• Published 12th Aug 2013
  • 2,721 Views, 97 Comments

The Amazing Spider-Man: Wrath of the Night - Themagicspoderman

"Milk: check, eggs: check, suit fixing materials: check... fighting off mass murdering armored woman with control over the night... I think I might have to wait... just a tad before I can cross this one off"

  • ...

The Man Behind The Mask

Peter had put his costume back into his bag after her had retrieved it from it's place on the wall and was retying his tie when his phone began to vibrate loudly in his bag. He took it out of it's chosen pocket and read the caller ID.

"Gwen?" he asked in surprise "Shouldn't she be at her library meeting right now?" He shrugged his shoulders before hitting the accept button and placing the phone next to his ear.

"Hey Gwen" he said with a smile, being happy that he was able to speak to her again.

"Peter, are you anywhere near a TV right now?" Gwen demanded in an agitated voice.

"Whoa, whoa, what's the big fuss?" Peter asked.

"There's something wrong with the moon" Gwen said. Peter moved the phone away from his ear and looked at it with an utterly baffled expression. He placed it back to his ear before speaking again.

"Could you, um, repeat that please?" he asked.

"You heard me Peter and I'm not joking!" Gwen snapped.

"Why are you yelling at me?" Peter asked "Do you want me to go web it back to whatever the hell it's supposed to be?" There was a loud creaking noise as the door opened up, the fire bolt somehow having been removed, and Twilight walked in behind him.

"Peter!" Twilight exclaimed as she hurried over to him "Where the hell have you been!?"

"Who was that?" Gwen asked from down the phone. Peter put his hand over the phone before turning to Twilight.

"Could you give me a minute please?" he asked.

"Give you a minute?" Twilight asked in complete shock "The whole ballroom has just been kicked in, shot up and covered in spider webs, what the hell were you doing all this time?!"

"I've been talking to Gwen" Peter said.

"Wait..." Twilight said as she folded her arms and shot a questioning look at Peter "Who's Gwen?"

"Peter who are you talking to?" Gwen asked irritably "Is that a woman's voice?"

"Alright look, I'm really not in the mood to be dealing with this right now" Peter sighed "Gwen, I'll call you back later alright?"

"Peter wait!" Gwen yelled before Peter ended the call and stuffed his phone back into his pocket.

"Peter, who were you just talking to?" Twilight asked with a suspicious glare.

"That was Gwen, she's the girl I used to date when I lived in Manehattan" Peter answered "Why does it matter so much?"

"It doesn't alright, I was just worried about where you'd gone" Twilight sighed "I'm sorry I snapped at you"

"Yeah, me too Twilight" Peter nodded.

"But did you seriously not hear what was going on in there?" Twilight asked "The place was attacked by these Russian mobsters but after a couple of minutes Spider-Man himself showed up and stopped them"

"Spider-Man?" Peter asked, feigning surprise "What's he doing in Canterlot?"

"I don't know but I'm glad that he decided to show up tonight or else those mobsters would've gotten away with hundreds of thousands in jewels and cash" Twilight explained.

"Is everyone Ok?" Peter asked.

"Nobody was hurt, even when they started shooting but Celestia is really worried about you" Twilight added.

"Me?" Peter asked in genuine surprise "Why was she worried about me?"

"She worries about everyone really" Twilight guessed "But now that I think about it... she did seem much more concerned that you were safe... I have no idea why though"

"Me neither, but I'm going to find out" Peter said, grabbing his bag and hoisting it onto his shoulder. He looked at the bag with a burdened expression before he sighed with a nod.

"Alright, tomorrow I'm digging my satchel out of my wardrobe and using that instead" Peter growled as he headed through the fire door and back into the ballroom. To keep his act convincing he looked around in complete shock, seeing the shattered windows and the numerous objects peppered with bullet holes.

"Looks like I missed out on the party" Peter mumbled "Huh"

"The Princess is over here" Twilight said as they made their way past the very traumatized guests. The royal family were all sat together as they usually did with Princess Celestia standing up as Peter approached.

"Peter, thank goodness you're Ok" Celestia said with a sigh "That's a relief"

"I guess so" Peter nodded "But what about you guys, are you Ok?"

"The cops I got taken downstairs with were being paid off by the Russian mafia to distract all police officers here so the heist would go off without a hitch" Shining said.

"Looks like they didn't plan on their friendly neighborhood Spider-Man jumping in to crash their party" Peter said, looking over his shoulder to examine the other guests.

"Peter... how do you know he said that?" Cadence asked slowly "You weren't there... when he stopped the robbery" This got suspicious looks from all the members of the royal family but Peter stood up for himself.

