• Published 10th Apr 2013
  • 1,869 Views, 174 Comments

Libera Mé - EZTP

Set just after the events of season 3, Twilight Sparkle and her friends must rise to a challenging beast the likes of which will test her not only as an alicorn, but as the Princess of Friendship.

  • ...

17 Blood, Sweat And Spittle


Rainbow Dash opened her eyes to see a forest floor littered with dead leaves. The yellow brown hue contrasted the bright green canopy high above. It was dimmer down here as the sun failed to break through the thick foliage, only allowing some of its beams to cut through. A breeze over her mane and a wheeze made her look. She was stunned to see the monster lay under her now. She watched it carefully and saw with relief the slow breathing. Then she remembered what had happened. The fall, the serpents, the monster...saved her. She felt her heart beating steadily perched on its body, now sprawled on the ground. One claw was still holding tightly to her, the one with the damaged arm laying bak. The claw was badly worn, she winced seeing the damage it had taken in the fall. It tried to stop the fall. It had caught her.

“Umm... Hello?” she spoke to the monster. It was breathing but a whistling noise was prominent from the back of its throat. “Are you okay?” It remained motionless and Rainbow stood up from it, the arm around her slumped and fell off. She felt the pain in her wing again and she looked back at it to see it was limp. Normally she was used to falls and believed she was one of the toughest ponies around, but the serpent hit her very hard. Closer inspection revealed a cut in her wing between the feathers, the eels teeth had not missed her after all. Another pain came from the base of her wings, the damage seemed to be deeper. Her side joined the wing in its complacent aching, becoming apparent there was more damage than she could see. Surprisingly she felt fine though, despite what had happened she was happy to still be here.

Looking at the monster though it appeared to be in pretty bad shape. The garments it wore had held up against the drop but the body was not moving. She could see the leg was in terrible shape, these monsters could not take a fall as well as a pegasus.

“Rainbow!” Applejack’s voice faintly called out.

“Yeah!” She forced it out of her. The pain in her side only growing worse. She strained to hear what she said but the trees closed in around them blocking sound. “What?” She called, her head falling with the effort.

“ARE YOU OKAY?!” Pinkies voice ripped through the trees to Rainbow.

“Yeah! I cant fly!”

“STAY THERE, TWILIGHT AND FLUTTERSHY WILL YOU COME FOR YOU!” Pinkie called out, as though she would to a deaf pony. Rainbow was impressed at he vocal prowess to carry down the cliff and break through the canopy. She could hear mumbling but could not decipher it. “AND OUR FRIEND?!” Rainbow looked at the creature still lying there. It raised an arm, barely.

“Ouch,” it whispered.


“WHAT?” Rainbow took a deep breath



Rainbow was now faced with a somewhat dilemma. The monster, while stunned could get up at any moment. They way she felt now she could not repeat their excursion back in Ponyville. It coughed slightly and the face twisted as it tried to remain still. She knew pain when she saw it and it was in a lot of pain. It was not clear what it had tried to do up there, but she realised now she was still here because that monster had helped. She did not know where it came from but as she stared at it and drank in the new shapes of its form, she could only see something that needed help. She hesitantly approached the monster in case it needed her expertise, after all she was well versed with crash landings.

“Still breathing monster?” she hesitantly spoke. It breathed slowly though its mouth and swallowed, the eyes remained closed and the brow furrowed. Looking around it the landing had not been as bad as she thought, the ground where it lay was covered in a thin bed of dead, orange and yellow leaves. There was no upturned earth or bleeding, no apparent breakages or cuts to be seen aside the burns from Twilight. They had gone very deep, deep enough that they no longer bled, the hair was gone and the skin charred. It became clear then the extent the monster was willing to go just to escape. She sat a decent distance away from it, her body ready to kick back when it tried to strike.

“Luna...” its voice quietly whispered the name. Rainbow though she had misheard it.

“The Princess?”

It spoke slowly, “Are you alright blue?”

“Better than you, anything broken?”

“Probably.” The creature tried to move but it winced and sunk back down with a groan, “Well done.”


“It would appear you captured me.”

“Told you so,” she mocked it. It struggled a laugh and fell silent with the pain. She came closer to the body, it seemed immobile.

“Blue, I need you to do me a favour. Do you see on my lower right leg the satchel?” Rainbow saw it, an intricately sewn pouch that survived Twilights wrath.


“If you would go in there and pull out a small blue seed.” Rainbow slowly drew the zipper back, taking out a range of strange seedlings and plants. Amongst them were the blue seeds. She held one up for the monster to see.

“Like this?”

“The water container as well if you please.”

“Wait wait. How do I know you wont run or that this stuff isn’t some kind of trick?”

“You have my word Blue. This is a pain killer of mine, it will help.”

“The thing is, I can’t trust you.”

“Such a fall is not natural for my body. Blue, the pain makes it difficult to breathe, I think my injuries are considerably worse. I know we are enemies but I admit defeat and I am asking you to accept your victory, please help me. I cannot do this alone.”

