• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 3,863 Views, 409 Comments

Gods and Monsters - Revel Montaro

A century has passed since Princess Twilight ascended to the Solar Throne and the reign has been a mostly peaceful if albeit lonely one. However, ancient creatures from time forgotten have watched, waited, and prepared for their chance to return.

  • ...

Chapter 16: Ignite

Celestia was resting on a lounge couch with a warm tea nearby on the table. Luna sat across from her sister in a reclining chair, a foreleg draped over her eyes to try and quiet the pounding migraine headache she was nursing with a fluid drip bag hooked to her other foreleg that the doctor insisted she finish beforez she would remove it. After the three alicorns had awakened from the dream walk the group had retreated to Twilight’s study lounge, against Doctor Guiding Light’s objections. However, they had many sensitive matters to discuss and the good doctor was not going to argue with four alicorns.

Twilight was currently pacing a circle around the entire living room while Sunset quietly stood at the bar and arranged the plates of food that had been brought to them on trolley carts. Gauge and Tempest sat near the door just observing, waiting to offer any advice or input when needed. Twilight finally stopped pacing and sighed.

“Okay, if we want to have any chance of dealing with whatever those things were and freeing Flurry’s mind, I need everypony here to come clean on what they know, no matter how small a piece. Normally, this is where I would hit the library, but I don’t have a clue where to begin. I’ve never read anything about a spirit or demon named Scylla or… Sunset, do you recall any of the other names?”

“Aethon, Balius, annnnnd… Epona, I think?”

Luna sat forward, wincing as the needle tugged at her skin and fur. “If they are Scylla’s sisters and brothers as they claim to be then they are ancient abominations. There may be no records left that have any mention of their existence. I only know what Scylla told me of herself, which we must assume could be laced with falsehoods.”

“Well, anything is better than nothing,” said Twilight, gesturing for Luna to continue. The night alicorn sighed and swallowed. Talking about anything related to her fall or the nightmare in general always made her skin crawl and the back of her mouth taste of bile. However, to save Flurry, she would swallow that bile, as much as needed.

“Long ago, Scylla claimed, she was captured and imprisoned by her mother for using her gifts in a way her mother disapproved of. She claimed it was to add variety of life to the world, but her mother was the mother of all creatures. Mother Creation herself."

Sunset's ears perked up at the mention of the title. "Wait, Mother Creation as in the fabled legends? The goddess who supposedly shaped our entire universe? That can't be true."

"All stories contain a seed of truth, dear niece, no matter how far fetched. Regardless of her true origin, Scylla heard my cries of frustration in dealing with... with my sister and our subjects. I would bemoan and let out my irritations in the dream realm thinking it was a safe place for me to complain. My childish spat of unappreciation and adoration. But I was not alone and brought nothing but shame and ruin.
"We talked, for years. All the while slowly manipulating me, convincing me there was a way to be free from it all. Scylla claimed she had the ability to augment my powers so that I could stand against my sister. She, naturally, failed to mention that the nightmare entity hidden inside her ‘gift’ would drive me insane and I would seek to kill my own sister in attempt to plunge all the world into eternal darkness."

Luna shook her head, shamefully. The others waited for her to process the emotions at her own speed, ready to jump in the moment she needed them. "Something new I did learned in exchange for all this pain was that they let slip that I was not their only attempt at such a feat. They tried to convert Sunset Shimmer to their cause as well when she was still in your womb, sister.”

Celestia nearly dropped her tea cup, some of the liquid dribbling over the side. “They tried to invade my daughter’s mind as an unborn foal?! How is that even possible?”

Luna nodded, grimly. “How, I do not know. As I said, they are ancient creatures with powers beyond our understanding.
As luck or fate would have it though, the spells you and your lover wove into her creation protected Sunset from such mind domination. Otherwise they would have done to her what they were successful in doing to Flurry. Getting their hooks into an alicorn foal. The final takeaway means that whatever they truly are we are dealing with very angry, but very patient, true immortals.”

Sunset set the plate down. “Ancient or not they want Flurry for a dark purpose and they want Mom dead. That’s all I need to know on how to deal them.”

