• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 3,863 Views, 409 Comments

Gods and Monsters - Revel Montaro

A century has passed since Princess Twilight ascended to the Solar Throne and the reign has been a mostly peaceful if albeit lonely one. However, ancient creatures from time forgotten have watched, waited, and prepared for their chance to return.

  • ...

Prelude: Live, Laugh, Love

In the beginning, darkness covered the vastness of all we could fathom, there was but a single light at the center of the universe. The light shone like a beacon against the darkness, pulsing, the beating heart of creation. Then, in a great explosion, the darkness was thrown back and light became forms. Six forms, shot across the cosmos in all directions except one. One remained at the center where she was born, a pony of beauty and grace, of power and reserve, of wisdom and temperance. She was born: Mother Creation.

Mother Creation reached into her beating heart and pulled out a single flickering flame upon the tip of her hoof and blew on it until it became the sun. She was pleased by this new light, a special star against the backdrop of the billions of others that dazzled the night against the endless sea of darkness. This new sun and armor of stars in the night surrounding what would become her greatest creation yet: Equuis.

And so, She next formed the land and seas, the sky, the air, and a lush and bountiful earth for which life could flourish and flourish it did. She took the tip of her horn and molded it to a ball to create the moon so that the fish could follow the tides and the night creatures could see. All manner of small creatures roamed and lived. The cycle was born. But while Mother Creation was pleased with what she had sculpted with her horn and hooves She was lonely. Her siblings were gone and she missed her family. She then took four elements, Earth and Air, Water and Fire and formed them to resemble herself and her brethren who had brought forth the light. They had strength to tend the land, wings to control the skies, and horns to call forth the magic of the universe. They were all in one, they were: Alicorns.

The first alicorns were tasked with selecting a few creatures throughout Her new world to help grow and become more than just simple creatures. Mother Creation wished to see if her own children could uplift the simple and give more than just life: intelligence, purpose, meaning, a new sense of self. Mother creation was pleased with her children’s selections. Dragons, Griffons, Abyssinians, and Eagles. Mother Creation brought forth the chosen to stand beside her personal favorites, the Ponies, and gifted the creatures with something that even her own children lacked: Souls.

“Sunset? Are you in here?”

Sunset Shimmer closed the book she had been reading and stepped away from her table, using her horn to open the door to her study. She dropped to a bow before her teacher and mentor, Princess Celestia. The teenage filly stayed in said courteous position until she knew Celestia could see her.

“Ah, good, I had hoped to find you here,” Celestia paused, noticing the ancient and massive tome that was on the table. “Ancient legends? That’s a change of pace for you.”

Sunset rose and beamed at the towering, white alicorn. “Just some light reading before I jump all four hooves back into Advanced Transmutation and Teleportation. The math is exciting and I can’t wait to see how far I can teleport before I get tired, but the content structure is… dry, even for me.”

Celestia smirked for a moment on what Sunset considered, “light reading.” That particular book was old even when she was a filly and could only be read by a pony who was fluent in Old Ponish. If not for the magic preserving the fragile paper and ink it would have crumbled to dust centuries ago. “While we did cover the basics of Old Ponish, I did not have additional lessons in the old tongue planned for you until after your basics graduation and you moved on to your advanced studies.”

Sunset grinned. “I know, but all the most advanced spells and formulas by the classical and pre-equestrian masters are all in the original tongue so I took the initiative and taught myself. I still feel a bit amature at it, but I’m sure I’ll have it perfect in a year or so.”

“That is… impressive, but you do realize you do not have to strive for perfection on everything if it cuts into your personal time. You should be using some of that time to socialize and make friends like I asked you to. Which leads me into why I came to seek you out personally.”

Sunset kept her face neutral, bored, while she examined a perfectly polished hoof. “When I decide to do something, nothing less than perfection is acceptable. Nothing gets in the way of that, especially not… friends.”

“Oh really?” Celestia took a seat and crossed her forelegs, “Am I to assume that Prince Blueblood and Buck Withers were, as you said it, ‘getting in the way’ of said studies?”

