• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,907 Views, 5,030 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 172: Rule of Might

Episode 172: Rule of Might

Hueco Mundo had not become any less a depressing sight since last Sunset Shimmer had lain eyes upon it. Every inch of pallid sand seemed leeched of vitality, and the sky remained ever dark and starless. Only a pale sliver of moon acted as a sentinel to break up the emptiness above, and its light offered no comfort but instead seemed to only add a harsh silver sheen to an already unforgiving place.

It struck Sunset that it reflected the Hollows not as a sign of their own bleakness, but as the hard backdrop that fit their nature of consumption, dominance, and pursuit of power over one another. This was part of the human soul, the part that held no softness within it, or rather kept that softness so cherished and close that it was guarded from all but the ones most trusted.

It’s the polar opposite of Equestria in some ways, but at the same time I feel like both realms are similar in how honestly they try to mirror their own inhabitants. There’s zero duplicity to this place, at least in terms of what it is.

That was her estimation, at any rate, looking upon it for the first time since that fateful battle with Grand Fisher and Adagio’s loss to Grogar’s grasp. She stood atop a tall dune, overlooking the last expanse of desert plain that led towards the mountainous blemish on the horizon that was Las Noches. It was hard for her to fully grasp the unruly size of the Hollow fortress, even after it had been described to her. One could drop a dozen Canterlots in there and have room to spare.

“Yup, this place hasn’t started to suck any less since last time,” Rainbow Dash declared, throwing up her hands with an exasperated exhale, “I don’t know how Adagio puts up with it.”

“She doesn’t have any better choice, Rainbow,” Fluttershy reminded her, “She’s as much a prisoner of this place as she is a resident.”

“I think that may be underselling her accomplishments, darling,” Rarity said, hands rolling through her hair as if concerned about getting any of the gritty white sand under their feet stuck in it. “Adagio has gone from a prisoner of that odious Grogar to a powerful and respected member of the Hollow hierarchy. Whatever one might say about the atmosphere of this dreary world, I daresay if Adagio wanted to leave it, she very much could.”

“Don’t know ‘bout that,” Applejack said, eyes pinched in a hard frown as she glared at the fortress, “Feels like the Espada are like the mob. Once yer in, ya don’t exactly walk out all free n’ clear. Still, much as I hate ta say it, we ain’t here ta free Adagio no more. Seem ta recall we’d plan ta do that, once.”

“Well, things have changed a lot since then,” Sunset Shimmer said, keeping her voice even, “Adagio is no longer in need of rescue, and we’re not here to invade, although violence is very much on the table. Now, does anybody need me to go over the plan again?”

“Nopers!” Pinkie Pie said, already walking with a hop in her step towards Las Noches, “I got it all down in my steel trap of a brain! Which wasn’t hard because I think most of my part doesn’t involve me doing anything!”

“Unless things go completely sideways, which, you know, what are the odds of that?” Rainbow Dash laughed, and Pinkie shared in the mirth with a giggle of her own.

“I’m glad you’re all feeling so blasé about this, but let’s try to remember with whom we are about to knock on the front door of,” Rarity reminded them all, “We should all be prepared for the worst.”

“The hardest part is all on Sunset. Which, Sunset, I wish you’d reconsider,” Fluttershy said, and Sunset did have a hard time not entirely caving to that sincere and soulful look of compassionate worry that her friend hit her with like a mental anvil. She held up under Fluttershy’s gaze and cleared her throat.

“Ahem, I thought about it long and hard, Fluttershy. If needed, I do want you girls to be ready to step in, but I think this’ll work best if it’s just me. We’ve got a lot of cards we’re showing, but I don’t want to tip our entire hand, just enough to make some of these bastards sweat.”

Timing and a little showmanship were key parts of her plan. While she hadn’t met Tirek yet, between what she’d seen of the other Espada and Arrancar in general she felt she had a solid feel for what would and wouldn’t work with them. She knew the risk she was taking her was massive. But it was also needed. They were well past the point where playing it cautious was something they could keep doing with these Hollows.

The artificial Garganta that led from Discord’s shop had closed up behind them, but she knew Discord and others would be already enacting their part of things elsewhere, and waiting for the right moment. For the time being, it was just her and her friends walking across the ocean of pale sand.

“Okay, time to kick this up a notch,” Sunset said, and drew her Zanpaktou.

”Ignite; Hokori no Hikari” (Pride’s Light)

She let her reiatsu flow out as her katana transmuted in a burst of marvelous flames and light to take the shape of a broadsword with a red cloth streaming from it’s hilt, and a similarly red kite shield that bore the same sun image she’d had a cutie mark when she’d been a unicorn. The Shikai felt so effortless in her hands the blade and shield may as well have been simple extensions of her own limbs. Sunset felt the ready, eager pulse of pleasure from her two Zanpaktou spirits, although understandably there was a quiet caution on Hikari’s part, while Hokori was all but bursting at the seams with heated fighting spirit.

She was doing nothing to hide her reiatsu. Indeed she wanted to ensure her spiritual pressure was flaring as high as it could while still in a Shikai state, which at this juncture was not inconsiderable in terms of power. Before enacting this plan she and the girls had tested themselves with Sweet Cider, and by her estimation Sunset was readily on par with what could be expected from not just a Captain of the Gotei 13, but among the stronger ones.

”Ya ain’t quite on my level, nor Celestia or Cheese Sandwitch’s fer that matter. But I’d say by now ya got over half o’ the other Captains beat, least n’ raw spiritual power. Ain’t gonna blow no smoke up yer rear pipe, Ol’ Man Scorpan would still stomp ya somethin’ fierce, which oughta tell ya all ya need ta know ‘bout what yer plannin’ ta do... still, if yer still set on doin’ this, I’ll just say I think ya got ‘nough power under the hood now ta leave an impression. Just don’t go gettin’ cocky. One wrong move n’ yer still in fer a world o’ hurt.”

It was as honest an assessment as could be expected, and considering who it was coming from Sunset believed Sweet Cider’s words fully. She had no intention of letting her guard down.

One by one each of the other girls tapped into their Fullbrings, creating a collage of flashing lights to bloom within Hueco Mundo’s darkness as they assumed their full powers. Lighting cracked and boomed as Rainbow Dash flared into the air, clad in her cobalt blue armor and wings that sprouted prismatic rainbow beams of light.

Applejack’s body exuded heat that melted sand to glass as golden liquid poured around her body and molded into solid plates of pure gold metal upon her body. The armor sprouted a white cape and then in a glitter of golden spherical light, the massive, drill like lance manifested and fell into Applejack’s waited, gauntlet-clad hand.

Bubbling blackness and pink and red tinged shadow rose up and coated Pinkie Pie, revealing her now wearing her colorful jester’s motley while also creating the shape of her hefty, pink half hammer, half pick-axe. The pool of shadow, like liquid candy, stayed following Pinkie’s body like a living symbiote, and for the moment the mask on her face covered the left half, white and smiling.

Light soft and golden as sunrays rose in a shining halo around Fluttershy, wrapping her body and leaving it clad in modest, slightly revealing robes of brilliant green and gold hues. Joining her two normal arms were two additional sets, and her forehead burned with an open third eye of resplendent blue light. Around her back a huge golden halo shone with beams like sunlight, images of golden hands fading in and out of view from it’s radiant depths.

