• Published 2nd Jun 2013
  • 4,502 Views, 142 Comments

When Worlds Collide - Chris-Cross13

Christian, a simple anti-brony on Earth, is about to discover that Equestria isn't fake after all, much to his dismay.

  • ...

The Final Countdown

Chrysalis looked at the group of intruders and smirked evilly. Christian glared at her apprehensively and clenched his fists as he positioned himself into a intimidating stance. The Mane Six behind him broke out of their scared group hug and got into fighting stances as well. Celestia and Luna stood next to the ticked-off human, also eyeing the evil queen. Chrysalis snickered at their pathetic attempts to try and frighten her and her army.

"Ohh, how adorable! You think you nine stand a chance against my changeling army? Mmmhmm! That's a good laugh!" She laughs triumphantly as the changelings start to close in on the group. Christian gives the queen a wicked smile.

"Wow, you really ARE stupid!" Chrysalis stops laughing and raises a hoof up, commanding her army to stop closing in. She dawns an angry frown as she encircles the smug human.

"What are you saying?!" She demands.

"I'm saying that you aren't the smartest villain are you? It's like you WANT to be defeated!" Twilight creeps up behind Christian as he backtalks.

"Christian!? What are you doing!?" She whispers behind the human. Christian turns his head slightly to address her.

"Don't worry, just stick to the plan!" He whispers back. Chrysalis stomps her hoof in annoyance. This human had quite the mouth.

"Quit whispering! Tell me Christian, how will I be defeated? I have all of you surrounded by five hundred of my fellow changelings, not including myself! You don't stand a chance with the princess's sad excuse for magic and that worthless gauntlet of yours!" Christian gained an agitated frown.

"It's a crossbow, first of all. Second, you have no idea what I have been up to, have you?" Chrysalis eyes grow wide, but then suddenly shrink back down to their original size. She starts to snicker quietly under a raised hoof. Christian eyes her curiously. She knew something.

"Oh Christian, you are very naive. Do you think I don't know of the giant bomb in the center of Ponyville?" Chrysalis asks. Christian bit his lip nervously.

"Aww, snap." He responds. Chrysalis laughs at his realization.

"That's right Christian! I know all about your government's little trek to Ponyville: The bomb, saving the citizens, blah, blah, blah! But, I never could have suspected that you, of all of the people on Earth, would come back and rescue the ponies that you've known to hate and loathe!" Christian smirked at her comment. "Tell me, why did you decide to return? Oh and please hurry; you only have about thirteen minutes before that bomb goes off, and while I would love to see you all destroyed, I would rather not be in the way." Christian proceeds to separate himself from the group and start to pace back and forth in front of the curious fiend.

"Before I answer anything, I have a few things to say; One: The bomb won't destroy us, it will turn us all into stone statues."

"Tomatoes, Toma-toes." Chrysalis says as she rolls her eyes. "Continue."

"Two: The reason I came back was so I could be human once more. Celestia was able to reverse the curse you put on me... sort of."

"What do you mean 'sort of'?" Chrysalis cuts of Christian. The question makes him start to sweat and quiver. However, Christian keeps his wits with him and smiles a bit.

"I'm not just a regular human anymore. The spell Celestia used on me has made my human DNA fuse with that of my pony DNA. I am now half human, half pony, and all for protecting these ponies from you!" He points behind him to the town below. As he is doing this, he starts to turn himself and the entire group around to the point that Twilight's plot starts touching the stained glass window behind her. She glances behind her to see how high up they were. The entire group grows nervous, in fear of falling a few stories. Twilight tries to interrupt the defensive human.

"Umm, Christian? Hello? Can you be a little careful..." Christian turns around a winks. Twilight grows confused.

"Just stick to the plan." He whispers. Celestia nods and gets down onto her hooves. Twilight quickly remembers Christian's aerial escape plan and scrambles onto Celestia's back. Rarity hops aboard soon after. Luna does the same as her sister, letting Applejack and Pinkie get on her back. Fluttershy and Dash stood next to each other, getting ready to fly. Twilight smiled at his ingenious distraction. But one question remained: Where were they flying from? There was no exit. "And three:" Christian continued to Chrysalis. "How did you know of my government coming here?" Chrysalis smirks.

