• Published 2nd Apr 2013
  • 2,291 Views, 89 Comments

More Than Just The Music - Renegade3299

The leader of a successful rock band in Equestria has everything he could want. But when he's offstage, he feels empty inside, and he's not sure if this lifestyle can fill the void... until he meets a certain cyan pegasus.

  • ...

Resolving Matters

******RAINBOW DASH'S P.O.V.******

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, noticing that I was in Twilight's house. I remembered falling asleep here, since I was too weary, too broken to make the flight to my own house. I looked out the window. It was an awesome day- the sky was clear, the sun was bright, and a cool breeze made its way through... but I didn't feel awesome. I felt horrible... the worst I'd ever felt in my life.

Shadow Chord was gone.

The stallion I'd been through so much with, ups and downs, thick and thin. The stallion who'd become my best friend. The stallion that I was sure I'd fallen in love with. He was gone, and WAY too soon for that matter. I looked outside and sniffled, remembering the news I'd been given the evening before. That Shadow had been assaulted and didn't have long to live. Less than a day, in fact, so by now, he definitely would have already passed on. The pain I felt in my heart was so massive that I could have sworn it stopped beating for at least ten seconds.

The images from just a few hours ago suddenly returned to torment me. I squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to shut out the image of Shadow Chord, lying there on that hospital bed. Pale and unresponsive. Bruised, scarred and battered. He could hardly breathe. It was too much to handle.

I let the tears fall without hesitation now. For some reason that I'm not sure of, and even though my friends would have told me not to, I couldn't help but to blame myself. I felt like this had all happened because of me. I'd let my anger and jealousy get the best of my mind, when I should have known Shadow better. It was never that he didn't care about me anymore- he had been given a love potion against his will, causing him to act the way he did.

And I'd bought Glamour Gem's lies. Even when Shadow Chord tried to explain everything to me, I didn't listen to him, accusing him of betrayal. I was sure that in his sorrow, he'd ran back to where he came from. For that, I felt like it was my doing that led to Shadow passing away. The worst of it all, though, was that I never got a chance to tell him how I felt. Like I said, I was sure that I'd fallen in love with the rock star, and now there was no chance of seeing what could have come between the two of us.

I looked out at the clear, blue sky as I wiped away the tears that had escaped my eyes.

"Shadow... I miss you... and... and... I love you." I confessed aloud, feeling downtrodden that Shadow would never hear those words from me.

Forcing myself to stand, I faced myself in the mirror. I looked like a wreck. My mane was a mess, I had baggy circles under me eys, which were red and swollen, and tear streaks marked both sides of my face. I looked pathetic.... I was pathetic.

"Way to go, Rainbow." I cursed myself, "Look at where your stubborn mind got you now. You're never gonna find anypony like Shadow Chord. He was one of a kind, and you just HAD to go and ruin everything didn't you!? Why do you have to ruin everything that comes your way!? WHY!?"

I was absolutely furious with myself. I couldn't stand to look at my reflection- and as if to respond to that thought, I swung my hoof at the mirror, sending it to the floor. Luckily, it didn't break, or I would have had to get Twilight another one. I didn't care, though. I didn't really care about anything at the moment. I just wanted to disappear from everyone and everything completely. And with that, I simply crawled back into bed. The gloom and sorrow had completely overtaken me. So much, in fact, that I didn't hear the door slam shut. I heard fast-paced hoofsteps approaching, as well as laughter, but I didn't take any real notice of it.

"Rainbow Dash!!!" I nearly jumped out of my skin when Twilight's voice boomed. She seemed excited, but Celestia knows what for.

"What, Twilight?" I asked somberly.

"You need to get out of bed, now!"


"Just get out of bed and come with me!" she insisted.

"I don't have any good reason to do much of anything, Twilight." I muttered.

"It's Shadow Chord, Rainbow!" the purple pony exclaimed, "He's back! And he's alive!!"

I sat straight up in bed, shocked as could be at what I was hearing.

"No way!" I countered, while pinching myself to be sure I wasn't dreaming. It was then that I saw Lightning Shredder come up behind Twilight.

"Does she know yet?' he asked.