"Hold on a second" Peter said, taking out his phone and flicking through his images before throwing the phone to Cadence. The image was a screenshot of a newspaper headline that read: Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man?

"That was one of the nicknames he gave himself when he started getting noticed by the media" Peter said "He got other names too like wall-crawler, web-head, web-slinger and stuff like that and on the occasions I've met him he always referred to himself as the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man"

"Right" Cadence nodded as she handed him his phone back which he took and placed back in his pocket.

"Never mind that, we still need to find out where the heist was ordered from and then I can get a search and hopefully arrest warrant for whoever set this thing up" Shining said.

"That'll take too long" Peter thought to himself "Looks like I'm taking the law into my own hands again" Peter rolled his neck, causing it to crack at such a volume that everyone within a five meter radius heard the sound.

"Ugh!" Cadence exclaimed as she shivered in disgust "Please don't do that, it's disgusting!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to, my neck's just been really stiff lately" Peter said.

"Do you want me to have a look for you?" Celestia asked.

"Uh, sure" Peter shrugged, feeling slightly suspicious of the Princess's sudden touchy-feely approach to him. Celestia walked behind him and pressed the flat of her hand on one side of his neck to feel for any upsets or bumps before doing the same with the other side of his neck. It was when Celestia pressed two of her fingers against the middle of the back of his neck that he felt a painful bolt jump through his mind and for a brief second the image of the spider that was stitched into his costume flashed before his eyes and blocked out everything. He jolted away from Celestia and slapped a hand to the back of his neck.

"Are you alright Peter?" Celestia asked with a worried tone.

"What did you just do?" Peter asked as he whirled around on her.

"I didn't do anything" Celestia said "I must've just touched a nerve or something, my apologies if I caused you any discomfort" Peter glared at Celestia for the longest moment and he could've sworn he saw the faintest of smirks on her lips for a fraction of a second but he decided to drop it. Since his spider-sense never went off he knew that she hadn't meant him any real harm, but he then remembered that there had been times where his spider-sense hadn't triggered even when he was in danger because he believed he was safe around someone and this could've been another example of a glitch in his system. As Peter blinked he suddenly stumbled to the side, feeling overcome by dizziness from nowhere.

"Peter?" Twilight asked "Are you alright?" Twilight's voice sounded muffled and far away as well as sounding like an overlay of two voices.

"Ugh" Peter groaned as he dropped down onto his rear, putting a hand to his face.

"Peter!?" Twilight exclaimed, her voice fading further and further away with each passing second. He blinked once more before the world went black around him, the last feeling he received being the pain of his head striking the floor.

Peter's eyes drifted open to find that he was in his own bed back at home. His ears perked up when he heard the sound of soft humming from next to him. He blinked a few times to clear his vision before he could make out the blurry form of Celestia sitting on a chair next to his bed. Peter could tell that his shirt had been removed just from where his arms were resting when he woke but he could feel that he was still wearing his boxer shorts. Peter pushed himself up onto his elbows and glared angrily at Celestia.

"You're awake, that's good to see" Celestia said as she turned to look at him with a small smile on her face "You're looking much healthier too"

"What... what did you do to me?" Peter asked groggily.

"A simple mind reading trick, activated when touching the closest connection to the brain stem" Celestia said.

"Where, where did my bag go?" Peter asked.

"It's under the bed" Celestia answered, crossing her leg over her knee "And don't worry, I stopped anyone from looking inside it, we don't want anyone else knowing your little secret do we?" It was at this point Peter completely froze in shock.

"You read my mind..." Peter sighed.

"And took the information I wanted to see if it really was you behind the mask Peter" Celestia said "But do not be afraid, I'm not going to tell anyone about it"

"Then why did you want to know?" Peter asked.

"To allow myself to believe in an ironic destiny" Celestia chuckled "Your father died to protect his research into cross-species genetics, to make sure it was never released onto the world, and the first person the experiment was successful on was his own son, you"

"What do you know about my father's research?" Peter asked.

"That's a story for another time Peter" Celestia said as she got out of the chair "You should rest, you're going to need your strength if what I fear will come to pass"

Author's Note:

So there it is, the first person in this tale to find out Spidey's secret identity. To be honest if I was Spider-Man I wouldn't mind trusting Celestia with my secret. I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter, sorry if nothing to exciting happened in this one but hey, can't all be action sequences can they? Leave a like if you enjoyed or a fave to see when the next chapter is updated and I hope to see you all next time aight? Aight.