"It was quite simple Christian. After I realized that the other portal device was missing, I had my changelings search the area. One came back claiming that he say some figures sneaking out of some of the houses. After staking out the town for a bit, we saw the humans taking ponies out of houses and through another portal. I'm assuming the portal device YOU gave them!" She pushes Christian on the nose with her hoof. Christian slaps it away.

"No, it was a new one they developed. My planet isn't as stupid as you think!"

"Mmhmm." She laughs to herself. "I'm sure. Now, this little talk has been fun, but now I think it's time for you to be stones. Changelings! Get them!" The changelings zip toward the group. Christian smiles happily, as if taunting them to move faster. Know he can't back up any further he looks back to see that the ponies have a fearful expression. The changelings were getting close and there was no way out.

"Uhh, Christian!?" Celestia screams. Christian returns with a smile.

"Just stick to the plan!" He repeats. He faces Chrysalis who was laughing maniacally. "Hey Chrissy! You forgot one thing about us humans!" He shouts with a smirk.

"And what's that?" Chrysalis asks nonchalantly. The human couldn't do anything. If anything, he was bluffing.

"We take huge risks!" He turns toward the girls. "JUMP!" He runs right through the group of ponies and body checks the yellow stained glass window behind him. The glass shatters instantly, making the human plummet below the cloud layer under the castle's cliff. Chrysalis and her changelings stop their onslaught to comprehend what just happened. The human jumped, just jumped, to his demise hundreds of feet below. Not a scream, not a murmur was heard. It was as if he surrendered to his fate, but didn't want to go out as Chrysalis's stone trophy.

"CHRISTIAN!" Celestia's group shouts as they look over the edge of the window. Nothing was there. Only a few shards of yellow glass could be seen glistening in the soft rising sunlight before falling below the clouds. Twilight became a bit misty eyed. Christian just saved them, and then he pulled a stupid stunt like that. The changelings were doing double takes and looking at each other wondering if that just really happened. Chrysalis was also wide eyed and confused, but quickly shook off the look.

"Well, that happened." She looks over the broken window and smiles. "Pfft, I knew the human was weak." She turns away and starts to walk toward the castle's front doors. Celestia's group still sat there, quivering with sorrow. Chrysalis rolls her eyes and sighs. It was time to move on with her escape plan, and these sniveling, sobbing ponies were starting to annoy her. "Changelings, take Celestia and the others back to their cell and..."

"WAHOO!" A voice was heard from outside the window. Chrysalis freezes in her tracks. She knows she heard something. She rushes back to the window and looks back down to the clouds. Nothing is seen.

"Well, that was odd. But I could have sworn I..." Suddenly, something soars up from the clouds and smashes into Chrysalis's face, sending her flying back and onto the floor, knocking her out cold in the process. The group looks toward the mysterious object to see a black triangle flying in the sky. The group follows the object as it starts to fly in circles.

"What is that?" Dash asks. The object flips over to reveal the underside, showing Christian hanging on.

"Hey girls! I said jump, didn't you listen?" He shouts. The girls smile. He wasn't gone after all!

"Christian?! But how?" Twilight shouts. Christian points to the triangle on his back.

"Hang glider. Borrowed it from a guard back on Earth!"

"Like the crossbow?" Twilight yells back.

"Pretty much! Now c'mon! We only have ten minutes until that bomb goes off!" Christian starts to dip toward the town below. The group looks down to see how high they were.

"Uhh Dash, this seems a little..." Fluttershy tries to say something, but Dash hops right off the castle and soars right next to Christian.

"Aww yea! Now this is fun! Haven't flown like this in ages!" Dash does a corkscrew to show her excitement. The princesses above proceed to jump off and fly away as well, catching up to the flying human in seconds.

"Wow Christian! That was a risky move back there!" Celestia yells.

"Not really!" He shouts back. "I had it planned all along! I knew Chrysalis would figure out everything, it just took keen timing and a quick distraction to make my move!" Celestia nods.

"It was very well thought out, Christian!" She comments.

"So that's what was on your back?" Rarity shouts from the other side of the alicorn. Up until now, she was too scared of falling to speak.

"Yup!" Christian responds. "Umm, are you ok Rarity? You're looking a bit... green." Rarity looked as sick as a dog. Her tongue was flapping in the wind, and her eyes were teary and red.