"I just told her!" Twilight said with a smile.

"Wait, how? I saw him just last night- he was in bad shape, I could tell he was dying..."

"I don't know what exactly happened," Lightning explained, "Just a few hours ago, he appeared out of nowhere. He still had a few scrapes and bruises, but he was alive! Magic, I guess..."

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" I exclaimed, darting out of bed and heading toward the doorway.

"Rainbow, wait!" Twilight called from behind me, but I disregarded what she said. All I wanted to do was see Shadow Chord. I zipped my way through Ponyville, eventually coming to the Midnight Manes' home. Striker was outside, who also told me to wait. But again, I disregarded him and went inside, slamming the door behind me. I looked around the living room with anticipation, and sure enough, I saw him laying on the sofa.

"Shadow Chord!" I cried out with joy, going over to him. I knelt down and embraced him lightly, knowing he was probably still in a lot of pain. His eyes were half open and he wore a blank expression. Why, I wasn't sure, but I wasn't concerned about that. He was here, he was alive. That's what I was all about at the moment.

"Oh my gosh, Shadow, I am SO glad to see you. I am really, really, reeeeeaaaalllllyyy sorry about the way I acted a few nights ago. I-"

I noticed that he was just staring ahead, not even turning to look at me.

"Shadow Chord?"

Still staring ahead.

"Hey, I didn't mean to get all rushed on you. Just yesterday, I was told you were gonna die, and I'm just so happy to see you!"

He still looked ahead, not regarding me in the slightest bit.

"You're happy to see me, right?" I asked, but still getting nothing from him. Was he really that angry with me?

"Shadow, look... I really am sorry about how I treated you, okay? It was stupid of me to jump to conclusions, and I should have known better than to think you would just up and abandon me for somepony like Glamour Gem. I am so sorry, Shadow. Can you forgive me?"

He still looked ahead with that blank, empty expression.

"Shadow, please talk to me? I know you're upset, and I don't blame you, but..."

My voice trailed off as I made the realization. He didn't want to talk to me. I'd treated him horribly, he nearly got killed because of me, and now he wanted nothing to do with me. As much as I hated to face it, I couldn't blame him. I'd acted immaturely, and now I was paying the consequences.

"Shadow, I really am sorry! Please forgive me!" I pleaded one more time, but to no avail. He still disregarded me. I sat there in silence for a minute or two, just like I had at the nightclub where he'd been given the love potion. But this time, it looked like he truly wanted nothing to do with me. But this time, I'd asked for it.

"Okay," I resigned, hanging my head, "I understand if you just can't forgive me for what I did. I don't blame you. I won't ever bother you again."

I slowly got up and made my way outside. Just moment ago, I was feeling elated, but now I was right back in that gloomy feeling. Shadow hated me. And it was my fauly entirely.

"Rainbow, there you are!" Twilight's voice was ahead of me. I didn't even bother to look up. She continued speaking.

"I wish you wouldn't have ran off like that! I was trying to tell you that Shadow-"

"No need to inform me, guys." I said, "He hates me now and doesn't want to speak with me."

"Wait, I-"

"No point in trying to resolve this now, Twilight." I told her, "I've already done the damage, and now I gotta live with it."

Before she could say anything else, I unfurled my wings and took flight. I just wanted to go home and be alone. Just how I deserved to be.

********SHADOW CHORD'S P.O.V.********

I awoke from my deep slumber, finding myself surrounded by my bandmates, as well and Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Rarity. I sat up, noticing that I hardly felt any soreness at all! Luckily, upon my return, my bandmates called over our doctor, who gave me a shot of some kind of medicine. Whatever it was that he gave me, it really did a fantastic job!

"Hey, everypony!" I said.

"Shadow!" Pinkie exclaimed, rushing over to hug me.

"Pinkie, dear! Be gentle, he may still be in pain!" Rarity called out.

"Actually, I'm feeling pretty good." I said, geting up and stretching, "A small headache, but that's it. That medicine really did a number on me!"

As I took a swig of soda that Striker gave me, I looked around for the one pony that I needed to see more than anypony else.

"Hey, where's Rainbow Dash?"