“But we cannot all enter the dream realm and fighting them there proved difficult for our two most experienced dream walkers,” said Celestia, accepting the plate of food that Sunset passed to her.

“It would be irrelevant to do so. I now believe that the forms we saw in the dream realm are not their bodies, but manifestations of their own mental projections. Like with me, they funneled some of their power through that dream link into baby Flurry Heart, triggering her ascension. They admitted to this. So, we know for certain they need the power of an alicorn under their control for their goal.”

Twilights twitched nervously. “What goal?”

Luna looked at each pony in turn. “Freedom.”

“We need to contact the Crystal Empire immediately,” stated Tempest, hopping up to all four hooves. “Your Highness, you said she was flying north? The empire could be coming under attack shortly, or she may try taking Princess Cadence hostage in a bid to make an exchange for Celestia’s life.”

Twilight frown. “Flurry would never hurt her mother.”

Tempest did not bend. “Flurry Heart is not in control, princess.”

Sunset set her plate down and stared off into the distance, lost in her own thoughts. A conversation she had not paid much attention to coming back to the front of her mind. Gauge notice Sunset’s expression change and cleared his throat.

“You seem distress, my princess.”

Sunset shook he head and fidgeted a bit before finally letting out a sigh. “Okay, just… hear me out before everypony starts throwing out accusations and assumptions. First off, keep in mind I was still partially drunk and tired and was not sure if any of what I saw was real.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Sunset, what are you talking about?”

Sunset rubbed the back of her head, the ghost sensation of the tree she collided with suddenly feeling very real again. “Before I came back to Equestria this last time I had a vision, or a dream or whatever… Aine visited me again. I was still not sure I wanted to come back. I…” Sunset sighed and looked at the floor. “I was still waiting to die.” Sunset touched her rings and shuddered. “She invaded my dreams and told me I needed to return to Equestria when the mirror opened again or else there would not be an Equestria to return to the next cycle.”

Celestia grimaced and Luna groaned. Twilight looked back and forth between her fellow alicorns. “You… you were waiting to die?” Sunset looked up to meet Twilight’s wounded stare, but quickly looked back at the floor and suddenly was not hungry anymore. “Aine… wait, I think I remember you telling me that name before. After you escaped the in between.”

Sunset nodded, thankful to Twilight for moving the conversation along instead of pressing for more on what she had not wanted to say to begin with. “I was not sure if she was a dream or not. But then when I saw her again. I think this was what she was warning me about. Cryptically, as usual.”

“Sounds like somepony else I know, hmm?” Celestia scowled at her sister.

“I’m just bringing it up because if she’s real then maybe we should ask her for help. We should be asking every powerhouse ally we have for help on this one. Anypony know how to get a hold of Discord? Maybe the dragon lord?”

“Dragon Lord Ember would not wish to get involved in a matter that she would constitute as an internal Equestrian problem even if it could potentially involve the world as a whole and Discord…” Twilight sighed. “I haven’t spoken to him in years. He… did not take Fluttershy’s death well. Long story short he offered her the chance to become immortal and she refused. He then turned her into a... pony/draconequis hybrid creature against her wishes. She used the power he gave her to turn herself back to a mortal. She... passed not long after that. It broke his heart and he disappeared. He has popped in from time to time since, but mostly chooses to stay out of range of any spell or means I have of contacting him.”

Sunset turned back to Celestia. “Okay, back to plan A. What about your mother?”

“Wait? Mother?!”

Sunset cringed and looked sheepishly to Twilight whose jaw was hanging open. “Uhhh, did I forget to mention that Aine is Celestia and Luna’s mother?”

“Uh, YES!”

“It is unlikely that she will offer any direct assistance. While I have always suspected she was more than a mere unicorn, it was not until she visited Sunset the first time that I truly contemplated who and what she is.” Celestia closed her eyes and summoned two books to her. The tomes were gently placed on the table and were likely as old and fragile as they looked. “These are the last of the private journals our mother kept before she, well, did not die so much as just left us.”

“And when were you planning on sharing these with me?!” Luna huffed, crossing her forelegs and wincing again at the pull of the needle.

