• Published 19th Mar 2013
  • 6,906 Views, 797 Comments

Apple Scratch : Onward to the Equestria Games! - Mariacheat-Brony

(Humanized) Ponyville has been chosen to host the most important sporting events in the Country. It's up to the two sisters of the Apple family and their friends to represent their town in the games.

  • ...

Dinner at Sweet Apple Acres

"That's how this second day of the Equestria Games ends!" Pinkie Pie said happily in her megaphone to the crowd which was applauding fiercely the newly medalists. "Let's now all go home to rest or to throw a party to celebrate! I don't know about you, but I'm going to PARTAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy....." She said uneasily as she heard delicate footsteps behind her.

She turned around, her megaphone still in her hand, to face a stern looking Princess Celestia. The monarch who just had given the medals for the magic skeet was tapping her right foot impatiently. Pinkie Pie gulped with an awkward chuckle, before bringing her megaphone to her mouth.

"Or not, since I promised the Princess that I will only partay for the ending ceremony." Pinkie explained. "Have a good evening and meet me back tomorrow!" She added before putting away her megaphone. "Better?" She asked with a pinch of worry to the monarch who simply nodded with a good natured smile.

In the Princesses' box, Cadence had convinced Twilight on going back to the Hotel with her to prepare a small get together to celebrate the two medals Canterlot had won today. Twilight had reluctantly agreed to her sister-in-law's demand, she knew she couldn't stay mad at her brother much longer than she already had been. But, it did annoy her because it messed up the reward she had been planning for Cloud Kicker. She had to think this through to get a solution. Fortunately, Twilight was a good thinker, she'll get her solution in the neck of time.

After Twilight, Cadence, Fluttershy and Luna left to the Hotel, Rarity and Octavia were slowly wandering around the Coliseum's numerous alleys and corridors toward the Ponyville's locker room. Their walk was going peacefully until it was interrupted by a high-pitched shout directed at them, accompanied by fast running footsteps.

"Rarity, Octavia, wait!" The voice, which they both recognized as Rarity's sister's, shouted at them.

"Hello, Sweetie!" Rarity said fondly as she caught her little sister, who had been running toward them, into an affectionate hug. "Did you enjoyed today's games?"

"Yeah, it was so much fun!" Sweetie said excitedly. "Except that Mom didn't let me watch the swords tournament." She added with a saddened pout.

"Of course!" An older feminine voice said. "I don't want my daughter to be exposed to such ruffian behavior!" The woman said softly.

Rarity and Octavia looked up toward the voice and saw a couple making its way toward them. The man was in his late forties, he had the remains of a strong musculature that was slightly overtaken by a very small paunch, half long brown hair, and a large and brushy mustache. At his side was a woman in her early forties, with long two toned purple hair styled in a old fashioned, yet very elegant, bun. She could have been the perfect copy of Rarity, if not for the fact she looked a bit older than the Council member and that her eyes were of lighter shade of blue.

"That's quite normal, Mrs Belle!" Octavia nodded politely. "It's not really a show for sweet little girl like her."

"Absolutely!" Rarity insisted vigorously.

"See?! I told you the girls would agree with me." Rarity's mother said with a triumphant smile to her husband who just groaned in response. "Oh, and Octavia dear. Stop calling me Mrs Belle!" She added with a more goodnatured smile to the cellist. "You're practically family, I told you already to call me Pearl!"

"Allright, Pearl. I'll do that." Octavia giggled softly.

"Anyway, where were you girls heading?" Rarity's father asked.

He looked at one of the signs on the walls and noted that the one pointing at where the girls were heading before Sweetie interrupted them. It said "Locker Rooms".

"Never mind! I got my answer." He added with a wink at his daughter and her friend. "You can't stay away from those Ponyvillians for too long, can you?" He asked with a rather loud laugh, causing Octavia and his older daughter to blush intensely.

"Magnum, don't bother them like that." Pearl chastised him playfully.

"I don't get it." Sweetie Belle said with confusion.

"It's nothing, Sweetie. Just one of Father's bad jokes." Rarity tried to say nonchalantly.

"My jokes aren't that bad." Magnum chuckled.

"Dear, they are really bad." Pearl assured. "Anyway, do you mind if we join you?"

"Why?" Rarity asked with a puzzled frown.

