• Published 12th Aug 2013
  • 2,720 Views, 97 Comments

The Amazing Spider-Man: Wrath of the Night - Themagicspoderman

"Milk: check, eggs: check, suit fixing materials: check... fighting off mass murdering armored woman with control over the night... I think I might have to wait... just a tad before I can cross this one off"

  • ...

The new neighbor

Peter had been placed in many of the same classes as Twilight as he soon found out. His first lesson of the day was history where he was asked to introduce himself to the entire class. The last time he had done this back in Manehattan he had been ridiculed by almost everyone in the class for the way he looked at so he wasn't looking forward to doing it a second time.

"Everyone, this is the newest addition to our class" the teacher said as she pointed to Peter who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. The teacher was a woman in her early thirties with bright blonde hair and a dark blue body with bright green eyes. She wore a black skirt with tights underneath it with a pink cardigan over a black shirt.

"This is Peter Parker, Peter can you come and introduce yourself?" she asked.

"Sure" Peter nodded as he walked to the front of the class "Hi, my name's Peter Parker, I just moved here from Manehattan a few days ago so I'm not used to being here just yet, I don't really do that much in my spare time except for skateboarding and photography... that's pretty much it really" The class began to talk amongst each other before the teacher spoke up again.

"Does anyone have any questions?" she asked with a smile. A unicorn with tied back emerald green hair put up her hand quickly.

"Maerie?" the teacher asked.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" she asked quickly.

"I did but we had to end the relationship before I moved" Peter answered. It was at this moment that many of the girls in the class gave him very strange looks, looks that he'd only gotten from Gwen when they were about to kiss. They all had smiles on their faces as some of them fiddled with their hair.

"Any other questions?" the teacher asked. This time Twilight put up her hand as her eyes locked on Peter's.

"Twilight?" the teacher offered.

"Since you're from Manehattan did you ever meet Spider-Man?" she asked. This caused a lot of chatter to break out in the class as a small smirk settled onto Peter's lips as everyone turned to look at him.

"I've seen him a few times and got to talk to him once" Peter nodded "He's a pretty cool guy" This caused a complete eruption of questions and chatter from the entire class, an even that took several minutes for the teacher to get them to be quiet.

"Alright then, Peter can you take a seat next to Twilight please?" the teacher asked.

"Sure" Peter nodded. He worked his way through the rows of seats with a full expectation of someone trying to trip him up. He was quite surprised when he sat down next to Twilight that no one even attempted to throw something at him or hearing anything whispered about him.

"Alright then class today we're going to be going over the history of the royal family" she said "Now I'm sure we all know about the royal family we have today but we're going to turn the clock back a few hundred years to see who was ruling the country back then"

The lesson concluded just under an hour later and they moved onto their second class of the day: geography. As Peter walked down the halls Twilight managed to catch up to him and get his attention.

"So how do you like the school so far?" she asked.

"It's a lot friendlier than my old school, nobody's tried to throw something at me or trip me up so far" Peter chuckled "That's about all I can say so far"

"What about Canterlot?" Twilight asked "Do you like the city?"

"I think it's a nice city, a lot quieter than Manehattan without all the police sirens" Peter answered.

"Trust me we're just having a quiet day, when it gets darker is when we get more crime" Twilight said "That's one of the reasons my brother joined the police force"

"Your brother?" Peter asked.

"My older brother Shining Armor" Twilight nodded "He's the captain on the CCPD" Peter's mind thought back to the last experience he had with a police captain, Captain George Stacey, and how well that had gone down.

"Shining Armor... where have I heard that name before?" Peter asked.

"His name was in papers all over the country because he was marrying Princess Cadence" Twilight answered.

"That's right" Peter nodded, clicking his fingers with a smile "Thanks Twilight... wait... does that mean your brother's a prince?"

"Yes it does, we're all really proud of him for it" Twilight said with a smile "He's got a lot going for him in his life"

"It sounds like it" Peter whistled "Was it Princess Cadence you were with this morning?"

"Yeah that was her" Twilight chuckled "She used to be my babysitter when I was little, that's why we get along so well"

"So she's your sister in law now right?" Peter asked as he worked it out.

"That she is" Twilight grinned "I'm still happy about it and the wedding was last year"

"If you're happy about something then I guess it's good that the feeling sticks around" Peter shrugged.

"What about you Peter?" Twilight asked "Do you have anyone you look up to like I do with Cadence?"

"I used to... and that was my Uncle Ben" Peter said "But he got shot last year"

"Oh" Twilight said with a shocked expression "I'm sorry to hear that"

"Thanks" Peter nodded.

"How are you family coping?" Twilight asked.

"Well the only family I've got left if my Aunt May but I think she's dealing with it pretty well now" Peter sighed "It was difficult at first just coping with it"

"I know, I went through the same thing with my grandfather when I was a little girl" Twilight nodded "It's just the realization that you're never going to see them again that hits you the hardest"

"Too right" Peter nodded grimly "And the last time I spoke to my Uncle we had an argument, I never got to say I was sorry to him"

"I'm sorry Peter" Twilight said, patting him gently on the shoulder as she gave him a gentle smile.

