• Published 2nd Apr 2013
  • 2,291 Views, 89 Comments

More Than Just The Music - Renegade3299

The leader of a successful rock band in Equestria has everything he could want. But when he's offstage, he feels empty inside, and he's not sure if this lifestyle can fill the void... until he meets a certain cyan pegasus.

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Back In Town

“All right, guys. I should be back in a few hours.” I called to the other three as I exited the house.

I made my way through Ponyville, savoring the sunlight, the cool breeze, the friendliness emitting from the ponies who were bustling about with their business.

We had arrived yesterday in Ponyville from Manehattan, and the Nightmare Night Festival would be taking place the next day. Once we sent word to the Mayor that we would be glad to play at the Nightmare Night Festival, arrangements were made for a longer, more festive Nightmare Night. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna would even be making an appearance, and the four of us were among the guests of honor who would be joining them for dinner before the festival. Unlike the Post Winter Festival, however, we would be staying in Ponyville for at least a week after Nightmare Night.

As I had stated and planned in the past few months, we would be speaking with the Mayor and a few other ponies after Nightmare Night about setting up a recording studio here in Ponyville. Life in Manehattan was nice, but we all missed our real home. With a recording studio and with Double Platinum moving down, we would be set to live and continue our music in Ponyville. I was in high anticipations about this.

The place I was headed to now, though, was the Ponyville Schoolhouse. Mayor Mare thought that, since I had come from a rough start in life and overcame all odds, and since the students here were fans of us as well, that it would be great for me to come and and talk to them about not giving up and following their dreams. And I could never turn down an opportunity to inspire others to follow their heart's desire in life.

I arrived at the Schoolhouse, and was greeted outside by a pony with a deep purple coat and a pink mane.

“Good morning!” she said. “I assume you are the famous Shadow Chord?”

“Just plain Shadow Chord, please.” I told her with a grin. I extended my hoof and said “And what’s your name?”

“Cheerilee." she said, returning the hoofshake. "I am the teacher here in Ponyville. All of the students are very excited to meet you, but not all of them are here yet. If you can give me just a few minutes, I’ll be right back out to introduce you!”

I nodded and she went back into the building. While I was waiting, I heard a voice that I’d heard from somewhere before.

“Shadow Chord! Fancy seeing you here!”

I turned around and recognized her from somewhere- a lavender Earth Pony. She had blue and pink-highlighted hair. Next to her was a younger Earth Pony foal, with a pink coat. she wore a tiara on her head.

“I recognize you from somewhere, but…” I trailed off.

“Glamour Gem? Remember from the Post Winter Festival?”

“Ah, yes.” I said. I immediately began feeling uneasy, remembering the way she had acted from the show.

“Who’s your friend?” I asked, trying to keep her from making any advances.

“My name’s Diamond Tiara.” the foal answered for her with a smile. “She’s my big sister.”

“Hmm.” I said. “For sisters, you look surprisingly different.”

“No, I kind of adopted her as a sister.” Glamour answered. “She’s an only child and she always wanted a bigger sister. We have a lot in common, so it kind of worked itself out.”

“That’s awfully kind of you.” I complimented, hoping she wouldn’t take that as a sign to advance on me. I sighed in frustration on the inside when she stroked my shoulder.

“Oh, you’re too kind, Shadow.” she giggled, and batted her eyes… again.

“Come on, Glamour!” Diamond Tiara said, tugging on her foreleg. “Let’s get inside before it starts.

“All right.” Glamour said to the filly. “I’ll see you inside, handsome.”

Once again, she lowered her eyelids at me. I cringed, but I was glad that she was gone. There was just something about her that didn’t quite click with me. And furthermore, something in my mind told me to be wary of Diamond Tiara as well.

“All right, Shadow Chord!” Cheerilee’s voice interrupted my thoughts. “Just let me get the students set and we’ll bring you in.”

I waited at the door as I heard Cheerilee speak to her students.

“Class, it’s time to begin. Now remember, Mr. Shadow Chord has graciously offered his time to speak with us, so I want you all to give him your full attention. And also remember that he’s here to talk with us, not sing. He’ll be singing with his band tomorrow at the Nightmare Night Festival, and you'll be able to hear him sing then. Now, let's all give a warm Ponyville welcome to the one and only Shadow Chord!”

She opened the door completely and I walked in, greeted by the enthusiastic applause of the students.

“How are you today, Mr. Shadow Chord?” Cheerilee asked as I seated myself on the stool that had been set for me.

“I’m doing fantastic!” I responded. “I’m glad to be back home in Ponyville.”

“Well, we are all very glad to have you here!” she said.

