• Published 19th Mar 2013
  • 6,904 Views, 797 Comments

Apple Scratch : Onward to the Equestria Games! - Mariacheat-Brony

(Humanized) Ponyville has been chosen to host the most important sporting events in the Country. It's up to the two sisters of the Apple family and their friends to represent their town in the games.

  • ...

Checklist & Clouds

"Mother, Father, how is your evening going?" Rarity asked as she sat next to her parents at Granny Smith's table.

"It's a delight, my dear!" Pearl beamed. "Mrs Smith and her relatives are an excellent company."

"We've heard quite a bunch of stories about Applejack." Magnum chuckled along with the members of the Apple family at the table. "Speaking of the devil, where's she?" He asked gently.

"I don't know actually." Rarity said with a small frown, scanning the area around her looking for her lover. "She went to ask something to Vinyl along with Cloud Kicker and still hasn't come back." She said slowly before shrugging. "Oh, well, she'll come back eventually. Granny Smith, I've been wanting to ask you something." She turned toward the Matriarch of the Apple family.

"What's it, Sugar?" Granny Smith asked with curiosity.

"Why have you invited Cloud Kicker?" Rarity said casually. "Not that it's a bad thing you did, she's rather fun to be with...When she's not exaggerating." She added quickly with a sheepish smile. "I'm just curious about it. This summer, you didn't look like you liked her very much."

"Well, Ah suppose yer in the right about askin' yerself that." Granny conceded. "Let's just say that in the two months she had been on the farm grounds practicing for the games she kinda had grown back on me." The matriarch explained softly. "So, Ah invited her to celebrate with us. After all, she needs someone to celebrate for her."

"Wouldn't her family do it?" Rarity asked genuinely, causing the old woman to sigh with a saddened frown.

Granny Smith checked that everyone at the table wasn't listening to their conversation. Rarity's parents and the others were fully concentrated on trying to listen and understand to Uncle AppleStruddel who spoke in a mix of the Apples traditional southern accent and the Germane tone he had picked up by living there for years. She signaled Rarity to come closer, something the seamstress did immediately.

"Her parents didn't show up." Granny Smith whispered softly. "Ah know that Cloud Kicker invited them to come for the Games, but apparently they decided not to come. They're still in Cloudsdale."

"Why?" Rarity said, a bit shocked by the news. "Their daughter's competing in the most important sportive event in the land. How can they not want to cheer for her?" She asked with incredulity.

"Ah don' kno' why exactly." Granny Smith shook her head softly. "They've sorta been in bad terms with each other since the day Cloud Kicker officially became a member of the Royal Guard. That's all Ah know."

"That's so sad." Rarity sighed.

"Eeyuup!" Granny whispered sadly.

The sad mood didn't last for long, as a bright purple flash from behind the table startled everyone still sitting there. Twilight gasped softly before rubbing her eyes softly as she had teleported just in front of the numerous braziers that lit up the field in which the Apples and their guests were celebrating.

"Wow, it's so bright compared to where I was earlier." Twilight commented in a small pained voice as she blinked profusely in order to get used to the lights from the braziers.

"Twilight! Glad you made it, Dear." Rarity called her friend happily.

"Heya, Rarity! Mr & Mrs Belle! Granny Smith!" Twilight smiled happily as she walked toward the table. "I teleported in front of the house but no one was there. I saw the lights so I came here. It's a nice spot for a night time..." She looked around, finally noticing the number of persons present.".....pic-nic." She said slowly, before turning toward Rarity. "Rarity, you said it was a dinner with the Apple family."

"That's the Apple Family, Twilight!" Granny Smith chuckled as Twilight's eyes widened in surprise and shock.

"...I see....Give me a minute." Twilight said softly, after spacing out a bit, as she pulled her checklist, quill and ink bottle from her purse.

At everyone's surprise and incomprehension, except Rarity and Granny Smith who had been acquainted to Twilight's antics during her stay at the farm, Twilight started to write a few things on her list. After she had done writing on it, she put her checklist in her purse along with her quill and ink bottle. After she bid her hello to the other members of the Apple family she didn't know.

Do your hair Thanks Rarity's book and Fluttershy's help!