"Well, you and Sweetie kept on saying how nice and amazing this Applejack is." Pearl explained. "It can't be helped if we get curious about her and want to meet her."

"That nickname sure bothers me." Magnum chimed in slowly. "I always got the impression it's a boy we're talking about."

"Well, she acts like one most of the time." Sweetie remarked, causing Octavia to start laughing while Rarity got offended.

"Sweetie Belle! That's not a very nice thing to say." Rarity chastised her sister. "Applejack can be very feminine when she wants to be."She said with conviction, before turning toward her friend. "Octavia, will you stop laughing?" Octavia responded by shaking her head vigorously, still laughing.

"Darn tootin', she can." An elderly voice with a southern accent chimed in playfully. "Too bad we only found out when ya came into to picture, Rarity!" The voice chuckled.

"Granny Smith!" Rarity said with a smile as she turned her head toward the voice and saw the matriarch of the Apple family walking toward them softly. "What a pleasant surprise."

"Good to see you, Granny Smith." Octavia smiled, having finally stopped laughing.

"Good to see y'all as well!" Granny said softly. She noted the small bandaid on Octavia's cheek. "Good Grady, girl! What happened to ya?" She asked with concern, before grabbing Octavia's chin to inspect the bruise carefully.

"Oh! It's nothing, Granny Smith." Octavia said with a pinch of uneasiness. "I...I fell from the bed this morning and ....my cheek bumped into the corner of the night stand." She tried to sound convincing.

"Mhmmm." Granny said with narrowed eyes.

'She's not buying it....' Octavia thought with worry.

"Ah bet ma Vinyl kept hoggin' all the bed and that's why ya fell, ain't it?" Granny let out with her small chuckle, but her eyes told Octavia that the elder woman was thinking something entirely different.

"Yeah, that's what happened." Octavia chuckled awkwardly, jumping in the way-out Granny Smith had provided her.

"Anyway." Granny said before turning toward the other members of the Belle family. "Ah suppose y'all must be Rarity's parents." She bowed as far as she could. "Arabella Smith, pleased to meet ya, ...." She started with very polite tone. "Ah don't rightly know what their titles are, do ya mind giving me a hint for that, Rarity?" She whispered at the seamstress.

"No need for all that decorum, Mrs Smith." Magnum said with a smile. "Magnum Belle, and this is my wife, Pearl. Pleased to meet you." He said before extending his hand toward the elder woman who shook it vigorously for a woman of her age. "Wow, you sure got a strong grip, Mrs Smith." Magnum added with an impressed tone.

"Well, rumor has it that there ain't no weaklin' in the Apple Family." Granny chuckled before shaking hands with Rarity's mother, a bit more gently than with her Father.

"Say Granny Smith," Rarity said softly. "Why are you here?" She asked with genuine curiosity.

"Ah was lookin' the two of ya actually." Granny Smith explained. "We're going to celebrate Applejack's first medal at Sweet Apple Acres and Ah wanted to invite ya." She turned toward Rarity's family. "Y'all are welcome to join us if y'all don't have anything planned already."

"I'll come with pleasure, Granny Smith." Octavia smiled.

"What a lovely idea!" Pearl nodded with a smile. "We've been looking forward to meet your granddaughter and your family for a few days, now." Her husband nodded his approval.

"I suppose it's two birds, one stroke then!" Rarity giggled.

"Ah'll be, Ah came at the perfect time, didn't Ah?" Granny Smith beamed. "Well, meet us back at the Acres in two hours."

"We'll go warn Applejack and Vinyl about it." Octavia suggested, walking toward the locker room with Rarity in tow only to be interrupted by Granny Smith.

"No need for that, dears!" Granny said softly. "Ah already sent Macintosh and a few of their cuzins to convince them about this dinner."

"Convince them?" Rarity and Octavia asked with a crooked eyebrow.

"Ah meant warn them about it." Granny quickly said. "It ain't like they need convincin'!" She added with a sheepish and awkward chuckle.

A few corridors and a couple of floors downer in Ponyville's locker room, the Ponyville team had already evacuated the Coliseum. Well, Most of the team did get that chance.

"Ah swear to every God there is in this here world, Braeburn. " Applejack growled threat-fully as she was lying on the floor, her cousin straddling on top of her and holding her arms tied up behind her back. "Ya have exactly five seconds to get off ma back before Ah kick yar sorry ass into the next generation!"