While she began explaining to the class what I would be talking about, I faced the class. As I examined the room, I noticed three young fillies sitting together- a white Unicorn, a pale-yellow Earth Pony and an orange Pegasus. Standing behind the Unicorn was someone I recognized- it was Rarity, the ladylike Unicorn from 7 months ago. Behind the Earth Pony was a large stallion with a deep red coat and an orange mane. But my heart skipped a beat when I saw who was behind the Pegasus- it was Rainbow Dash! We smiled at one another before Cheerilee concluded her explanation and allowed me to begin speaking.

I spent my time there explaining to the class how I came from a rather rough foalhood, where it was almost impossible to do what you wanted to do, to be what you wanted to be. I explained to them how I was constantly made fun of by other ponies just for looking different. I noticed that Diamond Tiara, along with a silver-colored filly sitting next to her, seemed to shrink and back down into their seats when I explained how it was wrong to put someone else down just because they were different.

“It does not matter what color your coat is, what you do for a living, where you come from,” I explained to the class. “We’re all ponies at the end of the day, but we are all an individual pony with our own special talents, and nopony has a right to tell you that you’re lower than them or that they’re better than you. You, and you alone have the potential and ability to be whatever you want to be. Never let anyone stop you from getting there.”

I proceeded to tell them about how I left the place where I grew up and came to Ponyville, and how my success happened when I got here.

“Here in Equestria,” I told the fillies, who listened with curiosity, “Possibility is right here within your reach. All you need to do is just reach out for that star and grab it. When I first got here and started with my band, we actually weren't trying to be a famous band. I actually never thought I would be where I am today- I just wasn’t used to that kind of life. But I soon realized that our hard work and dedication made us a very successful band. I learned that you should always strive toward your goal, no matter how hard it might seems at times to get it.”

The three fillies I’d seen before looked at their flanks, which had no cutie marks. I felt the need to say something.

“There are times when it will seem like you may never get what you’re trying to get. But believe me, you can! You just need patience and the dedication. Don’t let anypony else tell you otherwise. Whatever it is you’re trying to get- you’ll get it sooner or later. Just keep your head up high and keep going at it.”

The three fillies looked up at me with grins on their faces. I felt a sense of contentment and pride, knowing that those words had an effect.

“Always remember- don’t let anypony change you. Never let anypony tell you that you’re worthless. No matter what, never ever give up. And always, always, believe in yourself. And before you know it, you’ll be right where you want to be. Thank you all for hearing me.”

The classroom applauded me, and I continued after they were done applauding.

“Now, who’s going to be at the Nightmare Night Festival tomorrow?” I asked with a wide grin.

The classroom buzzed with answers such as “I will! You bet! Wouldn‘t miss it for anything!”

“Well, as you know, we'll be playing there. Come and say ‘hi’ if you see me!” I told them.

Cheerilee addressed her class once again, “Thank you very much, Mr. Shadow Chord; we really enjoyed your visit. Now class, I want you all to remember what he has told you today, because he’s right. You can do anything as long as you believe in yourself. Thank you again, Mr. Shadow Chord, and we will all see you tomorrow night. We're looking forward to it!”

She then dismissed the class for the day. I approached where Rainbow Dash and Rarity were standing as the fillies began exiting the building. I pulled Rainbow into a tight embrace.

“I didn’t expect to see you here” I told her. “But I’m glad nevertheless!’

“It’s good to see you, too. I was sort of chaperoning for Scootaloo, here.” she said, motioning to the orange Pegasus. I knelt down.

“Scootaloo?” I greeted.

“Hi, Mr. Shadow Chord.” she answered with a smile.

“Just Shadow Chord.” I told her. I looked at the Unicorn and Earth Pony and said. “That goes for you two as well, okay? No need to call me mister, I liked being called Shadow Chord.”

“I don’t believe we’ve met.” I said to the Earth Pony.

“Ah’m Apple Bloom!” she said. “And this is mah brother, Big Macintosh.”

“Pleased to make yer acquaintance.” Big Macintosh said, giving me a firm yet friendly hoofshake.

“And what’s your name?” I asked the Unicorn.

“Sweetie Belle.” she answered. “And this is my big sister, Rarity.”

“Ah, yes, it‘s so nice to see you again.” Rarity said.

I looked over to my left, and spotted Glamour Gem giving Rainbow Dash a dirty look. Diamond Tiara was doing the same to the three foals. As soon as she noticed me, though, Glamour began exiting the building, but not without blowing me a kiss and mouthing the words to ‘hit her up”.

She left and I gave an exasperated sigh.

“Are you all right, darling?” Rarity asked.