“They are nothing special, Luna. Just some of her thoughts and notes about the world as a whole. No mention of our current predicament, but it has been so long since I have skimmed through them that perhaps Twilight might find something I have missed.”

Twilight’s eyes lit up at the possibility of doing ancient research. Especially on such a shrouded and secret subject as Celestia and Luna’s background. Even after all this time neither had been very forthcoming on their early fillyhood and beginning origins. Most books covering the subject made unproven assertions and hypotheses, often having to include in their titles, ‘The Unauthorized True History’ or something along those lines.

“Oh. My. CELESTIA! Authentic, original, first hoof accounts and observations by the mother of Celestia and Luna! I… I… I’m about to… I…” Twilight started to hyperventilate and Sunset stepped over to her friend and began rubbing her back between her wings. Twilight gasped and let out a pleasurable sigh, her eyes rolling back in her head and tongue hung out just a bit. When Sunset looked back over the room the other ponies were either smiling or in Tempest’s case, arching a suspicious eyebrow.

“What? It feels good.”

Gauge cleared his throat, failing to hide his own smirk. “You must understand, my princess, stroking a pegasus along their primary wing arms and between the blades is considered a form of highly intimate touch. Usually only done in private and between two… involved partners.”

Sunset blushed and quickly withdrew her hoof from a euphoric Twilight Sparkle who continued to stare off as if punch drunk. “Oh! Well… um… I think I knew that, sort of… and we have… we’re friends, it's fine. Right, I’m going to shut up now.”

“Mmmmm,” Twilight purred, her eyes still only half open and a small smile on her face, “What she’s failing at saying is we are very close friends, and we don’t know exactly where we are relationship-wise beyond that, so we are taking it slow. Besides, we already have enough to deal with at the moment.” Twilight’s eyes opened wide again and sparkled with renewed enthusiasm. “And I have books! New, old books to research!”

“Good. While Twilight and I review the information in the tomes I would suggest Sunset lead an expedition to the Crystal Empire to coordinate with Cadence on what we know about Flurry Heart’s condition and the possibility of something nefarious. She must be stopped before she hurts any innocents or unleashes the creatures you spoke of.”

Twilight did a double take at Celestia. She narrowed her eyes at her mentor. “But I was planning to go to the empire myself! You… you did this on purpose knowing I can’t resist research!”

“I’m sorry, Twilight, but it’s better this way. You are still Equestria’s only ruling princess at the moment, which means you have a responsibility to the throne. You must remain here to show strength of certainty to the nobility as well as confidence in your subjects and subordinates to carry out your will.” Celestia smiled sadly. “Now you understand how I felt every time I sent you and your friends on a mission that I could not do myself no matter how many times I wished it.”

Twilight picked up one of the old tomes and carefully hugged it to her chest, snorting in frustration. The joygasm of research having lost much of its luster.

“I will go as well. If it comes to a fight, I will not be caught flat hoofed again and I know Scylla better than any pony alive.”

“You sure?" Sunset asked cautiously. "You were assaulted pretty hard.”

Luna ripped the saline drip from her foreleg and healed the puncture point. “All the more reason to make sure such a thing does not befall you or any other pony I care for.”

Tempest placed her helmet back on her head. “I’ll contact the station master and organize an emergency departure for the Crystal Empire. By the time they have the train ready I’ll have a fast reaction squad armed and ready to depart. Gauge, send a chariot to Ponyville to collect Prince Thicket and Flurry’s assistant, Tule Spring. Seeing her friends may help us subdue the princess before she can hurt anypony and when it comes to Flurry Heart take any advantage you can get. Sunset Shimmer is your superior, so you’re running point on this mission, captain. Understood?” Gauge saluted and left the room to get to work. Tempest saluted her princesses as well and then followed behind the thestral.

Sunset nodded her thanks to the captains and again to her aunt. Her attention immediately returned to Twilight who had carefully opened the tome, but still had a pout to her lip. Sunset poked Twilight’s shoulder and whispered, “Want another back massage?”

