• Published 12th Aug 2013
  • 2,721 Views, 97 Comments

The Amazing Spider-Man: Wrath of the Night - Themagicspoderman

"Milk: check, eggs: check, suit fixing materials: check... fighting off mass murdering armored woman with control over the night... I think I might have to wait... just a tad before I can cross this one off"

  • ...

Lunch date

Peter's phone buzzed loudly, away from breaking distance, as his alarm activated, the vibrations on the wooden desk sounding like a jackhammer.

"Ugh... school" he groaned from under the bed covers. He pulled himself out and dragged his feet into the shower, going about his morning routines before dressing in his freshly washed jeans and deciding on his Ramones T-Shirt instead of his Rolling Stones. He pulled his jacket on and slipped into a pair of socks before grabbing his bag, his costume safely tucked away inside, having transferred the suit into the satchel instead of his rucksack. He hung the bag over his shoulder and pushed it behind him before making the strap shorter. He put on his web shooters and reloaded them with new cartridges in case the current ones were running low.

"Note to self: install liquid volume indicator in the cartridges" he said as he hurried down stairs.

"You're running late today Peter" May said from the living room.

"I know" Peter called back, tying on his shoes and grabbing his keys "I'll see you later"

"Bye Peter" May said as her nephew headed out of the door. As Peter exited the house he saw Twilight sitting on her front doorstep with a textbook in her hands. She looked up and waved at him before getting up and walking over to him.

"Morning Pete" Twilight said as she put the textbook back in her bag.

"Were you waiting for me?" Peter asked with a small smile.

"Well, I was on the way out the door when I thought it would be nice to give you someone to walk to school with" Twilight shrugged.

"How did you know I hadn't left yet?" Peter asked.

"Oh, I... I just thought you wouldn't... have left just yet" Twilight said with a sheepish grin. Peter turned back to look at his house to see that he had left his bedroom curtains open and he also realized that his room was opposite from Twilight's. Peter turned back to look at her with a grin on his face. He didn't say anything but his theory was proven when Twilight's cheeks went bright pink.

"Alright, you ready to go now?" Peter asked as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Sure" Twilight nodded. Peter yawned loudly, his breath frosting in front of his mouth, allowing him to realize just how cold the autumn weather was getting.

"Did you get much studying for that exam done over the weekend?" Twilight asked as the two of them walked up the street.

"Uh... maybe?" Peter said with a sheepish grin.

"So I'm going to take that as a no?" Twilight asked with a gentle smile.

"I never said I didn't" Peter emphasized.

"But you never confirmed you did either" Twilight retorted.

"Good point" Peter nodded "But you're right, I didn't"

"So what was all the fuss about?" Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm a man remember?" Peter asked with a smirk "Men can never be wrong"

"Unless there's a woman around" Twilight added.

"That's why we tend to drink, to avoid the sting of the humiliation of being proven wrong" Peter grinned.

"But what about you Pete, you don't drink" Twilight observed.

"Well that's because I'm never wrong" Peter winked.

"Then we obviously haven't had a long conversation before have we?" Twilight asked.

"Is that a challenge to prove me wrong?" Peter asked in return.

"Nope, its a promise" Twilight smirked.

"Well I could just avoid you so I'd never be proved wrong" Peter shrugged.

"I didn't realize you were such a wimp Peter" Twilight laughed.

"Hey, I was only joking" Peter said, crossing his arms and pretending to pout "You don't have to be so mean"

"Oh don't worry Peter" Twilight said as she patted him on the shoulder "You'll be a real man someday" With that she increased her walking speed and left Peter to catch up to her.

The two arrived in the school building with a few minutes left before the bell went for their first lesson.

"So who've you got for first class today?" Twilight asked.

"Good old Mrs Jarvis for English studies" Peter sighed "This should be fun"

"Why, does she give you a hard time?" Twilight asked with a confused expression.

