• Published 2nd Jun 2013
  • 4,508 Views, 142 Comments

When Worlds Collide - Chris-Cross13

Christian, a simple anti-brony on Earth, is about to discover that Equestria isn't fake after all, much to his dismay.

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An Anti-Brony's Worst Nightmare

Christian awoke, dazed and confused as he opened his eyes. For a few seconds, all was blurry. He couldn't see where he was exactly, but he felt the soft blanket under him. He was in a bed, but it didn't feel right. The blankets under and over him felt alien to his body. Was it really all some twisted nightmare? He thought to himself. When his vision finally cleared, he sat up and shook his head, which felt a little strange, but he simply shrugged it off as being light headed. He looked around to see that he was in his room, at least, that's what it looked like. The blue walls were the first sign of comfort. He looked to his side to see his desk to his right and mirror and drawers to his left. The strange thing though; was that his TV, Gamestation 3, and laptop were all missing.

"Hmm, ok, were the hay is all my stuff?" He said to himself. He quickly became confused by his word choice. "What the hay? Hay! HAYYYYYYYY! The buck is this?!" He quickly covered his mouth. Why can't I curse? He thought. He raised a brow at this odd situation, which became weirder when he saw what was covering his mouth. He looked down to see two light orange hooves in place of his hands and arms. He gasped quietly, staring at them. He flipped over the blankets to see that he wasn't wearing any clothes, but instead, the lean body of a pony took it's place. He looked up, worried and scared as he got out of bed and ran to his mirror, which was quite tough as he was walking on two hooves. He looked right into the mirror to see the muzzle of a pony look back. His blonde hair was replaced with a mane and a blonde tail was behind him as well. and his green eyes were way bigger than he remembered. "No..." Christian said to himself. He slowly picked up one of his hooves and pressed it against the mirror. Christian was shocked; that pony in the mirror really WAS him!

"Hey! I think I hear some noise upstairs!" A voice shouted from below. Christian quickly looked toward the door. He could faintly hear the hoofsteps of some ponies walking up the stairs towards him. Christian panicked as thoughts and ideas quickly raced through his mind. As a last resort, He quickly jumped back into the bed and threw the covers over his body. He started snoring nervously just as the door opened. He started to sweat as the guests surrounded his bed. He then felt a slight jab to his side.

"I think you were hearing things Pinkie." A cocky sounding voice said. "He's still sleeping like a filly."

"No!" A peppy voice answered. "I heard something! I know he's awake!" Christian's eyes shot opened as he felt some mass start jumping on top of the bed wildly, tossing and mashing his body under the blankets. The jumping got progressively faster with each passing second. As Christian was churned by the jumper, he wondered why the others weren't interfering. Suddenly, on a high jump, the stranger landed directly on his stomach, making Christian groan in pain. He rapidly threw off the covers, with whatever it was that was jumping on him to the wall.

"KNOCK IT OFF!" Christian screamed, painting with anger. He turned to his bedside to see that it was The Mane Six, except for Pinkie, whose head popped out of the pile of blankets on the floor. She skipped out and joined the others.

"See? Told ya he was up!" She said matter of factly.

Christian's mind went through many options at that moment. He wanted to ring everyone of those stupid pony's necks. But instead, he was able to build a sentence under his anger.

"What have you done to me?" He said sternly. "Answer me now, or I swear on Celestia that you'll all wake up with one less hoof."

"Geez, aren't you violent." Dash said mockingly. "I guess the spell didn't change your attitude at all."

"Spell?!" Christian said. "Your stupid magic turned me into a bucking pony?!" He got out of the bed and cantered around the room. "My hands? GONE! My clothes? VANISHED! My necklace?..." Christian froze for a moment and looked down toward his neck. Sure enough, his necklace wasn't there. "My necklace..." He repeated. Christian grew wide-eyed. He was missing his most prized object in the world: a golden guitar pick hanging on a black chain. That necklace was like a symbol for him, he felt that it emphasized his look. It also reminded him of his father, whom he rarely saw. He actually got that necklace from his father when he was eight because he was taking up guitar. Without that necklace, he didn't feel complete, like a hollow shell of his former self. Christian furiously looked toward Twilight, who gulped nervously. "Where's my necklace, Twitlight?" He said as he approached her, the others backing out of his way. Twilight stuttered as she tried to form a sentence. This human looked mad, way madder than before. She really felt scared.

"It... It is... It's over there." She said as she lifted one of her wobbly hooves up to the desk to her right. Christian glanced at her as he got out of her face. He walked over to the desk and inspected what was in front of him. Sure enough, he caught a glimmer of gold in the corner. He looked over to see the golden pick dangling of the side of the desk. He smiled wide as he went to pick it up. But without fingers, Christian pounded the chain, causing the necklace to fall to the floor. Aggravated, he leaned down and pick up the chain in his mouth. He brought it in front of Twilight, now snapped out of whatever mood the angry human put him in.

"Puf thif en mi nek!" He said through his clenched teeth.

"What?" Twilight responded.

Christian dropped his necklace on the vanity by the bed. "Put this on my neck!" He shouted, pointing to the necklace.

"Ok, ok, chill out." Twilight's horn glowed lavender. Christian looked over to his necklace, the entire thing glowing the same lavender. She manipulated the necklace to unhook itself. Christian became struck with awe as the necklace magically wrapped around his neck. Twilight's skill with psychokinesis was very intriguing, until Christian felt a sharp pull at his neck. His new pony neck was too big for the necklace, but Twilight didn't want to anger him again, and was trying to make it fit. Christian could no longer speak, coughing and gagging was the only thing he could muster. He stood on his hind hooves as he used his forehooves to grab for his neck.

"I wish I had my fingers back, this royally sucks!" He thought to himself.

