• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,905 Views, 5,029 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 24: Painful Truths

Episode 24: Painful Truths

“So, ugh, Twilight, where do you need all this?” asked Flash Sentry as he nearly bent double under a massive box of equipment taken from the school’s lab. He and Twilight were standing just outside the front of the school where the Canterlot High statue stood containing the mirror portal to Equestria. The actual stone carving of the horse on top of the square base of the statue had been destroyed a little while ago when the human world’s Twilight had gone magic crazy, and it hadn’t yet been rebuilt, leaving the sight of the statue looking a tad bleak.

Twilight, the pony princess version, didn’t seem to notice Flash’s discomfort and near back breaking sweatdrops as she examined the area with a critical eye and then pointed to the left of the statue, “Just set it down over there, Flash. Thanks a lot, by the way. Without my magic I can’t really lug things around much. I really appreciate you coming over here on a Sunday.”

“Uggh, y-yeah, no prob,” he said, moving with slow, teetering steps to take the box of science gear over to the statue. When he set it down he blew out a sigh of relief and wiped sweat off his brow, “Whew, okay, think this is a sign I need to work out more.”

Twilight gave a small laugh, “I guess I could’ve had you make two trips. Sorry.”

“Hey, glad to do it. You, uh, don’t visit all that often so kind of makes me want to go all out on the helpful friend front when you’re here,” Flash said, stretching his arms to work the muscles and try to prevent any damage from the heavy lifting. Gigai’s were almost physically identical to real human bodies, including the need to work out the muscles properly. He wasn't joking, he really did need to work out, otherwise this gigai would be about as useful as a wet tissue paper in an emergency.

Oh, and wanting to work out has nothing at all to do with also wanting to impress the girl in front of you, eh Flash? some chiding voice in the back of his head taunted him, Nevermind that she’s an alien, magical quadruped from another dimension and you’re not exactly what you appear to be either. Yeah, totally ideal romantic situation, man, you’ definitely haven’t set yourself up for failure.

He promptly kicked that inner voice into the mental closet where it belonged, while Twilight started to dig into the box he’d set down to draw out some esoteric looking science gear. She gave him an apologetic smile that only boosted her adorable allure. “I’m sorry I don’t get a lot of chances to visit, Flash. My duties in Equestria, my life there, it gets pretty hectic. I never want my friends here in the human world to think I’ve forgotten them, though.”

“Hey, it’s not your fault Twilight,” he said with an understanding smile, leaning against the stone portion of the statue and running a hand along the portal mirror, “Your life isn’t here. I get that. I’d be a real tool if I expected you to hop on through the mirror all the time just to hang out with some high school kids when you’re literally royalty with a kingdom to look after. Its awesome enough you come through when we need help with stuff like crazy siren chicks trying to take over the school...”

He paused, then said, trying to make his curiosity sound genuine, because the Flash Sentry that Twilight thought she knew wouldn’t have a clue what she was doing, when Celestia had actually already briefed him. “So what is all this for anyway?”

‘Oh, uh, heheh...” Twilight’s face flushed with a tint of embarrassment as she seemed to scramble for words, “It’s uh... an experiment on... locking... things. Yup!”

“Locking things?”

“Well, um, its kind of hard to explain, but because of recent, err... events, like the sirens, Princess Celestia thinks I ought to find a way to kind of lock the portal, in a sense. Kind of a selective lock that’ll only let through certain individuals or things I want coming through. You see? I’m going to be testing out a few different methods to try and modulate the portal so that I can control what can or can't go through.”

It was about as good an explanation as she could churn out without actually mentioning Hollows, which as far as she knew Flash Sentry didn’t know a thing about. It was cute watching her sort of panic through coming up with a way to say that without tipping her hand, but he also felt a bit guilty as well as it just highlighted that he was the one doing the deceiving. Didn’t matter that he was under orders from Captain Celestia, it still sort of sat wrong in his gut to know he’d been basically spying on Twilight since practically the first day she’d come through the portal.

That had been a heck of surprise for everyone. When Sunset Shimmer had come through a few years back it’d taken Celestia and Luna both off guard, and Flash had been assigned to observe the mysterious pony turned human back then too. Sunset might’ve thought her brief relationship with him was a matter of her using him to become popular at the school, but it was a mutual affair where he’d been watching her and learning what he could of her. The same situation applied to Twilight, including the initial ‘crush’ he’d shown towards her. Bumping into her hadn’t been an accident, on any of the instances it’d happened.

Now, however, the crush didn’t feel so fake and Flash was worried he wasn’t being very objective in doing his duties. He didn’t like spying on Twilight, and if he didn’t fully trust Captain Celestia to have the best of intentions he probably would have refused to continue. As it was, with increased Hollow activity in the city, Twilight did need watching, for her own protection, and it gave him an excuse to hang out with her.

“Huh,” he said, “That makes a lot of sense, actually. Surprised you didn’t do something like this sooner, just to make sure some random human didn’t stumble on into ponyland.”

“That’s a good point, and honestly you’re right, I should have done this sooner. Or at least thought about it when I built the magitech to keep the portal open in the first place,” Twilight said, setting up several small pylons that looked to Flash like tesla coils on steroid.

“Uh, magitech?”

“Oh! Heh, it's a fairly new field of magical research in Equestria, which not to brag,” Twilight said in a totally bragging and excited tone, “I’m pretty much at the forefront of. I mean, we do have technology in Equestria, and over the past few years there’s been lots of progress in fusing it with magical techniques to create combinations of the two that can accomplish more than either technology or magic can do by itself. Its how I was able to get the portal open past its normal time limit to begin with. I created a stable resonating field using the-”

She launched, quite absent mindedly, into a technical string of raw science and magic speak that for the next few minutes Flash could only nod his head and smile for her to go on. He didn’t understand a word she said, but he didn’t want her to stop. She was just too cute when she babbled, showing such enthusiasm and excitement that it just lit up her whole face. Even if he didn’t have a clue about magic (and honestly rather sucked at Kido spells too), he could listen to Twilight nerd out all day.