“No, thank you, but… it’s okay, I’ll be fine. You should pack your essentials, maybe dig out the rest of the body armor that goes with that set. It will help keep you safe.”

Sunset touched Twilight’s face turning it back towards her. “Hey, I made a promise to you, I’ll get her back. She might get a little beat up in the process, but I know how important she is to you. She’s family. Trust me, I know how precious that is.”

“She is, but you’re important to me too. I just... Be smart and be safe.”

Sunset smiled and gave Twilight a small peck on the cheek, ignoring the grins her mother and aunt were flashing her. “As you wish.”

True to her word and efficiency, Tempest had the train prepared with two sleeper cars once every creature was gathered and ready to depart. The twelve soldiers of solar and lunar guards and Captain Gauge took the first train car while Sunset Shimmer, Luna, Thicket Whitetail, and Tule Spring took the second. With plenty of provisions and fuel and no additional stops the engineer informed the gathered group they should make it to the empire just after dawn. Sunset nodded her approval then settled into her room for the night. There was nothing else that needed to be discussed and rest may be harder to come by in the future. Two of thestral guards took the first guard watch while their companions threw out sleeping bags from their kits to catch some shut eye.


Patrol Leader Gunther sneezed again. He hated border patrol, especially in the dark. Though the sun would crest the horizon soon judging by the changing color of the eastern sky it was still dark, still cold, and still boring. The yak sneezed again. Gunther hated the fall, not that it mattered this far north, even in the summer it was cold at night here, but at least the days were longer. Why couldn’t the large pony raise the sun faster?

“If you die of cold sickness we will leave your body to the land and scavengers,” said one of the three yaks following Gunther. The other two yaks murmured their agreement.

“It’s not sickness, it’s a tickle of hair in my nose from you wife’s v-”

“It is talk like that why you stuck on night patrol!” shouted the youngest and smallest yak in the back of the group. “Only fool would flirt with the prince’s daughter while still in earshot.”

Gunther shouldered the others in the patrol aside, towering over the youngster. “You spoke, runt?”

Tarrow drew himself up and was still more than a whole head shorter than Gunther. “We are all here because we angered the prince or his family in some way. No one gets put on night patrol because they love it. Go piss on reindeer if you want to impress some yak to the size of your rack, but I know better.”

Before the two yaks could hook horns one of the others in the group pointed to the horizon. The four yaks turned their heads and saw a large flying creature land into the snow, throwing an impressive cloud of powder into the air.

“A dragon?”

Gunther grunted. “Possible, but it not stand up like dragon. Probably flying pony.” They all gasped when the protrusion on its head lit up. “Flying pony with magic horn?”

“Alicorn,” said Tarrow, “pony princess.”

“This is beyond empire borders, beyond Equestria. Why would one princess be here alone?”

Flurry Heart huffed and puffed, her breath coming out in white smoke clouds that could be seen even in the predawn light. She had never flown that far before, not in one trip. Her wings ached, her stomach ached, her head was absolutely throbbing in pain with each heartbeat.

I know you are tired, my friend, but you must press on.

“I just… need to catch… my breath,” Flurry closed her eyes then looked to the north. There was nothing but more snow and mountains. She wanted to groan, to sleep, for all this to just be a dream, and that she could go back and sleep in her soft, warm bed. “How much farther?”

Beyond that range there is a crater. That is where Aethon awaits. Understand that it will get colder and there is a permanent wind storm that will be too strong for you to fly through or over.

“I need food, I need to rest, even for a bit.”

Of course, you are not a machine. At the foothills of the mountain is a small village where yaks and reindeer live. You can find food and rest there, but do not linger. Celestia and her spawn will not flounder for long. They will come for you. You must have an ally before that happens.

“Why so far north?”

Only the most biting and bitter cold could contain my burning fire.

Flurry smiled before beginning the long trot in the snow. “I could use some more fire right now.”

Let me out, my friend, and you will never know cold again.

The yaks watched from a distance. They could hear the large mare talking to someone, but they did not see any other pony of creature about. Regardless, the pony was acting strange and was an unexpected visitor far off the beaten path. The four yaks fell into formation and followed from a distance.