Around Rarity blood flowed, turned to silver crystal, and encapsulated her in elegant battle armor with a wide skirt and engraved with rose and ivy motifs. Her hair shone to similar silver white luminousness, and as she extended a hand a sizable red crystal rapier met with her waiting hand. Behind her the air churned with an ever present distortion, the waiting gate that, when summoned, would call forth her vast army of crystalline knights.

In a line the six friends marched along, and with easy steps of high speed they picked up their pace, eating up vast miles of distance in seconds to reach the edge of Las Noche’s territory. There, Sunset looked upon hordes of lesser Hollows that formed hundreds of packs and herds as they gathered around the monolithic fortress. She saw the lake that Adagio’s actions some time ago had created, its waters dark and glinting silver under the moon. Some Hollows were using the lake to bask in, but the majority of the hordes roamed further afield or stayed clustered near the fortress like ants.

“Time to knock on the door,” she said, and with nods from her friends, they headed right down into the midst of the Hollows.

The ravenous souls sensed the girls well before they arrived, but as hungry as they were, from the smallest of the lesser Hollows, to the spire-like Gillians, to the numerous more intelligent Adjuchas, none had the gumption to do more than hover at a safe distance around the girls. Fear filled the air from the Hollows. Unease and hunger caused howls to echo out from hundreds of staved Hollows. Yet they gave way for the six girls, parting like a tide of tar as Sunset led her friends through the thick of the Hollow horde. None of the Hollows wanted to tangle with spiritual pressure like what the girls were putting out. To the Hollows, no matter how tempting the taste of spirit energy was to their hungry mouths, all of them understood that it was six apex predators whose powers vastly surprised theirs that walked among them.

The Hollow sea parted, and the path to Las Noches’ front gates was laid bare.


Tirek had, for times uncounted at this point, debated whether or not it was worth it to keep Chrysalis around. Her glib, careless attitude towards everything had worn thin on him innumerable times. He hated her utterly cocksure pride, if only because it was not something he’d ever been able to curb or control. Which was also why he respected her, damn it all. No one and nothing could make Chrysalis be anything other than herself, not even him. It made him want her all the more, even as he contemplated blasting her head off with a Cero as she stretched herself over the top of him in a possessive straddle and had the audacity to actually boop him on his nose like he was some child.


“No?” he repeated at her, his glower as volcanic as his mood.

“No,” Chrysalis repeated with firm mirth, adding an amused giggle to it that was enough to get Tirek to, with a frustrated grunt, give her a forceful shove that was hard enough to send her nearly flying across his bedchambers and into the wall. Of course the impact, even if it cracked stone, did little next to nothing to Chrysalis, who just laughed more as she stood and flipped her hair to straighten it out. “Oh, does my oh so pent up Primera Espada not like that word? I know the feeling. It’s so consternating, isn’t it?”

He rose from the bed, slipping on his pants without much care for the way Chrysalis stared appreciatively at his crimson backside, “Your childishness is only surpassed by your capacity to get on my nerves. I asked you to reveal what you have been doing while your buffoon of a son has been wearing your face, and I tire of the cryptic nonsense, Chrysalis.”

“But I’m so good at it,” Chrysalis replied, not bothering to get dressed herself as she acquired a pitcher of wine from a drinking counter that took up one side of Tirek’s expansive chambers, not bothering with getting a cup as she upended it to drink her fill. Once finished she tossed the empty pitcher aside and put a hand on her hip as she eyed Tirek up and down, he himself having joined her at the counter. “But by my word, I promise to tell you all when the time is right. Things are nearly arranged. I just need Grogar to get that crusty mind of his to finish the last stretch, and we won’t have much need of him anymore.”

“You may not, but the man’s mind is not something I’ll readily sacrifice,” Tirek said, his mood darkening. His patience with matters besides Chrysalis was wearing out as well, but that was mostly because he was starting to get nervous, a fact he hated to admit to himself. Medley’s appearance in the human world was an issue, and he suspected it might not be long before the Zero Division, or perhaps just Glory more specifically, decided to take drastic action. He needed to gain more power at any cost. Equestria was the only path presently available to acquire that power. Chrysalis had been playing around there, and he knew she had a means back and forth from there. He could take it by force, perhaps, but he couldn’t discount that she might be crazy and spiteful enough to destroy it if he tried any method that endangered her children. Woman was far too attached to them. It was her one weakness. He’d considered exploiting it, but Chrysalis was too unpredictable to attack in such a manner.

No, if he ever decided to be done with her it was best just to kill her himself, and they hadn’t reached that point yet, despite her willfulness right now. Besides, no woman he’d ever met had a body like that, not simply in utter jaw dropping physical perfection, but the fact that she could take anything he dished out and simply demanded more. Nobody else came close, although Catrina sure did preen.

Chrysalis looked at him with that vastly annoying glint of personal amusement at his words, “You say that, but you know Adagio is gunning for him and personally my money is on our young Sixth Espada coming out on top in that confrontation.”

“Truly? Grogar may only be Ninth now, but his mind makes him far more dangerous than that number. Furthermore, I know he’s built a strong alliance with Hydia and Guto.”

“As has Adagio with Torch and that sad sack Lament. A stalemate, until one side slips up. Again, smart money is on Adagio.”

“Hmph, perhaps,” Tirek admitted, “Whichever wins, our forces evolve through such conflict. Yet Grogar’s mind is not easily replaceable. It may be time for me to speak with Adagio Dazzle on the nature her revenge should take, if it comes to pass. However, that is a minor matter. I still grow impatient with you, Chrysalis. If I cannot have your means to Equestria, I will assault the portal in the human world. We’ve gathered enough strength, and have waited long enough.”

“So eager, but I suggest a brief delay,” she said, holding up a hand to his lips and smiling devilishly at him as he began to protest, “Only briefly, love. Let me set the board a bit more there. Let me play, just a little longer, and I promise you you’ll get your bloodbath and glorious gorging of Equestrian souls, with all of their rich and creamy magic filling.”

“Mmmph,” he grunted, thoughtful as she gave him an oddly tender kiss, but he didn’t let that distract him for long and he pushed her away. “Enough, woman. I’ve things to do other than entertain you all day.”

“Oh, no you don’t,” she teased, licking her lips. At his glare she started to laugh, but then both of them paused and looked towards the large window balcony that filled out most of the wall opposite Tirek’s massive bed. Both sensed it, the approach of six vast reiatsu signatures. The spiritual pressures were quite potent, each easily as strong or stronger than a number of the Espada. Yet Tirek did not immediately recognize these spiritual pressures. Their flavor and intensity... one was a Soul Reaper, but subtly different, while the other five had an echo of Hollow power, but were truly distinct in their feel compared to any Hollow he’d felt before.

“Now who could possibly have the spine to approach so openly and boldly like this?” he wondered aloud as he approached his balcony and looked out over the wide interior of Las Noches’ inner realm, eyes locked towards the southern gate on the horizon, “That isn’t anyone from Soul Society... wait... could it be?”

Chrysalis, joining him on the balcony, crossed her arms over her breasts and smiled deeply, eyes hungry, “Oh my! How deliciously unexpected! It’s those girls! Marching right into the dragon’s den! Hahahah! I... I’m actually surprised by something. How delightful. And here I’d dismissed them as too timid for a move like this. I must greet them!”

