• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,907 Views, 5,030 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 174: The Coalition Summit

Episode 174: The Coalition Summit

Their return to the dry air, yet welcoming light of Discord’s underground training area was greeted by a rambunctious Screwball who threw off an exaggerated salute to the gathered folk walking in through the cavernous blackness of the artificial Garganta.

“Heyoo! Doesn’t look like anyone is dead! Wait, where’s Gaia and Ditzy? They’re not corpsified are they!?”

“No, Screwball,” said Discord with a rolling chuckle, spinning his can on one finger, “They’re quite well, and have stayed behind to get our new embassy in order.”

“I was quite tempted to join them,” commented Rarity, already returned to her normal state from having previously activated her Fullbring, “If this is to be more than a mere front I’d much like to have some say in it’s location and décor. Oh well, I’ll just have to take the time later when schedules permit.”

“Ya just can’t wait ta start showin’ them Arrancar some diplomatic hospitality in yer own set up, can ya?” asked Applejack, smiling at her friend’s enthusiasm, and Rarity shot a smile back with a flash in her eyes.

“But of course! I’ll have them eating out of the palm of my hands in no time. And seriously, it is well past time someone brought some color and fashion to those poor dears. All of that shear white and black! It simply won’t do. That and I do like to think that with a little properly targeted generosity we can make some headway in easing tensions.”

“Tensions aren’t exactly going to go down anytime soon,” Twilight said, last out of the Garganta, which slowly closed behind her once she was fully touched down on the ground. In her hands she carried the compactly folded up computer terminal and sensor device she had deployed while inside the Precipice Realm, and now held the odd hexagon shaped box of metal in her hands like a cradled child. “Especially considering that with this, my team and I can conduct a raid to free Fleur De Lis from Guto’s grasp.”

“As long as you hold off on that until after the summit, so the timing doesn’t look so suspicious, then you’re good to go, Twilight,” Sunset said, having found a nearby boulder to sit on and rest while Fluttershy attended to her injuries, fussing over Sunset with several translucent golden arms that started to heal the wounds taken during the duel with Tirek.

Twilight adjusted her glasses, her face gaining a steel shadow as she nodded, “No need to worry. I intend to make it look entirely like a Quincy operation. I doubt Guto will suspect that the reason we’ll be able to locate Fleur's precise location is because of the help Rarity and Fluttershy provided.”

Rarity held up her hands in a mock gesture of innocence, “My whatever might you mean, Twilight darling? I certainly haven’t the foggiest notion. I certainly never used my crystals to move one of your Quincy tracers unseen, burrowing silently under Las Noches’ stone roof until it reached Fluer’s foot.”

She gave Fluttershy a pointed look, and the other girl adopted a sheepish look of equal, if somewhat less effective, mock innocence, “Oh, um, I haven’t any idea what you mean, Rarity. I didn’t use my power at all to help conceal your reiatsu, or the tracer, or even help affix it to Fleur's spirit body so it’d assimilate into her reishi undetected. Nope, never did that.”

“And all of those things you two didn’t do certainly didn’t provide a signal this device could pick up, that I designed to be able to maintain a long distance lock on the tracer, even through the barrier of Realms,” Twilight said, patting the device, “Which means there’s no way I could possibly lead a team at some undisclosed point in the near future to break Fleur De Lis out of that horrid place and bring her home. Which I thank you for. For all that stuff you didn’t do.”

The girls all shared a brief pause, before they all laughed, after which Rainbow Dash went over and patted Sunset hard on the shoulder, to which Sunset winced a bit, “All that sneaky stuff aside, can I just say that Sunset here was friggin’ awesome out there!? I mean damn, she actually gave that dude, who’s what supposed to be the strongest Hollow of all time, a serious fight! And blew up that gross jerkwad’s lab on top of it! This was one seriously successful mission, even if I didn’t get to do much other than rile up that Catrina chick.”

“Oh yeah, she’s really got it in for you now, doesn’t she, Dashie?” Pinkie Pie said with a bright gleam, “I feel like I oughta be able to sell tickets to that eventual grudge match!”

“Pfft, and what about you, Pinks?” said Rainbow, “You really cheesed off Grogar majorly, between screwing with him here, and stealing that Seed thingamabob from him before. I feel like next time we get into any scuffle with the Espada, he’s going to be gunning for you most of all.”

“Okay gals, let’s not forget that while we did have a lot of side objectives with this little escapade of mine, the overall goal is still to hopefully get all three factions, including the Hollows, on some kind of road to peace,” said Sunset, looking at her hands as the burns on them slowly healed up under Fluttershy’s ministrations. Granted not all of the burns could fade entirely. She’d always have a few scars on her hands to remind her of the times she used the black flames. She shook her head and continued to say, “Even if I don’t think Tirek will back down entirely without a fight, maybe even to the final, grisly death, I want to at least keep casualties to a minimum. Granted not sure I apply that to Grogar, but Adagio is probably going to handle him before any of us get a chance to. The rest, let’s at least try to give them the benefit of the doubt.”

“I don’t know ‘bout that Guto,” Applejack said, her faced hardening, “I might not like Fleur at all after she went ballistic on us back then, but... seein’ her all chained up like a dog at his feet just boiled my blood somethin’ fierce.”

“Ya’d hardly be my daughter if seein’ that didn’t piss ya off,” Sweet Cider said, having watched proceedings silently up to that point. Her eyes turned to Sunset, “An’ while I admire the idealism ya got goin’ there, ya’d best be prepared fer the worst. Not just from them Espada, but from all o’ those ya want ta make peace with. That includes Soul Society. Ain’t sayin’ the Captain Commander ain’t gonna be a reasonable fellow, but ya still got ta understand that this war won’t just halt on yer say so. Can’t speak fer the Quincy, but don’t imagin’ them just droppin’ arms and burryin’ the ol’ hatchet with Soul Reapers or Hollows.”

“I know this isn’t going to be easy, and that even calling it ‘difficult’ is a major understatement,” replied Sunset, giving Fluttershy a nod of thanks for the healing aid, and then she stood up, facing Sweet Cider fully, “But the bottom line is that we can’t beat Zero Division without help, and once we tell everyone the truth, even the most hard lined among the factions has to at least understand that if they still want to kill each other they’re only playing into Zero Division’s hands. I won’t be asking them to make permanent peace just yet, but at least a damned cease fire or temporary truce until we deal with Zero Division.”

“Hey, I’m on yer side, girl,” replied Sweet Cider with a huge shrug of her shoulders, “Even if it means goin’ against the rest o’ Soul Society, you’ll have me at yer side when the time comes. Just sayin’ ya need ta be prepared fer the worst. Hope fer and work fer the best, sure, but plan ‘round the worst outcome. Least then ya won’t be caught unprepared.”

“Sage advice, Captain,” Discord said with a knowing nod, “And hardly advice we’ll ignore. That said, let us maintain some optimism. Thus far Sombra’s willingness to allow Twilight to work with us, and even form a shadow alliance with Adagio, has demonstrated the Quincy King isn’t quite as mindlessly rigid as I’d once feared. And while Scorpan has ever been a staunch supporter of Soul Society’s traditions and a firm believer that the Zero Division has the best interests of the world in mind, I think we’ve sufficient evidence to give the Captain Commander much to think about. All we need, really, is a long enough cease fire between the factions that it slows Zero Division’s collection of soul energies in Hell. Time that we can use to secure passage to Equestria, find and detain Starlight Glimmer and her forces, and then with any luck then form an even stronger Coalition to face down Glory and her compatriots.”

“Well, when ya put it like that, it almost sounds plausible,” Sweet Cider said with a light huff, “Sure hope it turns out that way.”

“C’mon ma, it’ll all turn out alright. It did with pa, didn’t it?” said Applejack, putting on a bright smile, “He was lookin’ a lot better when I saw him today, too. Might not be back ta full, but he seemed ta be doin’ fine.”

Sweet Cider’s dour look softened into a warm smile then, if still a tad pained, likely at the knowledge that she and her husband still had a great deal of hurdles keeping them separate for the time being. Yet any that looked upon the sizeable woman and her exuberant daughter next to her could tell the Apple family had a fresh glow of strength and resolve about them that was like a powerful tail wind. Even while still separated physically, the completeness of the Apples was a power unto itself.

“Hope that hard headed husband o’ mine just manages ta keep himself outta trouble ‘till we git this whole nasty business sorted out. Even with this whole embassy thing you girls got goin’, it’d probably look awful suspicious if the Captain o’ the Tenth Division just shows up outta the blue ta chat with their Fourth Espada,” Sweet Cider said, here tone tight with a certain frustration that even with the connection reforged between herself and Hard Nail, there was still no easy way for them to meet and begin the long process of healing their family.