Make up : passed

Teleport to Sweet Apple Acres

Say hello to the Apples Will take longer than planned. Estimated time lost for last item on the checklist : 30 - 45 minutes!

After a very long series of introductions to the adult part of the Apple Family and a very delicious apple-ly snack that made it all easier to bear, Twilight decided to follow Rarity toward the part of the fair taking place where all the young'uns, as Granny Smith called them, were partying in the hope of finding their respective lover.

"I really love what you did with your hair, Darling. It's simply gorgeous" Rarity said happily.

"Thanks, Rarity." Twilight answered with a small smile.

"You used the book I gave you?"

"At first..." Twilight let out an embarrassed chuckle. "But, if Fluttershy hadn't come around, I probably would have cut my hair short in a fit of anger. Thanks for letting her know, if you hadn't....Well, you would have had to destroy me for ruining my hair." She joked.

"If you even suggest the very idea, my dear, I'll ask my Applejack to punish you." Rarity giggled playfully.

"Isn't that a bit excessive?" Twilight tried to sound worried but her giggling fit made it really difficult. "You wouldn't dare throw your incredibly strong farmer at me as punishment, I thought I was your friend!" She let out in fake alarmed gasp.

"Friend or not, ruining your hair would be a crime against fashion." Rarity explained, trying to hold back her laugh. "It's not for nothing that Pinkie Pie called me the fashion dictator when we first met her."

"Oh! I had forgotten about that one!" Twilight laughed. "But, since you're the infamous fashion dictator of Canterlot.."

"Please, my dear, of all Equestria, not just Canterlot." Rarity bragged playfully.

"Right," Twilight rolled her eyes with a smile. "Since you're the infamous fashion dictator of all Equestria, how come you don't punish Applejack?"

"Whatever do you mean, Darling?"

"You gotta to admit she got the same fashion sense as Rainbow Dash who thinks that wearing football jersey is very fashionable."

"Uurgh! Don't remind of that, Dear!" Rarity shivered at the memory of a particular event in which Rainbow had stubbornly wanted to wear what she pleased for an incredibly important soirée. " Anyway, to answer your question about Applejack, I don't punish her for her lack of fashion taste for three reasons!"

"Which are?" Twilight asked with curiosity.

"The first and most important one is simply because I love her for who she's, not for her sense of fashion!" Rarity smiled. "Second, I have enough fashion sense for both her and me when it might be necessary." Rarity explained. "And lastly, it's because I can't really punish her."

"Too strong for you to handle?" Twilight giggled.

"There's a reason if Applejack always tops me, Dear." Rarity answered with a wink and a sly grin, earning a growing blush from her friend.

"Twilight, Rarity, here!" Octavia waved at them as she stood outside a circle of loud cheering members of the Apple Family of their age. "Nice hair, Twilight." She commented with smile as her friends came close.

"Thanks, Octavia." Twilight turned her attention at the circle of Apples. "What's going on?"

"Oh, a sort of uncouth traditional game in the Apple family." Octavia shrugged. "Want to see?"

"If it's uncouth as you said, why do you ask us that, darling?" Rarity asked with a puzzled look.

"Because your Apple, my Apple and her guard are partaking in it." Octavia explained pointing successively at Rarity, herself and Twilight.

The three women walked through the crowd of the cheering Apples before coming in sight of the contest that was taking place. Around a large square table, were sitting Applejack, Vinyl, Cloud Kicker, Braeburn and Big Macintosh. In front of each one of them were fifteen large mugs, some were already empty and the others contained what looked like cider.

"Yer gonna lose, Cuzin Applejack." Braeburn called as he drank his tenth mug.

"Eeeyyuuup!" Big Mac nodded before taking his eleventh drink and drinking it one gulp. "Datin' that cultured gal made ya lose yar touch with the drinks!" He said taking his twelfth mug.

Applejack had finished her eleventh drink as Mac was about to take his thirteenth. She wasn't about to lose. She grabbed the four mugs she had left, two in each hands, stood up throwing her head backward and opening her mouth wide. She lifted her mugs above her head and poured her four drinks in her mouth at the same time. Her throat didn't move a bit as four pints of cider were flowing directly into her stomach under the amazed gasp of the audience.