“Then let me have some of that stuff.”

“I am afraid much like your magic’s adverse effect on me, the toxins in here could stop your heart. However if you help, I have something for ponies.”

“Why would you carry that around?” she doubted the creature was this prepared.


“Look, Fluttershy told me you keep your promises, I need you to promise me you won’t run.”

“Promises are for children, I give you my word I will not harm you, trick you or try to run.”

“...Alright, I would not even do this if you hadn’t just-” she stopped herself, she could not say it. A brief search revealed a small hollowed out nut that swished as she shook it and placed it in the creatures claw. “ The other arm please, that one is...useless.” She cautiously moved around it, watching where her hooves were and being mindful of her tail. Now she remembered the keepers it had and understood why they were so on edge, they must have felt as she did now. She placed the items in its claw and with great effort it managed to ingest one with some water, remaining laying down.

Once more her eyes went to the burns it had, “Why did you do that?”


“That thing up there with the Morerock Eel?” She could not say that it had saved her. As much as she hated being saved she could see this injured monster and imagine herself in its place, most likely in the same or worse shape. She hated being saved, especially by this thing.

It exhaled with a wheeze, “I did not want any of you to get hurt. I wanted to scare you away.”

“That didn’t work.”


“Listen...umm...” she rubbed the back of her head but groaned as the side complained.

“There is a red plant, leaves are very large compared to the stem. Same satchel.”

She saw it, “What do you need with this?”

“I have had my pain killer, it is your turn.”

“No way I’m that dumb!”

“Sit with it then.” Almost on cue her side ached again. It was screaming for relief now that it knew there was something there. This was certainly another trick, as much as she wanted to believe it this brute was not as dull as it looked.

“What am I supposed to do anyway?”

“Crush it and let the juice flow over the cuts. It will seep in slowly and the pain will disappear. It is a toxin the plant uses to paralyse insects that eat the leaves, then it eats them.”

Rainbow Dash tried to turn her head over her wing for the drops to fall but the sting shot up with the change in posture. She shouted out and dropped the plant, feeling a tear run down her cheek. It was too much to push through.

“Miss...if you help me rest against the tree here I will help.”

“From you?! Now I’m insulted! I’m not going anywhere near you.”

It sighed, “I will be honest Miss, that plant you need was given to me by a Miss Zecora in exchange for my services.”


“That development at the castle.”

“We were wondering how you survived.”

“Force of will, a pest, and some...pony as stubborn as I.” There was some silence for a while and Rainbow noticed how quiet it was. Truly unnerving that there was no sound down here; no birds, no insects, only the wheezing of the monster and her shuffling. She had to close her eyes as the pain throbbed again.

Rainbow forced herself into a question, it was eating away and growing heavier with each passing second. She was only able to look at the ground she spoke, her speech becoming congested, “Are you going to...take my wings?” The monster did not respond. Eventually she had the courage to look up and she saw what appeared to be tears. “Hey, does it hurt that much?”

“The pain I feel...more than you can conceive. I give you my word I will never allow it to take anypony’s wings again.” Something about the way it spoke lifted a great weight from Rainbows stomach. There was such sincerity in those words. She still did not trust it though, the cost of her falling for a trick was too high. “I have an idea that might help you find the courage to let me help.”

“Hey! I’ve got buckets of courage! No...whatever is going to tell me I don’t have courage!”

“You got guts too?”

“You better believe it!”

“Good, you’re going to need them for what I will ask.” She did not like where this was going and stood up to slowly back away, “Ha! Courage indeed.”

“I’m just...keeping my distance is all.”

“Tell me then Blue, what do you know about dislocation? Is it a problem for you creatures?”


“My arm is gone, thats twice now. I need help to put it back in.”

“So then you can-”

“Will you not enjoy inflicting pain on the monster, the beast, the animal, the brute!? Will it not bring joy to watch me convulse under your hoof!?” She could see the spittle break though the gritted teeth as its anger came out. “This arm needs to go back in anyway, why not be the one to do it? Why not taste that agony for yourself?! Savour-”

“Just stop it!” The monster exhaled a trembling breath, “I don’t want to hurt you, that won’t help this. Do you even understand what you did to her?”

The monster had calmed now, “From what I do I tore the wings from her body...I understand she is recovering. What about the others?”

“They are fine. Back on the job in no time. Disappointed?”

“Overwhelmingly relieved.”


“Miss. You have lifted a burden from me. Thank you.” Rainbow was stunned, “I collapse in my home and the darkness takes me. When it lifts I hear screaming, such horrible screaming and a strange creature under me. I do not know how that happened but I wish this fall had taken me back to that darkness forever.”

“...What do you need?”

“Leave it now, I’ll sit with it.”

Rainbow could not understand why, but she began to doubt the monstrosity it had been branded with. She took a deep breath and went to sit by the laying beast, being sure to let her hoof gently touch the side of the good arm to let it know she was there. As her fur slowly touched the hide of the claw, she held her breath. No reaction. “Then you’ll help with my wing?”