“Give it time,” Discord said simply, then paused as a ringing came from the inner pockets of his long sleeved robes. “Oh? Must be the front desk.”

He yanked out a somewhat old fashioned flip open cell phone as the others looked on and casually shouted, “Hello!? Yes! This is the shop owner!”

“Ugh, you don’t need to yell, boss!” yelled Screwloose from the other end of the line, “Your volume control on these things sucks! I’m calling to let you know Clover’s back. She’s been basically cutting a rut in our front rug with all of her pacing!”

“Uh, did you tell her about what we were doing?” Rainbow Dash asked Sunset, and Sunset blanched a little, her heart feeling a sharp stab of rather swift guilt as she realized she maybe should have at least left some sort of message for Clover. Heat flushed her cheeks as she let out an awkward little laugh.

“Heh, well, um, I guess I didn’t? I mean, it was really spur of the moment and she was still in Soul Society-”

“Is that Sunset!?” shouted Clover’s voice on the other end of Discord’s phone, followed by the sounds of a brief struggle with Screwloose letting out a few obscenities before a crashing noise sounded out, and Clover spoke again, a bit more breathless, “Spirit Queen above, are you okay!? Screwloose told me some crazy story about you going to fight Tirek!?”

Sunset, sweating, pointed at Discord’s phone, and he silently handed it to her. Meanwhile Rainbow Dash was scratching her head with a puzzled frown.

“Okay seriously, is it Soul Queen or Spirit Queen? I keep hearing both,” Rainbow asked.

“Both apply in equal measure and tend to be used interchangeably. Have I not covered this by now?” he said, rubbing his bearded chin, “I could have sworn I have.”

“If you did, I totally spaced out on it,” Dash replied, while Sunset, coughing and covering part of the phone with one hand to block out the side talk, spoke softly.

“Hey Clover, yeah, s-sorry about not waiting to tell you what we were doing. It was all kind of my idea.”

“What in the world possessed you to even think of doing something so reckless? Wait, don’t tell me you already did it!? Please tell me you still have all of your bits intact and none of the others got hurt!”

“I’m fine. We’re fine. It turned out way better than I honestly thought it would,” she grunted a bit in pain as some of her remaining aches sprang up to remind her just how much of a beating Tirek had given her, “I mean, I got knocked around a bunch, but I think I left on impression.”

“On...Tirek?” Clover’s voice was one of a strong mix of disbelief, horror, and a tad bit of impressed awe, “Look, I’d better come down and hear this in person. I came back to confirm the meet time for the summit, but that can wait until I can see you and make sure you didn’t hit your head or something. I’ll be right there!”

Sunset heard the other end of the line click off before she could get another word in, and she just blinked at the phone for a moment before handing it back to Discord, “I guess I made her worry.”

“More than worry, if what I heard was any indication,” said Fluttershy, to which Sunset just gave her friend a questioning look.

“What does that mean?”

“Nothing,” Fluttershy replied, but wore a very odd smile that Sunset couldn’t place entirely. Her sense told her Fluttershy was pleased about something, or at least found something reassuring. But why? It was normal for Clover to worry about her friends, and Sunset imagined she’d be pretty worried too if she learned one of her comrades did something crazy like try to solo one of the most powerful entities in the world.

Oh well, probably best not to think about it too much. Things had gone well enough, and while Clover might fret over her, it was an acceptable price to pay. Besides they had a lot more on their plate to deal with tonight, given they were about to meet with Tirek’s peers from the Quincy and Soul Society in a summit that may well decide the fate of not just the human world, but Equestria as well.


In some ways the Soul Queen’s Palace was a misnomer. Its residents gave it many titles. The Spirit Queen’s Halls. The Eternal Heaven. The Radiant Bastion. It could be described in many manners, and each set of eyes that were fortunate enough to behold the sacred realm were left with their own inadequate words to try and interpret the grandeur and majesty of the seat of the Soul Queen’s power.

For only five among those that dwelled her knew the truth. That the Soul Queen, the Spirit Queen, the First Soul herself was no longer who ruled here. That throne sat empty. But none could gainsay, for none were allowed to walk to the pinnacle, to witness the empty chamber and bleak crystal that held the body of a desecrated entity that once bore those lofty titles.

And even if they did, few might care. Those that lived within this realm were few in number, barely more than a few hundred rare souls, collected and hand picked by the true masters of the Palace; the Zero Division. Within this realm each of these figures of power carved out a partition of their own, dividing the expanse of Heaven into Five Halls. Each Hall bore the distinctive marks and thoughts of it’s ruler, each their own version of Heaven, where their hand picked “perfect souls” were allowed to live in purest luxury... as long as they remained a pleasing presence to their rulers.

Medley wore no expression that might have shown her true thoughts of what lay around her. A wall of gold was carved with engravings of such life-like beauty that the images of mist laden mountains and vast forests all looked as if alive. Water, clearer than the most transparent crystal, fell in hot waves from the mouths of gold carved dragons, the cascades leading into wide, spacious pools and springs that were surrounded by the green splendor of a perfectly tended garden. Those waters, Medley knew, were more than just warm, they were enriched with such spirit energy that to merely set foot in those sacred pools would cause mindless bliss in the weaker willed, and rejuvenate and enrich any who bathed within them.

Glory sat naked within the largest pool, tended to by a trio of equally naked servants, all men of exceptional physical characteristics, who cleaned the Zero Division member meticulously with silken cloth and washed her, in Medley’s opinion, stupidly long golden hair with soaps that bore scents so divine as to likely break the heart of any mortal designer of scented bath soaps.

She knows I’m here. Do I lose the game if I lose patience and speak first, or is she really just going to sit there and make me watch her get pampered for the next ten hours? Medley thought, mulling over just how to best piss Glory off.

“Hey, you!” she said, pointing at one of the serving men, a rather impressive fellow with dark skin and long dark hair that looked quite petable.

The man blinked, briefly glancing at Glory, and not ceasing his brushing of her hair before answering, “Yes, Lady Medley?”

“Hurry it up. Glory’s got an appointment to keep, and you know how she hates being late,” Medley said, “Right Glory? Or, hey, maybe since we’ve got so much time, I’ll just hop in and have your toys give me a good scrubbing, too?”

There was a pointed moment of silence, almost imperceptibly calculated, before Glory responded without opening her eyes, “That won’t be necessary, Medley. I am aware of the time. That is why I took the time to do this. I would not do to make an appearance as we intend without looking our best. I have told you and the others thus. I would expect you’d have seen to your appearances before coming to check on mine, but...”

One slim hand of milk ivory rose and waved off the servants, who rapidly finished their work and bowed deeply before standing back, allowing Glory to rise up from the waters. There, tall and perfect as a hewn statue of marble, she made the slightest gesture of her hand and the water simply ceased to cling to her body. Her blue eyes opened and stared deep into Medley, showing the storm of irritation beneath that barely hinted at in her edged voice.

“I can see you continue to give little care for the niceties. Have I expressed my distinct displeasure at your antics of late? Leaving critical information to slip into the wrong hands?”

Medley crossed her arms as she watched Glory leave the pool. There was no donning of clothing, so much as a simple eyeblink and Glory was wearing her immaculate robes of black over a pure white haori coat, identical to any Soul Reaper Captain’s coat save for the distinct lack of a Division Mark. Her Zanpakou was simply there, sheathed at her side, as if it had always been there. Medley, as always, felt nothing of any reiatsu from Glory’s actions. For Glory, to make manifest her will was simply a part of what she was. It wasn’t even meant as a display of power, just an unconscious action, taken as a matter of course.

“If you’ve got a bad memory, I’ll repeat what I told you before. It was time for Scorpan to figure things out anyway. He was already suspicious of us, so this was only a matter of time. You needed a damn push.”

The two had left the pools, walking briefly through gardens of immense scope and beauty, populated by the souls of animals taken from every corner of the living realm, prevented from continuing on to the Beast Realm so they might add their sounds and song to this place. Glory was silent for a time, as their walk took them to a bridge of wide, red wood that spanned a seeming eternal blue sky, crossing from the garden island towards the vast white walls of the Palace proper.

When she did speak, it was with a pointed hammer blow of her reiatsu, striking upon Medley like the thunder of a storm that was only matched by Glory’s words spoken in quiet fury, “I needed a push!? You jeopardize everything to try and what, teach me some childish lesson you think I need to learn!? Medley, were we not sisters, were you not among the last of us who are Her children, I...”

There was no way in which Medley could deny the strength of reiatsu that beamed forth with the blinding glare of all the sky’s stars. Not truly so much greater than any other member of the Zero Division, but enough so that one could see why Glory led, at least in terms of power. And yet...

