• Published 10th Apr 2013
  • 1,869 Views, 174 Comments

Libera Mé - EZTP

Set just after the events of season 3, Twilight Sparkle and her friends must rise to a challenging beast the likes of which will test her not only as an alicorn, but as the Princess of Friendship.

  • ...

19 Hostilities


Rarity was exhausted, the previous night had been a living nightmare waiting for the word that Rainbow Dash was alright. As always she would make a full recovery. That however had been too close a call to her liking. She had not yet slept since the incident in question, the mangled remains of her once proud vestment only motivated her to build something stronger. She nearly went into metallurgy until she found out about the furnaces and the sweating, so much sweating.

Now she sat down in her home counting the final five minutes for Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight to visit. She was as prepared as she hoped to answer the needed questions.

As punctual to the perfection of a princess she entered with Twilight on the first strike of eleven pm. She stood to attention to her two royal guests already experiencing the anxiety she tried to avoid.

“Princess Celestia! Welcome welcome! Might I offer you something for your fancy? Anything at all!”

“No thank you Rarity. I hate to be abrupt my little pony, but Twilight here told me you had learned much about our guest.”

“Well not so much Princess.”

“Well I think we would all benefit from whatever you managed.”

“Alright princess.”

“Were we interrupting something?”

“Nothing could be more important Princess, do have a seat please!”

Celestia chuckled, it was nice to see her in good spirits again, “From what I understand this monster managed to save your friend Rainbow?”

“It would appear so Princess.”

“What do you think?”

Rarity was at a loss now. She could have told her everything but something interrupted her. If they were still searching to trap the monster, it would not be wise to tell them about it. She wanted to see it today, but if they were aware of her connection it could result in another fight. She decided to probe the situation with a question. “Princess, what if its claims to memory loss are true?”

“Do not trust its words. It will lie to get what it wants, I understand it nearly did have its next victim. That was very dangerous. Apparently when you were rescued you were moments away from...relieving us of our problem?”

“Well yes and no. You see it let me have the knife and told me if it acted strangely I was to use it to protect myself.”

“Which it did.”

“Again yes and no. It seemed to be strange ”

“Do you believe it shall return?”

“It is always possible Princess. I don’t think it would fall for the same umm...trick twice.”

“Very well, I must visit the archives now. Please excuse me.”

“Princess, what do we do?” Twilight was seeming more lost after their previous encounter with the monster.

“For now Princess Twilight you must resume your work to immobilise that thing. After what I have learned for Rainbow Dash and Rarity we have great reason to fear it...more than I suspected.”

As Princess Celestia and Twilight departed Rarity breathed a sigh of relief. She wiped her brow, only mildly startled to see the sweat there owing to the shock. She needed to clean up now, rest, be fresh to try and handle the monster soon. She was happy Fluttershy would be accompanying her.


Princess Luna slowly entered the dream of one that called to her.

“Luna” the voice echoed in the abyss, “Please.”

Luna was concerned for the monster. What she was witnessing now was an all too familiar sight. The very scape pulsated to the slow rhythms of its heart, glimmering white then dark repeatedly. The monster was fighting, but barely. She could not tell it of the condition, she was forbidden by personal conduct to do anything aside comfort the beast in this time. “Fear not. Thine heart doth linger.”

“Luna. I remember so little, but I saw it today. I saw what I did to you, Celestia. That was me, I needed that pain to stop. You have every right to hate me. Why do you still persist?”

“Twas the kinship I saw within thee.”

“You never spoke this way in the cell, why do you speak this way now? Some trick to play a clever game?”

Luna felt embarrassed not realising it until now, “I...shall speak as normal. My apologies, sometimes I forget myself monster.”

“How is Miss Rainbow Dash?”

“She is strong and well versed in injury, I foresee her full recuperation in time. I did pay witness to the memory of thine strength. Twas astounding.”

“Twas a nightmare. I don’t think you shall need to concern yourselves with me much longer. Tell me, how will you save the burden of Miss Twilight? I need to know before my rest.”

“Do you not rest now?”

“I sleep now, I am soon to rest.”

“Tis a pity.” She turned from it, “You have but two trials remaining to you.”

“Trials?” Her ploy was working. Something to give it fight.

“Yes. You have endured the trials of all the elements aside one, Princess Sparkle.”

“Then the final trial is Celestia...”

“I fear so. I have tried to dissuade her reproach, this however proves to be an errand in vain.”

“She has every right after what I did to her sister and daughter.”

