• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,176 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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262 - Problem Solving

“Go ahead,” urged Sonata. “Dig in!”

“I, I shouldn’t,” murmured the earth mare weakly, looking at the cabbage Sonata was holding out to her with an expression of trepidation. “There are so many other hungry ponies here…”

“Snap, you need to eat something,” insisted the earth stallion beside her.

It wasn’t hard to see what made him say that. The mare was leaning against him, not so much in a gesture of intimacy, but because she didn’t look like she’d be able to stand otherwise. She was painfully thin, and Sonata was almost sure she could see the other mare’s ribs under her coat, which was notably sparse. Even so, the mare made no move to accept the food she was being offered, instead glancing at the stallion propping her up. “I ate at the banquet Mr. Legis made for us two days ago,” she pointed out, though her tone of voice made it sound like she was confessing something shameful.

“You had a carrot and half of a bowl of yogurt, and I saw you throwing it up later!” The stallion’s voice was tense, making the words come out harshly, but to Sonata it was very obvious that he was worried rather than angry.

The mare flinched, looking at the ground. “I’m sorry,” she muttered, sounding like she was about to cry. “I just couldn’t stop thinking that every bite I took was taking food out of somepony else’s mouth. And with how bad Mr. Legis injured himself to make all of it for us, I felt so guilty…”

“He made that food for you too, Snap. You didn’t need to give it away to other people,” insisted the stallion, and the expression on his face told Sonata that he’d had this conversation – or one just like it – with her more than once. “There’s no reason to feel bad, so please…I’m begging you, just eat the cabbage, okay?”

But the mare, Snap, only seemed to wither under her companion’s prodding. “Maybe we could just carry it around for a while, in case we see someone else who needs it more than me?”

That was all Sonata could take, turning slightly and glancing back at where Lex was still scribbling on his clipboard as she whispered. “You heard all that, right? Can I do my thing?”

She got her answer a moment later, and she looked back at the couple. “Listen, um, Snap, was it?”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” cringed the earth mare. “I’m Snaptastic. I already knew your name, so I didn’t think to offer mine.”

“Aw, it’s okay.” Despite the starving pony in front of her, Sonata couldn’t help but grin, taking it as a compliment that the other mare had known who she was. Yep, we’re totes hitting the big time now! she cheered internally before getting back to business. “So listen, your boyfriend is pretty clearly totes worried about you…”

Both ponies cringed at that. “Um, Daybright is my cousin,” offered Snaptastic awkwardly.

Sonata laughed. “Oh wow! Oops! Like, major fox paw on my part!” But the admission didn’t dispel the awkwardness like she’d intended, as the pair simply glanced at each other in confusion, causing Sonata to tilt her head questioningly. “What? What’d I say?”

“Faux pas, Sonata,” called Nosey from where she was still clinging to Lex. “It’s pronounced ‘faux pas.’”

“Really? That doesn’t sound right.” She frowned for a moment, then shrugged it off as she turned back to Snaptastic. “Anyway, how long has it been since you’ve eaten? I mean, like, for realsies eaten?”

The other mare seemed uncomfortable with the question, giving a weak twitch that might have been a fidget. “I don’t know,” she muttered evasively.

“Nine days,” interjected Daybright. “And that was only because I said I’d throw my food away if she didn’t eat anything.”

That was enough for Sonata to glance back at Lex, who nodded at her. Satisfied, she turned back to Snaptastic, holding up the cabbage. “Aw, that’s no good! After that long, you must be totes starving!” Without waiting for a reply, she kept going, added a slight melody to her words. “You shouldn’t waste it, so why not taste it? It’s gonna taste so good, I’d bet you’d enjoy the flavor. I really think you should, you’d be doing us a favor.”

It was only just barely singing, but it was just enough for her to work magic into her words, letting her weave magic into the lyrics, laying a suggestion on Snaptastic to put whatever was bothering her aside and eat the cabbage. As she felt the spell settle into place, she let the song end and gave her an expectant look. “So, whaddaya say?”

Snap hesitated, before swallowing nervously and reaching out to fumble for the cabbage. “I…I guess a little wouldn’t hurt.” Tentatively, she brought it to her lips and bit off a leaf, chewing it slowly. Daybright looked shocked, but his face broke into a smile immediately, helping her to hold the vegetable steady as she went back for a second bite.

“There we go!” beamed Sonata. Not waiting around to watch the other mare eat, she waved to the pair as she turned and made her way back to Lex. He wasn’t that far, being only a stone’s throw away, but she still wiped her foreleg across her brow in an exaggerated manner as she reached him. “Whew! The last one’s always the hardest, huh?” she asked, nodding at the empty wagons and bags scattered about.

When all she got was a noncommittal grunt from him as he kept his eyes on his clipboard, the pencil still scratching away, she changed the subject. “So, the train looks closer now.”

But Lex didn’t respond. Instead, it was Nosey who answered. “He said it was about an hour away, but that was a few minutes ago.” She shifted her weight slightly, as though she was about to separate from Lex’s side, but seemed to change her mind at the last instance.

