• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,907 Views, 5,031 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 170: Diplomacy by Other Means

Episode 170: Diplomacy by Other Means

From Erebus’ withered lips came forth a sandpaper peal of laughter. Adagio tried not to take it personally, although she was a smidge tempted to blast a Cero past his face, just to remind him that he wasn’t dealing with a simpering weakling. Still, such emotional outbursts would be a waste, so she instead opted for her preferred sass, “That wasn’t a joke, but if you’re that easily amused perhaps I misjudged that you might be an Arrancar of sufficient power to be worth my time talking to.”

His laughter died out with a dry snort, and he floated around to Adagio’s left, touching down upon the edge of the cleft. She was vaguely curious if he even had feet underneath all that shadow and cloak, or if he just sort of floated around like a mist. Di Roy and Gaw both tensed at Erebus’ proximity, but he didn’t even pay the pair any attention, as if they didn’t exist. His eyes were wholly focused upon Adagio.

“Power is relative, child. You possess enough to be a threat to many, but to Tirek? What in that vast head of, let’s face it, ungodly amount of hair makes you think that you could possibly unseat the strongest of us all? It may have been some time since I last was in Las Noches’ halls, but I have not forgotten Tirek himself. To challenge him is to embrace destruction. I welcome you to your course, but if you are here to propose an alliance, then I’ve no interest.”

It was a response Adagio had expected. If any of the Privaron Espada were likely to consider the possibility of rising against Tirek, they would have done so of their own volition long ago. She had to offer them some evidence that Tirek could be made vulnerable, or that the vast gap of power could be closed. She had cards to play on both fronts, and chose carefully which to make use of.

“I don’t deny the power at Tirek’s disposal,” she said, not backing away from Erebus and indeed taking a further step into his space, “I’ve felt it myself, when he tested me for a position in the Espada. I am well aware of the difference between him and I. In a direct confrontation, I’d stand no chance. For now.”

“For now? Oh, this will be rich. Whatever makes you think you could close the distance, hmm? I admit you are... unusual, for an Arrancar. That gem suspended within your Hollow hole is most intriguing. I do sense power within it, but not enough to make a difference against the likes of Tirek.”

Erebus’ words remained laminated with a thick coating of dubiousness, but he couldn’t fully hide his interest in Adagio’s siren gem. While his focus was upon it, she picked out her words pointedly, carefully watching Erebus’ body language. “Let me answer your question with another question; have you ever heard the term ‘Segunda Etapa’?”

It was a toss of the dice, but she had her suspicions concerning the research she’d been studying from the stolen files taken from Grogar’s lab. She knew Grogar was quite old, even by Hollow standards, and a contemporary of Tirek’s from ancient days pre-dating the present war with the Quincy and Soul Reapers. Segunda Etapa, the project Grogar had been pouring so much of his effort into, tied to his work on both the Seed and Adagio’s siren gem, referred to a concept she wasn’t sure any other Arrancar knew about. Save perhaps those who’d been around a long time. Whether this Erebus was tied to the mythological Erebus or not, he was definitely old. Old enough perhaps to have heard the phrase that Grogar used for his ultimate goal.

The mere fact that Erebus tried to hide his reaction by going so still told Adagio more than enough even before he spoke, “Where did you hear that name?”

“Why? Is it important?” she teased, and Erebus’ shadows crawled over him in a bubbling tar.

“Hmph, is it ‘important’ the child asks? You betray your ignorance. I cannot fault you, the young would not know it. It is a concept that died out long ago. A legend, a myth, an ideal, even by our immortal standards. You of course know of Ressurecion.”

“Obviously. I am an Arrancar,” Adagio stated, tapping her trident on her shoulder for emphasis, “So I take it this Segunda Etapa is related?”

“You must already know, otherwise you would not have wasted breath questioning me about it, or suggesting it was relevant to your confidence in planning to revolt against Tirek,” Erebus said, his voice growing quiet even as it maintained a mocking edge, “I wonder as to where you could have heard it from, as there are not many left who would know. Regardless, it is not as if you could have obtained it. None can. Not even Tirek himself, although I’ve no doubt the greedy bastard has tried.”

“Hmm, well for the sake of my own indulgence why don’t you tell me what you know? Perhaps it won’t be news to me, but by doing so perhaps I might tell you of what I know in return,” Adagio spoke in a rich chime, placing a subtle weaving a note of siren song into her words. Not enough to dominate by any degree, but enough to... suggest that what she said was a perfectly equitable notion. Erebus, unfamiliar with magic, didn’t sense the small, careful weaving and he responded still with his casual arrogance but with a hint of relaxation as well.

“Arrancar evolved our power by locking a portion of it into Zanpaktou, so that we might further fill our bodies with reiryoku through the consuming of souls and the refining of spirit energy. This was in the height of the ancient wars, when those spirits mortals called ‘gods’ still walked the realms. In those times, Tirek rose highest among us, but only partially due to the culling of other powerful Arrancar like him through the attrition of war. During this time a certain legend was born, a rumor that one Arrancar had refined their spirit energy to such a degree that they achieved a ‘second release’, a further state beyond Ressureccion; the Segunda Etapa.”

Adagio nodded, her voice prompting, “And whatever became of this ‘legendary’ Arrancar?”

Erebus scoffed, “It is not known for certain. That’s why its merely a legend and not accepted as common fact. According to the myth, the Segunda Etapa drew down the wrath of the strongest gods aligned against the Hollows, including direct children of the Soul Queen herself. Although the tale tells not of this mighty Arrancar’s fate, it can be... surmised that they did not survive the encounter. Hence the lesson in the myth, my little Espada. No matter how much power one has, never allow arrogance to overshadow caution. A lesson I take to heart. Even if you did possess some inkling as to how to achieve the Segunda Etapa, that alone would not guarantee victory against the likes of Tirek.”

“Perhaps it wouldn’t, were I to use it alone,” Adagio said, “But what if I were to share that power, once the secret was unlocked? One Segunda Etapa might not defeat Tirek, but what if there were two? Or three? Four, then? How many before even Tirek would be forced to relent? You just said the lesson of this myth was to not let power breed arrogance, but has Tirek not failed this very lesson by allowing Privaron Espada like you to carve domains in the desert, assuming none of you are a threat? Does it not rankle you that he thinks nothing of you? That you are a non threat, unworthy of the slightest concern?”

She could all but taste the resentment that wafted off of Erebus, the elderly Arrancar’s shadowed form quivering before going very still, “You make a very large promise with no proof, and challenge my pride with no less arrogance than Tirek. Besides, if you did know the secret to this legend you would be a fool to share that power with I or anyone else. No Arrancar shares power.”

A double wave of reiatsu suddenly crashed outward, but not from Adagio. Erebus spun about, surprise evident in his eyes as two auras, one rich as fresh blood and the other cool blue as the ocean encased Gaw and Di Roy respectively. Both Arrancar let their spiritual pressure flow freely, far stronger than any normal servant or Fraccion would be. Gaw was offering a low growl while Di Roy smacked a hand to his chest and said, “I know one Arrancar who shares power, old man, and it’s our boss lady right there! You want proof, Gaw and I both have grown by freakin’ leaps and bounds because of her. If she says she’ll grant you power and play straight with you, she ain’t joking.”

