• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,176 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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901 - The Recovery Process

It took Lex less than a second to travel to Solvei’s location.

Even though he didn’t have another teleportation spell ready, his speed was such that he might as well have. Particularly since his link to his first servitor told him precisely where she was in relation to himself. And with no further reason to linger in the valley where he’d fought Kryonex – other than to collapse what was left of the mountain that Adagio had made her fortress inside, an act that had been as much to expend his frustration at her troubling him even after dying as it was to remove any potential loose ends – he’d left immediately.

But not alone.

Ignoring the shocked faces of the adlets he’d landed in front of, Lex slowly put Mei Li down from the princess hold he’d used to carry her. “We’ve arrived.”

“Already?” Still in her humanoid form, the kumiho – according to what Nenet had told him, that was what her kind were called – pulled her robe tighter around herself, looking unsteady despite the fact that Lex had kept the wind and inertia from their momentary journey from reaching her. “I thought you said we were going to fly, not teleport.”

“And we did,” answered Lex disinterestedly, pausing long enough to summon Nenet to his side before turning and striding through the village. “Come. Solvei is this way.”

Cringing a little as she looked at where the nearby adlets were rushing to alert their friends and family, Nenet tried to keep her tail tucked out of sight as she rushed after him, Mei Li following close behind. “I hope she’s okay.”

“She will be.”

Lex’s words weren’t so much a promise as they were a statement of fact, his voice making it clear that he would allow for no other outcome.

Striding through the collection of turf huts and wooden cabins that made up the adlet village, Lex ignored the wide-eyed looks and shocked whispers he was receiving, nor did he say anything as several adlets ran ahead of him, shouting that “the great one” – it seemed that the epithet Yura had given him had caught on – had returned.

The elder shaman herself appeared a few moments later in response to the cries, exiting a particularly large turf hut near the center of the village and immediately falling to her knees as she caught sight of him. “Great One! Akna has-”

“I know,” answered Lex, striding past her and into the building. “I’m going to revive her right now.”

The interior was illuminated only by the light coming in through the windows, curtains of yeti hide being drawn back to let the late afternoon sunshine come in now that the cloud cover was finally starting to break up. Still, the place was still dim, reflecting how adlets had better eyesight than ponies, even if they couldn’t truly see in the dark.

The interior was a single open space, divided into different sections by waist-high walls that – like the exterior – were made of stones stacked in a herringbone pattern, using peat as mortar. The floor itself was made of packed earth, and mostly covered in pelts, whereas the low walls that partitioned the inside were covered with woven fabrics, and seemed to serve as shelves from how there were various bone utensils and wooden tools laid on top of them. And although Lex couldn’t see them, his supernatural senses told him that there were cubby holes built into the interior walls as well, the possessions stored there hidden behind the textile coverings draped over the sides.

But all of that mattered less to him than the two adlets gathered at the far end of the room, looking up at him from where they were gathered around something – or someone – too low to be seen behind the interior partitions.

“Ah!” yelped the male, whom Lex recognized as Tulok, Akna’s father, the adlet staring at him with wide eyes before he managed to collect himself. “O-over here! Akna’s collapsed-”

Lex crossed the remaining distance before Tulok could finish speaking. Nor did he pay any attention as Solvei’s mother Alasie gasped from where she was kneeling by her daughter’s side, staring at him as if frozen in fear. Instead, he turned all of his attention to Solvei.

She’d been wrapped in several thick pelts, and way lying on top of several others, with a bundled cloth – that, judging by its scent, contained several medicinal herbs – tucked beneath her head. Her breathing was shallow, and even without touching her, Lex knew that her heartbeat was steady, but slow.

“We don’t know what happened,” murmured Alasie, her voice hoarse. “One moment she was fine, and then the next she just collapsed.” A muffled sob escaped her as she looked at Lex, her eyes bloodshot. “Please, please help her!”

Lex didn’t bother replying, instead letting his actions be his answer. Reaching out with his foreleg – the one that was all made of barbed wire now, ignoring the sudden intake of breath from her parents – Lex activated the Charismata as he gently cradled Solvei’s head, lifting her into a sitting position, glancing at her chest just for a moment before forcing himself to look at her face. Come back to me, my Solvei.

