• Published 15th Apr 2016
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Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 101: Beasts in the Dark

Episode 101: Beasts in the Dark

There was no time for questions, but Applebloom certainly had plenty. All that mattered in that instant was that monsters were stalking through the treeline on either side of the forest path, and that she the rest of the girls’ only chance of escape was going to be by working together. Whatever was going on with Silver Spoon and that glowing bow of blue light would have to wait.

“Back down the path, hurry!” she shouted while grasping her pink hair bow and through her panic focused on the memories so important to her that were tied into that bow. Within a mere moment the bow ignited into crimson energy and formed the apple red whip that snapped at the ready in her hand.

She spun as the first of the nearest hulking shadows reached the edge of the path. Applebloom could smell a musky, thick animal scent filling the air alongside a rumbling grow as the creature, looking much like the first one with the body of a great, burly lion but with the wings of a bat and the tail of a scorpion, emerged and raised a paw to swipe at Derpy. The older girl had an utterly befuddled look about her, and Applebloom yelled, “Duck!” just as she swung her whip.

Whether Derpy heard Applebloom and reacted, or just saw the beast about to claw her and reacted on instinct, Derpy instantly hit the deck, covering her head. Applebloom’s whip zipped overhead, its metal tip smacking into the monster’s jaw with what should have been bone breaking force. Applebloom had seen that whip blow through trees, after all. Yet the lion-like creature took the blow and only staggered back a step or two, clearly dazed, but no more wounded than if by a solid punch.

“Oh horse apples,” Applebloom breathed, rushing to yank Derpy to her feet, “We gotta run, girls, now!”

Sweetie Belle had already summoned her wand, but swiftly converted it to staff size and with a panicked look about her pointed it at other shadows in the trees, sending a line of sparkling lights zipping off. It missed the moving shadows, which parted with predatory precision, and the sparkling energy instead struck a dead and fallen log, absorbing it into the staff’s orb.

“Dang it! What am I supposed to do with a log!?” Sweetie Belle cried, backing down the path on shaking legs.

Silver Spoon, her eyes flat but her jaw clenched tightly, yanked a babbling Diamond Tiara up.

“Diamond, stay close, and follow me!”

“This isn’t happening. This isn’t happening. This isn’t-”

Diamond, MOVE!” Silver Spoon gave the other girl a rough shove towards where Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were backing down the path, and as Diamond stumbled that way Silver Spoon spun and started slowly backing up as well, firing streaking arrows of blue light into the depths of the forest.

The first beast she shot wasn’t dead. In fact it roared louder than the rest as it sprung back to its feet. One eye was gone, blood dripping down its face, but the monster snarled with vicious and rending intent as it spread its wings and leaped down the hillside towards Silver Spoon.

On Silver Spoon turned and fired an arrow, striking it in the chest, but the creature still descended towards her with claws outstretched to rip and tear. Only Silver Spoon’s incredible reflexes, far faster than any of the Cutie Mark Crusaders could have expected, saved her as she jumped back. The beast’s claws still tore at her dress, ripping a light wound on the girl’s shoulder, but Silver Spoon was trained with Blut Vene, and had hardened her flesh with reishi enough to keep from losing the limb and instead just took a light scratch.

Still, more of the creatures were emerging from the treeline, and it was clear their escape route was about to be cut off. Scootaloo, who’d kept close between her friends, was shouting at the very top of her lungs, cupping her hands around her mouth as she pointed it at the sky.

“Alerion! I need you!”

Silverspoon had no idea at all what Scootaloo was doing, but then again, none of the CMC had any idea what Silver Spoon was either, so fair’s fair, she supposed. She could tell none of the CMC seemed all that well trained or comfortable with their powers, whatever that power was. Applebloom’s whip seemed the most useful, but it wasn’t hitting hard enough to do more than bruise and annoy these hulking beasts. She had no idea what Sweetie Belle’s staff did, at least until Sweetie Belle swung it, and that orb glowed with teal light, and a dead log came shooting out like a cannonball to smash into the face of one of the monsters.

The blow bowled the beast backwards, and fortunately it was one of the ones who’d blocked the path behind them, so Silver Spoon saw the opportunity that presented and spun around, pooling reishi around her feet. She wasn’t very good at Hirenkyaku, and couldn’t do one at full speed because she’d yet to learn how to properly do Blut Vene over her whole body to keep the g-forces from killing her. Still, she was able to boost herself up above the group in a tall jump, and rained down three quick shots down on the other linien monster that was blocking the way back.

The reishi arrows struck true, and while they didn’t penetrate deep, they drew blood and got the monster looking up at its new assailant.

“Applebloom, go for the legs!” Silver Spoon called out, and thankfully the farmgirl didn’t question it or argue, immediately taking action.

Her crimson whip came around with a powerful crack of noise, smacking one of the monster’s legs just above the knee. Whether by luck or intent, this managed to pop the knee out of its joint and the beast toppled with an agonized roar. Silver Spoon heard someone shout to run, and wasn’t sure if it was her or Applebloom doing it. Maybe it was both of them, but either way, she landed and grabbed Diamond Tiara by the hand, while Applebloom did the same for the older girl, Derpy.

Then the group made a break for it at a dead spring back down the trail. Behind them the girls all heard branches breaking and bushes shaking alongside hungry roars and the deep thuds of heavy feet moving to chase them. Silver Spoon chanced a look back to see that while the beast with the dislocated knee wasn’t going anywhere, at least four or five more of the strange monsters were crashing through the forest or down the path behind the.

They’re too fast! Silver Spoon realized, knowing that they’d never get far before the monsters were pouncing on them from behind.

Her only task was to make sure Diamond Tiara was safe. It was the entire reason her parents had had her start playing with the Rich family’s scion in the first place. While Silver Spoon considered Diamond a dear friend, she was also her ward. Her charge. She’d been a loyal friend for all these years, but also had always been there to be a protector in the instance that danger might rear its head from the spiritual realm.

She didn’t know if these beasts were spiritual or not, but whatever they were, they were a threat to the person she was sworn to protect.

That meant either grabbing Diamond and taking to the air with Hirenkyaku and leaving the other girls to their fate, or staying behind to buy time for the rest to escape. Silver Spoon knew she couldn’t defeat the monsters, not all of them, but she could keep them busy for a few minutes, at least...

“Diamond, keep running!” she said, shoving Diamond ahead of her as she turned around, taking aim with her bow.

While she was perfectly satisfied to see that Diamond kept right on running, Silver Spoon was completely irked to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders all turn around as well. “What are you idiots doing!? I said run!”

Applebloom’s face was the picture of stubborness as she spun her whip above her head, “Like we’d let ya take all them beasties on alone!”

Her whip shot out, but rather than go for the monsters converging on their position, the whip snapped around the trunk of one of the larger trees on the left. Applebloom pulled on the whip, and for a second Silver Spoon thought the other girl had to be crazy to think she could yank such a huge tree down. As it turned out, that was technically true. Applebloom knew she wasn’t physically strong enough to pull down the tree, but she didn’t have to be. As she learned more about her Fullbring, the more she understood the whip channeled energy through it, and part of why it could burst through things was because if she focused, she could make that energy burn into whatever the whip was in contact with.

So with a little focus, she got her whip glowing red hot, and it burned through the tree trunk it was snaked around, causing the tree to crack and fall onto the path in front of the oncoming monsters, actually managing to hit and pin one of them with a loud snap of bones.

Meanwhile Sweetie Belle aimed her staff at another tree on the right side of the path, and struck it with a beam of sparkling energy. The teal light wrapped around the tree, then distorted it until it sucked the whole tree back into the staff’s orb. Silver Spoon blinked as the teal light then engulfed Sweetie Belle herself, and swirled upwards. Within an eyeblink, a massive tree with light purple pine needle leaves, and a cartoonish pair of Sweetie Belle’s eyes in its trunk, appeared in the path.

Then the tree suddenly gained a mouth and spoke in Sweetie Belle’s voice, “I think it's time you monsters leaf us alone!’

Scootaloo groaned, “Seriously?”

However, the Sweetie Tree proceeded to demonstrate remarkable mobility for a plant, its roots moving as it shuffled towards the now very confused monsters and started to swing its lower branches at them. The branches didn’t exactly do a lot of damage, but the confusion among the monsters was apparent, stemming their charge.

