• Published 10th Apr 2013
  • 1,869 Views, 174 Comments

Libera Mé - EZTP

Set just after the events of season 3, Twilight Sparkle and her friends must rise to a challenging beast the likes of which will test her not only as an alicorn, but as the Princess of Friendship.

  • ...

02. Monster

A stone spiral staircase led a dimly lit way for Twilight and a friends. The same nervous glances that adorned Twilight could be seen on her friends. An eerie silence was present, the roars the thing once made no longer present, only their hoofsteps echoed into the descent. Twilight had a chill visualising the creature at the bottom of the stairs waiting for them. Despite its unremarkable appearance it had already gained an uneasy status in her mind. She was demonising its form like shadows in the night becoming phantoms.

“There are far too many stairs!” Rarity complained. “I hope I don't start sweating. If you warned me we would be descending this smelly place I shan’t have bothered to glamorise my visage.”

Applejack thought she would take a chance to lighten the mood, “Alright, I got to say it; hooves up everypony who knew that was coming.”

“Applejack, surely you jest, I cannot be that-” She looked around to see her friends were all smiling with their hooves raised. “Fine,” she pouted. They all laughed and for a moment it was better.

The lighter mood stayed in the stairwell though as they reached the bottom and the corridor of cells. Twilight illuminated as much as she could to try obscure the tortures each cell held. Their dank gleam and obscured shapes provided the necessary ambiance to stifle humour.

Princess Celestia smiled and nodded seeing the six gathered and ready.

“Good morning, Princess,” the said in unison.

The Princess remained silent but nodded her appreciation. Twilight’s heart leapt a little seeing her smiling. She gracefully stepped aside as her student lead the way to the augmented cell door. Twilight turned to them and took a moment to confirm her plan.

“So the plan is simple,” Twilight began, “we must try to understand what it is, if it is a threat and if we can do something to help it.”

Applejack could see the bowed brow of Twilight betraying her anxiety, “ We know. Don’t worry, sugar cube. We'll be alright.”

There was course in the smiles that surrounded her. Twilight smiled in kind and entered the chamber, the large doors groaning as they parted before them. The creature had remained as it was, sagging loosely on the chains breathing deeply. In her absence it had fallen asleep.

Princess Luna and Shining Armor remained at their posts, vigilant. Twilight could not help be concerned for them and wonder how long they had been holding it before she came. She felt guilty for resting when the whole time she could have been helping. However with the insanity of Starswirl’s backfired spell she would have had her hooves too full to be useful.

As they came closer the creature stirred, slowly raising itself to see them. It let out a deep reverberating growl focused on the newcomers, the breath creeping out once again. Fluttershy clung to Rarity, who in turn clung to Applejack nearly falling over. Once again Twilight could see its eyes darting around analysing their persons, it paid no attention to her this time. Fluttershy had stopped in her tracks. Rainbow appeared calm but her stride grew shorter as she drew closer to the chained figure in the room. Twilight knew the creature was enjoying their fear but she would not show it hers.

“I am sorry I took so long.” It did not reply. She could see every muscle tighten and the shivering cease. It was coiling. “These are my friends from your left to right, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash could not help laugh a little inside. All the buildup and that was what caused it. She could see right off the cloud it was less than dangerous. All these crazy contraptions on place to keep it locked up. She decided a display of bravado would ease her friends and help FLuttershy, still cowering behind them even after she once took on a dragon alone.

“So that little thing is the problem?!” Rainbow laughed, “It doesn't look so dangerous to me.” She flew up high over the creature with a teasing jiggle of her tail, “It’s so small and it obviously can't even-” she was cut off when the creature suddenly leapt up and grasped her leg, the immense weight pulling pulling her down in a heartbeat.

Twilight did not hesitate and fired an improvised immobilising spell. The magic washed over the beast without any effect. Not even Rainbow was affected, the power negated by whatever trick it was using. One it’s soiled arms coiled around Rainbow’s neck, the weighted shackle barely having an effect.

Rainbow was kicking the creature, flapping her wings and biting the arm, causing a tremendous fight. The creature did not seem phased. It was as disturbing as watching a cat that caught a bird. On either side the captors doubled their efforts on the weights, using all their magic to pry its arms apart. There was not a flinch. Twilight heard her mentor’s voice echo of this things deceit, she was more shocked it had deceived that quickly.

