• Published 2nd Apr 2013
  • 2,288 Views, 89 Comments

More Than Just The Music - Renegade3299

The leader of a successful rock band in Equestria has everything he could want. But when he's offstage, he feels empty inside, and he's not sure if this lifestyle can fill the void... until he meets a certain cyan pegasus.

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Shadow Chord's Birthday

**** RAINBOW DASH’S P.O.V. ****

Today was gonna be awesome! Not to say that these past few days hadn’t been exciting already; since arriving in Capriole Shores two days ago, we’d all been keeping ourselves occupied with all sorts of stuff. We visited a few places, such as the ancient temple grounds and on both evenings, we hit the heart of the city, going to different clubs, venues and restaurants- the best part was, there were still plenty of places we had yet to try! And for me, the most memorable thing that had happened yet, was on our first night here after the concert. Shadow Chord asked me to go to the Grand Galloping Gala this year with him! I’d never actually been to an event like this with a stallion, and I couldn’t have asked for a better stallion to go with me- the lead singer of the Midnight Manes.

Today, however was something different. We had a snorkeling trip planned around noon-ish, and we were going to the Laughing Stock Comedy Club tonight to see the famous comedian Punch Line. Still, there was something more to it. Something that everypony else had planned, but Shadow Chord was not in on. Why? Because today was Shadow Chord’s birthday.

We’d actually been planning this about a week or two before the vacation came up. Lightning Shredder, Striker and Virtuoso had told all of us that Shadow Chord had never had a birthday celebration before. It was obvious why he never celebrated his birthday when he was growing up, but I once had questioned the rest of the band on why he hadn’t done so after he moved to Equestria- I found out that he simply never thought about it, and that they were always busy with the band.

All of that was going to change today. The rest of the band would be taking Shadow Chord elsewhere while we prepared the party. When they returned, Shadow would get the surprise once we got back to the hotel.

Pinkie Pie was in the kitchen, along with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who were gladly helping her out with baking a huge cake for Shadow Chord. We could hear her singing parts of her “Cupcakes” song cheerily as they prepared everything. Twilight, Rarity and Applejack were getting the room ready for the party. However, I still had a task of my own- to get him a gift myself.

I quickly got ready and met up with Fluttershy, who had agreed to accompany me in looking for the right gift. We informed everypony that we would return in a while and with that being said, we made our way down the main boulevard of the city.

“So, what do you have in mind to get him, Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked me as we trotted along, looking everywhere we could for places that might have a good lead for us.

“I’m not exactly sure.” I answered. “He’s never celebrated his birthday before, so he’s never though about gifts.”

“Oh, my.” Fluttershy said, a bit dismayed, “This could be a little difficult then.”

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy.” I told her, “We’ll get an awesome gift for him, no matter what it takes!”

We continued to scan the numerous shops and outlets that lined the streets. Fluttershy was right- this was already proving to be kind of tough. I wasn’t sure of just what would be the ideal birthday gift. I looked at a pet shop, but remembered that Shadow Chord didn’t own a pet. Besides, I would have had to take an additional three hours to get Fluttershy out if we’d gone in.

We spent about two hours strolling up and down the streets, passing by several places. We passed a fancy clothing shop, which we knew Shadow would not need anything from. Besides, he had stated before that he would look to Rarity if he needed anything of the sort. We skipped all the gift shops- those were filled with junk such as coffee mugs, pens, tourist hats and the like. Nothing that Shadow would enjoy.

We searched a few more streets, but didn’t come across anything. I began worrying a bit, that we wouldn’t be able to get anything. I wanted to make sure that Shadow’s first birthday celebration would be a good one! As I stood there wondering, Fluttershy spoke up.

“What about that novelty shop over there?” she asked, pointing to a two story outlet shop with heavily tinted windows and neon lights scattered about. We had nothing to lose, so we made our way inside.