Silver Spoon shared their confusion, but was well trained and disciplined enough to know an advantage when she saw one, and promptly made use of it. She timed her shots alongside Applebloom’s whip, both girls attacking the disoriented monsters while they were still trying to clamber over the one fallen tree, and be battered by the swinging branches of the now mobile Sweetie Tree.

However the creatures’ toughness and strength was truly beyond the natural. Silver Spoon’s arrows, accurate as they were, couldn’t seem to penetrate deep enough to inflict any significant damage. Appelbloom’s whip kept knocking them around, but the monsters recovered from those blows within seconds. The only one that was staying down was the one the tree had fallen on, thrashing and snarling beneath the heavy pine.

One pounced upon Sweetie Belle, its claws digging into her tree form with the loud noise of shredding bark. Sweetie shrieked and topped over, although she had the wherewithal to roll so she landed on top of the beast clawing her. She hit the ground with a titanic crash, and proceeded to rolling around some more, flailing branches everywhere until the tree was engulfed in teal light and Sweetie Belle’s human form appeared once more as the tree shape vanished.

“Ow, dangit, this hurts!” Sweetie Belle groaned, staggering to her feet as she held her left leg, which sported fresh claw marks. Fortunately the monster she fell on top of in tree form had fared worse, laying in a twitching heap.

That still left three more to deal with, though. Those three had finished getting over the tree Applebloom had crashed onto the path, despite both Applebloom and Silver Soon’s best efforts to keep them back. Right then a shadow passed overhead, and the girls felt a great gust of wind as an avian shape swooped down and snatched one of the beasts right off the ground. Silver Spoon caught a view of a huge, stone bird that swept back up into the sky, and proceeding to fling the beast towards the ground some distance off with such force that even the monster’s own bat-like wings couldn’t stabilize it before it smashed into the forest below.

“About damn time!” Scootaloo shouted, pumping a fist into the air. The motion apparently attracted one of the monsters attention more than the loss of one of its comrades, for it roared and made a prodigious jump over Silver Spoon and Applebloom’s heads towards Scootaloo.

It was stopped mid-air by the crimson whip of Applebloom, who struck it hard across the side and knocked it off course. The whip itself had blazed to life with crimson light, not unlike when it had burned through the tree. It wasn’t fire, but rather more akin to a damaging aura, and Silver Spoon couldn’t help but feel the faint Hollow energy stemming from it. Whatever power the CMC were using, it was somehow tied to Hollows. Well, except Scootaloo. Whatever that bird creature was, it was exhibiting a totally different aura.

The bird in question was sweeping back towards them, coming around for another pass at the creatures. It flew low, just above the treeline, and perhaps it was because it was so intent on the beasts it saw on the pathway that it didn’t see the other monsters that were lurking in the treeline. Another pair, probably part of the same pack that had held back in the forest in case the children had fled into the trees, now sprung from the very trees that they’d climbed up to gain high. With their bat wings they sailed right into the stone bird, using their combined mass to tackle it out of the sky.

“Alerion!” Scootaloo gasped as the stone bird veered off and smashed into the tree line. Several pine trees snapped in half as the stone bird ploughed through them. The beasts atop it raked at its stone hide with their claws, and now an eagle's cry pierced the night and a fierce and brutal brawl began in the trees as the bird rolled around and started buffeting the beasts upon it with its wings and stabbing with its beak.

Meanwhile, the girls were left to deal with the two remaining beasts on the path, and Silver Spoon could only hope at least Diamond Tiara had managed to get away, and that no more monsters were lurking out there in the dark.


Timber Spruce could move through the forest trail much faster than the campers who’d wandered off, but that didn’t mean catching up with them was simple. He knew the trails around Camp Everfree with intimate detail, but he still had to pick his steps carefully to avoid getting tripped up by stray roots or smack his face into low hanging branches. Some of these trails were in dire need of better maintenance, but with just him and Gloriosa here, they didn't have the manpower to really do that as much as they’d like.

When he saw that the kids had gone up the north trail into the deeper forest, he got the idea that he could give them a bit of a fright. Sure he could just approach them normally and admonish them, but chances are they’d just see that as a challenge to sneak out again the next night. With a proper scare he might at least get the idea across that wandering the trails at night wasn’t a joke. Granted it wasn’t like the trails were actually dangerous, or that there was any serious chance of predators wandering this close to the camp, but they still couldn’t have campers sneaking off whenever they wanted.

So to that end, he actually went off the trail and cut through the forest, hoping to get ahead of the kids before they reached the hill with the overhanging tree. Timber could see well enough with what little ambient star and moon light reached past the pine boughs, and made steady progress until he reached a familiar landmark that was a small pond surrounded by tall grass. The hill wouldn’t be much further.

However as he passed by the pond, he froze as he heard something. A girl’s scream! It wasn’t far away, and it came from the direction of the hill! Had the campers gotten there already!? Maybe he wasn’t moving as fast as he thought? Shaking his head, trying to convince himself that one of the kids must have just gotten a spider in her hair or something, he picked up the pace and hustled through the forest undergrowth, careful not to trip and break his leg, but definitely hurrying himself.

Only long honed senses and instincts form having lived his whole life amid the Everfree Forest warned him of the danger coming his way. The sudden quiet of the forest around him, combined with a wave of thick, animal musk, warned Timber of danger and threw himself behind the nearest tree. Just in time, as it turned out, for something large, heavy, and breathing with rapid panting breaths came bursting through the bushes ahead of the path he’d been taking.

Timber Spruce ducked down, the portion of the tree above him being clawed out by a paw larger than his head!

He couldn't clearly see what was attacking him, but it’s momentum carried it past the tree he’d used as cover, and Timber sprang away from it immediately and darted towards the direction of the forest trail. He zigged and zagged between trees, hearing the beast behind him snarl and the heavy thuds of its paws as it began to give chase.

Timber’s mind whirled with fear choked questions. This wasn’t a bear was it!? It was too big to just be a wolf! It wasn’t another Hollow either, because Timber had seen it, if only cloaked in shadow. He was going for the trail, but that was only because he now heard even more shouting from that direction. Should he turn and try to lead the beast away somewhere else? But wait, if the campers were shouting, that might mean there were more creatures attacking them, too!

I have to somehow get to them and lead them back to camp! No, not the camp, that’d just put more kids in danger. Twilight’s lab! Those Quincy girls could protect the kids!

He knew it was a long shot even as he thought it. Even at a dead sprint, it’d take a few minutes at least to get back to the slit in the trails that’d lead towards Twilight’s lab. These beasts, whatever they were, could easily run them down before they got there, especially if Timber was leading kids not familiar with the trails in the first place. But he didn’t see another option, either. He couldn’t fight, and neither could any of the kids, so-

Timber’s thoughts were interrupted by an unimaginable crash from above. He dove to the ground as something large and vaguely avian shaped smashed through several trees, shrieking as it flung a large, lion-like beast off its back with its beak. Another creature leaped at it from the ground and wrapped powerful jaws around the bird’s leg. Timer saw sparks as teeth scraped on... stone?

And the bird, it was huge. Easily as big as a cabin. It’s eyes glowed like blue crystals. Wait, were they blue crystals!? The beast that had been chasing Timber came up behind him, but rather than pounce on him, it flung itself at the bird that was fighting its companions. Timber saw it, yet another strange, massive lion with something more akin to a bear’s proportions, land on the stone bird’s wing. Claws raked at stone, drawing sparking marks downward, and the bird shrieked again, spinning and flinging its wing out. It smashed the wing, and the lion beast on it, through a tree with an ear splitting crack.

Peering through the carnage, Timber spotted the trail, and the campers! He bolted to hsi feet and sprinted forward through the tulmet of the melee between the stone bird and the lion monsters. He ducked under the bird’s talon as it raked one at one of the beats, and Timber felt a hot spray of blood on him as the creature roared and yelped.

Then he was through the turmoil and onto the trail, only to find there was a fight taking place there too! Two more lion-like monstrosities were facing the girls, one of which was holding a blue, glowing bow. A Quincy!? One of the other girls was flailing around with a whip that seemed to periodically snap with red energy, while a third girl held a staff that looked almost ludicrously out of place with its somewhat cartoonish appearance.