“You have my word.”

“I know how to relocate a leg...arm but I’m not sure for mon...”

“Monsters, you can say it Miss. From what I can feel the shoulder is the source. No point in waiting now right?” It shifted slightly and the claw faced the palm upwards, “Slowly and gently. Don’t pull. Support the lower arm and bring it to the side so the elbow touches the torso.” Rainbow slowly touched the arm, being very careful to avoid the burn she used her back leg to nudge the arm against the side of its body. It showed no reaction to pain. “Now bend the elbow to a right angle, very slowly.” She did so, the arm was surprisingly heavier than she expected. She kept her abdomen tight to try move smoothly. “Well done Blue. Here comes the hard part. Rotate the arm outwards keeping the elbow at its angle until you feel some resistance, wait out any muscle spasms if they come. At this point it may pop back in so be ready for a jolt.” Rainbow slowly let the arm lean out but hesitated when the monster inhaled sharply and its claw reached up to press against its face. The movement startled her because she did not think it was that mobile.

“It hurts?”

“Please continue, I’ll feel very silly afterwards when the pain is gone.” She pressed on letting the arm fall lower, having to stop when it began to tremble to wait out the spasm. Holding the arm was getting difficult. Her side stung in this position but she could take it. She kept letting it lower until there was the resistance it spoke of. No pop.

“It didn’t work.”

“Now you must support the upper arm and lift slightly. After it is raised you will rotate the lower arm back towards the stomach. Is that clear?”

“Yup.” To lift the entire arm was a chore, she could feel the muscle under the top it wore. It was a heavy arm and as the muscle spasmed again she felt a little proud of being able to fight this thing one on one. Still no pop. As she tilted the lower arm back it felt as though she was waiting for the explosive thunder after a lightning bolt. With a pop and a shout the arm returned to it original way, to her relief.

“Well done Blue,” the monster gasped, “Now lets get you looked at, I will need some help sitting up please.” Rainbow moved behind the creature and it placed its free arm behind it trying to lift itself. She felt a cringe as she heard a crack resound from its back.

“Oh thats a rib,” it commented wincing. As it slowly got up she lowered her head under the space and pushed up against its back. The monster was very heavy now. As it got higher she turned to balance the weight on her good side. It rose up, sagging forward. The creature raised itself on both arms, edging to the tree behind it. The bad leg was limp, being dragged through the leaves.The smell of moist earth was prevalent as the floor was upturned. Rainbow kept herself close in case she needed to catch it, worried the arm would dislocate it again. To her relief it made it to find support on the tree.

“You okay?” it took some moments to regain its breath. As rainbow could see, the burns were not bleeding, they did need bandaging though. The bad leg had taken most of the force of the hits from Twilight, the other was still in one piece. Seeing it now she could not believe her friend had done that. It was epic.

“Bring the plant and your injured wing.” She looked at the monsters tired eyes and her wing, “You are safe. My word is unbreakable.” Handing it the plant, she brought her limp wing hesitantly closer. Her eyes never left the claws and every fibre was ready to kick out and escape. For a pegasus, to loose a wing was the loss of life. They could never fly, accidents had happened but never had there been a permanent injury. This monster could do it though, it could take them forever. She pulled away as the claw came closer.

“I don’t like ponies touching my wing,” she said trying to draw it back in, still hanging limply from the pain.

“I am not a pony. Am I? You can stay with your pain if you want.” She sincerely consider it but the nagging wing had other ideas. She edged closer.

“Please take it easy.” The creature held its claw out, gently brushing the pieces of earth from the area and pulling out a tangled leaf or two. The cuts were deep. It took the plant and held it above the spot. She closed her eyes now ready for the sting. She gasped as she felt the free claw rest on her shoulder.

“You are safe little one. Relax now please, let the juices flow without resistance, alright?” She nodded and held her breath as the first drops landed on her. She clenched her teeth ready for the stinging. To her surprise the area went almost immediately numb.

“It is still damaged, but this will make it bearable.”

A sense of relief washed over her as the pain became very dull, allowing the wing to be pulled back in again. She shuddered as the creature placed its claw on her side probing the area. She jumped back in fright feeling violated.

“What are you doing?!”

“Feeling for broken bones, sometimes shock can prevent you from realising how severe your injuries are.”

“Well don’t do that again!”

The creature pointed up, “You mean to tell me after that all you got was a broken wing and some scrapes?!”

She looked herself over, shaking her legs and twisting her neck. It was sore but not as bad as the wing, she had had a lot worse, “I think so...”

The creature nodded and looked rather pleased. “Hmm...not bad.” Rainbow sat down and the creature stared probing its own body. She shuddered when the bones inside the torso cracked. Its arms and legs seemed mostly unharmed, the outfit it wore had not torn under the stress.

“Umm...listen. Thanks for...well...saving me and all. That was really cool of you.” She was unaccustomed to being saved and it made her feel uncomfortable. The fall was not as far as some others she had taken. She could have probably survived it herself. The monster though did not have wings, it showed tremendous guts in risking itself like that to pull her free from the serpents mouth. That part she needed help with.