Her friends were by her side in moments and ready to use the Elements of Harmony, each glow a reassuring light.

“LET HER GO!” Twilight shouted, her element thrumming threateningly.

The expression she expected was not there. She could not understand what was going through this things mind. It wore the same blank emotion, no anger, nothing.

“Release me,” it growled.

“You turn her loose now! Or I swear-” Applejack threatened.

“Y’all is plannin’ a heap o hurtin’?” it mocked the farm pony.

Fluttershy’s anger was rarely seen, but when it did show it was frightening. “WE TOLD YOU TO LET HER GO!” She screamed, “Let my friend go or I will make you feel SO SORRY!”

It’s eyes narrowed and a claw grasped Rainbow’s cheek. Fluttershy had sensitive ears, she could hear it whispering.

“I only want to leave. You can make that happen. I do not want to hurt you and I ask you not to force me to.”

Rainbow Dash’s face was haunting, her wings folding in tightly. It was clear what she was thinking about. She was glancing to each wing erratically as if expecting it to repeat its brutality on her. Pinkie Pie did not hesitate and launched a pie at the creature, covering Rainbow and it with what smelled like banana.

“Pinkie!” They all shouted.

The creature cleared its throat ignoring the distraction, “Release my chains. Now.” The coil tightened and Rainbows breathing became laboured as she felt the strain trying to draw breath.

“Are you insane?!”

“You have no choice. The blue one will not be harmed if you release me.”

Twilight looked to Luna and Shining Armor, both of their horns were sparking with the effort to free Rainbow. Sweat was literally dripping from each one.

“You!” Rarity bolted forward to stop right before the creatures face, far too close for comfort. It held tightly on, the chains chiming as they pulled harder against its strength. “Now see here, monster! That is no way to treat a lady. Shame on you, hiding like a coward behind a helpless pony.”

“Helpless?!” Rainbow Dash protested trying to kick out. To Rarity’s relief she still had her fiery spirit. Not much could quell Rainbow Dash after all.

“How do you sleep at night!?” Her question was met with a weary stare.

“Release me.” She fixed her eyes to it and went right up in it’s face, not letting the foul odour deter her. Rainbow was in trouble now and she needed her.

“Look, we are here to help, to understand what you are. You are making a terrible first impression right now. Let me ask you something; seeing your behaviour now, do you not think we have good reason to chain you? I had my doubts before this.”

The creature tried to, but was unable to respond, looking downwards to contemplate her question. Rarity saw its grip loosen around Rainbow and she grabbed her friend’s tail, the banana cream covering allowed Rainbow to slip out easily. Rarity threw all her weight back and they both landed a safer distance away.

“Banana! The slipperiest berry!” Pinkie said proudly admiring her work.

The creature did not have the reaction Twilight was expecting, it's body drooped again and it's arms were pulled sharply by the chains with a grunt. Shining Armor and Luna caught their breath, both clearly angered by that mistake.

“Rainbow, are you alright?” Fluttershy held her stunned friend in her hooves examining the neck. She was, only her pride was bruised.

“I’m...fine!” She said pushing herself to stand proudly, “You’re the lucky one!” she pointed at the creature. Its expression motionless.

Twilight shot a beam at the creature and a chain appeared around its neck, anchoring it to the floor. That was her element’s magic, clearly its was not immune.

“If you ever do that again...” She stopped herself, such dark thoughts did not have a place in a princess’s heart. “Perhaps we can all agree to keep our distance?” The nodded in agreement, sinking back into their calmer dispositions. Rainbow was noticeably shaken, but thankfully alright. There was always a risk to bring her friends here, but Twilight had never failed to misjudge a risk until today.

Applejack had trouble believing what had happened, this critter did not look like it could be that remorseless monster. It was a genuine snake in the grass. “Twilight, why don't we turn up the lights a little? I want a good gander at our friend here.”

Twilight obliged, the lights on her horn growing brighter illuminating the darkness. She did not care anymore for diplomacy or consideration, this monster would have to earn it.

The clearer features lacked a typical monstrous look. It bore no horns or fangs, truly unremarkable. Despite the docile glance they all knew better by now. The danger they could all feel came from instinct. Twilight knew this thing was far more capable than what they had already seen. It was in the eyes.