Timber Spruce was behind the beasts facing the girls, and so thought to do the only thing that made sense. Distract them. He pulled out the flashlight he’d kept in his cargo short’s larger pocket, having not really needed it to navigate, but now turned on its bright strobe while shouting, “HEY!”

The beats and girls alike looked back at him, and Timber flashed the light at the creature’s eyes. Nocturnal by nature, the bright beam of light caused both creatures to roar and shake their heads in momentarily blindness and confusion. Then, hoping the beats might think the light was the cause of their distress, rather than him, Timber waved the light to the right and left, then hurled the flashlight into the forest towards the opposite side where the stone bird was fighting.

Whether by miracle or simple fact that the beasts’ couldn’t differentiate the light from a pretty or threat, the two monsters spread bat-like wings and leaped after the flashlight, crashing into the forest to get at it. Good thing Timber had a decent throwing arm, as the light had landed some distance in, and the lion-like monsters had left the trail entirely to get at it.

Timber took that instance to rush up to the girls, not really caring to ask questions in that moment, “Come on, we have to go!”

“Ya got that right,” said the girl with the whip in a firm take-charge manner, “Let’s git goin’ gals an’ catch up ta Diamond an’ Derpy!”

“Wait, what about Alerion?” asked one of the other girls, Scootaloo, Timber wanted to say. He was still learning all the campers’ names.

The one with the whip, Applebloom, if Timber recalled, said, “He’s made outta stone. He’ll be fine.”

“He can still be hurt, but... dang it, you’re right. Alerion! Keep them busy, but run as soon as you can!”

To Timber’s shock, he heard a booming, regal baritone respond from the direction of the fight, and could only assume the stone bird itself was somehow talking.

“Once again I must bail you out, little hatchling. You owe me many oranges after this!”

Timber wasn’t about to question this. His definition of normal had fled the country when Twilight had saved him from the Hollow, and it’d already been packing it's bags before then with Gloriosa’s discovery of that necklace. So he didn’t even so much as blink before saying, “Follow me!”

He led the girls down the trail, moving as fast as he dared without risking leaving any of them behind. The sounds of roaring, trees crashing, and general mayhem echoed behind them, but thankfully it seemed like nothing was following them. At least not yet.

Timber was near breathless by the time they reached the split in the trail that would lead either back to Camp Everfree, or towards Twilight's lab. At that split, they found four people. Two timber recognized as more campers, part of the group that had snuck off. Diamond Tiara and... Derpy? He really did need to learn all their names, but it’d only been one day.

The other two he recognized as Sour Sweet and Sunny Flare. Both were flanking the campers in a defensive posture, their ‘bows’ already out, although neither really wielded a traditional bow. Sour Sweet’s crossbow was more sized like a rocket launcher, while Sunny Flare held two dart pistols like she was in a Hong Kong action movie. Between them, Diamond Tiara was huddled on the ground, shaking and crying, while being held and comforted by Derpy.

The moment the rest of them arrived, Sour Sweet looked at Tiber, “Oh, how nice, you went and saved them. Now we don’t have to bury any bodies.”

“Sour,” Sunny Flare said with a sharp look, then more cooly at Timber, “Is there anyone else left behind you?”

“No,” Timber said with a breathless shake of his head, “This is everyone. There’s strange beasts back there, on the trail.”

“We know,” Sunny Flare said, “Your sister reported to Twilight about them earlier, and she sent us on patrol to keep an eye out for any possible danger. Well, seems like there’s danger alright. We found these two rushing down the trail like terrified rabbits.”

“We were having a brief debate on which of us should guard these two and which of us should go after the rest,” Sour Sweet said, then snapped her crossbow up towards Timber. He yelped as she fired, and a powerful bolt of reshi shout out with nearly sonic-boom levels of force. The bolt flew over Timber’s head and impacted with the head of a lion-like monster that had loomed up behind them. The bolt of reishi blasted right through the beast’s skull, splattering blood, bone, and brain matter across the trail behind it. As the beast flopped dead to the ground, Sour Sweet continued on casually, “But it seems like that won’t be necessary, since you came to us. Hey, Sunny, should we send them back to the lab for now? I want to go hunt these critters down.”

“Well, we can’t let monsters roam near the camp or the lab, that’s true, “ Sunny Flare said, but shook her head, “But for now let’s return to base with the civies and see what Twilight wants to do to sort this mess out.”


Twilight stared at the group gathered outside her lab trailers with a mixture of shock, general consternation, and a fair bit of relief. The very first thing she said was to Timber.

“Thank you, for going after the kids.”

Timber Spruce glanced away for a second. He was sitting on one of the folding chairs set up by the engineering lab trailer, where most of the campers also now sat, and was cradling a cup of hot chocolate that Lemon Zest had brewed up for the shaken kids. He smiled at her gratefully after taking a sip to hide a blush amid the night’s shadows.

“I didn’t do much of anything other than distract a few of the... what did you call the?”

“Manticores,” Twilight said, “I spoke with my Equestrian counterpart briefly about the creatures of her world, and she described them as a not uncommon inhabitant of her world’s Everfree Forest. As much as it seems unlikely, somehow this world’s Everfree is started to team with Equestrian wildlife.”

“Are they always so mean and nasty?” asked Sweetie Belle, downing her hot chocolate like some binge drinker at a bar, holding out her empty mug for Lemon Zest to roll her eyes and fill it back up, “Because I’m telling you, if one more monster mauls me, I’m going to start developing a complex!”

“Oh, the wound isn’t that bad,” said Sugarcoat, using a Quincy field med-kit to heal up the girl’s small, but probably still quite painful wound. “These won’t even scar, and you’ll feel fine by morning.”

“It’s still a good question,” Scootaloo said, glancing outside the lab’s wards where Alerion sat. The Doll was intact, but his stone hide bore many claw marks, and his beak was slick with Manticore blood, “Are they supposed to be that violent? And what are they even doing here?”

“Hey, I have a question!” said the disheveled Diamond Tiara, whose eyes were wide, and her face streaked with tears, “What is HAPPENING!? If this is more of that crazy Sunset Shimmer’s magical shenanigans going out of control, I swear on my mother’s grave, who isn’t even dead yet, that I will SUE somebody! Everybody! Lawsuits for all! Litigation coming your way!”

The girl ended with near hyperventilating breathing, her hair haggard and sticking out at frayed ends. Beside her, Silver Spoon patted her shoulder in quiet comfort. Diamond Tiara had been little more than a crying mess when she’d arrived, but at least now she’d transitioned from fear to anger. Twilight wasn’t sure if that was better, but at least it was something. She felt rather sorry for the girl. This was why she’d suggested to Filthy Rich that perhaps telling his daughter the truth might be better to do sooner rather than later. It’d have made this transition somewhat easier.

“Diamond Tiara, I’m sorry you had to go through such an experience, and I assure you, in time, answers will come, but for now you should probably just try to rest and recover. I’m sure your father will be willing to explain more, when the time is right.”

“Daddy? What does daddy have to do with any of this?”

“Twilight, I assume you’d like to contact Soarin’ and Filthy Rich about what's happened?” Sugarcoat said, partially as a question.

Admittedly the situation was complicated. If it had just been Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in danger, then contacting her fellow Sternritter, especially Diamond Tiara’s father, would be top priority. As it stood, Twilight wasn’t sure if having the Cutie Mark Crusaders present would raise more questions. She was shocked to see two of them utilizing Fullbring. She had no doubt that was what Applebloom and Sweetie Belle had used. The power would logically be inherited by the siblings of her friends, after all.

Scootaloo was the odd one out. She’d refused so far to explain what that bird of hers was, the one she called ‘Alerion’, but even a casual sensing of spirit energy from the bird showed that Alerion was not a Fullbring. Not that Scootaloo had any reason to have a Fullbring, but Twilight was at a loss to guess what the stone construct was. Unless...

Well, there was a minor resemblance in the power to what her pony counterpart had described as Trixie’s power to summon an armored servant entity. Could this be the same?

