• Published 2nd Nov 2015
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Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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238 - Yawning Chasm

It was worse than he’d thought it would be.

“When you told me I guessed right about your plan, I thought that included the part where you didn’t hurt yourself anymore,” complained Sonata, but there was no real irritation in her voice. Though that might have been because she was too busy keeping him from collapsing to the ground, bracing herself as he leaned against her bonelessly.

For a long moment Lex didn’t bother to reply, just trying to process the level of damage that he’d taken to cast that spell. If it had simply been a matter of pain then it wouldn’t have been an issue; he’d simply have borne it and moved it. But while channeling energy through himself to empower the depleted scroll had hurt, it had also debilitated him. That hadn’t been outside of his predictions, but the extent of the damage had been worse than he’d expected. Even now, he could still feel his muscles spasming and twitching uncontrollably, his body refusing to move as he commanded it. “I just…need a moment…” he panted, hoping that he was right. As it was, even standing was beyond him right now.

But it was worth it, he thought defiantly, looking at the space where the crowd of ponies had been up until a moment ago. Strictly speaking, of course, they were still there; it was just that the illusion he’d cast had hidden them from view. Instead, their collective appearance had been replaced by the image that he’d specified during the casting, one which he was sure would not only be utterly uninteresting to the ghouls, but would be avoided by them as well.

Seeing where Lex’s eyes were directed, Sonata glanced at the illusion Lex had conjured. “So…your super-awesome idea was to replace everypony with a really big hole in the ground?” She didn’t try to keep the wry note out of her voice, looking at the massive, empty pit that now appeared to occupy the space where the camp ponies had been less than a minute ago. While she had to admit that the effect was pretty cool – it looked like some invisible giant had reached down and scooped out a chunk of the land – she wasn’t sure exactly how this was supposed to be such a great anti-ghoul measure.

“The merit is….self-evident…” rasped Lex, taking slow, deep breaths. The pain in his limbs was already starting to ebb, which he took to be a good sign; hopefully physical coordination would return shortly. “The ghouls won’t…want to fall in…so they’ll…stay back…” He’d made sure that the illusory hole appeared to be over twenty feet deep, enough that it looked like it would be seriously difficult to climb out of for anyone who fell in. Given that the ghouls were motivated by cannibalistic hunger, the mere prospect of becoming trapped should be enough to make them avoid the gaping pit.

Of course, if they didn’t then the ruse would immediately be revealed. Since no actual earth had been displaced, anything that stumbled into the area where the pit was would not only fail to fall in – creating an incredibly conspicuous spectacle – but would also undoubtedly feel the tightly-packed crowd of ponies that were the actual occupants of that space. Ideally, there would have been some sort of secondary measure in place to prevent such a thing from happening, but that simply wasn’t possible under the current circumstances.

“So listen,” began Sonata. “I’m just gonna pitch a thought here: maybe you should go in there,” she waved a hoof at the illusory hole, “and check on Nosey. I mean, you heard her screaming before, right? It sounded like she had a really bad nightmare. You could go in there and give her a pep talk, or maybe just sit down and let her tell you what she was dreaming about, take a power-nap, something like that.” She held up a hoof then, giving him a solemn look. “I’ll even allow a tiny bit of snuggling, just this once.” More importantly, Lex’s being in there would get him out of harm’s way right now. If letting some other girl nuzzle him was what it took to keep him from going out to fight when he couldn’t even stand up on his own, Sonata was more than willing to pay that price. Besides, I bet me and Severance can handle it on our own.

Of course, the odds of Lex agreeing to any such thing were slim, and he proved her right a moment later as he shook his head. “The parameters of the illusion are immutable after they’ve been set, Sonata.” Just speaking normally was a chore, but at least it was one he felt capable of performing now. Barely. “If you or I went in there, we’d just look like we were floating above the hole. As for Nosey…” He’d intended to say that she’d just have to deal with her problems on her own, but a sudden rush of guilt made him stop before he could get the words out. It was his fault that she was traumatized, and besides, his research suggested that friends were supposed to be invested in each other’s emotional well-being. “…we’ll tend to her after we’ve defeated the ghouls.”

Sonata frowned just a little. Although his agreeing to go relax and not fight had never really been in the cards, she couldn’t help but feel a little miffed at him for it. “Great. Well, maybe next time, make it so that we’re hidden behind the big crazy illusion-thingy too? That way we can attack from inside it without anyone seeing that we’re there.”

“The entire point of this is to keep the ghouls’ attention away from where everypony is, Sonata. Besides, most attack spells possess a clear visual or audial manifestation which typically emanates from the caster to the target, which means that their point of origin is easily traced. The sight of attack spells originating from a point of what looked like empty space would very quickly alert everyone who saw it that something was wrong.”