When her mugs were empty, she slammed them vigorously on table with a loud clap, followed by the happy cheers and whistle from the spectators. She crossed her arms and eyed her challengers with a victorious grin, all four of them were looking at her with wide eyes, their arms frozen in the motion of bring their mug to their lips.

"Ain't no one who can outdrink the mighty Applejack, Big Brother!" She bragged happily, before poking repeatedly at her brother's chest. "Don't ya forget it!"

"Oh well, that was supposed to happened." Cloud Kicker shrugged as she finished her drink before turning toward the crowd of Apples. "Come on Apples, bring me my bits!" She shouted happily as numerous of the Apples reluctantly brought her few bags of bits.

"You bet on your own loss?" Vinyl asked with a crooked eyebrow.

"Because you really thought that one of us was actually going to win against that monster you and Mac call your sister?" Cloud Kicker asked back, crooking her eyebrow higher than Vinyl's

"HEY!" Applejack shouted angrily.

"....No, you're right." Vinyl admitted. "She's truly a monster when it comes to drinking, among other things."

"Ah'm standing right here!" Applejack growled. "Ah swear, the next one of y'all who calls me a monster is gonna get it!" She warned.

"Even if it's me?" Rarity playfully asked as she walked behind Applejack.

"Oh, there ya are, Rare!" Applejack said happily, turning her head at her lover before gently pecking her lips.

"Not to be rude, but your breath reeks of cider." Rarity complained with a small wince.

"Oops! Sorry." Applejack scratched the back of her head sheepishly with a soft embarrassed blush. "Fritter, can ya brin' me some grub to get the taste out of ma mouth?"

"Sure thing!" Fritter nodded before going to the kitchen area.

Cloud Kicker was busy counting her winnings, she hadn't really noticed Rarity speak to Applejack, nor she had paid attention to Octavia siting on Vinyl's lap before taking a sip at the one of Vinyl's un-drunk mugs of cider. But, she did hear someone coming behind her. It sounded like hushed footsteps, someone was trying to get close to her by surprise.

She decided to play along, pretending to not have noticed anything in order to take by surprise the one who was sneaking up behind her. It wasn't the first time it happened this evening, Cobbler and Red Gala had been stalking her for most part of the dinner. At first, she found it funny but now, she was growing extremely tired of this. Which was kinda weird, considering the fact that Cloud Kicker had always sorta liked to have fans following her and hoping to get a piece of her. Of course, that was before Twilight came in Cloud Kicker's life.

Now that she had Twilight, Cloud Kicker didn't feel the need to have such attention. She still liked the saucy jokes about it, like her exploit of making both Apples faint with her incredible and mysterious power of sexiness and she still appreciated the fact that people found her attractive. (What kind of person doesn't?) But, she didn't want people to get the wrong idea. When Cloud Kicker said that nothing would happen, nothing happened in the end. And it was about time it got through Cobbler and Gala's skull.

The almost stealthy footsteps came to a stop right behind her seat. From the corner of her eyes, she spotted hands coming her way but with the uneven lights coming from various campfire and braziers, she couldn't make out much about it. She conjured her wings and snapped them open, repelling the hands away with a small surprised yelp, before standing up.

"Ok now, you're seriously gonna stop doing that!" Cloud Kicker nearly shouted as she turned around. "I'm in a serious and very important relationship now, so you'll stop coming into me like ....." She trailed off when she saw who had been trying to sneak up on her.

Twilight was standing a few feet from Cloud Kicker, rubbing her wrists delicately where Cloud Kicker's wings had hit her. Cloud Kicker scanned her from top to bottom, she couldn't help to think Twilight's cloths made her cuter than she already was. Kinda like a schoolgirl in a purple uniform, but not in the erotic way Cloud Kicker had always seen the concept of schoolgirl's uniforms. Not that it couldn't become erotic. After all, it's Cloud Kicker we're talking about!. But on Twilight, it just looked incredibly pretty and adorable. And the beautiful side ponytail she had styled her hair in was a good complementary on that purpose.

Twilight had been a bit shocked by Cloud Kicker snapping her wings open like that. She was about to shout at her for that as she started to rub her wrists which were a bit numb after being hit by the guard's wings. Then, Cloud Kicker started to talk and Twilight's mind went a bit blank at her words. Cloud Kicker viewed her relationship with her as serious and very important. She kept looking at the guard who was scanning her from top to bottom, until their eyes meet.

