• Published 2nd Jun 2013
  • 4,502 Views, 142 Comments

When Worlds Collide - Chris-Cross13

Christian, a simple anti-brony on Earth, is about to discover that Equestria isn't fake after all, much to his dismay.

  • ...

The FBI... Am Very Confused

Night had fallen onto Canterlot and Ponyville. Every shop and store was closed tight and most of the citizens were in their beds and off to dreamland. "Celestia" was in her room with a few guards outside to watch the door. Christian was in the room, the pale light of the moon was the only light that shone through his window; dimly lighting himself and his bed. He was still wide-awake, staring at the moon from under his blanket. He lies back and looks up at his ceiling, still thinking about the captured ponies in the dungeon below him; and the fake princess who thought she could use him as a pawn. Christian grits his teeth and looks back outside; The moon still shining brilliantly.

"Surely, she must be asleep by now?" He said as he removed the covers over him and trotted quietly to his door. He puts one of his ears up to it. He vaguely heard the hoof steps of some guards walking from across the hall. He knew there were a few guards by "Celestia's" door, but they were just stupid changelings. Christian sighed, this was the perfect time. "Go time." He said quietly. He slowly manipulated his forehooves around the doorknob and opened his door just wide enough for him to slip his pony body out of his room. He closed his door and looked across the hallway. Two guards were walking away from "Celestia's" room; their horns glowing like flashlights to show their way. Christian started to slowly creep toward the opposite side of the hall. One guard stops momentarily, making Christian freeze in his tracks. Quickly he jumps behind one of the tall marble pillars for a hiding place.

"What's the matter?" The guard beside him asks.

"Did you hear that?" The first guard asks. The other guard looks around.

"No, what is it?" He asks. The guard shines a light toward the pillar where Christian was hiding. Christian started to sweat profusely. The guard walks over the pillar, inspecting it carefully. Christian starts silently praying that they wouldn't find him.

"Quit messing around! C'mon, i'm tired!" The other guard shouts. The first guard is about to look behind the pillar, but listens to his co-worker and walks off. Christian peers out from his hiding place and sighs with relief.

"Thank Celestia!" He shouts quietly. Quickly he looks around. "This 'Thank Celestia' thing better stop when I get back to Earth." He says to himself. He sneaks over to the now unguarded door leading to "Celestia's" room. He slowly opened the door slightly to see the second Celestia getting ready for bed.

"Mmhmmm." She laughs to herself. "That human doesn't suspect a thing! Tomorrow, his training shall begin. I will mold that human slash pony into the strongest human slash pony ever! He will help me dominate all of Equestria! Or my name isn't..." A green aura surrounds the princess. Christian watches in awe, horror, and disgust as the sun princess loses her camouflage and her entire physical appearance is altered. Her white wings turn into the translucent wings of an insect. Her white coat becomes a dark and sick green, full of holes like swiss cheese. Her sparkling rainbow hair and tail turn into a dark blue, also full of holes. "Queen Chrysalis!" she laughs out loud again. Christian turns away momentarily from the door. The Celestia in the dungeon was right! She and The Six are all fakes! He looks at the impostor again. "And maybe, after I take over Equestria..." She walks over to her bedside and reveals a black orb. The same black orb Christian saw Twilight throw at the wall when they kidnapped him. "I might pay Earth a small visit. My ever growing army should be more than ready after this small takeover. And with Christian by my side, we'll be unstoppable!" She puts down the orb on her bed stand and goes around to the other side of her bed. "Ahhh, Celestia's bed has been so comfortable these few months. My sleep has been wonderful ever since I took over! " And with that, she lies down into 'her' bed and falls right to sleep. Christian slips into the room without making a single noise. He tiptoes to the other side of Chrysalis's bed. He stares at the enigmatic orb.

"So this is my ticket home?" He glances back at Chrysalis, still snoring away. He quietly positions both of his forehooves over the device and picks it up. Slowly, he puts it down on the floor. The orb does nothing. Christian pokes it and looks around its exterior. "Now, how am I supposed to work this thing?" Suddenly, a voice emits from the sphere.