When he saw Celestia, still in her principal's gigai, stride out of the school’s front doors. He also took note of the presence of Captain Platinum and Lieutenants Meadowbrook and Fancy Pants up on the school’s roof, apparently waiting for Celestia. He cast a glance at Twilight, who was still engrossed in her work. He wasn’t certain that, being a magically attuned pony, if Twilight could see spiritual beings. Sunset at first, and it was still a mystery just what had caused her and her friends to start seeing spirit entities, but with Twilight he was fairly certain she still couldn’t see them.

“Ah, Flash Sentry, Princess Twilight, is everything going well out here?” asked Celestia, causing Twilight to nearly jump up from where she’d been working.

“Oh, principle Celestia, hi! Everything’s going just fine here, thanks. Flash has been a big help. Thanks for calling him.”

“Yes, Flash has always been an eager and hard working sort,” said Celestia knowingly, “I was certain he’d be more than happy to come assist you, even if it wasn’t a school day.”

She winked at him and Flash felt himself wanting to shrink in on himself. Captain Celestia’s joking nature was legend among Soul Reapers. Some even gave her the nickname Captain Troll. Not in earshot of her, of course. Flash managed a steady smile for her, “Just doing my duty to a friend.”

“A friend, of course,” said Celestia with a light chuckle, but her eyes held Flash and there was something in them that told him the situation was a lot more serious than she was displaying. “At any rate, I have some errands to run off campus, so if you need any help with anything feel free to speak with Miss Cheerilee, as she’s the senior teacher still on site.”

As in, also the senior Soul Reaper still on site. That meant Captain Luna was also going off somewhere, and since she wasn’t out in the open that made Flash more than a little nervous as to what was going on. He knew something was up the moment Captain Platinum had shown up with her Lieutenant and the Lieutenant of the Twelfth Division, but it was a real bad sign that Luna was going stealth mode and Celestia was heading out with the others. With Lieutenant Cheerilee the only other Soul Reaper hanging out besides him it left the portal a bit vulnerable, and Celestia was basically doing him the courtesy of warning him to be watchful.

Cheerilee was the older, more experienced Soul Reaper between them, so in an emergency he’d defer to her until either of the Captains got back. He had about a hundred questions as to what the hell was going on, but he could hardly ask Celestia openly, so instead he inclined his head to her in a nod that was almost a bow.

“No worries, ma’am, we’ll be fine here.”

“Good. Show our guest every courtesy, Flash, and I’ll see you both when I get back.”


All Applejack saw was red.

Well, that and the various pedestrians she shouldered past and the occasional vehicle that screeched to a halt and honked at her as she stomped across the streets. All in all it was like a very enraged game of Frogger all across the downtown district until she got to the quieter suburbs. Quite frankly she would have been fine with a car hitting her right about now. It might’ve taken the edge off.

She just couldn’t get herself to calm down, even if some back portion of her more rational mind was trying desperately to goosfraba her to something resembling a non-homicidal state of mind. It really had taken about all the willpower and common sense she had left to not simply try and boot Discord through his entire shop, and possibly through several more, and just leave instead after telling him off. She was just so... so... pissed the hell off.

And why shouldn’t she be!? Not only had Soul Society and Discord turned her mother into a living weapon alongside her friend’s mothers, they’d essentially used them up and then proceeded to mind screw them when they wanted out of the raw deal they’d been given. Then to top it off the Hollow that Soul Society had recruited to help them in their scheme went rogue they did nothing to stop Grand Fisher from murdering her parents and turning her father into the same kind of soul sucking monster Grand Fisher was. Oh, and if that wasn’t the icing on the giant cake of wrongness that this whole situation was, the Soul Society had then recruited her mother’s soul and turned her into one of them, with her blissfully unaware of the fact that they were the ones that had messed up her life in the first place!

It just grated against every single value and sensibility Applejack had! The Soul Society should have treated their task of defending humanity as a sacred trust, something to do with honor and nobility! They were supposed to be protecting the balance of the damned world and purifying Hollows, not using them in convoluted schemes to turn humans into living weapons! The web of lies, the thick veil of deceit that surrounded all of this... it sickened her to her core. All she wanted to do was tear it all down, rip apart all the lies and make things right. And she didn’t want Discord to have any part of it! She didn’t want his apologies! She didn’t want his help! She wanted him out of her life, and out of her friend’s lives...

Not that she had any idea at all how to accomplish any of that. Stomping away from Discord’s shop had felt good on general principle, but that annoying, small voice of reason inside her kept saying that she was being foolish. She couldn’t single handedly tear down Soul Society and save her mother from their lies. She couldn't by herself charge into Hueco Mundo and find her father, and somehow save his soul. She couldn’t do much of anything by herself except march around like an angry bull in a china shop, uselessly snorting steam at nothing.

The realization just made her more angry. If nothing else she just wanted to go home to the farm and... kick some trees into submission. She needed to clear her head. The farm was a good ways off without using the bus, and she wasn’t feeling up to being around people right then. So she went for the next best thing and headed for Whitetail Park. It’d have a few people there, with a morning clear and sunny as this, but she could find a quiet place there to just sit and fume in peace.

Changing direction she picked up her pace, just a fast walk at first, but slowly, as her frustration built to a fever pitch she stopped caring about how she’d look to any onlookers and just broke into a run, as if she could get away from truth if she ran fast enough. However there’s no getting away from the truth, painful or otherwise, and the revelations about her parents had broken right through years of built up walls of strength that had been forged on one thought she’d held strong ever since her parent’s death.

She’d always believed they were watching over her. Gone, but still with her, silently cheering her on to be the best sister she could be to her siblings, and a tough young woman capable of keeping the family together in their absence. She could bear the burdens because she’d believed her parent’s souls were at peace. She could deal with the pain, having faith that they were in a better place. But it had all been a lie. Her parents’ souls weren’t at rest, and all these years she’d been sending prayers to those who couldn’t hear them.

