• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 3,863 Views, 409 Comments

Gods and Monsters - Revel Montaro

A century has passed since Princess Twilight ascended to the Solar Throne and the reign has been a mostly peaceful if albeit lonely one. However, ancient creatures from time forgotten have watched, waited, and prepared for their chance to return.

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Chapter 3: What I've Done

23 lunar cycles into current 30 moon cycle of Lunar Lock mirror

Sunset Shimmer awoke to the sound of a powerful hoof knocking on her door. She pondered briefly how much trouble she would get into if she simply blasted the door with a kinetic magic bolt. The pony on the other side would probably be okay, the door would absorb most of the damage, right? On the other hoof, they may have coffee.

Sunset stumbled her way over to the door and opened it, completely ignoring her mane that looked like it was about to reach out and gobble up the children for breakfast. “Coffee or somepony dies.”

“Somepony? Do I look like a palace servant to you?”

Sunset blinked a few times, looking into green eyes made of steel. With her helm on its rest hook, Tempest Fury had nothing shading her expression of utter disdain. The dark vermillion unicorn with white and pink highlighted mane did not hate Sunset in particular, she just hated everypony or creature, anything really that she considered a threat to Princess Twilight. A strange and quite mysterious alicorn who purportedly was Celestia’s daughter that appeared once every thirty moons sometimes with a younger clone of her princess at her side, then disappeared again only for the cycle to repeat for years. Then, suddenly arrives alone and decides to stay longer than the usual few days was highly suspicious and close to the top of the list that spelled out THREAT to Tempest.

Sunset smiled, shrugging. “Brain no work, coffee without.”

“And I don’t put up with sarcastic horseapples. Especially from a pony who wants no authority or place within my chain of command.”

“Sooooo, why are you knocking on my door, Captain Fury?”

Tempest sighed and put her helm back on, turning to leave, gesturing for Sunset to follow. “Her Highness’s orders. Celestia collapsed this morning and had to be r-”


Tempest stumbled back having to throw up a quick defensive barrier as Sunset’s wings snapped open and caught fire. Normally, they were just as warm as a summer breeze, harmless magical fire. But with Sunset’s unchecked emotions came unchecked power. The stone in the hall began to blacken and a painting two meters away caught fire.

“She’s in her private chambers with her personal physician, but she’s fine! You don’t have…” Sunset vanished in a fiery teleport. Several anti-teleport interdiction crystals that were supposed to prevent a unicorn or magical being from popping in and out of the castle, shattered. “to go rushing off and getting in the way. Of course, you do. Dammit. Next time the princess can send the dragon, at least he’s fire proof.” Tempest growled at the scene and extinguished the flames.

Sunset arrived just outside of Celestia’s private residence and the two Solar Guards snapped to attention, their grips tightening on their spears. Sunset walked up to the two guards and stared down at the stallions who were both half a head shorter than her even when she slouched. To their credit, they remained at their station despite the hostile body language and glowing teal eyes from the goldenrod alicorn before them.


The guards snapped salutes and stepped to the sides of the hallway. Sunset opened the heavy wooden door, feeling the numerous defense enchantments that were currently deactivated. She gently closed the door behind her and let out a deep breath.

The primary chamber was tidy and well appointed with a large desk for Celestia to work at when she so desired, two plush couches, and an exquisitely crafted serving/coffee table in the middle. The walls were lined with book cases and a few ancient treasures from centuries past along with some favorite news clippings and photographs. The photos closest to the desk were all of family including Aurora and Sunna as ponies.

Sunset glanced over it all quickly and made her way to the bedroom to the right where voices were talking quietly. There were at least three ponies she could make out. Sunset knocked on the door that was ajar and pressed it fully open. Luna stood to the right of the bed, looking well considering she would normally be sleeping right now. A red mare earth pony in a doctor’s long coat was on the left of the bed, finishing up packing her tools into a medical bag. In the bed, looking more embarrassed than ill sat Celestia whose magenta eyes went wide at the sight of Sunset at the door. It was clear from her expression that Sunset was not expected.