Before she could leap off the balcony, Tirek grabbed her by the arm, earning a sharp look from her, but Tirek held her fast and used his other hand to point at her clothes, strewn at various parts of the room, “Much as I enjoy the view, let’s not give our guests an eyeful.”

She blew a snort his way as she went to retrieve her clothes, chiming over her slim shoulders, “Says the man who never wears a shirt.”

“They keep shredding whenever I flex slightly,” Tirek quipped, taking a second to demonstrate the impressiveness of his sculpted, crimson biceps before what little levity he had drained from his features, “But enough jokes. If those children wish to speak with the adults, I shall need to remind them whose house they approach.”

He went to the side of his bed where he’d lain his Zanpaktou. The immense blade of golden edged death easily filled his grip as he slung it into its sheath and strapped it over his back. By then Chrysalis had slipped into her form hugging white gown that left so little of her curves to the imagination, and retrieved her own Zanpaktou that had been laid on the other side of the bed. By now Tirek could feel the awakening reiatsu of other Espada, knowing that they must have felt the approach of those girls as keenly as he had.

A smile touched his lips as he and Chrysalis went back to the balcony, and as a pair hurled themselves off it like twin comets.

His ire was up that these children would so boldly come ringing his doorbell. Yet at the same time an elated fire grew in his chest. Crushing the cowardly and the weak was so... unfulfilling. He liked it when his prey had a backbone.

It made snapping their spines so much the sweeter.


Every expletive under the sun was coming from Adagio’s mouth in a steady torrent, her footfalls in the sands in front of Lament’s tower kicking up a small dust storm. To the side, sitting on the steps leading into the tower, Di Roy and Gaw watched her pace like a pair of worried guard dogs who thought their owner may have gone a tad crazy. Standing nearby, arms crossed with a combination of vague amusement mixed with faint caution, Thorax said “I’d say you’re taking this rather well.”

Adagio rounded on him, finger stabbing, “Not. A. Word! Not unless it’s to make a magical miracle happen that will somehow uncluster this fuck!”

“Colorful. But perhaps it’s best you get a hold of yourself for a moment,” Thorax suggested, affecting a serious look while keeping his voice at an irritatingly reasonable low, “Surely these ‘friends’ of yours wouldn’t be doing this without having considered it carefully, and much as you’re clearly dubious of their chances, I actually think I see a glimmer of what this Sunset Shimmer is going for.”

“Dying, maybe!?” Adagio snapped, “Because that’s very likely what’s about to happen unless I can think of a way to prevent it! There’s no way Tirek is going to allow this. No way he’ll pass up an opportunity to wipe them out here and now! Or at least capture one of them to extract their magic! He’s been after their magic since the beginning!”

“Yes, yes, normally I think you’d be right about that,” Thorax agreed, “But do remember I’ve been here much longer than you, and have known Lord Tirek for all of that life. It is true that he may well brutally take what he desires, but he is also not entirely without his own sense of... well not ‘honor’ per se, but something of a personal code. He is a man of his word, and respects power. You know this. He made you an Espada because of the very kind of challenge your friend intends to issue.”

“I am a Hollow, and I calculated that risk carefully,” Adagio pointed out, “I made sure he had no reason to view killing me as useful, and gave him every reason to raise me up. Sunset Shimmer and the rest of them are an enemy force, who possess something he wants, and the only reason he couldn’t simply take it was because in the human world they had the nominal protection of both Soul Society and even the Quincy, both of whom would act if Tirek made a direct move on Canterlot City. But since they’ve come here, there is no such protection!”

“They have grown formidable since the days you were with them,” Thorax pointed out, but Adagio was just as fast to reply.

“Formidable enough to face him?”

“...No, but they may not have to. Tirek is also driven by pride, Adagio. Much like yourself. Much like this Sunset Shimmer, I imagine. I believe she intends to take some advantage of that pride. We should seek to ensure she is supported in that endeavor.”

Adagio paused, her mind firing on all pistons, including pistons she didn’t even know she had. In a way, Thorax was right. She had gauged much of Tirek’s personality and power in the short time she’d been among the Espada. His strength was unquestionable, and beyond defeat at this juncture. But perhaps that was not Sunset’s intent. The message given had laid out the basics of the former unicorn’s seemingly foolish plan, but Adagio had to admit she was letting fear get the better of her.

She was worried for Sunset Shimmer, and even those other girls. She didn’t want to see them obliterated, and knew full well Tirek was capable of doing just that. But he’d also been capable of doing that to Adagio at any time she’d risked plans that might draw his ire. Tirek was unquestionably powerful, but he had his flaws, his weaknesses, pride chief among them. And Sunset probably knew that. Was Adagio not giving the girl enough credit? But even so, this whole situation was dangerous, not just for the Canterlot girls, but for Adagio and her people as well.

I can’t afford for Sunset Shimmer and her friends to die here. They’re too critical to my own goals. But I was not ready for them to confront Tirek yet. It’s far too early for a move like this! How can I turn this to my advantage? Thorax is right, I need to get a grip and think this through, but there’s no time!

Her spiritual senses were inflamed with various reiatsu, and she didn’t even have to open her Pesquisa very wide to tell that already the other Espada were on the move. She had gotten familiar enough with each of them to tell Catrina, fastest of all, was already outside Las Noches. Hydia and Grogar were together, moving more slowly but steadily to the front gates. Guto was on the march with a cadre of his warriors, while more distantly Gilda was rushing ahead. Then there was the unmistakable and choking strength of the combined reiatsu of both Tirek and Chrysalis, leaving Adagio feeling sick to her stomach as the pair barreled across Las Noches’ interior with so thick spirit energy it felt like being pulled along by a dark tide.

The only oddity was Torch, who instead of coming for the gate, was heading for Adagio, along with Ember’s clear reiatsu signature.

The doors to Lament’s tower swung open, and out he came. The pale Espada was looking much better than he had the day Grogar had torn the Seed from him. Hard Nail had been diligent in working with Adagio to train his body and spirit energies, and although she estimated he was at barely half his former strength, that still put him above some of the lesser ranked Espada. It was keeping his weakened state hidden from the others that was the growing issue, but hopefully all eyes would be on the girls from Canterlot City today.

Walking on either side of Lament were Roka and Fenice, which immediately made Adagio worry that someone would quickly notice the near identical appearance Fenice had to Sunset Shimmer. Another problem she didn’t have an immediate solution for.

“My daughters have told me what’s happening,” Hard Nail said, his voice strong and level as ever, his eyes no less intense despite his weakened state. His long, curved Zanpaktou was held steadily in its sheath in his right hand, and he looked ready to fight, “If my Applejack is here, I’m not letting her get hurt.”

There was no question in Adagio’s mind that Lament, Hard Nail, would throw himself between Tirek and his flesh and blood daughter. To the detriment of everyone else, so Adagio faced him fully, still a tad unnerved by him even if his mental state had at least somewhat improved with the return of his human memories. “I’ve no desire to see her hurt, either. I intend to do what I can to make sure this doesn’t escalate to the level of pure madness, but Sunset Shimmer has come to... parley with Tirek.”

“The jolly red asshole isn’t known for that,” Fenice said, then winced as Hard Nail looked at her and she said, “Whoops, sorry dad, I’ll put something in the swear jar later.”

