• Published 15th Apr 2016
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Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 68: Catching Up to Now

Episode 68: Catching Up to Now

One of the most fundamental techniques a Soul Reaper needed to teach themselves to even have a hope of reaching the rank of a seated officer was Shunpo. The Flash Step was an almost necessary building block upon which most Soul Reaper combat doctrine was built around, with the only exception to the rule being the uncommon Kido specialists who focused upon Soul Reaper spells above all other techniques. Flash Sentry knew his limits with Flash Step fairly well. He’d been teased about his name enough at the Academy that he’d driven himself to learn the technique faster than most in his class, but his actual overall skill was still average, at best. If he was being honest with himself he considered himself average at just about all aspects of being a Soul Reaper, to the point that he still wondered why Captain Celestia had made him her Lieutenant. He didn’t think he was worthy of that rank yet, despite being told by the Captain herself that she thought he was more than qualified, and had potential to grow further.

He didn’t see it that way, but he’d never slacked off in his training, especially with Flash Step itself. Which was why, despite the hair raising sense he had that he’d just gotten well in over his head with this practice duel, he still felt confident he could give Princess Celestia and her sister Luna a good match. He shot forward, his body an instant dark streak that no mortal eye should have been able to track as he rushed to meet Celestia’s own charge. She seemed slower than him, by his estimate. He wasn’t using his wings, since he was still largely unfamiliar with this pegasus body of his, but even on hoof he was swift enough to Flash Step behind Celestia’s charge, avoiding those dangerous looking blade’s of searing white fire. Not wanting to inflict any serious injury, he aimed the flat side of his bladed tonfa at the back of one of the alicorn’s legs, striking hard-

And only hitting air as Celestia’s entire form vanished in a pop of golden light, leaving Flash blinking in momentary surprise.

Did she just teleport!?

He knew magic could do that, but how had Celestia been able to pull it off that quickly? Before he could wonder that he had to throw himself into a side long dodge as Celestia, who’d appeared directly above him, speared down with both of her hooves. He managed to get out of the way of the crushing strike, and his eyes went even wider as the impact of Celestia’s hooves on the ground shook the earth and sent a ripple of cracks spreading out for dozens of yards. Before he could do more than regain his balance both of Celestia’s swords, which were flying independently under the alicorn’s gleaming gold magical grip, came swinging at him in a dizzying pattern of incinerating swordplay. For a few heart stopping, sweat soaked moments it was all Flash could do to just parry that blazing assault, his Zanpaktou heating up from even momentary contact with those flaming longswords. He could feel the burning, intense heat just from proximity, and he knew even a glancing blow from either sword would ruin his day real quick.

However, swift as the blades were coming for him Flash was quickly adjusting to their speed and tempo, and found himself an opening to break away and utilize another Flash Step to zip to Celestia’s left side - or at least he tried to until he ran face first into a translucent barrier of radiant gold light that had been invisible until he bounced off it. Amid his ringing head he heard Celestia’s amused chuckle.

“As a friendly suggestion, as much an asset as your speed is you’d do well to slow yourself down until you learn to sense magic use better. With patience you would have noticed I’d put a barrier up and been able to plan accordingly,” Celestia said with the encouraging tone of an instructor, taking Flash back to his Academy days. Captain Celestia spoke in the same manner, using every opportunity to teach and encourage growth among the lower ranked Soul Reapers.

But he also wasn’t an Academy student anymore, and he had learned more than a few of his Captain’s lessons from those days. While the barrier had surprised him, he hadn’t let it distract his focus on the fight. Taking Celestia’s advice, he leaped away to put distance between himself and her, assessing his surroundings instead of just charging back in. His spiritual senses may have been confused by the presence of all of Equestria’s ambient magic, but he was starting to figure out how to pinpoint differences in that ever constant buzz of energy he felt. If he concentrated he realized he could feel the barrier Celestia had formed. It didn’t just cover her front, but had encased her in a dome. She was right, if he slowed down and paid attention he would’ve sensed that before running face first into it.

It covers her from all sides, but does it just halt physical attacks? Could my Zanpaktou...? Flash let a small smirk bloom on his face.

Celestia’s swords hadn’t remained idle, and came spinning in towards him in a intersecting pattern that left trails of white fire behind them. He sent himself catapulting into the air just as the swords would have impacted where he was, the blades cutting melting furrows in the ground as Flash soared upwards with his hooves bouncing off the air. His went sailing over Celestia and her barrier, and he spun, slashing with his Zanpaktou. His perceptions twisted, like looking into a fractured mirror as he activated his weapon’s power.

Abruptly two more Flash Sentry’s appeared from distortions in the air on either side of Celestia, and Flash felt a moment of surging elation as he realized his Zanpaktou’s power could bypass the barrier and create his mirror forms within it. True to the way his sword’s ability functioned the mirror Flash’s were performing his exact motion, since in reality they weren’t copies but literally Flash himself being mirrored in multiple locations simultaneously. He was once again aiming the flat of his blade at Celestia’s legs, not wanting to actually harm the alicorn in case this move did manage to catch her off guard.

It didn’t.

Celestia’s horn flared, and Flash soon learned she could teleport more than herself. Her swords instantly appeared next to her and intercepted his attack, blocking both of the mirrored Flashs, and in the same moment Celestia turned and lashed out with a surprisingly quick buck with her hind legs that caught one of the Flashs in the chest. Since all three were essentially the real Flash, he felt the blow full on in his gut, and while the mirrors of him vanished his original body went flying backwards until it rammed into one of the walls of the castle. Fortunately his reiatsu hardened his spirit body firmly against the blow, so while it hurt it hadn’t left any serious damage and he recovered in an eyeblink, letting himself fall towards the ground while slashing downward with his tonfa blade. His mirrored duplicates appeared again, this time both at an angle in front of Celestia. She blocked once more with her own flaming blades, but then Flash turned his body so he could kick off the castle wall and altered the positioning of his duplicates with a mere thought.

Both mirrored forms vanished and reappeared behind Celestia, and Flash slashed the air in front of him, his duplicates mirroring the attack.

In a bright burst of light Celestia teleported again, this time appearing high in the air above the castle. Flash landed on the ground and turned to face her, seeing that she was glancing at a small cut that’d scored her left flank. He winced, even though he’d certainly pulled his attack to just leave a light mark. Celestia’s bright eyes met his with a nod of acknowledgement.

“A solid hit. So far we're one for one with each other. However I trust you won’t hold it against me if I... turn things up a notch?”

Flash felt his mouth go dry. Oh yeah, he’d heard that tone of voice from his Captain before. “Be gentle...” he whispered.

Somehow he wasn’t surprised that Celestia heard him as she chuckled, “No promises.”

A fountain of gold light wrapped around her horn, and then circle after circle of shining light appeared in the air around her, filling with complex magical crests and runes. Flash counted dozens, then stopped counting as a practical wall of magic circles now filled the sky around Celestia. He had all of a second to start evading before each magical circle started to discharge a rainstorm of flame coated meteorites. Each chunk of super heated rock was large as a beach ball and impacted with earth cratering force. It was all Flash could do to outrun the barrage, jumping and leaping with flickering Flash Steps to keep ahead of the explosive rain that tracked him all the way along the front of the castle.

At the castle’s steps the spectators all gasped, save for Luna who watched the match unfold with a critical eye. Twilight was sweating slightly, tail twitching nervously. “Sh-she’s not trying to kill him is she?”

“Of course not, Twilight Sparkle,” said Luna, “My sister is merely testing his reflexes. His speed is more than sufficient to avoid an attack this simple.”

This is simple!?” Rainbow Dash gaped at the display of explosive geysers of earth rocketing into the air as the meteorites blasted a destructive path around the area. “Why didn’t she pull moves like this back during Twilight’s brother’s wedding!? Queen Bugeyes could’ve been paste!”

Rarity frowned, eyeing the destructive display of magic with a contemplative look, “Rainbow dear, I suspect Princess Celestia couldn’t possibly have used such power back then. In such a crowded room, filled with ponies, who knows who could’ve been hurt?”