The fury only built, along with the pain, and she felt like she was near to bursting with both by the time she got to the park. The cheerful setting, with the blue sky above and the warm sun burning off the morning fog did absolutely nothing to improve her mood. There were a few people out, either walking pets or just enjoying a stroll themselves, but no more than a handful and they gave Applejack a wide berth as she stormed her way down one of the park trails until she found one of the taller trees to lean against, head pressed to the rough bark, her breaths coming in short, angry gasps as she clenched her eyes shut to try and hold back the tears.


“I don’t get it, she couldn’t have gotten that much of a head start on us,” said Rainbow Dash as the girls walked quickly down the sidewalk, each casting about searching looks for their errant, upset friend. Sunset had already tried sensing Applejack through her spiritual senses, but she still wasn’t practiced enough at the skill to be able to pick out Applejack’s spiritual pressure amid all the other people out and about on the streets. Perhaps if Applejack was actually using her power that’d act like a beacon Sunset could follow, but for now she and the girls were stuck using their normal senses.

Pinkie Pie sniffed the air, and licked a finger, feeling the wind, “I think I’m getting a funky vibe in this direction!” She pointed off down a side street. Rarity looked at her incredulously.

“Are you certain? No offense to your usual Pinkie Senses but they’re really more for predicting random quirkiness rather than accurately tracking distressed friends.”

Pinkie Pie looked about worriedly, “I know but I just wanna find her quick before something bad happens. I’m getting a real wiggy feeling that I don’t like.”

“I hate to say this, but we might need to do that thing that in horror movies you never do,” said Sunset with a sigh, “Split up.”

“Hey, it’s broad daylight and the Hollows got their butts kicked hard just the other day, so I figure it’s probably safe,” said Rainbow Dash, “Thing is there’s only so many places AJ could’ve run off to. She wouldn't want to be around too many people, so I’m thinking either one of the parks, the school, or she hopped on a bus to head for the farm.”

Sunset nodded, “Okay, me and Rarity will check Whitetail park, the rest of you check the school.” She pulled out her cell phone, “We give a call once we’re done checking each area, and if she’s not at either spot, we check the farm.”

“Sounds like a fine plan to me, let’s get going,” said Rarity, frowning, “Before Pinkie Pie’s feeling turns into something more serous.”

With that the girls split up, all of them picking up their pace as a sense of foreboding started to set into each of their hearts.


“What do you mean they’re not here?” asked Captain Platinum with a hard edged tone like diamond. She was giving Discord’s disinterested look a return glare that could melt steel, but Discord seemed wholly determined to weather her ire. Beside Platinum, Celestia gave Discord a smooth incline of her head, trying to keep her own emotions off her face. They were all standing in the courtyard in front of Discord’s shop, facing the shop owner who was standing before his front doors with a lazy look on his face.

She rarely saw Discord, even if they both lived in the same city. There was tension there, from the simple fact that she’d never been able to peg how trustworthy her former fellow Captain was. Discord danced around sincerity like others sidestepped irritating flying insects. She’d been both a opponent of his during his work with that despicable weapons development branch of the Twelfth Division, an institution she’d never supported the creation of, yet she’d also defended him when he’d sought to break away from that group and protect the parents of the girls who were now being discussed.

“It is very important we find those young women, so if you could provide us with any information you have it would help ensure things from getting out of hand,” Celestia said, voice diplomatically neutral.

“I’m sorry my dear Captains, but they left not long ago and I didn’t ask them where they were going. They’re young ladies with lives of their own still to live despite their unique circumstances, so you can hardly expect me to keep track of their every move,” he said, shrugging his shoulders innocently, leaning against his cane that Celestia knew full well was no cane. He smiled thinly, “However I am glad you’re here. I was looking after young Starswirl’s third seat and I imagine you’d like her back?”

Meadowbrook was quick to say, “It’d be much appreciated. If I may ask, how was she injured?”

“An unfortunate run in with a Sternritter. I’m sure she’ll be happy to tell you the whole story in a concisely worded report once you’re all safely back in Soul Society,” said Discord, “You’ll be returning shortly?”

“Only after we’ve located those girls and given them... our offer,” said Platinum, turning sharply to Meadowbrook, “Go collect your comrade and catch up with us later. Fancy Pants, let us go. It's clear we won’t get any help here.”

Platinum turned and strode away, Fancy Pants giving Discord a swift bow and turning a quick sidelong gaze at Meadowbrook, “If you need assistance with moving Clover then you needn’t feel the need to follow us. We can return once everything settles and aid you in ensuring she’s transported home safely.”

“Thanks, Fancy, I appreciate it,” said Meadowbrook, sighing and approaching Discord, “Alright, let’s see her.”

“Just a moment,” said Discord, striding over towards Celestia until he was almost uncomfortably in her personal space. She gave him a flat look, not sure what he was up to, until he leaned in and whispered, “Be very careful, Celestia. Those girls are aware of the truth, now, and some of them are none too happy about it. Platinum could cause an incident if not reigned in.”

She turned her eyes towards him, lips pressed tight in a thin frown, “Why do you think I came along? I won’t let anything happen to those girls.”

“Captain Celestia, what are you two talking about over there?” called Platinum impatiently.

Celestia turned from Discord, striding away from him, “Merely exchanging a few final pleasantries. It's been a long time, after all.”

They departed with the assistance of one of Discord’s employees. Celestia recognized Screwloose from many years ago when she’d served as Discord’s fourth seat, though she didn’t think Platinum made the same connection. Screwloose was wearing a gigai that changed some of her appearance, but the spiritual pressure was hard to miss if one was familiar enough with it. When Discord had been exiled from Soul Society it’d never been clear how many of his old officers from his Division went with him, but Celestia wouldn’t have been surprised if there were more than just Screwloose.

Once outside the wards Captain Platinum went up into the sky, Celestia and Fancy Pants following.

“They could be anywhere in the city, but no matter, when it comes to spiritual senses I’m unsurpassed in Soul Society,” Platinum said, taking a calming breath, “Would have been convenient if they’d just been at that man’s establishment. If he wasn’t so useful for supplying Soul Reapers in the field I can’t imagine why Soul Society would continue to tolerate him.”

“Discord is not our concern at the moment,” said Celestia, “Can you find them?”