"BIG MAC!" Braeburn panted loudly. "Brin' the rope, Ah got her!"

"EEEYUUUP!" Big Mac said, before tying his younger sister up with the help of his cousin.

"Big Mac, you slimy, back-stabbing traitor!" Vinyl shouted from the other side of the room.

She was struggling against three of her female cousins who tried to get a grip on her. Her right hand covering one's face and pushing her away, while she was trying to repulse another with her left leg. The third tried to contain her by grabbing her by the waist, accidentally brushing one of Vinyl's ticklish spots. Vinyl gasped loudly, before activating her magic instinctively to send her tickler cousin flying against one of the locker with a loud bang.

Every Apples in the room froze in shock, watching their potentially injured cousin.

"Oh my gosh! Fritter, I'm so sorry!" Vinyl apologized with evident concern. "I didn't mean to...Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm good." Applefritter groaned, shaking her head vigorously to gather her thoughts. Her long green pigtails whipping her face as she did so, before she stood up.

"Thanks Epona for..." Vinyl started with relief before being tackled to the ground by Applefritter.

"I caught her by surprise!" The tackling cousin yelled at the other two. "Get her, girls!"

"Why you double-dealing scoundrel!" Vinyl snarled in anger before being pinned down by the others.

"Gala, not that I mind the show." Cloud Kicker said matter-of-factly. "But I was wondering. Why am I tied up again?" She asked trying to look up from the ground at one of the Apples next to her.

Two of the Apple cousins, Red Gala and Apple Cobbler, had tied her up instantly when Vinyl and Applejack started to resist at Granny Smith's dinner invitation.

"Oh, because Granny Smith asked we invite you as well." Cobbler explained casually. "After all, we have to celebrate your medal as well." She added with a smile.

"Why didn't you attack Allie, then?" Cloud Kicker asked with a lifted eyebrow.

"Well, she said she was going to celebrate with her family, so we let her go." Gala explained.

"And, you both assumed that I wouldn't do that as well?"

"Eeeyyuup!" They said in unison.

"I don't know if I should be insulted by that remark or scared about the fact you know me that much without having seen me a lot." Cloud Kicker pondered. "Anyway, you could have just asked instead of tying me up when those two reacted badly." She pointed Applejack and Vinyl with a shake of her head, the only free part of her body. "I'm not foolish enough to turn down Granny Smith's cooking."

"You mean you'd have accepted our invitation just like that?" Gala asked.

"If I say yes, you'd untie me?" Cloud Kicker asked back.

"Noope! It's more fun that way." Cobbler giggled.

"Ok. While I admit there are some occasions when I liked being restrained like that, it's not really one of those moments right now!" Cloud Kicker said slowly. "VINYL! AJ!" She shouted at her teammates.

"WHAT?!" They both answered.

"How about we show your relatives why exactly WE are Ponyville's top three?"

"That there's a mighty good idea, CK!" Applejack answered.

"I like the sound of that suggestion, Kicker!" Vinyl let out in a muffled groan.

Applejack took a deep breath before opening her arms vigorously, snapping the rope that held her tied up, much to Braeburn and Big Macintosh's surprise. She push her hands on the floor to stand up, making Braeburn fall from her back. Big Mac tried to push her back to the ground, only to be overpowered by his little sister's strength.

Vinyl summoned her magic to lift all her three cousins off her. She summoned small strings of her magic that surrounded her kins before entering in contact with their skin. The strings started to vibrate and move along their bodies to find their ticklish spots. Vinyl grinned malevolently when the three of them started to giggle madly from the tickling.

Cloud Kicker shook her shoulders a bit, before the rope tying her up came loose and stood up, the rope still in her hands. She faced Gala and Cobbler whose eyes grew wide in surprise.

"How did you...." Gala said.

"There isn't any knot that Cloud Kicker can't undone." Cloud Kicker bragged with a coy smirk. "Applejack might tie up bulls like no one, but I have a certain talent in tying up naughty girls like you two." She added threat-fully.

"Oh my..." Cobbler and Gala said with a growing blush.

Cloud Kicker blinked. "You know nothing else is going to happen, right?"

"Aaaawwww!" They both sighed in disappointment.