“See that you do, but you’re not wrong. I’ve not known the man to show much interest in talking to his foes,” Hard Nail said, looking to Adagio with expectant eyes, “These friends of yours say anything ‘bout having an actual plan?”

“There is, I just think it’s a foolish one. Sunset intends-”

She was interrupted as in a thick boom of impact, Torch’s immense form planted itself on the ground a dozen paces away. Ember flitted into view a second later, landing next to her father. Both were armed with their Zanpaktou, and Torch rose from a crouch to his full height and hefted his axe over his shoulder with a wry look at Adagio, “Intends what? I just got to hear this.”

Adagio gave him a look, “To goad Tirek into a challenge. One that, if she wins, she wants a slice of Las Noches.”

Torch’s incredulity only lasted as long as it took him to throw back his head and bellow out a laugh, “HAH! I knew your friends were ballsy when they aided in my daughter’s rescue, but to think they have the fortitude to do this! They may well die, but it will be a glorious one, at least.”

“I’d like to avoid that, Torch,” Adagio stated, eyeing him and Ember, her mind now calculating further plans, and knowing full well she had minutes at best to assemble them, “There’s more to it than that, but Sunset is risking a lot for what I consider dubious goals. If she succeeds, it may turn to our favor, but Tirek must accept her challenge, and that may only happen if he believes it is needed for him to keep face. Torch, Ember, Lament-”

“Hard Nail.”

“-Hard Nail here, Lament to the other Espada,” she reminded him, “I need all of you to aid me. You too, Thorax. Sunset sent her message to me not merely as a heads up, but I believe because she trusted me to know what to do to manipulate this situation in ways she cannot. I will not disappoint.”

Torch nodded, “As I said, those girls helped you return my daughter to me. I owe them a favor.”

“Same,” agreed Ember, “What’s the plan, Adagio?”

Pieces locking into place in her mind, Adagio pointed to Gaw and Di Roy, “Both of you, go to our territory and mobilize everyone. And I mean everyone. Torch, can you do the same with your horde?”

“Certainly can. Planning ot make a show of this?”

“That and then some. As soon as our mutual hordes are assembled, we march through the gate. And fast, before Tirek decides to get bored and obliterate those foolhardy ladies and their bacon headed ringleader.”


“Alright, I’ll admit it, this is rather nerve wracking,” Rarity said. The girls were all lined up in front of Las Noches' main gates with about ten feet spacing them apart. The gates themselves were several hundred yards off, but given their spectacular size that scraped up into the sky like literal mountains, that distance was seemingly miniscule.

Sunset waited, trying not to show her own worry by letting the adrenaline that was starting to pump into her system wash those nerves away. Hollows by the droves huddled around the girls, giving them a wide berth of about a full football field, all too frightened to approach closer.

“This sure is taking a long time!” Pinkie Pie piped in, “We’re totally pouring a bunch of spirit energy out! We can’t ring this doorbell any louder. Hellloooo! Misters and Missus Espadaaasssss!? Lookie at us! We’re out here all super cute and vulnerable!”

“Don’t think the ‘vulnerable’ part is something we’re trying to put out there, Pinkie,” said Rainbow Dash, “We’re more going for a ‘Grrr, we’re tough, powerful badasses who are here to kick down your door, so you better come out and do something about it’.”

“Oh, right, heheh, I’ll put on my flex on then!” Pinkie said, striking what she most likely considered to be an intimidating pose and making her face take on the cast of a forcibly serious and severe expression most likely lifted from a hardcore action movie, “Whatdya watin’ for, ya Hollow pukes? Make my day!”

“Eh, closer to what we’re going for, I guess,” Rainbow agreed, bouncing her spear on her shoulder while starring at the giant stone doors, “But yeah, seriously, what’s the hold up?”

“Good question,” Applejack muttered, “I don’t much like this. Should be seein’ at least one or two Arrancar by now.”

“They’re in there,” Fluttershy stated, and the others glanced at her, “Can’t you feel them?”

“I do,” Sunset replied, and soon the other girls all nodded. There was enough reiatsu stemming from the interior of Las Noches that getting a bead on specifics wasn’t easy, but by now they could all feel it. An immense wave of raw pressure colliding with their senses like the oncoming heat of a lava flow, or perhaps more like the intensity of the sun itself. There were other pressures as well, some churning an dark, others potently beating like war drums.

“I think we’ve got their attention,” Sunset added, “And the big boss himself is coming out first.”

A peal of thunder sounded, but it was no thunder of a storm but rather the titanic groan of stone as the vast gates began to grind open. Sunset had to wonder what mechanisms might be moving such a humongous edifice of solid stone, thicker than most castle walls, but then she stopped wondering... because there were no mechanisms.

Tirek was opening the gates himself.

“So, um...Sunset, are you sure about this plan?” asked Rainbow, and Sunset just steeled herself and nodded. It was far too late for second thoughts on this one.

Tirek emerged, one crimson hand apiece applied to either side of the gate he was pushing open as he walked forward with deliberately paced steps of menace. Light from Las Noche’s interior poured forth, outlining him in such a manner that he looked like a god of old, emerging from the depths of some phantasmal plane. With single heaves of bulging arms he threw those towering gates wide and they boomed open fully with the sound of a giant’s fall. Tirek strode forward, unconcerned, undeterred, and locking eyes directly with the six young ladies that had chosen to enter his domain.

Spiritual pressure followed him and billowed ahead of him like a physical wall. Sand billowed in sheets, and the Hollows nearest the gates howled in terror, some of the weakest ones collapsing and disintegrating on the spot, simply through shear proximity to Tirek’s crushing reiatsu.

This front of spiritual power hit the girls, and each of them grunted under it. Yet their own power flared and remained steady, a combined wall of their own uniquely mixed reiatsu that rose like firm stones in Tirek’s river, surrounded but unbending. Sunset felt his power keenly, knew it was a raging star, but her own inner fire did not relent against it. She stood and met his gaze, her breaths quickening but not becoming haggard.

He was a damned brickhouse of a man, she had to admit. She’d never seen that many muscles before. Even Sweet Cider, who had the biggest guns of any woman Sunset had ever met and was amazon tall on top of that, still seemed almost normal in her proportions when compared to the walking mountain of testosterone that was Tirek, the Primera Espada. He wore only a baggy set of white trousers, tucked in boots of black leather, and leaving his shredded chest bare for all to admire. A single leather strap looped around that chest to carry the crimson scabbard of a claymore sized blade that despite its great size almost looked like a normal sword when compared to its owner’s proportions. Sunset saw a glint of gold from the blade’s horn shaped hilt, a color that matched Tirek’s burning gold eyes.

He had a small Hollow hole, one that existed right above his breastbone where his heart would lay underneath, pitch black as a void. His hair was a stark white and fell down his back like that of a lion’s mane, extending to mutton chops and then to an impressive and well trimmed beard that covered an impressively square and rigid jawline. White horns like that of a great bull curved up form his brow, connected to a ridged line of bone akin to a crown. Silver bangles wrapped his wrists, and the number ‘1’ was clearly etched in black ink upon the back of both of his hands.

The man arrested so much damned attention on his approach that Sunset almost didn’t notice that following behind him was another, a woman, and when she did manage to look she recognized Chrysalis instantly. Even having only seen the Second Espada once before, it was hard to forget that face. Chrysalis, unlike Tirek, was not exuding a massive amount of reiatsu. Indeed the woman seemed to be intentionally keeping her reiatsu low, almost as if feigning weakness. From her amused smile it all seemed like some big joke to Chrysalis, but her eyes bored in on Sunset and her friends like a hungry shark, flashing teeth in a smile that was in no way friendly.

