• Published 29th Mar 2013
  • 6,180 Views, 814 Comments

Detour - Jetset0099

Captain Jake Weston led a normal life as a pilot. However, normal is about to be redefined for him as he takes a wrong turn during a routine flight.

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Steam hissed and covered the platform in a thin layer as the freight train sat at the station. It was a large, black engine with a brass bell and whistle. It looked much different than the normal express train that always ran through. Behind it was a long line of flatcars, boxcars, and tanker cars all filled with various freight ready to be shipped cross-country.

The sun was just coming up over the horizon as the two headlight beams from the Dodge swung around and shone against the wall of the station. Jake and Mac got out and walked over to the platform, trying to find which freight car was theirs.

A station-hand approached the two and held up a clipboard.

"I'm assuming you're Mr. Apple?"

"Eeyup. We're here to load up the apples from this years harvest."

"Very well. Your assigned freight car is right down there."

He pointed to a brown boxcar sitting with its door open about four cars lengths down. Jake went back and pulled the truck around to the door and parked it and got out. Mac went over and stood next to the wagon the truck was pulling, eager to get the job finished quickly.

For the next two hours, the two quickly unloaded the crates and stacked them neatly onto the train. The clock struck eleven AM when it was finally finished, and Mac slid the large door shut and locked it.

"Well Jake, we're finally done with the harvest. All we need ta do is go home an' put this cart away. Then we can finally jes relax."
Jake shut the tailgate on the cart and began walking up to the cab.

"I like the sound of that."

At the Royal Castle, the grand ballroom was all set up for the party. It had a bar area with many small high-tables to stand around surrounding it. The stage was set up for the big-band, and there was a large dance floor in front of it. On the left side of the room was a roped off VIP section for members of the Wonderbolts and other celebrities who were on the list of names.

A couple paparazzi were already there craning their heads in and taking photos of the empty room to publish in whatever magazine or tablet they worked for. The castle guards were already working full time to ensure no one got past the entrance to the ballroom and messed anything up.

The photographers had to make way as three castle servants rolled out a long red carpet starting from the main entrance to the castle all the way down the grand hall and into the ballroom. Luna stepped out of the throne room only to have to jump back as the large roll came flying by her and down the hall. One of the servants stopped to apologize, and after a "it's no big deal" shrug from the Ruler, he was back at it.

Celestia came out and stood next to her sister, watching as banners for the show that read 'The Wonderbolts: A Tribute to the Sun and Moon' , were being hung down from the ceiling. Underneath the red lettering, they were black on the top half, and bright blue on the bottom half. The sun was in the dark half, and the moon in the light half. It sort of resembled the Chinese Ying Yang symbol. In the middle was the official Wonderbolts logo with the wings and lightning bolt clearly recognizable.

The name and theme for the show had been decided by Soarin after hearing Jake's idea for the finale song: Eclipse. He thought it'd be a great way to show their loyalty to their country. What better way than a spectacular air show, right? So far, the party looked like it would be a big success.

Bob Marley played out of Jake's phone as he and Mac sat back on his front porch with cider in one hoof, and a cigar in the other. The farmer never smoked except for rare occasions, and this was definitely one of them.

Jake held his glass up and proposed a toast.

"To a successful harvest."
Mac lifted his mug as well.

They both took a long swig, and continued listening to the music.

A little while later, Twilight walked up from the road, and looked at the two in confusion.

"Uh, hey there, guys. What are you doing?"
Mac chuckled and took a puff of his cigar.

"It's weird seein' me not workin', ain't it? Ah'll tell ya what we're doin'. We're finally relaxin' after a long and strenuous harvest. Eeyup, ah have no more work that needs ta be done fer at least a week. Then of course we have ta prepare fer winter. But fer the time being, ahm just gonna sit back and simply do nothin'."
The unicorn smiled.

"Well it's nice to see you finished with your work."
Jake sat up and put his cigar down.

"Is there a reason you came over, Twilight?"

"I came to visit Applejack. We were all going to go to Rarity's and get ready for the party tonight. I'm sure you two don't want to be bothered with it."

"Nah. Not really my cup of tea. I'll just throw on my suit and go. That's kind of how I've always done it."

"You're a last-minute kind of stallion, aren't you?"

"Pretty much."
He took a sip of the cider and picked up his cigar again. Just then, Applejack came out, and shook her head at the sight of the two in their state of laziness. She noticed Twilight and waved.

"Hey, Twilight. We goin' over to Rarity's now?"
She nodded.

"Yup. Thanks for coming with us. I know you're not one for these kind of 'girly' things."
The farm pony shrugged.

"Ain't no big deal. Y'all are mah friends. It'll be fun."

