• Published 2nd Apr 2013
  • 2,292 Views, 89 Comments

More Than Just The Music - Renegade3299

The leader of a successful rock band in Equestria has everything he could want. But when he's offstage, he feels empty inside, and he's not sure if this lifestyle can fill the void... until he meets a certain cyan pegasus.

  • ...

Nightmare Night Festivites

*****RAINBOW DASH’S P.O.V.*****

I woke up, feeling relaxed and excited. Nightmare Night was here, my costume was complete, and the festival was on its way! But there was more to it this year. Not only did I spend the entire day with the one and only Shadow Chord yesterday, but he was coming by this afternoon to see me again! And he was planning for us to hang out through the entire Nightmare Night Festival!

I still had quite a bit of time before he dropped by, so I headed to Sugarcube Corner to get some food. I got to Ponyville, thinking how awesome it was to actually be friends with the lead singer of the Midnight Manes! I didn’t ever once think that would happen with me, but it was, and I couldn’t be happier. As I was making my way to Sugarcube, I was interrupted by a voice.

“Rainbow Dash!”

I looked and saw Glamour Gem coming my way. Here came trouble….

“Yeah?” I asked, keeping my guard up.

She reached me, and surprisingly, didn’t have any insults to say. However, she did say something that wasn’t very friendly nonetheless.

“Rainbow, my dear, listen close.” she began. “I don’t know who you think you are, but Shadow Chord is mine, do you hear me?”

“Yours?” I asked, a bit confused.

“That’s right.” she continued. “He might not be my coltfriend now, but he’s going to be, one way or another. Nopony has ever been able to resist my charms, and I’ll have him yet. I saw you talking with him yesterday, and I’m only going to say this once: you have no business with him.”

“Chill out, Glamour.” I told her. “We’re just hanging out. He‘s-”

“That’s how it always starts.” she interjected, “And the next thing you know, he’s buying roses and jewelry for you. That is my place, not yours.”

I quickly got tired of this, so I decided to cut the conversation short.

“Look, Glamour Gem.” I stated, “You don’t even know him personally, so I think you need to bring your expectations down just a bit.”

She gave me a glare of anger.

You don’t tell me when to lower my expectations.” she argued. “You don’t know what I’m capable of. Besides, as if he’d ever befriend somepony like you, Rainbow Dash. You aren‘t worthy of anyone‘s friendship, especially Shadow Chord‘s”

Now I was getting mad. She had some nerve, trying to tell me that Shadow couldn’t be my friend.

“And you don’t tell me who can and can’t be my friend.” I objected. “I wasn’t gonna say this at first, but now I think you need to hear it. Keep in mind that I was the one he was talking to yesterday… and he said that you creep him out. Now I can see why, since you were hitting on him, and now you’re claiming that he’s ‘yours’ as you say.”

Glamour Gem gnashed her teeth and let out a growl before she turned around and walked away. As she left, she spun around to face me.

“You’ll see, Rainbow!“ she snapped. “Shadow Chord can’t resist my charms! You just stay away from him! He is mine!”

I shook my head in disgust and pity. Something was wrong with her head. Putting what had just happened behind me, I went into Sugarcube Corner, where Pinkie Pie was sitting at the table… along with Lightning Shredder, Virtuoso, Striker and Shadow Chord.

“Good morning, Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie exclaimed. Upon hearing my name mentioned, Shadow turned around and grinned.

“Well, look who it is!” he commented. “Come on over and join us, Rainbow!”

I was more than happy to oblige. I seated myself at the empty seat next to Pinkie.

“We were all just having a nice chat over some lunch!” Pinkie told me. “Dig in, Rainbow!”

I helped myself to the treats that Pinkie had laid out, as the rest of the group had done.

“So, how has your morning been?” Lightning Shredder asked.

“Not too bad, except for a few minutes ago.” I said. “I ran into Glamour Gem just outside.”

“She give you trouble?” Shadow questioned.

“Yeah.” I responded. “I think you need to be on your guard, Shadow Chord. She came up to me, and told me that your were ‘hers’ and that I needed to stay away from you.”

Pinkie looked up from her cupcake she had been devouring, a look of irritation on her usually bubbly-expressioned face.

“That crazy pony is nothing but a heap of trouble.” she sneered. “She has no right to tell you to stay away from him.”

“Don’t worry about it, Rainbow Dash.” Shadow assured. “I meant it when I said she gave me the creeps, and now I know to keep an extra twenty feet from her now.”

Fortunately, we didn’t speak about Glamour any longer after that. We kept ourselves occupied with the band telling us of the adventures they’d had in their time as a band, and they heard about several of our adventures from Pinkie and myself. When we were done with our lunch, Virtuoso spoke up.