"She's.... locked herself up in her house." Twilight said. "She thinks you hate her."

I immediately spat out my soda upon hearing this.

"She WHAT NOW!? Why would she think that?"

"Well, you see..." Striker began before Lightning began to explain.

"We told her that you were alive and she came over here in an instant. We didn't have time to tell her that you'd been given medicine by your doctor, and that it put you under for a couple of hours. So, when she came here, I'm guessing she tried to talk to you while you were unresponsive, and she thought you purposely weren't talking to her."

"And now, she's not answering anypony at her house." Virtuoso added.

"Well, then I'll just go over there, and- OUCH!!!" I bellowed in pain as I unfurled my wings.

"Yeah... while you were under, the doc said that your wings are gonna be the final thing to heal. Said it'll be a couple of days before you can use them."

"So, I can't fly right now?"

Everypony shook their heads negatively.

"Well, that's just great. How am I suposed to let her know that I don't hate her if she won't come out of her house and I can't go over there?"

We actually spent a good half hour or so trying to think of an answer to that. We tried this and that, but nothing seemed to be the right idea. I was searching through my things to try and get some clues or ideas. Then, I came across some lyrics that I'd written about a year ago. I looked at everypony who was sitting at the table with me and spoke up.

"Guys, I think I've found an idea. I'll go speak with Mayor Mare tomorrow about getting this set up. But whatever you do, don't tell her abuot the medicine. I want this to be a surprise to her, and I know it'll get the message through to her better than anything. Trust me, I know Rainbow. Let me explain it to you."

********2 DAYS LATER********

******** RAINBOW DASH'S P.O.V.********

I begrudgingly followed the rest of my friends over to the Ponvyille Express Studio, the television studio for Ponyville's news, among other things. They told me that the Midnight Manes were doing a small show and an interview there today. Of course, I didn't want to go, seing that Shadow Chord despised me, even though everypony swore he didn't. I told them over and over that I wouldn't go, but Applejack finally convinced me.

"Look, sugarcube, if he honestly don't like you no more.... which ain't true, like we tried to tell ya.... then you can at least show him there ain't no hard feelings by going to this here show." she'd said.

We began nearing the studio, which was bustling with ponies. A lot of them had Midnight Manes merchandise- for the signing, I was sure of it. Everypony looked so happy to be there. Everypony except me. I'd thrown our friendship right out the window, and now Shadow didn't want our friendship back. But, he had every right to be upset with me, so I couldn't argue the fact.

We went inside the studio, making our way to the reserved spot for all of us. The anticipation killed me as the rest of the ponies began filing in, waiting for the event to start, but when I say that it killed me, it was not in a good way this time. I was nearly sick to my stomach. How would he react if he saw me here? Why did I even let my friends talk me into this? Now, I was starting to have second thoughts. I was just about to make up my mind and leave, when one of the Ponyville Express newscasters came up on stage. Too late.

"Good afternoon. Welcome to Ponyville Express. Today, we are honored to have the Midnight Manes here as part of our show. We'll be speaking with them about their recently released album, To The Limit, as well as an upcoming show at the Crystal Empire. We're all excited for this, so let's not waste any time."

'I'm not very excited...' I thought.

"Now, I've always wanted to have the privilege of saying this!" the newscaster said with giddiness, "Mares and gentlecolts... I give you the Midnight Manes!"

The lights in the room went down as a haunting melody began flowing through. This was a song from them I didn't know. Regardless, I hung my head in the darkness, looking down at where the floor was. I just couldn't face Shadow Chord. It would break my heart. The melody began getting stronger and louder. I closed my eyes, but then quickly remembered- I could prevent myself from seeing him, but not hearing him. Covering my ears wouldn't do any good, as I'd be able to hear it, regardless. I just wanted to get this done and over with so I could go home. But what I heard next wasn't the voice of Shadow Chord. I quickly came to realization- it was my voice!

