• Published 10th Apr 2013
  • 1,869 Views, 174 Comments

Libera Mé - EZTP

Set just after the events of season 3, Twilight Sparkle and her friends must rise to a challenging beast the likes of which will test her not only as an alicorn, but as the Princess of Friendship.

  • ...

11 A Rose Coloured Spring


Rarity was hysterical with fright at the looming figure next to her. She kicked out and threw water at it attempting to blind the monster so she could flee. Her shriek was deafening as it carried across the landscape.

She swam from it trying to clamber out but slipped on the edge falling back in. She clawed at the edge to escape and pulled herself free to run to the forest and try loose it there. Glancing behind to see how close it was her shriek faded, it had not moved. Her gallop slowed and she stood eye s wide watching it, breathing heavily, her heart beating fast and her head spinning with the shock. The monster merely sat in place, unmoving, its head held back not looking at her. She screamed again as a large head rose from the mist with terrible piercing eyes behind the monster. She would have fainted but the was too frightened even for that.

It was confusing and disturbing. Did you want me to run? Only its head and shoulders poked out the water and the ripples from the bubbles obscured its bulk underneath.

She began to question what was happening, it was strange that the monster did not attack her. She felt a little ridiculous having fled in such a manner, while all it did was nothing. She screwed up her courage, “He...Hello?” No response.

The large animal behind it turned its head at the sound of a bird, the sharp chirp echoed around the spring amidst the running water on the rock. Rarity allowed herself to breathe again as the beast rolled on its back and wriggled to scratch itself, the noise was akin to dragging glass across rock.

Rarity edged a little closer seeing her travel bag and unpacked beauty supplies. She knew it was very materialistic of her but the exfoliant was a gift...and very expensive. She kept her eyes wide and focused through the steam, finally reaching her supplies after an eternity. She slowly replaced her items barely taking her eyes off what was there, expecting it to tear its way to her any moment. With her shuffling she knocked a bottle in the spring only to see it float with the ripples to none other the monster.

Of course it was my exfoliant, why not. Her heart stopped as the monster picked up the object that bumped it, raising it to see but not moving the head. It craned its head away and winced tossing the bottle, her hooves fumbling the catch and nearly dropping it. It was slippery from the water but her fumble came from what was on it, some pink drops. This was quickly explained as she glanced through the steam to see a cut on the shoulder. If that was any other bottle she would have left it, instead she pinched the tip and shook it in the water completely disgusted.

As she returned the bottle an unwelcome thought occurred. She had been sitting in the same water that monster had bled into. It made her skin crawl and she cursed the fact that there was only one pool big enough to be used. As she looked herself over for any more traces she shook her coat free of the water.

“I have no blood infections,” a tired voice spoke to her. She held perfectly still seeing the monsters eyes on her. It looked without turning its head, the widened stare more terrifying every moment it lingered on her. There was no feeling, no breathing, only the instinct not to move. She did not know how long she held still, it felt like hours, “Oh my, where has it gone?” The sarcastic tone was insulting, “I do not see it anymore. Perhaps it left to call the soldiers?”

“She,” an irritated Rarity corrected it immediately regretting speaking.

“Run before I set my wolf on you, or maybe I shall eat you.” Despite the sarcasm she was not certain if it was serious or not. She swallowed hard and felt her eyes widen with the fright. The monster returned to laying back on the edge, its beast unmoving.

A sudden realisation sent a wave of anger over her, Twilight. Here was the brute who had hurt her friend with such malice, by the waters edge. It had not expired after the fight to her disappointment. The fight though, this thing here was the reason she could still be here, her most favourite place in all Equestria. She hated that. With mixed feelings she let herself be seated where she stood and watched quietly as the oddity breathed deeply in, doing the same and allowing the feeling of the steam in her to soothe. The warm moist air helped to calm the nerves and she closed her eyes inhaling it. A Splash of water made her jump with fright, the monster scratching its head. She nearly gasped seeing the forearm through the steam, a distinct scarring where the hair no longer grew.

She did not know why there was an urge to speak out, but there was a sense that something was wrong and she could not understand why, “Everything...umm...alright?” It did not answer her at first taking a long deep breath.

“Miss, I do not have the strength to deal with this nonsense today. Please leave, I am asking politely now.”

The anger faded and Rarity couldn’t help feeling a little proud, “Miss?”

“Am I mistaken?”