"Me too" Peter nodded, smiling at her in return.

The rest of the day went by with no excitement at a surprising pace. Peter said goodbye to Twilight as she left to go home while Peter headed up to the headteacher's office to attend his detention. He took a moment to make sure he wasn't going to throw something at the head when she made a sarcastic comment before knocking on the door quietly. He waited for a long second before knocking again. After hearing nothing he stepped away from the door and sighed loudly.

"You're Peter Parker right?" one of the janitors asked as they walked past.

"Yes" Peter nodded.

"She went home early, she said that you could go home without staying behind" they said before walking off.

"Thanks" Peter called after. He made his way down the stairs and out of the main entrance with a smile to the receptionist on his way out. He crossed the school grounds with long strides until he came to the gates where he could see a group of older kids standing around and laughing at something. He watched them suspiciously as he walked out of the gate. His temper flared as he saw that they had his skateboard up against the wall and were trying to kick it in half, each of them laughing as their friends kicked harder and harder.

"Hey!" Peter yelled as he stormed over to them. They all stopped what they were doing as he approached. They were all much taller than him and were wearing black leather jackets, looking like some kind of street gang. The leader of the gang was a tall pegasus with dark red hair and a grey body and he was the first one to speak.

"Get lost pipsqueak, you didn't see nothing" he said. Peter stood his ground as he glared at the leader with hate in his eyes.

"Get the hell off my board" he snarled, balling his fists by his sides. The group looked at each other with grins before they started laughing.

"Oh yeah, real funny guys" Peter snapped "Let's see you laugh when I feed you your teeth" The group stopped laughing and they began to surround Peter in an attempt to be threatening.

"You better watch your mouth midget" the leader hissed.

"Make me" Peter grinned, tensing his legs in preparation to move. True to his expectations the leader shot a look at the jet black unicorn behind Peter and his spider-sense flared. Peter moved his head to the side as the pegasus's punch passed over his shoulder due to his dodge. Peter grabbed hold of the bully's arm and twisting it to such an angle that went he quickly dropped into a crouch the bully's elbow joint broke over his shoulder with a loud crack. Peter moved his arm down the bully's arm and placed his hand against his chest before grabbing hold of his jacket.

He pushed himself back to his feet rapidly and used him momentum to throw the bully over his shoulder straight into the leader. Another one of the wannabe gang swung wildly for Peter only to have Peter catch the blow and pull his arm forward. He pulled the bully's arm towards him, disrupting his footing and leaving him open for Peter to drive his knee into his stomach and as the bully hunched over Peter let go of his arm and slammed his elbow into the back of his neck to knock him straight to the floor.

Another one of the group lashed out with a straight kick only to have Peter catch his leg with his own. With a quick movement Peter hooked his foot underneath the guy's leg and swung his leg out to the side, the grip his foot had on the guy's leg allowing him to pull the bully forward and off balance. Peter unhooked his own foot and dropped it down rapidly before pivoting around and roundhouse kicking the bully down to the ground, his jaw cracking as a tooth and globule of blood flew into the air. This time the two he had knocked down by throwing one of the group were back on their feet and charged him together.

They grabbed hold of him by the arms and attempted to tackle him to the ground. Peter instead brought his arms up and slammed them together, jamming their fingers in between his arms and forcing them to loosen their grip. Peter then dropped low and swept the footing out of the leader and as he fell he stood up and brought his knee up into the chin of the leader which sent him sprawling onto his back. Not stopping there Peter used his momentum once more to propel himself into a backwards tuck. As he was above the final standing bully he grabbed him by the neck and as Peter dropped to the ground he used his own force to pull the bully down onto his extended knee which caused a colossal crack in his back. Peter threw the roaring bully to the floor and stood up as he dusted off his hands with a grin on his face.

"You know what they say, you scratch my back..." Peter said as he looked at the damage on his board, more noticeably the cracks and scratches on the backing tape on the board "And I'll break yours" Peter walked over to his board and picked it up only to have the weight of the board itself cause it to snap in half.

"Dammit" Peter said, throwing the board in the trashcan attached to the gate "I guess I'm walking home"

"Peter?" asked a familiar voice from behind him. Peter turned around to see Twilight and Princess Cadence standing behind him with their jaws nearly on the floor.

"How did... that was..." Twilight mumbled, completely stunned. Peter chuckled awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head.

"Where did you learn to do that kiddo?" Cadence asked.

"I... just sorta taught myself" Peter muttered.

"I'm surprised you were able to take on Chryne and his gang, they've been jackasses ever since they were in fourth grade" Princess Cadence said "That's impressive by anyone's standards"

"Thanks" Peter said.

"I see that they wrecked your board, do you need a ride home?" she offered "Where do you live?"

"Next door to me" Twilight said "This is Peter Parker, my new neighbor"

Author's Note:

Right, second chapter with a little taste of what ol Petey can do in a fight. I know the quippage might be a bit lack luster but when he gets dressed for action I'll give him a little more to work with I promise. I hope you enjoyed this little chapter and I hope to see you again.