“Yes. This won’t take long. I’d have done this from the start if I hadn’t heard they were at Discord’s in the first place. Oh well, mere minutes lost.” Platinum closed her eyes and Celestia could feel the other Soul Reaper’s spiritual senses spreading out, like a sonar ping. Even in a city with such a large population, Celestia knew it wouldn’t be difficult for Platinum to discern the differences between individual humans. It wasn’t any idle boast of Platinum’s that she was highly skilled with her senses, perhaps the best among the Gotei 13 Captains, although Celestia might argue that Luna’s skill matched it. Thinking of Luna left Celestia a tad nervous. She had full confidence in Luna’s skill in stealth and ability to hide her own spirit energy, but this was Platinum.

Second ticked by until a full minute passed, then Platinum’s eyes snapped open, “I can feel them. Hmph, they’ve spread out. Some are returning to your school, Celestia, and another pair are heading in the direction of one that’s by herself. Hmm, Fancy Pants, intercept the ones going to the school. Be gentle and explain things cordially, but keep them detained at the school. Celestia, come with me and we’ll speak with the ones who are out and about... hmm, I think they’re at that park over that way.”

Blast it, Celestia inwardly cursed. Luna couldn’t cover both areas at once, and she’d been counting on Luna’s support if things came to a confrontation with Platinum. Still, she couldn't’ leave any of those girls to face Fancy Pants alone, in case something went wrong. Then again, Flash and Cheerilee were at the school, although both were under orders to remain hidden Celestia knew Flash at least would intervene if a problem occurred.

She didn’t have a way to tell Luna which way to go, regardless, so she’d just have to trust her sister’s discretion, and that her intervention wouldn’t be needed.


Applejack didn’t really know how long she’d been there. She’d sat down, back leaning against the tree, legs pulled up with her hands wrapped around her knees. Her anger wasn’t gone, but it’d gone down to a burning simmer rather than a raging firestorm, but in some ways that was worse. It gave her too much opportunity to think as well as seethe. Her mind kept tumbling around in thoughts of wanting to blame Soul Society for her parent’s death, while continuously trying to tell herself that such blame didn’t have a point other than to make matters worse.

She didn’t even know what she was going to tell Appleboom or Big Mac, let alone Granny Smith. They deserved to know the truth, and while Granny might’ve suspected some of it, she probably didn’t know the whole of it either. But how could Applejack tell the truth, now? It was something she’d always believed in doing, but if she told everything to her family she could only imagine what knowing the fate of their parent’s souls might do to the mental state of her siblings. Big Mac tried to act like the strong silent type, but he knew she was a softhearted guy underneath it all, and Applebloom was even more sensitive at heart than he was. Could either of them take knowing the truth?

“Lands sakes, what am I supposed ta be doin’?” she muttered to herself, “Ma... pa... what would ya want me ta do?”

“Well, darling, I for one would suggest several dozen tubs of ice cream and marathoning something very sappy on Netflix, but perhaps we can find something more appropriate for you.”

“Rarity?” Applejack looked up to see her friend approaching tentatively, with Sunset right behind her, “And you too Sunset?”

“Well, we all went looking for you, but had to split up to cover all the possibly places you might’ve run off to,” said Sunset apologetically, looking at Applejack with clear concern burning in her eyes.

“Ya’ll shouldn’ve come after me,” Applejack grunted, “I want ta be left ‘lone fer awhile.”

“Yes, Rainbow Dash did say that you’d prefer that,” said Rarity, pensively making a waving hand gesture, “I admittedly can understand the need to shut oneself off when under such stress, but, well, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy both made a convincing argument for why in this instance we should find you and show some group spirit, as it were.”

“I don’t... I ain’t... gah, I’m fine!” Applejack spat, and Sunset gave her a level look, letting out a soft sigh.

“Look Applejack, I won’t say I know how you feel, because I don’t think any of us are quite as hit by what Discord told us as you are. That doesn’t change the fact that whatever your feeling, you don’t have to shoulder it all by yourself. And whatever your say, you’re not fine, so please don’t lie to us. Let us help.”

Applejack stood, somewhere between ready to deck Sunset or ready to hug her in a sobbing mess. She wasn’t entirely sure which end of that knife’s edge she was about to fall on. Both Rarity and Sunset were looking at her with such naked concern for her that it was hard to let her anger spill towards them. It hurt to see, knowing how much she was making them worry, even when a part of her just wanted to push them away.

“I don’t know what ta do,” she said, “I just don’t know what ta do! My parents’r suppose ta be at rest, an’ they ain’t! All I wanna do is save their souls an’ I can’t. I ain’t strong ‘nuff fer that... an’... and that hurts so damn much...”

“Applejack, dear, please don’t cry, because that will certainly make me cry as well and I’m a frightful mess when I cry,” said Rarity, putting hand to her mouth, “Whatever it takes, we’ll figure out a way to help you.”

“Exactly,” said Sunset, crossing her arms and taking on that tilted head, hand on hip stance that spoke of confidence, “None of us are strong enough to do everything, but that’s the magic inherent in friendship. The strength you lack by yourself you’ve got friends to lend you theirs.”

“Ya’ll are bein’ sappy as all get out,” Applejack said with a hopeless, tired laugh.

“Yeah, well, I come from the magical pony land of sappiness, so I’m allowed,” said Sunset with a smile, and for all the bitter feelings still trying to choke Applejack, she couldn’t help but return it. Rarity beamed as well.

“That’s much better, darling. Are you perhaps feeling up to joining the others? We can all find a quiet place to sit a spell and figure things out.”

Applejack wiped at her face, getting rid of some of the residual tears she’d shed, just shaking her head, “I appreciate it guys, really I do, an’ don’t think I’m gonna act ungrateful... but I’m thinkin’ I gotta git home ta the farm an’...”

“We understand,” said Sunset, “Just as long as you know we’re here for you. I guess we just needed to chase after you to make sure you knew that, after storming out of Discord’s place. Umm, what do you plan to do about him anyway? Are you serious about not working with him anymore?”

