• Published 19th Mar 2013
  • 6,904 Views, 797 Comments

Apple Scratch : Onward to the Equestria Games! - Mariacheat-Brony

(Humanized) Ponyville has been chosen to host the most important sporting events in the Country. It's up to the two sisters of the Apple family and their friends to represent their town in the games.

  • ...

Friday night (early evening)

"Renée took her 'defeat' more nicely than I thought she would." Fleur de Lys commented casually as the top three of the competitors were on the podium, receiving their medals.

Princess Cadence, her black eye cured thanks to her Aunts' magic, was the one who was giving medals. She had just given the silver one to Rainbow Dash before reverently having given the gold medal to a softly sobbing, yet genuinely smiling, Roseluck who was standing on the top step of the podium.

The two remaining judges; Rarity and Fleur, were watching the medal ceremony with interest. Hoity Toity and his wife had left after giving her scores to the last competitor, not before Photo Finish gave her card to a very surprised Cloud Kicker and an even more bewildered Applejack though.

"Well, Rainbow learned how to be a good 'loser' during our stay at the farm couple of months ago." Rarity explained with a shrug. "There's also the fact that she doesn't really like gymnastic competitions as much as she likes the ones involving flying. Plus, she's lost with only one half point behind Rose's score."

"Hmmm." Fleur pondered for a few seconds. "I suppose you know her more than I do." She let out with a shrug. "I was wondering, do you know where's Octavia?"

"She's most likely in her suite, probably lavishing attention for her beloved Vinyl!" Rarity hypothesized with a small giggle.

"Not that it's not cute, but why is she doing that?" Fleur asked playfully.

"Well, Vinyl's earlier confrontation with Shining Armor took its toll." Rarity explained. "She's currently suffering from magic exhaustion and she's also resting at Octavia's suite since it's closer than her home."

Fleur smiled softly. "Octavia seems to care about her a lot."

"That she does!" Rarity nodded. "Anyway, you wanted to tell her something?"

"I most certainly do. You probably heard that my husband is organizing a small reception tomorrow evening, right?"

"I'm very well up-to-date in my gossips, Darling." Rarity chuckled playfully.

"Not really a surprise I suppose." Fleur winked. "Anyway, I wanted to invite Octavia and Vinyl Apple." Fleur explained. "Fancy and I didn't get a chance to really have a conversation with both of them." She added with a pinch of sadness. "Octavia probably told you why, didn't she?"

"Yes, she did." Rarity sighed. "Not an easy situation you're in."

"Indeed." Fleur regained her good mood. "Anyway, I was thinking of inviting Vinyl's family as well. Do you think they would agree?"

"Easy way to answer that question, Darling." Rarity turned her head to where the Ponyville team was gathering their stuff together. "Applejack! Could you come over here please?" She called her lover who, as soon as she found out who had called her, walked toward the remaining judges.

"What's up, Rare?" Applejack asked genuinely. She noticed Fleur and slightly bowed her head. "Madam."

"Applejack, this is Fleur de Lys."

"Fleur de Lys? Like the vineyard in Neigh Orleans?" Applejack asked with surprise, before politely shaking hands with Fleur. "Pleased to meet ya."

"Pleased to meet you as well." Fleur answered politely. "The vineyard is an old family business. My father renamed it after I was born." Fleur explained. "Some strange man my father was." She chuckled softly.

"Anyway, Applejack, Fleur wanted to invite you and your" Rarity searched her words with caution. "...direct family at a small reception tomorrow night."

"Oh!" Applejack blinked in confusion. "That's quite neighborly of her. But why?"

"Yes, Rarity!" Fleur said, sharing the farmer's confusion. "Why exactly?"

Rarity raised an eyebrow at Octavia's aunt. "Because, Apple-jack is Vinyl's sister." Fleur let out a long realization 'OH'. "Applejack, she's Octavia's aunt!"

"Another of them stuck-up fancy pants who wants to pull Vinyl in the mud?" Applejack said with a growing anger and narrowed eyes at the former model who shrank before the farmer's anger."

"Hahaha!" Fleur chuckled awkwardly, trying to make herself disappear under the table.

"Applejack!" Rarity chastised by giving Applejack a firm punch on the shoulder and regretting it immediately as she held back a pained yelp.