Rarity took a step forward and cleared her throat. She decided to try once again. “You know who we are, to whom are we speaking?”

The creature did not answer. Twilight thought some clarity to this silence would help avoid repetition, “It won't speak because it has refused to answer those questions already. We need to ask it things it has not heard.”

Rarity paused in thought, she scanned the body and the outstretched arms, the large shackles wrapped around the wrists. “Twilight, did you realise it is injured? How did you do that to yourself?”

Twilight scanned the wrists and saw they were raw, torn and bloodied. The brighter light revealed how the creature had struggled to the point of injuring itself. It became a little clearer how desperate it was to leave.

“And it smells just awful. Pinkie, are you sure that pie was fresh?”

“Hey! I made that pie this morning! It was delicious and perfect! Or was it last week in the morning…”

Rarity moved closer to the creature, Twilight joined her and they each inspected the links whilst maintaining a safe distance. It was not a fresh wound. That awful smell was coming from the wrists, the body had an unpleasant odour as well but it obscured by the decay. “Perhaps we should try to treat it?”

“Do not use magic again, Princess Twilight!” Luna cautioned them, "It will slip out, I have already tried."

Rarity felt pity for this thing, being so mindless as to end up hurting itself. It was clearly not as intelligent as she thought but it had understood her enough to reflect on its hold of Rainbow.

“Perhaps we should start over if you are willing to be more civil. Princess Luna, Shining Armor, would you both be so kind as to loosen the chains please? Twilight, I need you to remove that collar around its neck.

“After that you want to loosen it?! Are you crazy?”

She eyed the monster, those sunken eyes haunting as they gazed over her body.
. “No it won’t, will you?”

“Release me and see,” it growled with a smirk. Rarity did not blink, it was becoming easier to understand this animal. She had seen this before with the Diamond Dogs, show no fear and they will roll over like puppies.

‘Rarity...” Twilight began, “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

“Trust me Darling.”

“Alright, please step far back before I do.”

Rarity did so and the collar dropped to the floor clattering to the stone.

“Why don't you stand up please?” Rarity asked sweetly.

“Burn,” the creature replied bitterly.

“It is polite to stand in the presence of a lady.”

“I see no lady.”

“I'm going to ignore that. Now you clearly don't want to be here. How is your method of acting like a brute going? The only thing you are closer to is tearing your own arm off. Perhaps if you could at least demonstrate your cooperation we can come to some sort of arrangement?”

The creature raised its brow, “An arrangement?”

Rarity felt a taste of triumph, as well as a shiver up her spine. “Yes well, how about...if you stand for us we will-”

“Release me?”

“Now you know we cannot do that darling.”

“I do not perform tricks.”

“I see no juggling pins or flaming hoops. We are not asking you to do tricks. You must show us you are willing to cooperate. Perhaps in time, with good behaviour we can let you loose.”

“Some bargain! I will not be led by false promises.”

“Now that doesn't make sense, I never promised anything.”

“Rarity just give up and let's get out of here.” Rainbows plan was tempting, she did not want to be here yet she found herself enthralled by this monster. It was not safe to be here, she knew that, but when it loosened its grip something passed through that head. It could at least understand her words and that was a start.

Twilight stood by her at the ready. She was nervous about what Rarity was doing but her friend was able to get it to talk, and that was a start. “Twilight,” she whispered in her ear, “I don’t think it wants to hurt us, but please be ready just in case.”

“What are you thinking of doing?”

“Something far too stupid for myself.” She turned to the creature and confidently trotted to it, grabbing a fresh blanket from a pile she placed it in front of the beast and sat down, more than close enough for it to reach her. The chains began to tighten and pull its arms up again. “Hold on please.” she called to Luna and Shining Armor. It was important to maintain a facade of ease while inside she was tense and ready to throw herself back should it try to reach for her. “Let us try this. I will agree not to move if you agree to stand.” The creature's sudden twisted grin sent a shiver up her spine as the crooked teeth passed over each other. She held her poise and place. Her heart was beating quickly and she was worried it could see her nerves. Just like the diamond dogs; no fear, show no fear.

“Agreed.” The creature jerked quickly backwards but she did not move. It looked confused and disappointed by this and she knew that little exchange had done more than she had hoped.