The Night Mare’s power flowed into her immediately, and just like with Nenet, it compelled her obedience, a low groan escaping Solvei’s lips as her eyes fluttered open. Master...? What-

But she didn’t have a chance to complete that thought at her parents both cried out in relief, Alasie leaning in to hug her daughter tightly as she started to sob, Tulok crouching down to gently rub Solvei’s back. An echoing sigh of relief came from where Yura was watching from across the hut, with Nenet and Mei Li standing by the doorway as well.

Lex could feel Solvei’s disorientation as she blinked. “What’s going on? Why is everyone-, Master, what happened to your leg?!” Shaking her mother off, Solvei gaped as she looked at what had become of his foreleg. “Did Adagio do that?! I thought you said you would summon me if you needed help! Is Nenet okay?!”

“I’m alright!” replied the sphinx, smiling as she changed into her hybrid form – causing Yura to do a double-take – and waved at Solvei.

Sighing in relief, Solvei stood up and raised a hand toward Nenet-

Only to immediately scream and crouch back down, throwing the pelts over herself.


The question caused Yura to snort, crossing her arms. “I trained you better than that, girl. When someone’s collapsed, you make sure nothing is constricting their ribs in case they’re having trouble breathing.”

“And besides, those clothes you had on were falling apart,” noted Tulok. “It was like you hadn’t worn anything else in days.”

“Your father’s right, dear,” chided Alasie gently. “And after all those adventures you were telling us you had with your, um...” – her eyes flicked to Lex, and she shuddered before returning her attention to her daughter – “with your new religious instructor, you were probably just as worn down as those old rags you were wearing. Honestly, I’m amazed you didn’t collapse before now.”

From beneath the pile of furs, Solvei gave a low moan that perfectly matched the mortification Lex registered from her. “Why does this always happen to me?!”

Master, we’re ready.

Very well, replied Lex telepathically, glancing at the doorway that Solvei had left through a few minutes ago. We’ll be out momentarily.

“Is he here?” murmured Nenet, still in her hybrid form, as she rose to her feet.

Lex nodded once, causing the sphinx to shudder, the nervousness he felt from her increasing. “You don’t need to do this if you don’t wish to. From a deontological standpoint, you’ve done nothing wrong.”

“I didn’t do anything to help, though,” murmured Nenet, her nervousness decreasing as guilt replaced it. “I didn’t even try. I was scared, so I just looked away when it all happened.” Looking down, she sniffled, wings drooping. “I didn’t speak up for them, the same way Adagio never spoke up for me. I don’t want to be like her, so I have to do this.”

“Forgive me if I am being impertinent,” interjected Me Li, “but in the short time that I have known you, your actions have been selfless and compassionate. Qualities that the one called Adagio lacked.”

Her wings perking up slightly, Nenet gave the kumiho a wan smile. “Thank you.” She turned her eyes toward Lex then. “Both of you. Honestly, I don’t know why I’m fretting so much. It’s not like this compares at all to everything we just went through.”

If you wish, I can take away your anxiety, offered Lex, switching to telepathy to keep Mei Li from hearing. Once he sent her home, the kumiho would doubtlessly tell her friends and family about everything that had happened to her, which meant that it was only prudent that he keep her from knowing more than she already did about the full extent of his powers.

It was unlikely in the extreme that some future enemy would use Mei Li as a strategic resource to learn about his powers, but given the unbelievable sequence of events that had occurred ever since he’d been thrown back into this world, Lex didn’t find those odds particularly reassuring.

Oblivious to his concerns, Nenet shook her head softly. No. Thank you, Master, but no. I want to be a better sphinx, so that means having the courage to do this on my own.

You’re already an excellent sphinx, Nenet.

He felt a rush of happiness from her then, overwhelming her nervousness, and Lex took that as a signal to begin, walking outside as Nenet and Mei Li moved to follow him.

A short distance from the entrance, Solvei was waiting for him, Silla – his missing leg bandaged and wrapped in a poultice – leaning on her for support.

Behind them, a crowd had gathered, with Yotimo and the rest of his warband – along with Toklo and his mother – standing by in silence.

He’s ready when you are, Master, prompted Solvei.

Stepping forward, Lex paused as he came within reach of the maimed warrior, who flinched as he took in the sight of what the stallion had become. “You’re different every time I see you,” Silla murmured.

“That difference is a sign of Night Mare’s favor, which has allowed me to grow stronger,” replied Lex. “Enough so that I can now heal the part of you that I couldn’t before.”

“Actually heal? Or replace with...whatever that is?” Silla nodded his head toward Lex’s left foreleg, grimacing at the sight.