Luna was stunned, “What?!”


She had to laugh, “No monster, Twilight is her protégé.”

“Oh. From her wrath I thought otherwise.”

“She is in a sense, family to us.”

“Luna, hear my words; I am sorry I have brought such disarray to you all.”

In this state Luna knew she could get an answer from it, “Were you not involved with Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra?”

“The black glass things? No. Although it would seem my arrival did coincide with the attack.”

“Indeed. How is the...walking?”

“None yet, nearly lost Miss Rarity though.”

“So I have seen. You are not our enemy, are you?”

“Only you all can answer that question.”

“We shall monster. I ask you fight now, fight to face the final trials and redeem thyself. You are not ready to leave yet.” The flashes of light faded but she could feel the increased heart rate. Whatever was happening to it, the monster was carrying on. “Well done Teddy.”

“Hate that name.”

“Care to tell me the real one? I cannot discern it.” No reply. “Very well, I shall see you again Teddy. I am sure if it.” With that she left it to its darkness.


Rarity wondered through the swamp with Fluttershy, she had opened up to her about last night feeling she could trust her friend after what happened to her in the creatures cell. Her talk with Twilight had not gone well, the alicorn ignoring her most of the time still immersed in her books searching for case histories of other alicorns and preparing the guards for the creature, she had learned a surprising amount about it, knowing its key weaknesses and shortcomings. Her obsession with its recapture was growing, there was a lot motivating her to do so. She wanted it caught so Celestia would be proud of her and they could put all this chaos behind them and talk about her immortality concerns.

Rarity yawned, she was tired, working through the night again constructing an outfit strong enough. She had done a lot of research into the wonderbolt uniforms and what gave them their durability. After some testing and experimentation she found an excellent combination more that strong enough to deal with mere wolves. She had listened eagerly to Rainbow Dash’s description of her fight, very enthusiastic imagery of gory details. Even if she was exaggerating about the creature the fight sounded ferocious, she could not understand what would posses it to do something so foolish.

Fluttershy was curiously relaxed about seeing this creature again. She was very supportive of Rarity’s decision to keep the secret of its whereabouts to the others. She even left her animal friends behind for the day to make sure nothing would set the creature off. Despite everything else it was still apparent its anger had not subsided and it was more than capable of defending itself.

As they honed into view Zecora stood outside with a concerned look as she fetched some plants from pots by the door. She eagerly rushed over to greet them inviting them in, this behaviour of hers was unusual, she seemed relieved that they came.

“Wake up sleepy, no time to be weary. Visitors you have, show them you are glad.”

He creatures claw emerged from the blanket it was under and grasping the top of the sofa, it pulled itself complacently to a seating position. It had to rub its eyes to regain its senses but it was moving around at least. Rarity and fluttershy smiled enthusiastically. “Teddy!”

She trotted over to hug it but its claw shot out holding her back. The blanket slid off and the extent of the wounds became apparent. It was as Rainbow had said, deep gashes littered the torso, neck and face, held shut by Zecora's adhesive. Large bruises of deep purple accompanied each cut and what appeared to be a piece of strange elongated bark fastened to the torso. It did not look pleased to see them.

“You had better make your explanation phenomenal Zee.”

Rarities smile faded and the sting of its mistrust returned. It was still weary of her, above everything else she was confused why she felt a sting at all. She tried to see its claw but it recoiled forming a fist and rising up quickly.

“Do not be rude , they are alone, lower your claws and make them feel at home.”

The creature closed its eyes still in its stance. Rarity could not believe it could still stand after the beating. Fluttershy shared her confusion and they waited to see what it would do next. As they watched its head slowly turn they realised it was listening, straining to hear something. What frightened them more was watching the muscles tense on it as it waited for something. It was a terrifying notion to imagine this creature was still prepared to fight after all it had been through. After it was satisfied with the ominous sounds of the backdrop it gestured to two single seaters across from it.

“Please make yourselves at home.”

Rarity was still noticeably disappointed by its rejection of her hug. Fluttershy was nervous about what to say next.

“Say something to her monster.”

“I am still waiting for an explanation.”

“Before they came, all you did was complain, we all need love if our wounds we are to rise above. Much damage had been done, not all you can see, so please try to be kind to these ladies.”

“Alright Zee. If you say I can trust them. Ladies, could I interest you in some tea? Miss Zecora here has a special recipe that is delightful with some honey.”

“Oh umm. No thanks. We were hoping you were alright.”

“I am fine thank you. How is Miss Dash?”