“All right, guys, I’m gonna go take it easy for the rest of the day. I’ll see you all this evening at Town Square.”

“Take it easy.” Lightning Shredder said as Virtuoso exited the building. “I think I’m gonna have a day to myself as well. See you tonight.”. With that, he headed out.

Striker informed us that he was going to hang out at Sugarcube Corner with Pinkie, leaving Shadow and me to ourselves. to ourselves. We left Sugarcube Corner, where Shadow said he had something he wanted to show me.

“It’s a something I have set up for the Nightmare Night Festival after our show. I spoke with the Mayor about it, and I have some friends setting it up right now..”

We went over to Town Square, where he led me over to some kind of structure that looked like an incomplete house. Except this one just had wooden framing and black tarp for its walls and roof.

“What is this?” I wondered out loud.

“It’s a Nightmare Night Haunted House.”

“Haunted house?” I’d heard of that somewhere, but I’d never seen one.

“A lot of places don’t have a haunted house, so I can see why you‘re not sure of what it is. There’s huge one in Manehattan, and I wanted to bring one to Ponyville.”

“So, what exactly is it?” I asked

“Well,” Shadow began, leading me toward the structure and stopping at what looked like the entrance “Of course, ponies enjoy getting the living daylights scared out of them on Nightmare Night, but they usually need to rely on pranksters to do that.”

I let a laugh escape, proudly stating that I was one of the best Nightmare Night pranksters in Ponyville, and that every year, I always helped ponies in nearly jumping out of their skin.

“Then you’re really gonna like this.” Shadow responded, “You see, with a haunted house, ponies don’t have to rely on pranksters. What they do is walk through this house, and in every room, we have ponies that are dressed up in scary costumes, sometimes hidden in places where the ponies going through can’t see them. When they least expect it, the pony in costume jumps out and scares the others. It’s a really fun experience, and I think that Ponyville would enjoy having this.”

A unicorn walked up to Shadow Song.

“Well, it’s just about done.” he told Shadow. “You have all the scare actors we need?”

“Just about, Double Platinum.” Shadow answered. “I’ve got a few more recruits, and they’ll be ready by tonight.”

Shadow then turned his attention back to me and asked, “So, what would you think of helping out with this tonight?”

“That sounds awesome!” I exclaimed, mesmerized and thrilled about the concept.

“Excellent.” he commented, “We could definitely use you as a scare actor. The costume you have- will it scare others?”

“I’m going as an evil sorceress this year.” I answered. “Hopefully that can fit somewhere in this house.”

“Sure can.” he replied. “There’s actually a dungeon room in here where you’ll be perfect. In fact, why don’t I show you all the rooms now!”

With that being said, he led me through ropes that made the queue line and through the black curtain that marked the entrance. We found ourselves in a narrow hallway. All over the room were ghastly faces, paintings of broken windows, and signs that said things like ‘TURN BACK NOW’ and ‘DANGER! KEEP OUT!

“This is our first room, the entrance hall.” Shadow explained, “There’s no spooks in here, this just kinda sets the mood for everypony coming through.”

He led me to the end of the hallway and through a curtain that had the words ‘POINT OF NO RETURN. ABANDON ALL HOPE.

In total, Shadow Chord led me through the following chambers: a graveyard, a mad scientist lab, a swamp, a maze, a dungeon, a blackout room and a cavern, each room awesomely decorated and detailed. This was sure to be a hit tonight, and I was looking forward to being a part of it.


We spent the rest of the day hanging out, telling each other about ourselves. We ran into a few of our friends, some of who were going to help out at the haunted house. Eventually, we went over to my house, where I got into my sorceress costume. Shadow Chord said it looked awesome, and that it’d definitely scare the guests. We then dropped by his place so he could get his costume. Though he didn’t put all of it on (seeing as he had a show to do first), he came out of his bedroom with dark makeup around his eyes.

“So, what are you this year?” I asked, not entirely sure from just the eye makeup. He grinned, revealing two long fangs.

“A vampire, eh?” I noted. “That’s awesome!”

“Thanks, Rainbow.” he replied. “Well, let’s get over to Town Square. The show starts in two hours.”

We made our way over to Town Square, where ponies were beginning to show up in costume. I was preparing to say farewell to Shadow Chord until after the show, when he motioned me to follow him.

“Come on, Rainbow.” he beckoned. “We haven’t had dinner yet.”

“Wait, I’m allowed backstage?” I questioned, a bit stunned at the idea.

