• Published 19th Mar 2013
  • 6,906 Views, 797 Comments

Apple Scratch : Onward to the Equestria Games! - Mariacheat-Brony

(Humanized) Ponyville has been chosen to host the most important sporting events in the Country. It's up to the two sisters of the Apple family and their friends to represent their town in the games.

  • ...

Friday night (late evening)

"A reception organized by Octavia's uncle?" Granny Smith asked slowly after Applejack had told her about Fancy Pants' reception. "An' we five are invited?"

Applejack nodded. "Ah'm plannin' to go an' Vinyl probably gonna go as well. What about ya, Big Mac?" She asked, turning her head to her brother who was reading a book on the couch.

"Eeeeyuuup!" Big Macintosh nodded as well.

"Really?" Applejack asked with surprise. "Ah thought ya'd need a lot more convincin' than that!"


"Oh, well." Applejack shrugged. "What about ya, Granny?"

"Ah suppose Ah could go as well." Granny said with a nod. "But Ah ain't gonna stay too late. Ah ain't as vigorous and full of energy as back in ma days." She added with a chuckle.

"If ya say so, Granny..." Applejack rolled her eyes playfully. "It ain't like we all saw ya dancin' around with Uncle AppleStrudel from ten to two AM. Right, Big Mac?"


Granny Smith snorted in annoyance while her grandchildren and grandnephews laughed at her softly. She went in kitchen to prepare dinner in company of Fritter and Bumpkin who wanted to help her.

"What 'bout ya, AppleBloom?" Applejack asked to her little sister. "Do ya want to come or do ya want to stay here with the others?"

"Mhmmm. Can Babs come?" AppleBloom asked slowly. "Ah don't want to be alone in a grown up party."

"Ah don't see why not." Applejack smiled genuinely at her sister who beamed in return. "Why don't ya go ask her if she wants to go?"

While AppleBloom went upstairs to see if Babs would agree to come to Fancy Pants' party, Applejack went in the kitchen and grabbed discretely a large pic-nic basket she had prepared before talking to Granny about tomorrow's party. She was about to go out of the when she heard AppleBloom calling for her.

"Applejack, where are ya goin'?" AppleBloom asked with curiosity.

"Ah'm going on a pic-nic, see?" Applejack said, showing the basket at her sister and hoping she'd not question it further.

She was wrong of hoping that much.

"OH! Can Ah come with ya?" The red-haired girl asked with hope. "It's been a while since we did things together."

Applejack winced. "Not really, Sugarcube..." She answered uneasily. 'Rarity's waitin' for me outside, Ah must do this quickly.'


"Because....Ah...Ah'm going on a pic-nic with a friend." Applejack stammered. 'That's not really a lie...'

"Who is it?" AppleBloom asked. "Maybe they don't mind that Ah..."

"AppleBloom, Ah said no!" Applejack insisted.

"But why?"

"Because Ah want some time alone with ma friend!" Applejack snapped. "And, also Ah'm still a bit mad at ya for this mornin'!"

"That ain't fair, Ah apologized for that!" AppleBloom shouted. "Why all the big fuss about it? Ya were just havin' a sleepover with Rarity!"

"Right....just a sleepover...." Big Mac chortled quietly with sarcasm, regretting it immediately as Applejack casted him the darkest glare she could muster. "Huh....AppleBloom. Leave yer sister alone." He said with a slightly shaking voice. "Ya didn't have to try to break into her room in the first place." He looked at Applejack whose expression softened a bit and nodded at her brother. "Ya'd have liked one of us comin' in yer room like ya tried to this morning?"

"...No." AppleBloom admitted after a couple of seconds, looking at the ground in shame.

"And, if we had, would ya have forgiven us on the spot?" He asked with wisdom.

"....Ah... Ah'd probably need a day or two...." AppleBloom whispered, before looking at her sister with small tears in her eyes. "Applejack, Ah'm sorry."

Applejack slowly smiled with a small sigh, before putting her basket on the ground and kneeling to have her face at the level of AppleBloom's. She signaled her little sister to come closer to her. When she did, Applejack pulled AppleBloom into a short but firm hug.

