• Published 12th Aug 2013
  • 2,720 Views, 97 Comments

The Amazing Spider-Man: Wrath of the Night - Themagicspoderman

"Milk: check, eggs: check, suit fixing materials: check... fighting off mass murdering armored woman with control over the night... I think I might have to wait... just a tad before I can cross this one off"

  • ...


Peter had set up his spider-tracers on many of the police communication lines across the city and was now using them to hack the police channel into his phone to help him try and locate the leader of the Russian mob that had attacked the fundraiser. He was perched on top of one of the spires of the castle in Canterlot as he had tracked the perch-point to be the spot with the strongest connection to the triangulated signals he was intercepting from the police channel. His mask rested in his right hand while his phone was gripped in his left. His eyes were closed against the night, trying to ignore the creeped out feeling the moon now gave him whenever he looked at it. His ears perked up when he heard a female dispatcher speak through the comm chatter, giving the information he wanted to hear.

"All units, backup required for storming of suspected mafia hideout, beat patrols be advised to visit the nearest precinct and armor up before dispatching to the club on fifteenth and seventeenth Broad Street" she said.

"I've got you now" Peter growled, sliding his phone into the phone pocket on his new satchel before hooking the strap around the spire on top of the castle and standing up straight. He pulled his mask over his face and assumed the identity of Spider-Man once more.

"Show time" he chuckled as he took one step forward off his perch-point and just dropped. He fell for a long second before he tucked his body up and rolled forward once before extending his legs as he hit the extremely slanted roof of the castle. He set the electromagnetic current of his lower body back to that of a normal human so that his adhesive powers would not prevent him from sliding before tensing his legs and leaping off the twenty story castle roof. He hung in the air for a second, his eyes examining the bright white lights beneath him before he tucked his limbs against his body like an arrow to drop as one.

As the ground hurtled closer and closer he rolled forward once before holding both of his arms out and webbing onto two buildings, the sudden stop causing the webbing to strain itself as he fell down but as soon as the tension in the web became greater than his weight he was thrown through the air at great speeds with a loud cry of joy. He could feel the cold air currents of the night rushing against his streamlined suit as he stared at his reflection in a row of windows he flew past. As he approached a corner he needed to take he shot his web onto a flagpole which he swung around several times to increase the accuracy of his body throw and finally releasing the web to send himself flying through the air once more.

He dropped onto his knees as he slid across the cool surface of glass before extending one leg and flipping himself over. He angled his now sprinting body downwards before leaping into the space in between the rows of buildings and relying on solely his web shooters to keep him going. He tucked, threw and angled his body to maintain maximum speed while still leaping over buildings and through alleys as the city blocks turned into nothing more than a bright blur behind him. As he came up to the club building the police raid was going to search he used two more webs to attach to the higher roof and pull himself up.

As he reached the top of the roof he grabbed hold of the edge and flipped over it, landing silently on his feet as he dropped into a low crouch, quietly reloading his web shooters with the belt he kept concealed underneath. He hurried over to the painted over skylight and with the help of his adhesive abilities he was able to use his fingertips to lift the glass out of position and place it gently onto the roof next to him.

"Heh, I love my stickem powers" Spider-Man chuckled as he placed his hands flat on the ceiling inside the building and flipped inside, pressing the tips of his toes against the roof as he began to silently crawl along until he reached a wall. He squinted to try and make out the shapes in the near pitch black room, the moonlight not making that much of a difference to the brightness. One thing he knew for sure was that he could hear something snoring very heavily, something like a very large dog.

"Oh goodie, I love dogs" Spider-Man whispered angrily "Let me just jump down there and give them their favorite spider chew toy" There was a moment where Spider-Man went to draw a breath only to have his spider-sense flare up. He went to move out of the way as he always did but whatever had triggered his sixth sense was moving almost as fast as he was. He was violently grabbed by the chest and thrown with great force into a set of copper pipes that burst and jetted steam everywhere.