“You’re allowed anywhere backstage if you’re with me.” he answered. “And remember, I said I’d get you backstage the entire night.“

“Oh my gosh! Thanks, Shadow!” I nearly shouted.

“Sure thing, Rainbow Dash.” he said. “Now, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are going to be arriving soon, and we’ll be having dinner with them. The dining area’s just this way.”

I’ll admit, I was a bit nervous at the thought of having dinner with the Princesses, but excitement overpowered the nervousness. We went through a long, narrow hallway that was directly behind the stage. We passed through several doors, and finally stopped at the third. He opened the door and we walked into a room with a rather large table.

Already, Striker was there, and, almost unsurprisingly, he’d brought Pinkie Pie with him. Striker, like Shadow Chord, was in his stage outfit, but had a whited-out face with black around his eyes and lips. Pinkie Pie was dressed as a witch this year. Twilight and Spike were here as well.

“Hi, Rainbow!” Twilight said, having glanced in my direction. “Hi, Shadow!”

“Hi, Twilight.” we answered simultaneously, entering further into the room. Shadow pulled one of the chair out for me, and I took my seat. He seated himself next to me and we made small talk as we waited for everypony else. Twilight’s costume was, as she explained, the dark mage Ganenhoof, which she had created to fit in with the haunted house. Spike was dressed as a red-scaled dragon this year. One by one, the rest of the group filed into the room; Virtuoso came in first, followed by Lightning Shredder, both in stage gear and face makeup, and then the Mayor joined us, clad in a Ghostbuckers costume. Finally, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna arrived.

“Good evening, everypony.” Celestia said in her warm, friendly voice.

“And a pleasant Nightmare Night to everypony.” Luna added.

The two Princesses took their seats at each end of the table, and shortly, waiters brought the food out to us on large platters with shiny domes over them. I hadn’t really eaten at any fancy restaurants before, so I wasn’t sure what kind of food we’d be consuming. But when the domes were removed and set aside, the sight and scent of the food made my appetite skyrocket. It looked and smelled amazing- and there seemed to be a countless amount of it. I could hardly wait to dig in, but being around royalty, I waited for them to serve themselves. After they, along with the Mayor, got their food, I saw Twilight reaching for the food, and the band began to as well, so I took that as the okay to dig in. My taste buds went completely wacko, I’d never had anything that was this appetizing.

“It is nice to see you back in Ponyville, boys.” Celestia said.

“Great to be back.” Lightning Shredder replied. “Manehattan’s a nice city, but it can’t beat our home town.”

“So, when are you going to be releasing a new album? I’m looking forward to hearing it.” Celestia stated, which kind of struck me dumbfounded. I never thought that Celestia, the royal princess, would be a fan of rock music.

"You like rock music, Princess?" I asked.

"Why, yes, Rainbow Dash." she responded. "Of course, many ponies may think that I would never listen to anything like that, but the truth is, I have a very wide taste in music, and the Midnight Manes are one of my favorites. Not only do I enjoy their music, but I also admire them for having overcome so many trials."

"I have to say, Princess, that's pretty cool!" I said.

“The new album should be underway before the year is out.” Shadow answered. “We’re planning on having a studio built here in Ponyville so we don’t have to stay in Manehattan.”

“If you ever need any assistance, Shadow Chord, I’d be more than happy to help.” Twilight said. The group said that they would take her up on the offer.

After dinner, the band gave Twilight, Pinkie and me the “grand tour” of the backstage area, showing us where they would warm up, set everything in place, and get ready for shows. After chilling for a while, Mayor Mare poked her head in and let everypony know that it was showtime. I watched as they grabbed their instruments and headed out. The band beckoned for us to follow him. On the way to the stage, Shadow informed me that we could see them perform from the stage entrance area. We got to where they needed to be, and the lights went out.

Their intro played and I could hear the audience begin cheering louder and louder. When the intro was complete, I watched as the four of them stormed out onstage, playing with all their might. I jumped when I heard a loud BANG! and was temporarily blinded by a bright flash of fire. A rush of excitement came over me as I realized that they were using pyrotechnics- something that I’d never seen them do before, but definitely a great addition to their show, especially during the Nightmare Night Festival.

I was actually feeling kind of special tonight- I wasn’t in the crowd looking up at the stage like last time. Shadow Chord invited me to watch from backstage as a special guest. After their first song, Shadow addressed the crowd.

“Good evening, Ponyville!”

The cheering increased, and he spoke again when it lowered a bit.

“And happy Nightmare Night as well! This is a really special evening for everypony here at the festival. We couldn’t have picked a better way or a better place to celebrate, and that’s right here with you! Everypony’s having a good time, and the evening’s only beginning! Here‘s a song you‘ll recognize!”

