• Published 2nd Jun 2013
  • 4,508 Views, 142 Comments

When Worlds Collide - Chris-Cross13

Christian, a simple anti-brony on Earth, is about to discover that Equestria isn't fake after all, much to his dismay.

  • ...

Well, This is Shocking...

The sun had finally risen in Equestria. It was a beautiful summer day. The citizens were out and about, enjoying the wonderful weather. After the incident, the ponies of Ponyville were quietly and soundly returned to their homes. When they all awoke, Celestia did a bit of explaining to the Mayor Mare, who explained everything to the rest of the town, and everything was cool. John and his boss were talking to the princesses, while Christian was busy chatting with the Mayor.

"Christian, the citizens of Ponyville and I can't thank you enough for what you did!" Mayor Mare exclaims. Christian blushes a bit. What he did was just common sense, even if it was for a bunch of ponies that he hated.

"It was nothing really." He says with a grin.

"No really! You've saved all of us from Chrysalis and her changelings! Not to mention Celestia and Luna!"

"And The Mane Six." Christian adds in. He didn't want to forget the ponies he saved... and who definitely owe him one. Especially a certain annoying lavender unicorn. "Excuse me Ms. Mare, but I need to go talk with The Six." Mayor Mare shows a hoof to their location. Christian nods for the help and walks over to the happy group of ponies.

"I can't believe we pulled it off!" Dash exclaims.

"Well Dash, you really didn't do much. You just helped get Rarity through the portal!" Pinkie chimes in.

"Thanks for that by the way darling. I got a bit woozy up there." Rarity says with the yawn. "That nap really helped as well!"

"But hey, y'all know we would still be stuck in those cells without..." Applejack gets cut off by Christian, who was leaning up against a tree.

"Me?" He continues toward them. A huge grin now on his face.

"Well yea, pretty much." Applejack continues. Christian laughs.

"Yea I know, i'm awesome." Christian says with pride. Twilight rolls her eyes.

"I see you still have a huge ego with you." She says with grief.

"You know it Twitty!" Twilight smiles a bit.

"Good, it wouldn't be any fun if you didn't toy with us."

"Yea, it really wouldn't." Twilight laughs again. She's really starting to warm up to Christian ever since he saved her from that fall. "Umm, by the way Christian..." She beckons him closer. Christian kneels down to her height and Twilight walks up to his ear. "Thanks for the save. I owe you one." Christian snickers. This was perfect.

"Or a few..." He says quietly. Twilight gulps. But then again, he did save her life. She sighs in annoyance and defeat.

"Alright fine. You did save all of Equestria." Pinkie suddenly butts in between the two.

"Watcha talkin' about?!" She yells curiously.

"Oh nothing much." There was a awkward pause, everypony and Christian looked at each other for a few seconds until Applejack broke the silence.

"It was how you saved Twilight, isn't it?" Christian nods.

"Yea, but don't worry about it. She won't be my slave or anything." Christian says happily. Twilight wipes off the sweat on her temple. She though she would have to be his maid for life or something! "But a few pictures of her in chains, cages and cells, looking all sad wouldn't hurt!" Twilight groans. She knew it would be degrading, but at least it wasn't that bad. She laughs a bit, making Christian laugh a little as well. Suddenly, a camo-clad agent jumps into the group.

"Sorry to disturb your little talk Christian, but Celestia, Luna, and your uncle want to see you." Christian groans with aggravation. He knew that now that a normal civilian knows about an alien planet, the government would probably erase his memory. He starts to stomp away from The Six in frustration. He turns back one more time to see that they all look a little worried. He sighs.

"It's been fun girls. I'll see you... never." He walks away from the Six. Twilight starts cheering. The others look a little mad at her. She pauses when she sees the looks of anger on their faces.

"What? I won't have to be in chains!"

Christian slowly saunters over to His uncle and the royal alicorns. They were having a little chat and then started laughing from time to time. He walks up behind him uncle and lightly taps him on the shoulder.

