• Published 2nd Apr 2013
  • 2,288 Views, 89 Comments

More Than Just The Music - Renegade3299

The leader of a successful rock band in Equestria has everything he could want. But when he's offstage, he feels empty inside, and he's not sure if this lifestyle can fill the void... until he meets a certain cyan pegasus.

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A Question For Rainbow Dash

My eyes opened from their slumber. For a fleeting second, I wondered where I was. Then I remembered that I, along with the best friends anypony could ask for, was on a much-needed vacation, which brought a sense of joy to me. The hotel room was dark, indicating that it was still night time. Glancing over at the alarm clock that stood on the end table between the two beds in the room, I saw that it was 2:16 am. I’d only been asleep for a little over an hour. Though the concert had worn me out earlier, I was still filled with excitement, which explained why I wasn’t able to sleep.

I looked past the end table. The bright lights from the city made their way through the curtain and allowed me to see Rainbow Dash, her eyes shut and her body rising slowly with her breathing. I quickly remembered the discovery I’d made before I fell asleep- that I was beginning to develop feelings of love for her. Ever since we’d met, she was always there for me, and I hoped that I’d always been there for her. From hanging out, to going to events together, me and her were beginning to become pretty inseparable. All of our friends were happy for us, though. Fluttershy had once told me that Rainbow had more in common with me than any other pony, and that she always thought about me.

I couldn’t help but wonder now- did Rainbow Dash have any type of feelings of love for me? The other ponies would never hesitate on hugging me, but Rainbow Dash… she’d been known to rest her head on my shoulder, she was always with me whenever possible… and of course, when she gave me a small kiss on the cheek after I’d given her this vacation as a gift. It seemed very possible that she may have had deeper feeling than friendship. Regardless, if she did or not, I knew that she was my best friend, and for me, that was more than enough. Turning back over, I shut my eyes and tried to drift off again, but it clearly didn’t work. I was too excited for this week, and I wasn’t gonna fall asleep by just laying in the bed.

Being as quiet as possible, so as to not wake Rainbow up, I got out of bed, and left the room, shutting the door softly behind me. I walked down the stairs into the living area, where I stood for a few seconds, looking at the grand penthouse that I stood in. We would all definitely have to make vacations like this a regular thing for us. Spike had fallen asleep in Twilight’s room this evening, so the sofa he had claimed was not in use right now. To make it a bit more relaxing, I lit a fire in the fireplace before seating myself on the sofa that faced the windows, giving me a view of the city. I began pondering on what we would all do on this getaway. There was so much to do in Capriole Shores, and we all wanted to take as much advantage of that as possible. I wanted to be sure this would be an unforgettable vacation.

I also had an important question that I wanted to ask Rainbow Dash- it was a question I’d been planning to ask for a while, and I intended on doing it some time during this vacation- I just needed to figure out when would be the best time.

As I gazed out at the majestic city, I heard of the doors opening and closing, followed by hoof steps approaching. I turned around and saw Rainbow Dash coming down the stairs, grinning. I returned the grin and asked “Couldn’t sleep either, huh?”

“Not right now. Too excited, I guess.” she responded, sitting next to me on the sofa. I slowly slinked my foreleg around her shoulder; in response, she moved a bit closer. The two of us looked out at the sleepless Capriole Shores as the fireplace gently crackled. This was an extremely heartwarming moment for me, and I would not trade it for anything. Rainbow Dash then broke the silence.

“So, Shadow. If you don’t mind…” she cut herself off in mid-sentence.

“Is something wrong?” I probed.

“No, but there was something that I was wondering.”

“Sure, what it is?”

“Well…” she paused again and took a deep breath. She seemed to be frustrated with herself. “We’ve known each other for over a year now, and we’re becoming really good friends…”

“No doubt about it.” I said, breaking the silence.

“I… I know you went through a lot of hardships when you were younger, but… you never really told me about your foalhood. I was wondering, if you wouldn’t mind… telling me about it? It would help me to get to know you even better- if you don‘t mind, that is. You don't have to, if it's too much to ask. ”

“I don’t mind at all, Rainbow.” I said.

"I don't want to push if you don't want to tell me." she said.

