• Published 29th Mar 2013
  • 6,180 Views, 814 Comments

Detour - Jetset0099

Captain Jake Weston led a normal life as a pilot. However, normal is about to be redefined for him as he takes a wrong turn during a routine flight.

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Balancing Equation

Rainbow Dash was ecstatic. She had flown many times before, but this time was much different. She hovered at twenty thousand feet, surrounded by Soarin, Spitfire, and four other team members. She was the center of attention.

Down below, a team of top-of-class unicorns from the Canterlot Magic University had been asked to set up a silencing shield, keeping the stunt a secret from the public. Without it, there was simply no way to hide the extravagance of this trick. When they got done casting it, it formed a white, glossy barrier around the runway and half of the valley next to the city, extending thirty thousand feet up. One unicorn almost passed out from the amount of magic it took, but quickly regained his posture and sat down to watch the feat unfold.

Hundreds more feet down, Jake and Starfyre sat in the cockpit of the C-130, which was circling so low it was almost skimming the treetops. Starfyre held the small launching mechanism to the Sabre rockets, which were strapped on and ready to go.

Thanks to magic yet again, they were able to communicate through a spell that had been cast on them. For Jake, it came through his headset. Soarin's voice could be heard by all as he gave his final address before the attempt.

"Ok, team. This is it. We have worked countless hours preparing for this exact moment. It has never been fully attempted before, I realize that. But we have to try it once before the show. We have the precise timing down, so lets finish it all the way this time. Jake, be ready when you need to be. Make a bang. Starfyre, thanks for being here with us. You put in a lot of effort, and I am truly pleased. As for the rest of my team, I also want to thank you all for a job well done this past month. And finally, Rainbow Dash, I've thought long and hard about this, and I've made my decision. If you can pull this off right, you'll be a permanent member of the Wonderbolts team. None of that honorary stuff. You get the real deal...Dash, please stop hugging me. Dash!...whew. So, I ask of you to all become one, and make a show that will go down in history. It's our last show of the season, but lets do it like its our last show ever."
There was a pause as he got situated, then spoke one final time.

"Maestro...music please."

The first chords of Eclipse blasted through the air, allowing them to hear for perfect timing. Rainbow Dash dove, followed by the other six Wonderbolts.

Down below, Starfyre looked over to Jake and chuckled.

"Let's go for a little ride, shall we?"

Jade looked up at the white sign that read Sweet Apple Acres, and smiled. It had been awhile since she was at the farm, and was glad to be returning. Despite her as being known for a "rocker" type, she often enjoyed the simpler things in life. This apple orchard was one of her new favorite spots to come when she wasn't working, and a certain pony working on said orchard made it that much better.

Jade walked down a row of already-bucked apple trees, and admired the way they were so perfectly and delicately lined up. Like ranks of soldiers in the army.

When she got to the end of the row, there was a small clearing, allowing her to see over to the next orchard towards the back of the property. At the end of one of the rows , she saw the black Dodge parked, with a larger red body that was unmistakably Macintosh, standing beside it.

The drummer took off in a steady gallop towards the scene, and in minutes, found herself right behind Mac, who had since then turned and was looking at the apple count in the bed. She tapped him on the shoulder, causing him to whip around.

"Oh! Hey there, Jade. Ya startled me."
She sat down in by the trunk of a tree and smiled.

"Sorry. I just came by on a walk and thought I'd say hi. How are things?"

"Good. Me an' Applejack almost have the harvest done thanks ta this here truck."
He patted the vehicle on the rear tire.

"Eeyup. It can carry twice the amount than our old baskets and wagons could."

"Well that's nice."
She looked around at the trees, which had all but one row been stripped of their contents. All that was left were the branches and green leaves.

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to grab a bite to eat tonight after work. How's that sound?"
Mac smiled and walked over to another un-harvested apple tree.

"Eeyup. That would be nice. When we get this here orchard finished, ah'll come an' pick ya up. Ahd say its gonna be 'round seven o'clock. That ok?"

The musician nodded and stood back up.

"That'll be alright. I'll see you then!"
With that, she turned and trotted away down the row of trees, and was out of sight in seconds.

Applejack walked around from the front of the truck and confronted her brother, donning a smirk on her face.

"Tongue-tied there, Big Mac?"
The farmer snapped back to reality and whipped around to look at his sister.

"Uh...uh...eeyup. Wait! I meant nnope!"

"Uh huh. Lets get back to work so you can go on your little date later."

Mac rolled his eyes and bucked another tree, letting the fruit cascade down into the Dodge's bed.

The magical barrier fell as the trick came to an end. Jake circled around and lined up for approach on the runway. He was speechless at what had just happened. The stunt was flawless, and was to him, the most amazing thing he had ever experienced at the controls of an aircraft.

Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts touched down on the tarmac, awaiting the plane's arrival. Soarin walked over to the cyan pegasus, and without word, outstretched his hoof for her to shake. She did so, almost fainting in the process. Spitfire came over and addressed Dash.