A tremor ran through Applejack and her face twisted up, “Right now I just can’t, Sunset. Just seein’ his ugly mug will tick me off, an’ I won’t do no one no good in such a state. Better I just keep my distance fer awhile. I can train on my own at the farm.”

“Nonsense Applejack, I’m certain we can take turns coming to your farm to help you train until you feel more settled,” said Rarity, “In fact I’ll volunteer myself for the first day.”

Applejack just heaved out a sigh, “Ya’ll can’t stand gettin’ dirty on the farm Rarity, an’ now yer wantin’ ta tussle with me?”

Rarity made a small scoffing noise, “Well, I’ve already traveled to another dimension to do battle with a demonic brute who eats souls, I can hardly continue to hold back due to a bit of dirt and sweat now can I? Besides, our recent experiences have gotten me thinking and I have some ideas I’d like to try out. You can be my guinea pig!” Rarity’s eyes sparkled with creative light and it made Applejack more than a tad nervous.

“Well, shall we?” asked Sunset, and Applejack, after a deep breath, nodded. The three girls began the walk back towards the park entrance, cutting across a wide patch of grass between the clumps of trees. They were about halfway across when two figures simply appeared in their path. One Applejack instantly recognized as principal Celestia, and she felt like she’d been punched straight in the gut when she realized that the woman was wearing the black robes of a Soul Reaper, along with some kind of additional white coat-like get up on top of that. The other woman she didn’t recognize, though she looked oddly similar to an older, more ‘filled out’ Rarity. This woman was also wearing Soul Reaper robes with a long, billowing white overcoat.

The woman Applejack didn’t recognize smiled like a knife at the three girls, her voice a kind sounding, regal, yet somehow steel hard voice. “Greetings, my young ladies. Allow me to introduce myself; I am Platinum, Captain of the Sixth Division of the Gotei 13. I have very much been looking forward to meeting you.”

Applejack, Sunset, and Rarity all exchanged stunned glances. Platinum stood there smiling, clearly expecting an answer or question, but it was to Celestia that Sunset spoke up to, clearly trying to recover from her shock.

“Principal Celestia, what is going on here?”

Platinum gained a faint, irked look at being ignored, but smoothed it out quickly, “She is my fellow Captain, as is her sister Luna. Both of them were assigned to a long term mission in the living world to protect the unique portal located at Canterlot High School.”

“It’s true,” Celestia said, stepping forward and placing a hand over her heart, bowing her head to them, “And I offer my apologies for not being able to tell you girls about my true identity sooner. Despite all that has happened at the school, I was not given permission to reveal myself or my sister. However with Captain Platinum here, things are different, and I felt it my duty to accompany her so that there were no... misunderstandings concerning what she has come here to do.”

Applejack had recovered enough of her wits to shaking her head fiercely and growl out, “An’ just what are ya’ll here for?”

It came out more harshly and accusatory than she would have liked, but her anger had flared right back up like a bonfire with freshly tossed on kerosene. Celestia!? She was a Soul Reaper!? She’d been lying all these years to everyone!? Bile rose in her throat, acidic and bitter. She’d respected Celestia and Luna! She saw them both as role models! Examples of the kind of women she’d liked to have grown up to be!

And both of them were just hiding their true nature all this time!? Back when the sirens had tried to take over the school, or later at the Friendship Games when things had gotten dangerously out of hand, both those instances Celestia and Luna could have done something to stop that and they’d just pretended to be normal humans? What about before that? Had either of them been involved in the deception and manipulation of her and her friend's mothers?

These thoughts lanced through her, hot and bright with fresh fury, in a mere second. Celestia looked at her with kind, understanding, and sorrowful eyes, and the look just ignited Appejack’s anger higher.

“Captain Platinum has come here because the Soul Society has an offer for you and your friends, Applejack. Only an offer, nothing more. You have every right to refuse-”

“Let me make my pitch, before you shoot it down, Captain Celestia,” said Platinum with a sidelong glance before giving the girls a dazzling smile. Something in that smile reminded Applejack of a cold winter night, and she decided she very much didn’t like this woman.

“Ever since you remarkable young ladies encountered third seat Clover and became entangled in our affairs we have carefully monitored your situation. Under normal circumstances the Soul Society endeavors to keep living humans out of the continuous conflict with the Hollows, but in your case you chose to become involved of your own volition and in a very short time have accomplished impressive feats. It is clear you have no love for Hollows, and while Clover’s reports indicate some unfortunate ties with the Quincy, it is also clear your not their ally either. There was great debate among our ruling body, the Central 46, but at length it has been decided that you be given the opportunity to officially align yourselves with Soul Society.”

Applejack felt her fits clench, but it was Sunset who spoke first, “What exactly does that mean? What are you asking us to do?”

“It means that you would... join the Gotei 13, as allies in our efforts to keep the balance of this world’s spiritual realms,” said Platinum, “You, Miss Sunset, would be given official training in your skills as a Soul Reaper, and assigned to one of our Divisions. While not Soul Reapers, your friends would be considered an allied force that you would be encouraged to fight alongside.”

“So we’d have to follow orders, is that it?” said Rarity, frowning, “We would be beholden to your superiors at that point, wouldn’t we? Be told when, where, and how to fight our battles.”

Platinum waved that off with an idle shake of her hand, “A small price for the benefit of having all the Gotei 13 as allies, having access to our vast store of resources, opportunities to train your abilities even further than you’ve taken them, and the ability to ensure a secure and luxurious place for yourselves and your families in the afterlife.”

Applejack felt something snap inside her, at the mention of her and her friend’s families, “Secure a place fer our families, eh? An’, what, if we don’t join yer lyin’, manipulation’ club o’ arrogant wannabe gods then our families ain’t havin’ a secure place in the afterlife!? Just what happens ta souls that get ‘saved’ by yer Soul Society!?”

Celestia’s expression turned deeply worried and she stepped a bit closer, holding up a hand, “Applejack, please understand, the Soul Society was created to establish order where before there was nothing by pain and chaos in the afterlife. Things may not be perfect but we’ve been doing our best for millennia to make things better. All Captain Platinum means is that joining Soul Society has many benefits. That said, you don’t have to-”

“But I do, don’t I!?” snarled Applejack, “If I don’t, well, ye’ll just brainwash me an’ make me join anyway, just like ya did ta my mother!”