"Now, don't cry, AppleBloom." Applejack whispered softly. "Ah ain't really badly mad at ya." She broke the embrace and patted her little sister's head. "It's just that Ah don't get much time for me between the farm work, all the chores and now with the games and everything. This morning, Ah.....Ah was finally able to ....blow off some steam." She said after searching for the most appropriate terms. "An' yer little burglar shenanigan kinda interrupted that..."

"That's why ya were really angry this morning?" AppleBloom asked, her voice filled with guilt. "Is it like when we accidentally wake Granny up during her nap?"

"....huh...." Applejack hesitated for a couple of seconds. "Sure, why not!" She said, trying hard to not make the link between her granny and what she was doing with Rarity this morning.

"In that case, Ah promise.... No, Ah pinkiepromise that it won't ever happen again!" AppleBloom said with determination.

Applejack ruffled her sister's hair playfully. "Atta girl!" She said with a big smile.

"If ya want some time for you to relax..." AppleBloom said as she realized something. "Why was Rarity with ya?" She asked in a tone of genuine curiosity.

"Huh....It's because.....huh.... Rarity knows......stuff that helps..." Applejack let out slowly, a bit taken by surprise by that question.

"Do ya think she could teach me those?"

"What?" Applejack asked with wide eyes.

"Oh!" AppleBloom let out excitedly. "It could be ma special talent. Talent Crusader Steam Blower! Yay!" She shouted before running in another room. "Babs! Ah've got a new idea!"

"What?" Applejack repeated with a dumbstruck expression.

"AJ, what did ya do?" Big Macintosh asked with worry while they could hear their little sister explaining her new idea to her cousin.

"....." Applejack tried to say something but she could only open her mouth like a fish out of his bowl.

"When ya say blowing steam off, do ya mean like relaxation an' stuff?" The voice of Babs asked, followed by the characteristic sound of her blowing her strand of hair out of her face.

"Ah think so, why do ya ask?" AppleBloom answered.

"Ain't that what they all do in spas and such?" Babs asked. "Ah don't about ya, but it doesn't interest me much if it's that."

"Oh, come on! It might be fun!"

"Massagin' people's feet and watch them takin' a bath while ya work ain't fun in ma book!"

"That's what they do in spas?" AppleBloom asked with a surprise mixed with a pinch of disgust. "Eww, that's gross!"

Big Mac and Applejack blinked and sighed with an evident relief in unison, happy about the fact AppleBloom seemed to have decided to not take the road of the 'steam blowing talent'. Applejack grabbed her pic-nic basket and walked to the front door.

"Big Mac?" She said slowly, facing her brother.


"When her birthday comes up, remind me to buy Babs a HUUUGE present!" Applejack asked, before going outside the house.

"Eeeyuuup!" Big Mac nodded quickly, agreeing without any doubt with his sister's idea.

Applejack grabbed the rolled blanket she had left on the patio earlier and tossed on her shoulder before walking to where Rarity was waiting for her. The young baroness was looking at the Orchard absentmindedly, leaning on a nearby fence, occasionally putting a strand of hair moved by the wind back in her perfectly styled, long, curly, purple hair.

"Ah'm sorry it took this long, Sugarcube." Applejack said softly as she arrived right behind Rarity.

"It's ok." Rarity smiled. "We have all the night ahead of us, since there are no trials tomorrow." She faced Applejack and frowned with concern. "Are you ok, Darling? You're a bit pale."

"Ah'm fine, don't worry." Applejack assured with a small smile. "it's just...Nah, ferget it! It ain't worth mentionin'." Applejack chuckled awkwardly.

"Are you sure?" Rarity asked, putting the back of hand on Applejack's forehead as if to check her temperature.

"Yes, Ah'm sure." Applejack shook her head to chase Rarity's hand. "Come on, Ah kno' we got all the time we want but Ah don' want to lose one second of it." She smiled softly at her lover who beamed in return.

"Fine, then. Lead the way, Darling." Rarity said softly.

After a short walk, Applejack and Rarity settled their little pic-nic on the same hilltop where Applejack offered her necklace to Rarity. Despite the simplicity of the food Applejack had quickly put together for the occasion, Rarity enjoyed it as if it was a five star restaurant's dinner. Applejack tasted of the bottles Lyra had passed to her earlier before sitting next to Rarity to watch the sun set with her, a glass of white wine in each hand.

"Here ya go, Sugarcube." She smiled while offering one of the glasses she was holding to her lover.

