• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,176 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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165 - Recuperation and Recoup Operation

“I want you to spend the day recovering. After twenty-four hours, I’ll come back and we’ll see where we are.”

House Call didn’t look at Lex as he spoke, putting his equipment back in his bag. Of course, he didn’t need to look at his patient to know that his advice wasn’t being received well; the disapproval was practically radiating off of Lex. Having treated him before, House Call knew that the only mystery was whether Lex would flat-out refuse or say that he could use his strange magic to heal himself. Though if that were the case, he no doubt would have done so already, so probably the former, he decided.

But to his mild surprise, it was Sonata who piped up. “Wait, for realsies? You just want him to lie down for one day?” She gave him a disbelieving look, glancing at Lex before looking back at him. “Wouldn’t a little longer be better? Like, maybe a week or something?”

“That’s completely out of the question,” snorted Lex. “A day is too much, and a week is absolutely unacceptable. I have other tasks that need to be seen to, for everypony’s sake.”

He was already trying to get up as he spoke, and House Call gave him a flat look in response. Out of his periphery, he saw Sonata looking at Lex also, though her expression was one of worry. For a moment, she looked like she wanted to move over to help him, but then seemed to think better of it, biting her lip as she watched him rise. Just getting his hooves under him was quite clearly a struggle for the dour unicorn, every motion drawing pained groans from him despite his obvious efforts to silence them. Seconds passed as Lex finally managed to stand, and by the time he did he was breathing heavily from the effort, having broken a sweat. “Now…” he panted, giving House Call a cold look. “Stand aside.”

House Call didn’t move. He knew he wasn’t a brave pony – but the thought of getting into another fight like the one he’d participated in against those sea creatures was enough to nauseate him – but when it came to his patients there was nothing under Celestia’s sun that would make him give them anything less than the best care that he possibly could. “You need to lie back down.” His tone was soft, lacking anything remotely threatening. Rather, it was the voice of someone stating a fact, nothing more. “You’re in no condition to move around.”

Lex’s eyes narrowed in response, jaw clenching. “Move,” he ordered coldly. “I won’t tell you again.”

Despite his commitment to his patients, House Call felt a shiver run down his spine, remembering what Lex had done to Garden Gate barely a day earlier. If he did the same thing now… There’ll be nothing I can do about it.

But Lex didn’t have a chance to do anything as Sonata stepped in. “Lex, please, just listen to what he’s saying. You totes did what you needed to do, so why not take it easy for a little bit?” She put a hoof around him, trying to gently guide him back down.

“There’s still more th-, whoa!” Raising a hoof to brush hers away proved to be too much for Lex to accomplish in his current state, and he pitched to the side, falling towards Sonata. Giving her own yelp of surprise, she tried to catch him, but her unpreparedness and his greater weight made it futile, and she accomplished nothing except to cushion his fall as they landed on his bedroll.

House Call shook his head lightly. Although he knew better than to say it out loud, the phrase “I told you so” floated through his mind. Instead, he looked over at the two of them to make sure that neither had been seriously injured in their tumble. Sonata seemed fine, judging by how she was scrambling to make sure Lex was okay. As for him…he was quite clearly still conscious, and the lack of any obvious signs of dizziness or pain meant that he was most likely alright as well. Even better, the fall seemed to have used up the last of his energy, and he didn’t try to rise again.

Figuring that this was as close to listening as Lex was likely to get, House Call started to explain the reasoning for what he’d said before. “The next twenty-four hours are an observation period. You need to let your body rest and recover from the stress you put it through, and we need to chart your progression during this time so we can figure out the best medical regimen to help you do it. After that, you’ll probably need to keep recuperating, but at least then we’ll have a better idea of how long that will take.” He turned to leave then, picking up his bag in the light blue glow of his telekinesis, but stopped midway through opening the tent flap, glancing back as his professional demeanor slipped. “I know you feel responsible for everypony here, but right now getting better is the responsible thing to do. You won’t be able to help anyone if you don’t let us help you.”

Having slid out from under Lex, Sonata nodded as she helped him get into a more comfortable position. “Like, what he said. Doctor’s orders and stuff.”

“No one gives me orders,” replied Lex churlishly, staring up at the tent ceiling in a way that made it clear that he was deliberately refusing to make eye contact with either of them. Sonata shot House Call an exasperated look, to which he shrugged in response, giving her a sympathetic smile before leaving.

Neither spoke after he left, and an awkward silence settled around the pair. After almost a minute, Sonata finally broke it. “So, um, are you hungr-”


Frowning, Sonata huffed. “Look, I get that you’re mad at me, and that’s fine. I’m mad at you too. But starving yourself isn’t going to help anybody.” She didn’t even notice that she’d forgotten to use the correct term. “You haven’t eaten anything since yesterday morning, so how about I go get you something from all that food you just made?”

“I’m not hungry,” he snapped, turning his head away from her.

It was all Sonata could do not to scream at him. “Okay, fine,” she replied through gritted teeth. “I’m going to go get something for us to eat. If you don’t say what you want, then you can deal with whatever I get you. Got a problem with that? No? Good.” Without waiting for a response, she turned and left, having to resist the urge to stomp her hooves as she did.