Luna nodded, lips pressed into a thin line, “Indeed, Rarity speaks the truth. Celestia held back her power for fear of injuring her little ponies. I’m not so certain I’d have done the same, and risked all of Canterlot to the Changeling’s mercies... but I wasn’t there. Sadly. I must learn to use modern alarm clocks.”

“All that aside, anyone see where Flash is n’ all that mess?” asked Applejack, squinting, “Lost track o’ the fella.”

“I haven’t been able to keep up with this at all,” Fluttershy said, eyes wide, “Everything’s moving too fast.”

“Oh, Flashy is juuuust fine,” chirped Pinkie Pie, chomping on some popcorn, “He’s even about to use one of his limit breaks!”

She pointed with the foam Zanpaktou on her hoof and all eyes were drawn to where a form flew up from the dust and dirt flung up by the barrage of meteorites. Flash Sentry emerged from the cloud and leaped from point to point in the air, narrowly avoiding the now focused rain of flaming rocks. He held his tonfa blade up before him horizontally while placing his other hand to brace behind his weapon bearing arm.

“Hado Number Thirty Two: Okasen!” (Golden Flash)

At the same instant not two, but three mirrors of himself appeared at different points surrounding Celestia. All Flash Sentry’s had yellow orbs of light form at the center of their blades, which then swiftly expanded into blazing lines of energy that then sliced out in wide, fan shaped paths that converged on Celestia’s position. The alicorn responded with a rapidly cast spell, horn alight with throbbing magic. Suddenly multiple, giant chunks of rock were teleported and held telekinetically around her like shields, intercepting the Kido spells. The rocks were blasted apart into chunks, but Celestia was left relatively unharmed, save for a few rock bits pelting her with no visible harm. She was smiling in approval at Flash.

“Creative use of your abilities. I trust you're observing me as well? Take note of the differences between your Kido and Equestrian magic. For example...”

Flash abruptly felt a pressure all over his body, as if he'd suddenly been dunked deep underwater. He saw Celestia's magical aura coated him with gold light and he realized she was holding him still with telekinesis. At the same time from the rubble of broken rock below from her meteorite barrage Celestia grabbed even more rock chunks and raised them in the air around Flash, while at the same time both her flaming blades zipped up and poised on either side of him with their deadly blazing tips.

"I need not chant, nor take any significant time for most of my magic. A unicorn can cast as many spells as their font of mana and focus allows, and an alicorn's level of magic is on a higher level still, with only rare exceptions like Starlight Glimmer representing unicorns with magical talent to match."

Flash struggled against the telekinesis, testing it's grip. It was like pushing against being buried underground. He could feel a bit of give here and there, but he wasn't certain he could break free. However he did realize that Celestia was testing him and also seeking to see just how far his own spiritual power went, so he deiced he'd show her. Digging into the core of his being he brought out as much spiritual pressure as he could, pouring his reiatsu out and trying to Flash Step against Celestia's telekinetic grip. There was a blast of air pressure from the strain he exerted on the magic grip, and he felt it give more, but not quite break. However it gave him enough range of movement to create a duplicate of himself above Celestia, inverted so the duplicate was upside down as he kicked out with a hind leg.

He didn't strike Celestia's horn directly, just grazed it, but it was enough to disrupt her focus for a moment. A moment long enough for him to Flash Step away from the telekinetic aura just before the barrage of rocks could slam into him. Celestia's focus was back in an instant and her swords of fire streaked in brilliant arcs at him, forcing him to focus on defense again, doing all he could to parry the incinerating swords. His Zanpaktou was starting to gain a set of bright red, heated spots on it from where he kept parrying. Meanwhile Celestia teleported again with a brilliant yellow spot of light and appeared behind him, her horn wreathed with another layer of gold light as a white rune appeared on her right front hoof and she struck out with it. Flash spun to block the blow, which was strong was enough to send him rocketing backwards, but only for a short distance before Celestia's telekinesis grabbed him again.

"Ugh, you're not the only one who can bind people up! Bakudo Number Fifty One: Koiru-jo no Hebi!" (Coiled Rock Serpent)

Using chunks of the very same rocks Celestia had magically gripped the Kido re-shaped the rock and broke them free of her telekinetic grasp just long enough to turn into living serpents of rock that rushed to try and coil around Celestia. She glanced at the rock serpents trying to wrapped around her, and with an even brighter flash of magic from her horn her entire body seemed to erupt with golden flames. The rock serpents were melted to nothing in mere instants, and Flash Sentry was left starring in shock even as he jumped back from the vastly intense heat that exploded out from the display of magic. His robes were even smoking slightly, and he could feel the moisture being burned out of the air. He'd only been able to move because Celestia's magical grip on him had lessened just a fraction as she'd exploded his rock serpents, and it'd still taken most of his strength to pull free.

When the flames around Celestia lessened and she summoned her swords to her side, she looked at Flash Sentry curiously.

"I am noticing you're capable of pulling free of my telekinesis far more effectively than I would have expected. Its almost as if my magical grip on you slips on something. I'll assume its your aura of spiritual energy that pours out from your body. 'Reiatsu', I believe you called it?"

"Yeah, the spiritual pressure our power exerts is called reiatsu," Flash Sentry confirmed, not lowering his guard as he spoke, "Its what makes our bodies harder to damage and boosts our reflexes and strength as well. It's sort of like an aura that grows wider the more energy we pour out. Your telekinesis is still ridiculously strong. It's hard to push out of it, but I'm guessing my reiatsu is what's letting me do that at all."

"Well, I'm not trying that hard to hold you, either, but you're right, your reiatsu aura seems to grant you some resistance to the telekinesis, and I'll assume against opponents like your world's Chrysalis or Starlight Glimmer, who have much higher auras of reiatsu I'll have to be careful about relying on my telekinesis. Hmm, so have you noticed anything else about how my magic works? I'd like to know about any weaknesses so I can prepare countermeasures in a more serious battle."

He had, in fact. Given the entire purpose of this duel was for both him and the Princesses to become familiar with each other’s combat prowess he had been paying attention closely to the speed at which Celestia could cast her spells, the manner in which she handled her longswords, and the flow of magic as best he could sense it as the battle progressed. He was impressed with the ease at which Celestia used her magic, often multiple forms of it at once, and with remarkably swift speed. He suspected even a high-level Kido specialist would have trouble keeping up in a battle of pure spells. Granted he hadn't seen any spells as strong as, say, a high end Kido like the Kurohitsugi, but he also didn't doubt Celestia was holding back and had yet to show her full power. However he'd seen two weaknesses that an opponent faster and more skilled than him could use against the alicorn.

"First, let me confirm something... can you cast magic without your horn?" he asked.

Celestia's expression turned grim as she shook her head, "Not in any controlled manner. A broken or severed horn becomes a horribly difficult if not outright impossible font of magic. We can still channel out of the horn's remains, but what comes out is largely formless, directionless, dangerous to both the caster and anyone nearby. One could, given practice, learn to control that font of chaotic energy, but only in so much as one could direct its destructive energies, not so one could form actual spells. You were correct to strike at my horn earlier, as even a glancing blow can disrupt even the simplest of spells."

Flash nodded, suspecting as much. The other thing he'd noticed was that when he'd unleashed his multi-directional Kido earlier Celestia had countered by using rocks to shield herself instead of summoning a magical barrier.

Why do that? Wouldn't a magical shield have been faster and more potent? She'd formed a full barrier around herself at the start of the duel, so why not do so again against his Kido?

Pondering, he said, “Hmm, one other thing then, if you don’t mind me confirming a theory-” he said and abruptly flung a palm out, “- Hado Number Thirty Three: Sokatsui!

The wave of blue, punishing energy fanned out from his palm and slammed towards Celestia. She raised an almost instant field of magic, the barrier holding fast against the Kido spell like a solid boulder amid a waterfall. Without missing a beat Flash followed up with another Kido, this time forming mirrors of himself once again around Celestia.