Applejack repelled Big Mac and Braeburn toward the door as Vinyl levitated their giggling cousins on top of them before letting them fall on the boys of the Apple Family. They both heard the sound of a pulled rope followed by two eager moans. They turned around and their faces froze when they saw Cobbler and Gala tied up in rather saucy positions with an intense blush on their faces. They couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or excitement, and they didn't really want to know.

"And that's how it's done!" Cloud Kicker said playfully, rubbing her hands together victoriously as she walked toward her teammates.

"Was that necess....Actually, forget it!" Vinyl shrugged before looking everywhere but at her tied up cousins.

"....Bumpkin, call the others. We sure as sugar gonna need help." Big Mac groaned as he stood up along with the others.

Bumpkin dashed to the door that she opened before whistling loudly with her fingers. Soon after, she came back in followed by numerous other members of the Apple family. They all started to encircle the three athletes, who stood back to back with each other, holding various lassos in their hands. In the mean time, one of the Apples was trying to untie Cobbler and Gala, without much success. Cloud Kicker sure knew how to make tough knots.

"You know," Cloud Kicker said slowly. "I sorta always knew I would die in a massive bondage session with the Apple family." She said in all seriousness. Vinyl face palmed while Applejack rolled her eyes groaning.

"Another weird, old dream of yours?" Vinyl asked sarcastically.

"Actually, yes." Cloud Kicker nodded, as the circle of Apples came closer. "Except you two were leading them in my dream."

"Have ya ever had a normal dream in yer life, CK?" Applejack asked with a frown.

"When I was very little, but I don't remember much of it so I'm not really sure." Cloud Kicker pondered. "And if it's any indications, for the last two months I've only been dreaming about Twilight."

"That's a sort of improvement." Vinyl conceded.

"Gals, please shut up!" Applejack sighed.

"GET THEM!" Big Macintosh shouted before he and all the other Apples launched themselves toward the athletes trio.

"Father, please." Rarity asked pleadingly. "Take that thing off!"

"Rarity, you said the dress code for this dinner was casual and relaxed." Magnum said softly. "And I think my outfit is pretty casual and relaxed."

The Belle family and Octavia were sitting in a carriage on its way to Sweet Apple Acres. During all the journey, Rarity had been nagging her father to take off the stupid, unfashionable, overly rustic, worn out, ugly mishmash of straw that Magnum used as a hat. Sweetie Belle was completely ignoring her sister's rant at her father as she was looking at the window to see how far they were from the farm house. Octavia and Pearl were doing their best to not laugh at Rarity's lost cause.

"Father, that hat is just ......." Rarity groaned in frustration.

"I'm confortable with it, so I'm keeping it." Magnum shrugged with determination.

"Hey, look! We're here." Sweetie Belle said excitedly as the carriage came to a stop at the farm entrance.

"Ah'm on it, Caramel!" A southern accented voice said. "No need for ya to get down."

Rarity's sour mood, caused by her father's poor sense of fashion, vanished instantly when she recognized the voice outside. When the door opened, Sweetie Belle rushed outside to bump into Applejack who didn't even blink at the young girl's charge.

"Howdy, Sweetie!" Applejack smiled. "Ya in a rush?" She asked jokingly.

"Hi, Applejack." Sweetie beamed. "Do you know where are Applebloom and the others?"

"Probably at AB's club house." Applejack answered. "Do ya remember where it is?"

"Huh.... Not sure about how to get there." Sweetie said with an embarrassed frown.

"Don' ya worry, Sweetie." Applejack said with a smile before whistling sharply. "Winona! Come here!" With a happy bark, the collie of the Apple family ran toward her mistress. "Winona'll show ya the way, Sugar." Applejack explained softly. "Winona, lead Sweetie Belle to the clubhouse!"

Winona barked softly before walking toward a part of the orchard in which the clubhouse was, stopping every few meters to make sure Sweetie Belle was indeed following her.

"It still amazes me how clever that dog is." Octavia remarked as she stepped down the carriage.

"Well, Ah did train her good!" Applejack said with pride.

"That indeed you did." Rarity said, stepping down behind Octavia. She stopped right in front of Applejack. "Good evening, Sugarcube." She added fondly.

"Good evenin', Darlin'." Applejack said amorously before gently kissing Rarity.

"Awww, that's so sweet." Pearl said softly as she saw her daughter and her lover.