“Fury said you collapsed. Was it poison? A curse? If you have any suspects I can assist with the investigation. I know how to twist joints in ways to make even the most hardened pony squeal their secrets.”

Celestia nodded to the doctor who quietly exited. As the doctor opened the door, Princess Twilight and Captain Fury entered, Fury activating the chamber’s defenses as well as the privacy bubble once the doctor had exited.

“Sunset!” called out Twilight, the undertone of agitation was hard to miss. “Why did you set part of the castle hallway on fire!?”

Luna snickered while Celestia gave her daughter a glare followed by a sigh. “Really, little sun?”

“What? I heard you were in trouble and I snapped into action. I just kind of forgot that when that happens, you know, the whole phoenix wings thing.” Sunset’s sheepish embarrassment did not soften the glares, especially from Fury. “I was worried about my mother, is that so wrong? She’s an alicorn, any spell or poison strong enough to knock her off her hooves should worry all of us. Tempest, do you have any leads?”

Tempest Fury’s perpetual scowl softened to… was that sympathy? The vermillion unicorn looked over Sunset’s withers and stared accusingly at Celestia, who shifted uncomfortably under the captain’s gaze.

“She doesn’t know, does she?”

Sunset looked around the room. Luna also stared accusingly at her sister and Twilight looked away, finding an interesting corner near the bathroom. Sunset took in a long, deep breath and let it out. Sunset could feel the fire of anger burning her inside and was honestly surprised she was not exhaling smoke like a dragon. She had to fall back on her formal training or else this was going to get ugly, fast. “Everypony in this room knows something I don’t. Normally, I’m okay with that. Twilight has a country to run, Tempest has to see to all the security, and you two are high ranking dignitaries with countless state secrets. I know the game even if I hate it, but if it’s a secret involving my mother I NEED to know.”

Celestia sat up in the bed and gestured for the door. “Please, leave us. I thank you all for honoring my wishes, but it appears it is time to tell the truth.”

Sunset waited until the other ponies left, Twilight waited to be last, stepping up to her friend and wrapping Sunset in a wordless, warm embrace. She then exited and sealed the door behind her. Sunset stared at the princess of the sun and tried to gauge on a scale of how big a bomb was about to be dropped, how hard should she grind the guilt into her mother for once again hiding secrets from her? Star Swirl was right, all those years ago when he forced Celestia to reveal herself as Sunset’s mother. She had grown so use to secret keeping and lying that there was no hesitation in doing so. She was just use to it. Sunset waited patiently, but that patience was wearing thin.

“I’m getting old, Sunset. Surly you have noticed how my mane is all gray now?”

“You were already old, over two thousand years old give or take since you never tell anyone the exact number. Luna says it’s because you’re afraid we will try to put all the candles on the cake and it will melt.”

Celestia smiled briefly before looking down at her hooves, currently missing her golden hoofguards. “I’m afraid I have aged more in the last century than I had in the last two millennia. The battle with your father hurt me far more than even I realized at first. By going into the in between without my body I risked everything to save you, and soon that price will come due.”

“What are you saying?”

Celestia looked up, directly into her daughter’s eyes. “I have maybe one more century to live, give or take. One more lifetime.”

Sunset sat, then collapsed to her barrel. Celestia almost climbed out of bed as her daughter’s breathing became erratic. She knew the signs of a panic attack having dealt with them numerous times from Twilight Sparkle. However, Sunset managed to get control of herself and returned to a sitting position she finally whispered, “How?”

“Sombra’s attacks were not done to my body, but my very life force, my soul. He stole millennia of life power from me while I was vulnerable. Then, I gave a little piece of it away to you. The final piece to unlock the alicorn potential inside of you. That was a small price I gladly paid. The rest was hefty and I did not fully comprehend the damage at the time. Understand without a doubt that I would have gladly given it all up for you.”

“And when I blew him to dust, I destroyed any chance of that life energy ever returning to you. Tartarus below, I killed you when it should have been me.”