Despite her best efforts, Sunset snorted, a few curls of her red and gold mane falling forward, covering part of her face, but not enough to hide the level of disgust in her eyes. Celestia’s personal student took a deep breath and let it out, turning to her teacher.

“Oh please, those two, arrogant, pompous, bloated waste of good air and water were attempting to bait me into a conversation about how a ‘mare of my station’ was in need of a good, noble-born stallion at her side to boost my social standing and connections. As if I needed a councilor’s son or a fake prince to pad my credentials.”

“While I personally disagree with their statements that hardly seems enough of an offense to set their tails on fire.”

“When I ignored them, they though making rude and indecent remarks about my ‘shapely’ backside would get a rise out of me, unfortunately for them, it was not the rise they were looking for.”

“Hmm, I will have Raven speak to their parents and explain the cause of the incident. That should be enough to placate most of the nobility. I’m sure house Platinum will still demand to have a hollow say on the matter.”

Sunset gaped at her teacher before growling. “Are you serious? Who cares about them? The nobility is useless! When was the last time they contributed anything fundamental to Equestria as a whole?”

“They have their uses. Don’t discard a tool just because you do not understand how it works. And please, stop setting pony’s tails on fire. I will not ask again. You are getting old enough now that I can’t simply excuse it as a kneejerk reaction. Decisions have consequences, Sunset. Like it or not you have to play your part if you wish to be a part of the happenings of this kingdom.”

Sunset sighed. “Play the game?”

“Play the game.”

“As you wish, Your Highness.”


Prelude part 1

Southern California: 2 months after closure of the mirror portal

Sunset Shimmer, kicked the apartment door closed behind her while maintaining her balance and the box in her hands. Without even looking, Sunset was nearly one hundred percent sure the box was full of books. Not just because that was what all the heavy boxes were full of, but books had a unique feel when stuffed into a moving box. A certain fluid rigidity that was also deceptively heavy. Lucky for Sunset, her body had completely healed from her hospital stay after the closing of the portal to Equestria. The doctors and nurses who had saved her life had given her a mixed bag of looks. Some were terrified she was some mutant or alien in disguise (heh, she was) while one had turned to the corner and began to whisper a prayer or something.

While she had picked up a few nasty scars that were most likely permanent, much to her dismay, she had also picked up a few perks in the process. One of which was super human alicorn strength. Unfortunately, alicorn strength could do nothing for the tensile strength of poorly applied packing tape to a cardboard box. The bottom broke and two dozen novels and work books spilled out upon the floor. Sunset groaned, but her new roommate simply giggled and began sorting and stacking the fallen material at her feet.

“Well,” said Twilight Sparkle, “I guess that’s one way to get unpacked.”

“Like christening a ship, but nerd style?”

“Sure. At least nothing was damaged and better on the floor than the stairs, right? Some sort of celebration is in order. I mean, this is my first apartment away from my parent’s home and also my first home that I’m sharing with,” Twilight paused, looking up through black rimmed glasses, making sure Sunset was looking down at her, “my girlfriend.”

Sunset smirked like a fiend and kneeled down to both help Twilight restack books and steal a kiss. Which lead to another, longer, deeper kiss. Twilight moaned and gently pulled back, finishing putting the books next to the other boxes.

“Easy, girl. Mom, Dad, and Shinny will be back once they get their hotel keys. Besides, we still have a lot of work to get done if we want to be able to sleep here tonight.”

“Pfft, no, we don’t. A few blankets and pillows right in the middle of the floor, some takeout boxes, a little music… And once we’re alone, clothing optional. Besides, we still have two weeks before classes begin. We have plenty of time to decide where things go. And I plan to do most of that unpacking in my underwear.”

“Wow, you are really horny right now.”

Sunset shrugged, not going to deny the truth. “We just spent most of the week crossing the country crammed in with your parents and brother who will be helping us unload the rest of the furniture through tomorrow at the latest. Not to mention Spike will want to be included in everything. This is our last night of just you and me. It’s been a week since I’ve gotten to do more than give you a kiss considering the company.” Sunset fluttered her eyes. “You know what happens to your prized student if she doesn’t get her regular lessons.”

