• Published 12th Aug 2013
  • 2,721 Views, 97 Comments

The Amazing Spider-Man: Wrath of the Night - Themagicspoderman

"Milk: check, eggs: check, suit fixing materials: check... fighting off mass murdering armored woman with control over the night... I think I might have to wait... just a tad before I can cross this one off"

  • ...

Sharing a web

The cafe Peter sat in was a small building on the corner of a large city block in Canterlot's midtown district. There came back chatter from the TV playing highlights from that day's news with the most important stories being given in detail. Being as bored as he was he decided to listen in on one of the news reports while he waited for his food to be brought out.

"And it is unknown whether the infamous billionaire Tony Stark survived the attack on his home earlier today in Malibu, leaving the once glorious Stark Manor as nothing more than a pile of rubble and destroyed technology" the newsreader announced "Various sources state they saw the armored Stark plummet into the ocean below his home and did not see him rise afterwards, more on this story as it progresses" Peter's attention was drawn from the news as he heard someone say his name from next to him. He looked up to see Twilight standing above him with her arms folded across her chest and a concerned look on her face.

"What are you doing here Twilight?" Peter asked irritably.

"I could ask you the same thing" Twilight said "Mind if I sit down?" Peter shook his head with a loud sigh.

"Be my guest" he nodded with a wave at the seat across from him. Twilight ducked into the seat and placed her forearms on the table, locking and twisting her fingers anxiously.

"Peter..." she began nervously, making to attempt to hide the fact how unprepared she was to speak to him "Your Aunt May's worried about you... she wants you to go back home"

"I can't" Peter said, gripping the edge of the metal table between the finger and thumb of his right hand, his fingernails turning white from the blood being pushed out from his extremities.

"She's not mad at you Peter" Twilight said quickly "If that's what you're worried about"

"No... I'm not worried about her being mad at me, she's got more of a right than anyone to be furious with me" Peter mumbled under his breath.

"Peter, something like this has, has happened before hasn't it?" Twilight asked as she made a small triangle with her fingers and pushed her hands together, elongating and thinning the space between her fingers as she continued to fidget.

"Yeah, a few times back in Manehattan" Peter admitted heavily "I do my best to hide the bruises from her but-"

"The bruises Peter, where do you keep getting them from?" Twilight asked softly "Is someone hurting you when you go out, were you attacked or... what?" Peter didn't answer the question and the two teens sat awkwardly silent in the cafe as the TV created background noise to prevent it from being completely dead in the room. The silence began to drag on as Peter waded through his thoughts and emotions to try and decide what to do. He tried to look into Twilight's eyes without her catching his glance but as he went to look his blue eyes locked onto her purple orbs and the eye contact locked. The seconds carried on as they merely stared at each other, trying to figure out what the other was thinking.

"Should... should I tell her?" Peter asked himself "Can I trust her?" Twilight leaned forward slightly, moving her hands forward and placing them on top of Peter's. Her hands were smaller than his but they were soft and warm, giving him a slight fluttering feeling in his stomach as he turned his own over and held Twilight's.

"I have to tell her" Peter said confidently "She deserves to know"

"Twilight" Peter said after a deep breath "I trust you alright, I trust you enough to tell you what's going on" Twilight's eyes seemed to light up as a small smile touched her lips. Her hair shifted as she nodded her head, quietly waiting for Peter to continue.

"But not here, we need to go somewhere else" Peter stated.

"Why?" Twilight asked with a confused expression.

"You'll see why when I show you" Peter said, standing up off his chair and leaving the money for his food despite the fact he wasn't going to be there when it arrived. Twilight stood up and followed after him as they exited the well-lit cafe and began to walk quickly through the streets of Canterlot.

"Peter, where are we going?" Twilight asked as she took longer strides to be able to keep up with Peter.

"Somewhere no one else can see what I'm about to show you" Peter said, checking down a small alley before ducking inside it. Twilight looked nervous at first as she examined the abandoned alley but after swallowing her apprehension she followed Peter. As she caught up to him he stopped and slung his bag down off his shoulders and handed it to her.

"Peter... why are you giving me this?" Twilight asked as she looked at the large satchel.

"This is where the bruises come from, this is what I can't tell anyone else" Peter said as he gestured for her to take the bag "Open it and you'll see what I'm talking about" Twilight looked at the slightly taller teen before slowly reaching out and taking the bag from him, keeping her eyes on him at all times as she turned the zip to face her. Her mind raced with all the thoughts of what his big secret could be, of what he wanted to keep away from his family but for some reason trusted her enough. She took hold of the zipper and slid it across the bag before lifting the flap up off the rest of the black bag and peering inside. After her mind processed what she was looking at she almost dropped the bag onto the tarmac ground, the red and blue colors clicking in her mind and every theory she had being swept away.

"...Peter" Twilight mumbled in awe "W... What is this?" Peter looked at her with a short smile on his face as he shrugged his shoulders.