Putting that aside, there was also another issue, that of the starry eyed blond girl standing and looking around curiously. Derpy Doo, Ditzy’s Doo’s daughter. Twilight couldn’t begin to guess what the wall-eyed teen might be thinking, and was more than a little concerned what Ditzy Doo might do if she found out her daughter had been attacked. Probably not a good reaction.

Burying her uncertainty, she said to Sugarcoat, “We should, of course, contact Filthy Rich and Soarin in due time. With dangerous creatures confirmed to be far too close to came, we may need their help in performing a sweep to remove the danger. Besides, Filthy Rich is going to need to deal with the fact that his daughter has seen things that can’t be unseen. Still, before that I need to get ahold of Sunset and the girls. They deserve to know what’s happened too.”

“Wait!” shouted Sweetie Belle, “You can’t tell them what happened! Please. If they learn we’ve been using powers like they have, then our sisters will never let us use them again!”

“Yeah! AJ’ll never trust me ta fight along with her!” said Applebloom, “She’ll just keep tryin’ ta protect me an’ treat me like a little kid, like she always does. Please Twilight, ya gotta keep this a secret.”

Their voices rang with the genuine fear of the young who believed that adults will never understand them or treat them like equals. There was a deeper fear to it as well, Twilight sensed, and to a degree she thought she understood what it was. After all, these young girls knew their big sisters were getting into ever more dangerous battles. Each of them had experienced Hollow attacks at one point or another. They knew their loved ones were in danger, and it probably ate at them to not be able to do anything. Now that they were manifesting powers of their, it only made sense that they wanted to develop and use those powers to help protect those they cared for.


“I’m sorry,” she said, “But I can’t keep this secret. Your sisters are going to find out about this sooner or later, and it's much better that they learn of it now, before you get yourselves into even more trouble than you already have.”

“But-!” Sweetie Belle began, but Twilight swiftly cut her off.

“Understand that your sisters care about you, and if they’re protective, its because they can’t stand the thought of you being hurt,” Twilight said, thinking of her own family. While she’d wished they’d told her about the Quincy much sooner in life, she understood that her parents and brother, and even Cadence, were motivated by love for her and a desire to keep her safe. That said, secrets could often lead to greater pains down the road.

That thought made her heart clench for a moment. She hadn’t exactly been fully honest with her friends either. She knew Sunset especially was worried about her. Her mother’s death was still very raw, and made worse by the knowledge that Adagio intended to use that man in her plans. Twilight was trying to keep herself together by bottling all of her own misery up inside, but perhaps it was time she opened up and was truthful with her own friends as well.

“The truth can hurt, girls, but trust me, getting it all out in the open will be better in the long run. Besides, it's not like they can take your powers from you. You’ll have to learn how to use them eventually, and while Applejack and Rarity might get overly protective, they’ll come around to understand that you’re powers are a part of you that can’t be buried. On top of that, have you considered your sisters and their friends know more about Fullbring than you, and could help you train much more efficiently?”

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom looked at each other, blinking. Then Applebloom coughed in embarrassment, scratching her head.

“Ya know, I hadn’t actually thought o’ that.”

“Hmm, training with Rarity might be fun, if she’ll actually let me,” Sweetie Belle said thoughtfully.

“And I’m certain that if I float the idea to them, they’ll come around to the notion that much easier,” Twilight added, offering the girls a kind smile. She then turned her attention to Scootaloo.

“Now, Scootaloo, I can tell your circumstances are different than your friends’ are. Would you be willing to explain them to me?”

Scootaloo’s response was guarded, her expression nervous for reasons well beyond the night’s events, “No offense Twilight, but I’d seriously consider it a favor if you just kind of pretended you never saw Alerion, or asked anything more. My parents already know, and the less you or anyone else knows, the better. If you’re worried about me or my family being a threat to you Quincy, trust me, we don’t want anything to do with Quincy, Soul Reapers, or Hollows. I just want to stick by my friends.”

“That’s... fair,” Twilight said, shoving down her burning curiosity. She suspected that Scootaloo was a Bount, like Trixie was, but she didn’t need to confirm that right now, and pretending Scootaloo was a normal kid probably made things less complicated for everyone.

She then finally turned her attention to Derpy, “Now, um, Miss Doo-”

“Yeash, just Derpy, please. I always seem to have to tell people that,” Derpy said with a happy, if exasperated giggle, “And before you ask, don’t worry, I won’t tell mom anything about this.”

Twilight blinked, “Wait, so, you know...?”

Derpy held up a hand and wiggled it, “Kinda sorta? Heheh, my mom’s super protective of me, and I love her to pieces because of it, but c’mon, I got a lazy eye, but i’m not blind. I’ve seen things. Ghosts. The scary skull mask guys. Then there’s all the magic craziness that happens at school all the time. I don’t, like, know know what’s going on, but I know stuff is going on. I know my mom’s part of it all, somehow, and she doesn’t want me knowing about it. I know my dad’s, like, not normal either, and that’s part of why he’s never around...”

For a moment she looked rather sullen, sighing briefly before continuing, “But whatever, you know? I get my mom wants me to live normally and pretend I don’t see things. So for her peace of mind, I pretend. I also know she can be really scary, and might get upset if she thinks you guys got me in trouble. So no worries, Twilight, my lips are sealed. You can say what you want, and I’ll just pretend I never heard or saw anything.”

“That’s... thank you, Depry. Really, I truly appreciate it if you did that. I owe you.”

“Heheh, I’ll remember that. I like muffins from this one expensive bakery, so you’d better pay up someday,” Derpy said with another giggle, and Twilight couldn’t help but share the carefree girl’s smile. If Derpy’s silence could be bought with muffins, then muffins she shall have.

“So what’s the plan now, Twi?” asked Lemon Zest, yawning, “It’s already pretty late.”

Twilight considered things for a moment, “I know it’s late, but I want to make sure if there are any surviving Manticores out there, that they won’t be a threat to the camp. Not to mention there could be other creatures out there. You might want to put on some coffee to go with that hot chocolate, Lemon Zest, because I want you, Sunny Flare, Sour Sweet, and Sugarcoat to perform a full sweep of the area. One kilometer radius from Camp Everfree.”

“Well, there goes my beauty sleep,” sighed Sunny Flare.

“Suck it up,” Sugarcoat said, “We can’t let hostile monsters roam around an area that’s supposed to be a fun summer camp for a bunch of kids. They may not be Hollows, but they’re clearly hostile to human life. I’d say our duty as Quincy is obvious.”

“Hey, if we make it quick, we should be able to pull off the sweep in an hour and make it back here for plenty of Zs,” shrugged Lemon Zest, “Not like we need to wake up early for anything anyway.”

“Just remember to be careful,” Twilight warned, “And utilize some level of stealth. Remember who’s with the campers from Canterlot High. I’d rather we not get Celestia or Luna’s attention.”

“I hear you,” Lemon Zest said, “We’ll keep it quiet. I mean, we didn’t even feel the small reiatsu spike from these kids earlier, so I don’t think anyone even further away at the camp would feel anything. Not unless they were, like, specifically looking for us. Should be cool, long as we don’t get crazy with it.”

“What about Filthy Rich?” asked Sour Sweet pointedly, “Are you going to contact him tonight, or in the morning, Twilight?”

“I’ll do it tonight, but only after I’ve gotten these girls situated back at the camp,” said Twilight, “And had a talk with Sunset and the others. I don’t need another Sternritter around complicated matters like that.”

Sour Sweet shrugged, “I suppose he might ask some uncomfortable questions if he saw those girls hanging around our lab. Also, have you considered how dangerous it might be for you to hang out by yourself? I mean, I know Indigo is around, but she’s not exactly combat capable right now.”

A ghost of a frown crossed Twilight’s features, “Why do you ask that?”

“Well, duh, you haven’t forgotten that you still have assassins aiming for you, have you?” said Sour Sweet as if it were blatantly obvious, throwing her hands out, “Because I sure haven’t forgotten that! And you don’t exactly have Cinch around to swoop in and save you if you’re targeted again! You just have us, and you’re saying you want us to go off to hunt beasts in the night while you sit here with a bunch of kids. What if you’re attacked again?”