Twilight could not keep from ginning. “Oh, now that’s just playing dirty.”

“Well, yeah. That’s the idea.” Sunset purposely angled herself so Twilight could easily look down the opening of her magenta tank top. Sunset watched as her girlfriend’s eyes darted down and her cheeks began to take on a rosy complexion. Twilight chewed on her bottom lip. Sunset knew it was the great war between carnal desire and studious responsibility waging in the ever turning mind of one Twilight Sparkle. Sadly, before Twilight could pounce, someone knocked on the door.

“They are back from the hotel already?” Twilight stood and answered the door. However, to her surprise instead of finding her parents and brother there were two boys about the same age as her and Sunset. Twilight kept her hand on the door, but took a step back. Sunset caught the movement in her peripheral quickly stood and dusted herself off.

Regardless which side of the mirror she was on and for as long as any creature cared to point out one thing was common. Sunset Shimmer was as intimidating as she was beautiful. Whether she was clad in leather and ripped jeans, showing off her toned curves or strutting down the red carpet of an Equestrian gala, Sunset knew how to turn heads. Ever since the closing of the portal, her impromptu alicorn ascension, and speedy recovery from the hospital, Sunset had discovered that not only was she stronger than before, but she had also grown few inches taller. The downside of course was that she had to replace some of her favorite clothes that no longer fit. The upside, it was even easier to be intimidating when you stood five foot ten and owned every inch of it.

Both boys visibly gulped, the pale blue boy left his mouth hanging open. Sunset stepped up next to Twilight at the door, reached out and used her index finger to close the boy’s mouth. Sunset arched an eyebrow and crossed her arms. “Something we can help you with?”

“Oh! Hey, yeah, my name’s Gusty Grove. This is my best bud, Caramel Sweet. We just moved in to the unit in the building across the lot and we thought we’d introduce ourselves. Are you attending orientation next week?”

Sunset shrugged, “We are starting college this semester, yes.”

Gusty, rubbed his arm nervously. “So, yeah, anyhow we saw you moving in, but not in a creepy way! We just happen to be coming in after getting a jumpstart on some shopping and, you know, saw some girls our age and thought, ‘hey, we should go say hi and see if they want to hang out,’ you know? We debated helping, but took so long that between you and your help I guess we missed out. Sorry about that.”

Sunset glance to Twilight, who shrugged, but still remained half hidden behind the door. Sunset smiled sweetly. “We have some guest coming back soon to take us to dinner, plus as you can see, we have stacks of boxes to go through and unpack. However, we are not opposed to making new friends since we too are from out of town. However, I will go ahead and shut down any ideas you might have if you are looking for, ‘more than friends.’ That’s just not going to happen.”

“Oh, no, not looking to score or anything! We are new here too and want to get our feet wet on what it’s like, you know? Away from home, friends, parties, the college experience!”

Sunset nodded in understanding. “I’m sure we will have some time for that on occasion, but school comes first for us. I’m Sunset Shimmer, by the way, this is Twilight Sparkle. We have to get ready for dinner, so we’ll catch you two some other time, okay?” The boys nodded enthusiastically as Sunset closed the door.

“Seriously?” Twilight said, rubbing her eyes, “we haven’t unpacked a single box that didn’t fall apart and we are already getting hit on? Is it going to be like this every day here? Am I going to have to be fending off come-ons and drooling, horny boys at every turn? Holy crap, what am I saying?! It will probably be ten times worse for you! I’m surprised they could even look you in the eye with how perky you are now. Maybe... maybe this was a mistake coming to this school.”

“Twilight, breathe,” said Sunset, taking Twilight by the hand and brushing her thumb across her knuckles. “Babe, do you honestly think it would be any different at any other college town? Sure, I wasn’t expecting THAT already, but they were not wrong. This is part of the college experience. Most kids our age have never been on their own away from their parents and they just want to taste a little bit of that freedom. And, if I’m being honest, I am totally going to attend at least a few parties before we are done here.”