"Who are ya?" Applejack asked with honest curiosity after breaking the kiss with Rarity.

"Your grandmother didn't tell you?" Rarity asked with surprise.

"Tell me what?" Applejack asked with a puzzled expression.

"That my parents were coming as well."

Applejack's mind and face went blank at that remark. Her stun lasted for a few seconds, then she wondered why Granny didn't tell that specific and important information. Then it dawned to her, it was as obvious as caramel on a candy apple. Granny got back at her for her and Vinyl's behavior in the locker room.

"Applejack, are you alright?" Rarity asked with concern.

"Huh? Oh, yeah! Ah'm fine." Applejack said slowly. "Just realized something, that's all."

"So, you're the famous Applejack." Magnum said slowly, with the glare of an overprotective father. "The one who's been courting my daughter." He added with an icy tone that surprised both his wife and daughter.

"Ah reckon Ah am." Applejack said with assertiveness, glaring back at Rarity's father. "Got a problem with that?"

"....You sure got guts." Magnum muttered, his expression softening quickly. "I was just checking that you weren't some sort of scaredy cat, like every other suitors that I met in the past."

"I never introduced you to any suitors before, Father." Rarity said with a puzzled look.

"I know, that didn't stop them from coming to me to ask for you." He explained with a shrug. "But, I must say that Applejack here is the first one to ever stood up to me like that." Magnum said, with an impressed and proud tone.

"Ah had to stood up to ma Grandmother for Rarity." Applejack said slowly, not without a growing smile. "Ain't nothing that could scare me after that."

"HAHA! I can relate to that." Magnum chuckled. "Magnum Belle." He said extending his hand at Applejack.

"Jacquelyn Apple. But Ah prefer to go by ma nickname, Applejack." Applejack said before shaking his hand vigorously.

"Woh, easy there!" He chuckled with a small wince. "I still need my hand."

"Oops, sorry." Applejack quickly said with an apologetic tone. "Ah don' kno' ma own strength sometimes.

"Geez, do all the women in your family have such a grip?" Magnum asked playfully.

"Anyway," Pearl chimed in. "I'm Rarity's mother, Pearl Belle. Please to meet you."

"A pleasure makin' your acquaintance, Mrs Belle." Applejack shook hand with her, with a lot more delicateness than before. "Ah must say that now, Ah know where Rarity got her looks from." She added playfully.

"Oh my, such a flatterer." Pearl said softly.

"It ain't flattery. It's the honest truth, like everythin' Ah say." Applejack assured. "Anyway, let's go. The others are probably waiting."

Applejack walked toward the nearby hill, the Belles and Octavia in tow. While they were walking, Rarity scooted close to her lover, entwining her arm around Applejack's.

"You did good, Applejack." She whispered softly before pecking the farmer on the cheek.

"Not that Ah mind the praise an' the kiss, but what exactly did ah do?"

"Nothing, you just remained true to yourself and my parents loved it." She beamed before snuggling Applejack.

"Say, Applejack. Where's Vinyl?" Octavia asked.

"Oh, She's sorta grounded, so she's to supervise the cooking tonight." Applejack explained. "Technically, Ah should be grounded too, but since it's for me that this dinner's about, Ah got excused."

"Grounded? What did you do?" Rarity asked with curiosity.

"Well, when Big Mac and the others told us about that dinner." Applejack explained slowly, with a light ashamed look on her face. "Vinyl and Ah didn't take it very well that they had invited ya two. They had to hogtie the two of us along with Cloud Kicker."

Rarity's expression fell when she heard what Applejack had said. The same could be said about Octavia. Applejack sensed Rarity slowly letting go of her arm. She quickly grabbed her lover's hand to give it soft reassuring rubs.

"It ain't like that, Sugarcube." Applejack whispered softly. "We just didn't want the both of ya to be overwhelmed with a dinner with our family."

"Why would we be overwhelmed at a dinner with your family, Applejack?" Rarity asked with incredulity. "It's not the first time, we eat with them, you know."

"Y'all see in a minute." Applejack said as they came closer to the hill top, much to Rarity and Octavia's incomprehension.

"Excuse me, Applejack." Pearl said politely. "We're not going to your house?" She asked with curiosity, pointing at the house on the other side of the hill.

"Not really, Mrs Belle." Applejack replied. "We don' have enough place in the house."