Twilight paused, her frown deepening for a moment. Then her expression lightened as she said casually, “The lab is warded, Sour Sweet, and I doubt the assassin has any idea where I am right now. I appreciate the concern, but right now I really need you four to make sure the area around Camp Everfree is safe. If you like, I’ll even put you in charge of the operation.”

“Pfft, gee, thanks, more responsibility. Well you heard her girls, let’s get hunting,” Sour Sweet said, and started walking out of the camp. Lemon Zest yawned again and followed, waving at Twilight, while Sunny Flare stretched her limbs with a tired look before following suit. Only Sugarcoat stayed a moment longer, her visor covering her concerned expression as she glanced at Twilight.

“Is... everything alright?” Sugarcoat asked. She couldn’t be sure, but something seemed odd about that last exchange.

“Of course, Sugarcoat, don’t worry. I’m a bit tired myself, but once I sort things out with Sunset and these girls, everything will be fine. Just be careful out there. The Manticores may not be a match for fully trained Quincy, but they’re still dangerous, and you never know what else might be out there,” Twilight said, and Sugarcoat stared at her a moment longer before nodded and making a swift departure.

Once that was taken care of, Silver Spoon spoke up, “I’m sorry to bring this up, Miss Sparkle, but when you call Filthy Rich could you allow me and Diamond Tiara to remain here at this lab until he comes for us? I’d feel safer knowing we’re behind wards for the night, until your team confirms no more creatures are lurking out there.”

“Of course. There’s extra bunks in the trailers. You can take Diamond Tiara inside and get situated. Indigo Zap is already asleep in this one here, so take the other one so you don’t disturb her.”

Indigo had turned in early after some extensive experimentation with adjusting her legs. That kind of work was quite exhausting, so Twilight had no complaints about Indigo getting some extra sleep. Besides, it also meant she was unlikely to overhear any conversation Twilight might have with Sunset and the girls concerning certain delicate affairs and plans. This also applied to Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, so Twilight had no problem with them going to sleep in one of the trailers, just to make sure they’d be out of the way for the time being.

“Oh, by the way, Silver Spoon, I’m curious, you must be from a prominent Quincy family to have been trained at such a young age. Who are your parents?”

Silver Spoon hesitated a moment, then said, “You wouldn’t know my mother, as she passed away some time ago. My father you’ve probably met, at least in passing. His name is Gladmane. He’s a Sternritter, like you.”

“I see. Thank you, Silver Spoon, for looking after a fellow Quincy.”

“I was looking after a friend, but yes... C’mon Diamond, let’s get you into bed.”

Diamond Tiara let herself be led away, her earlier fury having drained to simple exhaustion. As she was led into the trailer, the girl muttered, “I don’t understand any of this...”

Twilight’s heart went out to the girl. She was just starting a long, difficult road, and one Twilight was now all too intimately familiar with. She just hoped having a good friend close to her like Silver Spoon would be enough to help Diamond Tiara adjust to what was going to be a very swift set of life changes.

That done, all that was left to do was call Sunset and the girls.


For those among the girls to whom the specifics of spacial mechanics and magic/Kido interactions held little interest, the next hour passed with an almost agonizing slowness. Rainbow Dash actually found a hammock inside one of the lab’s bubble-tents to nap in, while Applejack paced back and forth with careful steps, trying to avoid tripping over any of the lab equipment. Pinkie Pie seemed able to entertain herself, popping around the lab and sneaking peeks over the shoulders of various Twelfth Division researchers as they went about their business, asking questions or cracking jokes until Rarity pointedly tapped Pinkie on the shoulder and suggested they ought to give the Soul Reapers some space. Fluttershy remained near the central platform, her eyes focused on Ember, hanging limply in the restraining device.

“Would it be okay if I relieved some of her pain?” asked Fluttershy, and Captain Starswirl gave her a concerned look.

“Even restrained, I wouldn’t recommend getting close. She is and Arrancar, and relatively strong for her kind. That said, can I assume you intend to use your Fullbring ability on her?”

Fluttershy nodded, hands clasped in front of her, “Yes. I won’t do anything that would let her break free, but I can take away some of her exhaustion and pain with my power, if that’s alright. She just looks so... haggard.”

“I’ll admit, I’m curious to see how your power works up close,” Starswirl said, tapping a nearby set of keys on his terminal, “If you don’t mind me performing a scan or two as you use it, I won’t object to you trying. Just do be careful. Even suppressed, an Arrancar has the potential to be dangerous.”

“Are you sure about this Fluttershy?” asked Rarity, who stood nearby with Pinkie Pie, who as fidgeting in growing boredom.

“Yes,” replied Fluttershy simply, “I’m sure it will be just fine, but I also trust that if something goes wrong, my friends are here to help take care of it.”

On the opposite side of the set of metal stairs leading up to the platform was another terminal, where Sunset was sitting with Lieutenant Meadowbrook and Clover, all of them working on going over theoretical data on how to tune a Kido ward to act as an adjuster for magic energy. Sunset looked up at the turn of the conversation, and said, “How about I join you, and keep an eye on things. This can wait a sec anyway, since I think Clover and Meadowbrook here are onto something with or without me.”

“Nonsense,” said Lieutenant Meadowbrook, “Clover and I may be spitballing our ideas in a manner that’s gelling quite well, but you’re the key component here, Miss Shimmer. Still, I think we could do with a break, after going at this for an hour.”

“Agreed,” Clover said while stretching her arms over her head and cracking her neck, “While I could probably do this all night, I wouldn’t mind taking a breather until morning, too. I never imagined magic and Kido would have so much in common, yet operate on so many different principles. I feel like we need an entirely separate warded lab just so we could test out more ways the two energies interact. Heck, I really wish you were still a unicorn, Sunset, just so I could see your spellwork in action.”

“Hey, someday, maybe you will,” Sunset said with a wink, then joined Fluttershy in heading up the short set of stairs that led to the top of the platform. With the Canterlot High statue and the large containment ring holding Ember there, the amount of space available to walk around was limited to perhaps ten feet all around. Sunset hung back a bit to let Fluttershy take the lead, eyeing the device holding Ember. It was essentially a floating metal ring connected by several ceramic, half-orb shaped devices bolted to the platform. Kido spells wove spirit energy into multiple fields through the ring that held Ember in place and suppressed her own Hollow reiatsu. Even up close, Sunset could barely feel the Arrancar’s spiritual pressure. From the strange kanji script that flowed over the rings like ghostly apparitions, she imagined there were multiple wards in place to keep Ember in check.

She wondered how Adagio and Twilight intended to bust Ember free? Wouldn’t these wards be difficult to destroy without harming Ember? Perhaps one of the researchers had a ward pass to deactivate them? She did recognize several wooden blocks and badges carried on the belts and sashes of some of the researchers that suggested as much. Then again, it might be possible to brute force the containment ring without endangering Ember... but no harm in fishing for that info either.

“Captain Starswirl, out of curiosity, what’s keeping her from just trying to brute force her way free?” asked Sunset, “I mean, couldn’t she just break this ring?”

He chuckled dryly, “Not with how much her power is being suppressed and drained. Even if someone could break the ring, she’d be far too weak to move on her own for some time.”

“What if you needed to move her? Do you move the whole right, or what?” Sunset risked pressing, but Starswirl didn’t seem to find her questions odd. Perhaps he just thought she was being honestly curious.

“That would certainly be awkward. No, we’d sedate her, then remove her from the ring before moving both her and it.”

He didn’t elaborate further, but it did confirm to Sunset that it was likely they had a means of shutting the ring down, either via ward pass, or perhaps through commands on the terminals. Adagio and Twilight would have to figure that part out.

Fluttershy had walked right up to Ember, eyes filled with a deep rooted sense of compassion as she reached up and brushed some of the Arrancar’ girl’s spikey blue hair from her face. “I’m sorry I can’t do more than this...”

Fluttershy’s body was wreathed in soft, angelic blue light as her Fullbring activated. The halo of light formed behind her and her third eye opened, bathing Ember in a gentle glow. Ember stirred, her eyes fluttering open, showing their red iris’.

