• Published 29th Mar 2013
  • 6,181 Views, 814 Comments

Detour - Jetset0099

Captain Jake Weston led a normal life as a pilot. However, normal is about to be redefined for him as he takes a wrong turn during a routine flight.

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Spitfire and Soarin were sitting in the headquarter's main office discussing the practice that was to happen that day. Soarin had been somewhat opposed to having Rainbow Dash participate in the performance. Not because he didn't think she could do it, but because her lack of training with the team and flight show experience could put her in harms way. He leaned forward on the desk and rubbed his temples with his hooves.

"Spitfire, I just don't think it's a good idea to have her perform with us. This stunt is probably the most dangerous thing we've ever attempted. Noponys ever been able to do more than three in sync. The brute force of the shockwaves could kill us if we don't time it to the millisecond. The MILLISECOND, Spitfire! This is serious stuff we're dealing with. Sure Jake's fine because he knows what he's doing behind the wheel of that plane. Hell I have no clue what I'd have to do. But I know what I have to do when it comes to flying, and let me tell you, one month is not enough time to train an inexperienced pony to the level of being able to pull off the hardest stunt we've ever attempted."

Spitfire sighed.

"Then this will be her test."
He raised an eyebrow quizzically.

"What do you mean?"

"If she can pull this off, then she's in the Wonderbolts."
He stood up and glared at her.

"What?! Look Spitfire, I want her on the team as much as you do. But we can't risk her life just because you think she's capable! I don't think she is."

"Well you can think all you want, but I'm sticking to my guns on this one. She's on the team for good if she can pull this off."
Soarin shook his head and raised his voice.

"Look, you made me the captain of this team two years ago and I thank you for that. But I'm the head of this team now!"
She sat forward and crossed her hooves.

"Yeah, but I'm the neck. And I can turn the head any way I want."
She leaned back in her chair and smirked.

"Rainbow Dash is performing with us. That's final."
He stomped the ground in annoyance.

"Fine! But when she hurts herself, and can't be on the team at all, don't say I didn't warn you."
Spitfire stood up and walked past him to the door. She turned around as she opened it.

"Ok, agreed. Now lets get over to the practice area. Jake should be here any minute."

"So Starfyre, ya think these rockets are suitable to strap on to the back o' that plane?"

Fleetfoot and Starfyre sat at the end of the makeshift cloud runway where a larger tarmac had been erected to set things up and give Jake enough room to turn around. The rocket technician looked at the two Sabre Mach I rockets sitting on their stands to the left of the tarmac.

"Sure. All they are is the engine and thrusters without the warheads on them. I made the calculations, and these should fit perfectly below and behind the wings on either side of the cargo ramp. If they're too low, they'll throw the nose of the plane up. So this has to be perfect."
Fleetfoot looked down the runway into the distance to see a speck with wings flying towards them.

"Speak of the devil, there he is."
He looked back to see the rest of the team assembling in uniform at Soarin's command.

"Ok guys listen up! This is our first real practice for the finale show, and we have to make this count. We have limited time, so lets use all of it we can. Understood?"

"Sir, yes sir!"

"Good. Ok, we'll give more details when he lands."

They all turned to watch the massive aircraft touch down at the far end of the strip. White smoke billowed from the rear tires as they hit the asphalt with a screech, then the nose touched down. A minute later brought the plane to their end, and it turned left to angle it on the tarmac. The engines shut off and the access door on the other side opened, revealing Jake with black aviator sunglasses on.

Before he could take one more step, Rainbow Dash bolted out from behind him and landed in front of Spitfire, puffing out her chest and saluting.

"Rainbow Dash reporting ma'am!"
The co-captain chuckled and saluted her back.

"As you were. Listen, this isn't the Royal Guard. You don't have to salute me. Nopony on this team does that stuff."

"Oh. Sorry."

"Meh, it's cool."
She looked over to Jake, who had made his way down the stairs and was now conversing with Soarin and Starfyre.

