• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,176 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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170 - Something to Gain

“What do you want?”

Turbo didn’t even try to keep the hostility out of his voice, glaring at the pegasus mare that had landed in front of them. She’d touched down just a moment ago, and as soon as he’d recognized her he had instantly darted forward, putting himself between her and Garden Gate. The sound of clopping hooves behind him let him know that the others had followed his lead, surrounding Garden in case this mare tried anything. I knew it was too good to last, he thought bitterly as he glared at the pony not ten feet in front of him.

They’d been among the last ponies to get some of the food Lex had conjured, due to Garden’s being in no state to participate in the mad rush that had ensued when the first two groups of tables appeared. It was only when the third and final set had been conjured that they’d been able to seat themselves. Even better, they’d been close enough to witness Lex slumping bonelessly to the ground immediately afterward, watching in surprise as he was quickly spirited to the medical tent. I hope he dies, Turbo had thought at the time. Maybe if he does, Garden will recover. But either Lex was still alive or Garden’s curses had survived him, because as far as Turbo could tell she was still struggling under them, her motions remaining slow and clumsy and her injured horn useless.

Despite that, the meal they’d all shared had been without a doubt the single happiest occasion they’d had since Vanhoover had fallen apart. It hadn’t been solely due to the food (which he’d been forced to admit was truly excellent, even if it was the product of Lex’s magic), but rather the atmosphere that had settled over everypony. The sheer number of ponies talking animatedly as they’d eaten, the sounds of toasting and laughter, had driven home what Turbo had known intellectually but hadn’t truly understood until then: they’d made it out. The nightmare that they’d been living in for so long was FINALLY over.

Even when they’d first met Lex’s group, it had been impossible to completely relax. They’d all been tense, worried about what would happen to them, and seeing what Lex had done to Garden had only confirmed their worst fears. The subsequent march out of the city and into the camp full of those same ponies that had once thrown rocks at them when they’d originally tried to leave Vanhoover hadn’t helped any.

But at that moment, sitting down to more food than they could possibly eat and surrounded by ponies who were smiling without reservation and making noise without fear, it had all fallen away. All of the coiled tension and persistent anxiety had broken up and disappeared, and the sensation had been enough to take Turbo’s breath away. Looking around at his companions – his friends – he’d been able to see that they all felt it too. Hopscotch had a look of wonder on her face, as though she’d forgotten she could feel that way. Slip ‘n’ Slide had started crying softly, his brother hugging him as he held back sobs. Granola Bar had started shaking, taking deep breaths and putting her fore-hooves on the table as if to steady herself. And Garden…

Garden had simply looked at all of them in turn, her eyes lingering on each of them one at a time, giving a small nod when they met her eyes. She hadn’t said anything; she hadn’t needed to. They all understood.

Turbo had been the last one she’d looked at, and he’d met her gaze evenly. In that moment he’d felt a million different words boiling up inside of him, and had known immediately that all of them were inadequate to describe how he felt right then. Instead, when she’d nodded to him, he’d responded the only way that seemed appropriate, reaching across the table to grab a basket of rolls, offering them to her.

The smile she’d given him then was a sight he’d remember until the day he died.

After that, they’d all eaten their fill before eventually deciding, at Funshine’s suggestion, to go play some of the games that were being set up. Everyone had been excited by the prospect of actually having fun again, and they’d been making their way towards one of the lawn games when a pink-and-white pegasus mare had landed in front of them, a large scythe stowed across her back. It had been enough to spoil everyone’s good mood, and Turbo felt his hackles rising as he glared at Cloudbank.

She, on the other hand, didn’t look to be concerned in the slightest by the angry ponies in front of her. And why should she be? thought Turbo sourly. It’s obvious that she’s in charge while Lex is out of commission. The sight of Lex’s weapon across her back was all the confirmation Turbo needed. He could still clearly recall seeing Lex use it to draw blood from Garden, blood that his curse had then shaped into the dark tattoo of a scythe that was still below her left eye, robbing her of her strength whenever she came within ten feet of anypony. Turbo wasn’t sure if Cloudbank could do something similar, but if she could…

“I want to ask for your help.”

Turbo blinked, not sure that he’d heard right. “What?” He could hear similar grunts of confusion coming from behind him.

“Lex wants me to find volunteers to head back into Vanhoover. I’m going to take some pon-”

“You can’t be serious!” To Turbo’s surprise, the voice was Granola Bar’s. “We just got out of that place, and you’re making us head back in?!”

“Nopony’s making you go anywhere,” snapped Cloudbank, giving Granola Bar a harsh look. “I told you, I’m looking for volunteers to go back into the city. If you don’t want to go you don’t have to-”

“Then why are we still talking about this?” interjected Slip ‘n’ Slide.

“Because,” answered Cloudbank, “you all are the ones who’re most familiar with what Vanhoover’s become.” She swung a wing out to indicate the rest of the camp. “Everypony here managed to get out of the city early on, and me and my friends were holed up in an apartment building most of the time. But you guys were out there, going from place to place, which means that you’re the best choice for getting to the city’s banks and takin-”

“I don’t believe this.” This time it was Turbo who interrupted. “You want us to put ourselves in danger again just so you can go rob a bank?!” The sheer audacity of this mare was unbelievable. Or is this Lex’s idea? Is he looking to get rich now that we’re out of danger? Maybe he thinks he deserves to be paid for everything he’s done?