"What?" Applejack snapped before watching Rarity rubbing her hand with a pained wince. "Oh, gosh! Rarity, yer hurt." She said, worry and comfort replacing her anger in a instant.

"It's ok." Rarity waved off. "I forgot that your muscles are rock solid, that's all."

"Ah'm so sorry!"

"Don't be! Your solid stature has its perks." Rarity said with a small smile. "But you should be sorry for acting like that toward Fleur. She's on Vinyl and Octavia's side."

"Really?" Applejack asked slowly to Fleur who just nodded. "Aww, shucks!" She face-palmed in embarrassment. "Ah apologize for what Ah said. Ah didn't think before speakin'."

"...It's ok!" Fleur said with relief. "After what happened with my sister-in-law, I can understand your reaction."

"As I was saying," Rarity started, after finishing rubbing her sore hand. "Fleur and her husband are organizing a small reception tomorrow evening. They wish to invite your family along Vinyl. To get to know you all a little." Rarity explained. "It'll be a great way to break the ice with a part of Octavia's family."

Applejack scratched her chin thoughtfully. "Ah reckon it might be good." She let out after a few seconds. "But, we can't let them pay for more than a hundred guests. We'll look like a bunch of freeloaders! And, we Apples ain't no freeloaders!"

"Hold on...A hundred?" Fleur asked, as her eyes nearly bulged out of her skull in surprise.

"Applejack...." Rarity said with a tired voice. "I was talking about your direct family. You know; Granny Smith, Macintosh, Vinyl, AppleBloom and you?"

"Ooooh! That there's mighty more reasonable." Applejack nodded in understanding. "Ah suppose Ah can ask Granny if she's ok with it, but Ya and yer husband can already count on ma presence." Applejack said with a genuine smile which was returned by Fleur. "Where's it gonna be?"

"My husband has booked the town's village hall." Fleur explained.

"Good!" Applejack said happily. "Now, let me see this here delicate hand of yours, Rare!" Applejack gently took Rarity's hurt hand.

"Applejack, what are you..." Rarity got interrupted by her lover softly massaging her sore hand. "Oh, dear!" Rarity sighed with a blissful expression as the pain let room to a nice relaxing sensation.

"All better?" Applejack asked softly. Rarity simply nodded. "Great!" Applejack gave a small kiss on her hand.

"Even better, Darling." Rarity cooed amorously.

"..... Did I miss something here?" Fleur asked with wide eyes.

"Ha, Fleur my dear! There you are." A man's voice said in a hurry.

"Hello to you, my dear husband." Fleur smiled as her husband walked toward her. "How did it go with the caterer?"

"I have bad news about that." Fancy Pants sighed. "The Golden Unicorn received too many reservations for tomorrow evening. They can't send anyone for tomorrow's reception."

"Oh, that's just dreadful!" Rarity commented. "What are you going to do?"

"I suppose we're going to have to postpone it." Fancy Pants sighed again. "Unless you know a way to have a full kitchen staff available for tomorrow evening."

"I'm afraid that's not feasible." Fleur said sourly.

"That's too bad. I was looking forward this soirée!" Rarity whined a little.

"No sweat!" Applejack said happily. "Follow me and ya can get that in five minutes!"

The three Titanian nobles blinked profusely at Applejack's statement.

"What?" They all asked in unison.

"WHAT?!" Bon-Bon shouted vigorously. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!"

"Bon-Bon, could ya please stop shoutin'?" Applejack said calmly. "The man's here, why don' ya at least discuss about it with him?"

"Do you even realize what you're asking me?" Bon-Bon asked with incredulity. "I can't close the tavern on a Saturday night on a last minute notice like that!"

"Ya don't do reservations!" Applejack argued. "Ah don' see what's the big deal!"

"AJ, catering for a reception for someone like Fancy Pants takes a lot of preparations." Bon-Bon explained slowly. "He has to ask me what sort of food he wants and I'm not sure I can meet his expectations in the field of gastronomy."

"Ah already asked Lyra to serve him and his wife some samples of everything on the menu." Applejack waved off nonchalantly. "He'll just have to pick what he likes."

"WHAT?!" Bon-Bon shouted in disbelief. "LYRA!" She yelled, turning her face toward her co-worker.