“This is exactly what I’m bothered by, sister,” Medley said, moving through Glory’s field of reiatsu as if shifting reality itself, swimming through a flood of materialized will, and getting nose to nose with the taller woman. “You keep seeing this whole affair like it’s a game with perfectly placed pieces on the board, and I have to keep reminding you that what we’re doing is anything but! You’re upset our pawns are about to know about Jigoku’s real purpose? Good. It’s well past time you got upset. Upset enough to start doing what needs doing instead of playing at being a puppetmaster, which you’ve never had the mind for. Nor do you have the heart to be the monster, which is why the rest of us are going to have to pull that weight for you. Like always.”

“How can you say these things to me? I have labored harder and longer than any of us to see this dream we share fulfilled,” Glory’s voice had not lost it’s ivory point, but there was a softness underneath, and uncomfortableness that Medley was entirely too familiar with. For all of her more powerful sister’s bluster, for all of her righteous anger and planning, she could never conceive of conflict with her last remaining family.

It was as if bleeding out their Mother had drained Glory of the killer edge that had built up over millennia of fury due to Mother’s inaction during the wars. Medley pulled back from Glory then, shifting her attitude with the swiftness of which her moods could so instantly and utterly change. A hand brushed over Glory’s shoulder in a familiar pat, “Which is why I do what I do, Glory. I see what needs doing before anyone else. I didn’t support you in our grand plan, or see Mother and Father cast down, on a blind whim. I knew then, as I know now, this is the course we need to take. But it is treacherous, my sister. These currents cannot be predicted by your supposed ‘perfect’ plans.”

Glory looked at Medley’s hand on her shoulder, then with a gentle but firm grip brushed Medley’s arm away and proceeded to continue walking across the great bridge. “I’ve considered all possibilities. I know what I’m doing. Your antics only serve to make these ‘currents’ of yours precisely as unpredictable as you like them. I swear at times I think you want to see us fail.”

“What I want is for things to go the way they should,” Medley said, to which Glory was swift and hard in her reply.

“And they shall, for we will make them that way. Scorpan will not stop that. The Quincy King who wields our Father’s stolen power cannot stop that! Tirek, in all his great pride and wrath, cannot stop that! And those children tampering with the magic of Equestria cannot stop that!”

And it is that certainty I keep trying to break you of, but you refuse to learn the lesson, my beloved, foolish sister, Medley thought, and kept the thought close, for she knew Glory just didn’t have ears to listen to it.

They crossed the bridge, approaching the shining walls of the Upper Palace, specifically the great arching stairway that pierced through layers of soaring palace walls to reach skyward like a river unto Heaven. Yet the bridge, quite instantly, shifted like a living thing. This was no surprise, but a matter of the nature of these bridges, built to traverse the layered realms of the Soul Palace. Without breaking stride Glory and Medley reached the end of the vast red bridge of polished wood just as it shimmered through a wave of sky that now deposited the pair onto a new segment. By all appearances this was a flying isle, situated on the eastern side of the Palace. This island was covered in a truly strange forest, one both of organic wood, yet also strange glass, colored crystal, and shaped metal or stone.

Practically nothing on this vast island did not bear hypnotic and odd colorations and patterns, as if a wild painter had crushed a prism of rainbows and splattered it in inconceivable shades over every surface, even the grass itself. Not an inch of tree lacked for splashes of vibrancy, not a single stone wasn’t carved into shapes both recognizable or bizarre. Metal statues were bent in every odd angle of eye bending geometry, sparkled with lights and paints that defied the eyes’ attempts to grasp them.

The explosion of unusual art gradually gave way to segments of the island that were somewhat more tamed, if still each their own slice of weirdness. People sat among oddly shaped gardens, or open stone forums, some painting on canvases, others making music with instruments of such unusual design one had to wonder if two hands were sufficient for their use.

Among these people, not one failed to note Glory and Medley’s passing, bowing deeply to the pair as they went deeper into the island.

There, upon a pathway made of glinting gems of emerald and ruby, the pair met with an unusually stout woman of maroon skin, wearing a pinstripe suit of periwinkle blue, with a bobbing head of wild hair filled with dozens of flowers. Eyes the same color as her suit lit up as the woman saw them and she bowed deeply.

“Lady Glory, Lady Medley, a delight to see you both! Lord Blossom awaits, along with Lord Bowtie and Lady Minty.”

Glory paused, briefly giving Medley a sour look, “It seems you may have been right about me taking too long with the bath. It seems everyone arrived before we did.”

“Oh not not at all my Lady!” said the woman, “Lord Bowtie and Lady Minty have been here all yesterday and into the night! Lord Blossom roped them into one of his experimental performances.”

“Ah, well, that is well enough, Blue Belle. Please convey us to your Lord at once,” Glory said, and Blue Belle bowed once more before turning to lead them further down the path. Like all the people here, Blue Belle was a handpicked soul, one of Blossom's personal ‘Attendants’. Even in the Soul Palace, there was a hierarchy to things. The least of the chosen servants were simply known as the ‘Saved’ and they lived lives of luxury, with few responsibilities outside of to continue whatever passions and works caused their individual Lord or Lady to select them for preservation.

However these servants did answer to those who were invested with greater responsibility and power, the Attendants. Each of the Zero Division had at least one or two such Attendants, or more so in the case of Minty who liked having a cadre of ‘playmates’. An Attendant did have some duties to fulfill in keeping things organized among the Saved and fulfilling more specific wishes of their Lord or Lady. They were also blessed with some small portion of said Zero Division member’s power, allowing them strength that was not inconsiderable, if need to defend the Soul Palace ever happened to arise.

Of course to assault the Soul Palace would be a task of some effort, for to even get to the realm in which it dwelled required the ability to surpass wards placed by the Soul Queen herself, eons ago. Only the Queen’s Key, or the Zero Division members themselves, could readily make such access, although Medley was well aware other ways conceivably existed.

Once one was inside the Soul Palace, an attack still faced many challenges. The Five Halls existed in the Lower Palace, along with all of the living space for the Saved. To even reach the Upper Palace one would have to breach individual wards supported by grand seals placed within each Hall of the Zero Division members. It forced any invading force to either split their efforts between the Halls, or risk destruction by focusing on one Hall and making themselves easy pickings for the Zero Division and their Attendants. And the Halls themselves were realms unto themselves, such as Blossom’s Hall of Beauty, this unusual island where every mad artist to ever catch Blossom’s eye now resided to create to their soul’s content.

If a group of invaders did destroy the grand seals in the Five Halls, there would still be the difficult ascent to the Upper Palace, that massive stairway, that had guardians of its own.

In some ways, knowing the seemingly insurmountable challenge of attacking the Soul Palace, Medley could understand why Glory felt invincible here.

Even if Scorpan, Sombra, and Tirek joined their forces together, it was no guarantee of victory if they chose to lay siege to this place, the pinnacle of Heaven.

And yet Medley could vividly recall the faces of those determined young girls, and the power she’d sensed both within them, and the geodes they’d nearly claimed. Medley was not at all as certain of the unassailability of this place, even with the geodes split up and hidden in secret locations among the Five Halls. But then, hadn’t a part of her taken the geodes knowing the likelihood of those girls coming here in the first place?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the noble bellow of a saxophone.

The rich stream of soulful notes drew them onward as if they were an invitation, the music innately energizing in a manner Medley knew surpassed the realm of the natural. The path of carved gems glittered along through prismatic jungle until it emptied into a spacious clearing before a lake of ephemeral water that glowed shades of green and blue. A madman’s beachfront mansion with impossible architecture stood upon the sands of the lake’s beach, tall and asymmetrical in its strange layout. Wings and tall swaths of mansion levels curled up more like an amorphous octopus than a building, its ground floor a eye twisting and brightly painted front of patchwork colors whose doors and windows formed the shape of a smiling face.

The lawn in front of the mansion was strewn with artworks of all manner and description, yet almost universally nonsensical. The man who owned this Hall of Beauty stood between two of these odd sculptures which were shaped like tall fists of stone rising into the air about twenty feet. He was standing atop one of these fists, lips upon his saxophone, a garish horn of flame red metal that pulsed with a heat haze. He was certainly tall, with copper red skin on a lanky, long limbed frame. Intense orange eyes flashed within a masculine face with a pointed chin and pronounced cheekbones. A long wave of light lavender hair fell down his back, but was also thrust out and curled upwards in front, like some strange, wave-like pompadour. A white, wide sleeved vest in the style of a Soul Reaper Captain’s haori wove around his chest along with a bright red sash, and orange and red flames were etched along the sleeves. He wore a similarly colored and pair of wide, silk trousers that ended in a pair of straw sandals.