"No, no. I'm fine. I'm just a bit airsick is all." She heaved a bit, making her cheeks bulge out before she swallowed. Christian gagged at the sight. A queasy pony wasn't going to fun to try and transport.

"You better not hurl, Rarity. I don't think my government is going to like having foreign germs all over the place. We might get some weird pony virus or something." Rarity nods sickly.

"I'll try not to... Ugh!" She heaves again. Christian groans in frustration.

"Hang on! Everyone land for a second!" Christian and the group dives below the cloud layer. The pegasi land in an open clearing a few miles from town. Rarity falls off of Celestia's back, all wobbly like. Christian remains in the air as he can't fly without a huge drop or some air lift. He starts circling the group to maintain the little lift he has. "Dash, you'll have to carry Rarity." Dash looks at the flying human confused.

"What? I don't want Rarity getting sick on my back! Besides, I already have Fluttershy!" Christian rolls his eyes. He loads a dart into the crossbow on his arm.

"Relax Dash, i'm going to tranq Rarity so she can sleep and won't get sick. What you're going to do is get Rarity to the portal ASAP. Fluttershy can fly solo in order to balance everything out." A click is heard from his wrist. The dart was ready. Christian only shot the bow once, and with him constantly moving, it was going to be a tough shot.

"Well, where is the portal?" Dash asks as Fluttershy floats off of her back.

"Just outside town. Can't miss it." He steadies his aim for Rarity, who was lying on her stomach in the grass. With a quick flick of the wrist, the metal dart rockets out of the bow. It slices through the air, meeting up with it's intended target: Rarity's cutie mark. Rarity eyes bolt awake at the pinch, but then quickly fall as the tranquilizer takes effect. In moments, she is sound asleep. Applejack takes Rarity's tired body and flops it onto Dash's back. "While you're at it, tell my uncle the rest of us are on the way!" Christian shouts from above. Dash nods and then like a rocket, she bursts out of the clearing with Rarity in tow.

Back on Earth, John looks toward the portal for any sign of his nephew. He sighs in distress. It's almost time for the detonation of the bomb. John got up from his seat and started to pace back and forth. One of his fellow agents comes up to him.

"John face it, there is only eight minutes until that bomb goes off. He isn't going to make it. We must close the portal." John starts laughing a little.

"Oh, don't doubt my nephew. He'll make it."

"John, there's not a chance he'll..." A blue streak flies out of the portal, past the two men and into the wall behind them, cutting off the agent from his sentence. The two men look at each other. John smiles.

"Told you." He runs over to the crash victims to help them up.

"Hey, this pony doesn't look like your nephew!" The agent shouts.

"Ponies, agent. There's two of them." John was correct. One pony was a blue pegasus who was rubbing her head in pain.

"You couldn't make a softer wall to hit!" She complains. The other pony was completely out cold. But it wasn't from the crash, John knew it wasn't. Because on her diamond cutie mark was a small metal bolt... from a crossbow. John smiles.

"Christian sent you, didn't he?" John asks the conscious blue pegasus. She nods.

"Yea, he said he's coming soon with the others and to keep the portal open. Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go nap in a vacant bed. After hitting that wall, my head feels like a truck hit it." The pegasus said as she sauntered off. John smiled at the disbelieving agent.

"Told you." John says happily. The agent crosses his arms and sighs.

"You really think he'll make it?"

"It's my nephew. He'll do anything to make it out."

Meanwhile, back at the castle. Chrysalis wakes up after being knocked out by the sudden flying human. She gets up into a sitting position to see a few of her changelings trying to comfort her, and the rest flying around aimlessly and slacking off. She is utterly disgusted. The human had escaped with her prisoners and was about to go back to Earth, while they would be stuck here... as statues!

"WHAT ARE YOU CHANGELINGS DOING?!" Chrysalis yells. The changelings all stare at her like she's an alien from another planet. Chrysalis grits her teeth in anger. "The prisoners are getting away you dimwits! GET THEM!" The changelings comply and swarm out of the broken window toward the escapees. The ponies were back in the air, the flight was going a lot smoother and calmer since Rarity was flown off. Christian looked behind him, assured that nothing was going to get in their way.

