• Published 10th Apr 2013
  • 1,869 Views, 174 Comments

Libera Mé - EZTP

Set just after the events of season 3, Twilight Sparkle and her friends must rise to a challenging beast the likes of which will test her not only as an alicorn, but as the Princess of Friendship.

  • ...

26 My Job Is done


One more job, then I can rest.


The Everfree Forest had had a busy morning near the firefly meadows. The creature had managed to effect a plan, see a route and train the elementals Of Harmony to successfully carry themselves while under the invisibility spell of Twilight. She did not present any strain from having to hold it, according to her it was a trick she happily stumbled upon while pursuing greater spells. Spike had tried to be vigilant for them but he had sustained a serious breakage, now confined to the bed to sleep. He had never looked so happy.

The morning had been a long one, their rest in the shade finally providing relief. When asked, the creature confidently claimed Zecora was surely in perfect form. Yesterday night she had disappeared into the forest when her home was raided. That raid in question prompting a certain monster to retaliate and a certain wolf to seek them out. Twilight had tried to understand it, however the wolf was too great a mystery for her.

They lay back in the grass, the creature against a tree, massaging its claws again. Rarity could not help notice them as it removed the bandages. “That looks rather nasty.”

“It will get better in time.”

“I was not aware.”

“Doesn’t matter Miss Rarity. How is everypony?”

“They are resting now, we are pretty tired.”

“Are you alright?” She leaned into the body to nestle comfortably.

“As well as you are Teddy. We did not have the opportunity to sleep as much.”

“Still worth it. You look very tired.” Its claw pushed her mane back from her face. “You seem less of your normal self today. Rarity, are you alright?”

“What do you think?”

“I think somepony has to talk. You have an ear.”

She leaned onto the creature and closed her eyes. “Its not fair.”

“I thought we made a promise?”

“I hate this. Why can’t we think of something else.”

“Do you have another idea?”

“No.” she sighed.

“You see all of this?” it gestured to the open plain, “A wise lady told me there are families, loved ones all with these,” it held a claw to her chest, the beating heart steady under the palm. “As those hearts beat now, they are trapped, suffering, I could walk away, but I cannot.”

“Why not?” she led on.

“Would you walk away from the best thing to happen to you in our life?”




“You must be strong, they need you, all of them.”


“I need to know you can be strong. What ever happens, I will try see you tomorrow. Remember?”

“I do.”

“Good. Lets continue please. I want to see you smile again.” She looked to it, “There it is.”

“After all, times not up yet.”

“Indeed.” She lay against it in silence for some time, a thought came; “How does your knights verse truly sound?”

“You are a wise one.”

“You are trying to avoid it. Tell me please. I want to hear the verse.”

“It is not very optimistic.”

“I want to hear it all the same.”

“See the broken knight,
The fire grows dim,
His shining flesh is old and torn,
His weapon of choice now blunt and worn,
Weep not for the knight, the knight is old,
Weep not for the knight, the knight is free.
As the lights fade and the darkness comes,
He shall not fear, for his job is done.”

“That sounds truly disheartening.”

“It is only sad for those who do not understand it. The knight will leave the world a memory of what he has done, the knight in question is happy to leave.”

“Did you wish to be a knight.”

“A knight... The meaning of?one here is different, more for honour and less for title. I do not think I am ready to be knight. You are my knight Rarity.”

“Sweet of you to say.”

“So was that what is bothering you?”

“No, this is,” she tucked herself under the head, enjoying the bristles of the hair.

“Why don’t you mind being this dirty and sweaty?” She looked to it feeling shocked and embarrassed, “I have learned that much about you, ” it grinned.

“I... Not a concern,” she pressed her face back to it, “My mind is with somepony else today.”

“Poor, poor lancer,” it teased. She responded with a sharp jab from her hoof. “Well we still have some training left.”

“Sadly true.” She closed her eyes and felt the urge to sleep, “Could we not stay here a few more minutes.”

“Later we will rest, now we must learn how to fell a monster.”



“Oh my dear Shining, she is safe for the while, would you like to come see her with me?”

“You just wait! I swear I will get out of here and-”

“How does it feel captain? To be chained as your monster once was?” The question shocked him. He refused to answer, sickened by the irony. “I surmise you can imagine every detail of my pets fear when you twisted it to bend underhoof.”

“Your animal will never succeed.”

“I am worried it will captain. Lately my pet has grown more resilient, I shall see it return to me once more. It has to be removed from here before I can comfortably assume my victory.”

“Speak sense!”