Erebus paused for a pensive moment, eyes shrewd behind his skull mask. “Your servants, at least, are loyal, if somewhat mouthy. And impressive in their own right, although if they make a move I can still skewer them with a thousand shadows.”

Adagio smiled and let out a chiming laugh, giving her two vassals an appreciative look, “Thank you Di Roy, Gaw, I do believe you’ve helped at least prove I appreciate my allies.”

“Always happy to help, boss lady.”

“It still proves nothing, save perhaps that you are... slightly less usual than the other Espada I’ve known in the past,” Erebus said, “You still have told me naught but the name of a legend.”

“A name that was inside a research file taken from Grogar’s own laboratory, and I assume his name is familiar to you?” Adagio put out there, to which Erebus’ lips twitched in a sour grimace.

“Quite. If you speak the truth then I could almost believe you’ve found something of use. Grogar does not waste time on valueless research. But tell me, did he succeed in discovering the path to Segunda Etapa, and if he did, are you capable of replicating his results? Grogar has remained a favorite of Tirek due to his rather singular genius, and no offense intended Adagio Dazzle, but for all your audacious confidence you do not strike me as a scientific mind.”

“I am not, no, but I know others who are at least Grogar’s equals if not possessing of even greater intellect. Before you ask, I cannot tell you who these others are, but through them I believe the secrets of Segunda Etapa can be mine. And, consequently, those who align themselves with me,” Adagio said, knowing she was walking a tightrope. Ever since she delved into Grogar’s files and gleaned that the project for Secunda Etapa was ultimately Grogar’s central goal, she knew she wanted to acquire this power for herself. Not simply to make herself stronger, but because stealing the fruits of Grogar’s research out from under him was part of breaking the bastard. To that end, she was willing to take the risk of sharing those very files with someone like Discord, whom Adagio still didn’t trust fully but knew was at least an equal to Grogar’s scientific mind.

Adagio might not know how to parse out Grogar’s mad research, but if anyone could, it was probably Discord. It was a risk, but then if she wasn’t willing to put a little trust out there, then there was little point in forming her shadow alliance with the Canterlot Spirit Coalition in the first place. She needed an edge against Tirek. She needed a means to secure further allies among the Privaron Espada. There just wasn’t time to play things slow and safe.

Erebus leaned closer to her, eyes boring into hers as if he was trying to excavate any lies held within. She did not break his gaze, nor back away an inch. Eventually he pulled back, and his cloak of shadows unfolded as a very long, stick-thin limb of withered gray tipped with long black claws emerged and stroked his chin.

“You believe what you say, that much I can see. You intend to seek the other Privaron Espada?”

“As many as I can. I’ve allies among the present Espada, but as you yourself have made a point to belabor to me, Tirek is astonishingly powerful, and still has Espada loyal to him. Victory requires a strong array of allies of my own, and a means to even the odds. Believe me or not, I’ve little reason to lie when defeat would mean destruction.”

“Why?” Erebus asked, “Why risk it? Is the throne of Primera Espada so tempting? Tirek is a smug bastard but survivable, as tyrants go.”

“Because while he may be ‘survivable’, as you put it, I’ve grander plans than mere survival. Hueco Mundo can be much improved, but not while one sits the throne who is unwilling or unable to alter the status quo. I am not content to merely serve, and I know neither are you, otherwise you would not be here, rather than Las Noches.”

The thickness of silence dwelled upon the shadowed meeting for too many moments for Adagio’s liking, but Erebus did not seem to be one to be rushed. At least he was considering her words, rather than dismissing them out of hand.

“I admire your ambitions, but I’d be a fool to accept you at your word. Greater Arrancar than you have tried and failed to best Tirek over the many, many centuries of his rule.”

“You among them?” Adagio quipped, and a flare of boiling anger and shame gave a brief showing in his eyes before he marshaled himself.

“Tirek rarely spares those that challenge him directly. It was not I but... it matters little. I’ve heard your words, Adagio Dazzle, and while I find your boldness amusing, I have no real reason to back a revolution with no promise of victory. Segunda Etapa? Perhaps Grogar does pursue that dream, but until you can prove to me that it is anything more than a dream I shall remain in my own domain. I suspect, were you to go to the other Privaron Espada, their response would be the same.”

It was the response she’d considered most likely, but it remained a sting of disappointment to her, regardless. However she had one last card to play, shaking her head in a show of only partially feigned frustration, “A shame that you lack the strength to even dream of deposing Tirek. If all Privaron Espada are so cowed it is little wonder the Storm King considered you all such easy prey. But then, he and his army are no longer a threat, are they?”

This certainly stirred a reaction, Erebus showing a quiet caution towards her as he backed up a pace. Adagio offered her most... sharp and inviting smile at that. Of course she was somewhat taking credit for the work of others. The Storm King had been a Privaron Espada himself, who caused Adagio’s vassals and a certain group of unlikely and unexpected allies quite a bit of trouble until he’d been dealt with. It was from his fortress that Adagio had acquired knowledge of the other Privaron Espada’s realms, since the Storm King had been building his own army by invading other territories. With him gone, she imagined the remaining Privaron Espada were very curious about what had become of the threat he’d represented. And Adagio didn’t see any particular issue with implying she had a greater role in that than had actually been the case. Technically she had sent X and his team out there in search of Privaron Espada, along with Roka, Di Roy, and Gaw. So, strictly speaking, the results of that excursion was her doing. Kind of.

“You claim responsibility for the Storm King’s vanishing?”

“Destruction,” Adagio confirmed, “Him and most of his army.”

“And what of his pet Soul Reaper?”

Adagio shrugged at that, “Who knows? Not dead, to my knowledge, but hardly a factor with the Storm King vanquished.”

Truthfully, she was rather keen to find where the Soul Reaper who’d served the Storm King had gone, but Tempest Shadow had vanished into the deserts of Hueco Mundo along with the only two surviving Arrancar of the Storm King’s army and had made no appearance since. Adagio didn’t exactly have the vassals to spare in searching for her, either, even if a former Soul Reaper Captain would make a handy ally in taking down Tirek.

Her words made Erebus hesitate, and she let him make whatever assumptions he wanted. She hadn’t directly claimed to have killed the Storm King herself, which she hadn’t, but she was in part responsible for his downfall and was happy to let others assume what that meant.

“I’ve heard tell of how little remained of his domain, and the destruction wrought there. If that was your handiwork... hmm, perhaps your little revolution is not so impossible after all. If Tirek can fall...”

“Then you’d be a fool to waste the opportunity to be a part of it, rather than remain here in this shadowed place, existing eternally in obscurity. Be you the original Erebus, or one who simply chose the name, live up to it and show the other Privaron Espada that if Tirek wishes to live by the rule of the strongest, we can put that to the test.”

Her words hung in the air like motes of flame, and Erebus looked upon her offered hand for a long moment before reaching out to clasp it.