“I’m fine, but there’s this pony named Glamour Gem who is kind of starting to get on my nerves. She was hitting on me earlier when she came in with this filly named Diamond Tiara.”

The three fillies made gag-like noises at the mention of her name.

“Not a very nice pony, I take it?”

“Are you kidding?” Scootaloo asked. “All she does is make fun of us!”

“What for?” I inquired, curious yet disgusted at the mere mention of that.

“Because we don’t have our cutie marks.” Apple Bloom said forlornly. I knelt down and faced the three fillies.

“Well, you three- just remember what I told you. Don’t let little Diamond tell you that she’s better than you. Honestly, since she puts you down, that makes her worse. Trust me- just keep at it, and you’ll have your cutie marks before you know it. Did you know that I wasn’t a foal- I was a colt before I got mine?”

The three looked up at me in wonder.

“Yep. So there’s no need for you to worry about never getting them- you will get them when the time is right.”

After talking to them, the three of them decided to go outside and plan for their “cutie mark crusade” as they called it.

The four of us spent about ten minutes or so engaging small talk while the three fillies played outside.

“Well, I’d better get home.” Rarity said.

“Eeyup.” Big Macintosh agreed.

The two of them got their siblings and headed out. I watched as Scootaloo followed Apple Bloom.

“Do you need to take your sister home?” I asked Rainbow Dash.

“Huh?” she asked before realizing what I meant. “Oh, no- Scootaloo’s actually not my sister. She just kind of looks up to me, and I took her in as my sister.”

“That’s pretty kind of you.” I said to her. “I just can’t believe that they get made fun of by that filly.”

“Yep.” Rainbow said with a grimace. “And I’ll be the first to tell you- watch out for Glamour Gem as well. She used to make fun of me when I was a foal. What’s worse, is she thinks she’s the prettiest mare in Equestria, and she thinks that she can get whatever and whoever she wants.”

“All she does is creep me out.” I said.

After a few moments, I said “So, are you doing anything important?”

“Not really.” she said. “I’ve gotta finish my costume for tomorrow, but that will only take me about thirty minutes.”

I decided to take a bit of a risk.

“Well, I don’t have anything important either.” I took a breath and asked “Wanna hang out with me today?”

“Sure!” she said enthusiastically.

“All right- I need to drop by my place first. I’ll show you around while I’m there.”

With that, the two of us headed toward my house, where I showed her around the house, going from the practice room in the basement, to the balcony upstairs. The two of us then went into my bedroom so I could retrieve my money. She immediately noticed a photo of me with the Wonderbolts hanging on the wall by my closet door.

“You’re a fan of the Wonderbolts?” she asked in amazement.

“Sure am.” I replied, reaching into my closet. “I take it you are as well?”

“Other than you guys, they’re the only performers I’ve taken personal time to see live.”she answered. Then, she must have noticed my bookshelf.

“No way!” she said. “You have the complete Daring Do series too?”

“Big fan." I said. "I actually managed to get my copy of The Griffon’s Goblet signed by the author.”

“Oh my gosh, that is so awesome!” Rainbow exclaimed.

I now had my money. I closed the closet door and said “Anywhere in particular you’d like to go to?”

“Hmm.... nowhere in particularcomes to mind, really.” she answered.

As I looked around, searching for an idea. Then, my eyes came to rest on a note that I hadn’t realized was there:

Shadow Chord,

The three of us went to the bowling alley for a little while. Be back later. Drop by and play some rounds with us if you want.

Lightning Shredder

I turned to Rainbow Dash and asked “You ever go bowling?”

“It’s been a while since I've done that,” she answered “But I do like to bowl a few games every now and then.”

“All right, then we'll just head over to the bowling alley. My treat.”

“Are you sure, Shadow?” she asked.

“It’s no problem.” I said. “The rest of the boys are there as well, so I figured we could meet up with them. Besides, this will be a great way for us to hang out.”

After locking the house up, we headed over to the bowling alley, engaging in conversation as we trotted through Ponyville.

“I didn’t know you weren’t originally from Ponyville.” Rainbow said to me. “What’s your home town like?”

“To be honest, Rainbow Dash,” I explained, “I consider Ponyville my actual home town. The place where I came from is legions away from here, and I wish to stay as far away from that place as possible.”

She looked over at me with a concerned look. She seemed to be realizing that I grew up in a place that wasn’t too great.

“In Terretia- that’s the land I’m from,” I continued “Everypony there is so consumed by selfishness, intolerance, pride, you name it. Like I said earlier today at the schoolhouse, I was made fun of. And I’m actually starting to understand something. It wasn’t just because I looked different. I’m beginning to believe that I was also mistreated for being a pony who didn’t really care for myself above anypony else. I tried to help and befriend anypony I could, and I guess I was regarded as somepony who was weak, who didn’t have any kind of ambition.”