If this world is wearing thin,
And you're thinking of escape,
I'll go anywhere with you
Just wrap me up in chains
But if you try to go on alone
Don't think I'l understand

I stood there in wonder, recognizing the song that Shadow and I had recorded over a year ago, when they'd first moved back to Ponyville from Manehattan. I looked as a bright light shone from the stage, making only sillouhettes of Striker, Virutoso and Lightning Shredder visible. In the dimly lit area of the audience, I could barely make out the faces of my friends, who were looking over at me with puzzled, yet intrigued looks. I shrugged, letting them know that I knew just about as much as them. The song continued from the chorus into its second verse.

In the silence of your room
In the darkness of your dreams
You must only think of me
There can be no in between
When your pride is on the floor
I'll make you beg for more.

Now, I could year Shadow Chord's voice whispering the chorus along with my voice.

Stay with me...
Stay with me...

Suddenly, the bright light making the sillouhettes went away, and immediately the studio was filled with light. Shadow Chord was now onstage, singing his part of the song.

You'd better hope and pray that you make it safe
Back to your own world
You'd better hope and pray that you wake one day
In your own world
'Cause when you sleep at night, they don't hear your cries
In your own world
Only time will tell if you can break the spell
In your own world

But there was more to it. Shadow Chord was playing the V-shaped guitar that I'd gotten him for his birthday! Not only that, but I saw that he'd repainted it to a light blue color and designed it with multicolored decor... he'd designed the guitar to resemble me!

After the song finished, the audience shook with applause, but I kept my eyes right on Shadow. He looked at me, smiled and winked. This, along with the song and the guitar- it showed that he didn't hate me! He still cared about me!

After a few more songs and a lengthy interview (which seemed to take forever), the six of us made our way backstage to where the rest of the band was located. I saw the rest of the band in one room, and as we approached, Striker looked right at me.

"He's in the room next to this one, Rainbow/" he informed me.

I didn't need to hear anything else. I opened the door to the room and made my way inside while the rest of the band mingled with my friends. I saw Shadow Chord across the room, looking at himself in a mirror while he brushed out his mane. Upon hearing the door close, he turned and saw my reflection. Slowly, he turned around and took a few steps toward me.

"Shadow Chord..." I began, "I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I-"

"Save it, Rainbow." he interrupted with a soft smile, extending his forelegs toward me. "C'mere."

Without another word, I ran into his embrace, shutting my eyes tightly as he firmly locked me in an embrace. Clearly, he didn't want to let go, and neither did I. This was a moment that could have lasted forever for the two of us. A few tears began to make their way down my face.

"I really am sorry, Shadow. If I had known-"

"Rainbow, it's all right." he assured me, "There's no need for an apology. You didn't know at the time, there was no way you could have. The point of the matter is, that night is behind us, and I think we should both forget it ever happened. Deal?"

"Deal." I murmured, resting my head on his shoulders. I was SO thankful that this whole ordeal was done and over with. Furthermore, Shadow Chord was back, alive and well. I couldn't have asked for anything more.

"But Shadow, I have to know. When I tried talking to you a couple days ago, why didn't you respond?"

Shadow Chord chuckled.

"Well, when you rushed over to see me... Twilight, Lightning Shredder, and Striker all tried to explain it to you. When I came back, I was really sore from being assaulted. The boys called our doctor over, and he gave me a shot of something that would take the soreness away- but, it put me in an unresponsive trance for a couple of hours. So, when you were talking to me, I didn't even know you were there!"

"I feel like a genius now." I groaned with sarcasm.

"Hey, don't sweat it, RD. It's all gone and past. Now, let's all go to Sugarcube, shall we? I'm famished."

Soon we were all over at Sugarcube Corner while Shadow Chord recalled the events to everypony of his brief journey back to Terretia and how he'd met with his ancestor who gave him the choice of staying or going. All of us were glad beyond belief that he'd chosen to stay. Especially me. I was right by his side the entire evening. Even as we all called it a night, I still was hesitant to leave him, at least for the time being. He seemed to notice this as he flew back to my house with me.

"Everything all right, Rainbow?" he asked me.

"Well, yeah..." I trailed off.

"What's wrong? You know you can tell me."