“It is not polite to keep a lady waiting.”

The creature dragged its leg forward and dropped down with a great weight. The joints and bones cracked and groaned as it put that weight on them, rising slowly but keeping its eyes fixed on her. She quickly realised this was a test and this creature would pass judgement based on what she did next. Hold still, hold still.

Her breath tightened as it rose further, erecting its back and straightening those legs. Twilight and the others watched it growing, increasingly concerned as its height passed Rarity's. It stood much like a Minotaur on two legs but lacked the massive upper body. The dancing of the dim torchlight and twilight’s horn did little to reduce its monstrous visage, projecting a giant shadow on the back wall. As it towered over Rarity, she began leaning back wanting to gain distance. She could feel her heart beating louder, her breath more shallow and sharp. Gathering her determination she kept composure with an eased look on her face. The creature lowered its head to hers in the same manner she did to it earlier. Its breath was horrendous, the smell of its body churning her stomach, she would have to miss breakfast and lunch now.

“Well done,” It growled letting the mist creep out.

Rarity jumped when it spoke but held her ground. The creature grinned and stood back allowing her to absorb the figure and size. Its body was large, the garments It wore were torn and stained with grime. She could feel the others eyes on her and turned to see them poised, ready to charge in should it be needed. This was an insane thing to do having seen Rainbow only moments ago caught in its grasp. The creature stretched sending more cracking sounds around its body, then it sagged back down to its knees with a wince.

Rarity stood up, “Thank you.” She turned to her friends barely able to feel her legs, “Twilight? Do you want to know anything in particular?” Twilight trotted to her side and paused, choosing her words carefully. She looked at the shackles and considered an act of diplomacy to gain its favour

“What do you want in exchange for letting us fix up those wounds?”


“So we can fix them then?”

“If you dare to.”

“Wait, do you or don't you want our help?” The creature remained silent and Rarity nudged Twilight encouraging her to continue. “If you let us help you without attempting to harm us…I will make sure you are more comfortable.”

“By releasing me?”

“You really are pushing that aren't you?” Applejack laughed.

“Darling, if you were us, would you release you?”

The creature was silent, mulling over its answer and after a long time, it spoke in defeat.

“No.” There was a simultaneous ease in the room. It felt as though progress was being made at last. A faint giggle from Princess Celestia confirmed this. Watching over them through the space in the door.

“We could try to make things warmer here, anything you need within reason.”


The simplicity of what it wanted relieved Twilight, she thought it would try to use more tricks to free itself, unless this was one, in which case she would have to remain constantly vigilant.

“We can do that.” She gestured to one of the maids who abandoned her current waiting and darted off.

“Now let's have a-”

“First the water,” it growled at her.

She waited and looked at the wounds. Fluttershy was used to dealing with a wide variety of animals so she had the necessary experience to examine and treat the creature without using any chemicals that might harm it. Twilight looked for her but she had disappeared. Rainbow stepped to the side to reveal her hiding.

“Please, I can't help. I’ve never seen this creature before. What do I know?”

“Smart,” it snickered.

“When addressing a lady one must always say miss, m’lady or ma’am.” Rarity commented and the creature snorted. “Look, are you in pain?”

“No.” Rarity kicked at one of the shackles and the creature groaned in agony, spitting to the floor.

“It would appear to the more observant pony that you are.”

Before Rarity could blink its claw was around her throat. She gestured to Twilight to lower her horn and as she expected the creature released, the resentment clearly showing.

“That was my mistake. I apologise. Why have pain when it could go away?”

“I feel alive.”

“I don't get it?” Rainbow Dash was visibly maintaining a distance and lacked her usual coquettish bravado. The creature did not explain itself to them but stared at Rainbow with great intensity. It made her take a step back, Twilight could see the corners of its mouth turn up slightly when she did. This was some kind of intimidation game for it, and they were losing. She got a brilliant idea and winked at Rarity who in turn smiled.

“You know Rarity, it's a shame we can't help. Maybe we could have had some fun.” She saw Pinkie’s ears twitch.


“Yes. If we made friends with this creature here we could go and celebrate with a party.”

“Fun? A new friend? A party?!” Pinkie Pie immediately jumped at her cue. Twilight and Rarity stepped aside and the pink blur began hounding the creature with all she had.
The two ponies felt a little guilty, just a little bit.