“Your friends will be here soon?”

“Eventually...they’re kind of slow without yours truly.” She puffed out her chest proudly but suddenly expected the pain to come back, it thankfully did not. She was grateful for the medication it gave her, numbing it a little.

“You are going to have to put that in a splint.”

“And where am I-”

The monster tossed a large bandage towards her. She looked up surprised, its response was to smile and sit patiently. She picked up the bandage looking around for a stick to use as a splint. Her luck was truly awful, next week they would cover survival training at the academy and now is when she needs it. The basics were there from the Junior Speedsters but she had no idea how she was going to do this by herself. There was a suitable branch and with some quick snaps she managed to get something useable. Trying to tie the cloth around her body was proving to be difficult, her forelegs could not reach that far around. Without some other pony she could not wrap the bandages properly.

It had noticed her difficulties. “Would you like some help?”

“It’s fine,” she said dropping the bandage bundle, “Shoot!”

“I could help.”

“You keep you claws to yourself.”

“Alright, I’ll be here if you reconsider.” After some minutes the best she could do was a loose sling. Getting annoyed trying to get the bandage on alone, she brought her tangled mess to the monster and planted herself down angrily by the good leg. It did not respond but instead slowly untangled her. As it leaned forward she could hear it breathing sharply with the effort.

“Sorry.” She moved closer to it to make its job easier, sitting now next to it. The whole time she was mindful of her wings and the monsters claws. It looked relieved at her gesture, leaning back against the tree and no longer having to stretch to bandage her up.

“So do you...need help to bandage yourself?”

“This is the only one I have Miss. Do not worry.” This monster kept surprising her. It firmly and expertly wrapped them around holding her wing close to the body. She could feel the claws wrap around each contour with great care feeling for anything that was damaged. Her discomfort was offset by the relief she felt when her wing hang loose.


“Wise lady said; there is no shame in asking for help. It shows courage.”

“I don’t need to hear anything from you,” she bitterly retreating to a safe distance, the thought of its arm around her throat making her shiver.

“I can understand why you are afraid.”

“I’m not afraid of anything!”

“Then why fear me? Sit here and show me you are not.” It patted the ground next to it.

“Look, you did us a solid with those golems and that eel, but that doesn’t mean I trust you.” The monster silently took a dark red plant and winced as the sap dripped over the burns. Unlike, Rainbow, the plant had caused it pain. It did not lie about the different reactions they could have. It rested its head against the trunk and dug its claws under the leaves. Rainbow took a moment to drink in scene. The fall had done a significant number on the monster. Its face was clenched in the pain it bore, the face had received a nasty scrape form the cliff, the body was sagged against the tree and she could still hear that wheezing while it breathed. “What were you thinking anyway?”

“The plan was to let you all believe they had eaten me. You really need to look ahead Blue, that was truly foolish.”

“I...couldn’t just let you fall...” She had to look away realising what she had just said. As much as she hated this monster its actions had gained her respect. It was a true soldier and no matter what, they were connected through the single truth that the were both tough.

“I bet you could have beat me if our friends did not intervene.”

“Our friends?”

“Your Twilight and my wolf.”

“I got to admit you have some chops to take me on alone.”

“As though you are the poster horse for good decisions.”

“Poster pony,” she corrected it, “But yeah. I should have just let you fall,” she teased.

“The way I feel right now, my sentiments exactly,” she chuckled and quickly hated herself for it. This was the enemy, it had done horrible things.

“You are quite a fighter Miss, impressive the way you darted about those...golems was it? Making them stumble and fall over each other.” Its compliment was met with cold silence. “I particularly enjoyed it when you threw those apples down to make me trip, you have a quick mind.”

“Well...it was kind of cool of you to help that pony who nearly got crushed.”

“Oh, so you noticed that. How do you know it wasn’t an accident?”

“I just know. That was a pretty wide detour.”

“Thought I’d save the job of cleaning it up, imagine the mess!” It winced as it chuckled.

“You are a strange monster, you know that?”

“Oh yes.”

“What were you doing with Rarity anyway?”

“What do you think I was doing?”

“You don’t give straight answers, it’s really annoying. I thought you had hurt her.”

“After yesterday I could never harm Miss Rarity. Even though she ambushed me like this, she was very kind to look after me as much as she did. My wolf Crystal likes her too.”

“I didn’t know Rarity had it in her to do that. She really tried to send a note?”

“Yeah, some little spell that she thought I couldn’t see.”

“You don’t sound angry about it.”

“She is very inventive, I respect that.”

“Hold on...that wolf is called Crystal? Thats a dumb name, kind of obvious.” Rainbows humour did not make the creature laugh, it was gritting its teeth from the agony.

“Maybe I should look at that.”

“You cannot fix this, the injury is deep. It will be a while before I can walk properly again.” It sighed, “You truly have caught me.”