Tirek halted about fifty paces from them, Chrysalis sauntering up to his side. There was a second of silence before Tirek raised a hand to his chin, stroking it in contemplation. “You have caught me in a generous mood. I’ll give you thirty seconds to speak, and tell me what has brought you here. Then I may kill you. I’m still deciding.”

“Won’t need that long,” Sunset said, glad that her voice remained steady and strong, “You’ve got a lot of space in that fortress, and I aim to take some of it as my own, to set up an embassy.”

“An...embassy?” Sunset wasn’t sure if it was the audacity of what she was saying or simply the confidence in which she said that had had Tirek blink, but she struck while the iron was hot and went on while he was still apparently trying to figure out if she was insane or not.

“Yeah, you know, those places where ambassadors hang out while dealing with other nations? Must have plenty of unused buildings in there. Just need one for the Coalition embassy. That’s what we’re here for. This display was just our friendly way of saying ‘hello’, since this is the first time we’ve met with you face to face. Was high time we got a look at the man who’s sent his people after us since day one, anyway.”

Tirek himself was silent for a moment, while Chrysalis put her hand to her face, wearing a madcap grin as she barely contained her laughter. “An embassy, Tirek. The girls want a big shiny building! Hahah, are we going to give them one, I wonder?’

“Why should we deign to give these humans anything?”

This wasn’t Tirek speaking, but a new voice that came from behind the girls. Sunset didn’t wheel around, and neither did any of her friends, but they did look over their shoulders to see that standing twenty or so meters behind them was a tall woman with chocolate skin and a head of glimmering fire red hair whose Greek white toga covered a rather attractive hourglass figure. This woman already had a large bladed fan drawn in her right hand and had the tension of a panther ready to pounce. Her voice was both seductive and razor edged with prideful violence. “Your hubris in coming here into the lion’s den is almost impressive, but all you’ve done is served yourself up on a platter to u-”

“Rainbow,” was all Sunset said, and Rainbow Dash was simply gone, barely a trace of electrical sparkle to show she’d moved at all.

Catrina, fastest of the Espada, the single greatest user of Sonido in Las Noches and possibly in all Hueco Mundo, had to struggle to follow the blue hued girls’ motion. No one and nothing Catrina had ever seen before had moved with such singular speed, and only she herself she suspected had the means to even keep up with it. Her fan rose just barely in time to catch a direct strike from Rainbow Dash’s spear, a spear of elegant blue that had two prongs on either side that extended blades of condensed, raw spirit force and electricity that struck with all of the hammering force of a focused typhoon.

The Third Espada was rocked backwards, undamaged as her warfan took the blow, but skidded back on her heels a good dozen paces and she was left starring in stunned silence as Rainbow Dash spun her spear in a flourish and leveled it at her, “My friend wasn’t done talking, so shut your trap, slowpoke.”

“S-slow...HOW DARE YOU!?”

Catrina’s roar, veins popping in her forehead, was interrupted by Tirek raising a hand before she could strike, his voice eclipsing hers without him needing to raise it by an octave. “Catrina, I did not give you leave to attack, nor speak in my place. Stand down.”

Fanged teeth ground inside Catrina’s mouth as she snarled at Rainbow Dash, but steadied herself and gave Tirek a swift bow, running a hand through her hair and composing herself quickly, “Yes, Lord Tirek. Apologies. It’s just the arrogance of these humans simply brings the beast out of me.”

Her eyes never left Rainbow Dash, however, filled with a glittering emerald promise of retribution to the young speedster who’d just humiliated her in front of her peers. Rainbow Dash met the look with all of her youthful cockiness and lifted her chin a bit, as if daring Catrina to take a swing. The pulled back lips that issued forth a silent growl said that Catrina was sorely tempted to, despite Tirek’s warning.

For his part, Tirek no longer paid Catrina any mind, and further talk was put on hold as others arrived upon the scene.

First was the entirely too familiar visage of Grogar. His aged form, like a twisted brown oak tree that refused to die, looked little different from what Sunset remembered. Yet there was a subtle change that Sunset had a hard time identifying, like the brush of fresh paint over a cracked old door frame. He looked with flickering glances upon her and her friends and wetted his lips, the fascination in his eyes so uncomfortable and chilling that Sunset was sorely tempted to just try and kill the old bastard then and there. Whatever she may have thought of the other Espada or the chances of peace, Grogar was one she had next to zero qualms with wanting out of the picture, and while Adagio might have some prior claim on that front, Sunset considered the bastard fair game if the opportunity presented itself.

Next to Grogar’s spindly form was a grotesquely wide woman whose body defied the existence of a neck and whose face was so wide as to be nearly inhuman and more like a toad mask stretched over a tent pole. Stubby legs capered powerfully under rolls of flesh as the woman raised shockingly mobile arms to slap her tummy as she laughed, “Heya Groggykibble, are these the little pustules that you’ve been so intrigued by, hmm? They’re not much to look at. Ugh, just look at those bodies! Like a bunch of techno-color Barbie Dolls. Sprinkle some glitter on them and you could sell them off of toy store shelves for a premium.”

“Woulda ya git a’ load o’ that one? Hey lady, ya do know that Unlimited Breadsticks is a theory, not a fact, right?”

The wide woman laughed at Applejack’s barb and just slapped her belly again, “You’re just jealous of all the junk I got in my trunk, little twiggy missy. Mine’s a beauty that transcends you’re teeny bopper imagination.”

“Ahem, I do believe that the lady is not without a point there, Applejack,” said Rarity, “Size and beauty are not directly correlated and one should not judge on body type, but inner beauty and how it is reflected in one’s style. Consequently, I do love what you’ve done with your hair, miss...?”

“Well ain’t you the pretty and polite one?” the woman said, patting her carrot colored hair, which she’d done up in a set of thick braids, “Hah, Hydia! Current Eight Espada. Used to be Seventh, ‘till my little Grumpy Gorggy Hunny got demoted because of that hussy Adagio!”

Grogar looked like he was ready to dip his head in a vat of acid, “Hydia, what have we talked about concerning the pet names?”

“That they’re endearing and you love them?”

“I believe the exact terminology I’ve used is ‘stop it or I’ll be forced to exterminate you like the hideous cockroach you are’.”

“Awww, you say the nicest threats, my angry wrangy piece of pot pie,” Hydia coo’d, and Applejack glanced at Rarity with a helpless look of exasperation.

“Alright, fine, shouldn’t make fun o’ her weight, but can I at least make fun o’ her terrible taste in men?”

“Oh, well, um, let’s not judge them for it,” Rarity whispered, while others arrived behind Grogar and Hydia, taking up positions on the opposite side of Tirek and Chrysalis, like the a gradually increasing lineup of one sports team versus another. More and more the lesser classes of Hollows were backing further away from this confrontation, the cloying mixture of so many powerful reiatsus making the horde fall back like an obsidian tide until Sunset and her friends had a wide expanse to themselves and the Espada.