The creature swung out, lifting Shining clear from the ground as its palm thudded the ground. The blur produced a high pitched squeal, a giggle, then a barrage of words and questions that would be very disorienting to one who did not know Pinkie Pie.

“Why are you so mean? Or are you grumpy? When I'm grumpy usually I'm hungry or sad, but I'm never sad. Maybe you have to go twosies? That would make me grumpy. Grumpy sounds funny, you know why?”

The creature had a look of utter confusion and distress, trying to recoil from the enthusiastic pony. It was a cruel trick but they had to step up their tactics if they were going to successfully help it. Her bludgeoning continued and it became more distressed, trying to lash out. Luna and Shining Armor were smiling as they tightened the chains and it struggled. They were able to hold it this time, the pain in its wrists inhibiting the amount of force it could apply.

Rarity’s observation had seemingly reminded it the pain was there. What it did though was confusing and disturbing, almost appearing to switch off. Closing its eyes the face went flat again and it did not move aside the occasional breath. The minutes went on as Pinkie continued to pursue its breaking point. She got as far as being able to pull on its face forcing a disfigured smile before she eased off looking at her friends lost what to do next.

By this time the creature was covered with a host of confetti, decorations and stickers scattered about it. When she stopped it opened its eyes, its fury was amusing being covered in a sad clown makeup. They tried to hold back their laughter but Rainbow Dash’s composure was shattered when it tried to spit out the party horn Pinkie had pushed in its mouth, making an hilarious honk.

They were all laughing when the maid came back in with water in a jug, confused about the change. Twilight saw Princess Celestia holding her composure but giggling all the same.

The maid approached the creature cautiously, forcibly withholding her laughter. She smirked but it fades quickly when the creature grinned at her. The room fell silent as the sound of its chuckle drowned out humour. She gingerly picked her way closer, tail tilted back and eyes watching where her hooves were. The jug was gently placed on its lips and tilted, allowing it to drink to its comfort. It drank deeply, emptying the large jug without pause.

The creature spoke through gritted teeth, “You may look now, if you are going to touch anything then you must warn me.”

Fluttershy had mustered enough courage to stand up straight, but could not move. Twilight thought more diplomacy was needed. She and Rarity smiled at each other with a mutual understanding. This time Rarity began, dramatically addressing her friends.

“If only we could do something to tame this beast! Alas, only kindness in its purest form could sooth its savage heart. It is afraid, poor thing. Here it sits, cold, alone, and smelly in this dark cell! We could free it, if only our hearts were pure enough!” Her speech had performed well, Fluttershy’s ears perking up towards them. Slowly the yellow mare approached up but was still reluctant to be closer. Rarity had to think, she was growing weary of this dance and had to do something to help the monster seem more appealing. She addressed it, “Perhaps a little dialogue would show my friend you are genuine in your promise.”

“Her weakness does not concern me.”

“That is no way to speak to a kind lady. Besides, think how bad we feel not keeping our promise.”

“No concern of mine,” it repeated dully.

Twilight thought she would try again; “Would you like to answer some questions, nothing too personal, just general notes.”

“Would I like to? No.”

“Well...you’ve gotten your water and we are still trying to help you. This way you get the help you need.”

“That is no deal.” It seems to mull over something before it spoke again, “I ask a question and you ask a question in return.”

“Do we have your word you will answer truthfully, no matter what?”

The creature hesitated, “You have my word I will speak the truth. A question for a question.”

The creature looked her over, she could almost feel its eyes pass over her body, it was very uncomfortable. Eventually they settled on her flank, studying it in great detail. She turned to conceal it, feeling violated.

“May I ask about your markings? Do they denote rank or are they a personal choice?”

“Why is that important?” Twilight asked confused.

“Is that your question?”

“No.” She was a little annoyed with its literal take on this arrangement. “They are our cutie marks, everypony gets one when they find their destiny. The symbol has something to do with our natural born talents.”

“Poetic. Ask your question.” Its answer was blunt and unfeeling, she wondered why that information was important at all.

Twilight could ask it anything and it would give her an answer. She thought it best to test if this creature would honour its word.

“Are there other creatures like you in Equestria?”

“Equestria… As far as I know there are no others of my kind here. Where I came from however...enough to block out your sky.” Its answer was disturbing, one was already a problem, but that many would be disastrous, if its response was genuine.