"Destination is set to: Earth. Location?" Christian quickly muffles the sphere by lying on top of it. Chrysalis simply stretches one of her forehooves and turns on her side. Christian looks at the queen and rolls her eyes.

"Idiot." He uncovers the sphere. "Voice activation huh? I guess these ponies are more advanced than I thought. But then, why are Ponyville and Canterlot so... not technologically advanced?" He said to himself.

"Location?" The sphere repeated. Christian got close to it.

"Umm..." Christian tried to think of an area of the government that was full of security. Suddenly, he widened his smile. The location of the tightest security, was the location of the area closest to his house! "The Pentagon!" Christian shouted silently. The sphere started beep for a few moments, searching for its user's destined location. Without warning, the sphere quickly split into two at the top, sending out a bright light. Christian shielded his eyes and looked toward Chrysalis, who was still sleeping. "Wow, she is a heavy sleeper." The light fades, revealing the familiar looking vortex. Christian approaches the portal. He knew that after jumping through, their was no going back. He could just abandon these ponies and go back to Earth. But he knew he would still be a pony. He had to help Celestia, Luna, and The Six. He had no choice. "Sweet dreams Chrissy!" He whispers to Chrysalis. He quickly leaps into the colorful portal, the dark orb following him in, closing the vortex. The dim lights dissipate just as Chrysalis wakes up.

"Who what where?" She swiftly looks side to side. she was sure she saw something. She looks to her bed stand. "Huh, the portal device is missing." She lies back down to go back to sleep. "The portal device is missing..." Her brain finally wakes up. She rockets into a sitting position. "THE PORTAL DEVICE IS MISSING?!" Guards rush into the room. They were able to hear the scream from a mile away.

"What's wrong my queen?" A guard asks.

"The portal device is missing!" She shouts as she gets up and looks under her bed and around the stand. Another guard rushes in, completely out of breath.

"My... queen... Christian... is gone!" Chrysalis looks up, angry written on her eyes. The guards huddle together, scared out of their minds. Chrysalis starts to shake violently before letting out an ear piercing scream that is loud enough to wake Celestia sleeping in the dungeon.


"WAHOO!" Christian screams as he flies down the colorful vortex. He was already halfway home. "Alright! Now when I get into The Pentagon; all I got to do is get some help from one of the hundreds of security personnel to help me help a bunch of talking ponies, unicorns, and pegasi; while i'm still a talking pony!" Christian's carefree smile quickly faded. This plan of his had a lot of flaws that he didn't think of right away. He was going to get captured and dissected by every single agent in that building. "Oh, snap. This won't be fun." He says as the exit to the portal looms toward him. He gets tossed out of the vortex at a high velocity, throwing him down at the floor again. Christian, however, braces himself this time and is able to roll across the floor on his landing, landing on his back instead of his face. After getting back up, he looks around. He is surrounded by high tech machines and equipment; the kind that he had no idea what they did. Oddly enough, none of them made any sound. In fact, the entire floor was completely silent. There was also not a single guard around. Christian scrolled his eyes around the five-sided room and they rested on a huge translucent map of Earth. On the bright side, at least he knew the device got him to where he needed to be.

"Huh, maybe this will be easier than I thought." He said as he took his first steps forward. Suddenly, a bright red warning signal started to go off around him. Christian freezes in his tracks. "It's probably nothing!" He says to himself reassuringly. A voice pings over the intercom.


"Figures." Christian says as dozens of armed military and security personnel enter the control room and surround him. They were all wearing body armor some kind, either camo or security guard based. The ones with the security guard armor had sunglasses on. The guards surround him on the ground and some of them appear above him on a steel catwalk, their steps clanging as they marched into position. Christian looks around in fear as each one draws a tranquilizer rifle at him and point their laser sights directly at Christian's neck. Christian does not dare move, in fear of getting blindsided by a dart. After a few moments, a door above him on a catwalk opens. A man shrouded in darkness appears above him on the catwalk.