The warm smell of grilling meat touched Sunset’s nostrils upon entering Discord’s shop and her stomach clenched in hunger. It still wasn’t her preferred food, but she’d adapted to being in an omnivorous body, and she certainly wasn’t going to complain when Pinkie Pie could cook just about anything into a state of pure deliciousness. She went through the store’s now closed down front room, noting a sleeping Screwball leaned up against the door with her massive, spiked club right next to her.

“She was waiting for the rest of the piglets to get back home before locking the door,” Screwloose said, meeting Sunset at the door to the back hallways. Her eyes twinkled as she looked upon the girl curled up in Sunset’s arms. “You bringing in a new stray?”

“Kind of. The rest of the girls are back already?” Sunset asked, not too surprised they’d all made it back before her, considering she, Twilight, and Spike had taken their time on the walk back. She and Twilight had parted ways just prior to arriving at Discord’s shop, after Twilight had confirmed with her Quincy team that there were no more Hollows in the city. Twilight had also promised to keep Sunset up to date on any developments with the mysterious magic stone.

“They got back not too long before you did, and are resting up in the dining room while Pinkie assaults our kitchen,” Screwloose confirmed, making a show of stepping aside for Sunset and her carried charge, sweeping her arms down down the hall towards where Sunset knew the guest rooms were, “Our tiniest of new piggies acquitted themselves well, if Rarity’s glowing praise is any indication. I think I only smelled a little fear on them this time, although if I were to place a bet on it I’d say Sweetie Belle is the one most likely to snap if the pressure is on.”

Sunset frowned, sharpness rising in her voice, “They’ve got more going for them than a lot of people out there who can’t defend themselves, and they’re trying hard to deal with it all. Cut them some slack, Screwloose.”

“Oh I wasn’t criticizing, but rather throwing you a word of caution. Those kids admire you and your pals, Sunset.” Screwloose matched pace with Sunset down the hallway, leaning forward to look up and arrest Sunset’s gaze with her own serious stare, “They’re going to try and catch up to you, and that’s a dance they’re not ready to step yet.”

“You... don’t approve that we let them out, tonight, do you?” Sunset said, and Screwloose let out a barking laugh.

“Was a different tune with you girls, all hopped up on magic. These newer waiflings don’t have that benefit. I trusted Discord’s plan to help you girls get all big and tough. Don’t think that lightning in a bottle will strike twice, personally, and I’ve... seen too many dead, dumb kids to find it funny anymore. Just saying, keep an eye on them, Sunset, they’re your responsibility much as anyone’s now that we’re making ourselves all nice and official with this Coalition business.”

“Heh, were you always this responsible or is it a recent development?” Sunset asked, smiling with a layer of snark, “Because I still remember you screwing around while we were still trying to deal with Hollows without powers and Adagio became a plushie.”

Screwloose made an embarrassed choking noise as she looked away and scratched at her hair, suddenly finding the ceiling very interesting, “Y-yeah, well, times change. I like our new batch of tinies, and don’t want them to get as roughed up as you girls were. Sue me.”

“I’m just messing with you Screwloose. I appreciate the concern, and I’ll keep it in mind, don’t you worry. I don’t want our ‘tinies’ getting hurt either, but I also want to make sure they can defend themselves. Even this shop might not stay safe forever, you know?” Sunset said, making a few turns down the shop’s impossibly lengthy inner halls until she came to where she knew the guest rooms to be. Slipping through a sliding door she entered into a simple if still quite cozy room with a plush bed to set Wallflower down on. The girl was still out cold, but Sunset had no idea for how long.

“Want me to keep an eye on this one ‘till she cracks eyes open?” asked Screwloose.

“If you could, that’d be cool. I need to let Discord know she’s here, at least, and let everyone else know about what happened.” Sunset was already considering how much or little Wallflower would need to know, upon waking. Sunset’s gut was to just lay it all out, if for no other reason than to impress upon Wallflower that she really shouldn’t get involved in this business any more than needed. If she wanted to help, Sunset would direct her to talk to Bon Bon, who really was more or less in charge of the neighborhood watch that was unofficially formed up of Canterlot High students now fully clued in.

Discord is even arming them, so if Wallflower works with them she won’t be totally defenseless. That ‘Anti-Hollow Spray’ must do something, because Bon Bon hasn’t even reported any injuries from the other students. Still...

The only sticking point was that stone, but that was in Twilight’s hands now. Not much to do except wait to see what the science and magic wiz learned after tinkering with it. Sunset was a bit envious, as she was pretty curious herself and wouldn’t mind joining in the magic tinkering and experimentation, but she had a literal pile of other things on her plate with the upcoming meeting. And before that, tomorrow morning was training with Sweet Cider. It was Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s combined idea. A big get together at the Apple family farm, complete with barbeque, sleepover, and training day. More or less an excuse to enjoy a day with her friends before whatever crap went down at the meeting, but Sweet Cider seemed interested in gauging the girls’ strength, post Everfree.

“I thought I sensed a new soul.”

Sunset and Screwloose both spun, taken a bit by surprise as Gaia Everfree stood in the doorway.

“Hells, Gloriosa, did you forget how knocking works?” Sunset asked, and the woman gave her a flat look.

“No, but the door was open. Who is the child, and why do I smell a hint of magic on her, wafting around like old leaves?”

Sunset constrained the need to roll her eyes at Gaia’s brusque manner, and gave her a fast rundown on what happened, to which Gaia’s form relaxed into something akin to a lounging cat’s ease. “Oh, is that all? I thought there were more Hollows prowling the night than usual today. I was tempted to grab a bite to eat, myself, but I’m trying not to provoke the poor Quincy and Soul Reapers too much. You perhaps were a tad too trusting to just give that stone to Twilight Sparkle.”

“She’s earned my trust plenty of times over,” Sunset pointed out, to which Gaia held up a hand, casually conjuring a length of vine from the wood of the wall to make a small flower that she idly played with.

“It is not just a matter of trust, Sunset. If I learned anything from my own experiences, is that magic is unpredictable. I suggest at least checking in with Twilight regularly from now on. Just in case. At any rate, my curiosity is sated. I must go check on Timber.”

“He doing alright?” Sunset inquired. She knew Timber had more or less recovered physically from the traumas of his injuries, but she did worry about how the guy was holding up mentally and emotionally. He was more or less taking care of what was left of Camp Everfree on his own, with Gaia/Gloriosa providing help in restoring the damage to the wider forest, but still maintaining a low profile as to not rile up the Soul Reapers who still maintained a strong cordon around the portal tree, who were essentially there at Discord’s invite as to keep things smooth until the Canterlot Spirit Coalition could properly announce and establish itself.

“He’s... good,” Gaia said, a bit of Gloriosa’s customary worry entering her face, making the seemingly ageless Arrancar quickly appear very human, “I think. It’s all still very weird for him. I’m trying to make it easier on him by giving him some space.”