“Are you here to observe us?”

“One question for one question.”

“You want to ask another one?”

“How long have you been an alicorn?”

“Two days.” She felt a shiver when she saw the creature quickly smiled to itself, “Now answer my question.”

“I am no scouting party. I am not here to observe you.”

“You wouldn’t lie now would you, darling?”

“My word is sacred. It is a measure of character without equal. To uphold that word defines my cooperation.” Rarity could not help smile.

“Alright. Twilight, would you mind if I try?”

“Go ahead Rarity.”

Rarity sauntered closer trying to charm the beast. “Surely a strong...umm...what are you exactly?”

“Not curious anymore.”

“Why not?” she huffed with disappointment.

“There is nothing more that I want to know.”

“Nothing?” The creature did not answer but let its head drop. From her close distance Rarity could see the body relax, it had minor cuts but severe bruising on the shoulders and back.

“Would you mind if my friend came closer?”

“Which one?”


“Which one?” it repeated

“The adorably scared one with the pink mane.”

The creature looked up to see the pink had grown more confident watching her friend. Rarity could see it did not like this. “I thought this was already agreed upon.”

“It was. She is an expert when it comes to all animals and you are clearly in need of help. It looks like you took quite a beating.”

“And yet I’m still here.”

“You must be a very strong...whatever. Are you a leader or warrior from your world?”

“Your flattery is transparent. She should approach, she has yet to fulfil the initial bargain.”

“Fluttershy is afraid, dear. You are rather scary after all. Maybe if one showed a little more decorum we could leave faster.”

“You are persuasive. Very well. May I ask my chains be loosened, on my word I will not harm, Pink Hair.”

“Her name is Fluttershy.”

“I do not remember names that serve no use to me.”

“Is that what you call decorum?” The creature took a deep breath and exhaled. The mist twirled around Rarity before disappearing.

“Miss Fluttershy. I would appreciate your help. Would you be so kind as to look at my cuts and diagnose a remedy.”

“Less sarcasm next time please.”

Twilight was not sure but for a second she swore she could hear Princess Celestia giggling again. Fluttershy was still keeping her distance with a notable fright on her face. Rarity came up and held her trembling hoof. Twilight nodded to Princess Luna and Shining Armor. They loosened the restraints and the creature sat on its haunches, placing the claws on its knees.

“I can’t.”

“Sweetie, it has asked for your help, surely you will not leave this poor animal to suffer.”

“Well…I can’t do that either...”

“Look at it, sitting there all sad in the cold like a poor puppy.” Rarity could not believe in the comparison herself.

“Umm. Could you please close your eyes?”

“You have to speak up, Pink Hair.”

“AHEM!” Rarity scoffed at it.

“Fluttershy,” it grunted

“Could you close your eyes please?”

It tilted its head. “Do you fear me that much?”

“Umm…” she squeaked faintly.

A pause followed as its eyes passed over the group of friends. The creature did close its eyes but it placed its claws flat on the ground before it, almost as if it was bowing. The links of the chains scraped on the floor, sounding deceptively heavy. Rarity led Fluttershy closer, never letting go. Her hoof squeezed tighter as the distance closed. Twilight followed with her horn alight to warn this monster.

As they drew closer the creature spoke and Fluttershy jumped, the volume amplified by its facing the floor, “If you do touch anything, then warn me please.”

“We heard you the first time.” The three examined the cuts and the extent of the damage was as bad as feared.

Fluttershy pushed herself to begin examining. There were deep and badly bruised cuts around the wrists. The contact with the rusted chains had caused more infection than she suspected, most likely poisoning the creature’s blood. Its hide was worn, exposing the tissue underneath. To her relief there were no signs of black spots, which meant it was not yet decayed beyond repair. The smell though was terrible, the first warning it had the makings of that decay.

“Do you still feel pain around there?”


“Alright, I know what to do. I will go and get some special plants, Cloei Vera and Dandelion roots-”

“I do not know what those are.”

“...from the gardens and fix something up to help. May we please go?”

“Well done Fluttershy,” Rarity praised her. The mare smiled and almost galloped back.