The four continued to play their hearts out, giving the excited crowd a stage spectacle that they’d never given before, with laser lights and pyrotechnics. Halfway through the show, Shadow Chord decided to mention the haunt.

“You ponies are incredible! Now, don’t forget that this show is only the kick-off of Nightmare Night! There’s gonna be plenty more to do after this; one of them is a new idea that we’ve personally brought here to Ponyville. How many of you like getting scared on Nightmare Night?”

The crowd, including Pinkie Pie, gave a cheer confirming his question.

“Then you’ll want to drop by the haunted house we’ve built. Now you’re probably wondering what that is. It’s basically a huge walk-through attraction full of creepy rooms where spooks jump out and give you a good scare! You’ll find it just to the right of Town Hall, so be sure to visit it!”

He looked back at me and gave me a smile before speaking again to the ponies in the audience.

“All right, for this next song, I want everypony to sing with us! We’re so glad to be back in our home town, and we want to hear our own friends and neighbors along with us. This one’s called More Than Just The Music!”

The band began playing the familiar tune. As Shadow Chord’s voice began singing the melody and blending with the singing of the audience, Pinkie began singing as well. She was soon joined by Twilight and Spike, and then I joined in as well, being in an extremely good mood tonight. During the song, Shadow looked back, smiling warmly when he saw us singing along.


After a few more songs, Shadow addressed the crowd once more.

“We’ve got one more song for you tonight. But remember, you’re not going home after this! We’re gonna continue the fun right after the show! You’ve been an awesome audience, and we’ve had a blast up here, but like I said, the fun has only begun!”

They played their closing song and came backstage. Twilight congratulated them on a show well done, and both me and Pinkie voiced our agreement. We continued to converse as each band member went back to their dressing rooms and got into costume. After a few minutes, they each came out, clad in a different costume.

Striker was some sort of ghoul, from what I could gather, wearing a long back robe. Virtuoso was definitely a werewolf and Lightning Shredder was, as he explained, the “Ghostly Greeter”, wearing a tuxedo and an old-fashioned top hat.

Now that everypony was in costume, the eight of us headed toward Town Hall. We weaved our through the crowd, making our war to the haunted house, which already had a line forming, waiting for it to open. Eerie dim lights, shades of red, green and yellow made the haunted house look menacing, but in an awesome way. The band led us toward the side, where ponies dressed as numerous types of spooks were gathered. I noticed Applejack was also here, and surprisingly, Rarity and Fluttershy in costume. Virtuoso got on top of a podium, and with a megaphone, addressed everypony.

“All right, everypony.” he said. “Let me first thank everypony for helping out with the haunted house tonight. It’s going to be a blast, and we’re just about to get started. Let’s all get to our designated chambers and we can open up.”

Everypony filed in through the secret entrance, and we all walked through the haunted house, each pony going to their assigned spots. Shadow, Twilight and myself walked through each room. Dim light laid out over each room, sending off eerie shadows. In some rooms, bright flashing lights would go off, illuminating the darkness momentarily. Spooky music played throughout the haunt, giving a sense of dread and anticipation. Virtuoso and Spike went into the swamp, and Striker and Pinkie took their spots in the maze. Twilight, Shadow and myself went into the dungeon, where we waited for Lightning Shredder to go and welcome the crowd. While we waited, we saw Fluttershy come into our chamber, wearing a long black cloak, like Shadow Chord.

“Fluttershy?” I asked, wanting to find out what I’d been wondering since I saw her outside. “What are you doing here? I thought you didn’t like Nightmare Night.”

“I used to.” Fluttershy said with a soft grin. “But after Princess Luna showed me that there was nothing to be afraid of, I grew to like the holiday more and more.”

“And you’re going to be scaring others?” Twilight asked, seeming just as shocked as me.

“Nope.” she replied. “Everypony knows that I get frightened easily, so I’m going to do what I do best. I’m playing the victim!”

Me and Twilight looked at her and I scratched my head.

“You see,” she explained to us “I’m going to be acting like a pony that everypony else is after. They said it helps to create a sense of scare in anypony coming through.”

At this pony, we heard Lightning Shredder’s voice through the megaphone.

“Greetings, foolish fillies and gentlecolts, and welcome to the first annual Nightmare Night Haunted House! We’re all here to have a frightening-good time, but we must go over some rules first, so here they are. No lights of any kind, no running, no pushing, no shoving. We ask that you please show respect toward our spooks, so please do not touch them or insult them. No food or drink, no hanging about, and of course, no escape! The most important rule of all: Have fun!”