"No, she's raised me up on a pedestal as some sort of child genius" Peter shrugged "Everyone expects me to be some kind of wizard when it comes to English now"

"Is that a bad thing?" Twilight asked as she placed a hand on her hip.

"Now that you mention it, no, there isn't" Peter nodded with a smirk "I've gotten used to everybody depending on me in the past year" His mind glanced back to the spider on his costume and he allowed himself a small chuckle before he began to walk down the corridors, Twilight walking alongside him.

"What about you?" Peter asked "Who're you with?"

"Mrs Jones for performing arts class" Twilight answered "This should be fun"

"Sarcasm?" Peter asked.

"Oh yeah" Twilight nodded with a grin.

"With good reason I assume?" Peter asked with a grin.

"Obviously, she just thinks I'm supposed to be absolutely perfect at everything" Twilight answered.

"You mean you're not?" Peter asked with exaggerated surprise, putting a hand to his mouth.

"Very funny" Twilight chuckled "She says I could be an amazing actress if I just put my all into it"

"As if you don't do enough of that already" Peter added.

"That's exactly what I said but she still thinks I can do much better" Twilight growled "Have you done any acting in your life?"

"No, my Aunt says if I'm lucky the only role I'll get in acting is in a movie about Facebook" Peter chuckled as he stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets.

"That bad?" Twilight asked with a shocked expression.

"Yup, my Aunt's a very blunt woman, she doesn't mess around and sugarcoat things" Peter smiled "Anyway, I'll talk to you later"

"See you later Pete" Twilight said with a nod. Peter ducked inside the classroom door, kicking the door closed behind him. Twilight looked at the door for a long second before sighing loudly, a small smirk on her face as she crossed her arms.

"Huh, maybe Cadence was right..." she said to herself before walking off to her first class.

"Mr Parker?" Mrs Jarvis called as Peter was heading out the door. Peter looked over his shoulder at the light blue pegasus with light yellow hair, tied back in a ponytail.

"Yes?" Peter asked, turning around and heading back over to her.

"You did read up on Macbeth over the weekend didn't you?" Mrs Jarvis asked as she sorted out the piles of papers on her desk "We've got an exam on the play this afternoon remember?"

"Oh" Peter said with a surprised expression "No, I... kinda forgot to revise" Mrs Jarvis crossed her arms and looked at Peter with a raised eyebrow. Peter scratched the back of his head and smiled sheepishly, hanging his thumb out of his pocket as he eyed a spot on the floor with sudden interest.

"Peter, I know you're a smart kid but even you can't just remember an entire play, especially Shakespeare, without even so much as revising for a few hours" Mrs Jarvis chuckled, picking up a hardback copy of the play from her desk and handing it to him "Here, try to revise from this at lunch today will you?" Peter took the book from her and nodded.

"Alright, I'll take a look at it" Peter said, slinging his bag off his shoulder and stuffing the book inside one of the pockets.

"Your bag's pretty full Peter" Mrs Jarvis said slowly "What exactly have you got in there?"

"Just... stuff you know" Peter shrugged, hefting his bag back onto his shoulder and smiling at his teacher before heading towards the door.

"Make sure you do Peter" she nodded as she sat down at her desk again and began to sort through her papers thoroughly. Peter closed the door behind him and tightened his bag on his shoulder before breathing a sigh of relief. His stomach interrupted his thoughts as it growled loudly, sending pangs of hunger through his system.

"Wow, didn't realize I was that hungry" Peter noted "Well lunch is in a few hours, I can last till then" Peter went through the next class with hunger on his mind but as he made his way to the canteen for their morning break he met up with Twilight again.

"Hey Peter" Twilight said with a smile as the two stood in line together, waiting for the dinner ladies to open the shutters and start serving the morning food.

"Hey Twilight" Peter nodded "How was acting?"

"Ugh, stressful as usual" Twilight growled.

"But you did well, right?" Peter asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course, but it wasn't easy" Twilight sighed "Everyone's trying to compete with me to be the best actor in our class but they just end up trying to make me mess up while I'm performing"

"Sounds like you're in a class of jerks" Peter shrugged.