Lyra startled with a surprised shriek at the shouting of her name, almost loosing her magical grip on the numerous samples of the menu's cold starters she was levitating out of the kitchen.

"Yes, Bonnie! You called?" Lyra asked innocently, after regaining her composure.

"Why did you agree to this?" Bon-Bon asked furiously.

"I didn't agree to anything!" Lyra insisted fervently. "Mr Pants asked to have a sample of everything on the menu and plans on paying for it, so I'm just doing my job as waitress." She explained before rapidly going outside of the kitchen, her samples in tow.

Bon-Bon groaned in frustration. "She's lucky she's cute!" She muttered under her breath. "Anyway, I won't accept this!"

"Why not?" Applejack asked. "From what Rarity told me, he's one of the heaviest heavyweights in the country!"

"I know he is!" Bon-Bon conceded. "But, since the Games started and that you all started to win some medals, people have been coming here more often as you and the others are regulars." She explained. "I simply can't close the tavern on a Saturday night in those conditions. I'll lose too much!"

"Ya sure 'bout that, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked with a knowing smile.

"AJ, I have a small tavern in Ponyville with no stars whatsoever." Bon-Bon said with a lifted eyebrow. "I can't really compete with a great restaurant like the Golden Unicorn."

"BON-BON!" Lyra shouted frantically as she barged into the kitchen, a small paper in her right hand.

"What's it, Lyra?" Bon-Bon asked with a surprised tone.

"We've got to accept this catering tomorrow!" Lyra explained.

"Lyra…." Bon-Bon growled threat-fully. "Don't tell me you've accepted it without my consent!"

"You perfectly know that I never take decisions that important without telling you first." Lyra rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"That's true." Bon-Bon admitted slowly. "Sorry about that. Anyway, we're not gonna do it."

"Yes, we are!" Lyra said fervently.

"Lyra, we can't afford to close on a Saturday night. We'll lose too…" Bon-Bon was interrupted by Lyra nearly shoving the paper she had in her face. "What's that?"

"Read it!" Lyra simply said.

"Fine…" Bon-Bon reluctantly took the paper and read it. "What's that number supposed to mean?" She asked with an annoyed frown.

"That's the sum on account he's ready to offer for the catering." Lyra stated with a big toothy smile.

Bon-Bon's eyes widened to the size of saucers. "….Sum on account….on account…" She stammered in disbelief. "That's…. That's…That's more than what we did since the Games started."

"I know." Lyra shouted excitedly. "And the best part is that it's only ten percent of the payment!" Lyra squealed as she was bouncing up and down.

"Ten percent on account…" Bon-Bon said with a quiet voice. "As in we get that sum now....and we get nine times that.... when the job's done..?" Lyra nodded excitedly.

Bon-Bon stood there in silence, blinking profusely as her mind processed what just had been told to her until a big grin started to appear on her face. She jumped around the kitchen, giggling madly of happiness. Lyra soon joined her and they were both jumping in circle from excitement.

To the kitchen staff, Applejack and Lyra's great surprise, Bon-Bon suddenly grabbed Lyra's face and pulled her into a deep passionate kiss. Lyra stood there in complete shock, her eyes wide open and her arms helplessly fall at her side. After a good minute of making out with her white and green haired friend, Bon-Bon broke the kiss with a loud and satisfied pop and faced her kitchen staff.

"All right, guys!" She said happily. "We have the creme de la creme within our very walls, I'm counting on you all to make me proud! We must get this catering and for that we must blow him away with our cuisine!" Bon-Bon shouted with authority. "If we succeed, the Heartwarming Eve's primes will be there a lot more early than what we're used to." The staff cheered their boss happily before going back to work with a renewed fervor as Bon-Bon left outside the kitchen.

"Ah'll be..." Applejack whistled in amazement. "Ah knew she'd change her mind as soon as the money'll be mentioned, but Ah sure as sugar didn't know y'all were a couple." She said to a dumbstruck Lyra who hadn't moved from the spot where Bon-Bon had left her.

"Funny you mention that," Lyra let out slowly. "I didn't know either.... Must have been the spur of the moment."