She returned several minutes later, carrying a plate between her teeth and another one balanced carefully on a hoof. “Alright!” she announced, her spirits lifted by the delicious dish in front of her. “Two plates full of blueberry pancakes, topped with maple syrup, powdered sugar, strawberry slices, and a dab of whipped cream!” Placing his plate next to him, she didn’t miss the way he winced at her announcement, unable to help but feel a bit of satisfaction at the sight since she knew he hated sweet things. Serves you right for being such a jerk.

Without further ado, Sonata attacked her pancakes with gusto, only realizing as the food hit her tongue how hungry she was. Maybe that’s why we’re doing so awful this morning, she thought as she practically inhaled her pancakes. Everything’s worse on an empty stomach. In less than five minutes she’d cleaned her plate, giving a contented sigh as she sat back, rubbing her belly appreciatively. “That really hit the spot,” she announced.

For a moment no reply came, and Sonata had just enough time to worry that Lex was going to keep shutting her out, when he finally spoke up. “We need to talk about what comes next.”

It’s about time! It was all Sonata could do not to cheer. Everyone knew that “we need to talk” was code for “let’s have a heart-to-heart.” Now we can FINALLY get past this! Setting her plate down, Sonata smiled as she gave him her full attention. “Okay. You go first.” She could already see how this was going to go, with him trying to let her know that he was sorry without actually saying it, and then she’d explain how she felt, and lead him along as he awkwardly did the same, and then they’d say how they loved each other, and-

“I’m sending you to Las Pegasus.”

Sonata blinked, her thoughts screeching to a halt. “…huh?”

Still looking upward, Lex kept talking. “I’ll use my scrying spell to contact Ribbon Cutter back in Tall Tale. She only opened the harbor when we left, so it’s unlikely that there’s any ships there, but we might be fortunate. Either way, as soon as one arrives I’ll have her divert it here. With the pegasi we have here, spotting it won’t be a problem, and we should be able to get you aboard without any undue difficulty.” He paused as he considered something. “We can probably send some of the most-injured ponies here back as well. Dropping them off in Tall Tale should be no-”

“Hold on!” yelled Sonata, giving Lex a look of wide-eyed disbelief. She had a vague notion of where Las Pony-Vegas was, and it wasn’t anywhere near here. “We had one fight, and you’re sending me away?!”

Lex finally looked at her, frowning. “This has nothing to do with us fighting. I’m sending you there because that’s where I need you to be.”

“That doesn’t even make any sense!” protested Sonata. “We totes just got here, and-”

“-discovered that Vanhoover is in far worse shape than either of us had imagined,” concluded Lex. “Which is why we need a massive influx of capital in order to begin restoring the city.”

“Okay, but can’t you just cast a spell or something to make some, like you did with all that food?”

“If I had something like that, I would have used it a long time ago,” snorted Lex contemptuously. “As it is, I’m having Cloudbank find ponies that are willing to go into Vanhoover to appropriate whatever they can from the city’s financial institutions, but that’s not going to be enough.”

Sonata held up her fore-hooves, already lost. “Wait, slow down. You’re having her do what now? And what does that have to do with me going to Las Pegasus?”

“I’m having ponies collect whatever money they can find in Vanhoover’s banks. In the short-term, and perhaps even the medium-term, that will be enough to procure food and shelter for everypony here. But that won’t be enough for the long-term. For that, we’re going to need a much larger supply of bits, and the best place to get them is Las Pegasus.” Even in Lex’s day, the resort city had been a famous tourist destination thanks to its numerous casinos, as well as the secondary businesses that had grown up around them. It was self-evident that such a place had wealth in abundance, especially since – from what Lex had been able to determine – it had managed to avoid the elemental bleeds almost completely. “As the most comely and socially-adept pony here, I need you to get in touch with as many of the richest ponies as you can in Las Pegasus and convince them to come here and meet with me. It’s important that you don’t use magi-”

“Hold it! Just…back up a second!” Sonata squeezed her eyes shut, shaking her head as she desperately tried to keep up with everything she was being told. “You want me to round up a bunch of rich ponies and bring them here?! Why?! This place is still overrun with ghouls!”

“I want them to see how everypony here is being forced to live,” replied Lex matter-of-factly. “Ferrying them back and forth from the camp while avoiding the ghouls shouldn’t be unduly difficult. If it is, I’ll just meet with them on whatever ship you use to bring them here instead. The point is that I need to get in touch with those ponies. They’re our best chance of taking out a loan large enough to rebuild this city.”

Sonata was getting more and more confused. “A loan? Why do-, no-, nnnngh!” Groaning in frustration, she put her face in her hooves, trying to regain her train of thought. When she lowered them a moment later, she gave him a serious look. “No.”

He raised an eyebrow at that. “No? No what?”

“No, I’m not going anywhere.” She sat on her haunches and crossed her forelegs, daring him to argue with her.

Apparently he dared. “This needs to be done, Sonata.”

“Um, hello! Spokespony, remember?! If I’m not here, who’s going to do that?

Lex waved a hoof dismissively. “It will almost certainly take several days for Ribbon to send us a ship. By that point I’ll have transformed Aria into a pony, so I’ll have her do it.”


Without another word, Sonata grabbed the plate of pancakes she’d put down by Lex and upended it over his head before turning and storming out of the tent.

Author's Note:

Lex refuses to stop pushing forward, even when convinced to rest.

Sonata, however, is less than thrilled with his new plan.

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