“Not at all but...you said Miss.”

“You are of a sound mind? Miss.”

“Of course I am! Don’t be rude. It’s just that I’m a little...you are employing my advice.” The monster did not respond, only taking another deep sigh.

“Advice...I don’t remember advice. Have we spoken?”

Rarity was a patient pony. She had learned much about tolerance and understanding over the past few months, especially after their encounter with the zebra Zecora. There was one thing she never could forgive, and that was being forgotten. It annoyed her how little this beast could actually remember. The real question was how it could forget all that happened.

“Rarity?! Stand up for me and I won’t move? When addressing a lady one must always say miss, m’lady or m’am? Saved me from...” she couldn’t finish.

“Ah Madame Charity!”


“I don’t remember things that are not important. Gallop or trot or whatever away. Why are you still here?” To Rarity that question had two meanings and the same answer.

“You.” She could not look at it anymore feeling deeply embarrassed. This was the first time she had admitted it to herself, it was that reason.

“I still do not recall. Please leave me in peace.”

“You know, it’s polite when addressing a lady, in the very least, to face her.”

“My apologies, I was enjoying the relaxation.” Its eyes turned towards her but its head remained in the same position. She did not feel as afraid now, the sarcasm while unpleasant put humour in the situation.

“You’re shy?” she laughed. The creature smiled and returned to staring upwards.


Rarity looked at the creature drinking in the odd new shapes on it. The real question was how she could have missed it. She had never seen it in clear light, or so calm. The contrast to the cell was drastic, no longer bearing its teeth and clenching its brow in anger. It had a soft expression, smooth features and tired eyes. Her gaze drew to the reflection in the water, the ripples in the surface obscured details but she noticed the reflection of the other side of the face was darker, it was out of place somehow.

She instinctively moved closer to it, drawn nearer by an unexplained feeling. From the sluggish motions to the way it tossed her bottle there was something out of place. As she moved closer the monster growled.

“Keep your distance creature,” it warned her. She hesitated, but remembered Fluttershy’s story when she was in the cell, and in the streets of Canterlot. It was time to be as brave as her friend was and she continued, “I’ll peel your hide.”

She took a page from Fluttershy, “No. You won’t.”

“The water here is deep in the centre. It can hide much. How long do you think it will take them to find your body? I’m certain you did not tell any of them you came out this far.” Rarities fear was growing and she could not understand why her hooves kept pulling her closer.

“I understand drowning is agony, one of the worst ways to-”

She slid in the water now only a meter from it, very satisfied to see it shaken by her action. She instantly regretted it seeing the scars on it again. The monsters blood was in the water, this was not an intelligent action yet her body continued for her. Peering to the side the large wolf behind it had not moved. She fought her fear edging closer, the warmth of the waters caressing her crawling skin. The creature pulled away in the process wincing.

“II will not warn you again, keep your distance!” it barked. She was overcome now with curiosity and was right beside it. It could not move further, trapped in a corner. She could hear its breathing growing heavier, and proceeded cautiously around it. Wise to what she was doing the creature turned its head away, keeping the left side of its face to her. It tried to turn its body around but failed to.

“Enough!” it roared raising its claw and grabbing her throat, Rarity shut her eyes fighting the urge to scream she could not show it her fear. The grip on her throat was warm, the pointed digits wrapping neatly around her windpipe. Despite this, the claw did not crush, it only held there.

“Go on then. Why do you hesitate?” She opened her eyes and smiled at it. All her fear instantly faded seeing that turned face. The mouth hung open with shock and the grip of the claw released to slide off. She took it in her hoof before it disappeared under the water, turning it over to look at it. She was holding its claw, a very unreal touch, as though she was dreaming. The gashes adorning the arm and knuckles appeared to be fresh.

She saw the tension in the arms fade and then realised, with relief, it would not hurt her. Had this monster truly wanted to, it would have already. She glanced at its right shoulder and to her surprise there were three deep gashes travelling down the side, they were fresh. Now she knew something was wrong and she had lost her patience. She brought her face close to the monster and it craned its neck backwards in an attempt to gain distance. Leaning even closer she inspected its features for a sign, more so to push it into facing her. As she hoped it looked directly at her. She shrieked and pushed back in shock, surprised by the sudden movement as well as the full face. It was gruesome; a large wound was under the eye travelling to the jaw. It was bruised and poorly stitched shut with threads the same colour as its garments, more likely from its garments. There was no bleeding, however the gash had not sealed itself. There was one other running along is snout starting in front of the eye and ending at the tip. She covered her gaping mouth with her hoof in shock and the creature turned away from her again.