Sonata sighed. Her good mood from a few minutes ago had been wrecked just now when Lex had pushed himself too far – again – and it had driven home the point that he wasn’t in any shape to fight. Yeah, ghouls weren’t any big deal, and she still didn’t think that even a whole bunch of them would be that hard to deal with, but the plan Lex had described to her before he’d cast that spell had him being right in the thick of it with Severance while she hung back to attack at range. But looking at her boyfriend right now, that didn’t seem like a good idea anymore. So now how do I get him to realize that without pushing his buttons?

Before she could think of an answer, she felt Lex moving away from her. With a strangled groan of effort, he managed to stand under his own power, though the effort left him sweating and breathing heavy. “Let’s move back,” he grunted, already turning back toward where the medical tent had been. “Standing right at the edge of the illusion is just asking for a stray ghoul to stumble into it.”

“Fun fact,” she started as she moved alongside him. “When Cloudbank and the others went into Vanhoover, I used a spell on each of them to give them a boost.” Lex sent a glance her way then, and she kept going. “It, like, makes you feel seriously amped up, you know? Like you’re totes super-charged. I’m gonna cast it on myself in a minute. You want that I should use it on you too?”

Just like she’d expected, he grimaced at the suggestion, shaking his head. “I’ve worked very hard to keep mind-altering magic like what you’re describing from affecting me, Sonata. Besides, you should be conserving your available magic for direct attack spells.”

“Right, sorry,” she gave him an apologetic grin, the very picture of innocence. “I just thought you might want a little pick-me-up for when you’re out there swinging Severance around, but I should’ve known better. Besides, I bet you’ve already got a bunch of spells for that, huh?”

Lex frowned then, but it was in confusion rather than annoyance. “Are you…being coy?”

Not knowing what that meant, Sonata kept going. “I mean, you totes have to have a whole bunch of spells to buff yourself up, right? Otherwise, you’d be hanging back with me while Severance flies out and does its thing on its own. So I’m sure that’s why you’re planning on going out there with it even though you’re, like, super hurt.” She nodded sagely, making sure she had her majorly-serious face on as she did. In her mind, though, she was congratulating herself on steering the conversation so perfectly. Now he’d realize the point she was making, without ever realizing that she’d made it. How’s this for brilliant? she smirked internally.

“For your information,” retorted Lex sourly, “I have several defensive spells that I can still cast, since I never had a chance to utilize them when I was confronting Xiriel.” That, and they would have been futile anyway, since the belier devil would simply have dispelled them. “As for Severance, it’s optimal that I fight in conjunction with it, rather than the two of us operating independently.”

Sonata blinked at that; this wasn’t how the conversation was supposed to go! “Huh? But why?”

Lex’s horn glowed as he wrapped the weapon in his telekinesis, lifting it from his back. “Severance will be our primary mode of attack during this conflict. As such, it’s imperative that it not be allowed to be disabled. If it flies into the mass of ghouls on its own, and they manage to overbear it and keep it pinned down through sheer numbers, we won’t be able to retrieve it, at which point our odds of survival will plummet.”

“Wait, for realsies?” She couldn’t help but glance at the scythe, skeptical. “You really think that they could do that?”

“If their numbers are great enough,” replied Lex levelly. Although he knew that the blade could heat itself as a defense mechanism against being grasped, that would only be of limited help if the ghouls tackled the scythe by the dozens. If anything, any nearby undead ponies would be attracted to the smell of burning flesh as Severance cooked those among their brethren that were in direct contact with it, and would likely throw themselves on such a pile-up en masse.

“Okay, but what does that have to do with you using it to fight?”

“Coordinated attacks are more effective than those that are performed without mutual organization,” explained Lex, “and the nature of that coordination is my controlling Severance via telekinesis. That way, I’ll be able to instantaneously direct its strikes for maximum effect rather than having to issue verbal instructions – and be able to hear what it’s saying in turn – while still having the option of releasing it to fight on its own when I need to focus on spellcasting and grasping it again when I don’t. Since I won’t be able to telekinetically grab it if I lose sight of it during the fighting, that requires us to remain in close proximity.”

“I dunn-”

“Shh!” Lex suddenly stopped as they reached the edge of where the remains of the medical tent covered the uneven ground. “Do you hear that?”

“Huh? What?” She strained her ears for a moment, listening for what it was that had put Lex on the alert. For a moment she didn’t hear anything; even the sounds of the camp ponies had been muffled as part of the illusion that he had conjured. She almost gave up when she realized she did hear something, a distant sound with a pitch so low it was barely audible. For a moment she could only wonder what it was; it was almost like the sound of distant rain, but that didn't make sense...the moon and the stars were out in force, making it plain that there wasn't a cloud in the sky. She was about to ask Lex what the noise was when the obvious answer came to her, sending a shudder down her spine: it was the sound of hooves. Many, many hooves. All moving together.

The ghouls were almost here.

Author's Note:

Lex manages to hide everypony, but just how badly has he depleted himself in doing so?

Hopefully his battle plans will carry the day, because the ghouls are very nearly upon them!

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