“Hado Number Ten: Onsen Yajirushi!” (Hot Spring Arrows)

Pools of steaming water formed before him and his duplicates, then proceeding to fire high speed darts of scalding water, once again forming a barrage that came at Celestia from all sides. This time Flash noted that instead of a magical barrier Celestia’s magic flared and she teleported out of the way of the arrows of boiling water, which splashed harmlessly against one another as the alicorn safely evaded. She appeared with a pop of golden light not more than a few meters from Flash, her swords now flying up to her side and poised to strike at him. He spun just in time to meet the twin strike of Celestia’s swords with his tonfa blade, and Celestia wore an approving half smile as they locked blades for a moment.

“Very good, Flash Sentry. I take it you realize why I haven’t used magic shields against certain attacks?”

He grunted under the strain of keeping her swords back, not to mention the horrific heat pouring off them making him now sweat rivers. “Ugh, I... I figure magic barriers aren’t good at handling multi-directional attacks?”

“Hm, quite so. A magic barrier is strongest at a single point. It's an intrinsic part of magic formed from a horn. Spells are generally most powerful in the direction the horn points. That isn’t to say the barrier can’t resist damage from all sides, as you've already seen, but a concentrated attack at a weaker point on the barrier has a better chance of penetrating than one aimed at the front.”

“Not much of a weakness. I’m guessing your shields could hold up against my Kido anyway, no matter which direction I attack from... but you’re trying to teach me, aren’t you?”

Celestia’s swords flared with more fire, and Flash had just a moment to use Flash Step to throw himself backwards away from the sudden burst of fire. He then felt a sudden grip around his hind hooves, and turned to find that a pair of thick gold chains had appeared from a pair of magic circles that had taken shape behind him while he’d been focused on Celestia’s swords. The alicorn winked at him.

“Gotcha. Of course I’m teaching you, and you’re teaching me too, but this is still a fight. Don’t get distracted by too much idle talk.”

“Aw crap-” Flash said as the magical chains swung him around like a frisbee and sent him hurtling towards the ground. Celestia’s voice chased him down

“Just let me know when you want to switch to fighting my sister.”

Flash managed to throw his wings out and slow his rapid descent, but he still hit the ground hard, losing the air in his lungs. While he was still dazed the chains around his hind legs contracted, dragging him along the ground and then whipped him towards one of the outlying trees standing out by the ravine. He hit it with a dull thud, his hardened spirit body weathering the battering well enough. With a grunt he turned himself over and before the chains could throw him again he swung with his Zanpaktou and sliced at the golden bands. The blade managed to slice through the magic that formed the chains, severing them and making them dissipate, but by now Celestia was preparing her next spell, and from the blinding glow around her horn, it looked like this was going to be a big one.

He’d already seen that certain spells generated magical circles containing complex script and patterns in them, while others seemed to just key off of auras, so he wasn’t sure what the difference between such spells were... however certain things were just straight up common sense. Such as bigger probably meant more powerful. The circles that had created the meteorites and magic chains had been perhaps a meter in diameter.

The magic circle appearing in the air around Celestia at that moment spanned about forty meters across, and contained multiple five meter circles arranged in a complex pattern within the larger circle, all with intersecting lines of light that glowed so brightly they were like solid bars of sunfire.

Among the spectators Twilight Sparkle’s eyes dilated slightly as they reflected the corona of golden magic in the sky, her mouth opening silently for a second before she managed to get her wits about her. “I’ve read about this! Its one of Starswirl’s original High Arcane Incantations! I didn’t know any of them survived to the modern age!”

Luna sighed, “The original texts containing the proper circles and runes have been lost. Only my sister and I retain the memories of our teacher’s lessons on using High Magic, with the only writings left being what we put into our own notes and journals from those days. Even you, her most favored pupil, were still considered too young and inexperienced to learn of such things. I think my sister is showing off perhaps a bit too much...”

Flash felt an immense tremor of magical power. Beyond a mere buzz, beyond even a roar, his spiritual senses picked up a cacophony of magical vibrations that felt like the entire Everfree Forest should have been shaking, even if there wasn’t any visible sign of the power being gathered other than that gigantic and ominous circle of flaring gold magic. In seconds it was so bright he could hardly look at it, let alone pick out the individual component circles or any of the rune-like patterns within. There was no way to tell what kind of spell was about to be unleashed on him, although he felt confident Celestia wasn’t actually trying to kill him, or use anything that would endanger the other ponies nearby. But what could be set lose from such intense magical power that wouldn’t flatten everything in the vicinity?

Of course just standing there and letting Celestia do as she pleased wasn’t what he intended to do. Even if all he could do was just dodge, he wasn’t going to sit still. He was impressed with more than just Celestia’s power, however. She was clearly an intelligent fighter. She’d already grasped that his Zanpaktou’s ability required line of sight for him to mirror himself, because this massive magical circle also blocked her from view. After only a few times seeing him use his power she’d already figured that much out. Furthermore she was still teaching him, demonstrating that more powerful magical attacks needed long charge up times. As much as she may have been showing off her power, she was also giving him ample time to counter.

If I can’t see her to attack directly, and I can’t predict what kind of spell she’s summoning, then my only real option is to not give her a target at all.

So with that thought in mind he pushed Flash Step to its utmost limit. He moved with as much raw speed as his reiatsu could push out, launching himself upwards. But he didn’t stop with just going up, he immediately altered his direction, once, twice, three times, each instant changing his direction so that he was never in the same spot for more than a bare instant.

No matter how powerful the attack, its meaningless if you can’t hit me!

He was moving too fast at this point to trust himself to attack Celestia without risking harming her. His Flash Step was focused solely on evading as swiftly as possible. At that speed any attempt to slash at Celestia, even when he got behind the magic circle to see her clearly, would just be too fast, carry too much momentum, to reliably pull the blow. A Captain might have had the skill to do so, but Flash just wasn’t that skilled. So he just kept moving, trusting in his speed to keep him ahead of Celestia’s spell. Once it was cast, he’d slow down and go on the offensive, hopefully against a more drained and tired alicorn princess.

The massive magical circle abruptly transformed, becoming an open portal from which poured forth a torrent of thick, bright tendrils of sunfire. The streams of fire moved with incredible speed and like a swarm of enraged bees the dozens if not hundreds of ribbons of sunborn flame converged around Flash. They first blocked off his forward path, and as he tried to Flash Step away in the opposite direction yet more fire merged behind him to block that direction. Even with all his speed it was as if the fire could predict where he was going and bit by bit all his paths of escape were cut off, until he was surrounded on all sides by an impenetrable sphere of raw, molten sunfire. Yet oddly he felt only minimal heat, until he got close to any edge of the sphere, at which point he could feel the temperature rising astronomically. No doubt actually touching the flames would result in instant incineration, but as long as he stayed inside the sphere he was safe. Relatively speaking.

Some kind of imprisoning spell, then. Like a high-level binding Kido, only Celestia had summoned the literal flames of the sun to encase him, even with all his high-speed evading.

“Damn...” he said, hanging his head and sighing, “Guess that’s my loss, then.”

“Oh, you did well enough,” Celestia said as she teleported inside the sphere of flame and offered him a bowing dip of her head, “And all things considered I would say we’ve learned much from each other in just this short exchange.”

“This is impressive, Princess,” he said, gesturing around at the sphere of fire boiling around them, “If you can pull things like this off I’m surprised you’ve had any trouble with foes in the past.”

Celestia turned a weary gaze at the barrier of fire around them, and made a shrugging gesture with her wings, “Impressive, yes, but slow to cast, as you saw. Tirek would have eaten my magic long before I could have used a High Magic spell like this. Discord would snap his fingers to turn my magic against me before I even got half a circle finished, and I know this from personal experience. High Magic is powerful, but limited by requiring time to use properly. Had you actually attacked me during my casting of it you could have disrupted me.”