"Hey, Soarin! You wanna get this show on the road?"
He walked back over to her and cleared his throat, ready to address his team.

"Ok listen up."
He turned back to Starfyre and Jake, who were laughing over a joke the technician had told.

"Ahem. Guys?"
They both stopped and looked over to him.

"Sorry. Continue."
Soarin mumbled under his breath.

"I never started."
He raised his voice once more.

"Anyways, we have a lot to get done today. For the first hour, Jake will be working with Starfyre to get the Sabres attached safely. Then once that's finished, we'll start practicing some of the easier maneuvers. Also, I want to see a takeoff with those rockets, Jake."

"Oh, you mean a JATO?"

"A what?"

"JATO. Jet assisted takeoff."

"Oh ok. That's a good name for it. So yeah, perform a JATO by the end of practice. What other stunts can you do?"
The pilot thought for a second. He wasn't a stunt flyer, that much he knew. But he had been known throughout his company to be one of the best flyers when it came to large aircraft. He could maneuver them better than anybody else, and took chances that most other pilots wouldn't even think about doing.

"Well, I can do one called a Nose Touch, where I come down and fly the length of the runway while only the front landing gear is touching the ground. Also, with the rockets, I can do a JATO with a high performance climb out, where I can go from zero to one thousand feet in a matter of seconds. But what do you guys want me to do?"
Soarin eyed the plane as he spoke.

"Well, what I'm thinking is that you'll perform a JATO with the high performance climb thing, then do a low pass over the audience. Come back and do the Nose Touch, then fly off and wait for the finale trick."
Jake nodded in approval.

"Sounds good to me. So what exactly am I doing for the finale stunt."
Spitfire smiled and walked over to him, putting a hoof around his shoulder.

"Oh, it's gonna be awesome I can assure you. You really don't need much training, because your part doesn't require a lot of stunt flying. It's just the precise timing of the rockets that is crucial for this to work. That's why we have Starfyre here."
The pegasus turned around upon hearing his name.

"That's me!"
He gestured over to the two white Sabres.

"Lets get these babies on there, shall we?"

"Sounds good to me."

For the next hour, the team including Rainbow Dash, ran drills and practiced for the finale stunt. Just as Jake and Starfyre were finishing with the rockets, the Soarin came over to speak with them.

"Jake, I heard you had a lot of good music on you from Rainbow Dash. I was wondering if you had anything to sync up the finale of the show with. Do you?"
The pilot smirked and ran into the plane. About thirty seconds later, Eclipse by Pink Floyd was playing. He ran back out and yelled over the intro.

"This is the finale song to The Dark Side of the Moon! I think it would be perfect, just listen!"
And all you create!
And all you destroy!

Spitfire and the rest of the team had landed at the end of the tarmac to find out where the music was coming from.
All that you slight!
And everyone you fight!

Soarin nodded and smiled in approval as the ending approached.

"This is awesome!"
As the last chord struck, the Wonderbolts began to applaud. Spitfire walked over to Jake.

"I think we've found our finale song. It's perfect! It has everything we need to complete the show."
She turned back to her team.

"Ok, lets get back to work."

Fifteen minutes later, Jake and Starfyre were sitting at the end of the runway in the C-130 cockpit, ready to test out the Sabres, which had been strapped on just above the rear landing gear on either side. Starfyre sat in the co-pilots seat holding a small, silver trigger device with a red button on the end of it. He looked over to Jake, and a sly smile donned his face.

"When I hit this button, you're gonna see some real shit."
Jake gulped and adjusted himself in his seat.

"So...you're SURE this is safe?"
Starfyre rolled his eyes.

"Yes Jake, I told you that. What's wrong? Does wittle baby Jaky need his bottle and bwanky?"
The pilot stared at him as he cracked up.

"I'm just messing with you!"

"Yeah ok. Fine, I'll take your word for it."
Starfyre tightened his grip on the edge of his seat and thrust his hoof with the launcher forward.

"Onward my friend! We're going for one hell of a ride!"

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