"Ya sure 'bout it?" Applejack asked. "Maybe there's a hidden message to it." She playfully nudged Lyra's shoulder.

"Nah," Lyra shook her head quickly. "She often gets lost on her little cloud when there's a lot of money involved."

Applejack chuckled at that statement. "In that case, good luck for when she climbs down her cloud." She patted Lyra's shoulder before heading out of the kitchen. "See ya tomorrow, Lyra!"

"You're not staying for dinner?" Lyra asked with curiosity.

"Nah, Ah got plans elsewhere." Applejack said happily. "But, if ya could get me one or two bottles of white wine for the night, that'd be mighty neighborly."

"Sure thing!" Lyra nodded. "Wait at the bar, I'll bring them to you in a matter of minutes."

"Thanks, Sugarcube!"

Applejack walked to the table where she had left Octavia's uncle and aunt and Rarity. She noticed that Fancy Pants and his wife were in deep conversation with Bon-Bon, Rarity listened only with one ear as she was gazing around to pass time.

"Ah see they hit it off nicely." Applejack whispered in Rarity's ear, taking her a bit by surprise. "What do ya say we leave them to their business an' we go on our own?"

"I guess it might be a tad boring to speak business all night long." Rarity pondered in a whisper. "What do you suggest, darling?"

"Remember the place where Ah gave ya this?" Applejack asked, pointing at the silver chain around Rarity's neck.

"I most certainly do." Rarity whispered with a big smile. "What of it?"

"Ah was thinkin' ya, me, some bottles of wine, a pic-nic basket and a blanket at the same spot...." Applejack whispered amorously. "We could watch the sunset together.... then gaze at the stars for a while....We could kiss ... cuddle .....an' who knows...maybe... Ah could finally finish what Ah started this here morning...." Applejack purred before giving Rarity a small peck on the cheek.

"W...Well, that sounds like a wonderful date..." Rarity said quietly as she felt her face becoming crimson. "Just need a moment to leave the table properly...."

"Ah'm gonna get some wine by Lyra." Applejack said. "Ya have exactly one minute to meet me back at the entrance." She left the table in silence while Rarity pondered on how to excuse herself like a proper lady.

"...Anyway, the warm starters are going to be served soon." Bon-Bon said in a warm welcoming tone. "What would you like to drink with them?"

"I don't know... You've been here before, Rarity, right?" Fancy said before turning to face Rarity. "What do you recom.... Where did she go?" He asked with surprise when he noticed that Rarity's seat was empty.

"Probably to the ladies room." Fleur suggested. "She'll be back in a few."

"I wouldn't count on that, my lady." Lyra said casually as she brought the warm samples. "She just left with Applejack."

"Without saying goodbye?" Fleur asked in bewilderment. "That's not like her."

"She must have good reasons to do so!" Fancy Pants waved off playfully. "Let's just taste those cheese croquettes, they looked delicious." He added as he eyed one of the plates in front of him with envy.

Vinyl was peacefully dreaming about her moment in the bathtub with Octavia. While Vinyl might have wanted to take it to the next level, just cuddling, hugging and kissing Octavia inside a hot foaming bath had been extremely fulfilling. But that moment of foaming loving actions turned short as the repercussions of the magic exhaustion caught up with her.

Vinyl could brag as loud as she wanted about how fast she can regain her strength, one has to sleep to recover completely from magic exhaustion. Vinyl was no exception to that rule and her body had been pretty clear on where was her limit. She had fallen asleep in the bathtub, her head resting on Octavia's shoulder as the cellist was 'using' her as a living chair back. Vinyl wasn't sure about it, but she thought having heard Octavia giggled at her as she gave up to slumber.

Vinyl's eyes fluttered open, finally waking up from her forced nap. It took time for her eyes to get accommodated to the darkness of the room but she quickly recognize where she was. She was in Octavia's bed. She looked up to the clock on the nightstand, it was eight fifty in the evening.

'Wow... a six hours long nap... That got be my personal record.' Vinyl thought with a long yawn before stretching her arms.

Vinyl noticed that she was wearing one of the hotel's white bathrobes. She pondered on how Octavia had managed to get her dressed without her waking up, but she shrugged off quickly as she thought that how Octavia had dragged her out of the tub and dried her enough to not completely soak her bedsheets was probably a better question to ask.