“Yeah, I figured that but... well I didn’t want to risk injuring you. I’m not so good at controlling my strikes when I’m moving that fast,” Flash said, rubbing the back of his head.

Celestia shook her head, “You needn’t have worried, and come at me full force. An alicorn’s body isn’t as fragile as all that.”

“You’re right, and I apologize for taking you lightly, Princess.”

“No need for apologies,” Celestia said with a dismissive hoof gesture, then she smiled impishly, “Besides you’ll find my sister a far less forgiving opponent than I.”

“Uhhh...” Flash suddenly felt a distinct chill as Celestia dismissed the sphere of sunfire and he saw that Princess Luna had spread her wings and was flying up in the air to meet them. The younger sister may have been the shorter of the pair, but she somehow managed to exude a heavier aura of menace than Celestia.

“If you’re done toying with him, sister, I dare say it’s my turn.”

“Of course, Luna, by all means,” Celestia said with a bow, then turned to Flash and said, “Remember what I said; you needn’t hold back.”

“Verily,” Luna agreed as Celestia flew off down to where the spectators still sat, leaving Flash to face Luna in the middle of the sky. The Princess of the Night’s eyes locked on Flash and narrowed, “I would be most displeased if you restrain yourself like you did with Celestia. We are not delicate, and you will need all your skill and might to last long.”

Punctuating her statement was a rapid and dramatic change around the lunar Princess, her horn wreathed in a penumbra of pale blue light. The air grew frigid and the already dark evening seemed to grow even more shaded as a nimbus of shadow encased Luna. When she stepped forth from it she was clad in intersecting plates of midnight armor rimmed in chunks of black ice that formed curved, sharpened blades across the armor’s joints, shoulders, and flanks. She wore a helmet in place of her tiara now, her wafting star-field mane passing through the dark metal to still spread around her. The breastplate covering her chest blazed with a glowing crescent moon mark. Shadows and ice both grew from the edges of her hooves, the shards of darkness melding with the ice to form curved claws. Then if those didn’t look deadly enough, in flashes of incandescent blue light a pair of crescent bladed axes of black iron took form on either side of Luna. The axe heads were covered in fine runes, which started to light up with cerulean magic.

“My sister prefers a ranged battle with her spells,” Luna commented dryly, her magic twirling her twin axes as she flexed her shadowy ice claws like a waking mountain cat, “I on the other hoof have always liked to do things up close.”

That was all the warning Flash got before the Princess of the Night turned into a dark blur of whirling axes and rending claws, rushing him with the ferocity of a typhoon.


“Ow...” Flash laid on the bed in one of the castle’s guest rooms, wincing as Rarity used her magic to sew in yet another stitch on his wounded arm.

“You’re lucky that I’ve had to do this more than once for my sister or one of her CMC friends,” the seamstress said without breaking her concentration on her work, “Really you should have known better than to challenge the Princesses like that. What were you trying to accomplish?”

“Seriously,” said Twilight Sparkle as she sat on her haunches on the other side of the bed, “Any of you could have gotten hurt far worse. What if an accident happened and Luna had taken an arm off?”

“I’ve had worse- ow!” Flash winced again as another stitch went in, and he looked earnestly at Twilight, “It wasn’t a waste, and well worth the bumps and scratches. I know a lot more now about what alicorns can do, and they know a bit more about what Soul Reapers can do. I even got a hit or two in on Luna.”

“Yeah, because she was totally going all in on offense and not caring about defense,” said Rainbow Dash, who was chilling next to the doorway, “And she ain’t the one getting stitched up right now. By the way, thanks for losing, totally won my five bits off AJ.”

“Laugh it up, Rainbow, but that fight wasn’t about who won or lost, it was about learning how we fight,” said Flash, sighing, “It means we won’t be quite as up the creek when we have to go after Starlight Glimmer’s crew. We’re still in a tough spot, though.”

“How so?” Twilight asked, “If anything I’m way less worried than I was before! The Princesses are even more amazing than I thought! Either one of them would have beaten that Bount Trixie in no time. How much more powerful can Starlight Glimmer and those with her really be?”

“Enough that I’m going to recommend to the Princesses that whatever plan we come up with, we plan for trying to isolate one of the enemy away from the others and take the one individual on as a group,” Flash replied in a frank tone, gritting his teeth as Rarity finished the last stitch on his arm. Experimentally he flexed the wounded limb. He was surprised the injury wasn’t worse. Luna certainly hadn't seemed to hold back much against him, and he hadn’t against her, just as Celestia had suggested. He’d barely been able to keep up with her, and when she’d used some manner of rune based spells to boost her speed and strength even further he’d been completely overrun. The fight had been much shorter than his duel with Celestia, and Luna had been true to her word in that she hadn’t bothered with any ranged spells and assaulted Flash purely with overwhelming melee prowess. He estimated she’d fit in just fine in the Eleventh Division.

“Do you really think we’ll need to stack the odds that heavily in our favor?” Twilight said, looking unconvinced.

“I can’t say for sure, but it's the best option we have,” Flash said, “It's just a matter of figuring out how to isolate one of them so they can be taken down.”

Rarity made a pondering noise as she put away her stitching kit with deft motions of magical telekinesis, “Hmm, well Sunset Shimmer did say they were likely to be hunting for magical artifacts, didn’t she? So couldn’t we use such an item as bait to draw them out?”

“That’s... not a bad idea actually,” said Flash, glancing between Rarity and Twilight, “Do you know of any magic artifacts strong enough to tempt Starlight Glimmer to send one of her people after it?”

At that moment the door to the guest room was flung open and Trixie poked her head inside with a faintly indignant air about her. She glanced about for a second before settling her eyes on Twilight. “There you are. Starlight sent me to tell you that those siren girls are in a tiff about something.”

“In a tiff? About what?”

“Trixie doesn’t know! Starlight just seemed to think it was important you know,” Trixie paused, clearly thinking, “She may have also suggested you come find out what’s happening. Something about a quest and an Abyss. Trixie wasn’t paying much attention. Anyway, message delivered, ta-ta.”

With that the magician twirled around, sweeping out of the room, and leaving Rainbow Dash, who’d been smacked into the wall when Trixie threw the door open, to slowly slide to the ground. The pegasus staggered to her hooves and rubbed her sore snout, glaring at where Trixie went. “Why is she allowed in the castle, again?”

“Her attitude does still leave something to be desired, although its quite a bit improved over what she was like when she had that...” Rarity halted mid-sentence, and she and Twilight shared a knowing glance.

“The Alicorn Amulet!” Twilight said, smiling.

“It’s in Zecora’s keeping, no? Do you think that would make good bait?” Rarity mused.

“I think it’d make perfect bait. We’ll have to work out a plan with the Princesses, but first I’d better go find out what’s happening with the sirens,” Twilight said, heading for the door. Flash moved to join her, but she gave him a worried look, “You should probably rest.”

“I’ll be fine. Really it was barely more than a scratch, and Rarity has done a fine job patching me up. Thanks again, by the way, Rarity,” he said, patting his stitched arm.

“Oh think nothing of it, Mister Sentry. Like I said, I do the same for my sister and her friends all the time. Why you’d be shocked how often they got injured while trying to get their cutie marks. I could start up a career as a nurse if I wasn’t so busy running my boutiques,” Rarity declared with a note of pride in her voice.

Twilight still wore a worried frown, but she conceded with a nod, “Alright, if you’re sure. Let’s go see what has the sirens riled up.”


“The Abyss...” Luna’s voice carried with it a heavy, disquiet quality as she and her sister shared a glance while Sonata, oblivious to both alicorns’ concern continued to blissfully pack her bags.

“Yup! Discord says that’s where we need to go to find this Charry chick and get our sister’s soul thingie back! Yo Aria, where did you put my hairdryer?”

Aria, who was also packing a bag but with a far more deliberate and less haphazard manner, rolled her eyes at her sister, “We don’t have hair over here, why would you need a hairdryer. Why did you bring a hairdryer?”