We looked around. The first floor didn’t seem to offer anything that would really interest Shadow Chord- collectible clocks, posters, humor games- things like that. We made our way to the second floor, and seemed to be in luck. There was a lot of stuff that was related to rock legends and music. Lighted signs, autographed posters and memorabilia type items lined the shelves. But this stuff didn’t really seem to fit in with Shadow Chord- he was pretty much a household name in rock himself. What to do?

“Can I help you two find anything?” a voice chimed behind us. We turned and saw the store’s owner, ready to help.

“I’m looking to buy a birthday gift for somepony.” I told him. “He’s a rock musician and I’m looking for just the right gift.”

“Well, you’ve come to the right place. I own this shop, as well as the instrument shop next door.”

That’s when it rung out to me- an instrument shop was our saving grace! I wondered why I didn’t see the shop before. Shadow Chord had told me for the longest time that he’d been wanting a V-shaped guitar, but didn’t really have time to go looking for one.

“We’d like to see the instruments, if you don’t mind.” I told him.

“Sure thing, right this way.” he led us downstairs and through a doorway that led to the shop. He told us he would be back in a few minutes and went back to the novelty shop to help out some customers walking in. Even though I wasn’t as steadfast a musician as Shadow, I couldn’t help but stop and gawk at my surroundings. Electric, bass and acoustic guitars lines both walls, while drum sets, keyboards amplifiers and sound equipment decorated the floor.

“Do you think he’ll like a new guitar?” Fluttershy questioned.

“No doubt about it.” I told her. “There’s actually been a guitar he’s been wanting for a while. We just need to see if there’s one like it.”

We passed the bass guitars, since Virtuoso was the bass player. We began looking at our options, seeing normal, everyday guitars. They all looked awesome, but they weren’t what we were searching for. I began feeling a bit down, since I couldn’t locate the one he’d been wanting.

“I don’t think there’s a V-shaped guitar here.” I said dismally.

“Don’t worry about it, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy assured me. “Even if we can’t find that one, I’m sure he’ll love any guitar that you get him.”

“You think so?”

“Absolutely. You’re his best friend, and he’ll cherish any gift from you.”

“Thanks, Shy.” I commented thankfully and with newfound confidence. “Well, then we’d better start figuring out which guitar he’ll like the most.”

“So, have you two found anything you like?” the owner had returned from the novelty store and was now ready to help us out.

“That red SG looks pretty cool,” I said, indicating the guitar out. “Could we hear what it sounds like?”

“No problem.” he answered, taking the guitar from its stand and plugging it in. “You said that your friend’s a rock player and SG’s are always a good choice. Here’s how this one sounds.”

He began strumming and as he played, a distorted, yet smooth sounding riff came from the speakers.

“So, what do you think? Wanna check out some others or is this good?”

I said that we would check out a few more guitars. He was nice enough to demonstrate each guitar we picked out, and even let me play a couple of them, much to Fluttershy’s surprise. I continued looking around, and then my eyes fell on a particular one that gave me a feeling that Shadow would really like it.

“Let’s see what that one sounds like.” I said, pointing to a black Strat-style guitar.

“This would be a good choice as well.” he said. “This one has high-quality pickups as well as a whammy bar.”

He plugged it in and played. The way it sounded was incredible, and the guitar looked amazing. This was probably the one.

“You like it?” he asked.

“Definitely!” I exclaimed. “This one would be a perfect replacement for the V-shaped.”

“A V-shaped guitar?” he asked me.

“Yeah,” I explained, “You see, my friend was really wanting a V guitar for a long time, so that’s why we’re trying to pick out the best now.”

Then, the owner told me something that I needed to hear.

“Well, you’re actually in luck.” he told me. “I just got a V guitar a couple of days ago, but I just haven’t brought it out on the showroom yet. I’ll go and get it.”