“Satisfied?” it hissed.

“How?” Before she could stop herself she had already asked the question.

“Wolves.” A simple answer that required no further explanation. Rarity closed her mouth and swallowed her shock. She reached out and held the good part of its face, baffled as to how she could do this without fear, it felt that she was watching herself and could not control the actions.

“Let me see.” She looked in the creatures eye as it hesitated to move, gently holding its face, “Please.” It closed its eyes and sighed to let its head free as she turned it to inspect the wound. To her relief it was not infected, there was a bright green paste roughly applied to it. She could smell a sweet scent.

“May I enquire what this is you have put on?“

“Reduces pain.”

She looked again at the stitching and could see its crude work, the fix was poor and she shuddered when she saw its teeth moving through a gap.

“This wont do at all, did you do this yourself?”

“No. Crystal over there helped me.”

“There’s no need for that.” She could feel the creature shuddering in her hoof. It was small and vulnerable beneath her now, no longer the chained brute. She knew it was not right to feel pity for it, it deserved this for hurting Twilight. There was still the lingering memory of that stand in the castle. “It’s alright, I will not touch it. You know this needs proper attention.”

“I will treat it later.”

“It looks to me like you have already tried.”

The creatures claw grabbed her hoof and pushed it away. “This is no concern of yours little one, be off now to your home and leave me to be in peace.”

“Can you even stand?”

“Of course I can! I am not weak!” it snapped at her.

Rarity could feel herself growing angry at this stubbornness. “Look here, you are clearly incapable of fixing this on your own and your wolf will not be helping anytime soon. Let me help you!”

“Sending me back to that cell!? Do you really think me so foolish?”

Rarity remained silent but a familiar sound in the distance caught her attention, a whistling noise of the wind through...armour.

“Get down!”

The creature instinctively ducked under the water as two pegasus guards flew over the pool, the mist parting with their wings' gusts. They scanned the area for signs of trouble.

“Are you alright M'am? There was a scream.”

It was time to put her best acting face on, “Oh that, I was just rehearsing for a production. You took a long time to arrive.”

“We were searching the area, there was a rock slide at the base and we feared there was a civilian trapped.”

She stretched out her forelegs, “Well as you can see I am taking a day to relax out here in the pristine of nature.” A bubble broke the surface by her and all she could do was smile widely while her cheeks burned.

“We must insist you return immediately, normally no pony is allowed in the Everfree Forest without valid cause.”

Rarity held her hoof now on the creatures shoulder, She was thankful there was a lot of steam, still unable to believe the guards could not see it. “Thank you brave sir knights but this lady has had a long day.” The two looked at each other in hesitation. Rarity could feel the monster shaking under her hoof and rubbed gently to try to soothe it.

“Are those yours M’am?” The guard gestured to a pile of cloth on the side. The monsters garments.

“Is there a problem if they are Sirs?”

“No M’am.”

“Now if you don't mind I would love some privacy.

“We cannot leave you unprotected with that monster still unfound.”

Rarity playfully gestured to the large wolf on the waters edge, “Does it look like I require further protection?”

The guards were startled as they finally saw the wolf basking on the edge. It sprang to its feet bearing the teeth and growling deeply. They flew higher from it forcing Rarity to hold back a laugh.

“No-No M’am!”

She smiled cheekily at them waving her hoof, “Then off you go.”

“Yes M’am, sorry for the intrusion.”

Rarity watched them fly away in relief at having avoided a potentially dangerous situation. The creature shot from the water gasping for air, the face flushed. “Never again,” it gasped.

Rarity laughed but quickly removed her hoof seeing it was over the scar, “I’m so sorry.” Her hoof now had traces of its blood and she dunked it in the water to rinse it off. It was disturbing that her hoof tingled at the touch.

“You have excellent hearing.”

“Well one does try.” She had to look away as the paste was rinsed off, the extent of the damage was significantly worse, “To answer your question, no. I do not think it necessary to send you back there.”

It looked in confusion at her, “What’s your game?”


“What are you up to? I am no fool! Is there a larger ambush nearby, more magic spells and concoctions to burn my flesh?! I am not going back to that hole and definitely not going anywhere near you monsters!”