"Uhh... Uncle John?" John turns around with a huge grin on his face.

"Ahh! Christian! We were just talking about you!" Christian rolled his eyes. He didn't think getting his memory erased would be that funny. It must be some sort of intergalactic government inside joke.

"I bet you were. Now, what's this about?" Christian asks disgruntled. John looks at the royal alicorn with a very confused face. Why was he so mad?

"Well Christian, while you and the others were busy escorting the ponies back to town, The princesses had a little talk with a few... major authority figures." John exclaims.

"Let me guess; Your boss and The President right?" John nods.

"Exactly! Well, they were discussing a peace treaty, trading, alliances, and..." Christian was getting board... and very confused. If they were going to erase his mind, why was he telling him all of this information?

"Get to the point!" Christian chimes in. John sighs in aggravation. His nephew never did have any patience.

"Anyway, we were also discussing who would represent each others' planet." Christian became confused again. What was the big deal about telling him they were going to have an ambassador?

"Wait, why are you telling me this if you are going to erase my mind?" John glanced over at the princesses, giving them a look before they all started to laugh uncontrollably. Christian rolled his eyes. He didn't know his memory being erased would be THAT funny! He growled. "What's so funny?!" He yells. John manages to speak through his laughter.

"Christian, why would you think we would erase your mind?!" John continues laughing. Christian looks at his uncle bewildered and relieved. But, if they weren't going to make him forget everything that has happened, why did they call him over?

"Say what now?" Christian responds. Celestia is the one who answers Christian this time.

"Christian, after what you did for Equestria, we owe you a great deal of gratitude! We wouldn't have you simply forget what you have done!"

"Plus, you are my nephew. I would never allow the FBI to erase your mind!" Christian smiled with satisfaction; which quickly turned to awe. Did his uncle just say FBI?

"Wait, the FBI? I have been helping the FBI this whole time?!" Christian was amazed. He had no idea he was helping one of the most top-notch organizations in the world! John nods.

"We thought you knew." There was an extremely long pause. Christian still remained gawking at his uncle. John, Celestia, and Luna each gave each other an uneasy look. "Huh, well this is awkward." John scratches his head in embarrassment. Christian remained beaming with excitement.

"So... What do they want?" He asks pleadingly.

"I can answer that." A voice says behind John. John quickly steps to the side to allow a familiar looking man. Christian eyes him curiously.

"You must be The Director I take it?" Christian asks matter-of-factly. The shadowy man nods.

"That is correct Christian. My sources were right, you are smart indeed." He starts walks back and forth, like he did back in The Pentagon. "We could use a young man like you." Christian raises a brow. What was he talking about?

"What do you mean?" Christian asks. The Director snickers. Christian again, scrunches his face in confusion. Now why was he laughing?

"Well Christian, after I got a thorough explanation of what had occurred, I thought you had deserved a few... let's just say, 'privileges'."

"Ok, cool." Christian replies, curious about what kind of reward he is going to get. "So, what are they?" The Director laughs. John was right, he was impatient. But that could be useful...

"Christian, we are going to propose two options for you to choose. Option A: You can go back to Earth, and live your normal life once more. However, since you know about every little detail of what has happened, you will have to be carefully supervised twenty four seven. Also, if you say anything about what has happened to anyone, we will have to..." He coughs. " 'make you disappear'." Christian eyes grow as he finishes his sentence. He would rather have his memory wiped!

"Okay... And the alternative?" Christian asks, hoping that it won't be worse then the first option.

"Option B is that you will have to become the ambassador that we were referring to. However, knowing your hatred of these ponies, we don't think you will..."

"Done." Christian says happily. The Director scratches his head.

"Pardon me?"

"You want me to become the ambassador to Equestria?! That's... That's awesome! I would love to help these girls out!" Christian was beaming with happiness at the moment. The Director continued to be confused. All of his agents said that Christian hated these ponies, John included!