That was enough to give Sonata an idea, smiling at Nosey. “Hey, you want me to use my magic to calm you down again?”

“Huh?” Nosey blinked, and Sonata had the satisfaction of seeing Lex’s writing come to a sudden halt, his eyes now peering at her instead of whatever he’d been writing.

That’s right, look at me! “Well, I mean, you’re still all over Lex because you’re freaked out about what happened, right? I’m sure that’s gotta be crimping your style, you know?” She waved a hoof at the camp. “Everypony’s excited, big event happening. You must be dying to get out there and interview some people, right?”

But rather than seeming excited at the prospect, Nosey blanched. “Um…I don’t-”

“It’s a good idea,” interjected Lex, his pencil resuming its writing. “You should use this as an opportunity to try and recover from what you’ve been through.”

“Ah…yeah. Of course.” Puffing herself up, Nosey plastered a grin on her face. “I was just going to say, ‘I don’t see why not.’ Hit me.”

Grinning, Sonata sang a quick ditty, and a moment later Nosey was walking away from them. Sonata watched her go, waving when the blonde mare paused and glanced back at them, and after a moment Nosey disappeared into the crowd. Sighing in relief, Sonata moved into the space her friend had vacated, snuggling up against Lex. She could have just taken the other side of him, of course, but this was better; now Nosey could get back to being her old self and she got Lex all to herself again! “So, what’cha workin’ on?”

“I’m diagramming some initial hypotheses for transforming Aria into a pony.”

Sonata couldn’t help but fold her ears back at that. First Nosey, now Aria? You were just hugging me and saying how worried you were if I was okay a little while ago! Why am I old news all of a sudden?! Unable to help herself, she didn't think before she spoke, saying something she knew would get a rise out of him. “So…you seem to be cool with all sorts of brain-twisting magic lately. What’s up with that?”

Again, Lex’s writing came to a complete halt, and he slowly turned his head to look at her. “What?”

The warning tone in his voice was audible, and Sonata knew she was heading toward another fight, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself. “I’m just sayin’. I mean, you know I enchanted those farmers I met with-”

“In order to facilitate the fair and peaceful purchase of excess food in their possession so as to secure the health and safety of everypony here, when they wouldn’t otherwise have done business with you.”

“And then I heard you totes made Spit Polish into some sort of special-needs pony.”

“Which in no way abrogated his free will or personal identity. The impediments I placed on his cognitive abilities are the mental equivalent of shackling his ankles; they diminish the peak ability that his mind is capable of performing at, but do not create any alterations to its substance.”

“Plus you were fine with me using magic on Snaptastic to get her to eat just now.”

“Of course I was,” snorted Lex peevishly, keeping his voice low. “Her refusal to nourish herself, even when there were sufficient provisions for everypony, was completely lacking in a rational basis and had reached the point of putting her health at risk. Corrective action was necessary, and the invasive nature of having your magic plant a thought in her head was counterbalanced by the overall chance of success as well as the negligible time requi-”

“Also, Nosey-”

He gave her a flat look then, clearly annoyed with this entire conversation. “You asked her before you did that, and she provided you with informed consent. That obviates any sort of moral objection on my part.” He paused for a moment, tilting his head as he regarded her with a frown. “Does that answer your question in a comprehensible manner?”

Huffing, Sonata tossed her mane from one shoulder to the other. “Oh yeah, that’s totes reprehensible.”

“Comprehensib-” His correction was cut off as the train whistle rang out again, and he glanced behind him for a moment before turning back to her. “We need to make some preparations before that arrives here.”

Sonata’s ears perked up. “We?”

He frowned at her again, clearly not understanding why she focused on that particular word. “You and me. Aria’s best kept inside the train station where her unpalatable demeanor won’t be an issue if whoever’s on that train isn’t hostile, while still being a nearby auxiliary force if they are. Severance will obey whatever commands I give it. Everypony else will need to be managed one way or another, so that just leaves the two of us to coordinate our actions.” He paused, then added, “You are my spokespony, after all.”

“I…yeah, I am.” She suddenly felt as dumb as her sisters always told her she was. Lex wasn’t trying to ignore her, he was just acting like he always did: moving from one issue to the next and losing sight of everything else. The problem was that all of a sudden her sister and her bestie were crowding him all the time. Even if he didn't notice, it was pretty upsetting. It was like making a really nice sandwich for yourself for lunch, and then seeing someone else grabbing it and acting like they were about to take a bite out of it.


"Huh?! Yeah! I'm paying attention!"

He gave her a long look, clearly not convinced, but pointed away from the camp. "I said, we need to retrieve those gemstones that Garden Gate lost while she was fighting. If whoever's on that train is hostile, they'll be helpful."

"Got it." She smiled, still feeling a little bad about how she'd acted as she helped lead him back to last night's battlefield. She'd need to have a talk with Nosey after the stuff with the train was taken care of. As bad as she felt, having her sleeping in the same tent as them and leaning on him all the time had to stop.

Nobody takes my sandwich!

Author's Note:

Lex and Sonata try to solve their current batch of problems before new ones arrive.

Will the arrival of the train help them make things better? Or will it herald more things that need fixing?

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