"Intruder! Put your hands in the..." The man pauses for a second. "Is that a pony?" He says, oddly.

"NO!" Christian shouts at the top of his lungs. The guards look at each other, like this is some kind of joke.

"Did that pony just talk?" One of the guards asks.

"Maybe!" Christian shouts from below. The guards look toward the man in darkness, who seems to give an intrigued expression.

"Interesting." The shadowy man said as he started to pace back and forth across the steel catwalk. "Tell me pony, are you an alien of some kind?" Christian stared at him, confused about what to say next. He knew he was human, but he looked like a pony!

"No?" He said, unsure of himself. "I mean, yes? I mean... I am human, I just look like a pony." Some of the guards started to laugh a little, making Christian frown in anger. The man put his hand up, silencing the few laughing guards.

"Hmm, alright. Explain." The man said. Christian returned his vision to the dozens of guards pointing rifles at him. He started to sweat a little more. He knew that if he slipped up, he would be in for another day-long nap. He took a deep breath and began.

"Well, I was originally on Earth; until the main characters from the show: My Little Pony, came to our planet, kidnapped me, and turned me into a pony." Christian shut his eyes tight, waiting for a dart to hit him. Nothing was heard. He opened an eye to see most of the guards struggling to hold back laughter. The man on the catwalk seemed to be rubbing his chin in confusion.

"And what is your 'human name'?" The man said suddenly. Christian gave the guards a little smirk before answering.

"Christian Average." He said proudly. The guards started to look towards each other again, this time in huddled whispers. The shadowy man didn't say anything, he just left through the door he came in. The guards still had their weapons at the ready, which was getting annoying already because the laser sights were getting in Christian's eyes. After a few agonizing minutes pass the door opened again, this time though the shadowy man appeared with someone else.

"Who? The pony?" The other man said to the dark man. "No, that can't be..." Christian recognized this other man's voice. It wasn't like shadowy man's or a guards. He remembered hearing this voice on several occasions.

"Uncle John? Is that you?" Christian says to the two men up top. The shadowy man's friend walks a bit forward so he could come into Christian's view. Christian's uncle had brown hair with long bangs in the front, resembling his dad's look. He was also a few inches taller than Christian's dad. His attire was different than that of the guards around him: wearing a black suit, tie, and a pair of black sunglasses.

"Christian? No, that can't be my nephew." John said, disbelieving the fact that the pony looked a bit like his nephew. Christian stumbled his words to think of a way to prove it.

"I... Uh... Umm... Wait! Look!" Christian stomps his forehoof a few times, making some of the guards ready their aim on their rifles. After a few powerful hoof stomps, a necklace falls off his leg and to the floor. Christian maneuvers his hoof so he can raise the black necklace. "Remember this?"

John walked down some steps to the left on the catwalk to make his way down. He motioned some guards to move as he got closer to the pony. He knelt down and looked at the necklace. He inspects it thoroughly, spinning around the gold pick and rubbing the black chain. The necklace matched Christian's specifically made necklace that he helped pick out with his brother for Christian's birthday a few years back.

"Well i'll be... It really is you, Christian!" John says quietly. The other guards get confused again. How did a necklace prove anything about a pony being human? John looks at all of the guards aiming their guns and ready to fire. "Lower you weapons." John says to every guard. None of them respond to the demand. "NOW!" John starts yelling at them. The guards quickly point their guns to the ground. John smirks. "That's better." He looks up toward the catwalk again. The shadowy man is still standing there, observing everything that just went on. "It's ok sir, it's just my nephew." He looks toward Christian, who was putting his necklace back on his foreleg. "As weird as that sounds." He kneels to Christian again, who was now looking at John like he was a big shot. "What are you doing here and why are you a pony?" Christian's face scrunched in confusion.

"I should be the one asking you questions. Like: 'Why are you in The Pentagon, ordering soldiers and guards around?'