It never occurred to Rarity that they were the monsters and creatures to it, “Well you’re rather close one now,”she teased. The creature pushed her away gently and forced itself to try and stand but she pushed back to hold it to the edge of the pool.

“You are a fool.” she gently spoke.


“YOU ARE A FOOL! What kind of dope refuses help when its being offered to them!”

“You have no reason to help me, that is why I am no fool.”

“I do,” she was hesitant, the monster was looking at her with curiousity. “When you saved us in the castle. That is my reason.”

“I only did that to earn my freedom.”

“But you did it. Let me ask you a question; If somepony helped you in your time of need would you not want to repay it.”

“That is one I cannot answer.”


“I would be suspicious as to why they helped me.”

“Should I be?”

“What do you think?”

“I do not know anymore.”

“Let me help you then. I’ve torn the wings from one of your flyers, nearly took the life of your princesses, all four I met, and nearly-”

“All hollow words. You helped at the castle, saved a lot of ponies from who knows what terrible fate. I know what you did that night with...Pink Hair?”

“I know who Miss Fluttershy is. I remember important names. Could you please get off.”

“We can figure out a way to help you, but please let me repay your service.”

“Oh so want to repay me?” There was now that cruel glint in its eye.

“Umm...yes...?” she answered nervously.

It whispered to her now,the icy tone sent shivers through the body, “I want you to go canter to the edge of the cliff, and jump.”

“You are a stubborn one.”

“So I am told, now get off.”

Rarity found herself in an unique position, she could try to coax this thing to trust her. Fluttershy had proven it was not unfeeling, now she could push a little and see how feeling it truly was.

“Alright. I will give you some space,” she moved away, “I am here though for the relaxing waters, not you. I have enough to worry about with Twilight and now Miss Fluttershy being so sick.” She turned away to hide her face and listened carefully. It felt as though a long time passed but eventually, to her satisfaction, it spoke.

“Miss Fluttershy is ill?”

She smiled but did not look at the creature, it was again time for a performance, “Yes!” she dramatically called out raising her hoof to her forehead, “She lies ill this very moment in her chamber. Besieged by a terrible ailment from where there is no cure. She is plagued with the kindest heart in all known ponydom and has had it shattered by a brute from unknown lands!” She finished and flashed a smile to the monster.

“If I had the strength I would clap. Is Miss Fluttershy alright then?”

“Why would one such as yourself care?” Now she enjoyed teasing it, seeing some emotion and concern.

“In all seriousness, a yes or a no?”

“And what could you do to help her?”

“Depends on what she needs, if am able then I will.”

“I do not think you would be of any use to her in your present state.”

“You would be surprised how far we can go. I take it she is alright then.”

Rarity chuckled, “She’s fine dear. Relax.”

“You ever heard the story of the...pony that cried wolf?”

“Why don’t you tell it to me?” she teased.

“Why are you not afraid of me?”

“Well you have done nothing so far. I am worried about that nasty cut though, would you let me look after it? I am no stranger to sewing after all.”

“Sewing is it? I do not require aid thank you. Once you leave I can be at rest, at long last some peace and quiet.” Rarity did not like the tone, it was tired and strained.

“I would find it very difficult to abandon something this damaged.”

“I am your enemy.”

“Are you? Do you want to hurt me? I think we have seen the answer already.”

The creature grunted, “No thank you Miss, I do not require aid as I made clear already.”

“Not so politely. Why don’t you wait here and I will get something to help.”

The laugh that mocked her was cold and cruel, it managed to take the smile away, “You really think I am that gullible? Next thing there will be an entire platoon ready for me.”

“Then why did I not turn you into those guards?”

“Please, two of them would not be enough. In your position I would have done the same.”

“In my position?”

“You are quite the tactician but I promise you this will not end well.”

“Alright, let us see. In your position I see a rather splendid mare offering a helping hoof. What do you see?”

“I see a...mare attempting to persuade her enemy to stroll into the bosom of an army.”

Rarity was growing weary of this nonsense and went to the edge to sit a comfortable distance from it. She did not want to leave, afforded a position to learn something about the monster. She leaned back in the same manner as the beast, only her head above the water, and let the soothing warmth seep into her bones. It no longer bothered her that the monsters blood was in the water, it should have yet it did not. It had survived the first time but now the wounds were significantly more grotesque. She closed her eyes, her mind focused on the presence of the thing next to her.