"Oh boy..." He looks down at the ponies under him. "Uhh, girls. We've got company!" The swarm of changelings quickly start to fill the orange sky. They start to surround the group, hoping to trap them so they don't go any further. Christian glances at the timer. Only five more minutes remained, and they were only halfway there. "Girls! Any magic yet?!" Celestia, Twilight, and Luna shake their heads in grief. "Alright then. Time for some evasive maneuvers! Go down and left!" Christian swoops in his given directions, evading the mass of changelings by ducking underneath them. The changelings counter by following them down. "Ahh shoot!" Christian yells. These changelings weren't as stupid as their leader. "Keep dodging and swerving!" The group's exit path soon became a bunch of erratic movements. Chrysalis comes up behind her army, disappointed because they didn't catch them yet.

"Don't just fly after them idiots! Blast them out of the sky!"

"Yessssssssssss Queen Chrysalissssssssssss!" The changelings reply. Christian wipes his head in relief. As long as they kept dodging, they would make it out okay.

"Alright, as long as nothing else happens, we should be..." A sudden green blast of magic nearly misses Christian's head. He looks behind him to see a bunch of changeling horns lit up bright green. He groans in aggravation. "Oh, give me a break!" He shouts. In seconds, hundreds of vibrant green blasts of magic start flying past them. The group start dodging more erratically in order to avoid the oncoming fire. One of the bursts hits Celestia's right wing.

"AHH!" Celestia plummets out of the sky. Christian quickly sees the falling princess and dives after her. However, Christian sets himself up to get hit with another blast, making a rather big hole in his hang glider.

"Dang it!' He shouts as he starts falling to the ground as well. Luna was still in the air and looks toward her crashed sister. She halts in mid-air.

"TIA!" She races down to aid her sister, leaving Fluttershy the only pegasi in the air. Christian looks up from his crash site in a daze to see a scared yellow pegasi. Christian leans up on his arm.

"Fluttershy... GO!... FLY!" She complies and races away faster than she has ever flown. Christian looks toward the escaping pony and toward the direction she was flying in. The portal was only a mile or so away. We might be able to still make it! Christian thinks to himself. He looks at the conditions of the others. Luna was perfectly fine, as were AJ and Pinkie. But as for Celestia, her right wing was in no condition for flying. Christian himself was alright aside from a few scrapes and bruises, but his hang glider had a giant hole in it. He kneels to get up and brushes some of the dirt off of himself. Celestia gets up into a semi-standing position, and Luna was in an intimidating stance, ready to fight. The changelings hover in front of the crashed group. Chrysalis lands in front of Christian, who growled at her in response. One changeling looks over at the escaping Fluttershy.

"Should we go after her Queen Chryslaissssssssssss?" He asks. Chrysalis shakes her head.

"Nah, Let her go. I want her to see her friends becoming nothing but mere statues!"

John and some other agents are looking out of the portal. After Dash said that Christian and the others were arriving shortly, they expected Christian to be here by now. Instead, they got a great look at Chrysalis and her changelings confronting Christian and the rest of the escapees.

"Oh no! Christian!" John shouts in agony. His nephew only had two more minutes, and with Chrysalis in the way, it seemed hopeless. Dash quickly zipped over from her bed after hearing the terrified human. When she saw the mass of changelings, she became furious.

"I'm not gonna let a bunch of bugs trap my friends, the princesses, and the human who saved us! I'm going after them!" She was about to fly out when John steps in the way.

"Dash, they're over a mile away. You'll never save all of them in time!" Dash thought for a second. Sure, she was fast. But was she fast enough to lug two alicorns, one being injured, to a portal a mile away that quickly? John was right, she would only end up a statue. Just then, the flapping of wings could be heard. A few seconds later, a yellow pegasus flies in, panting and sweating wildly. She collapses to the floor, almost completely out of breath.

"Fluttershy?! What happened?" Dash asks.

"Christian... told me... to fly... So... I did."

"Who's left?" Dash asks nervously.

"The Princesses... Applejack... Pinkie... Twilight... and Christian." John and Dash both give a sentimental look toward each other.

"How much more time?" Dash asks. John glances over at the timer and shakes his head.