Rainbow smirked and enjoyed the fact that she was the one who brought the monster in, she would be rewarded by Princess Celestia herself, maybe even another medal for heroism for facing it one on one. The day was growing old and the suns light was sending beams across the forest. The trees were all very straight, nearly parallel with each other as they reached higher to the sky. There were no branches or out sticking areas. She was glad Twilight and Fluttershy were taking their time, these trees were not to be messes with. At least under them there was no danger. Rainbow Dash was eagerly waiting for her friends but a thought came that worried her.

“Umm...that wolf of yours...is it going to find us or what?”

“She probably will. Don’t worry though, that bandage you have has my scent and provided you behave she won’t attack you.” It paused but quickly added, “I don’t think I can run, even with her.”

“So when you shouted go...”

“It was to her. A basic trick.”

“Like when she went out the back door but returned to get you. That’s a clever tactic. She can disappear?”

“Actually I never knew that until today, I always thought she was a good hider. Frightening.”

“That overgrown ornament doesn't scare me.”

“She sure scares me sometimes.”


“Next time you get the chance, hear her sleep. Makes the most ghastly noises!”

Rainbow decided to seize this moment and say to the creature somethings that had bothered her for a while.

“You know, what you did to Twilight was pretty low. She’s not been the same, just hurting.”

“Didn’t she just go and ask the Celestia alicorn?”

“She tried but Princess Celestia was vague, and too busy trying to track you down, what did you do to her anyway?”

“The story encompasses my arrival, I will have to tell you someday. I don’t doubt she has omitted those details.

“Did you really have to do that to those guys though?”

“I regret having to do it, but it is how I survive. I regret what did to you when we first met.”

Rainbow dash could feel the anger rising in her now remembering the life being choked from her and how it was trying to bargain with her life. “What you did was sick! Only a coward would do that! How could you treat me like some...some....”


“Yeah. To be traded!”

“You were a way out.”

“That worked out really well didn’t it? How far did you think it would go?! What kind of bone head doesn’t think that through!”

The creature raised its good arm high, its eyes still closed and head backwards. The reaction confused her.


“I will admit Miss I did not act with forethought, merely in an opportunity to escape. What you say is true. I wouldn’t have gotten very far even with you as my bargaining tool.”

“Then why do it?”

“Because when I get backed into a corner I push harder, the need for survival drives me. I more than think you got me back though with the crazy pink ballooned one.”

Rainbow Dash remembered the hilarious draping of colours on the creature and burst out laughing. “That was great! And you just let her!” Her anger had disappeared in the good nature and she found herself more at ease, “Theres something else that bothers me about that night you fought. Why didn’t you run? Applejack told me you took a good long look at the smashed entrance, but you still turned around to come help us out. It would have been a lot easier than fighting. Afterwards we thought you were a goner for sure.”

“You assumed this old coward would run?”


“Miss. If theres one thing I will never do, it will be to go back on my word. I gave Miss Fluttershy that word to fight to the best of my ability for my freedom. The word was spoken and I am bound to it. It does not matter that your monarch will not honour it, for Miss Fluttershy did.”

Rainbow Dash sat in silence thinking about it. The creature was insane that night. She had never seen such brutality and force. It did save them, gave them an edge to face off against the queen. Her fondest moment was when all the soldiers stood gaping at it as it pried the doors open alone.

“Well thanks for your help. You were pretty useful.”

“Tell me. That night, did the soldiers actually need my help? It looked like they were doing alright, and those rock things broke like glass. How weak are you creatures?”

“Hey! We fought hard. For your information only you could break the golems, we don’t know how. Theres a pool going at the academy, I guessed strength.”

“Really? Hmm...you learn something new every day.”

“So you don’t know?”

“Maybe it was strength...I don’t know for sure.”

“Then it looks we all loose out to Spitfire and Soarin.” Rainbow Dash smiled when she remembered the looks on the golems faces when it charged them, “You know, it was pretty epic.”

“Nothing is epic about conflict.”

“Well the ‘conflict’,” she purposely imitated its gruff voice for emphasis, “I saw was.” “It was totally cool! Those clowns had no idea what hit them when you charged in and bashed their heads to dust. I mean they were all tough and invincible then you came along and they suddenly got all scared!”

“I seem to have that effect.” Rainbow Dash saw the creature was rubbing its side wincing. She caught herself becoming concerned for the creature. Twilight was taking a long time to get here.

“Well I give you my word I’ll be right here until help arrives”

“Oh Blue, you just trust-” The creature suddenly sat bolt upright, startling her.

“We have to leave now.”


“The wolves are coming.”

Rainbow Dash felt a sickening fear grip her. She sprang to her hooves looking around, unable see anything. She thought this was another ploy by the monster. The sounds of cracking guide her attention to see it was trying to push itself to its legs. Despite what had happened, the monster with all those injuries was getting up. It pushed itself up against the tree holding back a scream as she saw the lower leg pop into place, the plied weight and awkward twisting setting it in its place. “Libera me, libera me, libera me,...” It continued to chant as it rose higher, Rainbow came by its side and tried to help push it up. Tears fell freely from the enraged face, another crack and she winced, now feeling the vibration in it, “Please leave me, not another flyer. Please.”