“Are you not you going to leave then monster?” She heard some small rippling of water and a restrained grunt, “You cannot, can you.”

“I need time to gather my strength,”

“We can talk about something else, maybe out here you feel more hospitable? You do not seem to be the violent bigot from the cell.”


“It means you think your opinion is better than that of everypony else. Or am I wrong?” A stubborn grunt made her smile, yet another small victory.

“Captivity does not sit well with me.”

“I do not believe it sits well with any creature. I must say you are less scary out here. Your accent is particularly intriguing. Are you a nobel from your land?”

“Miss...that thing I was down there, it is what I will become to survive.”

She was annoyed it had avoided the question, “Your survival was never in danger.”

“In my position what was I meant to think?” It sighed, “I sincerely hope the new princess is feeling better.” Rarity felt that anger returning, seeing Twilight sobbing, the pain she was in holding to her friends for some comfort that was never enough, “The diagnosis is correct, I am a monster.” The tone with which it spoke managed to douse her rage. She opened her eyes to see it staring at its wavy reflection in the water. It was a sight that was too unreal to believe. “That’s what happens when we are backed into a corner, we fight to stay alive.”

Rarity cleared her throat, this subject was too sensitive for the moment. She needed it to trust her now, “Feeling any better in the forest?”

“What do you think?”

“Well I just love your pet there, made of diamond I take it?”

“She is not mine. We are companions, keep each other safe. I think she is made of Crystal.” Rarity was startled as the large looming head hung between them, “Alright girl, you are no use at all keeping pests away,” Rarity smiled as the monsters arm reached up and grasped it firmly, it was touching. She held her breath as the wolf brought its head to her, sniffing the coat and giving her a quick lick, it felt like a smooth gem was brushed against her, “She likes you.”

Rarity slowly reached out and let her hoof settle on the side of the head, the wolf brushed against it, the texture was unlike anything she had felt. It was rough yet smooth, similar to grooves on cut crystal glass but more robust, “Incredible...”

“We happened serendipitously across each other.”

“Do tell.”

“Not much to say, she’s the reason I survived this long. I am the reason she is still around. Helped me today after all.”

The wolf lay down to let its head rest by the edge and her hoof slid off. Rarity was stunned, “So this...encounter happened today?”

“Indeed, not pleasant as you might imagine.”

“Why didn’t you run?”

There was a disturbing silence, “We did.”

“Well at least your alright now...sort of. Can I ask something?”


“Since you will not allow me to get help, could I invite you to get fixed up in my home?”

“In the heart of enemy territory? You must be joking.”

“Well, we’ll come back to that. I will be honest though, I have something thats simply being torturing me ever since we first saw you.”

“Do tell,” it mimicked her,

“One could say it is a pet peeve of mine, but your outfit is disgraceful.”

“Well I am sorry I was not able to get all prettied up for your majesty.”

“I am a designer you see. It’s an obsession I have to ensure all outfits are properly finished. Yours looks like it’s seen better days, if you don’t mind me saying.”

“It is the truth. I can see where this is going but I will be honest, it is a very bad idea. I have no currency or willingness.”

“I do not need bits from you, this is not some scheme for money. I want to help you. Plus your from is truly intriguing.”

“I’ve told you how you can help me.”

“I am most certainly not jumping.”




“Why must you wear them outside of social events? One would assume from your thick hide you needn’t concern yourself with something so trivial.”

“So you are in the nude?”

“But of course, it’s very bizarre to wear garments all the time.”

“I suppose from your perspective it makes sense. I need the garments though to improve my performance when hunting, my hide as you call it is not so durable.”

“Well after the beating you took in the castle one would have to disagree. Hunting?”

“Do not worry. It is not wise to provoke your monarchs any further. My nutrition comes form larger insects and vegetation. Some plants here do not enjoy having their fruit taken, defeats the purpose if you think about it but the flavour is too great to resist.”

“So you don’t eat...ponies?”

“I could don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to though.”

“Are we not good enough for your refined pallet?” she teased.

“Well. It would take too much resource of energy to capture, prepare and cook one of you. The fruit spiders though are easy.”

“That sounds absolutely disgusting.” The creature laughed,

“Well the hairy legs are-”

“I’m not listening!” she covered her ears trying to block it out. There was silence and she released her grip seeing it smiling up at the sky cheekily.