“If only they knew of your ambition.” Rainbow Dash said with a warm smile. “You said that everypony else had really bright colored coats and manes, and that you were the only one who had a dark coat.”

“Right.” I confirmed.

“I find that kind of weird.” she told me. “All of the bright-colored ponies are the selfish kind, and you, the only pony with a dark coat, are the one who cares about others.”

By now we’d reached the bowling alley, and we came to a pause in front of it. After a moment of slightly awkward silence, she spoke up again.

“Shadow, I’m gonna be honest with you. You’re a really admirable pony.” she told me. “I couldn’t imagine living in a place like that. And you put up with all of the troubles you went through. You left that place and came here, and because you knew not to give up, you’ve made it.”

I was at a loss for words. For the first time in my life, I was being given a true compliment. One that was sincere, not just from an over-the-top fanmare. This was an honest compliment, and I didn’t know what to say. I just looked straight ahead of me.

“You okay, Shadow?” she inquired, noticing my expression.

“Nopony….” I trailed off and cleared my throat. “Nopony has ever said anything like that to me before. Ever.”

“Are you serious?” she asked. I looked at her and nodded.

“I really appreciate hearing that, Rainbow Dash.” I responded. “Hearing things like that are what makes everything I’ve done worth it.”

We hugged again, and once more, I felt that spark from seven months ago. I began to think I knew what it was- friendship. For the first time, I was actually making a true friend.

Sure, my bandmates were there for me, but they were my bandmates. We had gone through thick and thin, but here was somepony who was looking past the music, past the lights and pyrotechnics, and seeing the real Shadow Chord. I savored the spark as we hugged. We then broke apart and went inside. I quickly found Lightning Shredder, Virtuoso and Striker heading toward us.

“Guess you decided to drop by after all, eh?” Striker asked.

“Mm-hmm.” I answered. “You guys remember Rainbow Dash from the Post Winter Festival?”

They nodded their heads in affirmation. Just as they did that, I heard another familiar voice.

“Shadow Chord!!”

Before I could turn around, I was tackled by a flash of bright pink. It was the hyper pony who had been beside Rainbow at the show.

“Oh my gosh, it’s so good to see you again!” she said, speaking in almost a blur. “It’s me, Pinkie Pie! I was here just minding my own jolly business, when I saw Striker! He remembered me and offered to let me bowl with them, so of course I said yes, and now you’re here!”

“That’s great Pinkie, but I can’t breathe!” I said in a muffled tone. She quickly jumped off, saying “There we go!”

Getting up, I said, “Well, are you all up for a few more rounds?”

Everypony gladly agreed to keep playing.

I paid for two All-You-Can-Bowl rates and joined the others. We were shown to our lane, and got situated. Lightning Shredder set the game up while Rainbow Dash and I got our bowling balls. Soon, the game was underway.

Rainbow was a surprisingly good bowler, having scored three strikes on her first three tries. As she seated herself next to me while Virtuoso took his turn, she asked “So, are you guys going back to Manehattan after the show tomorrow?”

With satisfaction and excitement, I informed her, “We’re actually gonna be here for at least a week after the show. We’re actually getting ready to build that recording studio that we’ve been planning for a while.”

“So that means you'll will be moving vack to Ponyville permanently?” Pinkie asked, her eyes wide.

“That’s right.” Striker told her. “We’ll be back once the studio is complete.”

“Yippie!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Oh my gosh, I know what we’ll do! We’ll throw you all a welcome back party! It’ll be the best party ever!”

“You don’t have to go through all that trouble, Pinkie…” Lightning Shredder said as he picked his bowling ball up.

“She won’t take no for an answer.” Rainbow Dash told him. “Besides, she’s the best at throwing parties, and she’ll give you one for the record book.”

“In that case,” I said, “We’d be glad to let you throw a party for us, Pinkie.”


We bowled a total of five games before we all decided to call it a day. Rainbow even asked me to fly her back to her house, which I was happy to oblige. We continued engaging in small talk before we finally reached her house.

“Thanks for hanging out with me today, Shadow.” she told me. “It was a blast.”

“I had an incredible time, Rainbow.” I said.

“So, I guess I’ll see you at the show tomorrow?” she asked me.

“I’ll tell you what.” I answered. “Why don’t you stop by my house tomorrow afternoon, and I’ll set you up to get backstage throughout the show this time.”

“All right!” she replied. “Then I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon!”

We hugged once again, for a bit longer this time before she went inside. I made my way back to my house, excited for the events to come tomorrow. For the events to come this week. This was going to be a fantastic week for sure.