• Published 29th Mar 2013
  • 6,181 Views, 814 Comments

Detour - Jetset0099

Captain Jake Weston led a normal life as a pilot. However, normal is about to be redefined for him as he takes a wrong turn during a routine flight.

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Relationships Are Complicated

The rain had stopped over Ponyville, but the ground was still wet, and puddles were formed along the sides of the roads.

Jake walked out of the club's doors and went over to the Dodge. Twilight followed him out.

"If you're going to leave now, at least give me the fuel sample. You have it in the truck, right?"

"Yeah hold on."
He got in and opened the center console. The container was sitting there, still a quarter full with aviation fuel. He picked it up, got out, and handed it over to Twilight.

"Now be careful with this stuff, it's extremely flammable. One spark, and this entire container gets burnt up. When you have it all duplicated in a larger container, keep it well ventilated. And dear god, don't let a flame touch THAT. Because with that much fuel, you're looking at an explosion that could easily level your house and the entire town square."
Twilight just stared at him.

"O-ok. I'll get right on it. Have a good night Jake."

"You as well."
She walked back into the club looking flustered from the directions she had just received.

Mac walked out past her and up to Jake.

"Ahm gonna stay here awhile longer an' listen ta the next set. It was a great idea comin' here Jake."

"Yeah it was. Sorry I have to leave like this. I need to prepare though."

"It's fine. Ah understand. Ah'll be home a little later."

"Ok. Bye."
Mac walked back into the club, leaving the pilot alone on the street.

He got back into the truck, started it up, and shifted into drive. The vehicle rolled out down the street and back to Sweet Apple Acres. As he drove, he came up to a cafe that was pretty busy. There was music playing, and ponies sat at tables inside and outside in front in a fenced off area. He did a double take as he saw Rarity at a table with none other than Speed Demon.

The fashionista was sipping a drink, engrossed in the foreigners story of how he broke the record.

"Then, in the blink of an eye, I had broken...no no...shattered the record by fifty miles an hour."
She batted her eyelashes and sipped her drink again.

"Well I think that's incredible darling. You're accent is very exquisite as well. Where are you-"
Everyone including Rarity and Speed Demon looked over to the road as the large black truck skidded to a halt right in front of the outside sitting area. Jake got out and slammed the door behind him. He walked around in front of the grill and made his way to the fence.

"Oh heeeell no! Speed Demon you get your ass over here and get away from her before I make you!"
Rarity stood up to defend her 'date'.

"Now see here Jake! Speed Demon is perfectly acceptable. He has done nothing wrong here!"
The record holder held his hoof up to stop her. He called over to Jake.

"What have I done wrong here Mr. Jake? Can I not just enjoy the evening?"
Jake sighed.

"Ok first off its been like twenty freakin' minutes since I saw you. So how you already met her is beyond me. And if you say something smart-assy like good looks or charm I'm hopping this fence and killing you."
He looked over to Rarity.

"Look I don't know what he's trying to pull here, but don't listen to him. He's just using his 'moves' on you."
Speed Demon interrupted.

"Who says I was? I was simply talking to Ms. Rarity here about making me a flame retardant suit for the race. She is quite the designer, no?"
Jake narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"So that's why there's three empty drinks by her, and one full one by you. Something doesn't add up here."
The orange pony started to get nervous, shifting back and forth on his feet. Jake could see it.

"That's right. I've been around the block enough times to see where this is going. Now I'm not gonna say anything to anypony if you just get the hell out of here, and leave her and I alone until the race. Ok?"
Speed Demon looked around to the other ponies eyeing him with suspicion, and some with anger, for what he was trying to do. He scoffed and turned back to Jake.

"Very well! But you have made a fool of me, and you shall pay in two days with your embarrassing defeat. Arrivederci Jake!"
He turned to Rarity and gritted his teeth.

"Enjoy the rest of your night."
With that, the earth pony turned around, walked out of the fence gate, and up the road to the north.

At his departure, everyone else carried on with their meals and conversations. Rarity walked up to the fence and spoke to Jake.