They stared at each other for a few seconds before they both made steps toward one and another. Twilight passed her arms around Cloud Kicker's neck as the guard held her by her waist before sharing a long and passionate kiss. The Apples, who had watched the scene, gasped in surprise before letting out sharp whistles and cheers at the couple.

"Come on you two, there's plenty of fishes in the ocean." Vinyl chuckled softly to Apple Cobbler and Red Gala who had both sighed in defeat at the romantic scene in front of them.

"Yeah, you're right." Red Gala conceded with a shrug. "I think I need a drink."

"Me too!" Cobbler added before they both went to what the boys had called the 'Booze tent'.

"What's their problem?" Octavia asked with curiosity.

"They aimed for the lone cloud in the sky and their "wings" weren't the ones that could reach it." Vinyl explained in a mysterious and wise tone.

"And now, in a way that everyone can understand." Octavia insisted playfully.

"They wanted a piece of Cloud Kicker's ass, but Twilight conquered it for herself before they could even make a move." Vinyl said bluntly. "Is that clearer?"

"That phrase was more understandable but the first one was a lot more poetic." Octavia chuckled.

Cloud Kicker and Twilight broke the kiss after a few minutes, Twilight was looking fondly at Cloud Kicker while she seemed to be out of breath. Cloud Kicker brushed a rebel strand of purple, indigo and pink hair behind Twilight's left ear, caressing her cheek in passing.

"I was wondering when you're gonna show up." Cloud Kicker whispered.

"Sorry, I got delayed." Twilight said.

"I like what you did to your hair, it's pretty." Cloud Kicker commented softly, taking a glance at the ponytail.

"I would have thought you'd use an other term than that." Twilight let out with a small giggle.

"And what would words do you think I'd use?"

"Something along the line of hot, or sexy."

"As much as you illustrate those terms perfectly, they are for much later." Cloud Kicker cooed before nuzzling Twilight softly.

"Oh, wonderful!" Twilight let out happily, clapping her hands together in a childish manner.

"You're just too cute, you know that?" Cloud Kicker asked playfully.

"Quiet!" Twilight giggled. She levitated her checklist out of her purse and checked one item on it.

"What's that?" Cloud Kicker asked, tilting her head on the left side.

"Just a checklist,...." Twilight explained with a pinch of uneasiness. "...That's what I do, I do checklists."

"Can I take a look?" Cloud Kicker asked with a genuine interest.

"Huh...Sure." Twilight agreed hesitantly.

Cloud Kicker grabbed the checklist with one hand, the other still on Twilight's waist. She let out a small chuckle when she read the title of the list before reading it entirely. She couldn't help but to chuckle at certain items as Twilight had written comments or notes about them. For example the 'do you hair', written next to it was the small phrase : 'Thanks Rarity's book and Fluttershy's help!'. Or the note 'Must go shopping with Rarity, too many identical cloths!!'

"And you always stick to the checklist?"

"Yeah..." Twilight said slowly. "I know it sounds stupid...."

"I don't think it's stupid!" Cloud Kicker interrupted her with sincerity. "I think it's a rather clever thing to do. I do know a lot of my subordinates that would make a good use of something similar."

"You don't find it weird?" Twilight asked with hope.

"What's weird in being organized?" Cloud Kicker asked back with a chuckle, before being hugged fiercely by Twilight.

She raised her hand to pat the dark skinned, purpled hair woman as her eyes fell on the last item Twilight had checked.

Take Cloud Kicker by surprise and kiss her! The surprise failed, but the kiss was perfect!!!

Cloud Kicker sighed happily before giving Twilight's forehead a gentle kiss.

"You're way too adorable for your own good." Cloud Kicker whispered softly.

"Stop it!" Twilight said with vigor and a growing blush.

They broke their embrace as Twilight put her checklist back in her purse. AppleFritter walked toward Twilight when she saw that she wasn't busy with Cloud Kicker anymore.

"Excuse me, Miss." Fritter asked politely.

"Please, call me Twilight." Twilight answered with a smile. "Can I help you?"