"What do you mean?" Octavia asked. "A week ago, we could easily eat with all your cousins plus the girls. It's the same number of guests than that day."

"Not really, Octavia." Applejack chuckled. She stopped at the hill top, waving in front of her. "When Granny says a celebration dinner with our family. She means with ALL the Apple Family."

Octavia, Rarity and her parents looked down the hill and gasped. There wasn't a large picnic table, like some of them had thought. What was happening down there was a full size fair with more than a hundred guests. There were large tents that sheltered caskets and barrel of beverages, numerous tables disposed in the form of a U, numerous cooking fires on top of which were put various cauldrons and pots with soups, stews, frying oil and so on.

"I...must give it to you, Darling." Rarity said softly to Applejack. "It's a tad overwhelming." Octavia simply nodded her approval.

"Told ya." Applejack sighed with a small chuckle.

"Woh, you sure have a big family!" Magnum commented, an awestruck expression on his face.

"Eeeeyyyuuup." Applejack nodded. "And now, Ah have to introduce y'all to every single one of them. Ain't that great?" Applejack said with a smile that was completely genuine but that the others couldn't help to think it was the most evil thing they have ever seen.

After an incredibly long series of introductions, punctuated by an occasional glass of fresh cider here and there provided by one of the Apples, Octavia walked to the kitchen tents in order to find out where Vinyl was.

"Excuse me, ...Fritter?" She asked hesitantly a green haired Apple with pigtails who was busy chopping a cooked steak.

"Eeeyup, that's me." Fritter nodded happily. "What can I do you for, Ms Octavia?"

"Well, I was wondering where I could find Vi...."

"FRITTER! Enough chit chat!" Vinyl shouted from afar. "Dice that steak and bring it to Aunt AppleSauce! Extra minced, remember that Aunt AppleSauce can't eat if it isn't minced correctly!"

"Yes, Vinyl! Right away!" Fritter shouted back before mincing the steak again. "You know where she's now." She added with a wink at Octavia.

"Kinda." Octavia giggled softly. "Thanks anyway." She said as she walked toward where she had heard Vinyl's shouting.

In the following seconds, her lover came into view and Octavia blinked at her outfit. Vinyl was wearing a long, white chef's hat with the mention, "Apple Family Reunion : Chief Cook", and a matching white apron with the following inscription, "Apples Wub the Cook". Vinyl didn't see Octavia as she was busy levitating five frying pans on top of five cooking fire. She was sautéing the contents of the five pans simultaneously. Octavia couldn't not be impressed.

"OOOkkayy, Goldie!" Vinyl called one of her cousins. "Take this and make it into four plates!" She explained as she passed the frying pan at her extreme right to her cousin. "Then bring it to Uncle Apple Strudel, Aunt Apple Rose, Pink Lady and Fiddlesticks."

"On it, Chief!" Golden Delicious said with a mocked salute before doing as instructed.

"Peachy! Divide this into six plates and bring it to the Oranges and to Braeburn's father and sisters!" Vinyl ordered, passing a pan from her left to a brown haired woman.

"Sure thing, Vinyl!"

"Half Baked, C.A., Turnip! Take those and make twelve, no, thirteen portions out of it and take them to the kids at Lil' Bloom's clubhouse!" Vinyl passed two pans to three of her relatives.

"EEEEYYYYUUUP!" The three of them responded simultaneously.

"And THAT!" Vinyl designated the last and largest pan she had been cooking. "is for all of you in the cooking team! Bon Appetit! As they say in Prance!" Vinyl chuckled after having put the large pan on a counter-table nearby.

"YEAH!" The cooking team shouted happily before digging in voraciously.

Vinyl exhaled slowly as she took her chef's hat off and wiped her brow.

"So, you are athletic, smart, very cultured and good-looking. You can compose beautiful music, play lots of instruments traditionally or by magic, tell stories, defend yourself. You can cook and direct a kitchen staff better than an actual high class restaurant's chef." Octavia enumerated slowly with a chuckle. "Is there anything you can't do, Vinyl?"

"If you must know, Octavia." Vinyl answered, turning around toward her lover with a smile. "I can't do laundry, I somehow always manage to ruin clothes when I try. I'm a real danger when I hold a hammer in my hand. I truly hate mathematics. And one last thing." She added before pulling Octavia into a tight embrace.

"Which is?"