"I guess" Twilight nodded, taking a small breath before looking at Peter again "Are you busy this lunch?"

"No" Peter said slowly, raising an eyebrow "Why?"

"Well..." Twilight said, fidgeting with her hands as she looked down at the ground for a long second "I was wondering if you'd like to get something to eat at lunch, in town somewhere" Peter was surprised at the offer, he wasn't expecting Twilight to ask him to go on a dinner date but he smiled at her courage.

"Sure, I think that could be fun for both of us, I might need help revising Macbeth for the test after lunch" Peter nodded "You don't mind helping do you?"

"Of course not" Twilight said with a smile "Alright, so... can you meet me at the gate at the beginning of lunch?"

"I can do that, I'll see you there Twilight" Peter chuckled.

"Right" Twilight nodded "Ok then"

The two teenagers were stood in line at the fast food restaurant while they decided what they wanted to eat. The burger menu was what had attracted Peter's eyes at first and he decided he was hungry enough for a double bacon cheeseburger with a large side of fries and a large coke. Twilight went with a chicken wrap and a small coke herself and the two were asked forward to place their orders.

"Twilight!" a female voice called out from the corner of the restaurant The two of them turned to see Cadence sitting at a table with Shining, the blue haired unicorn listening to something through a set of wireless headphones. Twilight smiled and waved to her sister in law, Peter placing the orders before waving curtly with a smile.

"Do you wanna go over and talk to them?" Peter asked Twilight "I can wait for the food while you talk"

"If you don't mind" Twilight nodded before walking over to her family. Twilight sat down next to her older brother, the taller man looking at his little sister with a smile before knocking on the side of his right earphone with an annoyed growl.

"Don't break them, they cost a lot" Cadence scolded as she sipped her drink through a straw.

"I know that" Shining sighed "I'm the one that paid for them"

"So what are you two doing here?" Cadence asked Twilight after a second of glaring at her husband, her usual smile returning to her face.

"We came to get some food, Peter was really hungry and I thought I'd come with him" Twilight shrugged. She caught the grin Cadence was giving her, a very sly smile with an accusing look that made Twilight blush.

"Oh really?" Cadence said as she joined her fingers and rested her chin on them, still grinning.

"Yes really" Twilight growled "Don't get any ideas"

"Well it seems like I'm not the one coming up with the ideas am I?" Cadence asked with a chuckle "But fine, I'll drop it for now"

"Keep it that way" Twilight snapped just as Peter walked over to them, balancing two drinks, a large burger, a chicken wrap and a portion of fries on a tray with the tips of his extended fingers. Cadence stood up and moved out of the way so Peter could sit next to the window, the teenager smiling thankfully as he slid across the leather seat and placed the tray down on the table. The two teens took their food and began to dig in quickly, the two of them feeling absolutely starved and both being desperate to sate their hunger.

"So, how's your day going so far?" Cadence asked the two.

"Alright I guess" Twilight answered "We've got a test after lunch which is going to be fun"

"You've studied for it right?" Cadence asked.

"Of course I did" Twilight nodded.

"What about you Peter?" Cadence asked, turning to face the teen. He quickly finished a mouthful of his burger before chuckling.

"I never normally need to study, I just memorize everything in class" Peter answered.

"That's never a good idea, you really should study and take notes" Cadence said with a disapproving tone.

"Well my Uncle Ben always taught me that if you don't know something when you're taking notes on it what's the chance of understanding it when you go to look back over it when you've had time to forget anything you might've known about it" Peter said, sipping from his straw to wash down the lump of food caught in his throat, grimacing in pain as the large chunk of food strained his esophagus.

"I did the same thing when I was at school" Shining said, taking off the headphones and placing them down on the table with an angry glare "It got me this far in life"

"Through pure luck" Twilight said under her breath.

"Oh yeah?" Shining asked with a smirk "Luck doesn't get you a wife as gorgeous as Cadence does it?" Cadence and Twilight chuckled quietly while Shining began to look at the headphones again.