“Was that so hard?” Twilight asked. The creature raised its head and lifted itself slowly. She took some steps back for precaution. It did not answer but to her it had felt like a small victory. It clearly wanted their help but was being difficult.

“I can see you’re not one for chit chat, dear.” Rarity was met with equal silence.

“I don’t think this critter is the social type.” Fluttershy had already sought refuge behind Applejack.

“If you want to help then release me.”

“Please be patient, you have proven yourself to be too dangerous to set free. The guards you hurt are enough evidence to know you are not here on a peaceful errand.”

“So it seems I am to remain here then.”

“Maybe in time we can do something about that.”

Its head sunk to face the stone floor, “You lie. Just as the others have, leave now. I do not need any more useless voices around me.”

“Look we will try-”

“NO MORE OF YOUR VENOM!” The creature bellowed and pulled at the chains. This time Rarity retreated. There was a fury in its eyes, it had lost its patience. “You buy my ease with false promises and deceit! Such actions are...” the creature pushed itself up to full height.

“Step back Princess Twilight!” Luna and Shining tightened the chains once more, Twilight conceding to a few steps back.

“Brilliant tactic,” it whispered. “I failed to give you credit, little one. Your interrogation skills are flawless. You will not break me.” The creature looked at Princess Luna, poised in her hold on the restraints. “It is beautiful to see your friends gathered.” It looked up at them and smirked. Applejack could feel a knot in her stomach, as if something was coming, she did not know what, but it was bad. “How they stand united so proudly against their enemy. Blissfully ignorant as to their ultimate fate.” Its words were eerily calm.

“You cannot frighten us!” Rainbow laughed.

“And it don’t matter what you got planned!” Applejack added.

“We will always be strong with the power of friendship!” Twilight said triumphantly.

The creature remained silent, Looking them all over with its cold stare. It burst out with sadistic laughter at them, revelling in their pride. “Should I tell them or will you?” it asked Princess Luna. She responded by tightening the creatures chain. It felt it but did not suffer from it. “Very well. Pray tell young alicorn, how much do you think I have learned while being here in this cell?” Twilight could not imagine much considering the confined nature, it could not see or hear anything in all of Equestria down here. Yet it knew what she was.

“Well, alicorn, I suppose,” she smugly commented.

“Oh no...so much more. The maids are tremendous gossips.” Rarity could not see the point of this display. “I have learned a great deal about the monarchs who reign over you all, this delusional hierarchy, their weaknesses, fears, and my favourite... their lifespans.”

“Thats hardly classified information. Princess Luna and Princess Celestia are thousands of years old. Everypony knows that!”

The creature turned it’s head up and chuckled. “Will you tell her or should I?” Its question posed again to Luna was confusing.

“Do not listen to these words Princess Twilight!” Luna called out.

“You should be busy!” the creature shouted pulling hard on the chain. Luna felt strained and hated her weakness, she could barely concentrate as it pulled. She would not let it break free, but she could not stop it from speaking, not without releasing her magic on the bonds.

“Stop it!” Twilight ordered the monster seeing Princess Luna nearly collapse under the tension. Shining was holding better but deep in concentration.

“Listen well, day old alicorn. How long do you plan on living?” The question confused Twilight.


“It’s an easy question!” it barked at her.

“This is just a waste of time, Twilight. Let's go.” Rainbow chided.

“How strong will you be when you are no longer friends?”

“Rainbow Dash is right,” Twilight said turning on her hoof and walking to the exit. Luna felt relieved that she was not swayed by this monsters barking. “Come on everypony, we will have to come back when our friend is feeling more hospitable.” the others joined her and proceeded to leave.

“How strong will you be WATCHING YOUR FRIENDS DIE!” Twilight stopped in her tracks and turned to the creature.

“If you lay one hoof on them I swear by all that is good-”

“I never said I would harm them.” The creature smirked. Twilight moved in close to the creature, right up to its face, the restraints were at full force and it was immobilised. She felt like it was on the brink of an answer, at last some information for Princess Celestia.

“Then who will?”


“Who is Time, another like you?” The creature spoke softly to her, almost whispering, its voice was cold and carried around the walls of the cell.