Sunset wasn’t sure how good an idea that was. Sometimes a person needed space, other times they really needed to be reached out to. She didn’t know Timber Spruce well enough to say which he needed in this case, but if it were here who had a sister suddenly merge with a Hollow, possibly lose her mortal body, and now walked around as an odd human and Arrancar fused entity, she might need some time to process all that. She offered Gaia a warm smile, hoping her tone was encouraging, “It’s going to be weird for both of you, but just be ready to remind him you're still his sister. He’ll need that, I think.”

“Heh, perhaps, but he also asks me often if I know how a certain Quincy girl is doing. Hmph, as if I’m keeping tabs on Twilight,” Gaia said, shaking her head, “Honestly I don’t know why he seems too interested. They’ve barely met.”

“Eh, take it from me, Twilight, either Twilight, seems to have that effect on young, socially awkward men. Word of advice from me to him, if he is that into her, he’d better be prepared to be very patient and willing to embrace the nerdiness.”

Gaia chuckle-snorted, “The nerd aspect he won’t have trouble with. It’s all the rest I’m worried about. Neither of my selves is very enamored with Quincy affairs, and I don’t foresee anything but trouble with my brother getting involved with one who is neck deep in all of... that.”

“I can see how it might make for an uncomfortable dating situation,” Sunset said, then blinked as she heard a mumble from the bed and turned to see a still quite dazed Wallflower rub at her face and yawn as she swayed up in the bed into a sitting position, blinking in confused bleariness at everyone in the room. Especially Gaia, who’s Hollow hole was plain and evident.

“...Did... did you just kidnap me!?” Wallflower explained at Sunset, then pointed at Screwloose, “Who is that!?” then at Gaia, “And what’s wrong with her!? She has a hole! Why is there a hole!”

Screwloose, at that, waved at Sunset and quickly exited the room, “Welp, I think I’ve got chores to do. You have fun with her, kay bye!”

“W-wait a sec, Screwloose, I could use help explaining-”

“Chores! And I’d better go tell Discord about the kidnapp- I mean, guest acquiring. Toodles!”

Sunset growled as Screwloose made her swift exit, then glanced at Gaia, who simply shrugged. “Don’t look at me. She’s not my abductee.”

“I didn’t abduct anyone!”

“You took her off the street without her consent. I think that counts as abduction by legal definition.”

Sunset briefly considered the value of strangling Gaia, but considering the Arrancar’s level of strength, she doubted that doing so would yield any results. Instead she ran a hand over her face and turned to face a still terrified and baffled looking Wallflower. She sat on the end of the bed and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly before saying to Wallflower, “Look, if you promise not to shout, scream, or pass out again, I’ll give you all the answers I can. Deal?”

“I...I...umm... o...kay?” Wallflower stuttered slowly, looking as unsure of herself as a kitten in a dog pen. She went very silent then, eyes focused on Sunset with equal measures of expectation, anxiety, and if Sunset wasn’t mistaking it a bit of old pain and resentment. It hit Sunset then that she had seen Wallflower before. Long ago, when she first got to the human world. One of her many... victims, when she’s been basically shooting for world’s most cliché bully.

Oh no. I... really owe her. Apologies, and more.

While she’d certainly come a long way since then and embraced a whole new life, more than once at this point, it was still a painful old shadow to recall the sheer level of petty cruelty she’d once been capable of. Shame burned her, but Sunset embraced it and reminded herself that if she wanted to continue being a better person, she couldn’t ignore past wrongs, even if it’d been a long time since she’d faced one of those she had done wrong too.

“If you want something to eat or drink, would be a good idea to say so now, Wallflower. This is going to be a long story.”


“And she passed out again somewhere around the point where I got to the final fight with Grand Fisher,” Sunset sighed as she plopped her chin on her hand, sitting around the eastern-style dining table that her friends were gathered around. “I’m starting to wonder if she’s got a medical condition.”

“Sugarcube, all o’ this might be old hat ta us, but gotta figure fer a regular girl it’s a whole lot ta take in,” Applejack said with sympathy evident in her voice as she snacked on a ham sandwich that was sporting at least a eighty to twenty meat to bread ratio.

“I do recall screaming a lot during my first Hollow encounter,” Rarity said, “Although I did avoid fainting.”

“Hey, we’re all awesome like that. Not everyone’s cut out for this lifestyle,” Rainbow Dash smiled around her own meal, a plate piled high with enough waffles to endanger the cardiovascular health of a reasonably sized elephant.

“Was there a theme to this meal, Pinkie, or was this just ‘empty the pantry’ day?” Sunset asked, to which Pinkie puffed out her chest with culinary pride.

“The theme is ‘calories’ Sunset! All of the calories. It was a busy night, so eat up!” From Pinkie’s shadow rose a misty pink tendril that resolved into Pinkamena's head briefly that snatched up a whole leg of fried chicken and downed it before retreating back into Pinkie, who just laughed like she’d been tickled.

“I’m surprised there are any Hollows left that were willing to risk attacking us,” Flutteshy’s quiet voice held a great deal of concerned weight behind it, “Although I’m glad everything turned out okay. Even Mister Smooze helped out a bit.”

“Did he?” Sunset said, trying not to show too much discomfort. Discord’s shop was ever more crowded these days, and while Sunset at least felt like she had a bit of a grasp on Gaia’s situation, the former Espada that Fluttershy had... well, ‘befriended’ didn’t seem like quite the right word. Tamed, maybe? The vibe he gave Sunset wasn’t bad, per se, just very different than a conventional friendship. She hadn’t had a chance to really speak with him much, either, not that she was super eager to hang out with him either.

Fluttershy gave Sunset a look that left Sunset feeling like her mind was essentially just an open window for Fluttershy to peer inside. Yet Fluttershy showed no harsh judgment, just a calm and understanding smile that radiated reassurance. “He did. Mister Smooze is very eager to help.”

“Doesn’t bother me, just as long as he, like, doesn’t get too close,” Rainbow Dash said, “No offense meant, Flutters, but the dude is a walking pile of disease ridden sludge.”

“Not by choice,” Fluttershy stated, and Rainbow held up her hands.

“I get that, doesn’t mean I want to be in the ‘splash zone’. I’m cool with him, but seriously if any of us catch anything from the guy...”

“He’s keeping his distance, from what I observe,” Rarity said, “While I share some of the concern, Rainbow, Smooze seems quite willing to be well behaved and gentlemanly, especially towards Fluttershy.”

The last bit was said with a questioning raise of an eyebrow, although Fluttershy didn’t respond to Rarity’s unspoken query save to continue wearing that calming, zen-like smile. Sunset herself had no comment. She had her worries, but trusted Fluttershy. Speaking of trust.

“At any rate, I hope you girls didn’t mind me making the decision to hand that stone over to Twilight. Seemed like the right move.”

“Why’d we mind it, Sunset? Twi’s the smartest of the smarties, so of course she’d be the best to check out a magic doodad,” said Pinkie, “Even Discord, who’s like even smarter, doesn’t have a bunch of experience with magic stuff like Twilight’s got.”

“Ya worried them Quincy o’ hers will try an’ do somehin’ nefarious with it?” asked Applejack, to which Sunset offered a shrug and chewed on her own sandwich for a bit.