“Silla!” muttered Solvei, scandalized.

“You have my assurance, your leg will be flesh and blood,” interjected Lex. Foreseeing Silla’s next question, he lifted his metal leg and clenched his claw into a fist. “Mine is not because, when I lost it, the Night Mare saw fit to give me something greater as a replacement.”

Silla gave a hollow laugh. “Akna’s been telling me all about how she worships that goddess now. And apparently our ancestors coming back to life means that they weren’t being reborn, even though we ate them. Even Yura’s saying that we should abandon our traditions and convert.”

He stopped then, and Lex could feel worry coming from Solvei as Silla took a deep breath before speaking again. “If I say right now that I’m not interested in worshiping this Night Mare of yours, that I’m not willing to forego our beliefs just so I can live as a warrior again, will you still give me back my leg?”


Silla’s eyes narrowed. “Just like that?”

“Exactly so.”


In the crowd, Lex caught sight of Panuk, watching the proceedings a short distance away from Yotimo. The sight reminded him of when he’d answered similar questions from the two of them before. Yotimo while they were moving to confront where Paska had taken his son, and Panuk just a day ago when he’d sought Lex out. Both had eventually accepted his explanations, but neither had seemed particularly enthusiastic about them.

Even now, his foresight was telling him that a lecture about moral duty, or saying that he wanted to make sure the adlets held no grudge against the ponies who lived nearby, would receive an unfavorable reaction.

But there was another explanation that would, he knew, be much more acceptable to Silla. One which was just as true as anything else he could have said.

“Because Akna wants me to, and I want to make her happy.”

A low murmur of chuckles and soft cooing came from the crowd behind them, and Solvei blushed, her tail starting to wag furiously behind her. “Master!” she whined, looking down even as she raised her eyes to his, then looking away bashfully.

Unable to help but snicker at the sight, Silla shook his head before giving the shaman a wry look. “Wow. So is that the reason you never had a boyfriend? Because you were secretly hoping to go for a ride with a stallion?”

The question made Solvei blush harder. “Shut up.”

“Maybe you could introduce me to one of those mares he was traveling with before. Would they call me master if we hit it off?”

Solvei glared at him. “You do realize that it’s dangerous to tease the person who’s holding you up, right?”

“Then I better get back on my own two feet,” replied Silla glibly, before looking back at Lex. His smile fading, he drew in a breath before giving the titan one last appraising look.

Slowly, he lifted his free hand and held it out. “I’m ready.”

Already having prepared the spell, Lex stepped forward and grasped Silla’s hand. With a thought, the poultice on his leg came undone, the bandages joining it a moment later, as the stump at the end of his leg slowly began to regrow. Biting his lip slightly, Silla looked down, the adlets behind him seeming to hold their breath as they watched intently.

“It feels strange,” murmured Silla. “Tingly. Like it’s still there and just fell asleep. Is that supposed to happen?”

“Your nerve endings are regenerating, along with muscles, skin, and bones,” answered Lex. “The process shouldn’t take very long.”

“How long is-, wait! I think it’s happening!”

Sure enough, the missing portion of Silla’s missing leg was slightly longer now, and Silla held his breath as the flesh regrew. In two dozen heartbeats, his calf was restored. Another dozen brought back his ankle and heel. A half-dozen saw his arch regrown. And then, finally, his toes returned, Silla staring at the appendages as he wiggled them.

“It’s back,” he whispered, staring at his regrown foot in awe. “My leg...”

“Try it out,” murmured Solvei, causing Silla to give her a blank look, as though having trouble comprehending what she was suggesting. “Go on, see if it works.”

Gulping, Silla gingerly lowered his foot, gasping as he put his weight on it, Solvei slowly letting him go and moving to Lex’s side. Everyone watched as Silla took a halting step, seeming to have trouble balancing, but he was more steady with his next step, and even steadier with the third. Marching in a circle, a joyous cry erupted from his lips as he raised his arms above his head, triumphant. “It’s back!” he yelled, a broad grin crossing his muzzle. “It’s really back!”

That was enough for everyone watching, the crowd erupting into cheers and whistles as he ran toward them, flinging himself into where Yotimo’s warband was watching, the assembled warriors laughing as they slapped him on the back and hugged him.

The celebrating went on for a full minute before Nenet stepped forward, swallowing before clearing her throat. “E-excuse me...”