"You know what it is Twilight" he answered. Twilight's mind ran with disbelief as she examined the suit inside the bag
before the first logical thing she could think of escaped her lips.

"Where did you find this?" she asked quickly.

"I didn't find it, I made it" Peter explained as he folded his arms. But Twilight refused to believe.

"There is no way you made this thing, you don't have a reason to" she said in denial.

"I can see you're really shocked about this" Peter stated, inclining his head towards the bag "But the reason I made it and the reason I wear it is to give a symbol to the people of this city"

"No" Twilight said quickly "This has got to be some sort of joke" Peter sighed loudly before holding out his arm and with a short gesture a web fired out from his sleeve and latched onto a three legged stool that was positioned next to a dumpster. He yanked the stool over to him with the web and caught it against two fingers, spinning it around once before throwing it back into the dumpster.

"Twilight, I am Spider-Man" Peter said with a slowed emphasis.

She looked up at Peter with a new understanding of him, her mind flashing through every memory she had of Spider-Man and every hit she had seen him take, what she had seen him go through and how he had presented himself to her whenever they had met. She stuffed the suit back into the satchel and dropped it to the floor before darting forward, wrapping her arms around Peter. She rested her chin on his shoulder as she hugged him tightly.

"Thank you" she said "For everything" Peter placed his hands on her sides and exhaled in relief.

"I thought for a second you were going to punch me in the face" he chuckled "I think I like this a lot more"

"Me too" Twilight said as she moved her head back and looked into his eyes again. The blue-eyed teen looked at her for a long second before he began to drum his fingers against her sides, tilting his head to the side for a second before sighing.

"D-do you mind if I, uh, I... kiss you?" Peter asked nervously. Twilight's cheeks flushed a bright pink as his question caught her off guard, shifting her weight from one foot to the other for a second before looking at him with a grin.

"No... I'd like you to" she nodded. The two moved towards each other slowly, trying to guess the other's movements but they only ended up head butting each other softly. They both chuckled awkwardly before Twilight exhaled and kissed Peter, wrapping her arms around his neck and closing her eyes. The two stood in the dark alley as Peter ran his fingers through Twilight's purple locks as their kiss lasted well over a minute. The two broke apart slowly and stared once more, stunned smiles on both their faces.

"So... would you like to, uh, go out with me sometime?" Peter asked "Catch a movie or, like, dinner or something?"

"Yeah, I'd like that a lot Pete" Twilight nodded "That's if you're not busy"

"Busy?" Peter asked "What would I be busy with?"

"Ummm, Peter, you're a superhero remember?" Twilight asked and she knocked lightly on his forehead jokingly "You haven't burned your brains out have you?"

"Oh... right, I forgot about that" he grinned "But... since I'm a superhero and all would you be interested in a spin around the city?"

"How?" Twilight asked, obviously intrigued by the proposition.

"Well you could hold on to my back and I'll try to make sure you don't fall off" Peter suggested.

"Do you promise not to drop me?" Twilight asked.

"Yup" Peter nodded.

"Then I'd love to" Twilight grinned, picking up Peter's bag and slinging it over his shoulder before climbing onto his back, wrapping her arms and legs around his shoulders and waist. He aimed his right wrist at one of the larger buildings before shooting a web onto the side, the hexagonal end of the web sticking to the surface.

"Hold on tight" Peter warned with a grin. Twilight tightened her hold on him before nodding excitedly, her heart rate increasing due to said excitement. He bent his knees to a sharp angle before leaping into the air and pulling on the web to heave himself clear over the rooftop. The wind rushed through Twilight's hair as they began to drop downwards after a brief hang time. Peter threw his wrist forward and fired another web onto a thin flagpole with the Equestrian flag swaying in the wind. He grabbed hold of the web with both hands and pushed his core out forwards to build up speed before hitting the lowest point in the web swing and then launching his legs forward.

"Can we go higher?" Twilight asked over the roaring wind.

"Higher?" Peter asked as he looked back over his shoulder "No problem!" The web shooters flashed a bright red as he activated both triggers, using web after web to gain altitude. Twilight's wide eyes stared down at the shrinking city below them, the cold night air catching under her purple locks and throwing them around. Peter's hands moved seemingly of their own accord as the teenager looked around without focusing on where he was going. Twilight felt a twist of fear in her chest as they were directly in front of a large skyscraper. While she desperately tried to figure out a way to tell Peter to avoid it the teenager merely released the web he was holding and dropped them further down.

"Peter!" Twilight cried.

"Hold on!" Peter yelled back to her. He leaned back and fired both web shooters at the edge of the building and throwing himself forward and over the building's edge. He flipped over and landed on the air vent system in a low crouch before grabbing hold of Twilight's legs to keep her steady. In a swift movement he leapt across the air vents and onto a large pipe with the tip of his right foot, flipping sideways onto a small metallic chimney with steam rising out of it and then hand-springing over a power generator. He pointed himself forward as he went over the top of the roof and the two of them began to plummet down once more.

