• Published 29th Mar 2013
  • 6,181 Views, 814 Comments

Detour - Jetset0099

Captain Jake Weston led a normal life as a pilot. However, normal is about to be redefined for him as he takes a wrong turn during a routine flight.

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No Sealant Required

The sun was fully up and shining brightly across the farm when the truck drove up to the house and stopped. Both stallions got out of the cab and made their way to the front door. The aroma of breakfast wafted over the pilots nose, and made his mouth water.

They walked inside to find the rest of the Apples up, sitting around the table. Applejack looked over to them.

"There y'all are. Ah heard that truck all the way back here an' it was louder n' blue blazes. What in tarnation were you two up to?"
Both of them sat down at the table and began to grab some of the pancakes that were piled on a plate in the center of the table. Jake answered her.

"Well, Mac here wanted to move a giant boulder out from the back field. It looked like it would be a heavy job, so I used the truck to pull it out, and he used a bar to pry it from the ground."
Applejack looked at Mac with a stern face.

"Now Mac, what'd ah tell ya about puttin' pressure on that busted up leg o' yours?"
Mac sighed.

"Sis ahm tellin' ya, mah leg is fine. Trust me."

"Fine, but when y'all go an' hurt it again, don't come a cryin' ta me."
The farmer rolled his eyes. Jake put down his fork and spoke up.

"I think I have a way to get that boulder out of there. I saw a large sled leaning up against the barn when we drove back. What if we got it up on there, and I just towed it away wherever you want it."
Mac thought for a moment.

"Ya know, that might not be a bad idea. Yer provin' yerself useful Jake."
The pilot laughed.

Applebloom jumped down from the table and ran over to a shelf by the front of the house. She got a green saddle bag off of it, threw it over her shoulder, and opened the door.

"Ahm off ta meet up with the girls now. Bye everypony!"
Everyone said goodbye as she bolted out the door, slamming it behind her. Granny Smith yelled after her.

"Y'all be on yer best behavior now ya hear!"
Applejack chuckled.

"Granny, ya know ya can't keep her outta trouble."

Mac and Jake finished their breakfast and got up from the table.

"Alright Jake, we're gonna go on in ta town an' get that wood fer the barn."
He nodded and followed Macintosh out the door and to the truck. They both got in and Jake started it up. He backed all the way up through the main entrance and turned out onto the main road, facing the town. Jake seemed nervous.

"You know Mac, I'm kind of hesitant about this. Last time I drove through Ponyville I attracted quite a lot of unwanted attention with this thing."
Mac laughed.

"Jake, Ponyville has seen much stranger things than this. It won't take no time at all b'fore everypony looks at this thing like its nothin'. Besides, when they see me, a regular citizen, ridin' in it, they'll think it's normal. Trust me."

"Well if you say so. Here we go."
He shifted into drive and set off towards the village, doing about twenty-five miles an hour. Jake didn't know what kind of speed limits there were, if there even were any, and didn't want to take any chances.

After a couple minutes, the vehicle made its way into town. As soon as it did, the same stares and murmurs from yesterday resumed.
Jake tried to ignore it as they rolled down the main street. But by the time he reached the town square, the pressure was too much. He stopped the truck right in front of the fountain in the middle of the square, and got out.

"Hold on Mac, I have to explain myself to them."

"Suit yerself. Ahm gonna wait in here."
Jake shut the door and walked to the back wheel. He stepped up on it and climbed over the wall and into the bed so he could address everyone now crowding around him out of curiosity. Some of the faces he recognized from a couple days before when he first landed. He cleared his throat and began his impromptu speech.

"Hello everypony. I know this is weird and all but I just want to inform all of you that this machine is safe. It was on the back of my plane when I landed here, and I'm using it to help out around Sweet Apple Acres. For any of you who don't know, my name is Jake Weston. I look forward to spending time here in your nice town, and I hope none of you will be uneasy around this vehicle. Like I said, it isn't harmful I assure you. Thank you all for listening. I have to be going now."
The crowd nodded in approval and murmurs of acceptance were made.

Jake stepped down off the bed, went back up to the cab, and sat down again. He put it in reverse and slowly backed up.

"Take a right here an' go up this road about five buildin's. You'll be able ta tell which one it is 'cause of all the lumber out front."
He complied and turned right to head down a busy brick road. The townsfolk were still eyeing the truck, but they didn't look as skeptical or worried. Jake was relieved to see this.

"See, if you just talk to them, they'll understand."
Mac rolled his eyes.

"Don't go tellin' me how ta talk ta folk. A'hve been here longer than y'all have."

"Yeah your right, sorry about that."

"Yer fine. Here we are."
Jake stopped the truck in front of a medium sized shop with lumber stacked out front. He shut the truck off and opened his door. They both got out and walked into the building. A bell rang as the door opened and the owner came out. He was an older, light grey unicorn stallion with a white mane, tail, and mustache. He wore a green apron around his front that was covered in saw dust.