“For defrosting waffles in the morning, duh!” Sonata said as if it was the most obvious of answers, leaving Aria to just blink at Sonata while the other siren rummaged through one of the drawer cabinets in their guest room, exclaiming in glee as she found said hairdryer and tossed the appliance into her duffle bag.

Celestia, after sharing a knowing nod with her sister, stepped forward and said, “It might be best if the two of you reconsider just swimming into one of Equestria’s most deadly oceans. I understand that what Discord has told you has made you both eager to help your sister, but you’ll not sever Adagio well by getting yourselves hurt. Even if we don’t account for Charybdis herself there are countless dangerous creatures inhabiting that stretch of ocean.”

“Don’t care. Dagie needs help,” Sonata said stubbornly, yanking a golf club out of the closet and after examining it for a second, shrugged and tossed it into her bag, “And I don’t care what it takes, I’m not stopping until I get her back!”

Aria had a more reserved look as she eyed Celestia and Luna, “We get that what we’re doing is dangerous, but do you got any better options? You know this Charybdis or what?”

“We know her,” said Luna, graveness coating her voice like moss on a tombstone, “She is not to be trifled with. Were it not for an ancient agreement that she keeps to her domain and leaves certain seaways alone my sister and I would have fought to remove her dark stain from Equestria’s oceans. As it is she’s kept to her waters and left ships outside them alone... but those that stray too close to her territory are rarely heard from again. If you swim into such depths alone, I fear we shall also never hear from you again, and then who would help your sister then?”

Sonata just started packing her bag harder, opening up an entire cabinet full of food taken from the kitchens downstairs and using one finned arm to sweep it into her bag as she gave Luna a mulishly stubborn look, “We totally get it, but, like, what else can we do? Just gotta swim there, find Charry, and figure out what she wants to cough up Dagie’s soul. Doing anything else is just a total waste of time!”

“Whoa, let’s back this up a second,” said Starlight Glimmer, who had been the one to spot the siren’s packing earlier while she and Trixie had been walking down the hall, heading for the kitchens for dinner. She’d sent Trixie to go get the Princesses, and Celestia and Luna had shown up first. Hopefully Twilight wouldn’t be far behind. “Consider what me, Discord, Trixie, and Thorax were able to do I’m not going to say any desperate mission has no chance of succeeding, but that doesn’t mean you can’t slow down and plan. Or give other ponies a chance to offer to help.”

Both sirens looked at the unicorn with a mix of disbelief and mistrust, Aria crossing her arms over her scaly chest, “First of all, ponies can’t breathe underwater, so it's not like we can expect anypony to come with us. And second of all, why would you help us?”

“Because it's the right thing to do?” Starlight offered with a hint of sarcasm, “And I’m sure I can find a spell for breathing underwater. How hard could that be?”

Celestia nodded, “It's true magic to make such an underwater journey possible exists. I think the real concern here is having a way to secure this fragment of Adagio’s soul from Charybdis once you find her, and surviving the journey to reach her through a ocean that will be rife with predators. I think you’ll find there are those willing to volunteer to help, but I fear whether or not any normal help would be enough...”

Luna sighed, “I shall go.”

All eyes turned to the Princess of the Night.

“Princess Luna, are you sure?” Starlight asked, “I mean, can Equestria afford to be short one alicorn while we’re worried about what my human counterpart is up to?”

“All the more reason for me to go so that I can hasten this journey,” Luna said, eyeing Starlight Glimmer, “Discord shall be busy searching for your other self, and Celestia is needed to guard Canterlot just as Cadence must guard the Crystal Empire.”

“Then let me go instead,” said Twilight Sparkle as she entered the room with Flash Sentry, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash all in tow, “If seeing you both duel with Flash Sentry taught me anything it's that we’ll need both of you together to stand a chance against the invaders from the human realm. Whereas I still have a lot to learn before I can really be of use in those battles. However I do have some experience with adventuring beyond Equestria, as does Starlight here. Between the two of us I’m sure we can help the sirens get their sister’s soul back from this Charybdis’ person.”

“Uh, you mean the seven of us, right?” said Rainbow Dash, “No way you’re going anywhere without us, egghead.”

“Quite so,” said Rarity, “I can’t imagine letting you gallivant off to such a dangerous place without your friends as support. Even if this Abyss place does sound a tad... unpleasant. I’m sure the other girls would say the same if they were here.”

“Hold up! Hold up!” Aria shouted, holding out her hands, “I don’t remember signing up for the pony help brigade. Having a bunch of ponies, using whatever magic to breathe underwater, is still gonna be a pain in the tailfins. Me and Sonata know how to handle ourselves underwater because we were born there. You newbs would just slow us down.”

“Actually there may be a solution to that problem,” said Celestia thoughtfully, “If you’re willing to accept the help, then I may know of someone who could make the journey swifter, if no less dangerous.”

“Still doesn't mean we want help,” said Aria with a tight set to her jaw, but Starlight stepped towards her, drawing the siren’s attention.

“Look, I understand if you want to try doing this alone, but hear me out. Having us along increases your options. Twilight and I can use teleportation to get everyone out of a jam if things get tough, and we both know all sorts of spells to neutralize potential dangers. You and your sister don’t have your siren gems, so you can’t rely on your singing like you used to, so what’s your plan for dealing with trouble when it shows up?”

Sonata licked her lips and glanced at Aria, “That kinda sorta got a point, you know.”

“Urgh...” Aria still looked unhappy with the situation, then Sonata added.

“Besides if we run into anything that wants to eat us, we can let the ponies get smacked on first! Win win!”

Starlight put a hoof to her face while Twilight’s eye twitched. “I think we need to work on your definition of ‘win-win’.”

Pensively Luna turned her gaze towards Twilight’s friends, “If you’re intent on aiding the sirens, then preparations must first be made for your departure. I still think I should be the one going, however. Twilight Sparkle, you are not familiar with the level of danger Charybdis represents. She’s easily as difficult a foe as Chrysalis was.”

“Yet Starlight Glimmer and her friends defeated Chrysalis. I know you’re worried about our safety Princess Luna, but we can do this. Besides, it’s not as if we’d be much good here while searching for Starlight... although we were just discussing a plan to lure her or one of her allies out.”

Flash Sentry nodded, “I thought that’d be the best plan, but we can talk it over later. First of all, if you’re all going after some dangerous underwater beast, then you’d better count me in too. No way I’m letting you all go without backup.”

As if she’d expected as much Celestia nodded with an agreeing smile, “I would expect no less from you, Flash Sentry. I’ll entrust the safety of Twilight Sparkle and her entourage in your capable hooves.” She turned her attention back to the sirens, “If you’ll both concede to delaying your departure for several days, perhaps a week, I can make arrangements to make your journey easier. I’d also like to hear this idea as to how to draw out the human Starlight Glimmer.”

Sonata didn’t look happy about it, but after sharing a look with Aria she said, “Okay, okay, we’ll wait. But just a day. I don’t want to wait to get this done.”


’Dear Sunset Shimmer... Twilight wrote in her magical journal, whose twin existed an entire dimension away in the possession of her friend in human form. It was fully nighttime now and she sat at her desk in her room, quill pen scratching away at the journal before her while Owlicious stood on his bird stand nearby, watching her write.

A lot has happened in just the past twenty four hours. Flash fought the Princesses if you can believe that! I never knew how strong they both were! Have you ever heard of High Magic? I’ve only read the rumors and bits and pieces of it, but that was the first time I ever saw such spells being used. When I asked Princess Celestia about it, she agreed that now that I was an alicorn and the need was dire enough she’d teach me what she knew of High Magic. I’m departing on a dangerous journey in just under a week, so I don’t have much time to learn, but I’m going to absorb every lesson I can!

Oh, right, Sonata and Aria are going on a journey, and my friends and I intend to go with them to help. Starlight and Trixie even volunteered to come help us. Trixie’s counterpart is being moved to Canterlot so the Princesses can keep a closer eye on her. I suppose that’s better than keeping her locked up in my castle, but I still worry about what the Bount might do.