Upon reaching the two stone fist statues, Glory and Medley paused, while Blue Belle cleared her throat loud enough to be heard over the man’s playing, “My Lord Blossom! Ahem! Lord Blossom! ...Sigh. LORD BLOSSOM, FORGIVE WHAT I MUST DO!”

With a flick of her wrist, Blue Belle seemed to conjure from nowhere a silver trombone, one with an oddly studded and thick horn, and leaped into the air. She proceeded to smack Blossom upside the head with it, with a gong of clarion noise, and the man fell off the statue and landed head first on the ground with a dull thud. Blue Belle landed beside him, bowing deeply as the man blinked.

“Oh, hey Blue. Didn’t hear ya,” he said, still upside down as he waved, then noticed Glory and Medley, “Aaaaaah, time for the big pow wow, huh? Lost track of time.”

He flipped onto his feet and with a smooth toss, sent his saxophone floating up next to him. The instrument wavered in the air, then transformed into a wreath of intense red flame that then swirled around his waist until it took the shape of a blade sheathed at his side; a long and well curved shamshir with a hilt that looked like a burning heart. Blossom, face suddenly turning serious, licked his lips and thrust a thumb back at his mansion.

“Bowtie and Minty are inside. Let’s do this, before Mints wrecks any of my finer works.”

“I’d appreciate getting down to the business at hand, yes,” said Glory, proceeding towards the mansion, and when Blue Belle made to follow she paused and held up a hand, “This is not a matter for even Attendants.”

Blue Belle stopped short, turning to look at Blossom, who gave Glory a bit of an eye roll, but nodded to his Attendant, “Chill out here a spell, Blue. Division business and all that. Not something you need to worry about.”

“Of course, my Lord. If you need anything at all, just give a whistle,” Blue Belle replied and stood back, watching as the three Zero Division members walked the rest of the way into the mansion’s front doors, which consisted of a spiral shaped set of wood segments that opened up like a flower at a gesture from Blossom.

The interior was awash with colors and similarly bent and twisted, as if every wall and corridor was angled in ways the eye wasn’t meant to look at, and painted in colors the mind could not fully grasp. Even the entry hall was an art display of sculptures that flagrantly defied geometry, and staircases that didn’t look as if they went anywhere, or worse, went everywhere.

“Have you ever heard of too much, Blossom?” asked Medley, “I know what your Hall is named, but seriously, I sometimes think you should’ve stolen Minty’s idea for her Hall, as it fits better.”

“What, the Hall of Excess? Nah, Minty’s realm is way more in the ‘too much’ category. This here is just free artistic expression given form and without constraint. I know you like it Med, so don’t go trying to do your nettling schtick with me like you do Bowtie,” Blossom said with a thick grin as he spread his hands out at his many odd artworks and led them down one of the endlessly twisting halls of his domain.

The corridors felt as if alive, moving in ways both subtle and sudden. Glory and Medley paid it no mind, following Blossom’s lead as his realm shifted at his whim and took them where he willed. Specifically, to a tall pair of curved wooden doors of painted neon blue and black which when opened led into a starkly colored room of thick velvet reds and blues, containing curtains and lush furniture of such satin comfort it could only have existed in a dream.

Within this room waited two others. Bowtie, still and stern as ever, stood beside a couch shaped like a curling dragon, and bouncing on that couch was a young lady who by appearances only looked to be around her late teens or early twenties. She was short, but wide, like someone who knew their way around a bakery. Vibrant neon pink skin covered her plump form, and upon her head bounced a set of curly pigtails in a lighter, strawberry pink that bore streaks of whip cream white. A chubby, cheerful face showed sparkling, neon green eyes. She had on a loose black robe top that was normal for a Soul Reaper, with a short cut white haori that was trimmed in pink around the sleeves. On her lower body she wore a black pleated skirt, with pink ruffles underneath, and high black stockings and sandals.

Her bouncing left her partially floating due to a distinct pink parasol she held in her hands, twirling it playfully. The parasol had skull patterns etched in white amid the pink, and the lower handle of the parasol was carved out of what looked like finger bones, with a noticeable split where a blade could be pull forth from the shaft of the parasol. The girl let out a happy squeal at the sight of those entering the room, and flew over, as if her parasol was pulling her along.

“Everyone’s here! Great! I was getting soooo bored just teasing poor Bowtie, you have no idea! I hope this is about something really important because I’ve got way more fun things to do back in my Hall right now, but hey it’s good to get out every now and then.”

“You can get back to your fun soon enough, Minty, but hey maybe you’ll get lucky and get an excuse to head the world of the living soon?” suggested Medley, and the seemingly younger girl's eyes lit up like fireworks.

“Ohoho! That’d be a nice change of pace! Been forever since I’ve strolled on that little mudball.”

“Let us not waste any further time,” said Glory, striding to the center of the room and turning to face all four of her comrades, “Matters are accelerating, and before this day is done I want us all on the same page concerning how we will deal with this latest wrinkle.”

“What wrinkle is that, Glory?” asked Minty, floating upside down, and an odd glint entering her eyes as she slowly drew an inch of blade from her parasol, a black pitch black in color, from which seeped a faint smoke that smelled of death, “And is it wrinkle I get to kill?”

“We shall see. The wrinkle in question,” said Glory, her lips pressed in a tight and displeased frown, “Calls itself the Canterlot Spirit Coalition.”


While she was starting to feel the edge of tiredness’ ache by the time she got back to her family manor, Twilight was far too high strung to even contemplate a quick nap in her lab. Instead of her family butler, Robert, greeting her at the door, Twilight was surprised to find her father waiting for her in the well lit entry hall. His Quincy uniform was a tad rumpled, as if he’d been stuck wearing it for an extended period, and Twilight saw the faint shades of circles under his otherwise keen yellow eyes.

“Dad? I wasn’t expecting to see you so soon,” she said, and quickly went to him and gave him a hug, one that he soon returned, quite tightly. “Is everything well?”

“As much as can be expected,” Night Light said, releasing her and taking a step back, “I was on my way back to the Silburn to officiate the new terms of cooperation between the McColts and Hooffields, largely thanks to the introduction of the K Schrift into their ranks.”

Twilight was a bit surprised by the news. She’d heard her father had managed to diffuse tensions between the feuding Quincy families, but the manner of how it was done had not reached her ears, “I don’t quite follow. How does one Schrift get those two families to stop fighting?”

Her father gave her an odd smile, one that was weary yet somehow adoring, “You’ve learned much of us in your short time, come further than I or your mother could ever have hoped for you, but you still don’t quite know everything, daughter. His... Sombra, can if he so chooses split a Schrift in half. It weakens the Schrift’s overall power, so he rarely ever does this, but by doing so it’s possible to create two Sternritter with an identical, if weakened power set. Such was the case here, where I suggested to him that to bind the Hooffields and McColts together, an arranged marriage with the Schrift as the dowry would suffice to bind the families. Or at least give a different focus to their rivalry.”

A brief shock went through Twilight, as she remembered well the innate animosity those families had for one another, although she did also recall that despite that it was still a McColt who had saved a Hooffield at the cost of her life when her unit had fought Gilda. “I... can only imagine they had some choice words to say before agreeing to that.”

“Oh, believe you me Twilight, it was an agonizing argument, and one I’ve little desire to be thrust into the center of again. Regardless, the eldest McColt daughter is to marry the eldest Hooffield son, while the patriarch and matriarch of the respective families have split the ‘K’ Schrift between them. Irony of the Ironies, the ‘K’ became the ‘Kinship’.”

“The Kinship? What does it do?” Twilight wondered, and Night Light chuckled darkly.

“Even more ironic, the Kinship spreads power to all family members in those two bloodlines so that when Hooffields and McColts fight together, their reiatsu is highly amplified. Sombra’s Schrift, a gift to these feuding idiots, means their true power now lies in fighting as a group. I’d say ‘God help us’, but we’re Quincy, and know better. Speaking of Schrifts, I heard your former principal now bears Gladmane’s ‘W’, and one of your friends bears the ‘X’ that was Hoity Toity’s?”

“Yes, Sugarcoat. Out of respect for her wishes I’ll keep her Schrift’s name a secret, and I don’t actually know what the name of Cinch’s is, as she’s not deigned to tell me,” Twilight said, shrugging, and Night Light nodded in understanding.

“It’s not uncommon, although I find the practice of keeping such things secret somewhat problematic from a command point of view. It’s useful to know what comrades and subordinates alike are capable of so I can plan future tactics and strategies. On that note, word has spread that Sombra is coming here for some manner of meeting with you, but nobody seems to know what it is about.”

Twilight tried her best not to look too nervous at his words, and spoke quickly, “He’s likely to inform you himself. I’m a bit surprised he hasn’t done so already.”