“Not really,” she finally said, “Twilight herself is such a huge font of magic at this point that I’d say she’s more dangerous than any Equestrian artifact. Any Quincy that did try to screw with her these days would be more apt to get wrecked for their trouble before we even knew about it. I still don’t trust that Sombra guy, but we’ve got to learn to extend a little benefit of the doubt, otherwise this whole diplomacy thing we’re about to try is doomed to fail before we even sit at the meeting table.”

“A fairly made point,” Rarity said, “We’ve precious little time to prepare, and can hardly waste it on allowing mistrust to ferment against those we seek to make allies of.”

“But we do have time to waste on Applejack’s mom kicking our butts tomorrow,” Rainbow Dash said, grinning and popping her knuckles, “Of course I plan on trying to do the butt kicking myself, but let’s be real, we’ve felt that spiritual pressure from AJ’s old lady.”

“Well that’s dang near humble o’ ya ta say, Dash,” laughed Applejack, “Sure my ma ain’t gonna take it easy on us.”

“I’ll admit I’m kind of looking forward to it,” said Sunset, her mood brightening, a pleasant and warm buzz stemming from Hokori no Hikari that lay at her side, “Your mom really seems like she earned that title ‘Kenpachi’, and this is going to be a good benchmark for how far we’ve come.”

“But we’ll have to be very careful, won’t we? Applejack’s family farm is far outside the city, but still the highway isn’t that far away, and we don’t want to damage the actual farmland,” Fluttershy said, to which Applejack nodded.

“Already worked that out with ma. Found a good spot fer the spar, an’ worked out some ground rules fer it, too. Ain’t gonna be a problem.”

“And with everybody coming over for food, it’ll be like one big family party!” Pinkie bounced happily in her seat, “My own mom and pop will be there, as well as all my sisters!”

“Even my dad is going to drag himself out of the house to be there, although not sure how that’s gonna work with aunt Windy in town,” Rainbow Dash said, scratching her head. Sunset had heard that Rainbow had some family from outside the city visiting, but hadn’t met this aunt yet.

“I suppose we can keep the supernatural talk on the down low during the barbecue,” she told Rainbow Dash, “Not like we can’t hold conversations about other things. Heck, sparring with Sweet Cider aside, I was kind of looking forward to just chilling and maybe getting in some music practice. Feels like forever since we did any of that.”

“My goodness, our band has been rather overshadowed by the whole ‘world threatening spirit war’ issue of late,” Rarity said, “I wouldn’t mind breaking out the instruments and doing a few sets. Applejack, your farm’s barn would make for a good spot, wouldn’t it?”

“Eeeh, gotta make sure it’s cleaned out proper, but yeah, plenty o’ space in there. I can borrow the truck again from Bic Mac ta help move instruments.”

Conversation moved into discussing songs and set up for some band practice, and Sunset settled into a relaxed half doze as she listened to her friends talk. For a brief time she was able to set aside the worries of what was to come, which admittedly were many. She still hadn’t heard any word from Princess Twilight, the magical journal ominously silent all these days since Everfree. What was happening in Equestria right now? Then there was the meeting, where they were inviting the leaders of the Soul Society and Quincy right into Discord’s shop. The plan was to reveal all of Zero Division’s schemes and do everything in their power to convince Scorpan and Sombra that the threat posed by the Zero Division was simply too great to let the animosity between Soul Reaper and Quincy overshadow it.

Not to mention the ever increasing probability that Tirek would attempt to invade Equestria using the portal at Everfree.

So many worries, and while the list of friends and allies on Sunset’s side were increasing, that didn’t necessarily put her mind at ease. Her friends parents could reclaim their Fullbringer powers from their Xcution days with Discord’s help, and the younger generation like the CMC were developing their own powers, and there were of course the Bounts, and Gaia, and Smooze. By the numbers, the Canterlot Spirit Coalition had almost as much firepower now as any of the three major factions.

Despite this, Sunset couldn’t shake the leaden feeling that for all that they’d already been through together, she and her friends were heading for a far worse storm, possibly more dangerous than all previous endeavors combined. A storm that would utterly eclipse the infiltration of Soul Society or the battles at Camp Everfree. And, looking at Rarity, Sunset was reminded one of her friends had already lost their life, even if she was still with them in literal spirit.

What was going to be the cost, by the end of this? Because Sunset could feel the end in sight, like a distant cliff edge on the horizon. Zero Division wasn’t going to just sit around and do nothing forever, not with Sunset and her friends making an active effort to build and alliance against them. Sooner rather than later, everything was going to come to a head. Her fight to see her home and friends safe, Twilight’s fight to end the war between the Quincy and everyone else, Adagio’s fight to rise to the top of Hueco Mundo.

And Starlight Glimmer’s fight, too? To undo the injustice done to her friend Sunburst, even if she had to enact a host of other injustices to do so? In the end would Starlight Glimmer be another enemy she’d have to face and defeat?

“Somebody looks roughly a million miles away.”

Sunset gave a start as Discord plopped down at the table next to her, the conversation of her friends petering out at the old man’s arrival. He gave them all a pleasant if mischief-filled smirk as he set his cane across his lap and reached out to grab a big handful of chips from the table that he loudly chomped down. Sunset gave him a sidelong look, rubbing the back of her head.

“Guess I won’t deny it, my brain kind of wandered off there for a bit.”

“We noticed, but none of us wanted to bother you,” Fluttershy said, to which Pinkie Pie waggled her eyebrows at Sunset.

“I totally would have, but Fluttershy threatened to make me do dish duty tonight, and have you seen what happens to a kitchen after I’m done with it?”

Letting herself laugh for a second, Sunset turned to Discord, “I take it Screwloose at least told you about the girl passed out in the guest room?”

“Quite so, although shockingly enough I’m not here to talk about her. I trust you to be able to deal with the minutia of handling a lost lamb like that one on your own. No, I just wanted to bring you all the official word we just received from Clover. Captain Commander Scorpan has indeed fully accepted our invitation, and this is the bit that surprised even me, he has sent envoy’s to negotiate terms of the meeting with Sombra and the Quincy.”

“Wait, do the Soul Reapers even have diplomatic channels with the Quincy? Like, a way those envoys aren’t shot on sight?” Sunset asked, sharing Discord’s surprise.

“Barely ever used, but yes the war has gone on long enough that there is some official protocol for the exceedingly rare event of the two sides wanting to talk to each other rather than engage in wholesale slaughter,” Discord replied with an arid tone, “White flags of truce and all that. At any rate, from what I understand each of the leaders shall arrive with their own limited entourage. We can expect Captains Blueblood and Amore to be present with Captain Commander Scorpan-”

“Blueblood?” Rarity said, not quite... perking up, but showing more interesting than Sunset would have expected. At the same time, Rainbow Dash’s eyebrows shot up as she asked, “Why those two?”