Next to arrive was one Sunset knew to be Guto, based on Adagio’s descriptions of him. Alongside him were half a dozen other Arrancar that Sunset presumed to be personal Fraccion, although her eyes were drawn away from them to the sight of a woman who’d been carried along by Guto and deposited on the ground like some trophy. The chain of gold leading from Guto’s hand to the woman’s neck and a subsequent collar was bad enough, but the woman was left with little more than rags to wear, and despite the nature of their last meeting Sunset couldn’t help but feel an intense spike of rage at seeing Fleur De Lis in such a state.

To the Quincy’s credit, she hardly looked as if her spirit was broken, eyes filled with a heated defiance as Guto held her leash and tugged her forward while keeping his eyes focused on the other humans in front of him.

A second later, Gilda appeared, maintaining a noted distance from Guto, and appearing alone and with a distinct sense that she was more confused by what was happening than anything else. Her eyes looked with a clear mix of bafflement and worry between the girls and her fellow Espada, especially lingering on Fluttershy.

“Looks like the gang is almost all here,” Sunset said to Tirek, “Just counting three missing, and I expect they’ll be here in a few moments.”

“Moments you may not have, for I have not decided if you get to leave here alive this day. You’re notion of an embassy is as laughable as it is shockingly naïve. What makes you think I’d allow it?” Tirek demanded, making a wagging gesture with one finger that started to glow with a small bead of dark orange spiritual energy, the beginnings of a Cero, and one the power of which made Sunset shiver a bit, and it wasn’t even all that heavily charged up yet. “Clock is ticking, girl. Get talking.”

It was time to lay it out and press hard. Showing fear or hesitation would only get her and her friends hurt or killed. Sunset stepped towards Tirek, showing no hint of worry over his display of power, “It’s not complicated, Tirek. We know the truth about the Zero Division.”

That did get him to pause, the bead of power remaining hovering at the tip of his blood red finger, but not growing any larger. “Do you now?”

“We know they’re the ones who constructed Hell, and we know they’ve set it up as a literal grinder for souls. We also know that they likely betrayed and took the power of the Soul Queen. Bottom line is that they’re the enemy. More than anything or anyone else, they’ve got to go down. You know this, otherwise you wouldn’t have tried to get the Soul Reapers and Quincy into an alliance with you multiple times in the past.”

That part she knew about only because of information gleaned from Twilight and Adagio, and while it was no trump card, it was an avenue to get Tirek listening, if only for a moment as she pressed forward. “They won’t listen, and who can blame them? You and Hollowkind have this nasty habit of eating souls.”

“It is our nature, and the true nature of all human souls, child,” Tirek said plainly, “Survival of the fittest. Competition to strive and conquer. Nothing could be more natural or correct. The Soul Reapers would drown the world of the living and the dead in stagnant laws. The Quincy are blinded by their hate. And Zero Division... yes, they are an enemy that must one day be destroyed, but only so that I and all Hollows may make of this world what it is meant to be. Why then do I need you children?”

“Because unlike the Soul Reapers and Quincy, we’re willing to look at Hollows as more than enemies. But let’s cut the crap, Tirek, I know words won’t convince you. We’re here to represent the Canterlot Spirit Coalition, and in a show of respect to the way of Hollows, the rule of might, we’ll take what we want by force. You can hardly object to that, can you?”

“They’re mad,” Guto said plainly, “They are clearly mad, Lord Tirek. Please, let me discipline them, and once I’m through, if I might take one of them for my own I will give the others to you as tribute.”

“Not a chance, Guto, if anyone has first right to these arrogant brats it’s me!” shouted Catrina, “At the very least the blue one is mine.”

“Need I remind all of you that it is Lord Tirek who rules here, and he who decides what fate befalls those who challenge him?”

And here she is, right on time, Sunset thought, hiding her smile as the new speaker appeared in a rushing wind of Sonido, her trident planting it’s hilt firmly on the ground as she placed a fist on her hip. Adagio Dazzle looked at Sunset for a moment, eyes showing a brief spark of admonishment along the lines of ‘What the hell have you gotten me into?’ before turning to look towards Tirek.

“Not knowing if this was an attack, I have gathered my forces, Lord Tirek,” she said, and as she did so there was a fresh set of multiple gusts of wind as a large host of Arrancar arrived and started filling up the space behind the lined Espada. Sunset recognized Di Roy, and the female Arrancar with him who sported such long and wild crimson hair, although Gaw had somehow grown much older in appearance than last Sunset had seen her. Dozens of other Arrancar gathered in a formation behind Adagio, led by a supple figured woman with lavender hair and a very unusual bunny skull mask atop her head. A trio of gruff looking fellows also seemed to be keeping the other Arrancar in line, shouting orders here and there. While the Arrancar serving Adagio all seemed on the weaker side in terms of reiatsu than what Sunset was used to, they all looked to Adagio with an obvious devotion that said they’d dive right into the fight at so much as a gesture from their Espada.

This was swiftly followed by a meteoric impact and kick up of dust as a man who was even taller and more hulking than Tirek arrived, blue skin packed over a frame of inhuman musculature that easily wielded a double bladed axe larger than two or three people standing end to end. This man was accompanied by Ember, and several score Arrancar warriors who, while lacking the devoted discipline of Adagio’s force, looked like a mass of violently ready raiders prepared to jump into combat at the drop of a hat. The giant of a man was intimidating, but Sunset had been told by Adagio that this was Torch, a nominal ally, and Sunset was at least a bit comforted by the sight of Applejack’s father, Hard Nail, appearing next to Torch’s crowd. Applejack only stiffened slightly, doing her best not to look directly towards her father, lest others take notice of the familiarity.

Hard Nail had only two with him, the quiet girl with the half skull mask that Sunset knew as Roka, and one other who... wait, was that?

She’d already been told about Fenice, of course, but it was still so very strange to lay eyes on someone who’s features matched her own so directly. Fenice appeared to have been told at least a little about Sunset, probably by Adagio, for the girl didn’t look at Sunset with surprise but rather intense curiosity that she hid by keeping a hood from the dark cloak she wore pulled up. This also likely prevented most others from realizing the similar appearance between them, although most eyes were focused on Sunset and her friends anyway.

Tirek, eyeing the newly arrived forces and the last of his Espada, held a fist up into the air. This quieted the growing murmurs and aggressive shouting from Torch’s horde, and got all eyes on him. “I commend your swift and thorough responses, Dazzle, Torch, Lament. As you can see, it is unnecessary. These children are not a threat to Las Noches, and I was merely contemplating the most enjoyable way to deal with them. Feel free to stay and watch, but I fear there’s little for you to do here.”

“That’s a shame!” Torch said, taking his axe and planting its head in the sands in front of him with a heavy impact, “I was looking forward to a fight, myself. These lasses seem pretty strong, too. Bet they’d actually give some of us Espada a workout, eh? No match for you, of course, Lord Tirek.”

“Indeed,” said Adagio, “And if I may be allowed to inquire, have these fools stated what insanity has driven them to come here, my lord?”

“Oh that’s the most amusing part,” Tirek said, flashing a menacing smirk, “They said they’re here to ‘take’ a piece of Las Noches to set up an ‘embassy’ of all things.”

Chrysalis was playing with the hilt of her Zanpaktou, her own gaze homing in on Adagio with a knowing glint, “Personally I just love the idea.”

This drew stares, but Chrysalis hardly seemed to mind as she went on, “What? My children could use new playmates, and it’s so rare fresh meat volunteers to set up shop nearby. It’d be like a convenience store, filled with grab and go treats.”