She didn’t feel herself do it until her body was already glowing, pony ears and tail appearing along with the firm wrapping form of metal that shaped into her knee covering boots. Fullbring, she now knew the power was called. Her strong legs, inherited from her mother, the catalyst for this power that was now hers.

Platinum looked at her, and in the woman’s eyes Applejack could see the truth. For all her smiling offers and talk of benefits, this woman was as eager to fight her as Applejack was. She wanted Applejack angry. For that alone she probably should have shut off her power right then and there, not played into Platinum’s hands... but then Platinum said, “Ah, yes, your mother. Such an unfortunate event, her death, but you should be grateful we were able to rescue her soul and give her a new purpose. Most souls lose their memories of the lives they lead in the mortal world, so it’s not a surprise she doesn’t remember you, but perhaps if you come with us you could meet her.”

It was too much. Platinum casually speaking of Applejack’s mother like that, as if the whole thing wasn’t Soul Society’s fault! As if manipulating her mother to work for them was some sort of favor done out of the goodness of their hearts! And as if what she was doing right now wasn’t also just offering the same kind of shackles to Applejack and her friends! No. Applejack was done listening to this.

She had an answer for Platinum, and it came in the form of a flying, rocket boosted kick aimed straight for the arrogant woman’s jaw.

She heard Sunset and Rarity both calling out to her, one in warning, the other in shock, but she was already committed to the attack. However her boot hit nothing but empty air and she went flying by the two Soul Reaper Captains, Celestia looking shocked, and Platinum having side-stepped with such ease that Applejack had hardly registered her movement.

She tucked herself into a flip and landed on her feet, turning around to face Platinum with a growl on her lips, “You got no right talkin’ ta me ‘bout my ma, ya filthy liar!” She launched into another attack, charging at Platinum, but Celestia was suddenly in her path, holding her hands out.

“Please, Applejack, wait-”

Her anger propelled her forward, her vision misting over darkly until she only had a narrow focus in front of her. She didn't care that it was Celestia in front of her, Applejack spun into a hard kick, golden energy blazing from her foot. In a flashing motion Celestia’s hands blurred, drawing forth a pair of curved, gleaming katana; Zanpaktou. The blades caught the burst of gold energy and divided it like water parting around a solid boulder. The energy seared past several trees, knocking one over. Applejack’s boot continued on, colliding with Celestia’s Zanpaktou, and she felt her foot be stopped dead in its tracks. Celestia’s arms seemed to have titanic strength, but her eyes were no less filled with kind understanding and now genuine fear, but not of Applejack, just for Applejack.

“Please calm yourself. This won’t solve anything.”

“Get. Out. Of. My. WAY!”

Applejack kicked off from Celestia’s blades until she sailed up into the air, where she spun around and pulled back her left leg. She could see Platinum now, who had drawn a long, slender katana of her own. Applejack didn’t care, and charged up another blast of power from her leg, intent only upon wiping the smirk off that woman’s face. When she kicked out with her left leg the resulting blast of energy smashed into the ground, cratering a twenty foot wide hole where Platinum and Celestia had been standing. However neither Soul Reaper was injured, as Applejack saw both of them had vanished and reappeared on opposite sides of the crater. Applejack fell back to the ground from her leap and landed hard. As she straightened herself out Platinum vanished again, that high speed Flash Step that Applejack had seen Sunset and Clover use. At the same time she heard Celestia shout, “Captain Platinum, stop!”

In an instant Platinum was behind Applejack, and she barely had time to even turn her head to see the Soul Reaper’s Zanpaktou flashing for her back. Then in a blink of an eye Sunset was there in her spirit body, Hokori’s blade intercepting the strike meant for Applejack. At the same instant Rarity was there, transformed in her flowing crimson dress and her rapier lashing out with a crystallized red whip that extended from the tip of the blade. Platinum didn’t hesitate, Flash Stepping away to avoid the crystal whip, appearing standing in the air a good dozen or so yards away and up.

Celestia appeared in the air too, just a few paces from Platinum.

“Captain Platinum, I said stop this at once!”

“Stop what, Celestia? Stop defending myself? The young lady initiated hostilities, not I.”

“Hostilities that you provoked,” said Celestia with her eyes flashing with the first signs of real anger, “What are you trying to accomplish, Platinum?”

“I am merely following the orders I’ve been handed by Central 46,” replied Platinum with a casual shrug, “They want those girls brought under control. I was given leeway to make it a friendly offer, but I have just as much authority to change that to a matter of detaining a group of dangerous, violent vigilantes for the good of both the living world and the Soul Society. Don’t push me, Celestia. Those girls are coming with me to the Soul Society, one way or another.”

Hearing this, Applejack fumed, snarling under her breath, “I ain’t goin’ nowhere wit the likes o’ her.”

Sunset put a hand on her shoulder, glancing back at her physical body, no possessed by the gikon, Chappy. “Hey, get my body out of here, will ya?”

Chappy gave a snappy salute, “Can do. Where am I running off to?”

“Go back to Discord’s, I’ll retrieve you later,” Sunset said, and Chappy gave a swift nod before running off with impressive speed. Then Sunset turned her attention to Applejack, “We need to get to the school and find the others.”

“Oh I’d much prefer if none of you went anywhere,” said Platinum, using her free hand that wasn’t holding her Zanpaktou to point a finger into the air, “Bakudo Number Sixty One: Rikujokoro!”

Streaks of bright yellow light flashed almost instantly from Platinum’s outstretched finger to flow around Applejack, and in a fraction of a heartbeat she suddenly found herself bound by six flat planes of light that appeared to impale themselves into her body at her midsection. There was no pain, and as far as she could tell the six separate sheets of light weren’t actually penetrating her, but the energy held her fast, seemingly parlaying her whole body in place.

“What in tarnation!? Ugh! I can’t move!”

“Platinum! Release her!” said Celestia, “You have no right to bind a mortal with Kido!”