From Ember’s perspective, she’d been utterly, bone tired. Her whole body ached with the intensive drain of days of experimentation without any real rest or sustenance. Her spirit energy was either held down by an oppressive force from the wards in the containment ring, or drained out of her by other devices that all but forced her body to activate Gargantas. With various drugs used to keep her dazed and weak, it was little wonder that Ember had been hanging in a fog-like aura of pain.

It was a shock to have that exhaustion and pain being swept away by the warmest of tingling sensations that filled her body. She couldn’t help but let out a long sigh, completely taken with the sense of vitality that was washing away the pain like cold water filling an empty glass. When her senses returned to her, it was an even bigger shock to see a human girl she didn’t recognize, with glowing blue eyes, three of them, looking at her with such an intense expression of pure kindness that for a moment Ember forgot who she was or what she was doing. All she could see was the face of what looked like a divine being staring at her, making the suffering cease.

The moment didn’t last long as Ember shook her head and blinked. “Who in the hell are you!? Dammit, let me go! I’m going to kill the crap outta you Soul Reaper bastards!”

“Shhh...” the girl with radiant eyes and long, soft pink hair said, and the mere sound she made carried with it an unimaginable weight of command behind it. Ember could feel it inside her head, less like words to obey and more like a living desire to follow the suggestions of quieting down. So Ember did, looking at the girl in confusion. The girl looked somehow... saddened now, even apologetic.

“I don’t like making people do things, but it would be bad if you shouted a bunch and wasted all your energy. Please, I’m asking you to remain calm and not do anything to hurt anyone here... even if it happens you end up with a chance to do so.”

Ember could feel the implant of that suggestion lodge into her soul, but it somehow didn’t register as unpleasant. It was like the girl’s voice was a warm blanket over her mind and soul, and what she was saying suddenly sounding so much more reasonable than a second ago.

“My name is Fluttershy, since you asked. I’m really glad I could meet you, even if its under such poor circumstances. All I can do for you is to take some of your pain away, and make you feel... better. I hope it’s enough.”

Something about the way she said those words made Ember think this Fluttershy girl was referring to far more than she was letting on, but even in her muddled mental state Ember could tell there were some odd things going on. The girl wasn’t a Soul Reaper, and the other girl nearby with the bacon shaded hair had the feeling of a Soul Reaper about her, but wasn’t quite the same.

Wait, didn’t Adagio tell me about these girls? The ones that tried to help her, and rescued her sisters? They’re... friends of Adagio?

Ember looked at the girls, noting that there were more hanging around the lab that didn’t match up with the local Soul Reaper jerks. Slowly she thought she might have understood what was happening. Maybe. Could Adagio be planning to pull something off, here? Well, it was Adagio, after all. Ember should’ve known Adagio would be scheming something, and if there was anybody who could pull Ember’s butt out of the fire, it was her. So Ember, even without needing Fluttershy’s odd compulsion, calmed down and just gave the barest of nods.

Fluttershy smiled at her, and said nothing more before turning away and heading back down the platform. Sunset Shimmer followed her after only a brief glance held on Ember, and Ember thought she saw the smallest hint of an acknowledging nod form Sunset as well.

It was enough to give Ember hope.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy approached Starswirl and asked, “Did you get to scan my ability sufficiently?”

Captain Starswirl, his own eyes glued to his monitor, scratched his chin, “I did, young miss, and it’s rather fascinating to watch. Your ability to influence the spiritual energy of others is quite astounding. In our records only a rare few Soul Reapers, and maybe one or two Quincy have ever exhibited similar powers that let them affect spirit energy on this innate level.”

“Really?” Sunset asked, “The same kind of power as Fluttershy?”

“Well, not identical, obviously. I merely refer to spiritual powers that directly alter or influence other spirit energies on a base level,” Starswirl said, making an off handed gesture, “Take for example the two Quincy I mentioned. According to our data from previous combat scenarios, one could change how spirit energies worked, using her own reishi to change fundamental properties of active spirit abilities or even alter the reiatsu of an individual to appear as if it were another’s. A different Quincy could actually mimic other spiritual powers, creating almost exact duplicates. Hmph, fortunately that Quincy is dead...”

“How do you know?”

Starswirl smiled thinly, and it was the first time he looked less like someone’s grandfather and more like the trained and blooded Captain of the Gotei 13 he was. “Because I killed him, some two centuries ago. Rather glad that particular power hasn’t re-surfaced among the Quincy. Their abilities are changing all the time. Growing stronger with every generation, as well. Rather concerning, all things considered. At any rate, thank you for the data, Miss Fluttershy. It’s much appreciated.”

“Um, of course,” Fluttershy said, glancing at Sunset, “Since it’s getting late, maybe we should take Clover’s suggestion and turn in for the night.”

“I concur with my Third Seat,” said Starswirl before Sunset could answer, “I would absolutely love to keep watching you work with my Lieutenant and Third Seat on this idea of a modulated Kido ward, but you can’t work your mind at its peak with a tired body. Why don’t you girls all go turn in and return here after your work in the camp tomorrow?”

“You’ve given us plenty to get started on,” Lieutenant Meadowbrook said, giving Sunset a wink, “I dare say I’m going to be burning some midnight oil for awhile just to make sure I can keep up with you tomorrow and not look so befuddled as to how all this magic of yours works.”

She winked back, “You seemed to be picking it up pretty quick. Looking forward to working with you more, Lieutenant.”

“I’ll stay here tonight as well,” Clover said, barely looking away from her own monitor, “I’ve seen more of how magic works, and I want to try constructing a basic version of a new ward design tonight for us to test tomorrow.”

“Yikes, and here I thought I was a workaholic,” said Meadowbrook, “I just can’t keep up with my Third Seat here. You gunning for my job, Clover?”

“Oh now, Meadowbrook, the Lieutenant’s position is all yours. Less paperwork for me, more actual research. Soul Queen above, I’ve been in the field for so long I forgot how good it feels to just have a project to work on,” Clover said, and then looked at Sunset with a meaningful stare, “If we’re lucky maybe I’ll see something you haven’t.”

Her tone hadn’t really changed, but Sunset caught the double meaning. Clover would stay in the lab and look around for anything that might help them with their real mission, all while also working on the project with the portal. Sunset gave her friend a grateful smile and just hoped Clover wouldn’t put herself in any danger.

Captain Celestia had left earlier to go check in with her sister, so when Sunset and the girls left, they were essentially alone back on the shore of the lake. Starswirl had given them a small wooden block carved and imbued as a ward pass so they could come and go from the hidden lab entrance when needed. Sunset knew this would be incredible handy to give to Adagio or Twilight for the rescue operation, but was worried it’d make it entirely too obvious where the ward pass slipped to them from. Perhaps just telling them the entrance’s location would be enough. Heck, just knowing the lab was at the bottom of the lake was likely enough for them to break in.

“Don’t know ‘bout the rest o’ ya, but all this pretendin’ like stuff is normal is downright exhaustin’,” Applejack said.

“Let’s keep chit chat to a minimum until we know we’re alone,” Rarity said, “It is nice that Miss Gloriosa gave us a cabin all to ourselves. Perks of being camp counselors. Oh, and a shower.”

“I call dibs first!” said Rainbow Dash, and Rarity crossed her arms and shot the athlete a quick glare.

“You can’t call first dibs on the shower, Rainbow.”

“Why not?”

“Because... because... I want it first, that’s why.”

“Gee, and I thought you were supposed to be the generous one here.”

“I am! In all matters except showers. The cabin only has one, and only so much hot water, and my hair takes a lot of delicate care.”

Sunset laughed and held up her hands between the pair, “How about we all draw lots on shower turns?”

“Oh, very well, I suppose that would be fair, wouldn’t it?” Rarity replied. Rainbow Dash gave a short shrug.

“Works for me.”

The girls continued lightly talking about mostly what the next day’s camp activities would be as they walked back around the length of the lake on their way back to the campgrounds. Sunset was glad to see everyone was still in good spirits and seeming relaxed, even with everything hanging over them right now. She reflected that it did make sense, after everything they’d gone through already, that they’d all start getting used to the prospect of battles and danger. It was almost like the idea of fighting the Kraken again, while possibly getting roped into whatever craziness might occur during Twilight and Adagio’s rescue attempt of Ember, was almost normal for them now.