"Ah yes welcome, welcome. I take it you're Jake Weston, the pony who gave us all that little air show a couple days back, am I right?"
Jake looked puzzled.

"Uh, yeah that's me. How'd you know?"
The carpenter laughed.

"It's not that hard to figure out son. I've never seen anything like that in this town."
He pointed out the shop window to the Dodge, being examined by some curious ponies. Jake turned back to the carpenter.

"I see your point. By the way, what's your name?"
The carpenter shook both of their hooves.

"Ah! Where are my manners, the name is Fritzer Mach. Weird name I know, but I am from a place called Sponsus Lake. It's very far from here. I didn't like it, it was to focused on the hustle and bustle, so I moved all the way over to this quaint little town, and began my profession as a carpenter. As you can see here."
He gestured to his cutie mark, which was two planks crossed with a hammer in the background.

"But, I digress. What is it you two fine gentlecolts need today hmm?"
Mac spoke up.

"Well sir, Jakes airplane smashed part of our barn the other day durin' his little stunt, an' we need ta buy some planks ta fix the damage."
Fritzer laughed.

"Well then, it appears you have your work cut out for you. Follow me out to the front, and I'll show you what you should get."
Mac looked confused.

"Well ah kinda know what I'm lookin for. They are jes planks you know."
The carpenter turned around and stopped the two.

"No no my dear boy! You need a special kind of lumber for this job. A kind that I myself have engineered."
The farmers confusion faded.

"Well then, lead the way Mr. Mach."

The three stallions made their way out of the shop and into the street where the truck was parked. Fritzer led them over to a stack of planks that were sitting on a pallet.

"You see, this particular lumber was enhanced with a spell I used. It's completely waterproof, and it will never lose its strength from rotting."
Mac looked impressed.

"That saves me the hassle of puttin' on a coat o' sealant. How much extra is this gonna cost me now?"
Fritzer smiled and patted the stack of wood.

"I'll give it to you at the the price for regular wood, considering that this whole barn incident wasn't your fault in the first place. Right Mr. Weston?"
Both Mac and the carpenter looked at Jake, who was trying to awkwardly avoid eye contact. Mac turned back to Fritzer.

"Well Mr. Mach, thank y'all fer yer kindness. If there's ever anythin' ah can do for ya, jes come a lookin'. An' don't worry 'bout helpin' us load it up. We got that covered."
Fritzer nodded.

"Will do my boy, will do."
Mac handed the carpenter a bag of bits and shook his hoof. He walked back into his shop and closed the door behind him. Mac turned to Jake.

"Alright, go an' swing the truck 'round so the back is facin' this pallet here. I'll guide y'all back safely."
Jake went over to the Dodge and got in. He started it up and let it idle for a second. The captain shifted into drive and cranked the wheel right. He slowly turned until he was about to hit the wall of the shop across the street. His little show he was putting on was attracting a crowd as they watched him try to maneuver the huge vehicle in the somewhat narrow street.

Eventually, after a six point turn, Jake had the tailgate facing the pallet about two feet away. He shut the engine off and got out.

Mac already had the tailgate open, and was standing in the bed, waiting for Jake to pass the lumber up to him.

For about fifteen minutes, they worked to load up the Dodge. By the time they were done, the bed was about half way full with planks.

Both of them got back into the cab and Jake started the truck back up. The passerby stopped to allow the vehicle to move, looking curious.

He performed his six point turn again, and was about to set off when a pink blur came out of nowhere and landed on the hood. He recognized her as Pinkie Pie immediately. She had an envelope in a basket on her side. Jake rolled down the window.

"Uh, Pinkie Pie, what are you doing on my hood?"
The party pony giggled.

"I'm here to invite you to your Welcome to Ponyville slash Equestria Double Party Extravaganza!"
She handed him the invitation through the window.

"Don't be late!"
With that she was gone in another pink blur. Mac laughed.

"Well looks like yer popular 'round these parts."
Jake opened the letter and read it.

Time: 7:00pm
Location: Sugarcube Corner

Jake smiled, for the first time since his arrival, he felt completely and truly welcome in his new environment. He was going to make the best of it no matter what.

"Well I guess I'm busy tonight. Don't worry Mac, I'll work hard today and we can get most of the repairs done."

"It ain't a problem. Why, I reckon everypony who was new ta this town after Ms. Pie was here got one o' those parties."


"Why sure, it's a way of sayin' that yer welcome an' accepted here in Ponyville."

"Huh...I like that."
The truck shifted into drive and set off for the short trip back to Sweet Apple Acres.

Fritzer Mach came out of his store just as the truck rolled around the corner and out of sight.

"So...you're the one I've been looking for all these years."

He picked up the now empty pallet and drug it inside the shop, the door shutting behind him.

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