“I have every right. Not only am I following my orders within the bounds of their letter, that girl has violated the law by attacking an officer of the Gotei 13. Argue it all you want with Central 46 when we return home, Celestia, but my actions are entirely lawful,” said Platinum.

“I can’t let you do this. I warned you that I wouldn’t allow you to take these girls by force,” Celestia’s voice rang with cold warning. Platinum raised her own Zanpaktou in response.

“You would fight me? Even if you won, and that is a very large ‘if’, Celestia, you’d be committing an act of treason,” Platinum chided with a hint of actual disappointment in her tone, looking at Celestia with a bit of astonishment, “Surely it's not worth branding yourself and quite possibly your sister as traitors to Soul Society merely because you don’t like me being a bit rough with these girls. Why, the violent way the blond one attacked me just goes to show how much they need our guidance to reign them in. Imagine if she got that angry at a fellow mortal. With her power she could easily murder an innocent who merely got her ire up. And what of the others? I’ve read Clover’s reports, and the abilities these girls possess could easily be misused. One of them has the power to control and influence people’s actions, and you can’t tell me that isn’t an ability rife with potential for corruption. Or what of the girl who creates a mentally unstable clone of herself with an unhealthy appetite for literally eating anything and everything? Celestia, mortals were not meant to have such power without control, and Soul Society is meant to be that control. Standing in my way only goes to show how much your time in the living world has bent your priorities.”

“Be that as it may, I can’t let you do as you please, Captain Platinum. I believe you are abusing and twisting the spirit of your orders, and I’m willing to risk having to explain myself to the Captain Commander and Central 46 if I must, but you will not harm these girls while I remain standing.”

Platinum stared at Celestia for a few seconds, blinking in bewilderment, then merely shrugged and said, “Pity, that.”

Applejack, even if she wasn’t able to move, could still feel the air suddenly growing much colder. Sunset and Rarity also looked around, and Rarity frowned at the fact that their breaths were now rather ominously misting in the abruptly frigid air. “Oh my, this can’t be good.”

Applejack could feel the spiritual pressure flowing off of Platinum, like a boot pressing hard on her chest. By the looks on Sunset and Rarity’s faces, they felt it too. All three girls heard Platinum speak clearly in a voice like ringing crystal.

”Plummet, Fuyukogo.” (Winter Empress)


When Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie arrived at Canterlot High School they found a rather bizarre array of scientific equipment arrayed around the statue with the mirror portal to Equestria, with an enthusiastic looking Twilight Sparkle looking over a chart being printed from a machine set up on a fold out table while Flash Sentry stood by the mirror itself, his hand on the portal.

“Okay, press in now,” Twilight said, adjusting some knobs on the machine with the printout. Flash did as he was bade and pushed his hand into the portal, which shimmered with white light. Twilight looked over her chart printout and nodded, “Right, that’s enough. I think with these readings I can start making some adjustments to my equipment back home- Oh! Hi everyone!”

She waved at the girls as they approached. Sunset had already given them the heads up that this was the Twilight from Equestria, so none of them mistook her identity. Rainbow Dash gave a quick wave, “S’up Twilight! And hey Flash, you not giving her a hard time are you?”

“What, me?” Flash pointed at himself, blinking, “I’d never even think of it.”

“Chillax dude, I’m just messing with you. So, either of you see AJ come this way? We’re looking for her.”

Twilight looked up in thought for a second, “No, can’t say I have, but I’ve been so immersed in studying the portal that a herd of buffalo could have stampeded by and I would have missed it.”

“She hasn’t been by,” Flash said, giving Twilight a slightly embarrassed look, “I’ve been keeping an eye out.”

Fluttershy looked downcast, “Oh, I hope she’s alright. Maybe Sunset and Rarity found her already?”

Pinkie Pie was looking around with a strange look on her face, nose twitching, “That bad feeling is getting all kinds of buzzier. I feel like all my hairs are wanting to dance off my head. I’m even getting goosebumps like its super cold out.”

“What’s going on?” asked Twilight, clearly curious, “Why are you all looking for Applejack?”

“It's kinda hard to explain Twilight,” said Rainbow Dash, not entirely sure how much of their exploits that Sunset had explained yet to the pony version of Twilight, “TLDR version is that AJ’s upset because of some things we learned today about... stuff. She stormed off, and now we’re looking for her to make sure she’s okay and doesn’t, like, wreak anything or get hurt.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide, her voice dropping an octave, “She’s that upset? About what?”

“Look Twilight, I’m super stoked you’re here and would love to play twenty questions with you, but if AJ ain’t here, it means she’s somewhere else, and we gotta vamoose.”

Fluttershy stepped up to Twilight to give her a quick hug, “We’re really glad to see you, but Rainbow Dash is right that we don’t have a lot of time to explain things. We need to find Applejack.”

“Well, Applejack is my friend too, so why don’t I help you all look for her? Flash can help too!” offered Twilight, smiling. Flash Sentry suddenly looked nervous, Rainbow Dash noticed. She quirked an eyebrow at him, but kept her focus on Twilight. She didn’t actually see a reason not to let her help. She was their friend after all.

“Shoot, why not? Let’s get going then,” she began to say, when she found Pinkie Pie abruptly grabbing her shoulder tightly, fingers almost digging painfully into Rainbow Dash’s shoulder.

“Pinks, what gives!?” she asked, but then found Pinkie Pie’s eyes wide and staring off back towards the city, her whole body shaking like a seizure. And not a amusing Pinkie seizure, but a rather frightening series of facial twitches and jerky arm and leg spasms that looked like they might very well be painful. Pinkie Pie remained standing however, breathing hard, and Fluttershy looked at her with concern blossoming on her face.

“Pinkie? Are you okay?”

“I...that... that was more than a doozy...” Pinkie Pie breathed hard, seemingly near hyperventilating, “We’re all in massive, big time, major league trouble.”

Rainbow Dash knew better than to question Pinkie Pie when her senses got triggered like that. If she said there was trouble brewing, then it was time to put their game faces on. “Okay, then we move now. We meet up with Sunset and Rarity at Whitetail. Hopefully they found AJ there, but if not we go to the farm, no more of this splitting up crap.”