“That is because I have not.”

Twilight would have jumped if she hadn’t managed to sensed the presence of Sombra’s blanketing reiatsu a fraction of a second before the man himself simply melted out of the shadows from the side of the chamber, standing tall as the shifting blackness still clung to his cloaked and armored form. Night Light and Twilight both bowed, although it was apparent there was still a stiffness to Night Light’s motions.

“Forgive me, Sombra. I am but curious what secret dealings may further involve my family,” Night Light said, rising and holding the Quincy King’s gaze with one that almost challenged Sombra to find fault with his lack of formality. Sombra, if he found any insult in it, showed no sign and indeed spread his hands out in a disarming gesture.

“Not a secret, but I have chosen to keep this matter between a select few until necessity deems otherwise. What is happening is of grave importance, Night Light, but were I to spread word of it then it would only serve to cause upset and confusion among our forces, which I would not do without knowing for certain no other course remains.”

“These words are not encouraging,” Night Light replied, glancing at Twilight, “Can I know nothing of what this entails, especially with my daughter involved directly, it seems?”

“Twilight, I leave this call in your hands,” Sombra stated simply, “Tell your father what you will, but with the understanding this goes no further without my command.”

Twilight gulped and nodded, feeling a few butterflies dance around like electric chords in her stomach. Inside her, she felt Midnight stir, and almost cover her like a warm cloak. Want me to handle it? Your jittery.

No, I’ve got this, Twilight replied, but she felt Midnight remain focused inside her mind, like a bracing wind that supported her.

“Dad, I’m sure you’re familiar with my friends from Canterlot High, yes?” she started, and at her father’s confused but acknowledging nod, she went on to explain exactly what was going on. The formation of the Canterlot Spirit Coalition, the proposed and agreed to meeting between it’s members, Scorpan of the Gotei 13, and Sombra himself. She even explained the recent adventure into Hueco Mundo that had acquired critical data on how to zero in on Fleur De Lis for a rescue operation, a fact that even surprised Sombra as the King’s mouth opened briefly in shock at Twilight’s description of events.

“What madness...? This Sunset Shimmer fought Tirek. And did not perish?” Sombra went from shock, to something approaching respect as he let two dark fingers rub at his chin, “This certainly reassures me of the potential of this Coalition of theirs. I did not think any of the younger generation yet were able to stand so tall. If it had been you, perhaps, with your magic and Midnight, but it seems your friends hold great power and potential as well.”

“I’ve said as much,” Twilight reminded him, and a part of her wondered. Had Sunset anticipated this? While the challenge against Tirek had served many purposes, perhaps one of its most notable was the simple proof that Sunset and her friends had reached a point where even the greatest powers could no longer dismiss them. It was a form of leverage in the talks to come, and Twilight found herself both impressed and a little dismayed she hadn’t thought of it herself sooner. Sunset may well have been growing up father than she was, but then they’d both endured different trials thus far.

“I suppose you have,” Sombra replied with that customary slight smirk of his, and he turned to Night Light, “Well there you have it, my Sternritter. Your daughter is to be my aide during these talks, as is one other that you know. Coloratura?”

“I was wondering how long you’d have me sit in here, Your Majesty,” said a strong feminine voice as a form rose up from the shadow that had stretched out behind Sombra. Countess Coloratura, resplendent in her rather extreme uniform with it’s flashy mantle and white veil, gave a flip of her hair and a swift bow to Night Light and Twilight.

“Hello to both of you. I’ve not had much time or pleasure to chat with you, young Twilight, but I know your father well. Night Light, you’ve been so busy lately I haven’t even had time to join you for a visit to Velvet’s grave. Furthermore, I finally heard the news from Cadence, and need to congratulate you on your upcoming grandparenthood. It’s been an eventful few months, to say the least.”

Night Light pressed his lips tight, and Twilight saw him take a deep breath before saying, “To put it mildly. Now that I know what this is about, I can understand keeping the matter under wraps. It would certainly cause a stir among our ranks, once word gets out.”

“Word that may or may not even need to get out, depending on how these talks go,” Coloratura said, striding forward and leaning forward a bit over Twilight, “Negotiations are one thing, but it isn’t as if we haven’t had the occasional diplomatic talk with the Soul Reapers before. It always tends to go the same way. ‘Stop destroying Hollows or we shall make you by force!’ they always say, always demand. And to my knowledge our hostilities against the Hollows aren’t apt to cease anytime soon, or has the situation changed?”

“It may have,” Twilight said, not backing away from the older woman, “Sombra already knows most of the details. Has he told you anything?”

“I haven’t explained it all,” Sombra admitted, to which Coloratura gave another flip of her hair and threw up a hand.

“And I make no demands you do, Your Majesty. I’m here as an extra layer of security in case anything unexpected occurs. I have complete faith in your decisions, and I even am willing to trust Twilight here. Neither I, nor any other Sternritter I imagine, is keen to reenact Sapphire Shore’s folly. If you say there is reason to think these talks won’t result in the same circular arguments they always have, then I can but follow the chorus, as it were.”

“That being said, I am curious what these reasons are,” said Night Light, but Twilight put a hand on his arm and shook her head.

“For now, just trust us, dad.”

“I will,” he said, “Just please promise me you’ll be careful. If the Soul Reaper’s Captain Commander is going to be present, things could turn quite messy.”

“I give you my word, Night Light, I’ll allow no harm to befall your daughter,” Sombra said, arm crossing his chest as he bowed low, which seemed to paint a surprised look on Coloratura’s face at the sight of the King making such a gesture, but she said nothing. Meanwhile Night Light’s expression softened, if only a tad, and he returned Sombra’s bow.

“Very well, I’ll hold you to your word... Your Majesty. Now, I did stop here mostly to see Twilight, before departing for the Silburn.”

“Ah, yes, finishing up with those two problematic families. I wish you luck with it, Night Light. Hopefully that Schrift will give them new perspective,” Sombra said, and Night Light didn’t quite adopt a hopeful look before heading upstairs towards, Twilight presumed, his chambers to get freshed up before leaving.

This left her with Sombra and Coloratura, and Twilight had not expected either to have arrived just yet. She’d known they were coming, but it was still morning, and the meeting wasn’t until evening. She had thought she’d have time to spent further examining that unusual ‘Memory Stone’ that had been in Wallflower’s possession.

Come one, Twilight, you don’t have to entertain guests. You want to play with the stone, then go do it. I’m eager to pick it apart myself, said Midnight within Twilight’s mind, and she could all but feel the heated excitement within Midnight at the thought of a magical artifact to play with. She gave an embarrassed smile and grit her teeth against Midnight’s urgings as she motioned towards the kitchen.

“So, um, do either of you two want something to eat?”

Coloratura blinked, then smiled graciously, “I’d absolutely love a cup of tea.”

“I’m well, thank you,” Sombra said, looking her up and down in that measuring manner of his, “You seem to have something else on your mind. Did something else happen I ought to know about? Besides your friends poking the Arrancar hornet nest and dueling my personal rival among the Hollows?”

“Oh, um, heheh... well, nothing too important really. Probably nothing. Nah, in fact just totally forget about it. I’ll go find Robert to make some tea, and if you don’t mind I’ll just pop out for a few hours.”

Coloratura cast an askance look at Sombra, then at Twilight, as if not quite knowing how to gauge their relationship, for Sombra looked back at Twilight with equal embarrassment as he just shook his head.

“If you’ve work to be about then I’d hate to intrude. I can make Coloratura some tea, while you take care of whatever it is you need to.”

“No, no, I can do it if I can’t find Robert.”

“There’s really no need.”

Coloratura rubbed at her eyes as the pair went on, and she just sort of edged towards the kitchen, pointing that direction, “I’ll just go take care of it myself. You two keep doing... whatever this is.”

Then she quite literally vanished with a swift Hirenkyaku maneuver, leaving Sombra and Twilight staring after her. After a second Sombra cleared his throat and blew out a breath of air, “I apologize. I should be able to comport myself better than this. I still... need to adjust to knowing who you are.”

“It’s fine, really,” Twilight said, rubbing at her head, which was starting to ache a bit, “At this point I don’t even know really how I should act around you, and it was even more awkward with dad here. Also, does Coloratura have an issue with me I should be aware of?”

“No, but do understand she thought of Sapphire Shores as a bit of a rival herself, and I think she doesn’t know what to make of you, a mere girl who defeated her equal. Despite their rivalry, they were a pair, and worked well together,” Sombra trailed off, shadows caressing his features with memories before he gave a shake of his head, “Now I can tell there’s something on your mind you wish to get to, and I’ll not hold you up or pry. Just be ready in time for the meeting.”