“She’s great, her description of what you did was umm...vivid.”


“Yes, thank you for helping her.”

“I owe her more than she does me. A brave but foolish soldier.”

“She seems to like you now.”

“Then she really is a fool.”

“You can try to hide but we know you're nicer than that.”

“Indeed Teddy, be more friendly.”

“Zee! My name is not...never mind. Teddy will do for now. Miss Rarity, you are being very quiet. Please forgive me for wrecking your lovely outfit. I am sorry it did not hold as well as we had hoped. Shoes are salvageable though. Not sure about the outfit. Does Miss Fluttershy know about our night?” Rarity nodded, she was oddly quiet and stroked the parcel she brought with her. The creature stood up, groaning complacently and walked over. It kneeled with difficulty to rest its arm on the seat where she sat, “Can you both answer me one question?”

“A question for a question...” she replied.

“Very well. What happened yesterday, was that planned? Look at me when you answer please.”

Rarity looked up in the creatures eyes, they were still hard and cold.

“Not really,” Fluttershy replied, “Rainbow Dash discovered you and when she told Twilight we were rounded up to come and see if we could help,” she looked at Rarity and placed her hoof on her shoulder, “Rarity was trying to explain what had happened but before she could tell us much you woke up.”

“I see. So you did not plan on trapping me there Miss Rarity?” Rarity looked at it and shook her head. She still felt the sting and it would not go. All she could do was look at this creature with all those injuries and blame herself for not letting it leave when it wanted to, if she had done so it wouldn’t have ran, wouldn't have had to jump from the cliff, fight the wolves. It was her fault. The creature turned from her and picked up a fresh blanket resting on the side, opening it, it spread it wide and wrapped it around Rarity, she could feel its arms squeeze tighter around her, the claw went all the way around and held the back of her head. She let herself go and pressed her cheek into its shoulder, rubbing it on the smooth pelt and openly crying with the relief. She reached around and hugged its neck. The sting from her disappeared. “I did not want you to stain yourself. I really am a fool.”

“You are.” she spoke with a congested muzzle, “I’m so sorry.”

She heard Fluttershy squeak and felt her friend join in and the creatures arms lift to accommodate her.

“Couldn’t forget you Pink Hair.” the sensation was wonderful, it hadn’t lost its trust for her after all. She could see Zecora smiling and tapping her hooves together. The joy in that moment was unlike anything she had ever felt. She did not want to let go, her friend was safe, it was still there. She reached around to squeeze fluttershy too. She could have stayed here for hours.

“A note?”

“Not bad eh? Thought of it before I went to sleep, a backup.”

“That was so foolish.”

“ Yet you’re still friends with Twilight and the others.”

“Thank you, you did not have to do that. It was so scary,”

“Careful, sounded like you actually cared that time.” She managed to laugh through a sob. It set her down and pulled the blanket away examining her, then the blanket. There were small red lines now on it, she could understand its necessity.

“Did anything unusual happen?”

“Crystal did growl at one point.”

“Why did you not use it then!?” it was angered

“I had it but I just couldn’t. She stopped pretty quickly. By then Twilight had arrived and she ran. You two have quite the system.”

“A simple tactic we worked out a while back. Effective, one will distract, the other will pick their targets. So she pinned me?”

“How did you know? It looked like you were pretty out of it.”

“Pain on the chest I couldn’t explain.”

“Umm.. Excuse me. I hate to be a bother but why was your pet growling at you? And what did Rarity have to use?”


“Teddy experiences blackouts Fluttershy, losing control of all action and becoming that thing that attacked the Princesses. I was told that if Crystal was to growl I was to protect myself with the knife.”

“So you believe me?”

“Let us say it is not so seemingly far fetched.”

“Oh my. That’s really scary.”

“Excuse me Teddy monster, where did all those traps come from back there. Do you umm...eat ponies?”

“No my dear. That was luck, The traps were pre-lain, I wanted to scare them from coming in deeper, instead they proved a nice distraction.” It lowered itself to the sofa with a complacent grunt, keeping its leg straight and wincing.

Fluttershy cleared her throat “How’s your knee?”

The creature cleared its throat, “Very fine thank you. Miss Zecora is a talented physician and herbalist. If anypony can fix me up, it is her.”

“It’s good to see you’re alright, we were worried after Rainbows description, is it true there were fifty wolves as big as Crystal?” Fluttershy was making a large effort to be civil with the creature. Rainbow Dash was vague with the details about how they escaped and she was enthusiastic to hear the story from the creature.