“No, do not say that, never say that. You are my child, it was my responsibility as both your teacher and your mother to keep you safe. You should never have been in a position to have to save me. You were a mother too. I know you understand this.”

Sunset squeezed her eyes tight as tears flowed down her face. She would have done anything to protect her babies. Fought any foe with her bare hands, cut out her own organs if they needed one. Sunset did understand. That did not make it any easier to swallow the reality of it. Sunset composed herself and moved to the bed, wrapping her foreleg and wing around her mother who gladly returned the embrace.

“So, what happens now? Is there anything I can do?”

“What we should always do, enjoy each day for the gift that it is. There is nothing that can be done for me other than make me comfortable. Doctor Guiding Light gives me regular discreet checkups and sees to my pain medications when I need them so that I do not over exhort myself. The collapse today will be hard to suppress from public allies and enemies, but I had been enjoying my time with you and Twilight as of late. I guess I just did not notice how tired I was getting. The doctor gives me a stringent list of things I am supposed to do and not do, what to eat and not eat, but I mostly ignore that. I refuse to give up my cake.” Sunset laughed, nuzzling her mother.

“You stubborn old filly.”

Celestia nuzzled her daughter. “Careful, my heart, I believe it’s an inherited trait.”


Sunset returned to her private chambers a few hours later after a quick stop by the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and eat some garlic bread that had been left out. At some point she would need lunch, but after this morning she was in no mood to work on the crystal project. Besides, most of what was needed was just manufacturing and distribution. She would oversee the quality assurance and double check to make sure the businesses along the supply chain were not ripping off the common pony, but for the most overall all the hard parts were done. At some point she would need to go on tour to present the com-crystals note to self: come up with better network name to the rest of Equestria. And while that was important, Sunset also had to keep an eye on the lunar cycles. The alignment was coming.

At that thought Sunset levitated her journal from the shelf and set it down on her table. As she grabbed her pen to begin to write, Sunset noticed that Twilight apparently wrote to her this morning while she had been out. The journal generally stopped glowing after half an hour if not opened. Sunset’s already fragile heart nearly stopped and she knocked her coffee from the table as her hoof slipped at the words she read.

Sunny? Are you there?

I… I don’t know what is wrong with me. Please write back as soon as you can.

“No, nonononono, this is not happening.” Sunset retrieved the pen that had rolled to the stone floor with the coffee. She tried to steady her trembling limbs and beating heart, but the usual techniques were failing her.

Twi! I’m here, babe. Talk to me!

Sunset sat staring at the blank parchment for two whole minutes with nothing to do but listen to the sound of her heart pound in her chest.

Did you plug your ears to sleep?

Sunset wanted to laugh, but nothing was funny at the moment.

No, I’ve had a hell of a morning. I was awakened by Captain Fury telling me my mom collapsed and I just found out that she is apparently dying of old age thousands of years ahead of when she should because she had to come fucking rescue me from that damn void. Now, enough about my crap. What do you mean something is wrong with you?!

Another notable pause. Was she trying to soften the blow? Was it a metaphorical statement of wrongness like, ‘oh no, I in fact actually do like bad kung fu movies! There is something wrong with me!’ Somehow, Sunset doubted the universe was that kind, plus she knew her wife would never say something was wrong unless it really was. Twilight had once stood in the middle of her lab while the fire suppression system extinguished her latest mishap and she smiled that goofy, lopsided smile of hers, hair singed, cheeks covered in carbon and who knows what, and said proudly, “Everything is fine!” Sunset knew better, but that was just Twilight being Twilight.

Words began to appear again.

I woke up yesterday morning well before the dawn with a shooting pain in my chest. I thought I was having a heart attack so I went to the emergency room, but all the initial test came back negative. After I got home to wait on the more comprehensive test, I looked in the mirror and found my first gray hairs. I did not think much about it and went about my day like I usually do. But then today… nearly a third of my hair is gray and I have wrinkles under my eyes, along my forehead. I… I hurt to move. When my bones pop, they hurt. I had hoped the ER results would find something, but sadly no.