"Ok then. Lets go."
With that, they turned and headed out the gate and down the road, leaving Jake and Mac still inert on the front porch.

Jake lazily looked over and puffed his cigar.

"You know that eventually we'll have to gather the motivation to get up and get ready. It's almost three and I said we'd be out there at four."

"Eeyup. We got plenty o' time."

The Wonderbolts' headquarters were alive as the team rushed around getting ready. The rookies wore their regular suit, while Soarin, Spitfire, Fleetfoot and a few other veterans wore their blue dress uniforms complete with a black tie and golden shoulder boards.

Soarin tightened his tie and turned to Fleetfoot, who was just finishing buttoning his uniform.

"You all set?"

"Yep. You're supposed to say a few words tonight, aren't you?"
He nodded.

"You got anything prepared?"
The captain pulled out a small piece of paper containing his speech and showed it to him. After reading it over, Fleetfoot nodded in approval.

"That's good, mate. Definitely the right choice of words. Lets get going. We only gave two hours and I don't like being one of those celebrities who show up 'fashionably' late. We should be early if anything."
He turned and headed for the door of the locker room. Soarin waved him off.

"Go on ahead. I'll catch up."

"Alrighty, mate. But don't take too long."

"Yeah yeah. I'm your boss, you know. Remember that."
Fleetfoot chuckled and shut the door behind him. He walked out to find the rest of the team all suited up and ready to go.

"Listen up! We just have to wait on our 'boss', and we'll be good to go."
Spitfire smirked.

"He's probably putting on his makeup so the bags under his eyes don't show."
Just then, Soarin came out of the locker room and joined the group.

"For your information, I was going over my speech one last time thank you very much."
The former captain rolled her eyes.

"Ok. Whatever you say. Lets get out of here."
With that the team, led by Soarin and Spitfire, flew out of the headquarters and down the mountainside towards the Capitol City.

The field outside of Ponyville was empty except for seven impatient looking ponies and a large docile airplane. Applejack tapped her toe and looked over at the clock tower.

"They're ten minutes late already."
Pinkie Pie bounced up and down and started to panic.

"If they don't show up then we can't go to the party and if we can't go to the party then we can't find the dessert and if we can't find the dessert then we can't eat the dessert and if we can't eat the dessert then we can't taste how good it is!"
Twilight facehoofed and turned to the energetic pony.

"Pinkie Pie, we'll be fine. They'll be here soon."
Rarity sighed.

"I hope so. My dress is beginning to get a little dirt on it."

They were all wearing the same dresses from the gala a couple months ago except for Jade of course, who was wearing a modern black dress. The fashionista said it fit their personalities so well that they couldn't be topped, so that's what they always went with.

Just as Rainbow Dash was about to fly off and try to find them, two figures could be seen racing out of town and across the field.

Jade, who had been sitting quietly the whole time, rolled her eyes.

"It's about time. Now we can go."

The two finally arrived at the plane, and surprised everyone with their looks. Mac, who had never been one for fancy clothes, wire the suit very well and had his mane combed over.

Jake had his hair spiked at the front, and the black suit with golden shoulder boards went perfectly with it.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack, being the only two not eyeballing them, snapped their friends out of it and gestured towards the plane.

"Uh, Jake?! Can y'all get this thing in the air now? Ah don't wanna be late."
The pilot nodded and opened the access door, waiting for everyone to pile in.

"You'll have to find whatever seat you can since there's so many of us."
Dash raced past everyone and was immediately sitting in the co-pilot seat.


After some situating, all of them were buckled in and ready to go. Jake fired up the engines and spun the plane around. He lowered the flaps and throttled up, making the four Allison Turbo-Props whine with power.

Within a minute, the C-130 had lifted off and was headed for Canterlot.

Jake leveled off and pulled back power to cruising speed, taking off his seatbelt as to not wrinkle his suit too much, causing everyone else to do the same.

Rainbow Dash looked back to the rest of them sitting in jump seats and threw a hoof in the air.

"You guys ready to party?!"
Jade shared the same enthusiasm as the pegasus.

"You know it, Dash. It's gonna be off the charts! VIP passes, paparazzi, anypony whose anypony is going to be there!"
Jake chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"I've been to a lot of parties in my day. But I have a feeling that this one will be the most awesome one I've ever been to."

He throttled up a little, eager to touch down as soon as possible, and set course for the runway. If he squinted, he could already see the spot lights swaying back and forth into the air in front of the castle.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry for all the delays with the chapters. My grandpa hasn't been doing too well health wise, and I'm trying to register my car and take my test to get my drivers lisence. I have a lot on my plate right now, but Detour will not stop, I can assure you that. Thank you for reading.

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