"Thank you, darling." Rarity took her glass and clinked it with Applejack's. "To this delightful date."

"Here, here!" Applejack answered with a smile.

While the sky slowly tainted itself in a myriad of orange tones before turning into the dark blue tone characteristic of the night, Applejack and Rarity kept on talking about a bit of everything, with Rarity scooting closer and closer to her lover. Applejack nuzzled Rarity's cheek before giving it a delicate peck.

"Mhmmmm." Rarity sighed with pleasure. "I wish those moments to last forever.."

"Moments like what?"

"Like right now." Rarity said. "Just you and me, without anyone to bother us."

"We did have some of those before." Applejack said slowly. "Remember that shower in the gym? Or ma apology for the bar fight?" She asked with a playful tone.

"Of course I do." Rarity said, not without a growing blush. "I'm still very surprised of your..... stamina! More than three hours, each time."

"Ya kept the count, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked with a chuckle. "Ah betcha ya even wrote it down in yer private diary or somethin'." She added with a joking tone.

"......Of course, not!" Rarity said, a bit too slowly to be sincere. "That'd be ridiculous."

"Ya totally did, didn't ya?" Applejack asked with a knowing and slightly mocking grin.

"Well....Yes." Rarity admitted.

"Tryin' to keep memories for when we would be too old to do the thingy anymore?" The farmer asked playfully.

Rarity stopped snuggling the farmer and looked at her with wide eyes.

"What?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"Applejack.... Could you... repeat that please?" Rarity asked slowly.

"Huh, ok." Applejack said slowly, not really understanding what was going on in her lover's mind. "Ah said: Tryin' to keep memories for when we would be too old to do the thingy anymore?" Rarity's eyes filled themselves with tears. "Oh, no! Rarity, don' cry!" Applejack said in a panic. "Ah'm sorry Ah said that... Ah take it all back..A.."

Rarity interrupted her with a long and passionate kiss. The dumbfounded farmer didn't really know how to react to Rarity's sudden mood change, so let herself being kissed and started to kiss back after a good minute of thoughts sorting.

"You're just perfect, Jacquelyn Apple!" Rarity cooed amorously before giving Applejack a more chaste kiss on the forehead.

"...Huh okay, then!" Applejack said with a small blush. "Huh... What did Ah do to deserve such compliment?"

"You don't even realize it?" Rarity asked with a small chuckle. Applejack shook her head in silence. "You see us together, Applejack. You see our future together. You see us getting old together."

"Oh! That's why?" Applejack said in relief. "Ah'd thought you were crying because Ah'd caused ya to imagine yerself old." She added with an awkward smile.

"You just ruined the moment, Applejack." Rarity frowned a bit, but she couldn't help to smile at her farmer. "Beside, I'm not that shallow."

"Sure, sure!" Applejack nodded with a mocking tone. "We all know ya fell for me because of ma outstandin' intelligence and lady-like behavior."

"Well, you do possess those qualities, Darling. It's just that they are in a very heavy sleeping state." Rarity chuckled. "But, I do admit that what first drag my attention on you were these two!" She added sensually, poking at Applejack's chest.

"Was it that hard to admit it?" Applejack winked.

"Not really!" Rarity giggled before looking at her lover with a more serious and amorous gaze. "Applejack... Do you really see us together in the future?" She asked softly.

"Of course, Ah do!" Applejack said simply, with a comforting smile. "Why wouldn't Ah?"

"And, what do you imagine when you do?"

Applejack laid down on the blanket, her hands behind her head, in order to gaze at the slowly appearing stars as the sky was slightly passing from its red-orange coat to its dark blue mantle. Rarity leaned on her left arm as she was sitting to her farmer's right.

"Ah see the two of us livin' on a fertile farmland a bit outside of Canterlot." Applejack said with a soft dreaming tone. "Close enough for ya to still attend all the fancy parties ya like so much. But outside the town enough for us to have our own peace and quiet." Applejack smiled. "We would live in a two-story house with enough rooms to invite our family and, or friends for the holidays. Ah would have fit out a large workroom for ya to continue your sewin' and another one for yer paintin' and sculptin' on the ground floor."

She caught her breath and continued with a calm and soft voice.