“Believe it or not, Blueblood’s Division is nominally in charge of the Gotei 13’s diplomatic affairs, and Amore’s is designed to handle administrative issues. Having both present for a major diplomatic meeting is par for the course,” Discord said, “As for Sombra, I know he’ll have Twilight Sparkle with him, but I also believe her father Night Light will be coming, as well as one other; a woman named Coloratura.”

“That’s a weird name,” Rainbow Dash said, then blinked as she noticed Applejack was wearing a bemused face, scratching her head in thought. “Uh, something up, AJ?”

“Dunno, just that the name sounds mighty familiar ta me. Coulda swore I heard it somewhere ‘fore now.”

“Huh, kind of like me with that Gilda Espada chick,” Rainbow Dash said, “Like you’ve got this itch in your brain about the name, but no matter how you pick at it, just doesn’t shake loose?”

“Yeah, feels ‘bout right,” Applejack said, but she then shrugged, “Eh, it’s probably nothin’ ta fret over.”

“So point is, we’re going to have a full house, day after tomorrow,” Sunset said, taking in a deep breath and then pushing down a yawn, “Which means we’d all best be on our A-game. The whole point of this might be to try and work out a peace treaty, or at least a temporary cease fire, but doesn’t change the fact that we’re going to have some of the most powerful people in the world under this roof and if things get hot, we’ve got to be prepared for it.”

“It almost makes me feel bad we couldn’t include the Hollows in this, somehow,” Fluttershy said, and at the looks she go from her friends she simply smiled and shook her head, “Oh, I know that it’s not very likely that we could make diplomacy work with all of them, but it would just feel nice to... extend a hand, as long as we’re careful about not letting it be bitten. Adagio, Smooze, Applejack’s father, those nice people working for Adagio, there’s plenty of them who seem to want peace too.”

“While ya ain’t wrong, sugarcube, I ain’t ever seeing Grogar sitting down fer a nice chat, an’ while I ain’t ever met most of them other Espada, includin’ this Tirek feller who’s runnin’ the show, if he’s fine with employin’ Grogar’s type then I don’t see talkin’ as doin’ us much good.”

“Yes, Tirek is a ‘diplomacy by other means’ sort,” Discord said plainly, “Might is the only right for him. Power the only thing he respects. That is, by and large, the Hollow way. Even Adagio, for all of her reasonableness, must abide by those rules to survive where she has.”

“But it doesn't always have to be that way,” Sunset said, a heat entering her blood as she spoke, pulsing from her Zanpaktou, “We’re not going to sit by and let her take on all of that burden alone. Adagio is going to take Tirek and Grogar down, and we’ll find a way to help her do it. We’ll see to it that even Hueco Mundo and the Hollows aren’t left to the mercies of the Zero Division.”

“Yer soundin’ awful passionate all o’ a sudden, hun,” Applejack said, showing a smile that said she wasn’t at all against what Sunset was saying. “Gotta say it makes me feel a mite fired up myself.”

“Heck yeah, you have any idea how long I’ve been wanting to get a second crack at Grogar?” Rainbow Dash said, “Still ticks me off a bit that he was there at Everfree and we didn’t get a rematch!”

“I did!” Pinkie Pie chirped, “He was a real cranky, crooked, cantankerous coot! Pretty sure he really hates me after helping Adagio steal that super important seed thing he took out of Applejack’s pops.”

“How has he been doing?” Fluttershy asked Applejack, to which the farmgirl’s face stilled and she went from boisterous to a whisper.

“Recoverin’, sorta. Fenice has been keepin’ in touch, along with one o’ his other adopted kids, Roka.”

“Oh, I met her, she seemed nice,” Fluttershy said, and Applejack nodded, although Sunset could tell that Applejack was awkwardly tense in how her eyes didn’t really meet any of theirs.

“She is. Ain’t quite what I was expectin’, but seems dutiful an’ carin’. Anywhos, she n’ Fenice told us that pa’s still pretty weakened by what Grogar did ta him, but Adagio’s been helpin’ him get back on his feet. Ain’t nothin’ close ta what he was, but gettin’ there.”

“Uh, is that a good or bad thing, AJ?” Rainbow Dash said, and Rarity cut in.

“I expect it’s problematic, Rainbow. Do think about it, will you? Applejack’s father was among the top Espada, but with his power reduced, his position is compromised. Discord just laid out how Espada, or rather Hollow, politics work. It’s not a good thing that he’s weakened right now, because it means he’s vulnerable. It also weakens Adagio’s position, which isn’t ideal when she’s trying to form a viable rebellion.”

“Ya don’t gotta lay it out all hard like that, Rares,” Applejack said, and the anxiety and fear all but leaked from her voice like tepid water form a dam, and she drew her knees up, hugging them, “I just got my pa back. Don’t want ta lose him again ‘cause the other Espada decide ta get rid o’ him fer being ‘weak’.”

“I’m sorry, I... was being insensitive,” Rarity said, but Discord raised a bony finger.

“But not inaccurate. It's a painful reality, but you summarized the situation aptly. Lament, or rather Hard Nail is in a difficult position, as is Adagio. If deposing Tirek was easy, others would have already done it. If we’re to provide any aid at all, we must first establish some manner of truce between the Soul Society and the Quincy.”

“I hear what yer sayin’, and it’s alright Rares, I ain’t mad at ya,” Applejack said, managing a weak smile before worry painted her face once more, “I just wish i could go ta Las Noches right now an’, I don’t know, protect all this new family I got over there now. My pa, Fenice, Roka, all o’ them other orphan Arrancar. Want ta go punch out any an’ all o’ them bastards that’d threaten them.”

“I think we’re all on that page, Applejack,” said Pinkie, “If it were my family, I’d be going stark raving mad having to just sit around and wait. Oh... no, Mena, we’re not stark raving mad right now. Yes we’re talking to ourselves, but for us that’s perfectly normal.”

The girls looked at Pinkie Pie for a second before they all just returned to the conversation, Sunset saying, “At any rate, I’d like to get more proactive about helping our friends. Tonight proved to me that even with our defenses bolstered like they are, the Hollows will still show up to cause trouble. While I know our best bet at tackling Zero Division is getting the factions all to call a truce, since we know Tirek isn’t likely to sit at the table to talk it out perhaps we ought to send a message in a different way.”

Discord gave her a measuring look, his hand stroking his long wisp of white beard, “Did you have something in mind?”

Sunset glanced at Fluttershy, “Smooze, he was an Espada for a long time, right?”

“Yes, I think so. Certainly longer than any of us have been alive,” Fluttershy replied, and Sunset gave a nod.

“Then he knows the layout of Las Noches, at least the important bits. Discord, you can still open artificial Garganta portals for us as well, correct?”

“I can,” he said, looking ever more amused at the turn in the conversation, “I take it that whatever you’re thinking of doing, you’ve accounted for the fact that we literally have two days before what is probably going to be the most important diplomatic meeting in history taking place?”

“Oh, I’m aware. Don’t worry, I’m not thinking of anything too crazy. But if diplomacy by other means is all Tirek is going to understand, then I’m going to show him just how ‘diplomatic’ we can be,” Sunset said, her eyes practically burning as she smiled in anticipation, and she could all but feel Hokori no Hikari buzzing with pleasure at her side.

