• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,176 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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423 - The Revitalizing Return

The train ride back to Canterlot felt like it took a thousand years.

In actuality it had only taken three days. But for Princess Celestia, who had previously spent a millennium privately mourning what had happened to her sister, the anguish she felt at seeing what Lex Legis had done to Luna made those three days equal to what she’d gone through over the last ten centuries. Or perhaps it was even worse now, since she had to watch Luna suffer in a way she hadn’t before.

Part of it – the only part that Celestia could truly share with her sister – was the sheer amount of pain that Luna’s injuries had left her in. Although she’d barely moved since the train had departed Tall Tale, remaining in the luxurious bed in the sleeper car that Celestia had designated as theirs, Luna was still quite clearly in agony. Every time the train jostled or shook her, which seemed to be almost constantly, a muffled whimper or stifled moan would fill the car, making Celestia’s heart ache. She wasn’t in much better condition herself; simply walking hurt, leaving her fighting down the urge to wince with every step she took. More than once she’d found herself sweating just from the effort it took to stand for more than a few minutes, and in one instance her legs had simply collapsed beneath her without warning, sending her tumbling to the floor and badly frightening the pair of guards she’d been speaking to at the time. And she’d been far less injured than Luna had been…

What little she’d been able to coax Luna into telling her about how she felt hadn’t been encouraging. She’d described how her hind legs and tail felt numb and only partially responsive, as though they’d fallen asleep. She could still move them, but only slowly and very, very weakly, to the point that standing under her own power was currently beyond her. She was also suffering periodic bouts of dizziness as well as nausea, making it hard for her to keep down what little she was eating.

But it was her horn that was causing Luna the most discomfort. Unable to cast even the simplest spell in her current state, she’d eventually admitted that her horn felt like it was burning – a statement that had been especially worrying, given how feverish Luna felt – causing Celestia to command the guard to bring bags of ice. But Luna had refused them, saying that touching anything to her horn made the pain spike to unbearable levels. She’d even asked to be arranged in bed so that her horn didn’t touch the pillow when she slept…which wasn’t very often. When she did, she had a distressing tendency to cry out, calling for Celestia or, at times, Silhouette. More often her cries were simply wordless moans of terror, and all Celestia could do was hold her as gently as she could without hurting her more until she calmed down.

Those were what frightened Celestia the most. As bad as Luna’s injuries were, her sleep terrors hinted at wounds that went deeper than mere physical damage.

In turning her back into the unicorn she’d been born as, Lex Legis had struck at the very heart of Luna’s deepest insecurities. Celestia knew that her little sister had long felt overshadowed by her, leaving her struggling with feelings of being unappreciated. Now that she was no longer an alicorn, and almost certainly unable to move the moon and stars, Celestia had no doubt that those feelings – which she had no doubt were behind Luna’s recent push to try and become a goddess – would come back with a vengeance. Especially since Lex had also gone out of his way to slay Luna’s most devoted worshiper as well as loudly indict her as being inferior to his own goddess, shaming her before he’d maimed her.

It was like he’d gone out of his way to be as cruel as possible.

But he won’t win, Celestia assured herself silently, looking out the window as the train neared Canterlot station. Cadance will be able to undo his curse. And if she can’t… If she couldn’t, then they’d find another way. Celestia firmly believed that they would.

She had to. Because if they couldn’t… If there was no way to change Luna back into her true self…

Pushing that thought away, Celestia instead waited for the train to stop. She’d sent several brief letters to Spike on the way back – and had received quite a few in turn – letting everyone know what had happened and what they needed to do. The result was that, if everything had gone the way it was supposed to, Shining Armor would have cleared the station ahead of their arrival, deploying the Royal Guard to keep everypony out. Only Cadance and Twilight would be inside the station, waiting for them; the former ready to use the miracles given to her by her goddess, Lashtada, in order to reverse what Lex had done, and the latter ready to help however she could, since she had firsthoof knowledge of both the stallion that had done this to them as well as the new magic of that other world.

This will work, Celestia silently assured herself, glancing over at where Luna was fitfully sleeping. The train was already slowing down, and with a thought Celestia wrapped her sister’s bed in her telekinesis, keeping it steady before the train’s deceleration caused it to shake a little. Luna will be restored, and then we can all concentrate on taking the fight to Lex. That would need to be the next order of business, before the power-mad unicorn whom she’d so foolishly trusted carried out whatever diabolical scheme he was planning next…

Then the train came to a stop, and there was no more time to worry about Lex.

Immediately, the door on the far side of the car flew open, admitting a frantic-looking Twilight Sparkle. “Princess Celestia!” she cried, immediately rushing to where her senior princess was gingerly climbing to her hooves. “Are you alright?! I mean, I know you’re not alright, but I’ve just been so worried about you and Luna ever since I got Spike’s letter! I was going to teleport Cadance and me onto the train, but not knowing its precise location made it too difficult to compensate for the conservation of inertia-”

Unable to keep from smiling, Celestia lowered her hoof from Twilight’s muzzle. Giving a pointed look at where Luna was sleeping, Celestia felt a familiar warmth grow in her chest as she saw Twilight blush. No matter what happened, her former student never changed, and right now that gave her a great deal of hope. “I’m glad you’re here, Twilight,” she murmured as she pulled her into a soft hug, before looking at the second pony that had entered the car. “And you as well, Cadance.”

“I just hope I’m able to help.” Nervous tension lined Cadance’s face as her eyes settling on Luna’s reclining form. “I know I said this in one of the letters I had Spike send you, but I had a hard time removing the curses Lex put on Comfy Cozy and Produce Aisle, and this sounds far worse than what he did to them.”