“A spider is not an insect dear.”

“Well excuse me. They are simply a quick source, very easy to prepare and can last a while.”

“Well I hope you do not get bored!” she chuckled. The creature laughed halfheartedly leaning back again to close it’s eyes.

“Miss...are there any others like me?”

“Princess Celestia has never seen anything like you before and she is thousands of years old.”

“That is not good news. Thousands?”

“Alicorns are relatively new to Equestria you see. Ever since the days of disharmony Princess Luna and Princess Celestia brought stability to the world, raising the sun and moon and watching over all ponies in Equestria.”

“They have power over the sun and moon?!”

“In a way, On this part of our world they have control, once it disappears from the horizon it is the task of the minotaur leaders to pull the world along to keep rotation, then the horses and the motion continues onwards. There is always something to help move along. Truth be told she doesn’t raise the sun but she moves our world around it, her and the others of course. Princess Celestia was the pony to discover this power of harmony and along with her sister they harnessed it to overthrow Discord and restore peace.”

“So they both have power over the rotation?”

“Well Princess Celestia has power over the world, Princess Luna over the moon. The motions you see hold our world together in complete balance and harmony.”

“Fascinating. You are rather knowledgeable. However it is unwise to allow your enemy to learn about you.”

“I hardly see how a little common knowledge would be dangerous...and I am more than just a beautiful face.”

The creature chuckled to itself.


“Just a thought. Nothing interesting.”

“Oh come now, do you disagree?”

“Well...as you recall I had a little...shall we say bout with them when they discovered me.”


“Now I am not proud of fighting them, but to think I could defeat them! They are the most powerful in this land-”

“You lost darling.”

“Only on the grounds of interference.”

“That pain in your head was it?”

“I see the monarchs have filled you in on all details. There was a stabbing pain in my mind, the body simply shut down.”

“What were you doing there?”

“I was honest when I told you I do not know.”

“That is an extraordinary claim, far too convenient”

“That is not the first time I heard that. You see I have these...lapses where I do not remember my actions. It has been recently confirmed by a source who shall remain anonymous.”

“Oh really, and what happens when you have these?”

The creatures voice was solemn, “I tear the wings from ponies.” Hearing it her vision shook. She wanted to speak but her mouth was dry and she could not find the words. “You are safe though Miss.” It tapped the head of the laying wolf between them, “She keeps me in check when it happens, no further casualties.”

“So if we assume I believe you, this is not normal?”

“No. It has never been documented. There’s too much direction, from what I understand of it at least. I’ve ruled out schizophrenia, a disease of the mind causing split personalities. While I suffer from the neurocognitive deficit of memory loss during these periods I do not experience any hallucinations, delusions, speech impediment or emotional stoicism outside of them.”

Rarity did not believe what she heard, the brute had a little bit of a brain, “That was...unexpected.”


“That...” she gestured up and down along the creature, “I mean...that was...and you are...sort of-”

“I’m not just a pretty face,” it laughed. She however did not seeing the wound again. It turned away and rested on the edge.

“So why did it not happen in the castle?”

“I do not know, I have only recently been able to confirm it happens. The mechanism is still a mystery.”

“You will understand I cannot believe you without any evidence.”

“I do not expect you too. This is something I must fight alone, I am at peace with that.”

“You do suffer from delusions though.”


“You think you could defeat the princesses on your own after all,” she teased.

“We have one symptom then!” it laughed.

“She is alright, the mare you...”

“Hurt. It is good news. I empathise with your criticism, this could always be an elaborate lie to trick you.”

“I had not considered that.”

“Now you have.”

“So you feel bad for doing that to her?”

“Miss it would be no different than me loosing my arms, a terrible fate. The only regret I have is being weak and not keeping control.”

Rarity felt her tension leaving her body. She was stunned by the creatures heartfelt words and the pain it had been through. She saw it leaning back, the large wolf behind it enjoying the steam. She noticed now the scar over its face, the wounds covering its arms and hands, burn marks and gashes but surprisingly well trimmed claws. Her eyes were drawn to its chest and a large bruise placed neatly around the shoulder with clumps of its pelt missing. The bruise itself was strange, a line travelling across and down the midsection. Its belly was slightly cut with a horizontal line and she pictured the disemboweling slash of a wolf. She remembered it being hit there by the Darkling that held Pinkie Pie, surprised that it still had not healed. The sides too were scraped, long shallow trails of torn hide, and the gash trekking lower-

“Eyes above the water.”