“Oh my angry little captain. You shall be a nice edition to my army. I see the transformation is already taking hold of you. I long to see you at the front of the charge to the next kingdom,” she took his head in her claw, her tired to struggle but the grip was painfully firm, “Without a single weapon.” She left him to his darkness, and he knew then how that beast felt.


Rainbow Dash was still disturbed about what she had seen this morning, she lay back now after a gruelling afternoon of work. The sun shone high still,

“Everything alright Miss Dash?”


“Well it doesn’t sound fine.”

“Look its fine! Now leave me alone.”

“Miss Dash...”

“No you listen! I thought... Never mind”

She spread her wings to take off but the creatures reaction was too fast. It quickly reached around and pinned her to the floor. She was stunned.

“You listen blue, I do not know why you are upset but you need to focus. We are not going to some evening gala for tea. We are going into a very dangerous area and I need you in perfect health.” she could not reply but could feel its claw pressed firmly on her chest, pinning her, “There has been enough lies and deceit Miss, it serves to divide us! Now either you tell me what is wrong so we can sort it out together or you stay behind, I do not need dead weight on the team!”

She tried to struggle and fly but the creatures grip was firm.

“I am waiting.” It stared at her, not moving. She looked away angry at it for being this stupid and oblivious, she hated herself for feeling close enough to actually tell it. Without thinking she said the words, “I think your cool!” she covered her face and turn but the creature did not move, it kept her pinned.

“Miss Dash...you are an outstanding fighter. A talented and pure lady with abilities some can only dream of. If theres something I can be sure of, it is that you have nothing to fear.” It released its grip and she felt confused as it sat there. “When we were fighting those wolves, I actually felt like we could win. Your determination was unbelievable. Even with your injury you still had your courage. The same I saw before you chased me off the cliff.” The creature sighed, “Rarity has done a lot for me, I truly did not expect to...well. Regardless, I am sure you will find an equal. Is it not weird to think a monster is cool? Surely there are some other males around more fitting? I understand there is a Soarin character, don’t worry, I will hold it in confidence, more so than Miss Rarity.”

“He’s alright I guess.”

“But not ‘cool’ enough?”

“Not even close”

“You flatter me. Give him time, males here sound no different from my kind. We are soft headed and immature. Wait for the fruit to ripen, then it is sweeter.”

“Your not like that. How old are you anyway?”

“I am an exception to the rule. That is not a good thing. Antisocial, scary, unfeeling, bad tempered. That is how I was when I have always been. Now I am not old mind you, by your standards I wager I am in a similar ballpark to Miss Applejack.”

“Then you are as old as we are.”

“Yes. Still young enough I hope.”

“Enough for what?”

“Well...tonight for example. I will need a lot of energy to manage. Miss Dash please do me a favour, one between only us alright?”

“What is it?”

“I need you to be there for the others. You are strong, fierce. Be that for them no matter what happens alright?”

“What will happen? You’re going to be fine! Pony up you...” she could not finish as the claw held her side.

“Pony up Miss Dash.” The creature stood and walked back to the group. It was not going to be a good day, in her gut she knew it.



“Welcome back sister.”

“I am sorry, it is difficult to focus on the sun without seeing it.”

“We shall be free soon enough.”

“You keep saying this with such certainty.”

“I am certain, our friend will soon be here and we will be free once more.”

“Luna, you cannot expect me to forgive that monster-”

“Enough! I will not hear that spoken of it any further. I will not defend its actions. You shall witness them and know.”

“How can you forgive it? After all it did to you.”

“I am still here, it never intended to take me from you, it wanted freedom. I love you sister but you must be blind any further to the truths that are around you. It is not our enemy. I shall speak no further of it. Let us try to pass the time in ease.”

Celestia was silent for a few moments, Luna did not look at her, “This room seems strange upside down.”

“Strange laughter or strange Pinkie Pie?”

“Laughter, Chrysalis has chosen an interesting new shape.”

“True, she would appear to be very upset that she may not change back properly.”

“She should have read the texts more carefully. I wonder how she got the book, I could never find it after Twilight left for Ponyville. Luna?”

“Yes sister?”

“Do you think Twilight will be alright with...well.”

Luna chuckled, “She has found her way again thanks to your monster.”


“I shall let you ask it. Soon enough we will be free sister. Have patience.”


“Quick break ladies. Next will be channel focusing, you shall see.” Twilight went to sit by the creature while Rarity and Applejack tried to carry an exhausted Rainbow to rest. She sat by it and felt the heat from the body, there were still some questions that had come up over the day.



“I would like your thoughts on a few dilemmas.”