“There was a pack, a dozen or so. Miss Dash stayed by my side despite the risk to herself. We fought together and eventually Crystal joined us. Only one was as big as her, the alpha.”

“Where is she?”

“Now she is out on her own business, she always returns though. Very smart.”

“Aww, I was hoping to see the darling.”

“She will be along soon, no doubt your scent has interested her. You are quite safe though, she will not harm you.”

“How did you get out of there? The fight with the pack I mean.”

Zecora looked over from her brew, the bright light glinting on the surface.

“What did Miss Dash tell you?”

“She said you scared them off with fire.”

“They were indeed defeated by fire. It sounds like she enjoyed the fight!”

“She is looking forward to the telling the story to her fan club and showing them the stitches.”

“Fan club!” The creature laughed slapping its good knee, “My word she’s insane!”

Fluttershy and Rarity were laughing with it. She nudged Rarity as Zecora brought over some tea for them. Despite refusing earlier they were relaxed enough to accept a cup. Rarity placed the package on the creatures lap. “A little gift for you. I’m sorry my outfit was not strong enough. This will be better, you have my word.” The creature stared down at the package in its laps looking confused.

“You mean you made another one?”

“Not at all darling, this one is much better!”

“...Thank you Miss Rarity. I will try to be more careful, after I recover though, no point in staining it now.”

“Thats right. What in the name of Celestia possessed you to do that?”

“Which part?”

“All of it, you risked life and limb just to outrun us?”

“If I may...I risked life and limb to help your friend, if you recall I was very safe before she got herself into the tangle with that eel thing.”

“That was rather clever, hiding under the edge.”

“As I told you I like to deal in certainties.”

“Well we can all put that behind us.”

“Can we? Your friend Twilight still has resentment to me. Not that I blame her of course. How did you talk go with her?”

“She is...busy now and not able to listen. After yesterday she is more obsessed with you now instead of her problem.”

“I umm...I thought your solution was very sweet. Rarity told me about it.”

“Thank you, it didn’t work though, the damage is still there. She is distracted by my actions...that will take her mind from her worries.”

“Are you sure you can’t talk with her? Just come into town with us and we can sort this whole mess out.”

The creatures sighed, “Ladies do you recall the question you posed to me in the cell; if you were us would you release you. I will pose this; if you were me, would you walk back into town?”

“I...suppose not.”

“For now all I want to do is recover and get back to what I need to do. I will ponder this issue further, there is an answer I am missing.”

“What is that?”

“That is the question.”

“Quite, this tea is lovely Zecora. You must share your secret.”

“The secret you see, might make you queasy. An old trick I‘ve seen from this creature so mean.” The tea began to look less savoury imagining the spiders it ate.

“I did want to ask, if it’s alright, how are you dealing with food and water? If you want our friend makes delicious pastries. We could bring some for you.”

“I am quite comfortable thank you Miss.”

“Oh. Alright.”

“Here she is...” A large crystal wolf poked its head through the doorway looking at Fluttershy and Rarity. As it approached the creature went to stand between them, placing a claw on each of their heads. The wolf sniffed them both and sat down happily with a wagging stump. It was frightening for Fluttershy to see it up close. Its teeth were visible through the crystal mouth, even though it was sitting, it was still taller than the creature by at least a hoof. Its tail was missing, only a short stump tapping the floor. She was covered in scratches and chips from her fight, but she did not seem bothered by them. Fluttershy sat nervously with the creatures claw on her head, it felt cold and hard. When it was satisfied with Crystals reaction it finally released. “You can play with her now.”

Fluttershy let out a happy squeak and set about examining the wolf. Rarity could see the creature smile at her curiosity and tenderness, “Oh you poor dear, did those nasty wolves hurt you? You are very brave, yes you are! So beautiful.”

The creature returned to its resting spot and lay down, resting a claw on the floor. Rarity wanted to ask more questions but she could see it was tired for anything too tasking, “How did you two meet Zecora?”

“That is tale truly bizarre, I believe it was on the night of one star. A while ago I was strolling when out the bush Luna came rolling, they collapsed before my hooves, it’s life she was afraid to loose. We brought it home and cleaned it up, less the monster and more like a frightened pup. It learned from me a trick or two, it told me story of what happened to all of you. It is no monster here to destroy, no evil beast hatching a ploy, it was here not by choice, and with me it found it’s voice.”

“It’s voice?”