Rarity looked away, it was confusing why the creature did not want her to, possibly a bad scar. A sudden realisation caused her cheeks to burn recalling were she was moments ago. The creature remained relaxed with its head facing the sky.

“So which one do you want to know about?”

“Excuse me!?” she cried indignantly.

“The face, hands, arm. I have quite a bad one on my back but its healed up nicely.”

“Oh the scars!” she said relieved.

“And what exactly did you think I meant Miss?”

“Oh nothing, never mind...” she tried laughing off the misunderstanding, the creature chuckled in amusement. “That bruise across your shoulder is rather nasty.”

“That plant I mentioned with the irresistible fruit.”

“I see. And that one?” she pointed to the face now at the torn side.

“Well that one is from today, the pack has an alpha and it’s growing more confident. I was simply too slow. Imagine this was a miss, the claws dug in but the palm of the paw did not impact.”

“It sounds absolutely terrifying.”

“It was. I know when it is time to be afraid.”

“What are you anyway? I mean what does your...whatever call themselves?”

“Can she not use an ageing spell?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“The new princess? Can she not use an ageing spell to resolve the immortality problem you are all faced with?”

Rarity was slightly annoyed by the obvious diversion however it was delving into something she had thought a lot about,“How do you know about that?”

“I watch and listen, plus I have an informant.”

“I am a tad skeptical.”

“A striped one of you creatures who speaks in cryptic Rhyme.”


“Second time I have hear that, looks like I can win our bet. She thought I couldn’t find out her name. Very insightful though, annoying but helpful. So what about the spell?”

“Right, she could in time but thats not a solution.”

“Oh really?”

“I do not know about you but living forever...theres so much pain involved. Loss.” The creature failed to reply and she turned to see it smiling through the gashes. “What?”

“I like you.”

“...excuse me?”

“I like you. It is genuinely stimulating to talk with you.”

“Oh. Well I do not-”

“Do you know how many would like to live forever? How many fools think life should never end?”

“A lot?”

“Too many. You are the first I have ever met to understand this. Truly you are wiser than I assumed.”

She began blushing despite her best efforts staring down at her reflection in the water. “I can’t say that.”

“Modest too!” it laughed, “What is your name?”

“You mean you don’t even know?”

“I only remember important things. Well?”

“I’m Rarity, its nice to meet you...” she trailed off expectantly.

“I didn’t say I would tell you my name.”

“Why not?”

“Ambiguity, deepens my isolation. Regardless,” a claw lifted out the water and extended to her. She looked down at the pointed digits and the grin behind it, an eerie feeling of calm. “It is a pleasure to talk with you Miss Rarity.”

“Umm...likewise.” As the claw rounded her hoof and shook it gently she became nervous feeling the tough palm press on her coat. It released and she sighed with relief. “Well what do you think? About passing I mean.”

“I could bore you with faith and superstition, case history and fraud, but here is what I think; when it is time for me to pass on, I will embrace the rest.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that if eternal darkness is all to expect, I won’t know any better! I will be relieved for the peace.”

“That is an awfully grim outlook.”

“I am tired Miss Rarity, so tired. Only a promise keeps me going.”

“A promise... I can understand. Would you like to tal-”

“No. The problem you see is those left behind, they must deal with the pain of loss. Your princess understands this.”

Rarity thought about Twilight again and looked up at the afternoon sky, “Why did you have to say it.”

“I’m a monster.”

“Why couldn’t you be more like you are now?”

“You prefer me this way?”

“Now you are quite civil and insightful. Not the brute that hurt her.”

“Civil? That’s the blood loss then.”

“I wish Twilight could be here now.”

“Twilight. How is she?”

“Not well. She can’t sleep and she hates you completely.”

“For pointing out the truth?”

“For hurting her. You did not see her crying all night, the sadness she had. Nothing we said could help. She would learn about it but when she was ready, you robbed her of that.” She could feel herself tearing up but dunked her face in the waters to wash it away.

The creatures voice was more quiet, “Well have you talked to her since?”

“I don’t know what to say anymore.”

“Let us try this, she will learn to cope with loss as the years grow on. She will suffer as her friends pass, but that is such a short moment, the wounds will heal, she should enjoy the time she has with you all.”