If Cloudbank’s frown hadn’t telegraphed her anger, the way she literally ruffled her feathers would have. “We’re not going to rob anything! We need that money so that we can buy more food from the farms near here!” She gave a pointed glance at the tables of food before looking back at them. “In case you hadn’t noticed, Lex pushed himself pretty hard making all of that for you. It’s easier on him if we don’t keep making him do that over and over.”

And why should we care what’s easy for him? was what Turbo wanted to say, but he managed to hold his tongue, not wanting to provoke her. “If you want to know about the banks, then you should go talk to Piggy,” he informed her coldly. “His family has had their hooves in the city’s finances for generations.”

“I did,” replied Cloudbank flatly. “He told us all about the banks here,” – Turbo wondered for a split-second who “us” referred to, deciding she must have meant herself and Lex – “but now we need ponies that can actually get there and back in one piece.”

“Yeah, well, best of luck to you,” called Funshine. “In the meantime, we’re gonna toss some bean bags around, so see ya later.” That was good enough for Turbo, and he snorted as he started to walk, intent on going around Cloudbank.

“Wait,” came Garden’s voice, causing Turbo to freeze in place, surprised.

“Garden?” Hopscotch’s voice sounded as confused as he felt right then. “What’re you doing?”

Garden slowly stepped forward until she was right next to Turbo. “I volunteer.”

For a moment Cloudbank looked confused, then she looked mildly upset. “No!”

“We went to one of the banks after Vanhoover fell,” insisted Garden. “I know what the conditions are like inside.” Listening in stunned disbelief, it took Turbo a moment to remember what Garden was talking about. We went there because we thought a place with a vault would be a safe place to hide. Unfortunately, the ghouls had guessed that some ponies would think that way. It had been nothing short of a miracle that any of them had gotten out alive. But she won’t be that lucky a second time, not with how she is now.

He was about to protest Garden’s decision, but Cloudbank beat him to the punch. “I am not taking you into Vanhoover. Not the way you are now.”

“Without me you’ll have a much ha-”

“I’ll go!” Turbo heard himself say.

Both Garden and Cloudbank turned to look at him, as though they’d forgotten that he was there. “You will?” asked the latter.

Garden didn’t give him time to answer. “Turbo, no. I have to be the one to do this.” The frown she gave him then was enough to make him hesitate, old habits kicking in from back when she’d been the one to decide what they did, and for a moment he considered backing down.

But only for a moment. “You’ve done enough,” he assured her. He stepped closer than he knew was polite, his voice lowering until it was just above a whisper. “I know you feel like you need to make up for what you did before…when you were Fencer.” The look of pain that crossed her face in response to that stabbed at his heart, but he kept going, the words spilling from his mouth before he had a chance to think about what he was saying. “I’m trying to tell you, this is how you do that. We are how you do that.” Granola Bar’s words came back to him then. “You paid the price for all of us to make it out, so now I want to do what I can to help you get back what you lost.” He stopped after that, not sure if he was making any sense at all.

He must have been, because Garden was looking at him with a surprised expression. “Turbo…”

Looking past her, he fixed his eyes on Cloudbank. “I’ll go with you to the bank. You just say where and when.”

Cloudbank nodded before pointing back toward the medical tent. “We’ll rendezvous there at noon. This is going to be a quick trip, so as long as you can find a weapon you should be fine.”

“Fine, and one more thing.” He stepped around Garden then, approaching Cloudbank. He saw her tense, but she didn’t flinch as he stopped within leg’s reach of her, again speaking quietly. “After I do this, I want Lex to remove those curses he laid on Garden.”

Cloudbank’s eyes narrowed, a look of disapproval crossing her face, though he wasn’t sure if that had more to do with the request itself or his trying to demand it in exchange for his help. “And I want Pillowcase to come back to life, but I guess we’re both going to be disappointed.”

Turbo let out a slow breath, knowing that getting angry wouldn’t serve him here. “Punishing her like this won’t bring him back either.” He paused to let that sink in. “Lex can curse me instead, if he wants, but she’s suffered enough. If I help you now, I want her to be forgiven.”

Cloudbank looked at him for a long moment before speaking. “I’ll take it to Lex. No promises.” With a flap of her wings, she launched herself into the air. “Be in front of the medical tent at noon,” she repeated before flying off.

Turbo watched her go. Although he was about to run right back into the horror show that he’d been trying to escape from for weeks on end, he couldn’t bring himself to feel upset at the prospect. The last time he’d been in Vanhoover, he’d been struggling to stay alive simply because he didn’t want to lose any more than he already had. But this time would be different.

This time there was something to gain.

Author's Note:

Turbo joins Cloudbank's party, thankfully keeping Garden Gate from doing so in the process.

Will he get her curses lifted, or is that just wishful thinking on his part?

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