Twilight fidgeted, shifting from one foot to another, Sunset recognized it as her ever dwindling confidence pose. “But… is that safe? I mean, you are, you. Would roofies even work on an alicorn? I mean, even before, you were always beautiful, smoking hot, to be honest. They would have all been looking for a chance to get in your pants, but now you can probably fend off a tank full of hormone charged boys or girls for that matter. But I don’t have magic anymore. I’m just… me.”

Sunset pulled Twilight into her arms and took a long deep intake of the scent of Twilight’s scalp. Sweet Celestia, did she love the smell of Twilight’s hair when they were close. Twilight wrapped her arms around Sunset’s waist and held on as if the taller girl was a shield against all the world’s evils. They just held one another, swaying silently to the tune of their beating hearts. Twilight absolutely loved placing an ear to her girlfriend’s chest and listening to the steady, strong beat.

“I’m glad you are just you,” Sunset said, just above a whisper, “I wouldn’t want you any other way because you are my best friend and the love of my life.”

Twilight flashed a toothy smile. “Say it.”

“Please, don’t make me say it.”

“Saaaaaay iiiit, pleeeeease.”

Sunset sighed and cupped Twilight’s cheeks so that they were staring into each other’s eyes, wide purple eyes, shinning with expectation.


Twilight giggled even as their lips met.

“Never be ashamed of being you. I love you and that big, amazing brain of yours. However, there is always room for improvement.”

Twilight arched an eyebrow. “Such as?”

“You, me, self defense classes. I know our schedules are already going to be packed, but I think it will be good for both of us to get proper training. Plus, do I really need an excuse to want to spend an hour looking at your ass in tight yoga pants?”

Twilight smiled as her eyes shined with affection. “It’s a date.”


Prelude Part 2

Canterlot High School Gymnasium: 20 year class reunion

Rainbow Dash let out a boisterous laugh, giving Applejack a playful punch to the shoulder. The farmer hardly noticed the hit, but still scowled when the unexpected strike caused a bit of her drink to spill. Rarity had made her dress and while it had been a while, Applejack was in no mood to be scolded by a now world renowned fashionista for possibly staining a dress that probably cost more than she made in a year.

“See!” Rainbow gestured, “I told you they would totally be last to arrive! You said Rarity would be fashionably late, but nope, I knew Sunset and Twilight would be pulling up the rear. Gimme my ten bucks!” Applejack rolled her eyes, but pulled the agreed denomination from the inside brim of her favorite hat.

Sunset waved from the doorway while Twilight continued to fidget and smooth out her dress. While the material felt like smooth velvet, Twilight was being self-conscious about how the dress hugged her curves. Had she put on weight? Did she ever properly lose her pregnancy weigh after Sunna had been born? When was the last time she had worn a form fitting dress?! Did Sunset still find her attractive?! Sunset snapped Twilight out of her downward spiral in her typical fashion, by wrapping an arm around Twilight’s waist and grabbing a generous handful of butt cheek. Twilight squeaked, but mentally thanked her wife for always knowing how to simultaneously ground her and make her feel wanted.

“Sorry we’re late,” said Sunset, taking a moment to wave at a few old acquaintances who called out her name. “Despite best laid plans we still had to fight traffic and got a late start waiting on Twilight’s parents to arrive to pick up the girls. Honestly, why couldn’t they have held the reunion at a vineyard. At least then we could have had alcohol.”

“BYOB,” Applejack said quietly, taking a hit from a metal flask she had produced from a hidden compartment between her left armpit and bosom before subtly passing it to Rainbow and then to Sunset who also took a quick sip and passed it back.


“Busted!” said Rainbow with her best shit eating grin.

“Oh, don’t think you are getting off any easier, Rainbow Dash, I know you bought that flask for AJ for her birthday! I designed that compartment for a lady to stash her valuables, cash, or phone without the need to accessorize with a purse while cleverly maintain her feminine lines! It was not meant for your booze!”