"What the heck?" Spider-Man asked as he looked around the room. His spider-sense flared up again but he was once again too slow as he was punched in the gut and had his head slammed into another one of the pipes, dazing him momentarily. After regaining his senses he quickly leapt up onto the ceiling to try and find whatever was attacking him bit it was much too dark to see anything, let alone something that moved as fast as this thing did.

"Alright pal, fighting in a dark and enclosed area might be your idea of a good time" Spider-Man said "But we arachnids like a little open space and light!" He froze in shock for a nanosecond as he heard a roar so powerful that it couldn't have come from a dog. His spider-sense flared up again and for the third time he was tackled without even a chance to dodge. He used his adhesive powers to latch on to the roof outside and sling both of them up into the moonlight where he kicked the thing off and got enough distance between the two of them to see what it was.

"What... the... hell?" Spider-Man panted, completely stunned by what he was looking at. The creature showed traits of being a regular person but there were certain things about it that made it more monster than anything else. It's arms were enormously muscular and covered in black fur and seemed to be filled with a glowing black energy. It's teeth were fanged and serrated, like some kind of sick torture weapons. It's eyes were a glowing red with yellow irises, giving it the appearance of a rabid animal. There were tufts of bloody black fur jutting out all over the creature's body as well as its tail wagging back and forth instead of hanging their loosely like everyone else's did. It roared in what seemed like agony as the tips of its fingers split open to reveal large, serrated claws that resembled that of a wolf's. In fact, now that he looked at it closer the thing seemed to have many wolf traits as well as normal ones. Then the horrific truth dawned on Spider-Man as he tensed his legs and prepared to dodge any attack.

"It's a cross-species" he growled, cracking his knuckles before settling into a combat stance. The cross-species roared even louder as it charged at Spider-Man with incredible speed, it's large muscular legs giving it the power and drive to propel it forward at such a speed. Peter attempted to block the punch from the creature only to be blasted off his feet and sent rolling to the edge of the roof. He was amazed that this creature was strong enough to knock him over even when he was using his adhesive powers when almost nothing had been able to before, especially when he had been prepared for the attack.

"Ok Muttley, you're better than I thought you were" Spider-Man snapped "But I know I can take you on, besides, it's not like I've gotta worry about hurting anyone up here" It was then that six more of the cross-species burst through the roof itself, all bearing horrible disfigurements and wolf body features.

"And now I just need to worry about them hurting me!" Spider-Man yelled as three of them charged towards him at once.

"Why did Shining say we had to wait here?" Twilight asked as she fiddled with the stereo in the car, trying to lock on to a decent station for decent music.

"He thinks it's too dangerous for us to go in there with him even if we were armed and armored up" Cadence said "Even though I've proven to him several times that I can easily handle myself in a fight and I'm a good shot with any type of weapon"

"For all he knows it could be even more dangerous for us out here, I mean what if some of those gun toting mobsters run out the back and shoot up us both while we're sitting here?" Twilight asked, lightly punching the stereo in frustration with a sigh of anger.

"Too true little sis" Cadence nodded before a confused expression appeared on her face "Wait... did you hear something?"

"Like what?" Twilight asked, listening very carefully over the rain that had begun to pour in the last few minutes.

"It sounded like... something screaming in pain" Cadence said. There was a moment of almost silence, excluding the pattering rain on the car they were in.

"Maybe you're just hearing things" Twilight shrugged. Cadence was about to agree when a large pile of biomass slammed into the hood of the car, denting it and nearly flipping the the car over. The two girls nearly dived into the backseat as they saw the wolf-stallion things punching and kicking at Spider-Man. The largest and ugliest of the creatures pulled up the mask on Spider-Man's face and held out it's long, green tongue that seemingly dropped acid onto the hood next to Spider-Man's head. At the angle the two of them were sitting they couldn't make out the face of whoever was behind the mask but they didn't have much time to work it out as Spider-Man roared in fury, using his super strength to pick up and throw the creatures off him He kicked the rest off his legs and kicked back to his feet before pulling his mask back down over his face. The creatures all began to leap at him, throwing punches that sounded like they hurt whenever they connected with Spider-Man's body. The costumed superhero fought with everything he had to try and defeat the creatures but it seemed to be a losing battle as he was heavily outnumbered and outmatched. He looked back into the car to see Twilight and Cadence before yelling an instruction.