"Actually, Ms Twilight, I was going to ask you something similar." Fritter said with a chuckle. "Do you want anything? Food, beverage?"

"Oh, I've already eaten...." Twilight started.

"Hey, you're going to eat something!" Vinyl shouted. "I didn't bust my ass to cook so that there are leftovers!"

"Vinyl, that's very rude!" Octavia chastised.

"...But since Vinyl cooked, I guess I'll just grab a little something. "Twilight said sheepishly as Cloud Kicker and Fritter were laughing softly.

"Damn straight!" Vinyl said with approval. "Fritter, take her to the kitchen tents and don't go easy on the serving."

"Ok, Chief!" Fritter mocked a salute before waiting for Twilight.

"Well, I'll be right back!" Twilight said to the others as she followed AppleFritter toward the kitchen area.

The others went back to their chats as Cloud Kicker looked up dreamily at the clouds in the sky. After a minute or two, she spread her wings at their full span.

"I'm gonna fly around for a bit." Cloud Kicker said casually. "Can you tell Twilight I won't be long?"

"Sure thing, Sugarcube!" Applejack assured.

"Thanks, see you in a bit!"

Cloud Kicker took off with a powerful flap of her wings. She flew in circles as she climbed up to the level of the clouds. She flew around one a couple of times before landing delicately on it. She sat on the edge of the cloud and her gaze lost in the night sky.

"How long do you plan on remaining hidden, Spitfire?" She asked softly, before dissipating a part of the cloud with a flap of her right wing, making a fiery orange haired woman with golden wings come into view.

"Tsss! How did you know I was in there?" Spitfire asked with annoyance as she walked to sit next to Cloud Kicker.

"The shape of the cloud was a bit too unnatural." Cloud Kicker explained.

"Oh right, cloud-shaping magic is one of your specialties." Spitfire face-palmed. "How could I forget that?"

"Well, it's not for nothing if I'm called Cloud Kicker." Cloud Kicker said with a small chuckle. "Anyway, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be celebrating for your team's medals at the hotel?"

Spitfire pondered before letting out slowly. "I came to warn you."


"Shining got an anonymous letter, concerning you..."

"That's no big news." Cloud Kicker softly chuckled.

"...And Twilight Sparkle." Spitfire said as if uninterrupted.

Cloud Kicker remained silent for a brief moment. "Did the captain send you here, Spitfire?" She asked quietly.

Spitfire was a bit shocked at the volume of Cloud Kicker's voice. It was lower than every time she had heard it before.

"No, he didn't." Spitfire answered. Cloud Kicker let out a relieved sigh. "He wanted to come and ask you about it though! He left the party without telling anyone where he was going. His wife send me to look for him and he explained to me why was he coming to this farm."

"Should I expect his visit, then?"

"No, I convinced him to not come here."

"How?" Cloud Kicker asked with surprise. "When it's about his sister, Shining doesn't think straight!"

"I....had to argue with him."

"You? What did he do to make you want to argue with him?"

"Nothing, he was just being a dumb overprotective brother so......"

"Bullshit, Spitfire!" Cloud Kicker snapped. "What did he do?"

"Don't talk to me like that, Lieutenant Kicker!" Spitfire said angrily.

"You're not my instructor anymore, nor my superior! I'll talk to you the way I want to, Lieutenant Maverick!" Cloud Kicker glared at her.

They glared at each other for a few minutes, before Spitfire sighed in defeat.

"Fine, I'll tell you what happened..." Spitfire explained to her how she had convinced Shining to not come after Cloud Kicker and what was the trigger of the all argument between him and Spitfire.

"HE DID WHAT?" Cloud Kicker shouted.

"Kicker, it's fine!"

"No, it isn't!"

"Cloud Kicker, I said it's fine!" Spitfire insisted.

"Allright, do as you want!" Cloud Kicker said.

"Back to you, you know who could have sent that letter to the captain?" Spitfire asked.

"I have a small idea about it." Cloud Kicker said, remembering a particularly bad moment of today's trial." Gilda Skytalon from Cloudsdale team!"

"The one you beat in the semi-final?"

"Yeah. During the match, she asked me to give up or she'd squeal on me to the boss about Twilight."