"While ya will be busy with all yer arts an' what not, Ah'll be workin' the land... Ah'll start small. A couple of Red Delicious trees, some Honeycrisps to make some jam, a few Granny Smiths for bakin', a rather large kitchen garden. We would have fresh products all year long. No need to go to the market, except for some meat and for the pleasure of visitin' the stalls and wanderin' around ..."

Rarity stopped leaning on her arm and laid down next to her farmer. Applejack passed her arm around her lover who kept on looking at her with a small smile, listening to all what the farmer was saying with a great attention.

"At some point, Ah'll start a small vineyard. Ah would make ma own wine,... Maybe Ah would do some experiment to create an apple wine." She added with a small chuckle. "Ah think Ah would name ma first Grand-Cru after ya..." Applejack said dreamily.

"Every evenin', Ah'd cook a romantic dinner with them candles and everythin' just for ya. Every night, we'd go asleep in a large four-poster bed, with silk and satin sheets. We would cuddle each other to sleep. Then when yer asleep, Ah would kiss your forehead an' whisper ya goodnight before falling asleep as well....."

Rarity sniffed a bit, her eyes full of tears but smiling happily. "... Just perfect." Rarity said with a shaking voice, before locking lips with Applejack.

The kiss was a bit more shaken than usual, probably due to the fact that Rarity was still trembling of emotion. Applejack closed her eyes as she pulled Rarity with one arm in order to let the baroness lie on top of her. The farmer sat up straight, still not breaking the kiss which grew wilder and wilder every seconds, while Rarity passed her arms and legs around, respectively, Applejack's neck and waist.

With a swift move from her powerful legs, Applejack managed to stand up, holding Rarity with her arms under her lover's backside. Applejack sensually bit Rarity's lower lip and gave it a little pull, earning a small moan of pleasure in response, before breaking the kiss. Applejack opened her eyes and plunged her gaze into the ocean of blue wonder that were Rarity's eyes.

They didn't need to say anything, for they let their gazes speak for themselves. Applejack slowly walked down the hill while Rarity collected their pic-nic with her magic. Rarity, still in Applejack's arms, rested her head on Applejack's shoulder while the farmer was walking toward the most remote barn of the farm. She kicked the door open to get in before the door closed itself thanks to Rarity's magic.

Rarity used her magic to position their pic-nic blanket on top of a large bale of hay, arranging it in an instantly made double-bed. Applejack walked to the 'bed' Rarity had just prepared and delicately leaned forward to make Rarity rest on the bale of hay, only then Rarity let go of Applejack.

Her eyes focused on Applejack's, Rarity used her magic to undo her lover's trademark ponytail, letting a cascade of golden hair fall on her face as the farmer was standing above her. Applejack started to slowly open Rarity's shirt while Rarity was doing the same to her.

Applejack had always been the rougher one of the couple. At each 'moments' she and Rarity had shared together, she had been like a wild animal; ripping Rarity's shirt open, leaving bite marks on her lover's neck, sometimes roughing her against the walls, even pulling Rarity's hair occasionally. Of course, she had never hurt Rarity in the process. She was certainly a rough lover, but Applejack wasn't a brute.

This time however, Applejack was playing it slow. The wild beast inside her was completely asleep. Applejack had seen it in Rarity's eyes; she wanted Applejack to make love to her. The farmer had replaced her strong love-bites by gentle pecks that sent shivers of pleasure through Rarity's spine, her usually strong hands were caressing her lover with an unusual delicateness.

Applejack wasn't used to be that soft in the bedroom, but it didn't stop her from enjoying it while it'll last. She knew that Rarity would want more after that, especially after this morning's fiasco. Rarity could complain about how it wasn't possible for her to keep up with Applejack's stamina, it didn't stop her from asking for more at each time.

Rarity and Applejack both knew that their 'date' wouldn't stop after Rarity's demand of sweet affection would be fulfilled. Their night was still young and, for the first time in a while, they were completely on their own on a remote part of the farmland. Their sole company was the moonlight that filtered to the barn's skylights and the sole sounds they heard were the other's breath and small pants. Their night was still young and they were together. What could they ever want in more?

The answer was nothing.

"Lieutenant Kicker!" A woman guard shouted as she landed behind Cloud Kicker while she was wandering around in the main street of Ponyville. "I've been looking for you everywhere!"

"Well, I was here." Cloud Kicker chuckled playfully as she turned around to face the guard who was dissipating her white wings. "You know? When I'm not in service, you can drop the Lieutenant thing, Blossomforth."