“Oh, of course! And thank you. Ah, also if you see any of my friends running around, try not to be too overbearing and Kingly with them? Granted I think most of them are in the lab right now, but they might freak out a bit if they see you just sitting in the dining room drinking tea.”

“I’ll endeavor to not overwhelm anyone with the intensity of my presence,” Sombra said with a dry air, but he smiled at her as he bowed one last time and followed Coloratura towards the doors into the dinning room and the expansive kitchen beyond. Twilight briefly considered how odd it might seem to think of Sombra and Coloratura, the Quincy King and one of his strongest Sternritter, just standing around making tea together. She shook off the oddity of it and quickly made her way towards a hall that’d lead to the stairs down towards the basement, where she’d left the Memory Stone.

Her team should be down there as well, in the larger ‘materials’ lab where they, if following her schedule, would be helping Spike test out his new battle gear.

She hadn’t thought of a name for it yet, but Spike had floated the term Gundog, apparently as a nod to a famed robot from a Japanese cartoon he was fond of. She wasn’t terribly fond of the name, and might workshop it with Spike later. Then again, it was going to be Spike’s weapon, so perhaps she ought to just let the little guy name it whatever he liked. She was still a tad hesitant about encouraging him to join her in combat situations, but knowing Spike he’d end up involved regardless of what she said, and the memory of his injury at the hands of Spoiled Rich remained a keenly painful one.

But for now she wanted to tear into the mystery of that magical stone, and enjoy a few hours of simple research bliss, before delving back into the murky swamp of diplomacy and politics.


Waiting often seemed to get more laborious the closer the appointed time got. Sunset had found herself uncertain on what to do as the hours counted down. Discord, Screwball, and Screwloose had the set up well in hand, putting up an impressive if simple meeting area within the training grounds. Discord had raised a decent sized mesa of stone with a carved staircase that switched back and forth on either side of the edifice. Upon the smooth top of the mesa was a wide white carpet that sat under a long, low table of polished dark wood, surrounded by simple, high backed chairs. On one side of the table, several feet back, were banners on tall poles. The banners consisted of a black background upon which a white sycamore tree was placed, showing deep roots that hung to the lower end of the banner. From the branches of the tree hung oval gems depicted in six colors; red, blue, purple, pink, orange, and yellow.

The symbol of the Canterlot Spirit Coalition had been worked upon by just about everyone putting in their ideas, although the tree was largely Gaia’s suggestion, although none had objected to it. The tree represented not just Canterlot City, but life in general, upon which both the branches and roots symbolized the cycles of life between the human world and the spirit world. The black background represented death itself as the foundation of the cycle that the Coalition existed to represent from all sides and help safeguard as a whole. The colored gems rather plainly could be directly correlated to Sunset and her friends, but she preferred to think of them as being more representative of the notion that the task of protecting the cycle was something that required many small and diverse groups of individuals.

“I like it.”

Sunset didn’t jump, having sensed Clover’s approach before the Soul Reaper had even appeared next to her. Sunset had come to the meeting area on a whim, and had been looking over one of the banners. Clover had already fussed over her earlier, and last Sunset had seen had been talking with Discord back up in the shop, but now the two of them were alone, Sunset realized. Rarity was still working on last touches to some new outfits for everyone for the meeting, including what Rarity called a “quasi-official uniform” for the Coalition’s Marshals. Pinkie Pie had roped Applejack and Rainbow Dash into helping her whip up some food and drinks for the meeting, and Fluttershy had disappeared somewhere, mentioning she wanted to check on Smooze.

“Part of me feels like it’s missing something, but haven’t been able to put my finger on what,” Sunset admitted, letting herself relax a little, or at least she tried to by shaking out her shoulders a bit. “Honestly not sure we even needed something like this, but I guess it makes everything look a bit more official.”

Clover shifted on her feet, and Sunset saw her eyes still looking over Sunset with that eye for injury, as if the girl still couldn’t believe Sunset had survived a direct confrontation with Tirek. “It might be a bit much, but I doubt the Captain Commander is going to care about that. He’s going to be focused on your reasons for forming the Coalition and what that means for Soul Society. I’m with you all the way, but I probably know you and the girls better than any other Soul Reaper right now, except maybe Captain Sweet Cider. Everyone else is going to need convincing.”

“Well, I’d like to think we earned enough points after helping expose the BS surrounding Platinum and Starlight that Scorpan will at least hear us out.”

“Oh, he will, otherwise I don’t think he’d ever agree to come, but still...” Clover smoothed out her sleeves, eyes still flickering around Sunset and not quite meeting her gaze, “I’m just really worried about you. I mean all of you! Not just you, of course.”

Sunset didn’t like seeing Clover so jittery, so she went and without really thinking about it got close to Clover and bumped her hip with her own, “Hey, quit it, worrywart. Won’t help anything to tie your brain into knots, and I need you sharp minded. You’re one of us, even if you're still wearing the Gotei 13’s uniform, and I want you right next to us for whatever goes down. This meeting is just that, a meeting. Won’t be like with Tirek where I’m challenging people to duels.”

“I still cannot believe you did that,” Clover said, surprisingly not leaning back from Sunset, instead sort of sighing and remaining leaned against the other girl, “I’ve always known you were hot headed. Practically from the moment I met you you’ve never ceased to leap right into the fire. I admire it almost as much as I want to tear my hair out every time you do something crazy. I’m still shocked this all started with you picking up an Asauchi I ended up dropping because of Starlight’s scheming. You’ve come... so far, Sunset. I just want to keep up with you, and help see you through to the end of it.”

The last words were spoken in a pained whisper, and Sunset found herself with a tight throat, not liking seeing Clover with such a pale look, “You’re way more bothered by this than I thought. What’s wrong? You know you can talk to me.”

“I just have this... bad feeling. Just nervous, I imagine. I know I’m not as strong as you and the others, but I’ve come a long way, too, and I’ll keep fighting by your side. It’s just that,” Clover turned her head slightly to give Sunset a look that carried confusion swirling within hope, “I really just don’t want you getting hurt. That’s all.”

As if something in her words were a hot brand, Clover jumped back, suddenly shaking her hands in front of her, “I mean of course I don’t want that for anyone, obviously. You’re all my friends and we’re basically heading towards a situation where we might have to do battle with the strongest beings in all the realms, so you know, I think my worries are completely justified right!? And here I am, no Zanpaktou, still planning to be right there beside all of you when it all goes down! Isn’t that insane? I’ve been a Soul Reaper for quite a long time, I mean, probably longer than you’ve been alive, and in the past four months I’ve done so many crazy things! And... and you’ve been there for me for every step of it all, and I never really was one for making friends, and now I have so many, including you, and all of you mean so much to me and oh Spirit Queen I’m babbling.”

“Hey, hey!” Sunset held up her own hands until, rather not by intention, she ended up holding one of Clover’s and both girls halted, Sunset quickly trying to think of something to say, “I get it, you know? My life’s been turned upside down so many times at this point I’m pretty sure I’ve lost all concept of what I ever intended to do with it. Sure wasn't ‘Become a super-powered ghost samurai and fight in a spirit war to determine the fate of all the souls in the world’! Just sort of turned out that way, and I rolled with every punch, and threw a few myself, not the least of which was into Tirek’s face. And I’m not done punching by a long shot, Clover. I’m going to put an end to all of this, or go down swinging.”

Clover pulled her hand away, cradling it, and looking away, “I know you will. And if you do, I’ll be there swinging with you, that much I promise. Just don’t leave me behind, okay?”

“Is that what you’re worried about?” Sunset asked, then put on a wide, relieved smile, “If it is; don’t. You’re part of the crew, one of my friends, and in case you haven’t noticed you’re kind of a badass Soul Reaper. I mean, sans Zanpaktou and you still pack enough power on Kido alone to help us take down a former Espada. We get you Chishiki back, and I bet you could solo an Espada or two, or one of those Sternritter.”

Clover’s face was going strawberry as she shook her head, “You need to be careful about these pep talks, Sunset... it could give a girl ideas.”

“Hmm?” Sunset tilted her head, not quite hearing that last part, and Clover made a short ‘ack’ noise and shook her head, backing up a few steps.

“Nothing, nevermind. Hey look at the time! Looks like we’ve only got an hour before the Captain Commander arrives with Captain Blueblood and Captain Amore! Maybe we should go, um, see if Discord needs us to do any final preparations?”

The sudden subject change seemed a bit odd to Sunset, and she wasn’t completely blind and deaf, either. She just wasn’t sure she was picking up the vibes from Clover that she thought she was. If she wasn’t crazy about what she was sensing from Clover, that brought up a whole fresh set of questions that were worth asking. Especially because Sunset hadn’t thought about that with any seriousness for a long time, and there were complications on that front. Then again, Sunset might have been very much misreading things, and she didn’t want to fluster her friend any more than needed. Sunset wasn’t even sure she swung that way, although she had experimented with it back when she’d been a unicorn.

