." Celestia explained. "Ms Allie's still as tired as she was before, she just doesn't show the signs of magic exhaustion anymore."

Allie had her reserves back up to their halves. She was still pretty tired but it was less overbearing than before Vinyl's little trick. She took position on the shooting line before eyeing the screen with the scores. She noticed that Both Shining and Trixie had scored eighteen points out of the nineteen possible in this series, putting their score to 172 for Canterlot and 171 for Neigh Orleans. If she did a perfect score, she would be on par with Shining and Trixie would be left at the third place.

She summoned nineteen marbles with her magic. She noticed with surprise that her magic spheres were occasionally flickering in an electric blue hue. Probably the after effect of Vinyl's transfer of magic. She took her position as an official signed her to get ready, the first of her marbles placed on her thumb. She gave the official a small nod, then her volley started.

'One...Two....Three....Four...' She counted in her head as she bursted every disc thrown in front of her. ".... Fifteen .... Sixteen .... Seventeen .... Eighteen."

The last disc of the volley had been thrown at full speed. A straight shot wouldn't hit it. Allie knew about this, so she used a trick she hadn't used since she was little. When she was actually playing marbles with her friends. She made an ample waving move with her right arm and when her hands was at full extension she flicked the magic marble out of her hand.

Allie's magical projectile flew with a curved trajectory toward the left of the field, parallel to the disc's movement, only to change course mid flight to the right. Directly intercepting the disc in its course and shattering it to pieces. She jumped out of joy when she realized she had done a perfect score, securing at least the silver medal for Ponyville.

"I did it!" Allie shouted happily as she walked back toward Vinyl while Trixie had thrown her hat on the ground in anger.

"Nice job, Kiddo!" Vinyl said happily, high-fiving Allie. "Only Shining left."

"Yeah." Allie let out in a small sigh. "And, don't call me Kiddo." She added in a low threatening and sleepy tone.

"Hmmmm, Nah!" Vinyl said playfully. "You ok?" She asked with concern when Allie shook her head vigorously to stay alert.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a bit tired." Allie said sleepily.

"Come on, girl!" Vinyl encouraged her softly. "Only one volley left, then the day is over."

"Don't worry, I can go on for another round or two." Allie bragged in an unsteady tone as she repressed a rather long yawn.

Shining's volley went rather well, he nearly made a perfect score, much to Ponyville's pair's displeasure, but the four last discs of the volley were launched simultaneously and he couldn't reach two of them. He scored eighteen points out of the twenty possible ones that added to his total and gave his team the final score of 190 points.

Allie gulped when she took her place on the shooting line. She had to make nineteen out of twenty for this volley to win. She created twenty marbles with her magic that started to spin around her right arm. She was about to take her stance and signaling the official to go when her vision got blurry a little. She blinked a couple of times but it only made her vision blurrier. She gave herself a small slap on the cheek with her left hand. The slap cleared her vision as she felt more awake. She nodded at the official.

'Come on, Allie! You got this!' She thought to herself as the first disc was in the air. She flicked her thumb. 'That's one!' She thought grinning as she heard the sound of the disc shattering at the impact.

She had done well during this volley, Allie had managed to take down all the sixteen first discs. She exhale softly as the four final discs were sent flying above the field in front of her.

'One at a time.' Allie thought with serenity

Allie flicked her thumb, sending a cyan marble crashing on the first target. She readied her thumb for the next marble before grinning when she heard the satisfying sound of broken clay. She focused her gaze on the second disc. She blinked.

After Allie had blinked, her vision became blurry again.

'Oh no, no, no!' Allie thought in panic as her right hand started to shake.

She shook her head to get her vision clear again. When the world stopped being blur, she noticed that her targets were much more farther than what she had first planned. In a panic, she flicked her thumbs three times, causing her last marbles to fly each toward one of the three remaining discs. She bit her lower lip when they came closer to their targets.

They all missed. Each of her marbles passed barely a inch higher or lower than the flying discs. She put her hands on her forehead, nearly screaming in frustration. She hadn't beaten Shining Armor, she hadn't won the trial. She walked back toward Vinyl who, at her great surprise, was smiling softly at her.

"Why are you smiling?" Allie let out with her head low in defeat. "I didn't win."

"You won the silver medal and Shining Armor beat you by only one point!" Vinyl remarked playfully. "It's still worth a smile and a small celebration."

"You're not upset that I didn't win?" She said slowly.

"You did your best, Allie." Vinyl assured. "You've got nothing to be ashamed of."

"You didn't called me Kiddo." Allie said with wide eyes. "You called me by my first name."

Vinyl nodded. "Yeah, I did say that I would drop that nickname, if you'd show them what you're made off." Vinyl explained. "And I must say that you did great on that."

"Thanks!" Allie said softly as she beamed at her teammate.

"You're welcome......Shorty!" She said with a playful smirk, causing Allie to start groaning in anger and frustration.

Author's Note:

And with that, ends the second day of the games. A small recap for the medals so far.

Flying obstacle course. G: Ponyville, S: Canterlot, B: Stalliongrad
Javelin throw. G: Ponyville S: Las Pegasus B : Cloudsdale.
Swordsmanship G: Ponyville S: Canterlot B: Zebrica
Magic Skeet G: Canterlot S: Ponyville. B: Neigh Orleans

the familial dramas will probably start again in the next chapters....

I hope you liked my magic contest and my Allie way! (it was about time had some screen time :pinkiehappy:)

Stay tuned for what's next.