“It's really no problem." I told her. "You’re of the few ponies I can trust talking about this to, and this just might help to get rid of some of the bad memories.”

I took a breath. I barely ever told anypony in detail about my past, it was a very sensitive subject. But I trusted Rainbow Dash more than anypony, and I was more than willing to tell her about it.

“Well, as you already know, I wasn’t born in Equestria. Terretia is a place that, I think, nopony in their right mind would want to live in. I’ve already said that before, but I’ve never told anypony why. It’s a place where nothing but vices seem to be present. Nopony cares about another, they only seem to live for themselves. Greed, envy and hatred are probably the biggest vices that have a hold on that place. And the sun never, and I mean never, shines there. The sky is always a dull gray.”

“You’re kidding…” Rainbow Dash said in shock.

“Not a bit.” I answered and continued, “And personally, I’ve always believed that it wasn’t the weather that caused it- I think that it’s because Terretia is nothing more than a pit filled with vices and sorrow.”

I paused to collect myself before opening up the details of my past.

“Now, there’s a reason why I call my bandmates and you six my family. That’s because I really had no family in Terretia. I actually don’t know who my father is. My mother and brother were never really around. The two of them were always doing illegal activities- hardly ever at the house, partying all the time, things like that.”

“Did they take care of you?” Rainbow asked, taking my hoof in hers.

“No.” I answered flatly. “They never seemed to acknowledge me. Maybe it was because I didn’t do the same kind of stuff they did, I don’t really know. But they hardly ever spoke to me the few times they were at our house. I kinda had to fend for myself. I did that all throughout my school years. You already know the story of how I was bullied for having a dark mane and coat. A few times I’d even been beaten up by other ponies because they thought it would be funny.”

“Oh my gosh.” Rainbow sighed. “But didn’t you tell anypony?”

“I sure as hay tried. I reported it to the teachers and the school staff- only to find that they disliked me just as much as the other foals. They didn’t do anything. So, the next time somepony hit me, I hit him back- I actually knocked a tooth out, because I was so angry. The only difference is, when he reported me, I got in trouble for it. So, basically, it was a lose-lose kind of situation for me.”

“Was there anypony who was friendly to you?”

“Nopony. I discovered my true friend when I was in high school though- music. I used to walk along the beaches in Terretia as a sort of getaway for myself- away from the life that I was living. One day, I noticed that somepony had left a music player on the beach, and it was in good working condition. I waited for a while and when nopony came and retrieved it, I took it. I found that music was a great stress relief for me- much better than any kind of drug could ever do. I began listening to all kinds of music- but rock was something that really grasped my interest. Before I knew it, I had my music player on me most of the time. I just could not get enough of rock music. It was my escape, my friend.

“Eventually, I found a guitar when an old pony named Dollar Deal was retiring from the pawn shop that he owned. He was throwing it out, and he told me that I could have it and some equipment that came with it. I started playing that same day, and it changed my life. Now, up until this time, I didn’t have a cutie mark, because nopony was ever interested in helping me find my true talent. Less than a month after I found the guitar, I got my cutie mark. And even though I was proud of it, I was still made fun of because of how late I got it.”

“I guess that’s why you sympathize so much with Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle?” Rainbow assumed.

“Yeah- and it’s also why I can’t stand ponies like Glamour Gem.” I said. “It irritated me enough when she constantly flirted with me, but after the way I’ve seen her treat you and the others, she really gets under my skin. Nopony, and I mean nopony should ever have to suffer bullying. Those who tell victims to just lighten up are extremely inconsiderate. Bullying is something that needs to be put to a stop.”

“Anyway,” I continued, “I finally graduated, and I was finally free to do what I wanted to do. Ever since I’d found that guitar, I said that I wanted to be a musician for a career. Most ponies made fun of me for it, and others automatically assumed that I wanted to be famous. I was told to be something 'realistic'. They didn’t realize that I simply wanted to make music for a living. And that's what frustrated me- ever since I was a foal, we students were always told we could be whatever we wanted to be as long as we tried. But in high school, people asked me what I wanted to be, and then told me what I should be instead, which was a complete contradiction. I knew then that I would never make it in Terretia. So, I took the money I had and came here to Equestria.”

“Did your family have anything to say about it?”