Given the circumstances, it wasn’t the best time to get entangled in that manner anyway, but Sunset wasn’t a stone statue, either. She liked Clover. She just didn’t know how much further that ‘like’ went, and now of all times wasn’t ideal for finding out.

But she sure as hell made a mental note of it.


The architecture of Las Noches was still just a little mystifying to Adagio. The giant walls, she generally understood. The enormity of its central tower, sure she got it. Lots of wasted space, but if she was going to have a throne, may as well put it in a ludicrously tall spire of stone. Even the labyrinth of the Warrens under the fortress’ foundations made a certain sense, considering it could house thousands of cast of Arrancar, and acted as a natural deterrent between attackers and Las Noches’ fairly well hidden factory center.

That said, she still didn’t get why there were just so many random empty cylindrical or square stone buildings and towers just sitting scattered across Las Noches’ artificially daylit interior. Surely there couldn’t be enough failed Espada out there that each of these structures were the former abode of one? The thought stuck with Adagio as depressingly the most logical explanation, which she didn’t think boded very well for the future of the Coalition “embassy”, but she supposed if there was any group of madfolk who could pull it off, it was Sunset Shimmer’s.

The building in question was at least among the more impressive versions of the abandoned structures littering Las Noches. It was located not far from the western wall, and consisted of a two tiered double dome of stone stacked up within the center of an odd circular wall that was made of tightly packed small pillars. A ‘gate’ of sorts, which was really just a spot in the wall where three or four of the pillars were shorter and had stars carved on either side of them, allowed easy access on the east side. To Adagio’s surprise, over the big oval archway into the larger, lower dome, there was already a hanging banner.

“Just made themselves right at home, didn’t they?” said Di Roy, “What’s with the tree flag?”

“I imagine it’s the symbol of this new Coalition of theirs,” Adagio said, eyes scanning the area around her while her Pesquisa cut across the landscape. She didn’t sense anyone of note, but there were at least a score of reiatsu signatures hanging out around the nearby dunes. A combination of curious watchers and probably more than a few agents of the other Espada, keeping an eye on this development. Adagio didn’t mind. It’d be odder if this place wasn’t being watched.

“What do you even make of this, boss lady?” Di Roy scratched at his nose, feigning boredom while keeping as sharp an eye out as Adagio was. “These human pals of yours serious about trying to make friendly with us?”

“I don’t put anything past Sunset Shimmer at this point. Stay out here and keep watch,” she commanded, and proceeded past the threshold and into the interior. As was often the case with spaces within Las Noches, the dome’s interior was wide and largely bare, with mysterious lighting that stemmed from seemingly nowhere. A set of walls at ninety degree angles partitioned the entry section from the rest of the doom, with white walls bearing more archways that led presumably to other areas of the building.

Adagio heard voices from the archway to her left. She hadn’t been hiding her reiatsu, so she assumed the owners of those voices must know she was there, but from the sound of it they were engaged in casual conversation. Curious, Adagio moved without hurry towards them, starting to make out words as she approached the open archway to her left.

“-just saying, if you hate her that much, I’m pretty sure we can arrange it so you get a shot at her.”

Adagio knew that voice as Ditzy Doo’s. The voice that responded was now familiar as well, if only because she’d heard it a few times now. Gaia Everfree. Or Gloriosa Daisy, depending on the fused Arrancar woman’s mood.

“That isn’t going to do us any good right now. I can barely control myself when she’s around, but as long as Chrysalis isn’t present, I can think straight. I’m not strong enough yet to take her head on, and we can’t afford to start that fight at this time. I can be... patient.”

“Don’t know if this will piss you off or not, but Sunset did let me in on just how bad the history between you two is. I have to say I’m impressed with you, keeping it together while Sunset took on Tirek.”

There was a heavy pause before Adagio heard Gaia reply, “It’s Gloriossa. I, she, helped hold back the part of me that’s Gaia. I can’t risk my own destruction with Timber to consider, and the camp that still needs me. There’s greater things at stake than the vengeance of my Gaia half. Chrysalis... she’ll pay for what she did one day, but I can live with it not being today, or tomorrow. Maybe next week?

This was followed by a bark of a laugh from Ditzy, “Hah! Glad to see you’ve still got some humor in you. I wouldn’t worry about the timing. Even if peace with the Hollows works out beyond expectations, I seriously doubt Chrysalis is going to be among those looking to make friends.”

“You don’t know how she goes about making friends, but I take your meaning. I’ll have my chance. And since I’m hardly one of those honor obsessed types, I’ll gladly take all the help I can get in doing the deed.”

“Oho! An invitation!? I admit, I’d like to take a crack at her myself. I’ve taken on a lot of heavy hitters, and I’d be curious to see just how much regeneration that crazy bitch is capable of when I get... serious.”

By now Adagio had reached the archway to see that in the room beyond the space was essentially a wedge copy of the entry hall. Only here stood Gaia Everfree and Ditzy Doo, having started moving in what looked like a set of furniture and rugs to start setting up a lounge-like area. The pair both looked towards her without surprise, and Adagio immediately felt a curious intensity from Gaia as the other Arrancar measured her.

“Adagio Dazzle. I expected you might be the first to visit our official embassy. Allow me to welcome you, as the Coalition's Field Marshal assigned as ambassador to Las Noches,” Gaia Everfree approached with confident steps, halting to give Adagio an acknowledging if very small nod. Ditzy Doo remained a bit further back, hauling a couch over to the central living space, but she gave a wave.

“Heya, Dazzle! Been forever since I got to get a good look at you. From plushie to Espada in a few months. Talk about a meteoric rise. I bet Discy never saw it coming. By the by, you still interested in your old body that he’s got on ice?”

Adagio shifted her trident, ever carried in her right hand, so that she could easily rest it in the crook of her arm in a more casual, relaxed stance. Even if she didn’t quite drop her guard. She addressed Ditzy first, making an off hand gesture, “I wouldn’t mind it if he kept it intact. As he explained it to me, getting me to be able to occupy it again is a problematic affair and that a gigai would work easier.”

“True on both counts. Your old human body is kind of like a shoe that doesn’t quite fit anymore, so custom making a gigai is actually easier than trying to shove you back into your old one. That said, Discord did want me to shoot the idea by you since with this new embassy we got, he can also set up a field lab here. A place to move your old body and make it easier to acclimate it to Hollow reiatsu, given Las Noches is bathed in the stuff. Given time, might make it so we can more easily retrofit it to accept your soul in it’s current beefed up Arrancar state.”

“I... wouldn’t mind that,” Adagio said, then shrugged, “I’ve gotten so used to myself as I am now that I’m in no real rush to go back to being ‘human’, truth be told. It might be nice if I ever get time for a proper vacation. I’d kill, literally, for a long quiet time at a beach with a small host of beautiful men to serve me drinks and my other needs. As it stands, I’m still stuck dealing with our present circumstances, so such an indulgence will sadly have to wait.”

“Well, aren't you a workaholic?” said Gaia, although her tone of voice being a bit more casual and even joking was more reminiscent of Gloriosa, “I can appreciate a work before play mindset. So you’re the Sixth Espada. I confess, your reiatsu feels more potent than that number. Haven’t challenged Torch for a higher spot, yet?”

Adagio wore a more guarded look now, “It doesn’t serve my purposes to draw even more attention to myself, and a number is just a number. The power is what matters. If my position causes my enemies to underestimate me, all the better.”

“And who are your enemies?” asked Gaia, “I admit I’m curious. Sunset Shimmer has told me a little about you, and she seems to think very fondly of you. I have no reason to distrust her judgment, and you certainly seemed like you were on our side out there today, but you do seem like an... ambitious sort of individual.”

“I do what I need to in order to survive, establish myself, and have the power I need to support those who follow me. If that is ambition, then indeed I am most ambitious. I’ve died once before. I don’t care to repeat the experience. On top of that, to be frank, Las Noches is a bit of a hellhole I’d like to improve upon. I also find this war to be a colossal waste of time and resources better expended elsewhere.”

Gaia stared at her, then her expression slowly softened, “Then we are of like mind. I heard you have taken up residence in my former abode. I wanted to see what kind of woman now occupied the place me and those dear to me once called home. It seems she’s a woman of at least some decent character.”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Adagio said with a bit of cheek, “But I will protect me and mine, of that I can assure you.”

“Then take my advice, and be exceedingly wary of Chrysalis. I can smell her reiatsu on you, and if she’s been sniffing around you then you can be sure she and her untrustworthy brood mean you no good,” Gaia said, voice hot edged and dark, “Hueco Mundo would be better if every last trace of them were burned out.”