"Sunset, is this wise?" asked Rarity, "This strikes me as poking the tiger in the eye, whatever you may be planning."

"I'm concerned about this, too," said Fluttershy, "I know that many of the Espada wouldn't think twice about attacking us, but what would raiding Las Noches accomplish? Um, that is what you're thinking of doing, isn't it?"

Sunset understood her friends' worries, and quickly forestalled them, "Relax, I'm not intending we just go in and start blowing things, or Hollows, up at random. I actually am thinking diplomatically here. Just, er, 'Hollow' diplomacy, if you will. I've seen how Adagio has integrated herself with the Hollows, what does and what doesn't to earn respect with them. Since the Canterlot Spirit Coalition is meant to be a bridge between all of the factions, I want to make things clear to all of Hueco Mundo's residents who we are and what we're about. That just means that for the Hollows we'll need to be a bit aggressive about it."


Adagio shuddered, and Di Roy glanced at her.

“Something wrong, boss lady?”

They were traveling back to Las Noches at high speed, leaping in great, earth-eating bounds across the desert, which didn’t impede conversation nearly as much as one might think. Adagio let out a faint grunt of vague consternation, wondering just what the cause of her sudden unease was.

“Nothing. It’s nothing,” she said, shaking the feeling off.

“If you say so. Don’t blame you if you’re feeling a tad out of sorts. That Erebus dude was seriously, obnoxiously full of himself.”

Behind him, Gaw let out a bark that may have been a laugh, “You not one to talk.”

Di Roy blew a raspberry at her, and went on to say, “Seriously, though, I hope not all the Privarons are that theatrical. Least he agreed to working with us.”

Adagio wasn’t quite as optimistic, despite the way the situation had concluded. “It’s purely an alliance of convenience based upon the notion that if I’m not bluffing, he stands to gain a great deal of power. He’ll turn on me the second he thinks it’s no longer beneficial to support me. I doubt I’ll find more favorable terms from any of the other Privarons. But I knew that going into this. I don’t need the Privaron Espada to be loyal, or even trusting of me. I just need to get a few of them in line so that when everything else kicks off, I’ve got enough muscle to keep the other Espadas busy while Tirek is dealt with.”

“You sure this whole Segunda Etapa thing is really going to be enough to pull that off?” asked Di Roy, and at her look he gulped and added, “Not that I’m doubting you, but this is a lot to bet on something we don’t even have solid proof is actually achievable. Even Erebus’ crusty old ass seemed to think it was nothing more than a myth to inspire the power fantasies of young Arrancar.”

“If Grogar pursues it, it’s real,” Adagio said in a flat tone that offered no room for dispute, heated hate entering her voice, “That old goat wouldn’t waste his time on anything as shaky as a myth.”

“Still sounds too good to be true. A transformation beyond Resurreccion? I mean, if it was real, then wouldn’t Tirek have achieved it himself? He’s old as balls and, you know, stupidly powerful already.” Di Roy’s points were valid, Adagio was not without her counterpoints.

“I don’t believe it’s a matter of raw spiritual power,” she said, and her hand strayed up to the smooth, sparkling gleam of the crimson siren gem that floated in her Hollow hole, “I think there’s rather a more magical key to this.”

“Huh... that’d make sense. Here’s hoping that Discord guy can come through, then. Assuming you can trust him.”

“Di Roy, I don’t trust anyone who hasn’t proven themselves to me. You, Gaw, Roka, Fenice, Lament, Torch, Ember, it’s a short list. And...”

Adagio sighed, having difficulty, even now, admitting to this out loud, but she was past the point of being entirely coy about this. “And Sunset Shimmer is on that list as well. I don’t trust Discord, but I trust her. Enough, at least, to know that if Discord tried to double cross me, she’d be the first to plant a boot up his rear end before I could.”

“Excellent point. That firebrand and her friends are really good at the kicking of ass,” Di Roy admitted, quite possibly remembering the time, prior to becoming full Arrancar, that’d he tried and failed to deal with Sunset Shimmer himself. Gaw laughed again, as if knowing exactly what Di Roy was thinking.

Adagio just smiled, pleased, at least, at the thought of Sunset and her band of merry fools making use of their wrecking ball heroism for helping her plans along. It would still take a steel prybar roughly the size of a skyscraper to extract an admission from Adagio that she thought of Sunset as a friend, but... the word wasn’t exactly inaccurate, either. Perhaps one day she’d be willing to thank Sunset for everything. Eventually. Some day. When Hell froze over.

Arrival at Las Noches was swift and silent. There were several hidden tunnel entrances now that led to the exterior dunes outside the fortress that would lead into her personal territory, and staying out of sight of the sentries was less of a problem with the overwhelming number of Hollows that now occupied the desert surrounding Las Noches. The lesser Hollows were cowed by her presence easily, and any Gillians or Adjuchas were smart enough to give her and her vassals a wide berth.

As they traversed the horde of teaming Hollows it was still amazing to her just how many of them there were. She’d thought that Tirek had gathered many prior to the attack made by the Quincy, but this was a broiling sea of Hollows readily thrice the size of that prior gathering. Even now she could feel Tireks’ reiatsu flowing off of Las Noches, a pulsating sun that gave out an ever present and hungry call. None of the weaker Hollows could resist that call, as if drawn to the spirit energy in the way maggots were to rot.

She suppressed another shudder once she was inside Las Noches, and swiftly went down the hallways into her territory within the walls of the mighty fortress.

“Gaw,” she said, “Go to Lament’s tower to check in on them. Take a squadron of warriors, and Dumbbell, with you. I’d like to maintain a proper show of force, just in case Guto’s people are getting stupid.”

Gaw growled in acknowledgement and was gone in an eager rush, and Adagio turned to Di Roy.

“Find Usagi and see if she needs any help with anything. We’re not exactly short on lesser Hollow meat right now, but I imagine she’s feeling swamped with our new recruits.”

“Ten-four, boss lady. Di Roy, out.”

With her two most trusted vassals having been given their marching orders, Adagio made her way to her personal chambers. She wanted to grab a bite to eat, then get in touch with Thorax to let him now how the meeting with Erebus went. She was already anticipating the future, considering which Privaron Espada to approach next. She had to be careful with the timing, since it wasn’t ideal to rely on Thorax masquerading as her entirely. Mainly because he still needed to masquerade as Chrysalis.

Opening the door to her chamber she stepped in but instantly realized she wasn’t alone. On instinct her trident was leveled, but she relaxed when she saw that it was Thorax, albeit disguised by wearing the form of his mother. ‘Chrysalis’ was lounging on Adagio’s bed, legs idly kicking in the air. Adagio let out a breath and raised her trident, “Thorax, if you’re intent was to surprise me, congratulations, I didn’t even sense you.”

In fact, she still didn’t. She knew Thorax was skilled at suppressing his spiritual pressure, but she hadn’t realized just how good he was at it. She took another step into the room, but came up short as she smelled the thick, copper stink of blood.