“By the time I left, the two of them were in jail, and were supposed to be there for quite a while. I doubt they would have cared if they did know I was leaving. But, after I came to Equestria, I met the other three about two weeks later, and they invited me to stay with them, because they noticed that I was a musician, just like them. We soon had the Midnight Manes formed, and it’s led up until now.”

“Wow.” Rainbow said. “I didn’t realize that you home life was that rough.”

“To tell you the truth, Rainbow Dash,” I opened, “Just having my friends around… and spending time with you- it’s almost like it never happened... like my life in Terretia never existed. As soon as I came here, I finally got to experience true friendship. And I know I say it a lot, but I can’t thank you enough for it. I’m so lucky to know you, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow chuckled, saying, “I’m the lucky one- look at me, the best friend of Shadow Chord, front pony for the Midnight Manes.”

We sat there for a few more minutes in a peaceful silence, the only sounds being the crackling of fireplace and the dim sound of traffic outside. As I pondered on how lucky I truly was to know Rainbow Dash, on how I was beginning to love her, I suddenly realized that now was actually the perfect time for the question I was going to ask her.

I had reserved two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala, as had the rest of my bandmates. I’d deliberately missed out on both my junior and senior proms, as nopony really would have wanted me there, but I was not going to miss the Gala. Striker and Pinkie Pie were going together, as were Virtuoso and Rarity. Now, it was my turn to work up the courage and ask Rainbow to accompany me to the Grand Galloping Gala. I didn’t know if she had the same feelings for me that I had for her, but you didn’t have to be in a relationship with someone to go to the Gala with them. This was something I did not want to miss.

I stood up and said “Rainbow, could I ask you a… a really important question?”

“Sure thing, Shadow Chord.” she said.

Motioning me to follow her, I went back out to the balcony and told her to wait there and not to look. I quickly rushed back to our room, grabbed the ticket and made my way back to the balcony, where Rainbow was looking out at the city. I made my way beside her.

“All right, Rainbow, bear with me for a minute.” I stammered, “I’m not used to this kind of situation.”

“Not a problem.” she said, the slightest hint of concern ringing in her voice.

I took a deep breath. “I know that I just said it in there, and I say it all the time. But I do mean it when I say that I’m lucky to have you as my friend. You are truly my best friend, and you mean the world to me. I’m not joking around when I say that.”

Rainbow Dash nodded, continuing to gaze out at the city.

“You are always ready and willing to go and do stuff with me. We hang out, listen to music, go to lunch- heck, we’ve even watched the Wonderbolts together. I honestly don’t know what I would do, where I would be had I not met you. I didn’t know what friendship could be until I met the others… until I met you, Rainbow... Well, let's get to it- the question I’m asking is…”

I pulled out the ticket and stepped in front of her.

“Rainbow Dash, would you accompany me to the Grand Galloping Gala this year?”

She stared at me wide eyed for a few moments of silence- a few moments that felt more like a few hours, a few days, even. She blinked, swallowed and blinked again.

Well, that’s just great…’ I thought somberly, ‘Now I’ve creeped her out, and I can hang up any chances of her going with me.

Only when she smiled from ear to ear did I realize that I was mistaken. She let a laugh escape her lips before pulling me into a tight hug.

“I thought you’d never ask.” she gently whispered.

“So, the answer’s…” I said, wanting to be double sure.

“Absolutely, yes!” she exclaimed.

We embraced for a few more moments. The joy I felt was beyond description. Rainbow had accepted, and I would be escorting her to the one and only Grand Galloping Gala!

Luckily, sleepiness seemed to finally catch up with us, and we both headed back up to our room. I put the tickets back into their safe spot and faced Rainbow. I embraced her again.

“Goodnight, Shadow Chord.” she said softly.

“Goodnight. See you tomorrow.” I answered.

The two of us settled into our beds once again, finally being able to drift off into a deep, peaceful slumber. For me, it didn’t get much better than this.

Author's Note:

Well, the next chapter is finally here. I am so sorry it took so long. I meant to get it out sooner, but I am in the process of moving into a new apartment, which has consumed much of my time. I'm just letting you all know that the story is still in the works, and I will get the next chapter out as soon as I possibly can!