My hypothesis is something happened the other night while I was asleep, something that normal science can’t detect, but I am now aging at an accelerated rate. I am currently building a new spectrometer to trying and see if I was exposed to some sort of radiation or poison. I will also calibrate it to pick up the stray Equestrian magic particles that our bodies emit. I still have my old data of the amount of free radicals we shed at any given time.

Okay, good. I’m glad you’re not panicking because I panicked a bit this morning and set part of a hallway on fire.


Sunset held her breath as she saw her name and not the more common nickname.

Sunset, I’m scared. I… I think I made a mistake staying behind. I had my reasons, but… I’m so scared right now. I haven’t felt this scared and vulnerable since after the Friendship Games.

Sunset was shaking and crying, trying to keep the tears from hitting the journal, but a few got past.

Babe, I’m here. We’ll talk about right and wrong and past mistakes some other time. Just know I will keep the journal on me at all times until the portal opens. Sunset touched the ring around her neck, pressing it to her chest, whispering a quiet manta to herself to stay strong.

Sunny… I don’t know if I will still be here in six months. I… I can’t calculate the decay accurately by observation alone, but a few gray hairs to what I have now. I just don’t know.


I’m being pragmatic.

I did not marry a quitter, Twilight Sparkle! You run your test, build your devices, find a way to cryogenically freeze yourself, but you do NOT quit on me! I will talk to the princess ASAP about if there is any other way to speed up the connection. Hell, Luna can move the moon too! Maybe she knows a lunar combination that can get the mirror to open even for a single day for me to get you!

There was no immediate response and Sunset felt her wings extend, she had to catch herself at the last moment before accidentally setting her room on fire.


Okay. Thank you… your strength gives me strength. I will do what I can just as I know you will. Save pages for now, we may need them to pass data back and forth. I love you, Sunset Shimmer.

I love you too Twi, my BFLOML.

Sunset had hoped the ridiculous acronym got a laugh out of her wife. It usually did when she said it. Sunset slammed the journal closed and retrieved her small satchel securing it to the side of her flank. First things first, find Princess Twilight and discuss what options were available.

Given what day and what time it was Twilight was most likely either attending to some duties overseeing Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns or having a lunch meeting. Though time was not an ally, tearing up half of Canterlot to find Twilight was not going to endear any ponies to her needs. Instead, Sunset elected to do things through proper channels… for once.

A few minutes after fixing her mane and making sure the matted fur around her eyes where she had been crying was clean and dry Sunset arrived outside the office of Isabella Windsong: Personal Assistant of Her Highness Princess Twilight Sparkle. Sunset knocked as politely as she could manage and waited. Isabella opened the door and eyed Sunset suspiciously.

“This is my lunch hour, but since you never come to me directly, I assume it is important?”

“I need to speak to Princess Twilight as soon as you have a space available for me or if failing that, leave a message for her to come find me when she had time. She has my number.”

“Your… you mean your glow crystal thing.”

“Yes, she knows its number and I have it with me. Can you do this for me, please?”

Isabella sighed, pinching the top of her beak. “Her Highness is booked solid all the way through to her personal bath and retirement for the evening. I will deliver the message, but unless she either cuts out her relaxation time or sleep I do not see her getting to you today.”

Sunset smirked despite her internal turmoil. “She’ll make time for me.”


Twilight found Sunset in the secure sub-basement where the mirror was housed. Sunset had wandered a bit and tried to find a suitable yet secure location where they could talk privately. Either of their own private chambers would have done, but part of Sunset wanted Twilight to see the mirror and know that just on the other side of that glass the most important being in her life was in trouble.

“Hey,” Twilight said, before a yawn spilled out followed by and adorable little squeak at the end. Sheepishly blushing, Twilight tried to cover her face. “Sorry, I got here as soon as I could politely excuse myself from the dinner appointment with the city planners committee. What’s the emergency? Is Celestia okay? I didn’t get any updates from her guards that her condition had changed.”