In any case, Celestia is sending us south to a place called Mt. Aris to find the queen of the hippogriffs. Apparently she has a magical pearl that can change us into aquatic forms that’ll make our journey much easier. Theoretically. There’s still this Charybdis to deal with, and according to the Princesses she’s an ancient siren sorceress who long ago transformed herself into a giant sea monster and rules over a dark ocean trench called the Abyss. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous, but I know my friends and I can manage. If we can’t do this, then what could we hope to do against the human Starlight and her cronies. Besides we’ll have Flash Sentry with us, so I think we can handle whatever comes our way.

Rainbow is trying to give him pointers on how to fly. It's kind of adorable to watch him flail about in the air. Reminds me of when I was trying to learn to fly. I... don’t really know what to think about him being here. I never thought Flash would come to Equestria, and this certainly isn’t the circumstances I wanted him to come here for a visit for! I’m glad he’s here, but at the same time I just... feel really off with him around, too. Do you know what I mean, Sunset? Maybe not. Sorry, I shouldn’t be bugging you about personal problems when we’ve got a interdimensional crisis on our hooves, with crazy people trying to steal Equestria’s magic for some war in another world!

Speaking of those people, we’re formulating a plan to possibly draw out one of them. Remember the time I told you about when Trixie went a teensy bit power mad because of the Alicorn Amulet? Well Flash has the idea that if we put out rumors about the artifact and that it’s being moved to a ‘secure location’ via train, that Starlight won’t be able to resist trying to hijack the train to get it. Celestia and Luna plan to ask for Princess Cadence and my brother’s help, and try to ambush whichever of Starlight’s cronies she sends after the Alicorn Amulet, assuming Starlight doesn’t go for it herself. I’m... nervous about that. I want to be there, but I can’t let Sonata and Aria go into a place like the Abyss alone. While they live under my roof they’re my responsibility. Besides, I know how much what their sister did meant to you, so anything I can do to help restore her is a no-brainer.

I hope everything is going alright on your end. I plan to leave the journal here so you can stay in touch with the Princesses on any further developments. Spike will check the journal each morning to see if you’ve sent any messages, and write any replies from the Princesses. You really should consider writing Princess Celestia. You know, talk to her, mend those old fences. I know she’s worried about you.

Anyway, write back soon. We’re leaving the day after tomorrow, so I can still write back until then. Be safe.

Your friend, Twilight Sparkle.


The cold dimness of the empty hallways was echoed by their crypt-like silence, making every single hoof step on the sterile floors seem loud as a thunder strike. The pale white unicorn mare moved with deliberate steps on her three hooves, her front right leg missing and leaving her to walk at an awkward hobble, although she somehow managed to make the movements look dignified. Her mane fell in light purple ringlets around her dour face, her sharp aquiline features mirroring some of the more high society unicorn’s ideal image of beauty, although it was marred by terrible burn scars covering part of her face. Unlike most ponies, this unicorn bore no cutie mark, and she wore the plain dark robes of a Soul Reaper. Her Captain’s coat was gone, and she had no intention of ever putting it on again. Her Zanpaktou, however, remained ever sheathed through the white sash of her robes.

Platinum reached a plain metal door along the corridor and knocked upon it, “I’m coming in.”

Her announcement was met with silence as she opened the door with a groaning yawn of scrapping metal and proceeding inside. The room within was one of many living quarters in Hitsuyo Aku’s tower area, with no windows but well appointed and comfortable furniture. Plain fluorescent lighting coated the room in a film of pale white light.

Pipsqueak sat on the edge of the room’s bed, his form that of a tiny colt with white and brown patchy fur, with a moppish top of brown mane. He barely glanced up at her as Platinum entered the room, a tray of food balanced on her back. With magic she was only just barely getting used to using Platinum floated the tray of food to a table in the middle of the room and looked at her son.

“It’s time for breakfast, Pipsqueak.”

He didn’t say anything, but with a slow, automatic motion he went to the table and awkwardly sat at it, looking at the food with no enthusiasm. Platinum held back a sigh and sat at the other end of the table, setting out plates for them both and serving the food with slow, careful motions. For a few minutes the only sound passing between mother and son was the cold clinking of silverware. Eventually Platinum said in a quiet tone, “You can’t remain indoors all day. It isn’t healthy. You should take a walk outside and get used to your new body.”

The young colt’s desolate eyes looked up towards her briefly, momentarily flashing with a volatile mix of emotions that he refused to speak of or show to her beyond these quick looks. He then silently nodded and, his food barely a third eaten, pushed himself away from the table and silently trotted towards the door out of the room. Platinum’s jaw tightened.

“I won’t apologize for saving your life. Hate me... if that’s what you feel you must do, but you’re alive. That’s all I care about.”

Pipsqueak’s back remained turn to her, and he paused in the doorway for only a few moments before leaving, still quiet as a phantom, and leaving Platinum to stare at her cooling food with no appetite, and a growing chasm inside her where certainty used to be.


It was by far more a matter of coincidence rather than intent that Pipsqueak found the exit to the tower, and he found himself glancing up behind him at the tall, plain stone protrusion that thrust itself up from the canyon floor solely by reflex as opposed to any curiosity about where he was. Ever since he woke up a day or so ago he’d gone almost entirely numb inside, his mind unable to process all that he’d learned in such a short span of time.


How could his mother have done this? It didn’t make sense. None of this made any sense.

A faint tremor passed through the small colt and he turned his attention to the bare canyon ground that stretched out ahead of him. There was no point in trying to flee anywhere. No doubt his mother or one of the people she now worked with would track him down in no time. And where would he go? He was in a foreign world filled with alien beings. How could he possibly explain his situation to any of the residents of this realm? And even if he could, wouldn't he just be putting them in danger? Even if his mother had abandoned all of her responsibilities and pride as a noble, Pipsqueak would not. He couldn’t. He didn’t have much left to hold onto other than the faint sense of identity that as the only remaining noble of House Platinum he had to persevere...

But it was hard to focus on that when everything else was a vast gulf of confusion. And anger. He’d never had much of a temper, but ever since he’d woken up and his mother had tried to explain everything to him, explain to him the reasons for her utter betrayal of everything she had ever taught him or claimed to stand for... he’d been noticing a growing anger that threatened to break through his deep malaise. It was alarming, and as he looked at one of his tiny, equine hooves he felt his teeth clench and the anger rise again. In raw frustration, imagining his mother’s face, he slammed the hoof into the ground, and was surprised when the blow actually dented the stone canyon floor. He jumped back, blinking.

Suddenly a friendly and chatty female voice spoke behind him, “Watch it there kid, or your Inner Hollow is going to get riled up as much as you are.”

He whirled around to find that pink skinned woman with the purple hair looking at him. She was a pony now, much like he was, but unlike Pipsqueak she bore a pair of wings sprouting from her back. A pair of goggles rested on her swept back mane and she was wearing a casual smile as she eyed him. Pipsqueak frowned, clenching his jaw not unlike how his mother tended to. These people were the last individuals he wanted to talk to! The woman just chuckled at him.

“Wow, you really do take after your mom. Angst fest galore. Look, kiddo, if you don’t want to chat, that’s fine, but just take some advice from someone who’s been down the ‘estranged family’ road. Don’t let your bonds get severed, no matter how justified you might feel in being angry. Because that feeling of justified anger ain’t gonna last, and when its gone, you’re just going to be alone.”

As much as he wanted to maintain silent dignity, it was hard to as his emotional numbness was finally being shaken off by this woman’s easy manner and his growing need to vent everything he’d been keeping in. “What do you know about it? About anything? My mother turned her back on every single lesson she ever taught me about honor and nobility! I... I’ve looked up to her my whole life! She’s everything to me, but she...she...” he held a hoof to his chest, which was starting to feel heated, like a fire was burning under his rib-cage. There was a stinging in his eyes and he felt tears there, and he fought to keep them in check. A noble shouldn’t break down like this. He had to be strong. He had to-

A hoof patted his head, and he looked up at the pegasus who was sighing sadly at him, “Geeze kid, just let it out already, or it's going to poison the crap out of you. You’re what, twelve? No point trying to be an adult about this.”