"Not enough. Only a minute thirty is left." Dash gasps quietly. Her friends were about to become history. But to heck with that! She didn't care if she got turned to stone either! She knew she couldn't save everyone, but she was going to help as much as she could.

"You better keep this portal open for them!" She yells at the agents. One of the scientists comes over to her.

"Not to burst your bubble, but if don't close it now, the..." Dash grabs the scientist by his collar and heaves him up into the air.

"Listen here egghead! They'll make it! I know they will! If you so much as glance at that button to close the portal, I'll make sure that you will regret every second of it!" She tugs even harder on his collar. "Got it?!" The scientist nods wildly. Dash drops him painfully and glances over to the group of lab coat men on the other side. "Same goes for you eggheads too!" The scientist all nod, agreeing with the pegasi completely. Dash flies back over to John. "Do... Do you think they'll make it?" John couldn't say for sure. He shakes his head.

"Heck if I know. But it will be close."

Back at the crash site. Christian finally manages to get up into a slightly crooked standing position. His right leg hurt a bit from the landing, but it was nothing compared to Celestia's wing. He looks over to see her groaning and moaning every time she moves it. Christian knew it was broken and that she couldn't fly. Luna and Twilight were trying their best to comfort her, but she was still in a lot of pain. Chrysalis, meanwhile, was laughing her plot off.

"Well! I love it when a story ends happily! You're all doomed and Celestia's hurt to boot! I mean sure, i'll be stuck here too, but oh well, that's the price I have to pay for quality work!" She laughed again. Christian glanced back at the timer. Only one minute left. Christian needed to think quickly. He knew Celestia can't fly, but maybe they didn't have to fly...

"Celestia, can you still spread both of your wings?" Christian asks. Celestia painfully spreads both of her wings like she was ready to fly.

"It hurts a little, but I can. Why?" Celestia asks. Christian smiled a little. Oh, he had a plan. Another plan that Chrysalis would miss by a mile!

"Just keep your wings spread." He says quietly. "Twilight, you get back onto Celestia. Just watch her right wing." Twilight nods and mounts Celestia onto her left side. "Luna, spread your wings as well. And girls, hang on tight!" Chrysalis notices the human's odd behavior. She immediately reacts.

"What are you doing now Christian?" She asks. Christian doesn't respond. Instead, he straightens out his hang glider on his back and makes sure the wings are out like the others. Chrysalis laughs again, making Christian roll his eyes. Does she ever take a breather?

"Seriously, what ARE you morons doing? Spreading your wings like butterflies to scare me off?" Christian is the one who laughs this time. He shakes his head.

"No, we're escaping." Thirty seconds left. Twilight looks at Celestia. They shared the look of fear as the timer continued to tick. Luna was still glaring at Chrysalis. She didn't care if they couldn't make it, at least Chrysalis would be stuck here too! Chrysalis approaches the human. He was so sure of himself that this will work, they just needed to stall a few more seconds.

"Escape? HA! Christian, I don't know if you're aware, but behind me are five hundred changelings that..."

"Will completely destroy you. Blah, blah, blah. You said this before!" Chrysalis growls at the human and then as quickly as she did, trotted backwards to her army behind her.

"Go ahead and make me mad Christian, it doesn't affect me. Because in ten seconds, you'll be gone!" She laughs again, making Christian cringe at her annoying laugh. But he himself started to laugh, because Chrysalis still had no clue what they were up to. Chrysalis stopped laughing and addressed the human. "Why are you laughing?" She asks apprehensively. Christian looks up a her with a big smirk.

"I'm laughing because you'll be the stupidest statue ever created!" The timer beeps very rapidly. The countdown was over. After a few seconds, a small noise is heard behind the changelings, followed by a giant shock wave of sheer energy. The shockwave throws Chrysalis right off of her hooves and the changelings all crash to the ground. Chrysalis braces herself as the powerful winds fly by her. She looks up to see how her prisoners are fairing...

...But they were long gone. Christian remembered that the shockwave would come first. He just needed to stall Chrysalis long enough to make sure that her little army didn't completely surround them. The moment the shockwave hit the group, their spread wings made them fly right off of the ground and into the air. Even with a huge hole in his hang glider, Christian managed to take off and fly haphazardly. He smiled at the ponies who were flying next to him. Celestia looked the most happy. Any amount of pain that she was experiencing was now long gone. Back on the ground, Chrysalis manages to catch a glimpse of the group's getaway. She pounds her forehoof in the dirt.