Celestia felt the same way, but she didn’t let it show. Knowing that a display of confidence was what was called for, she gave Cadance a gentle smile. “The same way you have faith in Lashtada, I have faith in you. You and your goddess are both dedicated to love, a power far greater than any evil magic.”

Cadance smiled at that, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Thank you. But there are some things that even love can’t do…”

“Which is why I’ve come up with a backup plan!” announced Twilight, drawing surprised looks from Celestia and Cadance both. Before either of them could ask what she was talking about, her horn lit up, a matching glow surrounding the book that she lifted out of one of her saddlebags. “Right before I came back, I asked Under Score, one of the new friends I made in Viljatown – that’s the Pony Empire’s capital on Everglow – what he knew about removing curses. As it turns out, you can’t just use your standard ‘dispel magic’ spell to negate them even though they’re a continuous magical effect. Apparently it has to do with how-”

“Twilight,” interrupted Celestia, “I’m sure this is all very fascinating, but you said you had a backup plan?”

“Oh! Right.” Giving an embarrassed grin, Twilight flipped her book open to a certain page, pointing at it. “Well, as it turns out there’s a special spell specifically for removing curses! He was able to point me in the direction of a local wizard who knew it, and was willing to let me copy it into my spellbook in exchange for a small fee. It’s not guaranteed to work, but I’ve spent the last few days going over it, and I’m ready to give it my all in case we need it now.” Belatedly, she gave Cadance a sheepish look. “Not that I don’t think you can do it, I mean.”

But rather than looking insulted, Cadance had a relieved expression on her face, as did Celestia. “Then I’m sure that between the two of you, we have nothing to worry about.” She had to sit down as she said it, her legs already starting to ache from standing for so long.

The strain must have showed on her face, because Cadance gave her a worried look. “I’ll heal Luna right now. Even if it doesn’t work, I’ll heal you next, then-”


Luna’s voice, audibly quivering, caused all three princesses to freeze for a moment, before Celestia’s eyes closed in sadness. “She’s been having sleep terrors ever since we left the city,” she explained. “Right now, she-”

“No, sister,” came Luna’s weak and tremulous voice again. “I’m awake.” Her eyes fluttering open, Luna managed a small smile as she looked at each of them in turn. “I appreciate that you want to relieve me of this with all haste, but Cadance, I want you to bring Silhouette back to life before you see to me.”

Just the sound of her was enough to make Cadance’s ears fold back, a concerned expression spreading across her face. “Luna, I understand why you’d say that, but right now-”

“Please, Cadance, don’t argue with me. Bring Silhouette back to life. Once he’s back I promise to stop being obstinate, but I beg you: indulge me in this.”

Celestia stepped in before anyone else could say anything. “Of course, sister. Twilight, if you could have the guards bring Silhouette’s body here from the next car?”

“Right.” Immediately turning and galloping off, it took Twilight less than a minute to return, two guards carrying a wrapped bundle in tow. No sooner had they lowered it than Celestia dismissed them with a nod. In the time it took them to leave she’d already telekinetically unwrapped the sheet that had served as his shroud.

The sight of the black-and-white stallion’s body – with a huge, bloodless puncture wound in the center of his torso – made Twilight bite her lip and look away. Celestia closed her eyes mournfully, and Luna gave a breath that sounded very much like a sob. But Cadance’s only reaction was to kneel down by the corpse, closing her eyes as her lips moved in silent prayer. Long seconds passed before she suddenly rose back onto all fours, wings flaring as her eyes shot open, now glowing pure white.

“Lashtada!” she intoned loudly. “Let your love guide this pony back to the one to whom he offered his devotion! Let him walk by her side once more! Let him live…” She placed a hoof directly over the puncture wound on Silhouette’s chest. “Again!”

An instant later, Silhouette gave a loud gasp, convulsing beneath Cadance’s hoof before his eyes shot open, alive again. “Goddess!” he yelped, looking around wildly. “What…where is this? Where’s the Goddess? Lex Legis attacked her, and then-”

“It’s alright, Silhouette,” answered Celestia as Cadance backed away from the resurrected stallion. “Everything’s going to be alright. You-, Luna! Calm down!”

But Luna wasn’t listening, biting back a cry of pain as she attempted to crawl out of the bed, reaching a foreleg out toward Silhouette despite the agony it was clearly causing her. “S-Silhouette!” she croaked, tears running down her face. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! What happened to you was my fault! I wasn’t strong enough!”

His head snapping around to look at the source of the familiar voice, Silhouette froze at the sight that greeted him. “G-Goddess…?” he asked, the horror in his voice abundantly clear as he got a good look at what had become of Luna. “Is…is that you? What happened…?”

“Something that Cadance is about to undo,” prompted Celestia.

Nodding, Cadance stepped forward, climbing onto the bed alongside Luna and kneeling beside her. “Just hold still,” she murmured, before she closed her eyes and began to pray silently.

But Silhouette wasn’t content to be brushed aside. “Someone tell me what’s happening!” he demanded as he started to rise. “What’s-, ngh!”

His grunt marked his starting to stumble as his legs suddenly gave out from under him, but before he hit the ground Twilight’s aura wrapped around him, moving him to a nearby seat. “You shouldn’t push yourself,” she murmured, keeping her eyes on Cadance and Luna. “Being brought back to life puts a strain on your body, one that needs further magic to fix. Believe me, I speak from experience.”

Silhouette opened his mouth to reply, but before he could Cadance rose to her hooves, wings spread once again as her eyes shone white. “Lashtada,” she called, and this time her voice was a gentle plea rather than a loud invocation. “Please let your love renew this pony.”

Then she reached out and placed her hoof on Luna’s side.

Author's Note:

Celestia and Luna return to Canterlot, where Cadance resurrects Silhouette!

Will she be able to undo Lex's curse next?

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