Rainbow Dash laughed harder than before. “Boobie booze!”

“Ugh! This, is a classy, formal affair and we should not be sullying the occasion with whatever you happened to sneak in. Not to mention, we are on school property! Heaven forbid some nasty paparazzi reporter happened to sneak in a spy drone or hidden camera to see the three of you kicking one back. Rainbow Dash, what would your fiancée, Captain Soarin, say?”

“That he wished he had thought of it first?”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “And while my reputation would likely survive their brutish tactics, poor Twilight is a CEO and Chief Researcher for a highly reputable company! She would be front page news and not just on the tabloids!” Rarity took a breath, a clever hidden mirror deploying from the back of one her elbow length, sparkling royal blue gloves. She took moment to double check that none of her ensemble had shifted or fallen out of place from the outburst.

Twilight beamed, clapping her hands. “You did take my suggestion after I sent you that drawing!”

“Of course, darling. Beauty and functionality are all the craze right now.”

“Did you seriously just put the words, ‘poor’ and ‘Twilight’ in the same sentence?” Rainbow Dash said. “She’s her own boss and loaded as fuck! We have all seen their house! What’s she going to do? Reprimand herself?”

At the mention of hidden cameras Sunset did begin to scan about. While part of her would not have minded showing off the red and gold trimmed high-low dress that she was currently rocking, they may have been tempting fate. “You know, Dash is not entirely wrong. Given some of the high profile people who graduated in our class you would think the planning committee would have opted for tighter security.”

“No one would dare crash a Cheesy Pie Incorporated event!” came the unexpected and yet not unexpected voice of one Pinkie Pie from out of nowhere. “No one would daaaaaare… and live to tell about it!”

“Um, sweetie, you know we can’t actually kill them for sneaking in, just confiscate their devices and scare the pee doodles out of them.” The young women each gave the dapper, top hat wearing Cheese Sandwich a sympathetic, “you knew what you were getting into when you married her,” look.

“Oh, I know, and that is also WHY we chose the school as the reunion location. Not only do we get to re-live and reminisce about all the great and embarrassing memories we made here, show our loved ones where the magic happened, but the fact that it is a CLEAN party means that it will be deceptively boring to those who are not in the know. AND it will make the after party soooooo much better!”

Fluttershy, who had been quietly standing to the side while tapping her toes to the beat pumping through the gym speakers, perked up and smiled. “Oh, that sounds like fun. While it has been wonderful seeing all the old faces, I have to admit my social anxiety is beginning to kick in.”

The others of the group all nodded and murmured their approval.

“Never fear, Fluttershy, after all the formalities and necessary meet and greets and photo ops are over, the seven of us and any respective spouses and one spouse to be that are still standing will be car pooled to our exclusive after party event at mine and Cheese’s private event hall where the fun will continue! And yes, Rainbow Dash, there will be alcohol! The only rule of the night will be all personal keys will be confiscated. No one is ruining my reunion by thinking they can sneak away plastered! Plus, who would want to?! It’s been forever since we had a sleep over!”

“That’s exactly what I need right now. I’m really looking forward to letting my hair down,” said Twilight, setting down the watered down punch drink she had been holding, but did not really want. “My advanced programing team and I have been on pins and needles for days waiting to see if we are awarded the government contract for the new AI chips we have in development. If we get this it will be worth billions and cement Sparkle Technologies as a major player in the R&D and technology sectors! I know we nailed the presentation, I made Sunset rehearse the interview with me ten times as ten different personality types.”

“She really did.”

“And let me tell you, when asked to pour on the bitch persona she can REALLY pour it on.”

Sunset shrugged and smirked. “I was just doing what you asked, babe.”