“But of course Miss Twilight.”

“Why did the queen attack right after we met you?”

“If you think about it...you had just celebrated. Everypony was tired and full of food or drink, it was the perfect time.”

“Okay. Why have there been no patrols back here yet?”

“I know Miss Zecora is doing something there, she is a tough one to figure out. I cannot explain it but I know she is the reason.”

“Okay. How old are you?”

“About MIss Applejack’s age.”

“You are really to wise for your age.”

“Wisdom eludes me Miss Twilight, I will not pretend to know everything.”

“Modest too,” she giggled.

“You could use something to protect yourself.”

“I will be fine Miss Sparkle, please worry about the others.”

“Maybe a shield or lance? Worthy weapons for a knight.”

“The only thing I need t this.” The creature took out a small package approximately two hooves long and one hoof wide. It was relatively flat but tied securely shut with large amount of string. It passed the item to Twilight. After examining it for a few minutes she was lost, her expression reflecting this to the creature. She gave it back and it replaced it in the lower pouch on its leg.

“What is it?”

“Do you know why I do not want to talk about my land? My kind or even my name?”

“Now that you mention it you have been kind of vague,” she sarcastically teased.

“Well this right here is the reason. You see my world is based on survival, Twisting the nature of our existence to fashion weaponry. I patched up a lot of individuals who succumbed to these creations. We called them bombs. Are you familiar with those?”

“Not really. It sounds funny. Bomb! Is it like when a joke goes badly?”

“Far from it I’m afraid. You do have fireworks though, I heard some go off for your coronation ball.”


“Have you seen what happens when when one of those go off too early?”

“They never can, only the best unicorns are chosen to provide the light show to the castle.”

“So it’s more magic then... How does one describe this...thing. Have you every seen anypony injured by an explosion of any kind? Engines or something similar?”

“While brewing some potions I have had a few close calls, but I’ve never heard of anypony being hurt by one. Mostly they turn a different shade for a while but they do get better.”

“Oh dear. Let me try this; imagine your castle’s gates, large and powerful, probably immune to a host of spells to keep it safe. Now imagine there was something that could make it disappear in an instant,” the creature tapped the package, “This is that thing.”

“Where does it go?”

“Alright... Twilight, listen carefully; the explosion this device makes will tear anything apart into smaller pieces quickly and violently leaving very little left standing. It will kill anything alive, it will destroy anything solid. This is my kinds most talented ability, we can kill each other with almost anything.”

Twilight sat a moment trying to understand the creatures description. She had never heard of such a device nor such a race. “So...you used it to fight each other back in your land?”

“Exactly. We could create weaponry that could shake the entire world, block out the skies, decimate cities or continents with a single, well placed, well built bomb. Our greatest weapon ever detonated could be felt from all corners of the world.”

Twilight was noticeably disturbed by this, her head sunk at the thought of such things being brought to Equestria. “Many of you get hurt?”

“This bomb here was something I made in case it should need to be used to protect myself. A last resort constructed with all manner of materials lying around your forest here. There is a plant with very flammable sap, an edition of something I cannot pronounce and it makes a tidy explosion. Refine the mixture though a cloth, let it dry, compact and it becomes very volatile, yet very controlled. Please understand I never want this monstrosity to become available to anything. If all goes as planned we will never have to see one of these again.”

“These bombs...did they hurt your kind?” she repeated.

“Are you sure you want to know the answer Miss Twilight?”

“I don’t want to know but I need to know.”

“The worst one to my knowledge took millions.”

She felt her world rock when she heard this. Princess Celestia was right to be weary of these creatures They not only possessed a resistance to magic but also could build weapons that could damage Equestria. “Why tell me this?”

“To make you understand why I do not share much about myself. Please stop asking questions to which you never want to know the answer to.”

“Your not like that though.”

“When you have seen what this warfare can do, and you think about those affected. You change. You understand things on a different level. It was my job to see why it had done.”

“Thank you for sharing that.”

“Well it is better to satisfy your curiosity before it goes looking for things.”

“I must ask you one last question though. That night you first came here, what do you remember?”

“I remember working hard on a new set of legs for a customer who lost them in an excursion. For no valid reason I found it very difficult to stay awake. When I felt very tired.I tried to stand but I couldn’t, fell to the floor and passed out with blood dripping form my eyes, then woke up to a guard of your kind kicking me squarely in the face.”

“And you fought back...it was the truth wasn’t it?”

“Every word.”

“I am so sorry.”