Sunset Shimmer woke when she felt the train lurch and the air brakes hiss loudly. She stretched and yawned and began assembling her armor. Ironside had been kind enough to fetch the crate that had contained the rest of the armor plates for her back legs and withers and even helped adjust it to fit Sunset’s frame. Perhaps it sent the wrong message for a princess to arrive fully armored, but given the circumstances, perhaps not. Raven lit up from where she lay on her induction charger at the sound of Sunset’s movement.

“It is a shame I have no access to a GPS network. I have to guess how far north we are based on maps you have showed me and averaging speed and how many hours we have been traveling. I would prefer to build a more accurate terrain rendering of the world for maximum helpfulness.”

“I’m sure we’ll have time to stop by the empire’s library and I can see what maps they have that you can scan. Plus, given that the Crystal Empire predates modern Equestria, they may have notes or information on the creatures we are looking for. After all, Twilight isn't the only pony who likes to hit the books like a grad student.”

There was a gentle tap at her cabin door. Sunset slid the door open with her magic and smiled at both her new captain and the cup of steaming goodness he had cradled in one wing. “Good morning, my princess. We have just arrived, but I assumed you would need this before departing.”

“Oh, you have definitely earned your captain stars today, Gauge.”

The thestral chuckled and flashed a toothy grin. “Unfortunately, this will likely be the only time this trip. I have to see to my troops and coordinate with the empire forces on shared intelligence and possible patrols to search for Princess Flurry Heart.”

Sunset took a long, pleasurable swig of the dark drink. “Too bad, you make a great cup of joe. I bet Tempest likes the way you make the coffee in the morning too, eh?”

Gauge shrugged. “I have not had an opportunity to make her one yet. We had to cancel our dinner date to follow you and Princess Twilight to Ponyville.”

“Aww, ponyfeathers. I’m sorry.”

Gauge smiled and shrugged. “Don’t be, my princess. We will have other chances. We both understand the demands of our positions. You created the opportunity for Captain Fury to consider me as more than just another guard with my promotion and I know it was you who loaned her that perfume because she would not have likely done so on her own. So, thank you.”

“I consider you both friends and I just wanted to help. The rest is up to you.” Sunset secured Raven in her travel pouch so that the PAAL could see out and stowed the rest of her travel belongings for the porters to collect. Sunset then finished her coffee and let out a sigh before hesitating at the door, her smile disappearing.

“Problem, Your Highness?”

“I… hope not. I just haven’t seen Princess Cadenza… Cadence in a long time. I was not very nice to her when I was younger. Well, I was not nice to anyone, anypony when I was younger. Somehow I doubt she’s forgotten that.”

“Princess Cadence will welcome you with all the rights and respect that are due to any diplomatic dignitary,” stated Luna as she came to a stop on Gauge’s right. The bat pony gave Luna a respectful bow and she smiled, nodding her head. “That being said, if you feel there are sins of the past that require repentance you should see to that while we are here. The empire is seen as a beacon of shining hope and love throughout the world and is often host to events as a neutral ground. It will smooth things over in the future between you when there are major summits with other nations present and you will have less opportunity to talk it out privately. Plus, if you think about it, you and Cadence have much in common that I believe you could compare and discuss. Such past experiences make for excellent ice breakers, or so my sister has told me so over the years. I personally prefer contest of skill and wit to judge one’s character.”

“I guess we’ll find out.”

As Sunset and the others exited the train, they were greeted by an honor guard of the Crystal Guard. Some had cordoned off a path from the train platform and stood at attention with two ponies in the center awaiting the arriving guests. The one to Sunset’s left was an impressive grey stallion in unique gold and purple trimmed guard armor whose mane was cut down to his fur, his helmet in hoof and face like granite. The other was a lithe cerulean mare with her red and orange mane pinned into a bun and was wearing what appeared to be modern business attire in the empire. They both nodded respectfully to the arriving entourage.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle contacted us last night via SunLight crystal to expect your speedy arrival. Welcome to the Crystal Empire, honored guests. I am Her Majesty’s Seneschal, Fire Sapphire and this is Her Majesty’s Captain of the Guard, Granite Core.”