"Thank you Jake. For your information, I knew what he was up to the entire time, and I was never going to go anywhere with him. I'm not dumb."
Jake chuckled.

"Good. He and I talked over at Trios earlier. He wasn't the nicest of ponies, and he challenged me to a race in two days to see who could set the new land speed record. So I said yes. Hopefully the Ferrari can take on whatever that self-centered prick is going to use."
He looked back to the truck.

"Do you need a ride home or something?"

"No thank you dearie. I live only two blocks from here. Ill be fine."

"Ok then. I've got to go now. I have to think up a way to get that car off the plane, across the muddy field, and onto the pavement. It's too low to drive through it. It'll get bogged down just like the plane."
Rarity thought for a moment.

"I know! I happen to be very good at levitation, it's my magical strong-suit. Perhaps it's possible if I can levitate the Ferrari across the field and onto the roads."

"It's possible. It weighs about three thousand pounds though. Is that too much."

"...maybe Twilight can help too."
They both laughed for a second.

"Ok then. Ill see you around. Have a good night Rarity."

"You as well Jake. You as well."
He got back into the truck and drove off. She looked down the road just as the two red taillights rounded a corner and were out of sight.

"I sure hope he can beat that Speed Demon ruffian."

It was quarter until ten when the truck rolled up to the front of the farmhouse. The engine shut off and Jake got out. As he was walking to the door, he started hearing faint yelling from inside. The first voice he recognized to be Applejack's, but he didn't know who the other one belonged to.

"Fine! Ah don't want ta see y'all ever again! Git out!"

"Applejack please, I-"

"Ah don't wanna hear it! Git out!"
There were faint hoof steps from inside, followed by the front door opening. Jake was caught in the beam of light the house cast from the doorframe, and he stared up at the stallion who was leaving. In the light, he recognized him instantly.

"Si-Silverstream? What are you doing here?"
The guard was nervous and darted his eyes back and forth. Just then, Applejack walked up behind him and looked over to Jake.

"What are y'all doin home early?"
She turned back to Silverstream.

"An' what are you still doin' here?! Git!"
He stumbled off the porch and passed Jake, making his way to the front gate.

Applejack sighed.

"Ahm sorry ya had ta hear that. Come on in."
She entered the house and went directly into the living room without a word. He followed her in and was headed for the stairs when he stopped himself. He could hear faint sobbing from the next room over, and knew it was her.

Nervously, Jake went in to find her sitting on the couch, head down, staring at the floor. He slowly approached her.

"It's probably none of my business. But are you alright?"

"Does it look like ah am?"
He mentally face hoofed for saying that.

"Sorry. Was there something going on between you and...uh...Silverstream?"
She raised her head, and an angry glare crossed her face.

"What do you think Jake?"
'God I have to stop asking obvious questions.'

"Ok uh...do you care to tell me what was going on?"
She motioned for him to sit down. He did so, and the farmer began telling him the story.

"You remember that night of yer welcome party when we all moved out to the airplane?"

"Of course. It was pretty awesome."
She rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, me an' Silverstream got ta talkin'. Apparently he grew up on a farm as well before he became a guard, an' we had a lot in common. We went out on two dates since then. One at the park, an' another jes tonight while you were at the club. Ah brought him back home to show him 'round the farm. Ah thought we'd have a lot to discuss. But thats when everythin' went to hell. He came in to use the restroom b'fore he left, and his wallet was sittin' out on the table for some reason. Ah don't know why ah decided to open it up. It ain't like me, but ah did anyways. Inside was a picture of his wife an' kids. He was married already."

Jake didn't know what to say. 'Jeez, just when you think you know someone.' Applejack continued.

"So there ah was, bein' taken fer a fool by an' even bigger one. Ah just thought fer once that things were gonna turn out ok. Ah guess ah was wrong."
She sighed and got up.

"Anyways, thanks fer listnin'. Ahm gonna go ta bed."

Applejack walked out of the living room and up the staircase, leaving Jake alone on the couch to collect his thoughts.

"I guess I have a couple things to say to Silverstream tomorrow."

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