"See?" Peter asked as he fired another web to level themselves out "Nothing to worry about?"

"That was too close Peter" Twilight said with a sigh of relief "You need to be more careful"

"More careful?" Peter scoffed "I can do this sort of thing with my eyes closed, wanna see?"

"No, thank you" Twilight said "I want to stay on your back and not end up as a bloody mess on the wall of a building"

"I would appreciate a little more confidence please Miss Sparkle" Peter said in a fake pouting tone "I have been doing this for a while"

"Yeah well experience doesn't mean you can stop paying attention altogether" Twilight asserted.

"Actually... for me it does" Peter objected calmly "My spider-sense tells me where I need to aim when shooting webs so most of the time I don't need to look"

"Spider-sense?" Twilight asked with a puzzled expression.

"Yeah, it's the name I gave to this sixth sense I got when I got my powers" Peter nodded as he dropped down onto the ledge of a roof in a low crouch "I know it's a pretty lame name but when I think of something cooler to call it I might change it up" Twilight dropped down onto the ledge of the roof and sat down next to Peter before leaning against him. Peter sat down on the edge and hung his feet off the side, wrapping an arm around Twilight's shoulder.

"How did you get your powers in the first place?" Twilight asked as she watched the bright traffic down below.

"I snuck into the Oscorp towers while I was trying to figure some stuff out about my dad's research when I wandered into a room full of these genetically modified spiders" Peter explained "Being the idiot I am I pulled on one of their webs and they all fell down on me"

"Ugh, that must've been terrifying" Twilight commented.

"It was but I couldn't scream without someone hearing me and getting me arrested for trespassing" Peter continued with a short chuckle "I shook them off and got out of there as quick as I could but one of them got caught in the collar of my jacket without me noticing"

"When did you figure out it was there?" Twilight asked.

"When it bit me on the back of the neck" Peter said, rubbing the scar on the back of his neck from where the spider had sunk its fangs into his skin.

"And that gave you your powers?"

"When it injected me with its venom I think it must've altered my DNA or something, but yeah, that's how I got my spider powers" Peter nodded, drumming his heels off the side of the building. There was a loud ringing sound as Twilight's phone went off in her pocket, making the teen jump violently.

"Bloody hell" she growled as she slipped the phone out of her pocket and checked the caller ID "Its my Mom" She hit the button down with her thumb and placed it to her ear.

"Twilight dear, where are you?" Star asked from the other end of the line "Its getting late now"

"I'm with Peter in midtown" Twilight answered as she looked at Peter "I found him in a diner a while ago"

"Are the two of you coming home soon?" Star asked in a worried tone "Peter's aunt says she wants Peter to know that she's not mad at him anymore and that she'll talk to him in the morning"

"Yeah, where are you right now?" Twilight asked.

"I'm sitting with Cadence in May's living room" Star replied, something being yelled from the other side by who Peter guessed was Cadence "Cadence says hello" Twilight chuckled to herself before checking the time on her phone and seeing that it was almost three in the morning.

"Yeah, the two of us are on our way home now" Twilight said quickly "I'll see you soon Mom, love you"

"Love you too" Star said with a small laugh as Twilight ended the call.

"How fast can you make it home?" Twilight asked Peter.

"About ten minutes if I go at top speed" Peter guessed.

"You good to go now?" Twilight asked as she stood up and slipped her phone back into her pocket.

"Always" Peter nodded as he allowed Twilight to climb onto his back again. Peter jumped off the side of the building and allowed his momentum to push him forward for the first few web lines before using his arm muscles and body to speed up more and more until the two of them were practically flying through the air.

Peter touched down softly on the front porch of Twilight's home and allowed her to drop off his back and walk around to his front.

"All passengers exit right and thank you for flying Air-Spidey" Peter said with a grin, his comical attitude back on form once more.

"Thanks Peter" Twilight laughed "I really enjoyed that"

"Its the best past time I've got really" Peter shrugged.

"Well... what about spending some time with me?" Twilight asked as she moved a lock of stray hair out of her face.

"Oh, well, that should be more fun than just swinging around on my own for hours" Peter nodded with a surprised expression.

"Should be?" Twilight asked with her hands stuffed into her pockets and a raised eyebrow.

"Will be" Peter rephrased "See you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow" Twilight nodded, leaning forward and kissing Peter again. She took a step back after a few seconds and turned around, waving goodbye as she entered the house. Twilight headed through to the living room where she saw her brother and her dad sitting watching a movie.

"So, you enjoy spending time with your boyfriend?" Shining asked in a teasing tone.

"Yeah" Twilight nodded as she headed through to the stairs "I had a great time" The two men did a double take as they watched their female sibling walk out of the room before they looked at each other again.

"Wait..." Night said slowly "What!?"