“But Twilight and the others-”

“Are too far to help now, you do not know what’s coming Blue. They are relentless.”

“Whoa there! There’s no way you can-”

“You have to leave now.” It repeated, “I will hold their attention.” Rainbow could see the strain the creature was under, its eyes darting around and scanning the trees. She saw then the creature was deadly serious, beads of sweat on its forehead, widened eyes, rapid breathing. She could see it was afraid.

She cringed when she saw the creature fix itself. It placed both its claws around the knee and pulled it slowly, twisting the joint back in. It slammed it on the ground and a sickening crack resounded as it fought back a wail. She could see the muscles tighten and felt the fury from the creature. It was using the pain to keep it going.

“I can’t do that, I cant let you-”

“Was it not enough that I loved tearing those wings off, hurting your pathetic friend?! Do you truly think I gave the slightest care in harming them.”

“Yes! You did, why would you save me then?!” The monster was stunned, unable to answer. Rainbow knew now there was a terrible mistake, this thing was not her enemy. Her blood ran cold as she heard a howl in the distance, long and mournful it echoed out across the forest. It was terrifying how loud it was. More howls joined in, the chorus of wolves was enough to paralyse her. It made every part of her heavy, every fibre stand up. She regained her senses as the monster grabbed her shoulder.

“Blue, get out of here!” It was becoming frantic now.


“They’re after me, they have my scent. Go!”


“I swear I’ll end you myself and feed you to them, GO!” The monsters arm shot out pointing in the distance. “Stay straight and don’t stop, GET OUT OF HERE!” There was something about the creature that made her feel frightened. It seemed genuine but if this was a trick she would hate herself for falling for it. It might have been a pack of wolves like Crystal trying to scare her off. Despite that she had that feeling to run and never stop.

“NO! I’m sticking by you, I gave you my word!”

“There’s no time for this nonsense!”

“Like it or not pal, I owe you one!”

The creature suddenly had a pained look on its face and it spoke with great sadness dropping its arm in defeat, a heavy and dull padded gallop accompanying its words, “You should have run. It is too late now.” Rainbow felt fears icy grip as a large black wolf darted from behind to stand proudly before them. Its small eyes were a fearsome red and its body was unlike any timber wolf she had ever seen. Its was warped and mangled, covered in a strange black liquid that swirled around it. The wood underneath was white, the wolfs sleek figure made it look sinister yet elegant. The teeth that it bore were shining, they glinted like crystal as the beams of light touched them. More wolves came out of trees, they were slightly smaller with yellow eyes. Compared to the others the large one was particularly striking, the only one that the black liquid completely covered. Only its teeth and eyes were visible, black dust seemingly emanating around it. The other wolves only had veins of the liquid, nowhere near as intimidating as the large one they constantly glanced to, this was the alpha. She felt her heart stop beating as its eyes drifted to her, there was a hunger in them as the rest encircled the two.

“When did you say Crystal is getting here?”

She grabbed the creatures arm instinctively squeezing tight on its tense muscles. She looked up at it and she could see it was staring directly into her. The fear on its face changing to something else. Gritting its teeth it faced down the wolves and gave a mighty roar that shattered the snarls surrounding them. The wolves, to her shock, actually halted their advance. Pausing their enclosing march as if cautious of the monster. The roar sounded as if it was barely from a living creature and for a strange reason helped her to gain courage to see these beasts hesitate.

“Behind me now.” Its claw pressed her chest and it stepped in front of her. She could not fathom how it could still do this after the beating it took. It stepped as though nothing had happened, no limp, no sagging arm, only as proud and unwavering as the alpha it faced. Rainbow felt stronger now, the pain in her side was no longer a concern. This monster in between her and the pack made her feel the same way she did when holding a shield. “When you find an opening, you will make a run for it. Crystal will find you.”

“Hey! I said I’m not leaving.” She released the arm and stood her ground beside it, defiantly against the pack. “When we’re backed into a corner we fight harder! We push back! I will not go!”

“You will. In moments you will. Why should two expire when only one needs to?”

The pack had surrounded them now and she could hear their deep growls envelope her. There were a few behind the tree itself, it seemed more than a dozen all together. Rainbow Dash did not answer, she had no idea why she was still here, but it was too late to second guess herself now. She recited the pledge of the Wonderbolts in her mind, gaining strength with each word;

To soar to the stars,
To swoop to the depths,
To protect the helpless,
To uphold the weak,
To be a Wonderbolt.

I am a Wonderbolt.

As the words filled her so did strength and might. The world around seemed to slow to a crawl, she could sense every last wolf, the monster, every part of the forest around down to the leaves under her hooves. She stared into the eyes of the black wolf, its gaze did not frighten her anymore. She felt nothing but the spirit and harmony and her strength. The confidence with which was instilled in her. She did not care what this monster had done, where it had been or what purpose it would serve. It was willing to sacrifice itself for her moments ago, and she would be as willing for it. They would win, she was not afraid.