“You can be certain I don’t trust Chrysalis a single inch, and only have any dealings with her quite against my choice,” Adagio said, although she decided not to mention her present closeness with Chrysalis’ son, Thorax. She had a bad feeling that Gaia might not differentiate much between Chrysalis, and Chrysalis’ children. Indeed there was a feral hate that briefly burned in Gaia’s eyes that made Adagio think that, as pleasant as this current exchange was, it was Gaia she’d need to be wary of more than Chrysalis. In any future confrontation, Gaia might consider the likes of Thorax fair targets.

Adagio had a somewhat irrational spike of anger at the thought. She wasn’t about to let Thorax get hurt, especially because of some ancient grudge against his mad mother.

As if sensing the brooding turn of the conversation, Ditzy popped up between them, with such speed and stealth it actually startled both Arrancar women.

“Okaaaay, let’s can the serious talk and instead break this place in with some drink!” she said, somehow materializing a bottle of what looked to be rather fine wine which she popped the cork on, “To a long and prosperous friendship and all that jazz!”

“Um, do you have any glasses?” Gaia asked as Ditzy proceeded to drink straight from the bottle, gasping as she wiped her lips and handed the bottle over towards the other woman.


Gaia just shared a look at Adagio, who shook her head and reached over to grab the bottle, “I think I can offer my services in more thoroughly stocking your ‘embassy’ with a few more accouterments.”


The Senkaimon Gate appeared, its shape of humble sliding, circular paper and wood braced doors belying the importance of who was arriving. A cloud of black Hell Butterflies wafted forth from the opening doors to herald the new arrivals onto the top of the plain, stone mesa. There was a weight to the steps of Captain Commander Scorpan, head of the Gotei 13, although a certain weariness hung on his shoulders like a second coat. His Captain’s uniform hid much of his frame, but there was still power in his motions despite his seeming age.

Next to him, Lieutenant Smart Cookie paced a single step behind her Captain, carrying a satchel of scrolls over one shoulder. Behind her arrived came four more Soul Reapers, in two pairs, Captains and Lieutenants both. First was Captain Amore, whose long red hair trailed behind her and whose own tired features were lit up with a brush of optimistic curiosity as she looked about at the meeting area, so simply set atop the stone pillar within Discord’s sprawling training grounds.

“An interesting location. I can tell it’s been separated from the physical world somewhat,” Amore commented. At her side, her Lieutenant, Radiant Hope, matched her Captain’s intrigued look, having rarely left the Seireitei herself.

“Considering it is former Captain Discord who built this place, it’s little wonder it’s so well hidden. I’m glad enough to have this meeting in an open area rather than a cloistered space.”

“Quite so,” said a voice behind them, jovial and still a tad boisterous, if not nearly as much as was previously customary for Captain Blueblood. He strode through the Senkaimon with eagerness in his eyes, a somewhat haggard looking Moondancer filing in behind him. While Blueblood drank in the sights around him, his eyes rapidly locked into the meeting table set up in the center of the area, for there were already seated along the right side the key members of the Coalition.

Discord himself took up the center seat of eleven. On his left sat Sunset’s five friends, with Sunset separated only by being on Discord’s right, with Ditzy Doo seated the next chair over. The rest of that side of the table was occupied by a somewhat nervous and equally challenging Gaia Everfree, the two Bounts Holiday and Lofty, and finally at the very end, Cloudy Quartz. Directly across from Cloudy, on the other side of the table, sat Captain Sweet Cider, awaiting the rest of the Soul Society’s delegation.

Blueblood barely paid the grouping any mind, eyes locked on Rarity as he smiled and made to walk towards her, at least until Moondaner cleared her throat loudly and drew his attention with a whispered, “Sir, we’re here for diplomacy, not flirting. Save it for after the negotiations.”

“I was merely going to say hello as a matter of courtesy,” Blueblood groused, but followed his Lieutenant's advice and waited to follow the lead of his Captain Commander, while Captain Amore gave the younger Captain a small smile of pity.

Scorpan for his part proceeded without breaking stride, approaching the left side of the table that was unoccupied save for Sweet Cider. As per agreement, however, the spot Scorpan took was at the actual head of the left side of the table, as he knew who was to sit at the other end, and this would put him equal distance from that man and Discord. The other Soul Reapers filed into the seats down from Sweet Cider, leaving four on the right end of the table unoccupied, not including the main seat on the right side’s head. Blueblood, unable to help himself, gave a somewhat well practiced sitting bow to Rarity after getting seated, a gesture she responded to with a raised eyebrow and after a moment, a wry half smile.

However she wasn’t hiding her Soul Chain, and it didn’t take even the starry eyed Blueblood long to notice it, and the man opened his mouth to say something with a sudden stricken look, but he was cut off by Scorpan’s commanding and stone hard tone.

“Discord, we have agreed to this meeting, but understand that if the situation requires it I can guarantee nothing concerning the safety of this location, or indeed even the city itself.”

“And no such guarantee is needed,” Discord replied simply, “For in the event of hostilities, I can assure you that we will eject the hostile parties promptly, regardless of who initiates them.”

“Count on it,” Sunset added, but her tone was less about menace and had a more inviting quality to it, “But I’ve got a feeling it’s not going to come to that. You’re not here to start a fight, and whether you believe it or not, I don’t think the other side of this is, either.”

“We shall see,” Scorpan replied, eyes taking the measure of Sunset and the others on the Coalition side of the table. He had to admit, even if he kept it locked behind his hard features, that the young women who’d shaken things up so much of late had grown quite a lot in a very short time. He could sense their reiatsu was now made of much sterner stuff than when they’d invaded Seireitei to correct the mistake of Luna and Celestia’s imprisonment.

He’d read all of the reports concerning Everfree, so was not shocked by Gaia’s presence, and much as he had long had a duty to battle Hollows, his memories were long and remained keen. He nodded to her, “It has been a long time, Gaia. Your form has changed, but a part of me is... glad to see you.”

Gaia didn’t hid a look of surprise before meeting his look, “You as well, Sorpan. Seems we’ve come full circle, friends to enemies, perhaps enemies to friends before the day is done?”

“That will depend upon many things, not the least of which is him,” said Scorpan, eyes narrowing towards the place next to where the Senkaimon had appeared. That gate was now gone, but replaced by a growing bloom of shadow darker than ink. It billowed upwards, thick as oil, and unwrapped like a vast dark cloak from four human shapes.

Twilight Sparkle stood beside Sugarcoat, who kept close to Twilight’s side in an almost protective manner of a bodyguard. Coloratura had one hand planted firmly on an outward thrust hip, giving everyone present a defiant look from behind her white veil. Applejack’s face twitched slightly, her brain tickled with recognition, but she couldn’t fathom from where. Coloratura certainly didn’t seem to recognize her, eyes passing over Applejack with the same challenging look the tall and gorgeously glitzy woman was giving everyone present.

Finally Sombra, at the center of the Quincy delegation, standing like a tall and iron clad monolith, spoke in a richly courteous tone, “It seems we’re a tad late. Ah, but our seats remain open. Sit, my Quincy, and let us have a parley with the Soul Reapers and our gracious hosts.”

“Of course, Your Majesty,” said Coloratura, first to step up with long, confident strides to a seat that put her right next to Blueblood, who gave the rather towering woman an askance glance as she sat down and proceeded to prop one leg up on the table while laying her hands clasped behind her head.

Twilight coughed politely and proceeded to the chair on Coloratura’s right, with Sugarcoat planting herself, arms crossed, in the last seat before the head of the table. There, at the head directly opposite of Scorpan, did Sombra take his seat with the gravitas befitting a king, shadows still draped around him in an aura of black mist.

Scorpan and Sombra’s eyes met, and to all it was like the entire vastness of Discord’s training area grew smaller and strained under the unseen weight of their eyes. Reiatsu didn’t explode out of them in terms of pressure, but rather simply pushed and pulled by unconscious proximity, two gravitational forces now placed so close to one another that they couldn’t help but clash. It made just about all present sweat, just a little.

“Well, isn’t this exciting?” Discord said with a clap of his hands, “So, if now that we’re all here, let’s get this underway, shall we?”

Author's Note:

As one might guess the Zero Division is going to be playing a more active role as we enter into the remaining two arcs of the story, and it was time to introduce the remaining two who hadn't appeared yet and get all five of them on screen. Also a bit of a preview of what the rest of the Soul Palace is like. That aside, this was mostly just a few character moments I wanted to do before the big meeting began.

As always thank you all for reading, and any and all comments, questions, or critiques you may have for me are highly appreciated! Happy Halloween, and 'till next time!

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