“We have tried that, it did not help.”

“How about...she is worrying about something that has not happened yet and-”

“Tried it.”

“Alright.” The creature stroked the hair on its face contemplating the question further. Rarity began to examine every detail a little closer, her greater interest though was what it would say. “Okay. She is afraid to loose you all eventually. One day it will happen, no doubt. Does she understand that as long as she remembers you all you are not truly dead?”

“I...think so.”

“Perhaps you need to make that clear. When I think of ‘dead’ I think gone. If she can always hold on to what you were in her memories you will never truly be dead, or gone.”

Rarity felt a fluttering sensation in her, “That might work.”

“It will still hurt when you all pass on but at least this way you won’t leave her.”

“I can try that. Thank you.”

“I am merely trying to fix the damage I caused.”

As Rarity looked into the pools surface under her she could not help feel content there was another path, a different perspective to add some insight to her thoughts. It was not the most complex of ideas but it sounded better than the eternal darkness one.

“Everything alright Miss?”


“Good, now forget about me and leave me in peace. I wish you luck Miss Rarity.” With an aggressive grunt the creature reached behind and pulled its garments under the water. The leggings were torn now, holes perforating almost the entire cloth.

“Could I ask again?”

“I am not going with you.”

“Please let me help, for once let somepony help you.”

“You can try but there is nothing that would convince me.” It rose slowly on trembling arms, grunting with the effort. It stumbled to a stand and threw its vestment on. It was impressive that it could still stand.

Rarity needed to say something, she did not want to say it, to admit it but she had to let it know, for the sake of this monster. It would not survive if she let it walk off, “Alright!”

“... I’m sorry?”

“Alright you win. I’ll you why this is so important.”

“Miss, please don’t waste your time. I really am not going with you.”

“I don’t care, I need to tell you.” As she stared into the waters below she found she was scared to say it. The oddly shaped paws dunked in the pool again with a complacent grunt and she felt the claw gently rest on her shoulder as the monster sat on the edge of the pool.

“I think I know. If you want to talk about it then you have an ear. In this matter I can put aside our hostilities.”

“You think you know?” she repeatedly numbly.

“That thing that was choking you. I saw it in your eyes, I know that look. Before you broke free, you thought it was the end...” She was stunned only managing a nod as she gaped up at the creature. “Why else would passing on be so prevalent in your mind.”

“So you do remember me...”


“Only remember important things. Why did you pretend not to?”


“It would seem you are not that eloquent after all,” she chuckled.

“It would seem so.” Rarity liked this monster, that was the first time she had used that phrase and received a likeminded response. Even the Canterlot elite were less eloquent. It was time for a push, to show it a level of trust. She had to force herself not to tremble when she spoke.

“I was just struggling and I couldn’t break free. I kicked out, tried to scream, tried to push the air out but it just would not come. Then it started flinging me about, hitting the floor and...oh I really thought that was it, you know? I thought this is where I would...” The claw gently rubbed her shoulder with a slight squeeze.

“Miss. There’s no need to dwell on it. It’s over now.”

“Then you came from nowhere and ripped its arm clean off.” She laughed through a sob holding her composure with more strain, “It looked so completely shocked when you hit it, and I felt safe. That is why I want to help you. You asked the reason why I was still here...you.” The claw released and she looked up to the creature. It was staring out into the scape of the forest over the pools edge, the claw suspended right by her face.

“You are serious...” it trailed off.

“I am. I know you hurt my friend but you saved her. You fought so hard even though we kept you locked up, you were kind to Fluttershy. Is that not worthy of repayment?”

“My payment was my freedom, she honoured that.”

“So let me honour your actions, please.”

“What do you want with me?”

“Come to my home, my safe place away from the wolves and dangers of this forest. Let me patch you up, I think you need it.”

“And the others?”

“What do you want?”


“Pony else?”


“What do you say then?”

“Miss,” it sighed, “It would appear you are the one who has won.” She smiled. “I can’t explain this...why do I trust you?”

“Because you are smart and I speak with sincerity. Will you accept my invitation?”

“I will take some advice and say yes. I caution, you must understand if this is some trick I will fight to be free.”

“I do. You have my word it is not.” The claw pressed on her shoulder, a tight grip. There was a disturbing emptiness in those tired eyes.

“I don’t think you do. Understand Miss Rarity, I will fight to be free.”