"I prefer to stick to the protocol, Ma'am!" Blossomforth said matter-of-factly.

"Whatever floats your boat." Cloud Kicker sighed with a shrug. "You said you've been looking for me. May I know why?"

"Certainly." Blossomforth nodded. "I have two things to say to you."

"I'm all ears."

"First, you've heard about that reception at the town hall tomorrow night?" Cloud Kicker nodded so Blossomforth continued. "The mayor wants you and two squads of our best guards to assure the security at the reception. All equipped with ceremonial armors."

Cloud Kicker blinked with a frown. "You're joking, right?"

"No, Ma'am!" Blossomforth said in a martial tone. "I wouldn't dare to, Ma'am!"

"In that case," Cloud Kicker groaned. "Go tell the mayor than my best guards have better things to do than playing the bouncers at a posh party!"

"I've already have, Ma'am!" Blossomforth said. "But the mayor insisted on your presence at the party. She said that The Princesses and a great deal of the nobles are going to attend. She wishes to gives the town a good image."

"What image?" Cloud Kicker pondered a bit. "The image that Ponyville's Guard is nothing but a bunch of pet show-dogs? That's a job for the Royal Palace Guard!" Cloud Kicker rubbed the bridge of her nose before sighing in annoyance. "Send a message to the mayor. Ask her to come to my office tomorrow morning. I'll sort this out with her in person!"

"It'll be done, Lieutenant." Blossomforth nodded solemnly.

"So, what about the other news?"

"A woman came to the guard post ordering your immediate presence...." Blossomforth said slowly, taking a small step back as if fearing Cloud Kicker's reaction.

Cloud Kicker raised an eyebrow both at Blossomforth's step back and comment. "Who's she to 'order' my presence?"

"It's Gilda Skytalon from Cloudsdale, Ma'am." Cloud Kicker's eyes snapped wide open in surprise. "She seemed pretty pissed off."

"What did she do?" Cloud Kicker asked slowly.

"Hmm... She shouted various insults addressed to you... and to the other members of our competing team." Blossomforth said uneasily.

"She can't let it go, can she?" Cloud Kicker sighed. "Anything else?"

Blossomforth hesitated to answer for only a split second. That was enough for Cloud Kicker to notice there was something else going on and that Blossomforth wasn't willing to tell her. The lieutenant casted her most authoritarian glare at Blossomforth who nervously gulped in fear. Blossomforth's stern composure was falling apart under her superior's gaze.

"Anything else?" Cloud Kicker repeated sternly.

"Huh.. She ...huh.. While she was venting numerous insanities about you and your activities'..." Blossomforth stammered nervously. "She shouted that you and Lady Sparkle were... you know... on 'private business' together..."

Cloud Kicker remained impassible for a couple of seconds. "Where's she now?" She asked in a icy tone.

"I..don't think I should..."

"Sergeant! Answer my question!" Cloud Kicker shouted loudly, causing the passers-by to look at the pair of guards.

"She's still at the guard post." Blossomforth finally whispered.

"Good!" Cloud Kicker muttered before speaking with a more conversational tone. "You're going to do two things once you're back to the post."

"Which ones?"

"You're going to send one of our trainees as a messenger to the mayor about tomorrow's meeting." Cloud Kicker explained. "Then, you're going to gather the men on duty and come to the post's courtyard with them while I'll be speaking with Gilda." She added with a cold and neutral tone.

"Huh... ok." Blossomforth looked at her lieutenant with worry. "May I ask why do you want me and the others there? It's kinda your private business." She asked.

"To make sure the talk between me and Gilda can't escalate to the point where I'll have to send to her to the hospital." Cloud Kicker groaned, conjuring her dark fuchsia wings before flying to the guard's post.

"Exactly what I feared..." Blossomforth sighed. "...At least you kept your head cool enough to not send us away, Cloud." She added to herself before taking off to fly after Cloud Kicker.

Author's Note:

Phew that was hard to finish.

Anyway, like I said... A rarijack moment

+ as a bonus. Cloud Kicker's finally going to settle score with Gilda.

Will Cloud Kicker's soldiers manage to stop their esteemed Lieutenant from sending the Cloudsdalien to hospital?
That'll be answered in the next chapter.

I hope you liked it.

Stay tuned for what's next.