"I'm still confused. Don't you hate these ponies?" He asks. Christian nods his head with a smirk.

"Well, not as much as I used to. I mean, they helped me in a horrible situation. So, I decided to return the favor. And it was well worth it! Besides, hanging out with them is actually a lot of fun!" The Director laughs a bit as Christian finishes. Maybe their was much more to this kid than he thought.

"Alright then. Now, as ambassador, not only will relay information for planet to planet; but you will also have to come here everyday, just to check in on the princesses."

"And because it's fun?" Christian asks. The Director laughs.

"That too. Also, you will also need some special authorization..." He pulls out a small black item. Christian eyes the object. It looked like a wallet. "Agent..." He hands over the black item. Christian slowly takes it from The Director. He opens up the leather envelope to reveal a golden FBI badge. Christian is struck with awe. He even finds it difficult to put together his words.

"Special Agent... CIA? What the heck? I thought you guys were the FBI!" He shouts in confusion. The Director laughs.

"Christian, you are much too young to have your full name as your title. That is why we used your initials."

"Ohhhhhh. Well, that won't be confusing." He tucks his new badge into his right pocket. Suddenly, he feels something else in his pocket. It felt charred. Christian sighs after he realizes what it was. He glances over to Twilight, who was happily talking to her friends. "Umm, excuse me, but I need to talk to Twitlight again." The Director nods.

"That's perfectly fine, Christian. After all, you should tell them about your new job." Christian goes to run off, before stopping in his tracks. He looks down on his wrist and realizes that he still had the crossbow on.

"Oh, forgot about this. I'm pretty sure you want this back." Christian takes off the bow and offers it to The Director. He shoves it away.

"No, keep it. Consider it a gift from us for your new occupation." Christian nods with thanks and proceeds to put the crossbow back onto his left wrist.

"What about my hang glider?" Christian asks curiously.

"If you don't mind Christian, we would like to 'upgrade' your hang glider. It is broken anyway." Christian nods happily. He looks over to the princesses and sighs.

"Well, I guess this means you two are my new bosses!" He says. Celestia and Luna laugh.

"I guess that means you are our new guard!" Celestia says. Christian returns the laugh.

"I guess so!" He smiles. He can't believe this was all happening! Becoming an ambassador... for alien ponies and humans?! His father would be so proud of him! And his mother... Christian suddenly stops and thinks: He was part of a secret organization now. Could he tell his mother? "Wait a sec, what about my family? Won't they have to know everything?" John sidesteps behind The Director after overhearing the last bit of the conversation.

"I'll tell you mother, Christian. I bet she'll be thrilled about it!"

"But, what about Lily and Crystal?" John scratches his head.

"Umm... Well... Maybe after you can secure yourself here."

"Gotcha." Christian answers. He starts off toward the Six again.

"You start tomorrow, Christian." The Director signals an agent over on the far left. Instantaneously, a portal opens behind him. Before he walks through, he turns back toward Christian. "Oh, and by the way, you did a good job Christian. I hope to see more good work out of you in the future." And with that, he disappears back to Earth, leaving Christian and John behind.

"Wait, how am I supposed to get here without taking out a suspicious black orb?" John kneels down to Christian's ear.

"I had some engineers remodel underneath your basement. They will put in a portal gate, like the one in The Pentagon. You can use it just in case the orb breaks or you need to get to Equestria from your house." He whispers. Christian can't believe what he is hearing.

"Isn't that a bit cliche?" He asks. John frowns.

"So you don't want a portal gate in the house?" Christian clenches his teeth in fear.

"No! No! It's fine! Really!" He sighs. "I'll go talk with Twitlight now." John laughs. Christian was just fooling around with his emotions. I bet he was just flustered at everything that has just happened.