"Tsss. That bitch!" Spitfire spat venomously. "I think Rainbow suspended her from the Games roster for her attitude during your match."

"Good riddance!"

"Still, be careful!" Spitfire warned. "Shining might not be a problem anymore but his wife still doesn't appreciate you very much."

"Thanks for the warning!"

"I have to ask..." Spitfire said slowly. "What you have with Twilight...It's just for fun like you always do?"

Cloud Kicker narrowed her eyes at the wonderbolt. "No!"

"Really? That's hard to believe."

"You better believe it, because it's happening. I changed, Spitfire!...No, scratch that! She changed me!" Cloud Kicker said slowly. "And, I like that change. I'm serious about her and me." She said with conviction.

"What do you know? The bachelorette extraodrinaire, Cloud Kicker, finally found someone she's willing to stay with!" Spitfire said with a small playful smirk.

"Yeah, well! Everything can happen in this crazy world we're living in." Cloud Kicker chuckled. "Thanks for warning me, Spitfire. That's two times I owe you!" She said more seriously.


"Gilda did say that you covered me last night!"

"She doesn't know how to shut up, does she?" Spitfire said, rolling her eyes.

"I think she learned the lesson, now." Cloud Kicker smirked. "I had a very striking argument after all."

"Kinda." Spitfire conceded with a small chuckle. "Anyway, my work here's done." She added before hovering slowly above the cloud. "Stay safe, Kicker."

"Spitfire...." Cloud Kicker said slowly. "..I'm sorry for what happened...You know, years ago!"

Spitfire faced her before sighing. "You already apologized for that, Cloud Kicker." She said with a sad tone.

"I know," Cloud Kicker whispered. "But I also know you still haven't forgiven me."

"......Goodnight, Cloud Kicker." Spitfire let out after a small silence before flying away. "Good luck with Twilight!"

"'Night, Spitfire." Cloud Kicker said slowly before flying back to the party down below.

"Ok....'Going to Cloud Kicker's place'...Check!" Twilight said happily as she and Cloud Kicker entered in the latter's apartment.

"What have you got left on that checklist of yours?" Cloud Kicker chuckled as she locked the door behind them.

"Only one item!" Twilight said. "But, it's the most important! Have a look." Twilight said with a small blush, extending the checklist to Cloud Kicker who read the last item on it.

"I kinda agree about your statement." Cloud Kicker said with a smile. "Do you mind if I change something on your list?"

"Not really, but what do you want to do?" She asked with curiosity before passing the quill to Cloud Kicker.

"You'll see..." Cloud Kicker scribbled something quickly on the checklist before showing it to Twilight.

Twilight choked a bit, trying to hold back happy tears, after reading what Cloud Kicker had written. She threw the checklist on the ground and hugged Cloud Kicker so vigorously that the guard had to acknowledge the possibility that lifting books all day long could count as a working out exercise.

"I didn't think you'd want to make the distinction." Twilight sobbed softly on Cloud Kicker's chest.

"Before you, I wouldn't..." Cloud Kicker said slowly as she hugged Twilight back. "But now, what I want for you,...for us, is that it has nothing to do with what I did in the past."

Twilight kissed Cloud Kicker with an ardent passion that was quite similar to the one the guard felt this morning when Twilight said she loved her. Cloud Kicker lifted her paramour from the ground. Twilight passed her legs around Cloud Kicker's waist as the guard carried her toward the bedroom, leaving the apartment's living room with an abandoned checklist on the ground.

The last item on Twilight's checklist was the one she wanted to have more time for, for it was the idea behind the checklist itself. Twilight had written "Cloud Kicker's reward : intense and long banging session as Cloud Kicker would say." But Cloud Kicker had crossed the word 'banging' when she wrote something on the checklist. She wrote two words, two words that marked the difference for her. The difference between her former lifestyle and her new one. Instead of banging, she wrote down the following words :

'Love making'

Author's Note:

And here we go....( and this time, without the time loop/copy paste incident! :derpytongue2:)

The end might not make sense to everyone, but to me there's a difference in the choice of words.:raritystarry:

I just realized that I kinda left the Manehattenites unattended....Time to fix this!

I hope you enjoyed it.

Stay tuned for what's next.