“And we all have our fingers crossed for you, darling. I understand completely how important that one magic moment can be. The make or break of your career,” said Rarity, giving both Twilight and Sunset hugs. “However, what I have been simply dying to know is how do you two keep such youthful appearances? Perhaps I just had not noticed at our rendezvous group vacation two years ago in Niagara, but you two look simply ageless! Please, sweetness, tell me your secret! I know you both have an abundance of work related stress and also two beautiful daughters, but you both still look like you just graduated from college! It’s not faaaaair! I don’t see a single gray hair between you, yet look at me!? I am finding so many new strands I had to work them into my latest design for my next Spring line as if they were intentional. Forty is as sexy as twenty is what I am thinking of calling it.”

Twilight and Sunset exchanged some glances, a silent conversation and debate passing between them. Rarity made her longing and slightly green with envy face at how well the couple knew each other. Almost thirteen years of marriage and she remembered the wedding like it was yesterday. While Rarity had had no shortage of suitors and even a few she had taken as lovers, none had lasted long enough to reach a marriage proposal. Rarity was not jealous, bore her beloved friends no ill thoughts, but it still set off small pangs of longing and loneliness that she would most likely suppress under heavy workloads again.

Eventually, Sunset shrugged and gestured for Twilight to speak.

“Well, as you all know, I have kept my machines in my private lab at home ever vigilant in the monitoring for any Equestrian magic that we may have missed or emitting from another lost artifact. Even after twenty years the only measurable readings I can detect on my most sensitive spectrometer come from… us. Primarily from Sunset and a lesser extent myself, but trace amounts can still be detected from you girls as well. We’ve theorized that since both Sunset and I were exposed to extremely high concentrations of magic with our transformations that we have changed on an atomic level and said energy may be slowing down the natural physical aging process. Especially for Sunset, who would be an alicorn in Equestria. As you may remember alicorns are very powerful magical beings, like Princess Twilight, that are practically immortal.”

“Wait,” said Applejack scratching her head under her hat. “does that mean y’all are immortal now too?”

“Highly unlikely, but neither of us know much on why or how alicorns have such long life spans to begin with. We do know that here Sunset’s internal physiology that is detectable by modern science is the same as any other woman. She’s just augmented now by Equestrian power, hence the extra strength, sharper senses, and faster reflexes.”

“Not to mention a great rack and tight ass, eh Twilight?” added Rainbow Dash with a toothy grin. Twilight blushed, smiled, and nodded.

“Much more plausible,” Twilight continued, “is that Sunset and I will simply live long lives and age accordingly at a later time even if we were to cross over again furthering our exposure to magic.”

“Not if, when.” The other five friends all looked directly at Sunset who smiled sheepishly. “I got a message from Princess Twilight about two months ago. She completed a perfect recreation of Star Swirl’s Lunar Lock mirror and has calculated that in about two years’ time the cycles will align again and the portal can be safely tested. It will be like it was before, only open for three days every thirty moon cycles so that no excess magic will build up like before. But more importantly, I’ll get to see mom again and our girls will get to meet their other grandmother. If it proves safe, we might even be able to take the girls to Equestria for a day trip.”

“That’s still up for debate, plus still having to explain to them that their mama was in fact born a unicorn in a parallel universe. That’s going to be fun to explain. I’m just worried it might be too much for them. Well, too much for Aurora. Sunna will probably think it’s the greatest thing since chocolate milk, but she’s only seven. Not that I would blame Aurora for freaking out. Heck, I’ve been there and it still freaks me out when I think back on it.”

Sunset put a hand on Twilight’s hip and pulled her close, kissing her cheek. “It’ll be fine, better than that, it’ll be fun!”

“Annnnnd speaking of fun,” said Pinkie with a mischievous grin, “I’ve confirmed our limo transport. Two hours on the dot, meet at Sunny’s alicorn statue or else I will come find you… you don’t want me to do that.” The other five quickly shook their heads before giggling and heading off to mingle some more.

Author's Note:

When I finished Incarnate I really felt like I was okay with where I left it. For better or worse my brain felt otherwise and so here we are! Now While I am going to go ahead and post this tonight I will probably fall back to my once a week probably on Wednesday post schedule. I hope I can keep pace and don't hit a rut in the refinement process, however, rest easy, the outline is complete. So, take this journey with me and if you are unhappy with what happens, blame my muse.