“For the record, once we establish the embassy it will be for the purpose of establishing peaceful diplomatic relations, and any attack on it will be dealt with swiftly and harshly,” Sunset stated in blunt words, “That being said, I know how Hollows operate, so anyone who wanders out of the embassy I can understand would be fair game. We came here to play by your rules, which is why I know we’re not doing this without a fight, but how about we make it an interesting one?”

“More interesting than simply annihilating all of you right here and now?” asked Tirek, and Sunset didn’t balk from his hard stare or his imposing ocean of reiatsu, which did more to impress Tirek than he was willing to let show.

“First off, you know we’ve affiliations with the Soul Reapers and Quincy, ties that grow stronger by the day. Even if you did manage to kill a couple of us, you don’t think that wouldn’t generate an immediate retaliatory strike? Second, even if you yourself are stronger than us, the same can’t be said for all of your Espada. We’ve enough power to unbalance the three way stalemate you’ve been stuck in... and we can unbalance it in more than one manner. Just as we could throw in with either the Quincy or Soul Society to overwhelm Las Noches, our presence here as potential peaceful emissaries in Hueco Mundo could act as a buffer against attacks. Again, I know you’ve tried to get the other factions to work with you in the past, and with us as mediators there’s a real possibility that could work this time around. A united front against the Zero Division.”

“Hmph, only if my idiot younger brother could be convinced to turn upon them, and if that pigheaded Quincy King could be made to set aside his personal grudge, neither of which I consider likely,” Tirek responded, but then he leaned forward, taking a step towards Sunset, “But I will admit your courage intrigues me, not to mention your willingness to gamble with your friends’ lives like this. Ambition is worthy of respect. But you’ve yet to demonstrate your might, Sunset Shimmer. Your blue friend is fast, but catching Catrina off guard is hardly proof of superiority.”

“Need proof? I can offer two proofs,” Sunset said plainly, and pointed up at the top of Las Noche’s wall above the gate, “One of which is right there.”

Tirek was not an easily startled individual, and truthfully he wasn’t entirely taken off guard at that moment either for he’d already suspected that these girls were hiding a hand of cards in reserve. He and all of his Espada turned to look up as three powerful reiatsu signatures geyser to life atop Las Noches. The fact that they’d gotten there without being detected until Sunset had signaled them was certainly a point in their favor, one that left Tirek smiling at the fact that perhaps these young ladies would be worthy adversaries after all.

“Greetings, Las Noches! I do hope you’ll forgive our late arrival but traffic was an absolute killer.”

Discord’s snaggle toothed smile was positively filled with sarcastic mirth, one hand leaning on his wooden cane while his other took off his green and white striped hat to offer a polite bow to the gathered Arrancar below. Next to him stood Ditzy Doo, wearing a tightly fit black and yellow jumpsuit that Sunset thought was rather reminiscent of something right out of a martial arts flick, and the busty blond wore it well.

“Sure are a lot of you all out trying to look intimidating towards our gals, while I’m pretty sure they could mop up the desert with at least half of you Espada, but hey that’d just leave plenty more for me and Discy! Oh, Discy and Gaia too. Got anything to say now that you’re back on your old stomping grounds?”

The words directed at Gaia Everfree hardly seemed to register to the now fused human/Arrancar, whose eyes were fixated in loathing hate directly towards one individual above all. Gaia didn’t answer Ditzy, instead leaping off of Las Noches’ roof. Discord and Ditzy shared shrugging looks and followed after her, all three of them landing in no time right behind Tirek and the gathered forces of his Espada.

Gaia rose from a crouch and reached to her side where a blade was sheathed. The sword was curved like a long sickle, mounted in a sheath of oak wood that was further wrapped by vines. The blade, as she drew it, made a loud ringing of steel as Gaia’s body was encased in deep green and purple reiatsu that poured out of her in a terrifying stormfront. She’d recovered a good portion of her strength, and most importantly, had formed a new Zanpaktou. Her eyes didn’t leave Chrysalis for a nanosecond.

“Chrysalis,” Gaia said with such venom that it was hard to imagine why the ground wasn’t melting from under her.

Chrysalis showed no fear, only elation, her own expression brimming with a smile that was entirely too pleased to be shown towards one who was directing that much hate towards her. “Gaia, so good to see you up and about. I was just thinking about you, too. I’ve made some new friends, ones I really want to introduce to you. But where are my manners, how have you been?”

“Thinking of your death sweetly for centuries, and looking forward to the day I can finally see it done. Perhaps that will be today?”

Chrysalis shivered in what could only be described as pleasured anticipation, “As beautifully intense as ever. No, moreso. You’ve grown even grander than you were when we first met. To play with you now would be the height of enjoyment, but don’t tease me with what you don’t plan to deliver. I can tell that you’re here with these girls to just put up a nice big show. Unless, Tirek, me and Gaia could-”

“No,” he said, and chrysalis frowned, losing her amusement.

“No?” she repeated, in mirror of their earlier talk, and not liking being on the other end of it.

“No,” he repeated, turning his head to regard Discord, Ditzy, and Gaia without turning away fully from Sunset and her friends, “I’m surprised. You don’t leave your hermit shop very often, Captain Discord, of the Twelfth Division.”

“Please, that title stopped mattering ages ago,” Discord replied with a dismissive hand wave, placing his hat back on his head, “The title that matters more now, if you’re into that kind of thing, is High Marshal Discord of the Canterlot Spirit Coalition.”

It’d been a hard brainstorming session between Sunset, her friends, and those who’d be making up their new faction to work out a basic structure for it and some terminology to make it feel “official”. To keep it simple, and to fit in with the Coalition’s purpose as a neutral defense force to protect the world as a whole, ‘Marshal’ was the core term they went with. The High Marshal was whoever the leader was, Discord at the moment. Field Marshals like Sunset and her friends was the term reserved for skilled frontline agents who could hold their own against other faction elites. Deputy Marshal would be used to describe those still learning the ropes and not ready to fly solo, like Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. That was about it, but Sunset preferred to keep things straightforward, especially considering the Coalition was meant to be a fairly loosely organized group.

“This is a waste of our time,” Grogar stated, “These children have no interest in allowing Hollows to obtain our rightful supremacy over the realm of the living and spirits alike. Any offered prospects of ‘peace’ would be no more than strangulation of our kind in disguise. We would stagnate without the continued state of warfare producing evolutionary stimuli, and I guarantee you that the only interest they have is buying themselves time to grow stronger so they might defeat us, as in vain as that hope is.”

“I agree with him,” Guto called out, drawing his Zanpaktou, “We’ve no need of these weaklings as allies. Better to grind them under heel now, and those that can be broken and trained properly be made use of.”

“Do not be so narrow minded,” Adagio cut in, but then put on a bladed smile as she pointed to Guto, “Of course if you wish to test their ability yourself, Guto, I won’t object to the show.”

“I could say the same of you, Dazzle,” Guto shot back, “You seem all too eager to ally with them. Perhaps it is you who should be made to test their strength?”

“Are we drawing straws for this?” asked Hydia, “Because I wouldn’t mind getting into it with the pretty one. What was your name, dearie?”


“Oho, a pretty name to match the face. What do you say then, you’ve already got your Soul Chain exposed. Let me finish the job and give you a real Hollow makeover.”