He broke, then, and without even caring that this was technically an enemy to him, he just buried his face in the mare’s chest and let himself go. As he cried she kept patting his head.

“Your mom loves you, kid. I might barely tolerate the woman, but I know a loving parent when I see one.”

“She... shouldn’t have...”

“Shouldn’t have what? Moved heaven and earth to save her little boy from a fate worse than death? Kid, if the love a parent has for their child isn’t reason enough to defy all laws and traditions, then what reason would be good enough?” The mare looked at him frankly, in a manner that suggested she saw him as more than just a child, “When her only other option was to watch you waste way to nothing I’m not gonna blame her for taking any lifeline she could find. Just a twist of bad luck that lifeline meant turning on Soul Society. You can’t always pick between a good option and a bad one. Sometimes you just got to pick between the lesser of two crap choices. Your mom went with the option that kept her son alive.”

Getting his sobbing under control, Pipsqueak held up his hoof again, looking at it as if seeing it for the first time. While emotionally he may have been a wreck, physically he felt... strong. Healthy. There was a rush of vigor in his limbs he’d never known before, which reminded him of all the times he’d watched other children run and play and wished he’d had the health to join them. Now he felt like he could play all day and not even be remotely tired. Yet that energy didn’t feel wholly natural. His mother had barely mentioned it, yet he knew that whatever process had healed him of his disease had left him with a lingering price.

“You said Inner Hollow... what did my mother let you people do to me?”

“Nothing you can’t bounce back from,” the mare said, “And it’s Firefly, not ‘you people’. Might as well learn our names, kid.”

“Fine, Miss Firefly, what did you do to me? What am I?”

“Starlight and Discord’s term for the condition is ‘Vizard’. Basically what you get when you mix in some Hollow with another soul. The Hollow reishi inside you counteracted the disease that was degenerating your body’s spirit particles. It's not an even, fifty-fifty split, but your at least part Hollow now, the same as Starlight.”

He trembled on his hooves, feeling his mouth go dry, “Am I going to have to eat souls now?”

Firefly burst out laughing, “Hahah! No, of course not. That’d be seriously screwed up. Your Inner Hollow isn’t going to start trying to devour souls or whatever. Heck in your case it’s probably not going to do much of anything unless you specifically try to bring it out. Starlight refined the whole process of mixing Hollow energy into souls so that the Hollow remains dormant unless it’s somehow agitated into going active. If that happens, well, Starlight could probably train you to control it.”

Pipsqueak felt his mind want to shut down again. This was entirely too much to take in. Sensing his distress Firefly elbowed him, “Hey, don’t think about it too hard. Better to try and enjoy the ride. I mean c’mon, you’re in a whole new world filled with crazy magic critters!”

“It looks like a box canyon in the middle of nowhere.”

“Well, okay, the cool stuff’s hundreds of miles away from the barren wasteland we’re hiding out in, but somewhere out there is a kingdom of multi-colored magic ponies. Its nuts.”

Pipsqueak felt a headache coming on and he stared at Firefly with a flat look, “Right. So, where is your leader. I may as well meet my true captor face to face.”

“Starlight? She’s out. Doing recon on nearby places of power,” Firefly said, waving a wing, “There’s some mountain sticking out of the ocean to the south that piqued her interest, so she’s looking into it. In the meantime I’m here making sure we’re not discovered. Which is incredibly boring. Luckily since Chrysalis has up and left back to Hueco Mundo for now that means I got some free time, and your mom is still busy mopping around about you. Soooo...” Firefly grinned at him, “How do you feel about taking a trip?”

“W-where?” Pipsqueak asked uneasily.

“There’s this cool looking town not far into the desert. Long as you promise to behave and stick close to me I was thinking we could go check out some of the local color. Its got to be better than hanging around her being bored, and I’m sure your mom wouldn’t approve, so hey, bonus,” she said, winking at him. And much as Pipsqueak didn’t want to, he found himself faintly liking this mare. And doing something to irk his mother did appeal to him, and getting out of this canyon for a bit appealed even more. He didn’t think he could escape Firefly at all, but he could maybe take this as a chance to take stock of his situation and just... decompress.

Taking a deep breath and regaining at least a fraction of his noble composure and bearing, he held his head up and nodded to Firefly. “Considering you're one of my captors and not someone I'm inclined to trust, I still find your proposal more appealing than remaining here, so I accept.”

Firefly’s grin was genuine and stretched all across her face. “Awesomesauce! Hang on tight then, and let’s jet!”

Before he knew what was happening she had lowered her head and with a toss she flung him onto her back. Pipsqueak let out a yelp and held onto Firefly’s neck as she spread her wings and instantly zoomed into the sky, going from zero to wind whipping speed in an instant. Pipsqueak tried to shout something to her, probably along the lines of ‘put me down you nutcase’, but most of that was swallowed by the wind and he soon learned to just hold on while the madwoman flew out of the canyon and out across a vast desert of sun bleached dunes.

As he held on for dear life, Pipsqueak wondered if anyone else in the vast multiverse was having as rough a day as he was.


“Why am I in jail!?” Sunset Shimmer’s shout filled the storefront and made Discord wince slightly.

“Technically you’re not in jail. Chappy’s in jail,” Discord said, holding up a finger.

“Yeah, with my body! When did this happen!?”

The shopkeeper pursed his lips and looked up at the ceiling as he ponderously stroked his beard, “Hmm, well it all started when Chappy, using your body of course, decided to throw a block party-”

“I mean how did the police get involved!? Skip the friday night comedy routine and just tell me what felonies she committed that got her arrested, again I reiterate, with my body!”

Discord hold up a hand, “Now, now, there’s no need to get so upset. No felonies were committed. The charges against Chappy, and I suppose technically you-”

“Stop. Saying. Technically!”

“-ahem, the charges were relatively light and mostly consisted of multiple counts of disturbing the public peace, underage consumption of alcohol in I quote ‘vast quantities’, a few counts of indecent exposure-”

“Indecent what?”

“-resisting arrest, improper use of a fire hose, jaywalking, and attempting to seduce a police cruiser. Um, I think that’s most of it. Oh, and one count of excessive profanity against a judge of the court.”

Sunset hung her head, slumping like a rain cloud was already dumping its contents over her head, her eyes bleak, “My life is ruined. I’m going to murder Chappy, and my life is ruined.”

“Now darling don’t be such a drama queen,” Rarity said, much to the silent stars of everyone else in the room. Rarity coughed politely, “What I mean to say is, surely there’s a way Discord can make these unfortunate matters, ahem, ‘go away’?”

Discord gave her a indignant look, “Of course I can, and I was in the middle of doing damage control on that matter when the unfortunate business with Trixie and the Equestrian portal occurred.”

“Was gonna ask ya ‘bout where yer attention was at when that dang two-bit stage tart went skipping across the portal,” said Applejack in a heated tone of voice that usually presided gut punches. Discord coughed and took a slight step away from the farm girl.

“I assure you if I hadn’t been dealing with Chappy’s rambunctious antics I may have been able to intercept Trixie, although you can perhaps understand that when Sunset Shimmer’s body was being taken for a joy ride around town I considered keeping Chappy from going to far to be a high enough priority to warrant my attention for an evening. Quite frankly I’m... surprised Trixie managed to hide her nature. I had no idea at all a Bount was a student at the school,” Discord said while narrowing his eyes in ponderous thought, “She must have refrained from feeding for some time to avoid detection. That or she found some other means of sustaining herself. Either way, I fully admit fault for failing to notice her and stop her from going through the portal, but on the plus side I’ve been able to alter the memories of every police officer in the city so that they think Sunset Shimmer is under arrest merely for one count of disturbing the peace. She’ll get off with a minor fine, which I’ll provide the payment for. All we have to do is pick Chappy up at the station in the morning.”