“For what? Wanting to protect your world? Don’t be. The best we can do is get ready for this evening and when we are done, to let the dust settle. The creature motioned to get up but Twilight grabbed its arm.

“That plan B where you defeat the queen,” she swallowed hard trying to avoid looking scared, “Does it involve a bomb?”

“You are sharp Miss Twilight.” The creature patted itself on the lower leg, “It will be enough to either defeat her or weaken her for you. In all likelihood I will have to be close to use it.” Twilight was now scared, she could not imagine such an action it was willing to go through for them. She let her head sink but the creatures claw reached and pulled her chin up to look at it. It kneeled down to her face, very close. She could feel her heart race as she looked into those sunken, tired eyes, “So make sure those elements work the first time. Alright?”

She remained silent still worried about the concept. She felt the creature move her chin up and down in a nodding motion. She took her cue and nodded smiling, “It won’t come to that, I promise.”

“Good, might as well leave plan B here then right!” They laughed off the heavy mood. The creature stood and walked over to the table where its blades were set. “Today I will take two and this little beauty,” it hoisted a very large stick shaped from white wood and neatly adorned with solid fragments of gem. It was a club.

“So...a big stick?”

“Pretty much, I’ve imbued it with my own blood, a few drops had turned it into what I hope will be a quick weapon.”

“You could try to ride crystal there.”

“Then there will be more enemies at the gates, the objective is to spread them thinner, make it a little simpler.”

“You really have thought of everything...”

“We did your highness.”

“Sorry to interrupt you two but while you’re talking I would like to know how you can beat those monsters so easily.”

“Welcome Applejack, have a seat, coffee? Tea?”

“Hop to it Sir Teddy, I’m a little tired of dishonesty.”

“Twilight and I have figured out the longer the crystal is close to me, the more brittle it will become.”

“Teddy acts like a siphon, draining the energy that magic is made of. Or at least cancelling it out.”

“When I struck the golems the first time it was incredibly painful and hard. The longer they stayed around me the easier it became to break them.”

“So we figure Chrysalis will suffer from the same shock since she is now partially composed of crystal.”

“Wait an apple picking minute here. Crystal is made of crystal. You know what I mean.”

“Well...” Twilight did not understand it either.

“Perhaps,” the creature interjected, “Her form is not based on a magic. Or at least not one which I have an effect on. After all MIss Twilight here does not experience nausea when I am close. Anymore at least.” They chuckled to the comment. “That little lady right there is tenfold more cryptic that any of us could hope to understand. I am honoured to have her as my sister in this land.”


“We share blood, we would give our lives for one another, we are the same mindset. That right there, being tortured by Miss Fluttershy, is my blood, my sister.”

“That’s kind of sweet...in a mildly creepy way. Kind of like seeing a wormhole in a sweet apple but no worm anymore.” The creature and Twilight laughed. It stood up and gestured for them all to join it in the centre, Crystal relieved of the others fawning.

“It is time I taught you how to channel your inner energy.”

“Ready to go Teddy!” Rainbow Dash was as enthusiastic as Pinkie Pie. She had seen what this could do and was eager to learn the trick.

“Good. Now ladies, how do you think I can drive myself forward when everything else tells me not to?”

“Are you fishing for compliments?”

“Not at all Miss Applejack. Have a seat, I’ll show you.”

They all sat down ”

In our bodies there is spirit, it is what we feel when embarrassed, sad happy. Normally that feeling is here,” the creature patted its stomach, “When we learn how to harness this spirit and let it flow in us without interruption it can be powerful. Unfortunately we do not have enough time to explore the fundamentals of it, so heres the basic concept. Stand please and close your eyes.” They did so, “Now I want you all to feel your stomachs, not the organ but to feel the essence of it, well and truly.”

“I think I can...” Twilight looked up astounded, her horn was glowing without any spell, on its own.

“That is your spirit, at least you have a visual aid, I never was certain until now. I want that essence to flow in and out of your bodies, every fibre, feel it like a river to fill every part of you.”

“I can’t”

“Concentrate Miss Dash, this spirit is not meant to be forced out. It must flow through you.”

“I can...”

“Well done Miss Applejack.” When we channel this in ourselves we can drive our bodies to incredible lengths.

“Umm...gals...” Applejack was beginning to glow with an orange hue. In her panic it dies down. The creature threw its arms up to point at the sky.

“KNEW IT!” They all stared dumbfounded at it.

“You’re elements are channellers! You do not need them!” They all gasped, “All the training was to hone your awareness, let it loose now, be one with your entirety and you do not need those trinkets anymore. Ha ha! I knew it!”