Thinking about her lover made her realized the cellist's absence. She was a bit disappointed to have woken up alone but her place in the bed indicated clearly that she hadn't slept alone at least. Better that than nothing. Vinyl decided that she had passed enough time in bed and stood up, popping all her joints as she stretched with a loud groan.

"Vinyl?" Octavia's voice came from the bathroom. "Are you awake?"

"Yes, I am!" Vinyl answered. "Sorry to have fallen asleep like that..." She started in a apologetic tone.

"Think nothing about it!" Octavia's voice assured. "I know what magic exhaustion does to someone. It happened to Rarity way more often than she would admit it." Octavia explained with a soft giggle. "I've ordered dinner if you're hungry. It's in the suite's living room."

"I can wait for you, you know?" Vinyl said.

"Don't worry about me, I've already eaten." Octavia said casually.

"Oh... Ok, then." Vinyl said, trying to hide her disappointment. "I'll just...eat alone then."

Vinyl walked slowly to the table on top of which laid a metallic cover. Vinyl sat and lifted the cover. As soon as the smell from the dish tingled her nose, her bitter mood vanished. Octavia had ordered her favorite Romane dish; spaghetti alla carbonara, with a double portion of bacon and creamy as one pleases. Just like Vinyl loved it.

"Oh, thank you so much, Octavia!" Vinyl said with a hungry tone as her mouth started to water. She took a nice forkful in her mouth. "...Divine creamed and porked goodness...." Vinyl whispered in contentment as she was masticating her food with gusto.

Vinyl finished her plate quicker than what would have been proper, it was a rather large serving after all. Vinyl wiped the corner of her mouth with her thumb before licking it to make sure not much sauce went to waste on a napkin. She slightly regretted that she didn't have any bread to dip the remaining sauce in the plate.

'Maybe I could....you know...lick the plate clean....' Vinyl thought with a growing grin before slapping herself violently. 'NO! Not with Octavia in the next room!' She chastised herself internally. 'Now, put the cover back on the plate and drink a nice and cool glass of water.' Vinyl thought while she took a long sip of water.

"How was the food?" Octavia asked from the bathroom.

"It was pretty good!" Vinyl said genuinely. "Would've been better with you, though." She added with a pinch of reproach.

"I'm sorry about that, Vinyl." Octavia's voice sounded sincere. "But, I had to get ready!"

"Ready for what?" Vinyl asked.

Octavia ignored Vinyl's question. "Anyway, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine." Vinyl assured. "What do you need to get ready for? Are we supposed to go out tonight?"

"You're not tired anymore?" Octavia asked, without considering Vinyl's questions. "You don't feel febrile anymore?"

"I'm fine, Octavia!" Vinyl snapped and stood up to face the bathroom's door. "Now, answer my...."

"Are you absolutely sure you're feeling fine?" Octavia asked with a hint of worry.

"For Pete's sake, Octavia." Vinyl shouted. "I AM FINE! I'm feeling like I could run a goddamned marathon. TWICE!"

“Oh! How splendid!” Octavia said joyfully, much to Vinyl's confusion. "You're gonna need that energy!" The bathroom door opened.

"What are you talking abo......" Vinyl started before letting her jaw drop from a couple of inches when Octavia came into view.

Octavia was looking at her with a hungry glint in her eyes and with the most sensual smirk Vinyl had seen on Octavia's face. But that was nothing compared to what she was wearing. She was wearing silk black stockings that went up to her upper thighs and a matching set of black fingerless gloves that nearly came up to her shoulders. She was also wearing a black thong with white knots on each side of her waist holding it in place. She also had a black and white bra and a white collar with her usual pink bow tie.

"You like what you see?" Octavia purred with a smug grin.

Vinyl tried to speak but her jaw refused to pick itself up, so she simply nodded with her face frozen in shock. Octavia let out a small giggle before delicately putting Vinyl's jaw back in its original place with two of her fingers. Octavia started to caress Vinyl's cheek while her lover was slowly nuzzling it with her eyes closed, not unlike a cat demanding more caresses.

"Octavia...." Vinyl whispered. "Have I been asleep for two months and it's actually my birthday now?"