"Congratulations, Rainbow. These hours of practice payed off, and now, we want you to become one of us. So, from this moment on, you are an official member of the Wonderbolts team."

"Oh. My. GOSH! Omygoshomygoshomygosh! My dream has finally come true! I am officially the happiest pegasus in Equestria right now!"
She shot up and did three loops, landing within seconds of taking off.

"And not to mention, the coolest!"
Fleetfoot laughed.

"Don't get ahead of yourself there, lass. We still have to actually PERFORM the show in three days. That'll be your true test. To see how you manage in front of a crowd."
Spitfire finished his statement, putting a nervous Rainbow Dash at ease.

"Don't worry. You're still a member regardless. But he does make a point. You also have to show us that you're capable of performing live shows. But I'm sure you can handle it."

BANG! Everyone was startled at the sudden noise, and whipped around to see the C-130 with a left rear tire blown out, and skidding off the side of the runway. Jake had misjudged the height, and come down too hard. It would've been fine if it hadn't been for the extra weight of the rockets strapped to it's sides. The impact was just too much for the now shredded tire.

Everyone jumped to the side as the plane roared passed them, dangerously close, with sparks flying from the underbelly.

They watched in horror as the aircraft slid closer and closer to the end of the cloud runway, which was suspended a good ten thousand feet. A straight shot down to the valley below. It finally slowed, and the nose dropped as the front wheel slid off and hung limp over the edge. The weight of the fuselage scraping against the cement caused the C-130 to come to an abrupt stop, the front half teetering on the brink of destruction.

Spitfire led the pack as they ran over to see what could be done. Upon arriving, the cargo bay door opened, revealing a blank-faced Starfyre and a nervous Jake.

Fleetfoot hovered over, only to be stopped by a now frantic pilot.

"No no no! Stop! The slightest change in weight could send this thing over the edge. Where are those unicorns from the University?"

"Not sure, lad. I think they left already. Why?"

"Why? Because they can magically lift this thing back up is why!"
Fleetfoot narrowed his gaze and landed by the ramp.

"Don't get pissy with me for tryin' to help out!"

"You're right. Sorry. I'm just in kind of a predicament right now. Basically, my LIFE is balancing on a magical runway seconds away from doom. This plane is my favorite thing in the world, and I'm not about to let that go."
The Wonderbolt sighed, then hung his head and nodded.

"I know. I can't imagine how important it must be."
He looked back at the rest of his team, then spoke over their murmurs.

"Alrighty, lads! I got an idea. We're gonna get underneath the belly of this beast, and heave!"

A wave of confusion washed over the group, causing Fleetfoot to facehoof.

"Get underneath it and fly up!"
The Wonderbolts, now understanding, nodded and ran over to the very edge of the runway, standing under the shadow of the plane's wings.

The aircraft shuddered and slid forward a little, catching on an uneven surface and halting even further over the edge. Jake and Starfyre cautiously stepped off, and went over to join them at the edge.

"This won't work. The plane is way to heavy for you guys. We need magic."

Fleetfoot looked up at the mammoth aircraft, and hung his head once more, but this time in defeat.

"I think you're right, lad. I'm sorry."
Rainbow Dash pointed to Canterlot, which was a mile or so south of them.

"I'm gonna fly over and get some help from unicorns! Maybe somepony will be able to help!"
Jake held up a hoof to stop her just as she was about to jump off.

"Don't waste your time, Dash. They won't get here quick enough. This plane is going over the edge soon. It's only a matter of time before whatever is catching it gives out."
Fleetfoot snapped up and smiled, having just thought up what he believed to be a brilliant plan.

"Wait a minute. How could I have not seen this before? It's a plane for Luna's sake! We can just push it off, let it glide down, and you fly back up here and land!"
Jake shook his head.

"How am I going to land again with no right gear? I'd belly land, but that means that all wheels would need to be up. And with that mangled tire and wheel, the mechanism would eat jammed up trying to raise it."

Starfyre squinted down to the end of the runway where to white carts with four large rubber wheels were sitting. They were used to haul the Sabre rockets, but the technician now had other plans for them.

"I know how. Jake, get in the plane. Shove off and do your thing. I'll take care of the rest."
He turned around to the stunt team, and yelled out his commands.

"Ok everypony, follow me to the other end of the runway! I'll give you further instructions when we get there."

Jake ran around to the ramp, and looked back one last time at the team who was following Starfyre.

"God, I hope he knows what he's doing."

There was a sudden lurch as the edge gave way, allowing the plane to make its plunge. The back end slowly swung up as the nose tilted down towards the valley.

Jake grabbed ahold of the cargo ramp in a final attempt to board, and was flung up with the aircraft. He shouted back for help at the top of his lungs just as he, and the C-130, disappeared over the edge of the runway and began the ten thousand foot plunge to the ground.

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