"I just..." I stammered, "Call me crazy, Shadow, but right now, after everything we've all been throught this past week, I'm a little afraid to leave you. I know it seems childish, but I'm nervous I'll wake up, and you'll be gone. It sounds crazy, but-"

"Rainbow Dash..." he interrupted again. He took a deep breath and continued, "Do you want to stay overnight at my place?"

I was really surprised at hearing that.

"You mean it?" I asked. Hey, if he was offering, I did not want to part ways with him.

"Of course. Don't forget, I've missed you these past few days, too."

"I...I'd really like that, Shadow. Just let me feed Tank and we'll be on our way."

He nodded, and I quickly went into my house, feeding Tank and making sure he was set for the night. After makig sure everything was okay, I went back outside, leaving a light on for Tank. We took flight toward Shadow's house. As we made our way, I remembered something from the night Shadow was given that potion. Something I made wrong, and now needed to make right.

"Hey, Shadow?" I asked as we landed right outside his house.

"Yeah?" he responded, turning toward me.

"When I found you with Glamour Gem, I told you to forget about going to the Gala with me. I wanna take that back... if you're still willing to go with me?"

I felt a bit of tension rise as he was silent for a couple of seconds. Again, if he didn't want to go, I couldn't blame him.

"You didn't even need to ask." he replied with a grin.

"Glad to hear it." I said, warmly embracing him again. We held the embrace for a few tender moments before he unlocked the door and we went inside.

"Hey guys, Rainbow's staying overnight. That cool with all of you?" Shadow asked his bandmates, who were on the sofa, watching Punch Line on the television. Of course, none of them had any problem with it. We joined them for a while, watching the comedy presentation. But we'd all had a long day, and we were pretty tired.

"Uh, Rainbow, I forgot this when I made the offer." Shadow Chord began, "We... actually don't have any spare bedrooms. Are you okay... sharing a bed with me?"

"Yeah, I'm okay with it." I said, though my heart began racing faster. True, we'd shared a bedroom when we were on vacation, but that room had two beds. his time, we would be sleeping in one bed, together. But, I was here, and Shadow had offered. Plus, I still didn't like the thought of the possibility of waking up and Shadow not being here.

I hoped to Celestia that there wouldn't be any awkwardness as we went upstairs to Shadow Chord's bedroom. We both stood there for a few silent moments before we approached the bed and began sliding under the blanket. We both got comfortable, each of us keeping to one side of the bed. Even though I wasn't uncomfortable, I couldn't deny the slight nervousness I was feeling.

"Good night, Rainbow." Shadow commented, switching off the lamp on his nightstand.

"Good night, Shadow." I replied.

I lay there in the quiet darkness for a few minutes, thinking about how glad I was to have my Shadow Chord back. And how thankful I was that he still cared about me. I wouldn't trade anything in the world for it.

Satisfied with the way things had turned out, my mind was then was welcomed by a deep, peaceful sleep.

Comments ( 15 )

"Well, when you rushed over to see me, Twilight, Lightning Shredder and Striker all tried to explain it to you.

I didn't know RD could transform into twilight!!!:pinkiegasp:

Just plop a comma between "Shredder" and "and" and you'll be golden... Or I'll be golden and you'll be Chaotic... Wait, what?

You know what I mean!!

Also, I just said "and" three times in a row... DEAL WITH IT, GRAMMAR NAZIS!!!!!!!!! :trollestia:


Good eye, there! Didn
t catch that, myself! Fixed!:twilightsmile:

Hmmm.. to be Chaotic or not....

Lol, we all need a little chaos now and then.

4283515 stop making sense guys.

When is the next chapter?!?!?!?? Love the story great job and definetly one of the better ones here!!(

Dude, next chapter? Great story btw!!!

When new chapter dude?

Okay, so after reading all of this, it has done all of the following:
1)Made liquid pride spew all over the couch I sitting on,
2)Felt like someone ripped out my heart, and dusted it off with a feather duster,
3) Is making me beg for more.

This is now my new drug. And I am as high as a Boeing 787's cruising altitude.


woops... caps lock...:twilightblush:


MOOORRRRRREEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! please?:fluttershysad::fluttershyouch:

For the love of God, FINISH THIS STORY!

Plssssss add to this story I love it to much to let it go 😖

You gonna add to this?

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