The wolves burst into a charge and she galloped at them, pulling under the black one to sweep her hind leg and knock it clear off its paws to the floor. Its body was tougher than petrified wood. She quickly jumped back and avoided another as it snapped right past her, rolling to her back to throw a sharp kick to the jaw and break the teeth as they scraped past each other. They were fast. She rolled to the side quickly to evade a charging wolf and stuck her hoof out tripping it to land face first. Each blow was a victory for her, each shot connecting was one fewer to throw. She saw a wolf just as its jaw circled her tail. Before the teeth sunk down another wolf flew into it, knocking the two to the ground. She looked across to the monster and was in awe at the sight. The wolves were piling on it but it kept its back to the tree, swinging at them, each powerful blow resounding through the snarling and growls. It tore at them savagely ripping jaws from the heads and slamming the teeth in the eyes. The wolves yelped in agony as its might connected sharply with each one.

Rainbow now realised it. The wolves were focused on the monster, there were no more on her. She could see it as Applejack had described; in the fray stood a creature that needed her. She did not need to stay, she could turn and run into the forest, leave it here as it had wanted. She now knew what the monster had thought that day, why it did not run. Neither would she.

Rainbow Dash charged in kicking out hard against the nearest beasts, staggering them, throwing them back, trying to force them to pull away to regain momentum. She was now caught in the storm, feeling her very blood racing, heat radiating, muscles screaming to be used. She was able to elegantly sway through the wolves as they snapped and clawed at her, dancing in the hailstorm of teeth. The monster was as fearsome as it was on that night. The wolves sunk their teeth in, their claws dug deep but it refused to go down. It tirelessly threw blow after blow, relentlessly hurling the wolves back. Rainbow kicked out harder than she ever had managing to knock the heads of two clear. The black wolf was by far the most fierce. It charged through its own pack and threw the monster back against the tree with shocking speed. It tried to bite down but the monster had its throat. Rainbow kicked the minor wolf pulling on its bad arm and with the release of its jaws, the claw thundered into the gut of the alpha with a horrible, gargled yelp. Amazingly it suspended it on the claw, the once dislocated arm bearing the weight of the beast. It pulled the alpha in close, pivoting it over the shoulder and throwing it sat three more. The panicked alpha landed on them but quickly recovered to tear its way across the floor to them again. Rainbow was trying to keep the lower order ones off the monster but there were too many to protect herself and it. They were not doing enough, it would not last. The creature released a mighty roar as it took another impact from the alpha and two minors, each taking a part of the exposed body. With a shout the monster powered them into the ground and tore at the beasts as they tried to recover. Rainbow jumped to kick away one that tried to sink its teeth in the back of the monster. The worst thing it could do was fall down, if it did that the fight would be in the favour of the wolves. She felt the splatter of the black liquid as the alpha was thrown high this time into a tree. It did not get up instantly and the pack retreated to it. They regained their footing and formed the circle again. The yellow eyes on the severed heads flashed and jerked around furiously snapping at nothing.

Rainbow wiped the spatter from her face but the colour of it shocked her. Seeing the monster her heart broke. It struggled to keep an eye open with the gash over it. The once proud garments it wore were shredded around the arms and shoulders, stained in the same dark red colour that she had wiped off. She could not understand how it could remain standing. The alpha lowered its head and bore its teeth, she knew what was coming, and more importantly where she would go next.

The crystal wolf burst from the trees and barrelled into the fray from behind, throwing the alpha and those close to it away to protect her master. Rainbow threw another shot to the alpha’s head as it landed by her, quickly darting back to the monster as the pack closed in again.

Rainbow Dash had never understood how this thing had outperformed the Wonderbolts, never until now at least. A wolf bit down on the leg where Twilight had fired, right over the burn. It did not flinch, only artfully twisting its other leg around and bringing the heel down on the attackers head. In an instant it splintered into fragments, deep gashes in the garment from where the teeth slid down. She saw this thing fighting and realised it did not feel any pain. In the heat of this battle it was a part of it, an entity that could feel everything around it. A wolf jumped on its back sinking the teeth in the shoulder. It powered backwards to the tree, a sickening crack and the wolf fell lifeless. This animal was very strong. Another bite in its arm and it swung the next into the trunk again, the teeth pushed deeper but it reached in and pried them apart. Swinging the fist to meet the next wolf in the centre of its leap to it. Every bite was planned, it wanted to be bitten there, to have them on it. It glanced constantly to Rainbow amidst the fray. The crystal wolf acting as both shield and spear agains the attackers. She never felt safer.