"Christian it's fine!" Christian looks at his uncle with a very uneasy frown. "Look, I know these past few days have been... crazy. But, you'll be fine! We have seen you in action, and you can definitely handle yourself." He puts a hand on Christian's shoulder and smiles. "You'll do fine kiddo, I know it." Christian smiles back.

"Thanks Uncle John." John gets up and starts off toward the portal. Christian grabs his arm as he leaves. "By the way, I get paid well for this right?" John laughs. Greed was never good, but I don't think his nephew cared.

"Very well." John says happily. Christian's grin becomes bigger.

"Cool." John continues toward the portal and stops short.

"Now to explain everything to your mother." He sighs in distress. "Oh boy. Wish me luck!" He shouts as he heads back to Earth. Christian waves off his uncle with a huge grin.

"Luck!" The portal closes and Christian looks back toward the group of six laughing ponies. With a happy and exhausted sigh he casually walks over to Twilight. Twilight doesn't bother to realize that he is right behind her. Christian rolls his eyes in aggravation.

"Ahem!" Twilight jumps at the sound before turning around slowly. The others quickly look up to see a very agitated Christian tapping his foot. "Hello Twitty!" Twilight gulps.

"C-Christian?! What are you still doing here?!" Christian gains a malicious smile.

"Well, I'm gonna have to stick around If I want to keep my new job!" The six ponies eye each other curiously. They simply thought that Christian would get his mind erased! What was this about a new job?

"New job?" Twilight asks curiously. "What new job?"

"Well, your princesses and my government will be making a few deals and treaties soon, and they need someone to visit daily." Christian starts to pace back and forth as he explains everything. "You know, to check up on everything, hang out with you girls, fight off evil, that sort of thing." Twilight tries to think of what Christian is referring to. The others are completely lost. Dash shows this by pounding her head with her hooves for an answer.

"I don't get it." She says annoyed. Christian shakes his head. They were absolutely clueless.

"I'm your new ambassador." The girls' jaws dropped in shock and awe. They couldn't believe their new ambassador was a human... Well, sort of.

"It does make sense that you would get a high position like that Christian, you know, considering everything that has happened." Rarity points out. Christian nods in agreement.

"And..." Christian adds as he pulls out the black book and flips open to his golden badge. It shined in the sunlight, which made it rather tough to read.

"What does it say?" Applejack asks.

"This says i'm now a certified FBI Special Agent under the codename: CIA." The group gave each other odd looks.

"I thought you said it was for the FBI?!" Pinkie asks. Christian sighs heavily.

"It is! CIA stands for Christian Icarus Average! They are using my initials!" Everypony "Ohhhh's" in realization, making Christian facepalm in the process. "Seriously?!" He shouts frustrated.

"Sorry Christian, we didn't know that was your full name." Twilight says apologetic.

"It's fine." He says aggravated. Pinkie meanwhile, is jumping for joy.

"YAY! Now you can always hang out with us!" Christian nods with the pink pony.

"That's the plan!" He nudges Pinkie playfully. Pinkie laughs as a response, followed by the others. As they are laughing together, Christian quietly pulls aside Twilight. Twilight becomes extremely nervous, as she knew it was probably about Christian wanting a few pics in early. "Umm... Twilight, can I cash in one of those favors early? It's kinda important." Twilight lets out a very aggravated sigh.

"Fine, meet me in the dungeon." Christian shakes his head.

"No. A different favor..." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the burned up head of Twilight he gave to Lily the day before. Twilight jumps at the sight. She growls in anger at Christian, but then realizes the sad look on his face. Twilight immediately feels sorry. She forgot that he probably did this before he came here. "Can you restore it?" He asks hopefully. Using her magic, Twilight lifts up the destroyed portion of the figurine part and inspects the damage. It looked beyond repair, considering that the rest of the body was gone. Twilight smiled.

"Nothing a little magic can't solve...".

Author's Note:

Next time, Christian will return home and it will be the last chapter!