“Time itself.” Twilight did not understand. Was this creature capable of controlling time? Maybe it will go back and stop them from becoming best friends? Could it do that? “How will you go on watching your friends grow old and die? Alicorn of a thousand lifetimes? The ravages of time will slip past you and unto them bear its wrath. Wrinkles and aches will turn to disease and decay-”

“Stop it!” Rarity could see now what it was trying to do, she had thought about this problem last night herself. She was terrified what this would do to Twilight, surely it could not be that observant. The creature continued ignoring her completely still staring into Twilight’s defiant face.

“Their lives end and bodies buried in the ground, bones and flesh turning to dust under the tide of a mere clock! You will have to watch alicorn, never growing older, always watching those you love-”

“STOP IT!” Rarity yelled again, desperate to stem the flow. She could see on Twilight’s face though, it was too late.

“Die...” the creature finished. The last breath leaking its mist over her.

Twilight’s jaw was agape, her body was numb. The creatures words had been more terrible than anything she could have imagined. It spoke the truth, and she did not realise it. She fell back into Rarity who tried desperately to comfort her. Twilight’s eyes were wide staring blankly at nothing. She was deaf to all around her. “Rotting in their fecal-”

“You monster!” Pinkie and Applejack had to hold Rainbow Dash back as she struggled to get at the creature. Applejack saw it smiling, it wanted her to come close. This time she might not be so lucky.

“Don’t fall for it!”

“Yes, you’re smarter than that,” it laughed sadistically as they tried to snap Twilight out of her trance. “Why so quiet little one? No more questions?”

Luna, in all her anger, cast a spell on the creature. it had no effect, but she broke her hold on the chain for a moment. It pulled furiously, tearing the bracket free from the stone wall and throwing itself towards Shining Armor.

It stumbled as a spell from Luna twisted the stone floor beneath but it remained steady. Shining Armour released his grip and charged the creature. He cast something with great momentum but ultimately useless as it washed over.

The monster was thrown clear from the floor by a beam of coloured light. Its body collided with the wall behind sending cracks along the surface to shake the dust and grime loose. The creature tried to push itself to its feet but Twilight’s magic pulled the free chain, dragging it across the floor to the centre. She was using her element of harmony, and it was working.

Celestia galloped through the door but was rooted with shock. The creature was suspended in mid air, Twilight pulling the chains either side with such force to lift the beast. Its arms were stretched wide as she pulled harder, the creature fighting the force against it. Its anger was as described, violent. Twilight wanted this thing to understand it could not behave this way without consequences. She wanted to see its smile gone. She wanted more than anything to make it feel her pain.

The creature did not smile anymore, its face was fixed in anger as it tried to fight. Everyone’s relief however turned to horror as they heard a pop and the creature grunted in pain, shoulder grossly deformed. It still fought, a buzz of energy being strained by the strength.

“Princess Twilight!” Celestia’s voice brought the alicorn’s senses back and she released her hold to send the creature falling to its knees. The chains were loose, but it did pull on them. Instead it nursed the arm before charging the shoulder into the floor with another sickening pop.

Shining Armour secured his side again but Luna hesitated. Her side was the shoulder that dislocated and was already beginning to swell. She placed her spell on the chain, allowing it to rest on the floor while she secured the bracket to the wall.

Twilight was breathing heavily, sweating and still fixed on the creature, her eyes almost burning through it. To her disgust despite all that pain it spat and held that grin. Fluttershy and Rarity were trying to reassure her while Applejack and Pinkie Pie had to take Rainbow Dash out as she struggled to break free and get at the creature with a colourful barrage of threats.

“We are leaving.” Rarity and Fluttershy followed after Twilight. She stopped before Celestia, trying to hold her composure but searching her mentor’s eyes for any sign that this was another deceit played out by that monster. She could not find what she needed. Instead she buried her face in Celestia’s chest and nearly collapsed altogether. Twilight had never done that before.

Celestia was in shock. Once more this creature and hurt someone she loved. The beast was no longer arrogant though. It had been hit hard, dazed and weakened with a large steaming burn wound passing over the impact point. The elements had an effect on it and she was satisfied with the results. Unfortunately they came at too great a price. As she held Twilight in her hooves, she could only regret asking for her help. There were many things she had prepared for but with so few princesses around she did not know how to handle this. Celestia could only be there and aid in this young alicorn’s time of crisis. As she escorted the ponies to their rooms, her distaste of this monster was absolute. For the first time, she had no trouble leaving this creature to its darkness.