No one reacted, the assembled adlets too busy congratulating Silla to even notice that she’d spoken.

Withering a little at being ignored, Nenet rubbed her hands together. “Excuse me? E-everyone...?”

Solvei frowned, and started to step forward, but she didn’t have a chance as Mei Li strode out to stand next to Nenet. In an instant, the kumiho returned to fox-form and – tilting her head upward – breathed a line of lightning into the sky. The bright light and loud crackle was more than enough to grab everyone’s attention, causing the crowd to jump as they looked at the three-tailed fox in astonishment.

Changing back to her human form, Mei Li gave the assembled adlets a polite nod. “Thank you all for offering your attention. My friend Nenet has a statement that she will be making now.”

The smile she gave Nenet a moment later was much more genuine, as was the one the bipedal sphinx returned, and then Mei Li stepped back.

With all eyes now on her, Nenet took a deep breath. “Um, hi...my name’s Nenet, though, um, I guess Mei Li already said that. Oh, that was Mei Li, by the way. She’s my friend...and I just realized she said that part too. Sorry.”

Biting her lip, Nenet’s tail thrashed for a moment, and she winced as she caught sight of it. “Actually, that’s not all I’m sorry for. I know I look different now, but, the thing is, some of you know me already. I mean, not personally or anything, but we’ve met before. Or, not met, but you saw me, even if we didn’t talk...”

She trailed off, and Lex could see her lip starting to quiver, registering that her confidence was failing.

Master, whimpered Solvei. She needs help!

No, she doesn’t.


She’s stronger than you know. Stronger than even she knows. Nenet has been abused and mistreated her entire life. But when I needed her to, she ventured back to the home she hated, confronted her past, and overcame it. She saved herself, Mei Li, and even Adagio from being killed by the undead that Kryonex raised. And now she’s taking responsibility for her own weakness. All without complaint, despite how frightened she is.

Her eyes wide, Solvei glanced between him and Nenet. I...hadn’t thought of it that way. And I’m surprised that you did.

I have faith in my Nenet, answered Lex. Just like I do my Solvei.

Blushing again, Solvei quieted down as she turned her eyes back toward the sphinx, smiling.

Closing her eyes, Nenet drew in a deep breath, holding it for several seconds before breathing out, her tail coming to a halt as she looked back over the crowd. “I was part of Sissel’s group,” she announced, only a slight quiver in her voice. “I didn’t look like this then. I was much smaller, and uglier, but...I was there. I was there when she attacked Yotimo and his people. I was there when she cut off Silla’s leg. I was there when...when everything that happened after that, happened...”

Yotimo didn’t say anything, but a shudder went through him, and Lex saw his son’s mother grasp his hand.

“I hated what they did,” continued Nenet, “and I didn’t want to be a part of it, but...I went along with it. I knew that if I said anything, all that would happen was that I’d be b-beaten, and that nothing I could do would help. So I stayed quiet...I figured that since I was so small and weak, it didn’t matter anyway, and I, um...”

A muffled sob came from her throat then, and she took a moment to compose herself. “And I thought that...that if Grisela, and Sissel, and Vidrig were all going to h-hurt someone anyway, then...then at least it wasn’t me.”

Tears rolled down her cheeks then, and Lex was aware that she was struggling to keep from falling apart completely. “The truth it...I was glad it wasn’t me...that for once, they were being cruel to someone else...that I didn’t have to...to be so afraid anymore...because there were other people they could make afraid...and I’m so sorry for that! I wish I’d said something, even if they’d beaten me! Even if they’d broken my wings again! I’m sorry! I’m so, so sorry! I’m...I...”

Lex summoned her back to his side then, pulling her close as she finally broke down, Solvei – her own cheeks wet with tears – coming in to press against her other side a moment later. Mei Li moved in as well, her expression mournful.

All of them looked up at Yotimo approached, save for Nenet, who couldn’t bring herself to look at him.

But that changed when the old adlet spoke.

“I forgive you.”

Pulling out of the group hug, Nenet managed to stumble over to Yotimo, looking up at him with a miserable expression.

When he held out his arms a moment later, she threw herself into them, weeping again.

But through their bond, Lex knew that this time she was crying in relief.

Author's Note:

Reconnecting with Solvei, Lex and Nenet work to repair things with the adlets!

Has this finally patched things up between them and Akna's people? Or are there still unresolved issues that require fixing?

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