"Try and start the car, get out of here!" he ordered. Cadence threw herself back into the front seat and jammed the key into the ignition as Spider-Man was pulled off the hood and repeatedly punched in the face. The engine of the car refused to start no matter how much Cadence twisted the key and slammed her foot down on the throttle.

"Dammit!" she hissed. Spider-Man was picked up by the back of his head and had his face slammed full force into the hood, leaving a large dent in the metal. Though this somehow gave the engine the kick it needed as the powerful V8 roared to life with the headlights automatically illuminating the alleyway they were parked in. As if by some miracle when the light of the car's headlights touched one of the creatures it began to burn away it's flesh with a sickening crackle. The creatures were all beginning to fry as they pinned Spider-Man down. They must have been intelligent enough to realize that they would rather live to fight another day than burn alive trying to kill Spider-Man. They fled screaming in pain into the night and soon disappeared, leaving the three of them panting in exhaustion. Spider-Man remained still as the two women climbed out of the car and looked at him with worried expressions. Parts of his suit were sliced clean through with some of the claws leaving bloody gashes on his flesh, these wounds mainly being on his right arm, legs and chest.

"Are you alright Spider-Man?" Twilight asked. The web-slinger tucked his fingers underneath his mask and lifted it up enough to where his mouth was no longer covered by it, allowing him to spit a large amount of grit and blood from his mouth. The two stared at him with estranged expressions as the masked man seemed familiar to them. Cadence seemed to notice the light brown hair on his body seconds before he pulled the mask back over his face and jumped down off the hood.

"I'll live" he said, rolling his shoulders and having almost every bone in his back crack loudly, making Cadence shiver in revulsion "Thanks for your help"

"What the hell were those things?" Cadence asked.

"I have no idea... but I think I know someone who does" Spider-Man growled, reaching out with his arm and slinging a web onto a nearby building "Don't stick around, leave before those things come back" With that he leapt into the air and swung away on the web, his injuries forcing him to go much slower than he would've liked to.

Spider-Man easily punched through the padlock on Celestia's balcony doors before stumbling inside. Celestia shot up in bed and used her magic to create a light in the palm of her hand.

"Peter!?" she demanded "What do you think you're doing?!" Her anger turned to horror as Peter stumbled weakly into the bright light and she saw the extent of his injuries. She climbed out of her bed, neglecting the fact she was merely in her undergarments which didn't cover that much up. Peter sat down in the chair across from Celestia's bed, pulling his mask off and running his hand through his hair, seeing blood and dead skin sticking to his hand.

"Celestia..." Peter groaned.

"Peter what happened?" Celestia asked, biting her lip with worry "No, don't waste your energy talking, I'll see for myself" Celestia went to place her hand on the back of Peter's neck only to have him slap her hand away.

"Peter please, this will put you to sleep, it'll save energy because right now you are dying" Celestia said "It will hurt your body to heal you so it's best if you're asleep when it happens" The two locked eyes for a second before Peter nodded, lowering his head to make it easier for Celestia to reach the back of his neck. He felt the painful sting as she searched his memories until she saw what he had been beaten by. As the wave of nausea washed over him he heard Celestia gasp in horror, whispering one word before he lost consciousness.

"Nightspawn" she whispered before he blacked out.

Author's Note:

And there it is folks, the first fight in Spidey's career where he has been outmatched by every opponent he's facing and not only that they completely obliterated him. Now I will explain one thing about our little Nightspawn friends right now: they're just puppets of our real villain, lower class ones too. So I ask you: if he can't stand up to the expendable help then what chance does he stand against our main threat? Well if you keep tuned in for updates you might just find out!