Huh, so his name really WAS Granite. How literal. “Thank you, Miss Sapphire. I’m Sunset Shimmer-” Gauge made a noise like he was clearing his throat. “Right, Princess Sunset Shimmer. You of course know Princess Luna. I’m not sure if you have met some of Princess Flurry Heart’s close friends, Prince Thicket Whitetail and Tule Spring. And of course, my captain, Fog Gauge.”

“Her Highness is waiting for you in the guest dining room, please follow me.” Fire Sapphire turned and lead the group towards the palace her steps quick and light with perhaps a little too much saunter and sway to her hips. Sunset shook her head to keep from staring. Head in the game, Shimmer, this is your first cooperative diplomatic mission and is important even if wow, she has some nice curves, though admittedly, Twily’s are better.

“Sunset, please turn me so I can see the palace.”

“Hmm? Oh, sure.” Sunset was silently thankful for Raven’s distraction. Sunset had never visited the Crystal Empire even when she had stayed longer than two days in Equestria. She knew her reasons were just excuses, but they were still her reasons. Not to mention Cadence had made no effort to reach out to her either. She pushed the thoughts to the side for now.

Sunset had no way of knowing how much had changed or modernized beyond seeing the occasional pony with a SunLight crystal. The buildings and much of the décor were all made of crystals, which came as no surprise. Even the walking paths were made of a crystal aggregate to provide a bit more traction. For a place that had spent a thousand years in time limbo they seemed to have caught up with the rest of Equestria just find and were no longer in their ‘adjustment period’ as some would say.

The Crystal Palace was impressive no matter how much may or may not have changed over the years. Tall spires and towers of pristine, smooth white crystal that shined in the early morning light creating fractals of rainbow light throughout the land. The palace itself was huge, almost ridiculously so, and situated directly in the center of the core of the empire. It was both practical and political and impossible to miss no matter where you stood in the central city. Had Sunset been awake she had no doubt it could have been seen from miles away. At the center, beneath the four main superstructure pillars in an open square was the Crystal Heart for all to see. It spun with machine precision and was as beautiful as it was powerful, the source of all their good fortune. Sunset thought it was interesting that it was out in the open and at ground level, but closer inspection of the surrounding area revealed to the trained eye the guards, both in armor at key choke points and no doubt undercover agents who were also watching out for the heart.

“I’m surprised Princess Cadenza didn’t meet us herself.”

Fire Sapphire turned to look at Sunset, her light amethyst eyes seemed to glow in the reflected sunlight. “We had much to set up considering the short notice of your arrival. The princess thought it best to allow us to handle the greeting while she prepared herself and oversaw the breakfast banquet.”

Sunset sighed and decided to just bite the bullet. “So, what do you know of me and my past history with your princess?”

The deep blue mare looked at Sunset again with those eyes. They were uncomfortably close to the same shade as Twilight’s. I can’t tell if she wants to kiss me or order my arrest. Damn, she’s hard to read. “Not as much as I would like. I only have what Her Highness would reveal, which was brief, and some information from Princess Twilight, who vouched for your character.”

Sunset nodded. “We have a complicated history. I’m hoping it won’t be a problem and we can all work together to help Flurry Heart and bring her home.”

“That is something I think we can all agree on.” Fire Sapphire gestured to the guards and they opened the door.

The dining hall was, bright, not just the white and light pastel colored crystals that made up the walls, but also the well placed windows above that perfectly caught and reflected the morning light to create excellent natural lighting with the occasional refracted rainbow bouncing around. At the end of a long wooden table sat a heavenly, beautiful pink mare with her mane pinned up and adorned with numerous gems and other precious stones along with her crown and other regalia. Cadence stood and gestured. “Please, honored guest, take a seat and breakfast will be served.”

Sunset, bowed deep, probably deeper than a pony of her rank should have, to the point of groveling, but she did not care about that at the moment. “We thank you for this hospitality. I personally have much to thank you for considering our past.”

Cadence’s face remained neutral. “Something we can discuss later if there is time. Please, sit.”