Sunset heaved out a massive sigh, rubbing her head, where she could feel a severe headache building, and wondered if anyone else was having as bad a day as she was?


Twilight hadn’t slept. She’d tried, but it simply hadn’t been possible to relax and drift off to sleep. So instead she’d used the last of her time, burning the midnight oil, to put the final touches on what she hoped would be the device to give her the edge against the Hollows. It sat on the table in front of her, freshly assembled, the very last seam put in place over its gleaming metal surface.

On the surface it bore a resemblance to the Sanrei glove it was based upon, but it was somewhat more bulky, as it was built from multiple, flexible ceramic and metal interlocking plates with a soft white cloth and velvet interior covering, making the glove look more like a lightly armored gauntlet than a mere glove. Its sleeve would go up to her elbow, and three distinct nodes formed from amethyst quartz gems, which after some experimentation she’d discovered had the best conducive properties for magical energies, were embedded at the elbow end, the base of the wrist, and on the back of the glove’s hand. Internally the glove contained numerous reishi forged fiber tubes connected to circuitry that was designed to regulate power flow and shape reishi particles, while channels in the hand itself would act as conduits for magic. She had installed a safety trigger to act as an emergency cut off valve in case anything went wrong and she had to shut the glove down, ending the flow of all energies into it.

She’d only had time to give the glove a single test run with Sugar Coat and the other girls there to observe. They’d helped out greatly in working on the glove’s components for Twilight, aiding her in assembling it even when they too needed rest. Twilight was at a loss for words to express gratitude to them, but in a way she felt just pulling off one successful test had been her way of showing that.

The glove worked, at least the one time. Now she just had to hope it’d work under duress... and that Midnight would continue to be cooperative.

”Still doubting me? I’m not about to ruin a useful partnership, unless you start doing something stupid.”

Twilight’s bleary, tired eyes looked over at a mirror on the wall by her workbench, where her reflection looked back at her with a distinctly different expression than her usual one, smirking and rolling her eyes.

“I won’t be the one to break our agreement first,” Twilight said, suppressing a yawn, “And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t just appearing in my own reflection. People are going to start thinking I'm crazy if they see me talking to myself.”

”Crazy is just other people’s word for admitting they don’t understand a higher intellect. That aside, I was going to suggest you try sleeping, but behold it’s already morning, so too late for that.”

To Twilight’s mild surprise she saw it was true, the light outside her reinforced, now very heavily warded window was growing brighter. She wondered if Soarin had been outside guarding her door all night, or if he’d gotten anyone to relieve him? Chances were he didn’t, but the man didn’t see to tire easily. Not that being guarded had helped in the getting sleep department. Aside from fearing another assassination attempt, it just left her feeling awkwardly self conscious on top of all of her anxiety. Working on the Hexenfaust was almost relief by comparison.

Hexenfaust; Witch Fist. Twilight wasn’t sure what part of her tired mind had conjured up the name, but it was what she was calling her new device. The Quincy seemed to favor German terminology, so she’d gone with that for the name. It seemed to fit. Wiping a bit of old sweat off her brow she swayed to her feet and turned to consider trying to catch a few winks, but just then the door knocked, then opened as Soarin poked his head in.

“Yeash, you didn’t sleep at all? You’ll have to snag a power nap after we reach the flipside Silburn, but get your things together cadet, because we’re deploying in half an hour.”

“Yes sir,” she managed to saw past another yawn, and went to retrieve the rest of her uniform, as she’d discarded the jacket in the middle of her work. It only took her about five minutes to get herself together, and place the newly minted Hexenfaust over her left hand. She flexed her arm and fingers, testing the grip and range of motion. Smooth and comfortable, at least, and it fit over her uniform sleeve easily.

“Ready?” asked Soarin, and Twilight nodded wearily.

“Yes, let’s go.”

Feeling the weight of exhaustion press on her shoulders amid fears of the battle to come and her mind churning with thoughts about all the many things that could go wrong, she wondered if anyone else was looking to have as bad a day as she was?


Adagio wasn’t sure how she could feel much better than she did right at that moment, wrapped up in the fluffy embrace of a full sized and impossibly plush bed, the first she’d been able to sleep in for what felt like forever. She didn’t even care that her Vasto Lorde body didn’t seem to need as much rest as her previous form, she was just enjoying the sensation of a cozy warm bed after days and days of making do with floor.

Those three boys had really outdone themselves. Not only had they procured this divine bed for Adagio’s room, they’d managed to secure a rather shocking amount of furniture and other accommodations to properly fill out the various rooms that Adagio had claimed for her new territory. After she and Ember returned from visiting Lament she’d been surprised to find Score, Hoops, and Dumbbell hard at work getting things set up after a successful trip to the human world to “borrow” furniture and other luxuries. She’d taken it upon herself to oversee the proceedings from there on out, while Ember had left to return to her father’s horde.

Adagio had considered asking Ember to stay a little longer, perhaps get the other Arrancar to breach the topic that was clearing bothering her, but Adagio knew she had the whole day before Thorax’s party the next evening to confront that issue. After the day she’d had she’d wanted to put that new bed to use, and as soon as she and the boys had finished appointing each room she’d collapsed into the sinfully soft bed and drifted into a pleased slumber. Now she yawned awake and rolled herself up in her blankets, her tail poking out the edge of the bed and lazily swaying about happily.

“Mmm, never leaving bed again...” she murmured into a plush pillow.

A firm knock came at her door and Adagio made a sound somewhere between a growl and a groan. Maybe if she buried herself in the blankets deep enough the annoying knocking would go away?

The knock came again. Nope, no such luck. As appreciative as she was for the boys’ hard work the other day, if this was one of them waking her from some much deserved beauty sleep, she was sincerely hoping their Sonido was fast enough to avoid a point blank Cero.

“I’ll be there in a second!” she shouted irritably, “Just quit knocking!”

Rolling from bed, disentangling herself from the blankets, which was much harder when your bone-like body fused armor had sharp productions, Adagio started a slow, stomping stroll towards her door. Her room was right above the large forum chamber one floor below, which she’d converted into a meeting chamber with a large table and chairs. Next to that the boys had set up a lounge, and last she’d checked they’d been trying to piece together how to get a generator going with stolen gas from the human world, while hooking up an electronic entertainment center. As long as they kept the volume down she didn’t care what they did. Out of all the rooms on this floor, all of them had been converted into sleeping chambers, but Adagio’s was the largest, and while it was still a bit bare at the moment she had plans to improve it. For now it felt cozy enough.

When people weren’t waking her up from a perfectly pleasant sleep. What could this even be about? Were the Quincy attacking early? She hoped so, she was in the kind of mood now where she could stand with a spot of violence.

“What is it!?” she snarled, flinging open the door, only to blink at the person smiling back at her.

Somehow Adagio instantly knew who this was. She’d never met her before, but it was impossible that this tall, onyx frame of sultry beauty clad in smooth fitting white cloth, radiating this much of a overpowering aura of acidically malevolent danger while also appearing as alluring and sweet as a venus flytrap could be anyone other than the one person Adagio wasn’t eager to meet.

“Good morning sleepyhead,” said Chrysalis, smiling like a honey coated razor blade, “I don’t suppose you have a moment to spare for a quick...chat?”

Author's Note:

Chappy might have gone overboard while Sunset was gone. But hey, what are a few misdemeanors between friends? Meanwhile it seems Princess Twilight and her friends will be joining Sonata and Aria for some undersea shenanigans, and Flash Sentry has learned that alicorns can hold their own. Now back to Sci-Twi and Adagio, one of which is exhausted by on her way to Hueco Mundo, and the other has had a good sleep but is probably wishing to go crawl back into bed at this point.

Thanks all for reading and do feel free to leave any and all comments, questions, or critiques for me that you want as they are all highly appreciated. 'Till next time.

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