"No, not at all." Octavia chuckled softly, not stopping her caresses. "For your birthday, I plan on going all out."

"Because you're not going all out now?" Vinyl asked with surprise.

Octavia drew her visage close to Vinyl's. "Far from it, my love." Octavia locked lips with Vinyl.

Still a bit shocked by Octavia's exit from the bathroom, Vinyl let herself being driven back in the bedroom, without parting lips with her lover, by Octavia. But her craving for her cellist managed to snap her out of her stun. She tilted her head on the side and opened her lips to press her tongue on Octavia's lips. Taking the hint, Octavia let the way clear for Vinyl's tongue.

As the kiss grew wilder every seconds, Octavia had led Vinyl against the bed. Octavia felt Vinyl's hands wandering along her thighs and her bottom. Despite shivering in excitement at the touch of her lover, Octavia quickly pulled Vinyl's hands away and broke the kiss, much to her and Vinyl's displeasure.

"Vinyl, no...." Octavia panted a bit.

"I...I..I'm sorry, I just thought..." Vinyl stammered with concern. "I didn't mean to troub...

"Don't worry, it's not bad." Octavia assured quickly. "It's just that I don't want you to do anything."

"...What?" Vinyl said in confusion.

"This is your reward, Vinyl." Octavia explained amorously as she undid the belt of the bathrobe Vinyl was wearing. "I want you to simply enjoy it.... Leave everything to me." She added with a sultry tone as she opened the robe a bit, letting it slide on the floor.

Octavia admired her lover's naked body for a few seconds before she noticed Vinyl's chest rising at a rather quick pace. She looked up to her face and saw that Vinyl was panting heavily, as if trying to remain in control of her actions.

"It's going to be really hard for me ..." Vinyl let out with a knowing and lustful grin. "...to not do anything to you..." Vinyl licked her lips and looked at Octavia with a gaze that would have made Octavia literally go on fire if she was made of wood. "..Very hard!"

"In that case, I better not give you a single moment of rest, so that you can't tempt anything." Octavia grinned sensually, before making Vinyl lie on the bed. "If you want me to do anything in particular, just ask." Octavia whispered in a low purr as she climbed on the bed. "I'll happily comply to it."


"Anything!" Octavia nodded, before giving Vinyl a small kiss.

"Right..." Vinyl said as she took her ease on the bed. "First thing, you're going to free those two hostages, they're suffocating in that sexy tight silk made prison." She added with a small chuckle, pointing at Octavia's breasts.

Octavia giggled softly before passing her hands behind her back to unhook her bra. She let out a small relieved sigh when the bra loosened up and she let it fall on the bed.

"I must thank you for this." Octavia said slowly. "Rarity kinda made it a bit too tight for me..."

"How could Rarity make such a mistake?"

"Because she bases her lingerie line on her physique and then adapts to her costumers."

"Does that mean you have bigger b..." Vinyl started.

"Yes, mine are bigger than hers!" Octavia said abruptly. "Do you want to continue speaking about fashion and the comparison between my breasts and Rarity's or do you want me to do something else?"

"Definitely you doing something else!" Vinyl nodded quickly.

"Fine..." Octavia grinned before standing on four above Vinyl. "While I'm at it, do you want me to take something else off?"

"Mmm, not immediately." Vinyl whispered with a knowing smile. "Just one little request and then I'll give you carte blanche."

"Mmmmm, carte blanche, huh?" Octavia licked her lips. "Well, that's interesting. What's your request, my love?"

"No matter what happens..." Vinyl said with big grin. ".... Don't take the bow tie off!"

Author's Note:

If you're wondering, yes, Pink Bow Ties are sexy as hell. :eeyup:

Anyway, sorry for the late update but between my bDAY and my first exam, I got distracted a lot from This story.

I even came up with a couples of elements of the plot line for Apple Scratch IV during my study session. (weird how I sidetracked from budget management to Apple Scratch :twilightoops::rainbowderp:)

Anyway, I hope you liked the sexy time... (I know I did:rainbowwild:)

Next Chapter will be about our other couples shenanigans or maybe I'll go directly to Fancy Pants Party..I'll give it some thoughts when I wake up tomorrow.

Stay tuned for what's next.


PS: The chapter's name is lame I know. I'll work on it tomorrow.