"I can't stop loving you, not even for a single second." Vinyl whispered softly as she nuzzled Octavia's right cheek.

"Hmmm!" Octavia moaned silently with a small blush on her face. "I should add sweet talker to the list of your descriptives."

"I prefer the term, insanely in love with you." Vinyl cooed, pecking Octavia's lips.

"It does sound better." Octavia admitted before pulling Vinyl's head closer to kiss her passionately causing her chef's hat to drop on the floor.

"Woooo, you can feel the love all the way here." Fritter whistled.

"They're so cute." Peachy sighed dreamily, completely forgetting her plate and letting her fork drop on it with a small clang.

"I must say that Vinyl got quite a nice catch with Ms Octavia." Caramel Apple said with a soft chuckle.

"Hey, want to know what I say?" Vinyl asked her three cousins.

"What?" They asked in unison.

"Eyes on your food or get back to work!" Vinyl shouted with authority, causing her cousins to start focussing on their plates again. "Now, where were we again?" She asked Octavia seductively who just kissed her again.

"Ya okay with everything, Kicker?" Applejack asked, as she was sitting at the honor table with her friend and Rarity. Rarity's parents were busy chatting with Granny Smith and some of the older members of the Apple Family. "Ya look a bit sad."

"Not really sad." Cloud Kicker shrugged. "I've just been ...hoping that Twilight would come as well." She said hesitantly.

"D'awww. Isn't that just cute?" Rarity giggled.

"AJ, control your girlfriend, will you?" Cloud Kicker chuckled, with a small blush appearing on her cheeks. "I don't do cute."

"Ya can't keep control on Rarity, Kicker. Sorry." Applejack said in a genuine apologetic tone. "She's a creative, her mind can't be restrained in any way." Applejack explained. "Part of the reasons Ah love her."

"Aww, thank you, Applejack." Rarity beamed. "Anyway, don't worry about Twilight, Darling." Rarity said to Cloud Kicker. "When she heard you'd be at Sweet Apple Acres, she said she'll do what she can to slip away from Shining's party to come here."

"Really?" Cloud Kicker asked hopefully.

"She even Pinkiepromised that she'll see you tonight, no matter what." Rarity assured.

"That's awesome!" Cloud Kicker said happily. "Only one thing left to do. AJ?"


"Could you please tell Cobbler and Red Gala to stop stalking me like that?" She added pointing an apple tree behind her. "They've been at it since we arrived."

"I don't see anything." Rarity said with confusion as she looked at the pointed tree.

"Beside, it's kinda yer fault." Applejack reprimanded.

"How was I supposed to know that those two cousins of yours that tried to tie me up had a rope fetish?" Cloud Kicker said defensively.

"They were both perfectly normal before comin' close to ya." Applejack deadpanned her. "Ya just had to do yer sexy magic thingy, hadn't ya?"

"Her what?" Rarity asked with a crooked eyebrow.

"Hey! It's a real burden to be as attractive as I am!" Cloud Kicker said vigorously. "If I don't control it, I'd make everyone around me faint."

"That there is just a bunch of stupidities!"

"No offense, Cloud Kicker. But you're not that good looking." Rarity commented slowly.

"Well, you only say that because you got exposed to that sexy piece of meat beforehand." Cloud Kicker shrugged pointing at Applejack.

"That's even more stupid." Applejack scoffed.

"..." Rarity opted for not saying anything and taking a small sip of her glass, letting her lover and Cloud Kicker bicker about the guard's pretended ability. Well, I must admit that when I first saw Applejack without her shirt... Rarity thought absentmindedly. It is kinda true that Applejack is incredibly good-looking...

"You want an umpteenth proof of it, Applejack?" Cloud Kicker snapped. "Fine by me, but don't go complain afterwards."

She rose from her chair and faced the tree she had been pointing at earlier. The tree looked perfectly normal. Cloud Kicker took her jacket off and stroke an incredibly sensual pose. Applejack was about to roll her eyes while Rarity watched the scene with a skeptical frown. To them, it was a indeed a bit sensual, but nothing too much.

Two excited squeals came from the tree, before Applejack and Rarity's eyes widened in shock when they saw Cobbler and Gala falling from the tree. They both bore delighted expressions on their face. Apparently they had fainted from their over-exposition to Cloud Kicker's sexiness, according to Cloud Kicker at least.