“Courage to speak about it’s pain , its loss and sorrow brought back again. In time I told it to try to be, with all of you more friendly. From what I hear it chose the right one, to try to make peace, at least some.”

“So you are the reason it’s still walking around?”

“I helped it stand and nothing else, it’s will to survive is the heart of its health.”

“I understand, thank you Zecora.”

“You were kind to it and true, for this I must say to you, thank you.”

Rarity blushed, she felt as though her plan had worked, despite everything else she had made friends with the creature. Fluttershy was also a welcomed sight, her sweetness never faltering to its abrasive behaviour. The days was peaceful now, all tension had gone and the chirping birds accompanied by swaying if the trees and the warm sun was very calming.

The creature jumped up and Crystal began to growl facing the doorway, she relaxed suddenly, wagging her stump and running out. The creature eased as she did so and went to the doorway to cautiously investigate. Fluttershy was stunned by the wolfs sudden reaction, she had felt very scared before it dashed off. Rarity on the other hand was nervous that they had been followed. They followed out the doorway, a little too prepared to stand by their friend in case the worst should come to pass.

“Consarn it! It’s good to see you too girl! Get off a me!” Applejack was pinned under the wolf as it licked her furiously. The creature called her back and she came, eventually.

“Applejack?! What are you doing here?” Rarity was nervous her friend was not alone, but Crystals reaction meant it knew her, or didn’t see her as a threat, meaning the creature wouldn’t either. Applejack trotted over to them looking happy at seeing her friends.

“What are y’all doing here?”

“We are...umm...visiting a friend. How’s Rainbow?”

“She’ll be fine. Really agitated in her room!”

“Thats our Rainbow, I imagine she’ll be doing harm to herself again in no time at all.”

“Got that right!” Applejack stopped some paces from the creature, nervous to approach. It smiled to return hers. Rarity could see she was as relieved as her and Fluttershy.

“Howdy stranger” she quietly spoke.

“Good day to you Miss Applejack, to what do I owe this unexpected pleasure.”

Rarity was shocked at this warm reception, “You two know each other?”

“Indeed we do, I helped her with a...problem.”

“A problem you caused!” she laughed

“Come in and get yourself a nice cup of tea.”

“Don’t mind if I do.”

As it turned around it groaned in the pain as Applejack grabbed it from behind to crush its abdomen.

“Don’t you ever do that again.” She released to see it grasping the sides and leaning on the doorway, in a lot of pain. “Oh! Sorry...I meant no-”

“Good pain MIss,” it growled, “This is a good pain.”

A confused Rarity and Fluttershy listened eagerly on as they told the story that night of what happened to Applejack. They omitted a certain detail that made the story less prevalent but did not reduce the impact of how the creature had helped her.

Fluttershy noticed the creature barely turned its head on its body, “Is your neck alright?”

“Same as the rest of me Miss Fluttershy.”

“You know Fluttershy here is a marvellous massage therapist for her animal friends. Perhaps you should let her have a look at what is bothering you.”

“That is unnecessary.”

“Oh please please please, I promise it wont hurt. Just a little harmless exploration to release tension in the joints.”

It sighed, “Miss Fluttershy-”

“Please!” she squeaked.

“She can’t stop partner, best get yourself comfy. Fluttershy here never left any critter in pain alone.”

“Alright,” it exhaled, “I ask you please mind the gashes.”

“Alright,” she sat beside the creature on the couch and turned to face it tapping her lap, “Please lay back.” The creature lowered itself slowly onto her, being cautious of its weight. After it eased and Fluttershy took the full strain she slowly felt around the neck, its eyes were focused on her and she felt tension, it was still not fully at ease around them. Her hooves slowly probed the jaw and neck, her paying close attention to the expression each time. She slid them towards the back and its halt in breathing signified a problem area. She had dealt with many creatures tying to hide their pain under a hard headed facade so she was certain this hard head here was no different.

“There is pain there, feels like a pulled muscle.”

“I will let you know but you must relax. You can trust me.”

“It suffers from paranoia, very suspicious of everypony.”

“Quite the sneaky varmint. Granny Smith used to say somepony who is nervous around others has something to hide. You have something to hide Eddy?”

“Teddy darling.”

“Right, well do you?”

The creature didn’t answer but took a deep breath relaxing its muscles, they could see its head sink into Fluttershy’s thigh, closing its eyes slowly as if trying to resist sleep.

“Thank you sweetie. Oh my you have hurt yourself really bad, a fall couldn't have done this. Was this from earlier?”