"They won't get away so easily!" She shouts as she is also lifted off the ground by the last bit of the shockwave, leaving her changelings behind to be turned to stone. Meanwhile, Christian's group was nearing the portal quicker than they thought. Luna had already past the two of them, as she could still fly. John and Dash quickly dive out of the way so Luna could zoom in with her ponies in tow.

"Hiya Dash!" Pinkie exclaims happily as she flies past and into the same wall that Dash had crashed into earlier. Luna rubs her head in pain, but AJ and Pinkie come out unharmed.

"I know! It's a hard wall, right?" Dash yells to Luna.

Celestia and Christian meanwhile, were still hundreds of feet away. Celestia was a little bit ahead of Christian, leading the two of them closer to their destination.

"We're gonna make it!" Christian yells. Suddenly and seemingly out of no where, a blast of green hits Celestia's other wing. Celestia gets rocketed forward and starts to fall out of the sky again. Christian looks up to see the insect queen once again. She said nothing, but was already preparing a spell for Christian. Down toward the ground, Celestia manages to bounce and slide her way into the portal. As quickly as possible, medics appear on the scene to aid the handicapped princess. Celestia looked up on her back to see humans trying to aid her. But she quickly realizes the more pressing matter. She rockets up into a sitting position and screams:

'Where's Twilight?!"

A scream is heard as Christian nears the portal. A very familiar sounding scream. He glances over to see Twilight plummeting to the ground. The blast Chrysalis used to hit Celestia managed to throw Twilight off of her back and up into the air for a few seconds, before she started to fall back down to the ground. Christian watches as she falls in front of him. The pony he hated the most was about to meet a terrible fate. Twilight herself kept screaming as she fell hundreds of feet toward the hard ground below. This is how it was going to end for me. She thought to herself. It wouldn't be the statue bomb or Chrysalis. No, it would be falling to my untimely demise. She braced herself as the ground caught up to her...

But then, she feels a sharp tug on her neck. She opens her eyes to see her body flying just inches away from the ground. What happened? Was this her magic? She wasn't feeling any magical withdrawal from her horn. Twilight became very confused at her current condition. That is, until a certain someone spoke up.

"Gotcha!" Twilight looks up to see Christian, who grabbed her at the last moment before she hit the ground. Twilight couldn't believe what she was seeing. The human who hated her, the human who despised her, the human who would love to see her become nothing but forgotten, just saved her life. Twilight smiled at the human savior, who in return smiled back. They both soared into the portal with Chrysalis still racing after them. Quickly, Christian turned around in mid-exit toward the portal and fired off a single bolt before landing in a comfortable pile of pillows where the back wall used to be. The bolt flew toward the portal's off button and hit it dead center. The reactors used to stabilize the portal shutdown immediately. The portal itself dissipates, leaving Chrysalis back in Equestria.

"NO!" She exclaims as she flies past where the portal used to be and into a tree in front of her. She falls out of the branches just in time to see a huge translucent dome of gray envelop the town. Chrysalis goes to shield her eyes before she realizes that she can't move her fore hooves. She looks down to see that all of her hooves had turned into stone. She looks up to the sky as the bomb works its magic, turning the rest of her body into a rock. But not until she utters her last words:


Back on Earth, Christian is still lying in the pile of pillows. He was exhausted. Saving two planets isn't what it's all cracked up to be. Twilight pops her head out from the pile and looks at the human.

"Christian... you... saved my life." She says quietly. Christian nods, tired but with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Yea, I did. Don't mention it." He looks up toward the group of ponies that was surrounding him. "Alright, we made it, yay! Good work girls! Let's just not go to work tomorrow. Let's just take a day off after this. I need a nap."

"We're not done yet Christian." His uncle interrupts. "According to these scanners, the bomb's effects just wore off. We need to get every citizen back to Ponyville and back into their houses before they all wake up in..." John checks his watch. "Thirty minutes!" Christian lifts his head up to see the mass of sleeping ponies. He glances at the girls and smiles.

"Who's up for some heavy lifting?"

Author's Note:

A bunch of references here! Name all of them and get a cookie!