"Twilight! Stop! You're choking him!" Fluttershy said loudly. Twilight immediately dropped the necklace to Christian's back hooves. Christian landed on all fours, gasping for breath. He looked down at his necklace as he painted, he noticed that it could fit around his fore hoof. He simply picked up the chain in his mouth and pulled his necklace up his arm. Not bad, he thought.

"Now, before someone else tries to kill me, I want some answers!" Christian shouted. The others simply blinked at him and left out the door. Twilight lagged behind the group.

"Follow us." she said. Christian could see no other answer and followed the group. As Christian left the room, he looked at his surroundings. He was in the same castle that he entered when he first came here. He walked down the carpeted stairs and joined the six in front of a familiar looking throne.

"Well, look who's up and about!" Celestia exclaims. "How are you feeling today Christian?"

"Oh, I feel great! The sun is shining, birds are chirping... How the buck do you think?! I'm a pony for crying out loud!" Christian exclaims as a sharp pain envelops his body. "And to top it off, i'm still sore from your magic!" Celestia rubs the back of her neck nervously.

"Umm, Yea, sorry about that. The spell wasn't meant to hurt you." Celestia answers. "But, this is the perfect way for you to do your community service in Ponyville!"

"Yea, and the only way for you to be human again is to learn to respect us and stuff!" Dash adds. Christian's expression became confused. These ponies were keeping him hostage on their planet until he learns to respect them? Christian shook his head in disagreement.

"This is illegal! I think..." Christian thought for a second. Maybe it wasn't illegal here. No wait, he thought, this was a land of friendship, sunshine, and rainbows! Of course this was illegal! But then again, he thought, if he could last a few days here, he'd be home in no time! Christian then quickly thought about his family. "Wait, what about my family? I bet my mom, Lily, and Crystal are all worried sick right now!"

Celestia laughed. "Don't worry about that Christian, you've only been gone for a few hours. Besides, Twilight made sure to leave a believeable alibi for your family." She turned to Twilight. "Right, Twilight?" Christian turned and cocked a brow at the purple unicorn, who was smiling happily. She left the perfect alibi...

The sun was shining through the window of Christian's room. It reached across his bed and to his mirror, which reflected the light right back to his desk. The alarm clock next to his bed started to buzz loudly. It was 9:30 in the morning. The door to Christian's room opened.

"Honey! Get up! The weather is simply gorgeous out!" She opened her eyes from her morning rant to find that Christian's bed was in array. The blankets looked as if they were tossed about, as they were fixed into a corner of the bed spread. Pillows were all over the place, like he threw them across the room. One of which, must have hit the desk as a mess of objects were sprawled on the floor. His mother pouted. "That kid needs to clean his room once in awhile!" She looked around the bed. "Speaking of which, were is he?" Her attention was cut by the sun shining in her eyes. She turned her attention to the window blinds, which after fumbling around, promptly closed. She looked down at the desk as she finished, eyeing a yellow sticky note. Curious, she picks it up. The writing looked decent, but nothing like Christian's. However, it looked like it was written in a hurry. She read it aloud: "Mom, went to summer camp. Don't know when i'll be back. See you later! - Christian." She stared at the note with one eye opened. After a minute, she shrugs. "Well, I hope he packed enough socks." And with that, she folds the note up and tucks it in her jean pocket. She merrily walks out of the room and closes the door.

Christian, Celestia, and Twilight's friends continue to stare at the lavender unicorn curiously.

"Yup. A good alibi..." she said to herself.

"Anyway..." Celestia continued, "You will first be assigned to Applejack, Christian. She is an earth pony just like you are now."

"She's the orange one right?" Christian asks.

"You betcha!" A western voice rang out from the group. "Howdy Christian! I'm the pony you stuck to the wall, remember?" She said in an angry tone.

"Oh right. Sorry about that." Christian looked at the orange earth pony. Honestly, Christian liked her. He didn't feel annoyed when he saw her. In fact, Christian felt a little wrong when he destroyed her figure. A thought crosses his mind. "Why can't I work with Twitlight?" He asked in a cute manner, as if sucking up to the princess. "I mean, she rarely gets any company in her library, and i've never seen a stallion pay attention to her." He snickered at the unicorn, who actually appeared to be laughing as well. I guess she thought it was that clever. Dash hits Twilight in the ribs, and quickly her mood changes into annoyance. Celestia quickly interferes to prevent another screaming match.

"You're only going to work with earth ponies Christian. You seem to be very... unstable around unicorns and pegasi. The only exception is me and Luna of course. My sister and I could use the extra help."

"Wait, you have a sister?! How come i've never blown her up? Or..." Christian asks, but gets cut off by Celestia as she starts to cast another spell.

"Off to Sweet Apple Acres you two!" The spell flashes around AJ and Christian as they vanish from the castle vicinity. Twilight approaches the area where the human and her friend were.

"Celestia, this seems like a bad idea."

"Nonsense!" Rarity says reassuringly. "Applejack can take care of Christian. If he acts up, all she'll do is show off a little of her strength."

"Yea, and sock him right in the jaw!" Dash exclaims.

"NO!" Celestia screams, the castle echoing over with her voice. "The human is not to be injured under any circumstances. If he is, the pony responsible will be severely punished!"

"Sorry Celestia." Dash murmurs apologetically. "I forgot about..." Dash was about to go on, but shakes her head. "Nevermind, I've got clouds to move!" Dash soars out of castle right through the double doors. Her friends stood there blankly, then quickly following her out. Twilight looks back at Celestia, who nods. Twilight nods back, and as she leaves, cracks a smile.

Author's Note:

Next up: Christian works with Applejack! How will it fare? Find out next week! Also, feel free to leave more feedback, questions, and/or comments!