"So, you believe me now?" Cloud Kicker asked as she sat back at her chair.

"Well, it's either that or these two are easily impressionable." Applejack admitted slowly.

"Let's cut the pie in two and say it's a bit of both." Cloud Kicker suggested.

"Deal!" Applejack said. "But, put yer jacket back on, Ah don' want any other incident."

"Deal!" Cloud Kicker nodded.

At the hotel restaurant, Pinkie had organized a great party for the Canterlot team. The hotel staff was a bit skeptical about the party at first, but it had dragged a lot of costumers that seemed to enjoyed the atmosphere, so they didn't mind it much. Shining Armor was enjoying the party with his wife until he noticed something.

"Where's Twily?" He asked genuinely.

"Oh, she went to sleep already." Cadence explained. "She said she was a bit tired."

"Ok......You think she's still mad at me?" He asked with concern.

"To be honest with you. If I had been in her place, I'd still be mad at you."

"Well, that makes me feel better." Shining groaned.

"Hey, now. Don't be upset." Cadence said softly. "After a good night of sleep, things will be back to normal. As long as you don't do that again." She added with a chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah." Shining said bitterly.

"Come on, I'll go and get you another glass of wine." Cadence kissed his cheek, before going to the bar.

"Sir Shining Armor, There's a letter for you in the lobby." One of the staff member said politely.

"Ok, I'm coming."

Shining followed the staff member back to the reception where he was given a plain envelope with his name written on it. He turned the envelope and saw that there wasn't any sender's address. He asked the receptionist if he knew who brought the letter.

"I'm afraid not, Sir." The receptionist said. "It's was in the hotel post box this evening, that's all we know."

"Ok, thank you." Shining said politely before opening the letter and reading it.

Dear Captain Shining Armor,

I'm writing to you to warn you about something that I think you should know about.
I've come to notice that the Lieutenant Cloud Kicker from Ponyville seemed to have an unhealthy interest in your sister, Lady Twilight Sparkle.
I know it's not my place to spread rumors about this kind of thing.
But considering the Lieutenant's reputation, I think it's better to be safe than sorry. I'm still not sure wether or not something already happened or will even happen, but I recommend you to be vigilant about it.

A friend

Shining ripped the letter in small pieces before throwing it in a nearby trash can. Then, he walked slowly back to the party.

That's just plain ridiculous. He thought, rolling his eyes. When would I stop receiving this kind of letter about Cloud Kicker?

When she'd start to act properly, maybe? A nagging voice in his head suggested.

Those are stupid rumors, nothing more. It's at the level of that one about that threesome between Cadence, her and me.

That would be totally hot....


Don't tell me you never thought about it. The nagging voice would have raised an eyebrow if she had one.

Ok, you got me on that one. Shining admitted. Anyway, that one was clearly a bad joke. I mean Twily would never do such a thing.

That's so true. Twilight's a good girl. The voice admitted.

Probably another scheme to drag Kicker's name in the mud.

Probably right.

I mean Cloud Kicker and Twily only saw each other what? Five times.

Well, according to rumors, one time is enough for Cloud Kicker to make a move.

Twily's too intelligent to fall for those stupid dating tricks.

But Twilight can be a bit naive and oblivious to certain things.

That's kinda true....

Maybe you should talk to her about it...You know, to be sure.

I doubt Twily wants to see me now. Especially for something like that.

Maybe to Cloud Kicker then?

No.... Like I said earlier, It's nothing but a bad joke.

Yeah, you're right.

Shining entered back in the party area. He chatted with his teammates and his wife about how tomorrow's competitions were going to be. He was really having a good time. He excused himself to go to the man's room. For some reason, he decided to use the ones on the other side of the building, across the reception. When he got back, he stopped in front of the receptionist.

"Excuse me, how can I get to Sweet Apple Acres rapidly at this hour?" Shining Armor asked.

Author's Note:

There you go!
It's been a quite long time compared to the other update,
but I had a busy week with my year's school project. and I also took a small break at writing to go through my read later list. (It was about 120 fics...:twilightblush:)

Anyway I hope you liked it. (Did I go too far with Cloud Kicker's power?)
If you're wondering how Shining Armor knows that Cloud Kicker's at SAA, well the others simply told him why they were going there.

Enjoy and stay tuned for what's next.