The pack pulled away to the watching alpha, its eyes now focused on Crystal as she snarled at them, blocking the way to the monster. Rainbow saw it sag against the tree, holding the leg that was bitten. Its eye was shut now as it leaked trails over it. With roar it stomped and stood tall again, it could overcome that pain. That unwavering fury that coursed through it every time it laid eyes on her. It drew its strength from her, a creature in need. Rainbow Dash had never understood it, until now. She forced herself to its side and Crystals, standing by them and ready for the next attempt.

“Push harder!” she was trying to keep the creature focussed, knowing from experience that much blood loss would make it dizzy. To her relief it did not weaken and they charged with Crystal to the wolves, meeting them head on. The creature grabbed the throats, driving them from midair to the ground to smash the heads under its strength. Rainbow Dash leapt high off its back to perform a midair kick to a wolf coming down on it. It was a heavy beast but she managed to change the direction so it would land to the side and not on the monster. It was quickly intercepted, the monsters stomp followed by a sickening splintering as it tore the head off the pinned body. Crystal was as bad as her master, ripping at the solid throats and tearing limbs free. It was chaos as they threw everything they had at them. Crystals hide was being damaged by the wolves’ claws, chipping and scratching the surface managing to let her blood. It was as clear as water, seeping from the gashes and glinting under the rays of light that shot though. Their number was decreasing and Rainbow Dash felt powerful knocking her foes to the ground. There was dust, flying leaves, earth and snarling all around her but she kept fighting, her strength felt limitless.

The black wolf collided with her, its claws digging deep as it pinned her to the ground under its weight. Before the alpha could finish her Crystal hit it hard, knocking it back. She tried to stand again but groaned as her legs failed to hold. The monster threw off another wolf to smash into the one closing on her. Crystal was grappling with the black one, the very earth around being torn apart as her teeth sunk in and violently shook to break it. The blurred jerking movements could not be followed as their teeth tore at one another. Their horrible snarling prevailing in the sounds of battle.

The monsters weird paw landed in front of her face, a quick slide away from it as it threw another away form them. She turned her head to look around the scape, to her horror the wolves were regenerating. The damage was significant yet the black liquid pooling around them seeped back in. Splintered fragments came slowly together and severed heads, teeth and jaws found their owners once more. She could feel herself growing weaker. She tried to push herself up but she was unable to stand, a hot burning sensation running along her side. It drained all her strength to look up at the monster towering over her. It collapsed to one knee and she could feel warm drops falling on her. A gash across its face exposed the oddly shaped teeth. It hung its head to look down to her, the rays of the sun through the canopy preventing her from seeing the eyes in the darkened silhouette.

“Not one...more,” it whispered through gritted teeth. It held back a scream as it forced itself up again, dripping with blood, sweat and spittle. This monster kept on surprising her, she felt her pride wounded at not being able to take one little hit. It dug the back of its oddly shaped shoes into the ground, through the dead leaves and held steady. It was a terrifying sight to behold as its body twisted and writhed with each assailant, meeting every wolf and throwing them away. Their weight was not enough against it, she felt the quaking ground with each step in her cheek, the drizzle of upturned earth as it fought on. It was shouting out with the effort it took to keep the beasts at bay. The lights were becoming blurred and she could only make out its silhouette dissecting the tangential beams of light falling on them. The wolves’ assault lost their momentum and they pulled back to circle the two. Crystal thundered by the monster and Rainbow Dash, snarling at the attackers with a black liquid dripping from her teeth. Rainbow could only smile inside seeing the unmoving form of the black wolf. Crystal though was heavily laden with wounds, one stretching across her right eye making it useless. The pack closed their circle on them, Rainbow looked up and her heart sank. There were many still standing. The creature collapsed to one knee above her, Crystal holding it up and the smell of iron rust filling Rainbow’s muzzle. The feel of the leaves on her cheek was oddly soothing and she let her eyes close in their soft, earthy embrace.

“DON’T YOU DARE BLUE!” Her eyes shot open to the concern on the creatures face, she saw such strength in its tired eyes. If she was to go now, this was truly the way to do it. They were now one in battle, no longer enemies but friends and this was a good friend to have. “You should have run!” it barked at her.

She forced herself to reply, through her fading strength, “Sorry...I couldn’t. I...owe you one,” she smiled.

The creature looked shocked at her words and surveyed the wolves surrounding them. It breathed heavily with that wheeze, the mouth hung open with the torn fragment that was the cheek. It forced itself painfully slowly to its feet. The wolves stayed their distance and readied, or waited for it to collapse permanently before they took their victory. Rainbow was shocked at its resilience, it was a fearsome creature. Even with all this it still stood strong against the monsters.

“It was never about survival. WAS IT?!” it yelled defiantly at them. “THEY DO NOT DESERVE THIS!” The creature sputtered and she saw it reach into a tight pouch on its other lower leg. “Appl...she did not deserve...,” it exhaled slowly with the whistling wind, “Burn...”

Rainbow Dash felt a shiver up her spine as it spoke. There was an emptiness in the way it said it, no longer did it hold its rage or anger. She could not hear what it shouted next . As her vision faded she saw the creature hold out its claws, and a brilliant fire burst from them.