She was tired, hungry, thirsty for something other than cold, sticky snow. Her body was both sore from the long flight along with from the fight with Sunset Shimmer. The cut from that demon sword had been healed but there was still a scar where the hair had not grown back. That bothered her more than it should have, but her vanity wept with the cut being right there in front on her foreleg.

Flurry Heart stood at the edge of the ridge, huffing and shivering from the biting wind that felt like it had gotten colder with each step she had taken. When she had reached the small settlement, calling it a village had been too complimentary. She had traded away her crown for a small cold meal of soup that was probably mostly boiled water and a few herbs, a heavy canvas cloak to shield a bit against the wind, and a few travel provisions that she had already eaten. She had wanted to sleep, even for a few hours, but there were no beds to spare and the only space that was offered was some straw in a barn where they kept the chickens and farm tools. It smelled as bad as it looked and Flurry decided to press on. The locals had warned her that the land beyond the ridge was cursed and that many yaks had gone exploring there never to return.

Now, she gazed down into a crater the size of a large amphitheater. There was nothing particularly interesting about the formation itself beyond how perfectly round it was. However, what drew her eyes was the black monolith pillar in the center of the crater.

Carefully, she hopped and slid down the crater ridge then slowed her trot as she came to the edge of the exposed rock forming a circle around the pillar. Cautiously, Flurry prodded the black rock and felt the warmth radiate off. Once fully on the blackened stone her shivering ceased and she sighed. Any other pony may have burned at the touch of the steaming stones, but alicorns could handle dragon fire. Plus, It was good to not feel cold.

Flurry turned her eyes next to the pillar that was now before her and towering another ten feet above. It was a square, or rather, a rectangular prism, as Twilight would have said, with four even sides and covered in more runes than she had ever seen. Each rune was glowing with faint colors that shifted randomly, many of which she had never seen before.

“Okay, so, I’m here. What do I do now?”

You must break the seals one at a time. It will take tremendous power, but we will tell you where it is best to strike to cause the other, secondary seals to fail. There will be feedback from your attacks, you must endure the pain. First, start with the north face, and strike the rune that looks like three circles connected by a line. Then east, strike the emblem that looks like a sun cresting the horizon. South face, strike the cluster of stars, and finally the on the west face strike the emblem that looks like dancing flame.

Flurry moved to the opposite side of where she had been standing and located the rune emblem she had been told to find. Her hoof grazed the pillar and she pulled it back quickly. The pillar was burning hot, even hotter than the ground she stood upon. She lowered her horn, gathered her mana and fired a golden stream of concentrated energy at the pillar. A bolt of lightning arced back at Flurry and she screamed as it struck her, but refused to stop her attack. As each rune shattered one by one the face would go dark. She moved to the next face and fired again, another bolt of lightning striking her, leaving a black scorch mark upon her light pastel pink coat. Flurry could feel the heat increase around her as each face grew dark. The surrounding landscape began to boil in steam and the snow and rock melted to slurry slush. It was a more chilling sensation than the raging wind storm that surrounded the crater. Finally, facing the last side Flurry shook the exhaustion and pain away and fired one last time. The pillar crumbled and the world itself sounded as if it cried out in pain.

A red body that had been trapped inside fell to four hooves. Wings with black tips spread out and powerful muscles stretched with strong, stiff joints and connective tissue popping. Flurry was unaccustomed to having to look up to any creature other than dragons and the occasional large minotaur, but this stallion stood another whole head taller than her and he was an impressive specimen that caused her cheeks to heat up in a way that had nothing to do with the steam still roiling out of the blackened rock. Her admiring gaze took in every inch of his body, but did a double take when she saw what was upon his head. Wait… wings AND a horn? A male alicorn?!

He shook his head, stringy white mane tussling about as the last of the pillar dust fell away. Eyes like liquid orange flame opened and looked down, his face splitting into a fanged grin.

“Thank you, my friend.”

Author's Note:

Dun dun DUUUUUUNNN!!!!

Peter Venkman: "So be good, for goodness sake... Woooohhhoaa Somebody's cooooming."