Fluttershy and I looked and one another and grinned as he went to the back. Moments later, he came out with a large, black case. He opened it up, and my voice got caught in my throat. An awesome looking, black V-shaped guitar lay inside. The lights of the room reflected off of its pristine, polished body. The owner plugged it into the amplifier.

“If your friend wants this type of guitar, here’s the one he’s looking for. Let me show you.”

He played a loud, face-melting solo on it. I knew right then and there that we’d found the perfect gift for Shadow Chord. I just hoped that I had enough. I had 500 bits that I could spend on him.

“Whatcha think?” he asked us.

“How much you want?” was my reply.

“Well, since it’s your friend’s birthday, I’m gonna say…”

I held my breath, hoping that I could afford it.

“I’ll give it to you for 300 bits even, and I’ll give you the case along with it.”

“We’ll take it!” I responded with excitement.

The owner brought us over to the register where he packed the guitar and rung us up. Once I paid, he gave me the guitar and thanked us before we headed out of the shop and back to the hotel.

“I’m sure he’ll love it, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy commented.

“This is so awesome!” I was beyond excited. I now had the means to make Shadow Chord’s first birthday celebration one for the records. I was so caught up in my thoughts, that as we approached the hotel, I nearly blew our cover.

“Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy hissed quietly, “It’s him!”

I looked up, and sure enough, the rest of the band was leading Shadow Chord outside the hotel. I came to a sudden stop, my figure frozen in place.

“Over there! Quick!” I said, leading Fluttershy behind the fountain to our left. Fortunately, it was enough to conceal us, and the four of them went on their way, none the wiser. The two of us breathed a long sigh of relief; if we had been caught, not only would Shadow Chord have seen the gift, but he probably would have figured out that some sort of celebration was being thrown.

The two of us made out way back to the penthouse. I looked around, thrilled and satisfied. The room was situated perfectly- not in a sappy way, with streamers, balloons and typical party stuff, but with everything sorted out the right way- drinks, food, and to my surprise, a gift table. It seemed like some of the others had gotten gifts for him as well. A warm, pleasant scent drifted from the kitchen and throughout the penthouse- Pinkie Pie had finished the cakes she had been baking earlier, and was now frosting them and applying the final touches. Fluttershy and me quickly worked together to wrap the guitar case in wrapping paper and set it beside the other gifts.

We killed time by making sure that everything was exactly in the right place. We did not want this to be anything less than perfect. Soon, we got a buzzer from the intercom and the voice of the clerk at the front desk came through.

“Your friends wish for me to inform you that they are now bringing Shadow Chord up.”

We all scrambled about, getting into our positions and switching the lights off. The seconds seemed like minutes as they ticked by slowly. I could feel the anticipation rising, not only in myself, but through everypony else as well. Finally, after what felt like forever, we heard the voices of our four friends, followed by the key being inserted and the lock turning. The door slowly opened, the four of them walked in and switched the light on.


Shadow looked around, chuckling to himself. One could tell by looking at him, he was deeply touched. He motioned us all into a group hug, and then the party began. I waited patiently- or as patiently as I could- until we got to the gifts. The party seemed to drag… not that I didn’t enjoy the party, it was awesome. But I was really wanting to see his face when he opened my gift. I was nearly jittery with anticipation when the moment finally came.

He opened the other gifts first (at my request), and he loved all of them- a new stage vest that Rarity made for him, a leather-bound journal and pen (he used journals to write songs) from Twilight Sparkle, a bottle of vintage Apple family cider, and two confetti cannons from Pinkie Pie, who figured that confetti at a Midnight Manes show would be a good addition.

“All right, now let’s see what Rainbow Dash got me.” he said, pulling the large gift toward him. My hooves became clammy with anticipation as he removed the wrapping, which soon revealed the guitar case.

“Is this what I think it is?” he grinned, unlatching the locks and opening it. The room was filled with gasps and an “Oooh!” from Pinkie Pie as he brought out the guitar. I felt nearly overwhelmed with joy and pride as he grinned.