Sunset looked back towards to the mirror, touching the glass gently. “No, Mom’s fine last I checked. Listen, Twilight, I need to ask a favor of you… and I know you are not going to like it.”

“Not a great way to start your persuasive argument, but go on.”

“How hard would it be to set up the devices to the mirror like you had it before, so that we could use the journal to pass through it without having to wait?”

Twilight’s jaw hung open aghast. “Sunset, I… no. We can’t do that! I know you miss your wife, but it won’t be much longer until the alignment. Star Swirl was right, I was playing with fire when I crafted that bypass and did not consider all the consequences. We nearly destroyed both worlds for Celestia’s sake!”

Sunset squeezed her eyes shut and grit her teeth. “Okay, yeah, that was bad. But what if we only used it once, just long enough for me to get Twi and bring her back here. I mean, how much coalescence could build up in one day, right? Or, or can you just move the moon to the correct alignment? I, I can’t do the math right now in my head, but that should work too, right? RIGHT!?”

“Sunset, you’re scaring me. What’s going on?”

Sunset crossed the room and threw herself before Twilight, groveling at her hooves in the most undignified manner she could muster and did not care if there were guards watching or listening. “Please! Please, you have to help! Something has happened to Twi. She wrote to me this morning and said that she has started aging at an accelerated rate and it has to be because of magic or lack thereof. I need to get back or she could die before the mirror opens again!”

“Oh, oh no.” Twilight sat down on the floor and pulled Sunset up next to her, the two alicorns wrapped around one another hugging tightly. Sunset was bawling into Twilight shoulder, tears soaking purple fur. Twilight said nothing and just continued to hold her friend until she was calm enough to speak again.

“I… I can’t lose her. Not her and Mom. I, I just can’t. I’ve already lost so much.”

Twilight let out a long breath. Her heart was breaking listening to her beloved friend beg for help, but she had to be the bigger pony. She had to be the queen and deep down Twilight loathed herself for what she was about to say.

“Sunset, I’m sorry. You know the risks even more than I. You saw what lies in between and what can happen from abusing powerful magic like that. I was afraid I too would become tempted to rebuild my device so that I might sneak away to visit you and so I built an anti-tampering feature on the new mirror. It can’t be forced open.”

“And altering lunar alignment?”

“I can’t control Earth’s moon. Both have to be aligned for it to work. Otherwise, I could have come through to visit you the moment the mirror was finished.” Twilight felt Sunset begin to shake violently, but not from tears. No, the tears had been shed. The only thing left in its place was blind, helpless rage. Twilight could feel the temperature around her begin to rise rapidly and quickly teleported herself and Sunset to a secluded outcrop near the waterfall that spilled over the side of the mountain where Canterlot stood.

Twilight released Sunset and teleported again a safe distance as the goldenrod alicorn screamed her heart out, her entire body bursting into flames that shot forth like a volcanic eruption. The ground beneath Sunset’s hooves turned to glass and the nearby waterfall flash boiled to steam. Once the outburst subsided, Sunset Shimmer fell unconscious.


Did you feel that, brother? Sisters?

We felt it. It has been ages since there was such a quake and never to this extent.

She is weakening.


*metaphysical glares*

Scylla, are you prepared?

I already began using what little grasp I had on the Key. This will give me exactly what I need to connect us all. Can you feel her mind?

Indeed. She is strong, certainly worthy of her wings, unlike others. I will rectify those with my blades soon enough.

Patience, Aethon. We must move slow and carefully or Mother will notice. We have waited since creation. We can wait a few more years.

Author's Note:

Okay... so... yes... that did just happen. I don't know what to say on this that won't be spoilerish so I will just let the story do the talking and field questions the best I can. Because these next three chapters are so important I will post the next one Friday or Saturday depending on how tired I am after I get settled in from work. I hope I don't run people off, I really feel good about the story as a whole so far.

Till next time.