"Surprise! I work here" John says with jazz hands. Christian laughs a little bit. John always had a good sense of humor. "But seriously, what's with you." He said quickly and in a serious voice.

"I was sent to Equestria because I was kidnapped by some ponies that aren't really ponies but in fact insect-looking ponies." Christian said in a very fast manner. John looked at him blankly.

"...What?" John said, as he had no idea how to respond to that. Christian rolled his eyes. "Ok what, how did these... things, even get you to this 'Equestria'? He said. Christian walked over to a nearby lab table and crawled underneath it. John and some of the soldiers looked at each other oddly as Christian fumbled under the table. Finally, Christian emerged, rolling a black orb with his hoof.

"Here!" Christian rolls the orb to John's feet. John carefully picks up and examines the orb.

"What is this?" He asks.

"It's the portal device the insect-ponies used to get me and that I used to get here. It's voice operated."

"Interesting!" John said as he rolled the sphere around in his hand. He passed it off to one of the soldiers next to him. "Get that down to the lab to analyze it."

"Yes sir!" The agent runs out of the room, sphere in tow. John looks at Christian, who is now smiling.

"Anything else?"

"Yea, Princess Celestia and The Mane Six aren't really them, they're impostors. They captured the real ones, we have to help them."

"Who?" John asks. Christian rolls his eyes. It was like twenty questions with him!

"Look them up. You are the government!" Christian yells. John nods to one of the other soldiers. He nods in confirmation

"I'll get right on it!" The soldier yells as he sits down at a nearby computer. Christian was happy. He was going to help the ponies he hated, but I guess it was worth it to find out that his Uncle worked at The Pentagon! He looked at his uncle with pride.

"Nice shades by the way." He says. His uncle laughs and takes them off to inspect them.

"What? These plastic things? Heh." He puts them back on. "We would get better ones but with budget cuts and whatnot. It's the same reason why we don't use bullets, we use tranquilizer darts and..."

"Yea, I get it." The two of them start walking toward a pair of double doors. "So, when do we save the girls?"

"Well after the lab boys analyze the sphere thing, we can reverse engineer it and make a few..." A bright light behind them cuts him off. Christian shields his eyes as a huge mass comes into view. John does the same as light grows brighter. The light finally subsides a few seconds later. Christian is devastated to find out what it is.

"Celestia?! Wha- how the..." He's trying to speak put Celestia puts her hoof up. John hovers his hand over his tranquilizer pistol, and all of the other soldiers surround Celestia. She smirks.

"Relax boys, I'm only here for the pony!" Her horn glows a soft white. Instantly, Christian glows the same color and starts floating in the air, levitating by the will of Celestia's magic. Celestia reveals another portal behind her, making Christian start to squirm in fear. He starts screaming as he gets tossed into the swirling vortex

"HELP! UNCLE JOHN! HE--" Is the last thing he is able to shout before vanishing into the colorful lights. John starts to get way more apprehensive, and whips out his tranquilizer pistol.

"What do you want with my nephew?!" He says quickly. Celestia starts laughing, the guards around her aim their sights at her forehead.

"Oh nothing major, I just want to have a little chat with him is all..." She slowly starts to back into the portal, the soldiers' fingers start to shake as they get ready to fire. "Oh, and just to make sure we won't have any problems, I'll have to erase your minds!" Her horn starts to glow a very vibrant white. Just as she enters the portal, her horn explodes into a white flash, blinding everyone in the room. The light lasts for just a few seconds, just enough time for Celestia and the portal to vanish. As the light subsides, the soldiers get up from the flash and scratch their heads.

"The heck just happened?" One of the many confused guards says.

"Were we doing something?" Another says.

"I dunno." The first one responds. John shakes his head a few times. He had no idea what just happened, but it wasn't good. He looked up toward his shadowy, superior for a response. The man simply cocked his head and left through a door behind him.

Author's Note:

Well, that sucks...