We could hear the growls, howls and snarls of the spooks as the guests walked through the haunt, which were followed by the screams, and yelps of the guests, followed by their laughter. When they got to us, I braced myself. I hid behind a curtain and peeked out. At the right moment, I jumped out and gave off a loud growl, causing the ponies to jump back in fear.

This is awesome!’ I thought to myself ‘I could do this every year!

I exited the curtain and hung behind them in the shadows, unseen. I saw Fluttershy run up toward the ponies, her acting spot on.

“Help me! They’re after me and they’ll get you next!” Fluttershy gasped.

While their attention was focused on her, Twilight jumped out and startled the group, followed by Shadow Chord. Sure enough, they backed up, and I gave another snarl, which made them run forward and into the next chamber. We all bumped hooves and laughed as we heard their screams from the next chamber.

We continued to scare groups of ponies as they came through. I waited in my spot, and then, saw another group coming up. I jumped out and did my scare, only to be greeted by the smug face of Glamour Gem, who was dressed as a ghostly bride.

“Oh come on, Rainbow Dash.” she muttered with sarcasm. “You can do better than that. I don‘t see why they let you help out with this”

I sighed in exasperation as she continued to lead her group- which was her friends, and well as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Fluttershy ran up to them, doing her victim act.

“Oh no, help me!” Glamour mocked. “They’re gonna get us!”

The group all laughed with one another. In response, I saw Shadow Chord jump out and hiss, which managed tO make them jump back a bit. But then, Glamour Gem lowered her eyes at him.

Here we go…' I thought to myself.

“There’s the stallion I’ve been looking for.” she said before moving toward him. “How about a vampire’s kiss for the blushing bride?”

“Glamour Gem!” I heard Twilight’s voice “Leave him be! You’re not allowed to do that!”

“Not a chance, Twilight Sparkle.” she answered, putting her hoof on Shadow‘s chest. “I’m sure that Shadow will be happy to allow this.”

“Security to the dungeon!” Shadow called out.

Within seconds, two large stallions came up with flashlights and approached Glamour Gem and her friends.

“All right, miss,” one of them said “You and your group have violated the rules of the haunted house. You're out of here.”

They led them away, but Glamour called out “Hit me up some time, Shadow!”

“She doesn’t give up easy.” Shadow grumbled in frustration. “At least they won’t be allowed back in.”

The night went on, and we soon forgot about Glamour Gem’s antics. We took a few breaks from the haunted house, having other ponies replace us while we went and took part in other festivities, but we kept going back to the haunt to scare other ponies. No doubt about it, the haunted house was one of the best ideas for Nightmare Night yet!


Eventually, it was time for everypony to get some sleep, and the haunted house closed. Twilight, Spike and I were talking with Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity about our eventful evening. After the band thanked everypony for helping out and assuring that it would return for the next Nightmare Night, they approached the six of us, Double Platinum and Princess Luna following them as everypony else left.

“We have an idea if you’d like to hear it.” Striker said.

“It’s sort of a tradition for the ponies who run our haunted house to have a sleep over in the house itself.” Double Platinum told us. “We’ve got extra sleeping bags and an tents that are large enough to house all of you, and the band would love to have you if everypony is up for that.”

We all nodded our heads in agreement, and Double Platinum went to get the supplies. We all moved to the graveyard chamber, the room that didn’t have tarp over the roof. It was also the largest chamber, which gave us plenty of room. We all continued speaking about the evening that we’d had, and before long, Double Platinum returned with the supplies, as well as some of the road crew, who set up the tents and started a campfire for us.

Before he and the crew left, Double Platinum gave us a huge tray filled with sweets, as well as a couple barrels of cider, stating that we’d earned all of it.

“So, is everypony gonna help out next year?” Striker asked us. Every one of us said that we were not missing it.

“If you guys want,” I said “I can come up with some ideas for rooms and chambers.”

“And that way we could make next year’s haunted house even bigger and better.” Shadow Chord agreed.

We continued speaking and celebrating long into the night, consuming our sweets and cider, talking about various topics. It was many hours later before we all decided to call it a night, everypony completely tuckered out from the awesome Nightmare Night. The band bid us goodnight and went into their tent. The six of us got into our tent and drifted off to sleep.

I was looking forward to seeing what this upcoming week had to offer.

Author's Note:

Sorry, this took me a bit longer to publish than I expected, I had a couple of struggles with it. This is meant to be one of those fill-in chapters, where Shadow and Rainbow hang out and find out more about one another.

Not to worry, though, the bond between Shadow Chord and Rainbow Dash is going to be steadily increasing in the upcoming chapters!