“Now we can revise our plan, You must still secure your elements, they will help. Channel through them now and they will amplify! I am too excited about this!”

“I still can’t do it!”

“Try Blue, focus on everything and nothing. En free inside and feel the energy flow.”

“Why don’t you show us then. I mean it’s easier to copy.”

“True. Very well, first understand pain is only information, it is your body telling you something is happening in that part of you. Concentrate on it and it becomes worse. I will not see pain, I will feel the pain but I will feel it as information.”

The creature stepped in front of a rock. It moved its claws over its stomach and they began to fluidly flow around. Rarity felt chills watching the frame elegantly sway, such control. It was over in moments ending with the creature stretching out as it had done on that first day before it charged the golems, its eyes closed. It stepped back and in one fluid motion impacted the boulder. It did not break, what made them gasp though was the sound, a sharp crack that echoed out. The force of the hit could be felt from where they were, a great tremor causing them to stumble.

“There is pain, my body is telling me my claw is hurt,” the creature stretched out the claw and tightened it not a fist with a crack, “I do not feel it as pain though.”


“It actually explains a lot. I was wondering why you could laugh when you were hurt. I thought it was a faulty connection in you brain or a-”

“I think what princess is trying to say,” Applejack interrupted, “ Is that we all found it...enlightening.”

“Hey! I can do it!” Pinkie Pie had achieved the ability to use her power with remarkable speed. The others never could reach more than a basic glow. It was enough however to know this power was not limited to their Elements. They each felt stronger.

“Alright ladies! You have learned all I can teach you. Let me see you use it.”

“What do you have in mind?”



“Don’t look so surprised, you all have learned how to take a being like me down. This queen has my body but not my ability. If you can take me down she will be just as easy. For effect I will be hitting you as hard as I can.”

“What if we hurt you?”

“I doubt it will be permanent or inhibiting. Besides, you are all so pathe-” The creature staggered forwards as Rainbow Dash caught it on the back of the head with a clump of earth. It spun to them with a smile.


The creature whirled about as Applejack looped a rope around it’s leg and pulled, it was too strong but her distraction worked as Rainbow Swooped past its head and Twilight rammed the back leg to send it sprawling on the ground. It laughed and rolled to its feet cutting the loop free and darting to Twilight. It picked her up by the throat but she was ready and wrapped her hind legs around the arm and kicked out to its head. It released and she landed to dive to the side avoiding an overhead blow.

It spun to her but was thrown back by another clump of earth, Pinkie feeling very pleased with her throw. Fluttershy Neatly tossed a slippery paste across the ground before Pinkie, causing the creature to halt. It failed however as Rarity nudged it gently forwards to leave it skidding to a fall. It lay motionless as they all put a hoof on its body in triumph. While dumbstruck it managed to laugh.

The creature stood up at last holding its sides from that laughter and smiling, “That was fantastic! You ladies have made me proud! Well Done.”

“We had a great teacher.”

“Who is one thoroughly embarrassed.” The mood became heavy in a hurry, the training was complete, “Take a break now, we move out in a few hours.”

“What? What about, we still have to look at more drills! There must be something we missed!”

“You are all ready Miss Twilight, relax please.”

As the creature stretched itself out Rarity siezed the chance to signal the start of the plan they had effected in secrecy earlier. Twilight took a deep breath trying to shake off her nerves as Rarity began her trick.

Applejack cleared her throat, “Teddy, your shoe seems to have a little something stuck in there.”

“Really?” It looked down to see a scrap fragment embedded, “That looks bad.”

“Here darling, let me-”

“I got it please,” it did not see Rarity wink to Twilight as it kneeled. It slowly held the Claw over the object. Twilight stepped in front gracefully and lowered her horn to the shoulder.

“Sir Teddy of Equestria.” They all giggled as the fragment in the shoe faded in a puff of smoke. The creature did not move, it seemed paralysed, in shock. “That was my first one, how was it?”

It rose one more, “That was a sneaky trick.”

“What’s that Sir Teddy?

“It is a waste I am honoured by, thank you.” The creature chuckled briefly to itself. Twilight still found it hard to believe this was the monster she had hated only a night ago.

“I am exhausted now, it is time for a nap. We will then be off to the task. I shall take mine here.” The creature collapsed and laid back to see the late afternoon sun. Rarity lay by it, turning and resting her hoof over its heart. It was once for her to see it smiling in such content, it made her feel happy. The others came to lay by the two now. In moments the creature was asleep with Rarity following quickly.

Seeing her this dirty, Twilight felt proud she could put aside her nature to focus on what was important.