Even if Sunset had a bad feeling she couldn’t quite shake. A sense of doubt that, despite her best efforts, still clung on to the back corners of her mind.

Sunset nearly jumped as she felt the slight buzz in her left breast pocket from her jacket. Fishing into it she pulled out her bronze badge/communicator, and paused with the rest of the girls halting around her as she flipped it open.

“Hello?” she said, and Twilight’s voice spoke in reply.

“Hello, Sunset? Oh, good, I’ve been trying to reach you for the past ten minutes.”

“Oh, we were probably getting blocked by wards,” Sunset said, considering it likely that the Soul Reaper’s hidden lab had probably blocked any communications in or out except via specific means. She hoped Twilight’s attempts to call them hadn’t tripped any kind of signal alarms, but she didn’t remember anyone at the lab acting like something strange was happening. “What’s up?”

“Are the rest of the girls with you?”

“We’re here, sugarcube. What’s goin’ on?” Applejack said, loud and clear.

“Aheam, well, you see, it’s like this...”


“What in tarnation were y’all THINKING!?”

Applejack’s roaring voice caused even Sunset to wince a tad, and she wasn’t even on the receiving end. They’d come to Twilight’s field lab, following directions Twilight provided, as soon as she’d finished explaining what had happened with Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and a few other campers that had apparently snuck out that night.

Sunset was a tad iffy on the details, but it seemed like Timber Spruce, who had spotted the kids sneaking off, had gotten involved as well, because he too was sitting there in the camp, looking for all the world like he wanted to be somewhere else.

Two of the other girls that had been with the CMC had apparently gone to sleep in one of the large sleek trailers set up as part of this field base, but the third one, who surprised the heck out of Sunset, was standing off the side with a very bemused look on her face.

Derpy looked frighteningly similar to her mother, Ditzy. In fact the only noticeable difference Sunset could discern was in the... curves, as it were. Derpy looked like a Ditzy who hadn’t fully ‘filled out’ yet, otherwise just about everything else was the same. Sunset wasn’t sure what to make of the fact that Derpy was here, and that Twilight didn’t seem to mind talking about clearly sensitive matters in front of her.

When she’d given Twilight a questioning look about it before the yelling between siblings had begun, Twilight had simply whispered, “She already knew.”

Regardless, the real show taking place was between Applejack, Rarity, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle. To a lesser degree Scootaloo was involved, standing a bit behind her friends, while Rainbow Dash just looked confused at the entire affair.

At Applejack’s outburst, Applebloom looked over at Sweetie Belle, almost smugly, “Told ya she’d blow first.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Sweetie Belle replied, “I owe you a soda.”

“This is not the time or place for such a flippant tone, young lady!” Rarity said, standing beside Applejack with a face turning bright cherry with outrage, “The two of you have put yourselves and others into considerable danger! Why didn’t you tell us you’d developed Fullbring powers!?”

“Pretty much because we knew you’d react exactly like you’re reacting right now?” Sweetie Belle said, gulping as she faced the full ire on her elder sister’s face, “You’d have just freaked out, and told us never to use them! But we want to learn how to use these powers.”

“That is out of the question! Sweetie Belle, you’re twelve.”

“Thirteen in literally two months,” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

“That’s besides the point! You’re a child. You’re all too young to be putting your lives at risk playing with powers that are well and beyond too dangerous.”

“Too young!?” Applebloom piped up, stamping her foot, “Y’all ain’t much older than us! What, just ‘cause yer a few years ahead ya think ye can throw yerselves inta danger like it’s nothin’? We’re only doin’ what you were doin’ yerselves not more n’ a couple o’ months ago!”

“Now hold yer horses right there, Applebloom!” said Applejack, holding up a hand, “That’s different. We didn’t git no choice ta pretend there weren’t Hollows comin’ inta town, or that we were the only ones sproutin’ powers ta deal with ‘em! We got roped inta all this mess with Hollows n’ Soul Reapers n’ Quincy nonesens, uhh, no offense Twilight.”

“None taken,” Twilight said, rolling her eyes behind her glasses.

“My point bein’, we did what we did ‘cause we had to. An’ ‘cause we’re doin’ it, that means you don’t gotta do it,” Applejack said, “Ain’t no reason at all fer you kids ta be screwin’ around with these powers. Ya think I want ya gettin’ into scrapes where ya might die, Applebloom? You think I want to lose any more family?”

“And what about me!?” Applebloom shouted with an undercurrent of held in pain and desperation, “Ya think I like knowin’ yer always puttin’ yerself in harm's way, and I can’t do nothin’ ‘bout it but wait!? No way, Applejack, I ain’t waitn’ no more. Not now, not ever again. This here power I got, I’m gonna figure it out, so when yer in danger, I can be there too, to protect ya!”

“Exactly!” Sweetie Belle chimed, looking at Rarity with less anger and more the swimming, tearful eyes of a well schooled puppy-dog face, although there was certainly genuine feelings behind it, “I hate knowing you’re always out there protecting me, mom, and dad, but I can’t do anything to help you. I don’t want to just pretend I don’t have this same power you have. I want to use it, so I can look out for you the same way you look out for me, Rarity. You’re the only sister I have! If anything happened to you, I’d...”

“Aw, dagnabbit,” Applejack took her hat off in frustration, running a hand through her blonde locks, “Wish I could make you girls understand, this whole spirit war kerfuffle ain’t no place fer young ‘uns. Heck, I don’t even disagree with ya, Applebloom. Me n’ the gals are too young ta be doin’ all we’re doin’, but that's only ‘cause we can’t afford ta turn back now. Can’t ya understand that if I knew you were gettin’ into fights like this, I’d only be fearful for ya even more than I already am? Hard ‘nough ta have to go into all these fights wonderin’ if you, Bic Mac, an’ Granny will be okay back home. Last think I want is you in the thick of the fightin’.”

“This is precisely what my sentiments are,” Rarity said with a heavy, yet somehow still very ladylike sigh, “I don’t doubt that, given time, you girls may well master your abilities the same way we’re striving to with ours. It’s not even a question of age, really, because compared to the likes of some of these Soul Reapers, we’re all essentially infants. The point is that you’re the very precious family we’re trying to keep safe. What good is all our efforts if we let you wade into the bloodshed alongside us? That’s not keeping you safe.”

“Might I offer a suggestion?” Twilight asked, and they all looked at her. She cleared her throat and continued in a calm, reasonable tone, “I'm aware that this is a family matter, but considering my own circumstances perhaps I can offer a differing perspective that you may not have considered yet?”

“Well, I ain’t gonna say no ta hearin’ ya out, Twilight, so shoot,” said Applejack, and Rarity nodded agreement.

“Thank you. This is how view this issue,” Twilight said, choosing her words carefully, “Each of you have the same goal; to protect each other, right? Sweetie Belle and Applebloom’s powers won't simply disappear because you find them inconvenient, either. These powers are a part of them now. And as an additional point, if they’ve developed Fullbring, then its no stretch to hypothesize that others like Big Mac might develop it as well.”

“Or Zephyr Breeze,” Fluttershy breathed in a sudden shocked look of realization.

“I get what you're saying, Twilight. This genie is out of the bottle, one way or another,” Sunset said, picking up on where her friend was going with this, “So you're suggestion that instead of trying to get the kids to stop using their powers, why not train them instead?”

Twilight looked at her with a grateful nod, "Precisely, Sunset."

“What? But that would just encourage them to use their powers more,” Rarity said, but Applejack bit her lip in thought and gave Sunset and Twilight a serious look.

“Yer both thinkin’ it’s better ta just make sure they can use their powers responsibly instead o’ tryin’ ta stifle ‘em?”

“Of course,” said Sunset, “It's not like I don’t understand why you and Rarity are concerned. They’re your little sisters. But think about it for a second. What’s going to make them safer? Being able to defend themselves, or not being able to defend themselves?”

"Furthermore," Twilight added, "I can speak from personal experience that having family help with training makes things much easier than having to learn on your own."

“Yes! Yes exactly!” Sweetie Belle said, and Applebloom echoed the sentiment, but Sunset was quick to cut them off with a sharp look of her own.