The creature spoke softly, the growl no longer present, “It was from the serpent on the cliff, those jaws are strong. Fall didn’t help either, had to grab some branches to slow down.”

“You mean when you held them open for Rainbow?”

“She really did tell you everything.”

“And our Rainbow she won’t quiet down about it! Honestly, one death defying leap and a daring escape and suddenly she’s Daring Do.” They laughed at the notion aside the creature who was now in pain around the neck. To fluttershy this pain was a good thing, it would feel better soon enough, she could speed up the healing process. Her hooves poked through the soft hide to pass over the hardened muscle, even relaxed the pulled muscle had a lot of tension, she tried her best avoiding the cuts, each one inhibiting her effective range. The back of its head was warm, very hard. It reminded her of the day she held it close to her chest. When finished, after some minutes, she stroked the creatures forehead to let it know it was over.

“There, all done, would you like me to take a look at your knee?” The creature pulled itself up rubbing the neck with a smile. It nodded gratefully and folded up the leggings of Rarity to exposing it, the hide was the same with the light fur coat. The knee was red and slightly swollen, a very bad gash of a bite drawn from it.

Fluttershy lowered herself to the floor and began to work tenderly in the knee. It was difficult, but it could be done. She learned a lot about its frame and how it was built. The bones were thick, supporting the body with ease, she had never seen anything like it before, it was as interesting for her as it was relieving for the creature. Applejack and Rarity did their best to take its mind off the discomfort with simple conversation. Still they learned nothing new aside its enjoyment of fruit.

The morning turned to afternoon then evening as they regaled each other with stories. The creature remained very private, keeping all details to itself. By the time they were ready to leave they had learned nothing new about it, aside the fact that it was genuinely happy to see them. Rarity had been the most invasive prying into all manner of the creatures habits, it did not hide information but it did not freely expose it either. Fluttershy had coaxed it into letting her look over the muscles and trying to reduce tension. Applejack made a lovely meal with some apples she brought an the creature ate gratefully, her appetite though trumped the creatures and it had to admit defeat, literally bowing before her gastronomic prowess. As they grew more tired they eventually had to return to their homes.

“Now you take care Teddy, we will back soon enough.” Rarity had called it that enough to cause it develop a twitch whenever it heard the nickname. They could only laugh as the creature refused to give its real name to them, choosing this as a fitting punishment.

“I look forward to it Miss Rarity. Tell your sister I say hello. Thank you for your lovely outfit.”

“You are once again welcome.”

Fluttershy had been very careful with the creature fixing all the problems it had from the fall, stiff joints and sprained tissue was on the road to resolution between hers and Zecoras skill. “Remember to keep stretching, and don’t forget to use the exercises I taught you every day, and also don’t forget to drink plenty of water, and eat lots of fruit, and-”

“I appreciate your efforts Miss,” it chuckled, “Take care and do not fret.”

“I’ll be round soon to help you get up and running on that leg of yours, like new.” Applejack had promised to help it with its rehabilitation. After some minutes of persuasion she broke its resilience.

“Thank you ladies for or all you’ve done, now go and rest you’ve more than earned earned some.”

As they cantered away there was a total confusion about the day they had, It was very surreal.

“Anypony find this a little...”

“Yes. Caught between the Princesses and the monster. I have to agree Applejack, anypony else finding it rather odd that is the same monster from the castle?”

“I’m not one bit. I think it's always been like that but was acting all mean and tough to be a stubborn mule.”

“And it doesn’t remember what happened to it on the night to attacked those guards.”

“Umm...sorry but...do you really believe that?”

“I believe I do, it is more frustrated than we are when the topic is discussed. Has frightening headaches when it tries to remember. I have seen the reaction first hoof.”

“I’ve seen it too. Whatever happens was enough to put the fear of Tartarus into those wolves.”

“Well until we can sort this whole mess out we will have to wait for Twilight to cool off. Do you guys have any idea how we are going to tell her?”

“Umm...let Rainbow Dash get better first then we will talk. It’s a little funny but Teddy has now met with each one of us in a really strange way.”

“True Fluttershy. Twilight needs to know, but she is our friend and takes full precedence over it. Meanwhile we should try to be as friendly as possible and...test the waters before jumping in...as it were.”

“Do you think it could be that risky if they sat down quietly?”

“After today she seemed a little disturbed by what had happened. Rainbow's account of her ordeal with it has hopefully put it in a new light. Either way this situation is rather precarious. Watch your steps girls.”