"Having trouble?" Peter asked him.

"Yeah, these things keep picking up other sounds from other frequencies from around here and they just keep cutting out every few seconds" Shining nodded "I'm about two minutes away from snapping them"

"Let me see if I can do anything about it" Peter said, gesturing for Shining to hand him the headphones.

"Sure" he nodded as he pushed the item over to Peter. Peter dug through his bag and pulled out his glasses box, opening it an removing his large pair of black glasses. He placed them onto his face and began to examine the headphones himself. He grabbed the plastic knife from Cadence's salad and cleaned it on a piece of tissue.

"Do you mind if I use this?" he asked.

"No, I was nearly done with it anyway" Cadence said with a shake of her head.

"Thanks" Peter said, using the point of the knife to crack open the speakers on the headphones and begin to fiddle with the wiring. The other three sat quietly while Peter worked on the headphones, examining each piece thoroughly, holding certain wires and chips up to a source of light and scouring them for imperfections. His face remained locked in an expression of concentration the entire time he worked, cleaning up certain pieces of the wiring and moving around the insides of the speakers. He set everything back into place before taking his own phone out of his pocket and cracking the back of it off, removing a small green chip from the back of his phone's motherboard, switching it out with a smaller one in one of the speakers before closing the speakers back up and clicking them back into place He held down the activation button and the green light began to pulse in the light on the side of the headphones.

"Try them now" Peter said as he handed them back to Shining. The captain placed them over his ears before falling silent for a long second.

"Yeah, the sound's a lot clearer now" Shining nodded "Thanks Peter, what did you do to them?"

"The wireless chip in the speakers was using too large a frequency that several other devices were tuned similarly to and because of that it was able to pick up on transmissions from other devices" Peter explained "After I sorted everything out I replaced the communications chip in the speakers with one from my phone to help it tune into a much narrower and more secure frequency, it's basically the same feature that prevents phone calls from mixing with other people's calls"

"Huh, pretty cool" Shining said with an impressed expression.

"I wouldn't exactly say cool, I'm leaning more towards nerdy than anything else" Peter said with a chuckle as he continued to eat his food, giving Cadence back the plastic knife with a grateful nod.

"Where'd you learn to do that?" Cadence asked after a moment of silence.

"When I was a little kid my Uncle used to bring home old toys and stuff from his job to give to charity stores but I would always take them apart before he could" Peter said with a chuckle "After a while I learned to put them back together and I would sell them to the kids at school to make some money for myself"

"That's cute" Cadence chuckled.

"Thanks" Peter said with an awkward smile.

"Yeah Twilight used to do stuff like that" Shining said as he glanced at his sister "Except she would just break them and blame it on me"

"No I didn't!" Twilight snapped angrily.

"You can ask Mom when we get in, you used to break all of my stuff" Shining chuckled.

"Uh Cadence, do you mind if I get up please?" Peter asked.

"Sure, gimme a sec" Cadence nodded as she moved out of her seat to allow Peter room to move.

"I just need the toilet" he said quickly, moving out of the booth and across the restaurant to the section with the toilets. Cadence sat back down and waited until Peter was gone before turning to look at her sister in law with a smirk.

"So, I think he's a keeper" she announced.

"Second it" Shining said as he stole one of his wife's fries.

"I hate both of you" Twilight growled, scowling at her family who merely laughed at her response.

Author's Note:

I know this update was long overdue and I'm really sorry it took so long to write. With me looking after my niece and nephew as well as my internet breaking down completely and overall laziness, I really had to force myself to write this one. I got back into the swing of it by the end of the chapter and I'll try to keep the mojo going over the next few days. Updates on the way so don't panic.
Also, there is a little joke breaking the fourth wall a little about our good ol' webhead in here somewhere so points to whoever can point it out. Leave a like if you enjoyed it and don't forget to favorite if you want to be informed of new chapters and thank you for reading.