“Finally!” he exclaimed, “The guitar I’ve been trying to get my hooves on!”

He stood up and hugged me tightly.

“Thank you, Rainbow. Thank you all.” he spoke warmly and gently, obviously grateful for what we’d done. “I’ve never really had a birthday before, and you guys have all outdone yourselves. I couldn’t ask for better.”

“All righty, mister!” Pinkie said, bringing the cakes over. “Now, let’s dig in!”

She didn’t have candles on it, nor did we sing the Birthday Song, as we didn’t want to make him feel foolish. Instead, Shadow was more than happy to get the knife and cut the cake. After we’d all stuffed ourselves with the cake and ice cream, we all got ready as quickly as possible and headed over to the Laughing Stock, where we were escorted to our VIP seating. All of us kicked back with the band, who were thankful to be in the audience for a change, instead of onstage. We all shared a bottle of sparkling water and toasted to Shadow Chord on his birthday while the club filled up with other ponies attending the show. We were all looking forward to this show. Several times in the past, we had all gathered together at the band’s house and watched the comedian known as Punch Line together. This was everypony’s first time seeing him. It was actually our first time at a comedy club. We didn’t have to wait long before he was introduced.

“Mares and gentlecolts, please welcome the one and only Punch Line!”

We joined the entire club in applauding him as he walked onstage and began his routine. Within minutes, we were all hurled over in our seats with laughter and continued to be in that state throughout the show. He even pointed out the band during the show.

“Is that the Midnight Manes over there?” he asked casually, to which they nodded, grinning ear-to-ear.

“Hey, everypony, let’s give it up for the Manes!” he said and the club filled with applause, to which the band acknowledged and gave a short wave.

“I heard about what happened the other evening- some jerk threw a bottle at the bass player.”

We all nodded, remembering Virtuoso nearly getting knocked on his back.

“Yeah, ain’t nopony got time for that.” Punch Line said, agreeing with our irritation. “But hey, you know what you should do next time that happens? If they dislike you that much, keep a bottle to throw back at them but have it filled with ink. Then, make sure it hits they mane, so that way you can say ‘Hate us so much? Well, now you’re one of us!’”

We all burst out with roaring laughter. Virtuoso even said that it was a good idea. We spent the entire show laughing, and all of our voices were scratchy by the time the show had ended. After the show, we all went out to a pizzeria and then went back to the hotel where we all relaxed on the hot tub again.

“I want to thank everypony again.” Shadow Chord said. “It means the world that you all went out of your way to give me an actual birthday celebration.”

Everypony eventually got tired and we returned to our rooms for the evening. Shadow Chord seated himself on the edge of his bed, strumming his new guitar.

“I can’t thank you enough for this, Rainbow Dash.” he told me. “I loved all of my gifts, but yours was the best, I won’t lie.”

“Anything for you, Shadow Chord.”

“And I can’t thank you enough for agreeing to go to the Gala with me this year.”

“I can’t thank you enough for asking me.” I replied.

“I’ll be honest, Rainbow.” he said to me as he put his guitar into its case, “I really needed this vacation for a while, and it’s a great getaway. But… what makes it best is that- I’m here with you.”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself.” I whispered, sitting beside him and embracing him.

The two of us sat there for a good two minutes, holding the embrace. No words were needed, nothing else mattered. Two best friends, enjoying time together. What more could we need at the moment? I’d never felt more comfortable than the moment that we were both holding.

We eventually switched off the light and got into our beds. I lay there awake for a while, thinking about these past few days; then, my mind wandered to the past months, and all that Shadow and I had been through together. I then began thinking about the upcoming Gala. I was so lucky to have Shadow Chord going with me. And then, a thought came into my mind. I wasn’t sure exactly when it came, and I wasn’t sure how Shadow felt, but it was there in my mind, clear as crystal.

I was beginning to think that maybe what I felt for Shadow… could be love?