“Thank you for the offer but I must decline,” Rarity replied, and to add a bit of extra emphasis, she raised her left hand and snapped her fingers, summoning forth her full gate, which appeared in all its radiant ruby glory. “But if it is a test of strength that is sought, rest assured we can provide an ample demonstration. I’ve defeated a Soul Reaper Captain, I’ve defeated a Sternritter, so all I have left is to defeat an Espada to fill out my resume.”

Her words did get a few appreciative looks and calls from among the gathered Arrancar rank and file, and even some of the Espada, especially Torch, looked at Rarity with a fresh look of respect. However there was a sudden and hammering burst of reiatsu from Tirek that silenced any further conversation. He looked hard at Discord, Ditzy, and Gaia, even stepping a little between Gaia and Chrysalis to make the former look at him instead.

“You’ve made it clear you are serious about this Coalition nonsense,” Tirek said simply, “Perhaps you even believe it will work against the Zero Division. You were the only one Glory ever looked at with any respect outside of her own circle, Discord, and you rejected her outright. That, if nothing else, was something I was able to respect about you. Also that you were smart enough to know your place and stay out of the war. I don’t know what it is about this children that has changed you so much that you’ve decided to step out of the shadows and throw your lot in with them, but you do realize that were we to fight seriously against one another, even you couldn’t defeat me?”

“I think...” Discord said, his smirk never leaving his face as he stared at Tirek dead on, “That is entirely debatable. Too debatable for you to want to turn this into a no-holds barred free for all. So instead why don’t you consider Field Marshal Shimmer’s reasonable proposal for a... challenge?”

Raising a thick white eyebrow, Tirek looked back at Sunset, who answered by raising her sword towards him and making a circular gesture with it to indicate a ring-like space around her and him, “My second proof of might, the simplest kind there is. Instead of an out and out battle, let me prove the strength of the Coalition myself. You and me, one on one.”

“She’s clearly insane,” Guto breathed, “Does she think she can take Tirek of all people alone? If it was with all of her allies together, I could see the logic hidden in the madness, but-”

“HAH! I say let her do it!” Torch roared in mirthful appreciation, “It is not the first time one has sought to challenge our Lord Tirek for the honor of a position in Las Noches. If the girl is so eager, then even if she is not a Hollow in body, she is certainly one in heart! I’d rather she challenged me, but with one like Tirek in front of her what red blooded warrior wouldn’t want a shot at the top?”

“Indeed and well said, Torch,” spoke Adagio in a loud voice to carry across all the gathered Arrancar warriors, “Is it not the way of the Hollow to obtain what one desires through force of might and open challenge!? If these Coalition wants to take a place as even potential allies, then this is the way to do so. Let Sunset Shimmer show her strength to Lord Tirek, then he alone decides if she is found worthy, or wanting.”

There were rousing cheers of agreement from many of those gathered, although most of the Espada remained silent, some seething like Catrina, or watching on ominously such as Grogar. Chrysalis, for her part, stepped a bit closer to Tirek and placed a slim onyx hand upon his arm. Her whisper was so low only he could hear her.

“She carries the magic of Equestria inside of her. Even if she survives this little challenge, you’ll get a clear taste of what awaits when we assault that realm. And I can smell how eager you are for a fight. Just don’t crush her outright.”

“And why not?” he whispered back, to which she smiled up at him.

“Because she’s going to get stronger still, and I know you. You only like destroying someone when they’re at their highest potential. Anything less than that leaves you unsatisfied. So go, get a taste of her power, and leave her fearful of what’s to come.”

“Hmph... conniving woman. You just want me to leave some for you later, don’t you?”

“Yes,” Chrysalis replied with no shame, and Tirek just snorted a laugh and bent out of his whispered conversation with her before returning his full attention to Sunset Shimmer.

“So be it, child. We shall see if this is courage or stupidity. Since defeating me is an impossibility, we will simply have to see if you can survive long enough to impress me. Do so and I’ll consider your interest in an embassy, Field Marshal of the ‘Coalition’.”

“Let’s make it interesting then,” said Sunset, “A nice clear ‘win’ condition that you can agree to. How about we go until either you’ve rendered me unable to fight, or if I manage to make you draw your sword?”

“Oh? Just use my hands, is it?” Tirek asked, and he had to admit he liked Sunset’s own challenging half smile.

“Unless you think you need your sword against me?”

“Heheh... well said indeed. No, I don’t think I will need my sword for this. Very well! Sunset Shimmer, come at me with all of your power! With my bare hands alone will I break you and show you the unrivaled power of I, Tirek, Priemera Espada, and King of all Hollows! If, by some miracle, you can make me draw my Zanpaktou against you, I’ll acknowledge your strength as worthy of my respect!”

With that statement he squared off against her, and wisely the Arrancar, Espada and regular warriors alike, began to rapidly back off to give the pair space. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie did likewise, leaping up and away to give Sunset room. They had all known that this was part of the plan, although there’d been some argument over whether it was a good idea for Sunset to do this alone. None of them had any delusions that they had the power to defeat someone as obscenely potent as Tirek right now. However, Sunset had convinced them to agree to this because the simple fact was that she had no intention of actually beating Tirek. Yes, she wanted to make a show of strength to him and the other Espada, which was part of the point of this, but to accomplish her secret objective it would be far easier if she was fighting him alone instead of the more chaotic prospect of all of her friends being in the fight.

Alone, she could control the flow of the fight to a degree, get positioned where she needed to be, and make it look... coincidental for when she made her move. If Tirek had other targets to go after, that’d make things far more difficult, if not outright impossible. So she had to do this one solo, much as the prospect was quite intimidating. Having stood there long enough in his presence she knew by now that she wasn’t a one-on-one match for Tirek, at least not if he fought seriously. Fortunately she thought she’d had him gauged right in terms of pride. It’d be too humiliating to have to go all out on an opponent like her, which is why she’d goaded him into accepting a challenge with a handicap. It made it so if he did go full force on her, it’d be acknowledging she was strong enough to warrant that reaction, which would be a blow to his pride.

Of course she intended to wound his pride regardless, but that was one of the reasons Discord, Ditzy, and Gaia were here. She expected things might still go poorly, and having the Coalition’s strongest muscle present was a layer of insurance, with one more layer on standby in the form of additional allies waiting in the wings, just in case. Twilight Sparkle and Sweet Cider, both hidden in the artificial Garganta space that Discord had created with his gate. If things really went poorly here, they’d be signaled and come out, Twilight leading her team from Crystal Prep, and Sweet Cider with a few handpicked men from the Tenth Division, to help extract everyone from the fight.

Hopefully it wouldn’t come to that, but Sunset was glad enough to know the backup was there in case it was needed. She’d done her best to cover every angle with this plan.

All that was left now was to see it through, and go toe to toe with the most powerful Hollow alive.

No problem.

Author's Note:

You know it's surprisingly involved to write a chapter that basically consists of, "Girls go to Tirek's front door and issue a challenge to get real estate". But this is the first time a lot of these characters have interacted with each other, as the girls have had little contact with the Espada as a whole group. Now is Sunset crazy for challenging Tirek one to one here? Kind of, yes, but there is a method to it. We'll see how it works out for her, next chapter.

My thanks to all of your for reading, and as ever I appreciate any and all comments, questions, or critiques. 'Till next time.

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