Chrysalis turned, like a casual lioness examining the approach of one of her cubs. Adagio saw a hand, severed and bloodied, being held to Chrysalis’ lips as she took a large bite and swallowed the flesh whole with loud, smooth chews. Adagio tensed, her own blood cold, and her eyes instantly narrowed as her reiatsu spiked in a defensive reflex.

This wasn’t Thorax.

“Whose hand is that?” Adagio asked, her mind flipping through reactions, prepared fully to summon slicing water, fire Ceros, or simply strike with her trident. Or flee. Whichever seemed more likely to keep her alive.

“Not one of your minions’, if that’s what’s got your hackles rising.”

Chrysalis’ voice had all of the veiled, playful menace that she remembered, and she watched in morbid fascination as Chrysalis finished chomping down the hand as she rolled off of the bed and strutted around to stand off with Adagio with a look up and down the younger Arrancar’s body with appreciation.

“You look like you’ve been doing well for yourself, Adagio Dazzle.”

“What are you doing here?” Adagio said, not entirely sure she trusted what Chrysalis had told her that the hand hadn’t belonged to one of her own vassals, but she had no way to confirm that at the moment.

“Oh, don’t you mean ‘aren’t you supposed to still be in Equestria’? Hah, I’m sure my rambunctious son has already clued you in to the fact that we have access to an easy back and forth between that realm. It’s no great time sink for me to dip out of the land of sunshine and rainbows to check in on how things are going back at the old homestead. Speaking of which, you and my son have gotten awfully close, haven’t you?”

As Chrysalis spoke she idly started to walk to Adagio’s left, circling like a shark, but Adagio didn’t allow it. She stepped into Chrysalis’ path, and let her reiatsu spill out, a somewhat heavy handed display but one that fit Adagio’s mood. “Drop the bullshit. You didn’t come here without a purpose. Either tell me what you’re after, or get the Hell out of my room.”

Chrysalis’ laugh was the stuff of chocolate coated nightmares, but she seemed near playful as she plopped herself into a sitting position on Adagio’s dining table, almost like a school girl eager to share secrets with a friend, “I like this. Less subservient than you were last time. You were so compliant when I told you to kill Squirk. Seems you’ve grown more spine since then.”

“I’ve gained more power since then. Spine I always had. If you think I’m going to be as compliant as before, you’re about to be disappointed,” Adagio stated, iron in her words. It wasn’t a mere front, either. She had no intention of being used by Chrysalis again, although she was fully aware that there was still a decent sized power gap between them. There were certainly ways Chrysalis could execute leverage over Adagio, but she wasn’t about to roll over this time, either. She was done showing fear, and if this came to a fight... well, she’d find out just how good Chrysalis’ regeneration really was.

However, rather than adopt a more imposing stance, Chrysalis simply flashed a smile that could have meant she was pleased, or was about to try to eat Adagio’s face.

“No need to fret, I’ve no need of a cat’s paw again. I’m not here to make use of you, but to see your growth. I’ll be going back to Equestria before the day is done, but I just couldn’t help but want to touch base with my dear boys, and when I smelled you on Thorax, well, what is a mother to do except take a measure of the woman who’s in bed with her son?”

“In bed with-!?” Adagio bristled, face not reddening but she did feel an annoyed flush at the implication in Chrysalis’ words. “I don’t know what you ‘smelled’ on Thorax, but he and I do not have that manner of relationship.”

“Hah! Whatever you say.” Chrysalis’ eyes were lit with pure teasing amusement, “Physical bed, metaphorical bed, either way I still wanted to see what kind of Hollow you’ve become whilst I’ve been making friends in Equestria. What, not even curious how your sisters have been?”

Adagio clenched her teeth tightly, not wanting to give even a hint of her feelings away to Chrysalis. She was both eager to hear of Aria and Sonata, and terrified at the prospect that they’d ran across Chrysalis, of all people. Marshaling all of her self control, she made a dismissive wave with her free hand, “I’m sure they’re alright. Despite their faults, both of them are capable survivors, and were under the protection of the Princesses. Much as I am loath to give Princess Twilight Sparkle credit, she is a mare of her word, and powerful besides.”

“Ah, those alicorn Princesses are indeed something else,” Chrysalis laughed under her breath, as if at a private joke, and licked her lips, “Oh yes, quite something. I almost can’t wait to go back. Things are getting very interesting over there indeed.”

“Enough idle chatter, Chrysalis. Are you really just here to sniff at me because you think your son and I are a potential item? I’ve better things to do with my time, and am a tad disappointed you don’t.”

“A mother’s work is never done, and I can sniff at you and take care of other important matters at the same time,” Chrysalis stated with a twist of her lips that was as much threat as smirk, “Can’t very well have Tirek building up so much fury without a few whispers as to where to best direct it. The real question isn’t what I’m doing, but what you’re doing? I smell another on you besides Thorax, Adagio. Hmm... yes, an old scent, this one. Far older than I. Been traipsing about the dunes, have we?”

She knows about Erebus...dammit.

Adagio’s silence only earned a deeper grin of sharp teeth from Chrysalis. “I’ll take that to mean your excursion was fruitful. Don’t mind me. I won’t interfere, and if you knew Tirek at all you wouldn’t be concerned if I did. He’ll relish it, you know? He’d be excited to know someone had the stomach to have a go at his head. How do you think he fell in love with me?”

This did get Adagio to raise a curious eyebrow, “You tried to kill Tirek?”

“Mmmhmm, how do you think we became lovers? Ahhh,” Chrysalis rubbed her fingers over her lips, “Best fight of my life. He beat me nearly to death to the point that even my body could hardly keep up with the brutality of it. It was... perfect. Gave him his fair share of markings, too, but even I know when I’m beaten. That was not long after I came to Las Noches, started making friends, established myself in the pecking order, you know how it is. Oh, that reminds me, have you met my old friend, Gaia? I heard you were in the realm of the living, and that she’s up and about! I really would love to go meet with her, but alas, the timing just isn’t right for it. But if you see her you’ll tell her that her friend Chrysalis sends her love and is thinking of her?”

“I’ll... consider it,” Adagio said, feeling more than a tad off put by the turn in the conversation. Chrysalis just smiled knowingly and hopped off of Adagio’s dining table, gliding past Adagio while giving her a friendly pat on the shoulder.

“Please do. I don’t know when we’ll next get a chance to just talk like this, Adagio, and it’d be a shame if you made my Thorax cry by doing something foolish like dying.”

Adagio blanched at Chrysalis’ touch, turning around, “Now wait a damned minute you...”

She trailed off as by the time she finished turning, Chrysalis had already vanished, nowhere to be seen.

Author's Note:

A chapter of setting things up, as the ball gradually gets rolling on our new arc. For those that didn't read Hunters and Hollows, I did try to give the basic info needed here to get the gist of what happened and how it ties into Adagio seeking the Privaron Espada.

At any rate, hope you folks are all having a good time with the story, and as ever thank you all for reading. Any and all comments, questions, or critiques are highly appreciated. 'Till next time!

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