:”Actually,” said a cultured voice from the sidewalk, “I would much prefer it if you young ladies didn’t go anywhere at all.”

They all turned to see Fancy Pants standing there before them, one hand resting on the hilt of his Zanpaktou, while the other rested comfortably behind his back. He gazed at them with a neutral look of unconcern, but there was a glint of hard iron in his eyes as well. “I’ve been instructed by my Captain to find you girls and explain the present situation, if you’d be so kind as to listen.”

Rainbow Dash didn’t think much of actually trusting this guy, especially with knowing that Pinkie Pie’s sense of danger was tripped just seconds before he showed up. The only time Rainbow Dash had seen Fancy Pants had been when he’d shown up to test Sunset, and she hadn’t gotten much of a feel for him besides that he was oddly cordial, kind of old fashioned in his mannerisms, and he’d been strong enough that Sunset had struggled to keep pace with him in their sparring match. Clover had seemed to respect him, but that was about as positive a thing Rainbow Dash could think of.

Oddly, out of the corner of her eye she spotted Flash Sentry, whose back had gone rigid, almost like he was standing at attention, before he seemed to remember himself and relaxed a bit, while still looking like his nervousness had been cranked up to eleven. What was up with that? Rainbow Dash focused her attention back on Fancy Pants.

“Look buddy, if you got something to say, spit it out, but we’ve got things to do. Kind of in a rush.”

“Ah, I see, well I’ll make this brief,” Fancy Pants said, clearing his throat, “I have come here with my Captain to escort you young ladies to the Soul Society. You’ve been extended an offer of partnership, and it would be our pleasure to give you a tour of our operations, so you might better decide for yourselves whether you’d like to join our ranks.”

Pinkie Pie suddenly starting shaking her head, holding herself, “Liar liar pants on fire, no matter how fancy they are. You’re not here to offer anything. I can feel it. You’re here to make us come with you, in chains if you have to.”

Fancy Pant’s eyes widened slightly, “Now where do you get such a barbaric notion? To my knowledge what I’m telling you is the complete truth. We are merely here to extend an offer, nothing...more?”

He trailed off with confusion clear in his voice as the same sense of spiking spiritual pressure washed over all of them. Rainbow Dash could feel it, like a frozen beacon of power in the distance, but so sharp and plain to feel that she realized the spiritual energy had to be gigantic and dense well and above the norm. Fluttershy shivered, and Pinkie Pie’s pupils dilated to pink pricks, her hair bristling.

“They’re in trouble,” Pinkie Pie whispered, “Our friends are in serious trouble!”

Whether it lent any credence to his words or not, Fancy Pants actually did look genuinely confused and surprised as he said, as if to himself, “I don’t understand. Why would the Captain release her Zanpaktou here?”

“I don’t care who’s releasing what or why!” shouted Rainbow Dash, clenching her fists and letting her body explode with blue, electric light, transforming then and there, her wings sprouting from her back in white, metallic glory with lightning pouring off them like water. She vaguely realized she was revealing herself right there in front of Flash, who far as she knew had no clue about any of this, but there was no time for those little details. “We’re going to help our friends, and you can either get out of the way, or get run over buddy!”

Fancy Pants regarded her, and to his credit he didn’t seem to be dismissing her as no threat, widening his stance and taking on a serious look. “I apologize, Miss Dash. I do not know what is going on, but my Captain has given me my orders and I am not to allow you to leave the school grounds. Please, do not take any rash, impulsive actions.”

“Ha, my middle name is impulsive! Now out of the way!”

With that Rainbow Dash exploded into motion, moving in an electric blue blur at Fancy Pants, fist extended to aim a punch straight for his face. Fancy Pants responded with a smooth motion that reached up with one hand to grip her wrist and redirect her blow so that he sent Rainbow Dash flipping end over end into the street. She shook herself, flipping to her feet, just as Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy both exchanged looks, and worried nods before transforming as well, Fluttershy’s eyes changing color and her third eye opening, while Pinkamena formed from a flow of pink mist to stand beside Pinkie Pie.

Pinkamena yawned loudly, displaying rows of sharp teeth, “Wow, man, I feel weird. Hey Pinks, did I try to eat you earlier or what?”

“Uh, yeah? Are you not going to do that now, please?” Pinkie Pie asked hopefully.

Pinkie Pie stretched her arms with loud popping noises, “Meh, I’m feeling a little less head fuzzy than before, and besides there’s a yummy looking Soul Reaper standing right there. Way more nutritious than you.”

Fancy Pants, taking a deep breath and drawing his Zanpaktou said, “I would prefer not o have to do this with you ladies. It is ungentlemanly, for one, and for two, I didn’t home here to harm any of you. I ask again that you peacefully stand down.”

Twilight, who hadn’t been able to see Fancy Pants from the start of all this, was just blinking in confusion, “Flash? What’s happening? Flash?” She looked over towards where Flash had been standing a few seconds ago, but he was suddenly nowhere to be seen. In the meantime Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie squared off with Fancy Pants. Off to the northwest part of the city Rainbow Dash could see what looked like dark gray clouds forming, and could feel not only that one overwhelming sense of spirit pressure, but several others now clashing with it. She knew her friends were now trapped in a fight, and she needed to get to them, and Fancy Pants was in the way.

“No can do. If you don’t want to get hurt, I suggest you back off,” she said.

“Pretty please?” Fluttershy asked, not quite using her power on him yet, perhaps hoping that conventional diplomacy would win through. Unfortunately Fancy Pants just shook his head with a sad sigh.

“I am sorry, young ladies, but I have my duty,” he raised his sword, “And duty comes before all else.”

Author's Note:

This chapter took a bit longer than I would've liked, but when starting a new story arc it sort of necessitates taking a bit more time to work details out for future chapters. Its entirely possible chapter releases will slow down a bit, as this upcoming arc is a bit more complicated than the previous one, so I don't want to rush this.

Thanks for reading and hope you folks continue to enjoy the story, and I welcome any and all comments or critiques you want to leave for me. 'Till next time.

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