“Don’t get the wrong idea, girls. We're not suggesting this so you two can go off and fight Hollows like you’re trying to be superheroes, and not so you can come with us on any fights we get into. This training will be solely so you can protect yourselves and your families here in the city in case Hollows come to you. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

The pair looked at one another, at their respective elder sisters, then back at Sunset and Twilight.

“So what yer sayin’ is that, you’ll help us train our powers, but we can’t do nothin’ with ‘em ‘cept ta trounce any bad guys that come after us or our homes directly?”

Sunset rubbed her chin, thinking, “More or less. Honestly I wouldn’t hold it against you if you’re out in the city, and if you see a Hollow attacking someone, you step in. There’s a difference between looking for a fight, and protecting people that can’t protect themselves. Just don’t treat it like you’re going on patrols. Your powers are to defend yourselves and others only if you’re attacked or you see others getting attacked. Does that sound reasonable to everyone here?”

She could see Applejack and Rarity mulling it over, and it was clear that both girls were still apprehensive. Sunset supposed she could understand. She might not have any siblings herself, but she could still put herself in her friends’ place and imagine the fears they must still have about their little sisters getting mixed up in any dangerous affairs. Yet she felt her own logic was fairly ironclad. There was no taking the Fullbring out of Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. The reality was that now that the power was awakened, much as it had been with the rest of Sunset’s friends, the only path forward was to learn control. That didn’t mean the two young girls had to join in the battles already looming on the horizon, but it still meant that they could protect themselves in the event they were targeted.

Pensive looks crossed between Rarity and Applejack as they worked it through in their own minds, reluctantly coming to the same conclusion Sunset had, although by their own expressions it remained a difficult pill to swallow.

“I still have my reservations, but out of the available options, this does sound like the most equitable one,” Rarity said at least, looking towards Sweetie Belle, “But I must insist that you take this training with the utmost seriousness. This won’t be a game.”

The girls’ eyes lit up and Sweetie Belle flashed a smile, “Do you really mean you’ll train us?”

“Keep yer britches on,” Applejack said, “If we’re doin’ this, Rarity’s right, ya both gotta swear ya won’t treat this like a’ game, an’ listen to everying we tell ya. This is fer yer own good, not ta make ya feel like ya can go off usin’ these powers whenever ya please.”

Applebloom bobbed her head vigorously, “Mmmhmm! I promise! Won’t do nothin’ without yer say so, sis! But this is sooooo great! I’m gonna git ta train with ya an’ git strong ‘nough ta protect the farm!”

While the young girls were high-fiving each other, Rainbow Dash continued to give Scootaloo odd looks, then suddenly spoke up. “So, squirt, anything that’s got you looking so fidgety?”

Scootaloo stared like the proverbial deer in the headlights, then swiftly put on an entirely too large and forced smile, “What? Me? Nooooo. I’m fine. Just super scared from all those crazy monsters we ran into. Hehehe, not that I was, you know, that scared, because I’m not a wimp or anything.”

“Uh-huh, alright. Won’t poke you too hard, Scoots. Just wanted you to know if there was something you wanted to say, you’re pretty much in the most awesome, chill group of gals in the world right now to say anything. Especially about those weird bird tracks outside the camp.”

“Bird tracks? Hah, uh, just be some random crow or seagull, heheh...”

“That leaves five foot wide tracks?”

“...A really, really big seagull.”

Scootaloo was doing a poor job of hiding her nervousness, but Rainbow Dash just shrugged and looked at the rest of them with a ‘well, I tried’ expression. Sunset cast a questioning glance at Twilight, who made a small waving gesture that indicated they should probably drop the subject. Odd. So there was something going on with Scootaloo, too. For some reason that didn’t even surprise Sunset. Still, if Scootaloo wanted to keep her secrets, Sunset was on Rainbow Dash’s side on not prying. They had enough on their plate as it was.

“Okay, so now that we’re all on the same page, I think it’s time we get you girls back to camp, and we all get some sleep for tomorrow,” Sunset said, turning a glance towards Timber Spruce, “You’ve been kinda quiet. Did you and your sister already know about us, and, well, all of this?”

Timber looked almost shocked to be spoken to, but quickly cleared his threat, “Twilight... well, she saved me from a Hollow not too long ago. That’s how me and Gloriosa found out about things. Your school had already booked Camp Everfree, so we didn’t know about you guys at the time, but Twilight brought us up to speed, so yeah, Gloriosa knows. We’re mostly just wanting to make sure your classmates have a good time at camp, and that’s it, though.”

From the way he looked towards Twilight, Sunset suspected he might have at least one more motivation beyond that, but she wasn’t about to say anything on that matter. Instead she said, “Alright, well, you and your sister should probably just try to act normal then, and keep your heads down. But with Equestrian creatures wandering the forest, I have to wonder, should we even keep the camp going?”

“I have my squad patrolling the area for any further dangers,” Twilight said, “And I’ll make a point of having them provide escort to any outdoor activities. Quincy do have mantles that simulate the effects that prevent normal people from seeing Soul Reapers or Hollows, so we can keep an eye on the campers without being spotted, and make sure no more creatures cause problems.”

“But, um, just a question... does anyone have any idea why the creatures are here in the first place?” asked Flutteshy, “I mean, we had the Kraken at the beach. This can’t be a coincidence, can it?”

Timber Spruce gulped, “Kraken?”

“Ooo, I know, what if somebody is opening up portals like what happened when Twilight’s magic gizmo when all wacky-tabacky at the Friendship Games?” suggested Pinkie Pie.

“I don’t know about intentional portals,” said Sunset, “If it were that easy, you’d think we’d have run into this problem before now. With Twilight’s device, there was a lot of magic going haywire.”

“Well there was what you were talking about with the statue’s portal,” pointed out Rarity, “The, what did you call it, magic refraction?”

Twilight perked up, “Magic refraction?”

Sunset glanced at her, “Magical spells require a lot of control, otherwise their energies can leak out of a spell’s framework and refract off of other sources of magic...”

She looked at Timber Spruce and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, not to mention Derpy, who was still standing off to the side smiling like nothing at all unusual was going on. She sighed, “Maybe we should save this talk for later?”

“Hmm, I see your point,” Twilight said, “I have some calls I need to make, and Sunset, I’d like to talk with you a bit longer, if that’s alright? I know it’s late and you’re probably tired, but I don’t know if this can wait, but I also... kind of want to talk to you alone.”

Sunset raised and eyebrow, catching the hesitant, almost vulnerable tone in Twilight’s voice. “Alright, I’ll hang out a bit longer. Girls, why don’t you all head on back, I’ll catch up soon as I’m done talking with Twilight?”

“Fair ‘nough. C’mon Applebloom, let’s mosey on out of here,” Applejack said, and before long the camp was emptied out, save for Twilight and Sunset.

After Sunset saw the last of her friends vanish down the bend in the forest trail, she turned back to Twilight and said, “So what did you want to talk about? I mean, I know we’ve still got a lot to cover about our plans, and I’ve got things I need to both tell you and ask you about all that... but I get the feeling this hasn’t anything to do with that.”

Twilight’s face was briefly cast in shadow as dark clouds passed over the moon above, briefly dipping the camp into darker shades of night. When the moon was clear again, Sunset saw that Twilight’s face was drawn up in conflict and anguish. The pain in her friend’s eyes was raw, and struck Sunset hard.


“I should have done this sooner. And given what’s going to happen in a day or two, neither of us might have a chance to talk like this again. I don’t want to make the same mistake I did before, and assume I’m always going to have time to talk to someone. Talk to someone who might not be there, the next time.”

Twilight was trembling slightly, and Sunset could see the shimmer of wetness entering her friend’s eyes. Sunset could only try to smile reassuringly and said, “Like I told you on the beach, Twilight, whatever you want to say, whatever you need to get out, I’m here for you.”

“Good... good...”

Twilight gulped, seemed to draw in on herself, then clenched her eyes shut with a hard shake of her head and opened them once more with resolve.

“It’s... about my mother.”

Author's Note:

Awkward tearful conversation inbound, but it's probably for the best Twilight gets this off her chest now rather than later, since there won't be time for it soon enough.

Thank you all for reading, and as ever you fine folks can feel free to leave any and all comments, questions, or critiques for me you wish, all of them are very much appreciated. 'Till next time!

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